P1LANI [ Rajasthan )
Class No. S 4/. 2
Bock No. W* 4* <£/ 2 J!?
Accession No. ^32.^ ^
^ v
Due to an oversight in the second printing, three lines have been
omitted from the bottom of page 92. These should read:
priority is discussed in a thorough manner in Dr. Jorgensen’s book, “Die
Entdeckung des Sauer st off esff which was translated from Danish into Ger-
man by Ortwed and Speter.
Frontispiece to the German Translation op
P.-J* Macqtjer's “Dictionnaire de Chymie,” 1788
Research Associate in Scientific Litera-
ture at the Kresge- Hooker Scientific Li-
brary, Wayne University . With illus-
trations collected by F. B. Dains, Pro-
fessor of Chemistry at the University of
Published by
Copyright, 1943.
„ y,v W
Secoud 1948
Printed in U.S.A.
The material blessings that man enjoys today have resulted largely from his
ever-increasing knowledge of about ninety simple substances , the chemical
elements , most of which were entirely unknown to ancient civilizations. In the
luxurious thermcB of the Roman patrician , with all their lavish display of
alabaster floors, porphyry walls, marble stairs , and mosaic ceilings , no nickel-
plated or chromium fixtures were to be seen; among his artistic golden bowls
and goblets no platinum or tantalum objects were ever to be found ; with all his
spoils of war he could not buy the smallest aluminum trinket.
Even the haughtiest Roman conqueror was earthbound , for he knew no light
metal like aluminum or magnesium and no light gas like hydrogen or helium
to make lofty flight possible. Without a lantern in his hand , he could not walk
along the splendid lava pavements of the city streets at night , for the white
glow of the tungsten filament and the crimson glow of the neon tube were lacking.
The water that came to him from mountain springs , lakes , and rivers through
miles of magnificent aqueducts was a menace to health , for there was no chlo-
rine with which to kill the bacteria , When accident befell him , there was no
iodine for the healing of the wound; when he lay gas ping for breath , no cylinder
of oxygen to save him.
The story of the disclosure , one by one , of the chemical elements has never
been told as a connected narrative. The reports of these discoveries and the
life stories of the discoverers are recorded for the most part in old chemical
journals , biographical dictionaries , old letters , and obsolete textbooks that
are seldom read by 'the busy modern chemist. It is hoped , therefore , that
these chapters may not only render tribute to the honored men and women who
helped to reveal the hidden chemical elements , but that they may also serve to
acquaint chemists and others with these great achievements.
The task of selecting and eliminating material has been pleasant but difficult.
It has frequently happened that two or more men have discovered the same
element independently. In other instances various observers have recognized the
existence of a new element long before it was actually isolated. In such cases
an attempt has been made to relate all important steps in the discovery as fairly
and completely as possible without ascribing the honor of discovery to any one
It is a pleasure to acknowledge the kind assistance given by the late Dr.
E. H. S. Bailey and Dr. Selma Gottlieb Kallis, who read portions of the manu-
script, by Dr. F. B. Dains, who made many helpful suggestions as to sources
of material and furnished most of the illustrations , and by the late Dr. Max
Speter, who read the proof for the fourth edition.
Foreword iii
List of Illustrations vii
I. Elements Known to the Ancient World 1
II. Elements Known to the Alchemists 19
III. Supplementary Note on the Discovery of Phosphorus 41
IV. Some Eighteenth-Century Metals 58
V. Three Important Gases 82
VI. Daniel Rutherford and His Services to Chemistry 106
VII. Chromium, Molybdenum, Tungsten, and Uranium 121
VIII. The Scientific Contributions of the de Elhuyar Brothers 143
IX. Tellurium and Selenium 157
X. The Klaproth-Kitaibel Correspondence on the Discovery of Tellurium. . 169
XI. Columbium, Tantalum, and Vanadium 183
XII. The Chemical Contributions of Charles Hatchett 206
XIII. The Scientific Contributions of Don Andres Manuel del Rio 225
XIV. The Platinum Metals 236
XV. Three Alkali Metals: Potassium, Sodium, and Lithium 269
XVI. J. A. Arfwedson and His Services to Chemistry 285
XVII. The Alkaline Earth Metals and Magnesium and Cadmium 295
XVIII. Some Elements Isolated with the Aid of Potassium and Sodium: Zir-
conium, Titanium, Cerium, and Thorium 316
XIX. Other Elements Isolated with the Aid of Potassium and Sodium : Beryl-
lium, Boron, Silicon, and Aluminum 330
XX. Some Spectroscopic Discoveries 363
XXI. The Periodic System of the Elements 385
XXII. Some Elements Predicted by Mendeleeff 399
XXIII. The Rare-Earth Elements 414
XXIV. The Halogen Family 438
XXV. The Inert Gases 469
XXVI. The Nat ural Radioactive Elements 484
XXVII. Recently Discovered Elements , 513
A List of the Chemical Elements 550
Chronology 552
Appendix 565
Index 566
Frontispiece of P.-J. Macquer's “Dictionary of Chemistry'* Frontispiece
Hermes Trismegistos Tit le-page
Heraclitus, 540-475 B.C 1
Seventeenth-Century Symbol for Iron 2
Seventeenth-Century Symbol for Silver 2
Pliny the Elder, 23-79 A.D 3
Assay Furnace, 1540 4
Frontispiece to A. A. Barba's “Art of the Metals," 1733 French Edition 6
Mercury Stills, 1540 ' 8
Woodcut Showing Distillation of Sulfur in 1 557 10
Manufacture of Wood Charcoal 11
Georgius Agricola, 1494-1555 13
Sixteenth-Century Cartoon cn Alchemy : 19
Albert us Magnus, 1193-1280 21
Seventeenth-Century Alchernistic Symbol for Arsenic 22
Seventeenth-Century Alchernistic Symbol for Antimony 22
Calcination of Antimony, 1751 23
Basilius Valentinus 24
Nicolas Lemery, 1645-1715 25
Frontispiece of Johann Schroeder’s Pharmacopoeia, 1046 27
Johann Kunckel von Lowenstern, 1630-1702 29
The Alchemist, by D. Teniers (1610-1690) 33
Robert Boyle, 1627-1691 35
Guillaum e-Fran^ois Rouelle, 1703-1770 37
“The Alehymist Discovers Phosphorus," by Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-1797). 42
Ambrose Godfrey, 1685-1756 43
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1646-1710 44
Ambrose Godfrey Hanckwitz, 1660-1741 48
Max Speter, 1883-1942 50
Johann Heinrich Linck, 1675-1735 51
Johan Gottschalk Wallerius, 1709-1785 54
Andreas Sigismund Marggraf, 1709-1782 58
Production of Zinc in China, 1637 59
Richard Watson, 1737-1816 61
Bernard Palissy, 1510P-1589 65
Urban Hiarae, 1641-1724 4 70
Balthasar-Georges Sage, 1740-1824 71
Torbern Bergman, 1735-1784 72
Johan Gottlieb Gahn, 1745-1818 73
Georg Ernst Stahl, 1660-1734 82
Johann Joachim Becher, 1635-1682 83
Henry Cavendish, 1731-1810 84
Lady Banks 85
Sir Joseph Banks, 1743-1820 85
Cavendish's House at Clapham 86
List of Illustrations
Daniel Rutherford, 1749-1819 87
Joseph Black, 1728-1799 88
Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519 90
Robert Hooke’s Home, Montague House 91
Johannes Mayow, 1641-1679 92
The Stuart Portrait of Joseph Priestley, 1733-1804 93
Title Page of Bayen’s “Opuscules Chimiques" 94
Priestley's Apparatus for Studying the Composition of the Atmosphere 95
Priestley's Laboratory 96
Dedication of Priestley’s “Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of
Air," 1774 97
Stralsund, the Birthplace of Scheele 98
Youthful Portrait of Carl Wilhelm Scheele, 1742-1786 99
Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, 1743-1794, and Mme. Lavoisier 100
Statue of Lavoisier 101
Hermann Boerhaave, 1668-1738 108
Sir Walter Scott, 1771-1832 109
Stephen Hales, 1677-1761 Ill
John Hope, 1725-1786 114
Cartoon Showing a Controversy in 1817 over the Founding of a Chair of Com-
parative Anatomy 115
Daniel Rutherford’s Maximum and Minimum Thermometer 118
Lampadius’ Laboratory at Freiberg, I860 121
Borjeson’s Statue of Carl Wilhelm Scheele 123
Fausto de Elhuyar, 1755-1833 124
Vacuum Tube Showing the Use of Tantalum and Molybdenum 126
Torbern Olof Bergman, 1735-1784 129
Martin Heinrich Klaproth, 1743-1817 131
The Rose Pharmacy in Berlin 132
Valentin Rose the Younger, 1762-1807 133
Translator’s Preface to Klaproth’s “Analytical Essays" 134
Hermbstadt’s Dedication of Scheele’s Works 135
Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin, 1763-1829 136
Eugene Peligot, 181 1-1890 136
Peter Simon Pallas, 1741-1811 137
Antoine-Fran$ois de Fourcroy, 1755-1809, and Autograph 138
Mathieu-Joseph-Bonaventure Orfila, 1787-1853 139
The Seminary of Vergara, Spain 144
Fausto de Elhuyar, 1755-1833 145
Abraham Gottlob Werner, 1750-1817 146
Don Andrds Manuel del Rio, 1764-1849 147
Baron Alexander von Humboldt, 1769-1859 148
Dedication of the History of the College of Mines of Mexico 150
Fausto de Elhuyar 151
The School of Mines in Mexico City 153
Youthful Portrait of Berzelius 158
Paul Kitaibel, 1757-1817 159
Second-Floor Plan of Berzelius’ Laboratory and Dwelling House 160
Gustav Magnus, 1802-1870 161
balances Used by Berzelius • *653
List of Illustrations
The Fahlun Mine, the Oldest Copper Mine in Sweden 163
Alexander Mareet, 1770-1822 164
Berzelius Autograph Letter 166
Jons Jacob Berzelius, 1779-1848 167
Tellurium Medallion 170
Selenium Portrait Medallion of Berzelius 171
Ignaz Edler von Born, 1742-1791 172
The Former School of Mining and Forestry at Schemnitz, or Selmeczbanya 174
“Belhazy” at Schemnitz 175
Charles Hatchett, 1765-1847 183
John Winthrop the Younger 1606-1676 184
Sir Hans Sloane, 1660-1753 185
Photomicrograph of Columbium 186
Autograph Letter of Charles Hatchett 187
Anders Gustaf Ekeberg, 1767-1813 188
Henri Moissan, 1852-1907 188
Heinrich Rose, 1795-1864 189
Thomas Thomson, 1773-1852 191
Laboratory Equipment Made from Tantalum 192
Tantalum for Watch Cases 193
Sefstrom’s Autograph on Title Page of Berzelius’ Treatise on the Blowpipe 193
Nils Gabriel Sefstrom, 1787-1845 194
Taberg, Sm&land, Sweden 196
Andres Manuel del Rio, 1764-1849 197
Sir Edward (T. E.) Thorpe, 1845-1925 198
Carl Friedrich Rammelsberg, 1813-1899 199
Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe, 1833-1915 201
Dedication Page from Brande’s “Manual of Chemistry” 207
William Thomas Brande, 1788-1866 208
Statue of Sir Hans Sloane, 1660-1753 209
John Winthrop, 1681-1747 213
Dedication of J. A. Cramer’s “Elements of the Art of Assaying Metals” 214
Cavendish’s Apparatus for Testing Coins 216
Michel-Eug6ne Chevreul, 1786-1889 218
Charles Hatchett, 1765-1847 220
Title Page of del Rio’s “Elements of Oryctognosy” 228
Autograph Letter of A. M. del Rio 229
Dedication Page of Mamirez’ “Mineral Wealth of Mexico” 231
Julius Caesar Scaliger, 1484-1558 236
Don Antonio de Ulloa, 1716-1795 237
Sir William Watson, 1715-1787 ^ 237
Watson's and Brownrigg’s Descriptions of Platinum 240
Title Page of Macquer’s Chemical Dictionary 241
Antoine Baum6, 1728-1804 242
Bertrand Pelletier, 1761-1797 242
Jos6 Celestino Mutis, 1732-1808 245
Robert Hare, 1781-1858 248
A Page from Sefstr&m’s Laboratory Notes 250
N. G. Sefstrom ’s Portable Eight-Blast Forge 251
Bdlows Used with Sefstrdm’s Forge. . . / 252
List of Illustrations
William Hyde Wollaston, 1766- 1828 254
Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffoti, 1707-1788 255
Karl Karlovich Klaus, 1796-1864 260
J. Henri Debray, 1827-1888 . . 264
Henri-Louis Du Hamel du Monceau, 1 700-1782 ... 270
Sir Humphry Davy, 1778-1829 273
Electrochemical Apparatus of Sir Humphry Davy 274
Dr. Thomas Beddoes, 1760-1808 ... 275
Apparatus of Sir Humphry Davy ... 276
Autograph Letter of Sir Humphry Davy 277
St. Michael’s Mount and Bay near Penzance, Cornwall 278
J. B. de Andrada, 1763-1838 ... 279
Edward Daniel Clarke, 1769-1822 280
Johan August Arfwedson, 1792-1841 . . 286
Berzelius’ Blowpipe Lamp 287
Sir Humphry Davy, 1778-1829 . . 296
Title-Page of the "Chemical Works of Caspar Neumann,’’ 1683-1737 297
Thomas Charles Hope, 1766-1844 298
M. M. af Pontin, 1781-1858 299
Richard Kirwan, 1733-1812 299
Ulisse Aldrovandi, 1522-1605? 300
Benjamin Silliman the Elder, 1778-1864 304
Johann Rudolph Glauber, 1604-1670. . . 305
Antoine- Alexandre Brutus Bussy, 1794-1882 306
Side View of the Ecole Superieure de Pharmacie, Paris 307
Friedrich Stromeyer, 1776-1835 308
Exhibit of Drugs at the £cole Superieure de Pharmacie, Paris 309
Guyton-Morveau, 1737-1816 317
Introduction of William Gregor’s Original Paper on Titanium 318
D. Lorentz von Crell, 1744-1816 319
Martin Heinrich Klaproth, 1743-1817 320
Sven Otto Pettersson, 1848-1941 321
M. A. Hunter’s Bomb for Preparing Metallic Titanium 322
Statue of Carl Wilhelm Scheele at Koping, Sweden ... 322
Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, 1722-1765 323
Skinnskatteberg, Vestmanland, Sweden 324
Mine Head-Frame at Riddarhyttan 325
William Francis Hillebrand, 1853-1925 326
Thomas H. Norton, 1851-1941 326
Wilhelm Hisinger, 1766-1852 327
Ren£-Just Hatty, 1743-1822 331
Johann Friedrich Gmelin, 1748-1804 332
Crystals of Pure Beryllium Prepared by P. Lebeau 332
Dedication Page of Thenard’s “Trait£ de Chimie” 333
Louis-Joseph Gay-Lussac, 1778-1850 333
Louis-Jacques Thenard, 1777-1857 336
Gay-Ltxssac and Biot Making their Balloon Ascension 337
The Battery that Napoleon Presented to the 6cole Polytechnique 338
Title Page of Gay-Lussac’s and Thenard ’s "Recherches Physico-Chim iques’ ’ 339
Raffaelk) Nastni, 1854-1931 340
List of Illustrations xt
Hans Christian Oersted, 1777-1851 345
Friedrich Wdhler, 1800-1 882 347
Leopold Gmelin, 1788-1853 348
The Wohler Plaque, Cast in Aluminum 348
Justus von Liebig, 1803-1873 349
Wdhler’s Home at Gottingen 350
Louis-L£once 6lie de Beaumont, 1798-1874 351
Wohler in Later Life 352
Charles Sainte-Claire Deville, 1814-1876, and His Brother, Henri, 1818-1881 .... 353
Frank Fanning Jewett, 1844-1926 354
The Aluminum "Crown Jewels" 355
Charles Martin Hall, 1863-1914 356
Paul-Louis-Toussaint H6roult, 1863-1914 357
William Henry Fox Talbot, 1800-1877 362
Joseph Fraunhofer Exhibiting His Spectroscope 364
David Alter, 1807-1881 365
Sir David Brewster, 1781-1868 365
Bunsen’s Old Laboratory at Heidelberg 366
Heinrich Debus, 1824-1915 366
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, 1824-1887 367
The Kirchhoff -Bunsen Spectroscope 368
Robert Wilhelm Bunsen, 1811-1899 369
G. Kirchhoff, R. W. Bunsen, and H. E. Roscoe in 1862 370
Carl Friedrich Plattner, 1800-1858 371
Preface to Plattner’s "Blowpipe Analysis" 372
Hermann von Helmholtz, 1821-1894 373
Bunsen Memorial in Heidelberg 374
August Wilhelm von Hofmann, 1818-1892 375
Sir William Crookes, 1832-1919 376
Jean-Baptiste-Andre Dumas, 1800-1884 377
Ferdinand Reich, 1799-1882 378
Claude- Auguste Lamy, 1820-1878 378
Chemical Laboratory at the Freiberg School of Mines 379
Hieronymus Theodor Richter, 1824-1898 380
Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner, 1780-1849 j 385
A Portion of the Telluric Screw of Beguyer de Chancourtois 386
John Alexander Reina Newlands, 1837-1898 387
Lothar Meyer’s Periodic Curve of Atomic Volumes 388
Lothar Meyer, 1830-1895 , 389
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendel£eff, 1834-1907 390
Henri Victor Regnault, 1810-1878 391
Mendel6eff’s Periodic Table of the Elements , 392
D. Mendel6eff and Bohuslav Brauner in Prague, 1900 393
Lewis Reeve Gibbes, 1810-1894 394
Gibbes’ Synoptic Table, 1875 395
Gibbes’ Diagram, 1875 395
Alexandre-Emile Beguyer de Chancourtois, 1820-1886 396
Lecoq de Boisbaudran, 1838-1912 399
Adolph Wurtz, 1817-1884 400
£xhile~Cl&nient Jungdeisch, 1839-1916 401
List of Illustrations
Lars Fredrik Nilson, 1840- 1899 403
Berzelius at the Age of Forty-Four Years 404
Inside the City Wall of Visby 405
Old Apothecary Shop at Visby 406
Tobias Robert Thaten, 1827-1905 407
Clemens Alexander Winkler, 1838-1904 408
Portrait Medallion of Berzelius by David d ’Angers 408
Nils Gabriel Sef strom, 1787-1845 409
Albin Weisbach, 1833-1901 410
Johan Gadolin, 1 760-1852 414
The Gadolin Medal 415
Abo, Finland, in 1823 415
Carl Gustav Mosander, 1797-1858 416
Carl Axel Arrhenius, 1757-1824 417
Johan August Arfwedson, 1792-1841 418
Autograph Letter of C. G. Mosander 419
Didymium Glass Goggles 420
Marc Delafontaine, 1837-1911 420
Jean-Charles Galissard de Marignae, 1817-1894 421
J. Lawrence Smith, 1818-1883 422
Portrait of Berzelius in 1845 423
Betty Berzelius nee Poppius, 181 1-1884 423
P. T. Cleve, 1840-1905 * 424
Berzelius’ Laboratory 425
J6ns Jacob Berzelius, 1779-1848 426
Baron Auer von Weisbach, 1858-1929 426
Birthplace of Berzelius 427
Caroline Institute of Medicine and Surgery, Stockholm 428
Herbert Newby McCoy, 1870-1 945 429
Eug&ne- Anatole Demargay, 1852-1904 430
Berzelius’ Grave in the Solna Churchyard 431
Georges Urbain, 1872-1938 432
Portrait Plaque of Paul Schiitzenberger by G. Urbain 433
William Henry, 1775-1836 439
Title Page of William Henry’s "Epitome of Chemistry” 439
Count Claude-Louis Berthollet, 1748-1822 440
Sir Humphry Davy, 1778-1829 440
Jdns Jacob Berzelius, 1779-1848 441
Anna Sundstrdm, Berzelius’ Housekeeper 442
The Old Dijon Academy and the Birthplace of Bernard Courtois 443
Autograph of Bernard Courtois, 1794 444
Iodine Prepared by Courtois 445
Jean-Antoine-Claude Chaptal, Comte de Chanteloup, 1750-1832 446
Jean-Fran$ois Coindet, 1774-1834 447
Carl Ldwig, 1803-1890 449
Antoine- J6r6me Balard, 1802-1876 451
A Laboratory of Mmeralogical Chemistry at the Sorbonne 452
Andr4-Marie Ampere, 1775-1836 456
Paulin Louyet, 1818-1850 457
Apparatus Used by the Knox Brothers in Their Attempts to Liberate Fluorine. . . 458 ,
List of Illustrations
Edmond Fremy, 1814-1894 459
Dr. George Gore, 1826-1908 459
Moissan Preparing Fluorine in His Laboratory at the £cole de Pharmacie, Paris. . 460
Pierre-Eugene-Marcelin Berthelot, 1827-1907 461
Alfred E. Stock 463
Henri Moissan, 1852-1907/ 464
Robert John Strutt, the Third Lord Rayleigh, 1842-1919 470
Sir William Ramsay, 1852-1916 471
Rudolf Fittig, 1835-1910 472
Ira Remsen, 1846-1927 473
Pierre-Jules-C£sar Janssen, 1824-1907 474
French Medallion Honoring Janssen and Lockyer 475
Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer, 1836-1920 476
Per Theodor Cleve, 1840-1905 477
Hamilton P. Cady, 1874-1943 478
Sir William Ramsay, 1852-1916 479
Morris William Travers 480
Pierre Curie, 1859-1906 484
Antoine-Henri Becquerel, 1852-1908 m . 485
Henri Poincare, 1854-1912 486
Gabriel Lippmann, 1 845-192 1 486
Laboratory in which M. and Mme. Curie Discovered Radium 487
Group Portrait of Lord Rutherford and Other Contributors to Radioactivity 488
Autograph Letter from Mme. Curie to Dr. Edgar F. Smith 489
Mme. Marie Sklodowska Curie, 1867-1934 490
Kasimir Fajans 492
Bertram Borden Boltwood, 1870-1927 493
Harriet Brooks (Mrs. Frank Pitcher) 493
Condensation of Radon, McGill University, 1902 494
Lord Rutherford, 1871-1937 495
Theodore William Richards, 1868-1928 498
John A. Cranston 498
Crystals of Potassium Protoactinium Fluoride 499
Apparatus Used by A. V. Grosse in Researches on Protoactinium 500
Alexander Smith Russell 501
Alexander Fleck 501
R. B. Owens. . . 502
Frederick Soddy 502
Mme. Curie and Her Daughter, Mme. Joliot-Curie 503
The Curie Family 504
Jean-Fr£d6ric Joliot 505
Mme. Ir&ne Joliot-Curie 505
The Radioactive Isotopes and Their Transformations 506
Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley, 1887-1915 514
Georg von Hevesy 517
Dirk Coster 518
J. Heyrovsk^ 519
William Frederick Meggers 520
Bohuslav Brauner, 1855-1935 , 521
Charles James, 1880-1928 522
List of Illustrations
B. Smith Hopkins 623
Laboratory for Rare-Earth Fractionation, University of Illinois 524
X-Ray Apparatus, University of Illinois 525
Luigi Rolla 526
Although the ancient conception of an element was quite different from the
modem one , a few of the substances now recognized as chemical elements have
been known and used since the dawn of history . Although no one knows
who discovered these ancient “building-stones of the universe ” the writings of
Pliny the Elder and Dioscorides and the Hebrew and Hindu Scriptures abound
in interesting allusions to the metals , gold, silver , copper , iron , lead, tin , and
mercury , and the non-metals , sulfur and carbon .
“The world of chemical reactions is like a stage , on
which scene after scene is ceaselessly played. The
actors on it are the elements ” (2).
><#» Delbrueck's •• Antikt Portr&ts”
Heraclitus, 540-475 B.C.
Ascetic Greek philosopher and founder of metaphysics. He believed that fire is the
primary substance, and that change is the only actuality in Nature.
The chemical elements, those primeval building materials from which
Nature has constructed all her varied forms, have been discovered, one by
one, through the ages, by patient searchers in many lands. The ancient
Seventeenth-Century Symbol for
Chemical Elements
Greek philosophers, Thales, Xenophanes, and Heraclitus, believed that
all substances were composed of a single element, but they did not agree as
to its nature. Thales thought that water was the element which, upon
evaporating and condensing, produced all substances. Heraclitus, how-
ever, believed that fire was the one fundamental building material.
The conception of four simple substances (earth, air, water, and fire)
had its origin in the mind of Empedocles about four hundred and forty
years before the birth of Christ, and held sway for many centuries. Every
one knows today that neither earth nor air, water nor fire is an element.
Earth is the most complex of all, for it can be separated into many chemical
compounds, whose natures vary according to the locality from which the
soil has been taken. From air can be obtained a number of simple gases,
among them nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. Water, also, can be easily
decomposed into the two gaseous ele-
ments, oxygen and hydrogen; and fire,
far from being an element, consists of
the incandescent gases or glowing
embers of the fuel which is being
burned. Simple as these facts may
seem to the modern mind, the world’s
best intellects once debated them and
established them. During the cen-
turies, man’s conception of what con-
stitutes a chemical element has under-
gone many other changes, which were
ably discussed by the late B. N. Men-
schutkin in the Journal of Chemical
Education for February, 1937 (82).
The story of the “defunct elements,”
those short-lived “elements” which
were later found to be complex, is
most interesting, but the present nar-
rative will be confined to the simple
substances now recognized by chemists,
siderably more than a hundred in number, have been described in a fasci-
nating article by the late Charles Baskerville (2).
The chemical elements which were undoubtedly known to the ancient
world are the metals: gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, tin, and mercury, and
the non-metals: sulfur and carbon. The ancient Jews, as one learns from
the Old Testament, were certainly acquainted with the first four of these
metals, and probably with the first six. The ancient Hindus used them
also, for Sir Praphulla Chandra R4y quotes from the Charaka: “Gold
and the five metals . . . silver, copper, lead, tin, and iron” (3).
Pliny the Elder, 23-79 A.D.
Roman philosopher. Author of a
“Natural History” in 37 books, in
which he discussed the astronomy,
geology, zoology, botany, agriculture,
mineralogy, and medicine of his time.
The curious false elements, con-
4 Discovery of the Elements
Ancient Metals
Gold ornaments have been found in Egyptian tombs of the prehistoric
stone age, and the Egyptian goldsmiths of the earliest dynasties were
skilful artisans. The metal was used as a medium of exchange in the days
of Abraham, and is mentioned in Exodus, Deuteronomy, the First Book of
Kings, Job, the Psalms, the Proverbs, Isaiah, Lamentations, Haggai, and
Zechariah (4). Pliny the Elder (A.D. 23-79) said that grains of gold were
found in the stream-beds of the Tagus in Spain, the Po in Italy, the Hebrus
in Thracia, the Pactolus in Asia Minor, and the Ganges in India (5). In
the second century before Christ, a cupellation process was used for refining
the metal, and in Pliny's time the mercury process was well known (6).
From Biringuccio's *' Pirotechnia ”
An Assay Furnace, 1540
Vitruvius, who lived in the reign of Augustus, mentioned the use of
mercury to recover finely divided gold. “When gold has been woven into a
garment,” said he, “and the garment becomes worn out with age so that
it is no longer respectable to use, the pieces of cloth are put into earthern
pots, and burned up over a fire. The ashes are then thrown into water and
quicksilver added thereto. This attracts all the bits of gold, and makes
them combine with itself. The water is then poured off, and emptied into a
doth and squeezed in the hands, whereupon the quicksilver, being a liquid,
escapes through the loose texture of the cloth, but the gold, which has been
brought together by the squeezing, is found inside in a pure state” (47).
Silver, since it rardy occurs uncombined, did not come into use as early
as did gold (29 ) . In Egypt between the thirtieth and fifteenth centuries be-
fore Christ, it was rarer and more costly than gold. It must have been
used as a medium of exchange long before it was coined, for it is rdated in
Genesis that when Abraham purchased a burial place for Sarah he weighed
out the silver in the presence of witnesses (7). Jagnaux states that when
the Phoenicians made their first voyage to Spain they found more silver
than their ships could carry, and that, for this reason, they weighted their
wooden anchors with silver instead of lead (8). When the Spaniards
conquered Peru they found many silver utensils that had been made by
the ancient inhabitants (9), (28).
In his “Natural and Moral History of the Indies,” Father Jos6 de Acosta
wrote in 1590: “The Creator hath furnished the West Indies with so
great a treasure of silver, as all that which we reade of in antient Histories
and that which is spoken of the mines of Spaine, and other provinces, is
not comparable to that we see in those partes — The maner to purge
and refine siluer (sic) which the Indians have vsed was by melting, in dis-
solving this masse of mettall by fire, which casts the earthly drosse aparte,
and by his force separates silver from lead, tinne from copper, and other
mettalls mixt.
“To this end,” continued Father de Acosta, “they did build small
furnaces in places whereas the wind did commonly blow, and with wood
and cole made their refining, the which furnaces in Peru they call huayras.
Since the Spaniards entred, besides this manner of refining which they vse
to this day, they likewise refine silver with qvick-silver, and draw more by
this means then (sic) in refining it by fire. For there is some kind of silver
mettal found which can by no means be purged and refined by fire, but
onely with quicksilver. . (45).
According to Father de Acosta, “the chief places of the Indies from
which they draw silver are New Spaine [Mexico] and Peru; but the mines
of Peru farre surpasse the rest ; and amongst all others of the worlde, those
of Potosi [now in Bolivia]” (45). “At this day,” he said, “the most vsuall
maner of refining in Potosi is by quickesilver, as also in the mines of
Zacatecas, and others of New Spaine. There were in old time, vpon the
sides and toppes of Potosi, above six thousand Huayras , which are small
furnaces where they melt their mettall, the which were placed like lightes
(a pleasant sight to behold by night) casting a light a farre off like a flame of
fire — But at this day there are not above two thousand. . ” (45).
Of the assay-masters, Father de Acosta said, “Their ballaunce and
weights are so delicate, and their grairies so small, as they cannot take
them vppe with the hand, but with a small paire of pincers: and this
triall they make by candle light, that no ayre might moove the ballance.
For of this little the price of the whole barre dependeth” (45).
In the seventeenth century, Father Alvaro Alonso Barba of Potosi said
that some of the mines there had been worked by the Incas and that, since
the coming of the Spaniards, the wealth of this hill had been distributed to
all parts of the world (46).
Copper, in the opinion of Berthelot, has been mined for at least five
J. B. S colin, sculp.
Frontispiece to 1733 French Edition of Barba’s “Art of the Metals”
The poem mentions that France used to be rich in precious metals, and ques-
tions the necessity of searching for them in the New World.
Pourquoi de l’Oc^an courir les vastes bords.
France, ne trouvez vo! de l'Or qu’au nouveau Monde.
En M&taux precieux autrefois si teconde,
N'avez vous pas toujours vos immenses Tr6sors.
Copper and Iron
thousand years. He found by analysis that the most ancient Egyptian
articles were made of pure copper rather than of its alloys (10), (27).
“Two vessels of fine copper, precious as gold” were mentioned by the
prophet Ezra (11). This metal is found in the free state in Egypt, the
Lake Superior region of North America, and in many other parts of the
world, and can be obtained from malachite ore by a simple process.
Knives, axes, spear heads, chisels, and bracelets of this metal have been
found in Indian mounds in Wisconsin, Illinois, and neighboring states.
Indian tools and excavations for working the copper veins have been dis-
covered in the Ontonagon region of northern Michigan (39). Much of the
copper worked by the aborigines came from Isle Roy ale in Lake Superior
(40) .
The pre-Columbian Indians of La Tolita on the Esmeraldas coast of
Ecuador made small axes, bells, sewing needles, and filigree work by hot-
hammering native copper. Paul Bergs0e of Copenhagen has made a
thorough study of the gold, platinum, and copper artifacts of this region
(41) .
Arriving at last in the fabled Quivira (now part of Kansas) after his
remarkable journey from Compostela, Mexico, in search of the gold and
silver treasures described by his false guide “the Turk,” Don Francisco
V&zquez de Coronado wrote King Charles V on October 20, 1541, that
“the natives there gave me a piece of copper that an Indian chief wore
suspended from his neck. I am sending it to the viceroy of New Spain,
for I have not seen any other metal in this region except this and some
copper jingle bells which I am forwarding to him” (42). In his treatise on
the Coronado expedition, George Parker Winship stated that Indian traders
used to carry pieces of copper from the mines on the shores of Lake Supe-
rior, from tribe to tribe, as far east as the Atlantic Ocean and as far west as
the Rocky Mountains (43).
In describing his voyage to northern Virginia with Sir Walter Raleigh,
John Brereton wrote in 1602 that he had seen Indians wearing elaborate
chains, earrings, and collars of copper, and that some of their arrow heads
and skull-shaped drinking cups were made of it (44).
Iron articles were probably made by the Egyptians twenty-five or
thirty centuries before Christ, but because the metal is so readily corroded,
iron objects of great antiquity are much rarer than similar ones made of
gold, silver, or copper (25). Smelting furnaces for iron were used in ancient
times, but the exact nature of the process is not known. The metal
must have been in common use in Pliny's day, for he wrote (12 ) :
It is by the aid of iron that we construct houses, cleave rocks, and
perform so many other useful offices of life. But it is with iron also
that wars, murders, and robberies are effected, and this* not only hand
to hand, but from a distance even, by the aid of weapons and winged
& Discovery of the Elements
weapons, now launched from engines, now hurled by the human arm,
and now furnished with feathery wings. This last I regard as the most
criminal artifice that has been devised by the human mind; for, as if
to bring death upon man with still greater rapidity, we have given
wings to iron and taught it to fly. Let us, therefore, acquit Nature of
a charge that belongs to man himself Nature, in conformity
with her usual benevolence, has limited the power of iron by inflicting
upon it the punishment of rust; and has thus displayed her usual
foresight in rendering nothing in existence more perishable than the
substance which brings the greatest dangers upon perishable mortality.
Of all the ancient allusions to this metal, the Biblical ones are the most
interesting. Who can forget Job’s eloquent words: “Oh, that my words
were now written ! Oh, that they were printed in a book! That they were
graven with an iron pen ” (13). In Deuteronomy one may read with
surprise of Og, that giant king of Bashan who slept in an iron bed six feet
wide and thirteen and one-half feet long (4X9 cubits)! (14). This “bed”
was probably a sarcophagus (37), (33), or possibly a natural rock formation
of black basait (48).
From Biritt guccio’s " PiroUchnin °
Mercury Stills, 1640
G. W. Wainwright regards some iron beads which he found at Gerzah,
Egypt, about fifty miles south of Cairo, as the most ancient pieces of
iron known. They date back to 3500 B.C. or earlier. Since they con-
tain 7.5 per cent of nickel, they must have been made from meteoric
material (77). Primitive tribes often used meteoric iron for weapons
and tools, and, because of its celestial origin, regarded it with great rev-
erence. Under the title “Our Stone-pelted Planet/" H. H. Nininger
has published a scholarly and entertaining history of the most famous
meteorites (7S)<
Iron, Lead, and Tin
The earliest known finds of smelted iron are from Tell Asmai, Meso-
potamia, and Tall Chagar Bazaar in North Syria. One such specimen
cannot have been made later than 2700 B.C. and may have been produced
as early as 3000 B.C. Since it contains no nickel, it cannot be of meteoric
origin (79). Although the Hittites developed skill in smelting iron, they
kept the process secret. After the fall of their Empire shortly before 1200
B.C., the iron workers were dispersed and the true Iron Age dawned in the
Near East. About two centuries later, according to H. H. Coghlan, this
craft reached Europe (79).
Many Negro tribes of Africa have worked iron for centuries. In his
“Mining and Metallurgy in Negro Africa, ” Walter Cline states that the
iron and slag found in the earliest deposits at Zimbabwe give evidence that
iron must have been smelted in southeast Africa at least as early as the
eighth century A.D. and that by that time the “iron age” in this locality
was well advanced (80). According to A. F. Cronstedt, the process of
making osmund iron was known to the Eskimos, Yakuts, and Ostiaks of
vSiberia (81).
Lead ores are widely distributed in Nature, and are easily smelted.
The Babylonians engraved inscriptions on thin plates of metallic lead
(10), and references to this metal are also found in Exodus, Numbers, and
Jeremiah. The Romans used it extensively for water-pipes, writing-tab*
lets, and coins. Unfortunately, they also used it for cooking utensils,
and lead poisoning was an all-too-frequent result. A few very small lead
nuggets, some of which are believed to be of pre-Columbian origin, have
been found in Peru, Yucatan, and Guatemala (41).
Although tin bronzes were made thirty centuries before Christ, it is not
certain that metallic tin was known to the ancients. The prophet Ezekiel
mentioned it in the following passage: “Tarshish was thy merchant by
reason of the multitude of all kind of riches; with silver, iron, tin and lead,
they traded in thy fairs” (15).
Since cassiterite is the only important ore of tin, it must have been the
earliest source of the metal. Although the Cassiterides, or tin islands,
mentioned by classical writers were usually supposed to have been named
for the ore, cassiterite may possibly have been named for the islands, just
as copper was named for Cyprus and bronze for Brundisium (Brindisi,
Italy) (62). In speaking of mirrors, Pliny the Elder stated that “the best
known to our forefathers were made at Brundisium from a mixture of cop-
per and stagnum” (63).
The composition of Peruvian bronze, according to Hiram Bingham, was
not accidental. Pure tin which had evidently been prepared for use in
casting was found at Machu Picchu, the mountain citadel of the Incas.
The ancient inhabitants of this fortress were highly skilled metallurgists
who made bronze implements of varying composition according to the
10 Discovery of the Elements
purposes for which they were to be used. No artifacts of pure tin were
found there ( 64 ).
In his “ ‘Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries,” A. Lucas states that,
although tin ore has not been found in Egypt, the earliest known arti-
facts of this metal, apart from bronze, are a ring and a pilgrim bottle from
Egyptian tombs of the eighteenth dynasty (1580 B.C. to 1350 B.C.) ( 65 ).
Homer's “Iliad" relates how Hephaistos, the lame god of fire, made a
shield for Achilles: “And he threw bronze that weareth not into the fire,
and tin and precious gold and silver — ” Among the many decorations
on the shield was a vineyard scene in gold and silver with a fence of tin and
a herd of cattle, “and
the kine were fashioned
of gold and tin " The
greaves were of “pliant
tin” ( 66 ). This may
have been a tin alloy,
however, rather than the
pure metal ( 62 ).
Herodotus (484-425
B.C.) said in his “His-
tory" that he did not
know of any “islands
called the Cassiterides
whence the tin comes
which we use Though
I have taken great pains,
I have never been able to
Woodcut Showing Distillation of Sulfur in 1557 get an assurance from an
eye-witness that there is
any sea on the further side of Europe. Nevertheless, tin and amber do
certainly come to us from the ends of the earth” ( 67 ).
In his valuable book entitled “The Cornish Miner,” A. K. H. Jenkin
mentions some excavations made in 1925 at the famous castle of Chun,
near St. Just, which dates back to 300 to 200 B.C. The slag found in the
small smelting-pits there contained tin. Thus the Cornish tin industry
must be more than two thousand years old. The earliest known charter
of the Cornish stannaries is dated 1201 ( 68 ). In Book V of his “Commen-
taries on the Gallic War,” Julius Caesar mentioned the production of tin in
the midland regions of Britain ( 69 ).
In the first century of the present era, the Latins referred to tin as
“plumbum album” to distinguish it from lead, which they called “plumbum
nigrum” ( 16 ). Pliny and Dioscorides mentioned the use of tin coatings
to prevent corrosion of copper vessels ( 17 ).
Tin and Mercury
When Hernando Cortes arrived in Mexico, tin from a mine in Taxco was
already in circulation as money { 40 ), { 70 ). “Some small pieces of it,” said
Cortes, “were found among the natives of a province called Tachco [Tasco,
or Taxco], in the form of very thin coins; and continuing my search I dis-
covered that in that province and many others this was used as money;
I further learned that it was mined in the province of Tachco, twenty-six
leagues from this city [Temixtitan]” (71).
Mercury was known to the ancient Chinese and Hindus, and has been
found in Egyptian tombs dating back to 1500 or 1600 B.C. { 10 ). Dios-
corides mentioned its preparation from cinnabar { 18 ), while Pliny gave a
method of purifying it by squeezing it through leather, and stated that it is
poisonous { 6 ). Earle R. Caley has shown by quotations from Aristotle,
Theophrastus, Dioscorides, Pliny the Elder, Vitruvius, and the Leyden
From Biringuccio's ** Pirotechnia ”
Manufacture of Wood Charcoal
Papyrus of the third century A.D. that mercury has been known much
longer than most persons realize. He states that cinnabar was probably
the only mercury compound known to the ancients and that they used it
both as a pigment and as a source of the metal { 49 ). In his “Metallurgie
Chemistry,” C. E. Gellert (1713-1795) stated that “The only ore of mer-
cury hitherto known is native cinnabar” { 50 ). The most ancient specimen
of quicksilver known is probably that which H. Schliemann found in a
little cocoanut-shaped amulet in an Egyptian tomb at Kurna dating from
the fifteenth or sixteenth century B.C. { 51 ), { 52 ) .
Theophrastus, a disciple of Plato and successor to Aristotle, described
quicksilver as a useful substance “obtained from native Cinnabar, rubbed
with Vinegar in a brass Mortar with a brass Pestle” { 53 ), { 54 ), (55),
In the first century A.D., Dioscorides Pedanius of Anazarbus, Cilicia,
Discovery of the Elements
gave the following process for preparing metallic mercury: ‘‘Putting an
iron spoon having Cinnabaris in an earthen pot, they cover the Cup, dawb-
ing it about with clay, then they make a fire under with coals; and ye soot
that sticks to ye pot, being scraped off & cooled, becomes Hydrargyrum
[mercury]. It is found also in ye place where Silver is melted, standing
together by drops on ye roofs. And some say that Hydrargyrum is found
by itself in ye mines. But it is kept in glassen, or leaden, or tinnen, or
silver vessels, for it eats through all other matter, and makes it run out”
(IS), (56).
The Chinese alchemist Ko Hung (281-361 A.D.) wrote in the Pao Pu
Tzu, “Many do not even know that mercury comes out of cinnabar (tan
sha). When told, they still refuse to believe it, saying that cinnabar is
red, and how can it produce a white substance? They also say that cinna-
bar is a stone — that stones when heated turn to ashes : and how then can
anything else be expected of tan sha?” (57).
J. M. Hoppensack stated in 1795 that the mercury mines of Almad£n
had been worked for at least 2287 years and that cinnabar from them was
sent to ancient Rome in the form of powder or sand (58). A. de Galvez-
Canero believes that the Spanish mercury mines have been worked since
the third or fourth century B.C. (28).
In his “Natural and Moral History of the Indies,’ ’ Father Jos£ de
Acosta said that the Incas labored long in the Peruvian mercury mines
without knowing what quicksilver was, seeking only cinnabar, or vermilion,
to use as war paint (59). The Spaniards discovered the mercury mines of
Huancavelica in 1566-67. When Pedro Fernindes de Velasco demon-
strated his cold amalgamation process in 1570 to the Viceroy, the latter
offered him suitable reward, ordered him to make the secret known at
Potosf (Bolivia), and added that the most important wedding in the world
was about to take place: the marriage of Mount Potosi (silver) to Mount
Huancavelica (mercury) (60). A description of the Spanish and the
Peruvian quicksilver mines was published in the American Journal oj
Science for 1868 (61).
Ancient Non-Metals
Since sulfur and carbon both occur uncombined in many parts of the
world they must certainly have been known to all the ancient peoples.
After the killing of the wooers in Book XXII of Homer’s ‘'Odyssey/’
Odysseus called to Eurycleia, “Bring sulphur, old nurse, that cleanses all
pollution and bring me fire, that I may purify the house with sulphur” (72).
Pliny described the Italian and Sicilian deposits in great detail, mention-
ing the use Of block sulfur for medicinal purposes, the bleaching of cloth with
sulfur vapor, and the manufacture of sulfur matches and lamp-wicks (19).
(73). Georgius Agricola (26) stated that these matches could be ignited by
friction on stone and used for lighting candles and dry wood. He also left
no doubt as to his opinion of gunpowder when he said: “Sulfur is also
made to enter into that powder — execrable invention — which hurls iron,
brass, or stone instruments of war of a new kind” ( 20 ).
It is difficult for the modern chemist to understand the early literature
of sulfur, for the name was incorrectly used to designate all combustible
substances. In the eighth century, Geber believed that the metals were
compounds of sulfur and mercury ; and hence these two elements came to
have great significance for the alchemists. Abu Mansur mentioned the
use of the former as an antidote for various kinds of metallic poisoning, and
Pseudo-Geber told how to prepare milk of sulfur by adding vinegar to
alkaline sulfur solutions
(34). Some scholars re- ^ J
gard the Latin work “In- Jw
vention of Verity, or Per- TJR
fection,” as a translation . Wjm
of an unknown Arabic
treatise by Geber (Abu /WJHf
Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan), JjjlW
who lived in the eighth I
century A.D. Professor
Julius Ruska believes,
however, that Geber ^
(Jabir) and Pseudo-Geber ^ ^
(the author of the “Inven-
tion of Verity”) must have
been separated by five ,, r> , ^ , , .
centimes of time (35). Georgius AgriC0LA( 1494 . 1555
The sulfur from which German metallurgist . Author of .. De Re MtUU .
Cortes and his daring con- lica,” a famous Latin treatise on mining and metal -
auistadores made their lur 8y> which has been translated into English by
quisiaaores maae tneir Ex . president and the late Mrs Herbert Hoover.
first gunpowder was ob-
tained, so he said, from the rumbling, smoking crater of Mount Popocate-
petl (70). In a letter to Charles V, written from Temixtitan on October
15, 1524, he said, “As for sulphur, I have spoken to Your Majesty of that
mountain in the province of Mexico which smokes! A Spaniard [Francisco
Montafio] descended by means of a rope, seventy or eighty fathoms, and
obtained a sufficient quantity to last us in our need; but henceforward
there will be no necessity of going to this trouble because it is dangerous
and I shall always write to obtain these things from Spain” (76).
In 1759 Count Vincenzo Masini (1689-1762) of Cesena, Italy, published
a patriotic poem on sulfur, in which he described its extraction, purification,
and uses. Signor Gino Testi has published extracts from this poem, with
Discovery of the Elements
explanatory notes (74). In eloquent Italian verses Count Masini gave
poetic expression to Giorgio Baglivi’s belief that vegetables and animals
exert an influence over the formation of the metals and the so-called semi-
“. . . Within the rocks , among the thorns ,
Between the cliffs , sulfur takes root;
For gold , silvery copper , iron, and sulfur
Likewise are plants ' ’ (74)*
Count Masini also dramatically expressed the relation between sulfur and
volcanic action.
The Abbi Lazaro Spallanzani (1729-1799) described the sulfurous fumes
of Vulcano, and added that “Above these fumes there is a plain, of no great
extent, which one is at first afraid to venture on, from the subterranean noise
heard there, and from the shaking of the ground whe n struck with the
foot. . . . On this plain it was that formerly stood the furnaces in which the
sulphur of Vulcano was purified. But this useful labour has long since been
abandoned. . .nor was it abandoned because the quantity of sulphur ob-
tained was too little. . ., as the vein is very rich and even inexhaustible.
The real cause why the inhabitants of Lipari no longer continued this work
was that the ground. . .grows hotter the deeper it is dug into. . ., to which
is to be added the offensive stench of the sulphureous fumes. . . ” (75).
In the latter part of the eighteenth century, A. L. Lavoisier and his
adherents regarded sulfur as an element. As late as 1809, however, Sir
Humphry Davy believed that it contained oxygen and hydrogen as essen-
tial constituents and that it was similar in composition to the resins (30),
(33). Experiments by A. Berthollet, son of C. L. Berthollet, had indicated
that sulfur contains hydrogen. From his own experiments with Sicilian
sulfur in 1808, Sir Humphry concluded that “the existence of hydrogen in
sulphur is fully proved” and that “sulphur, in its common state, is a com-
pound of small quantities of oxygen and hydrogen with a large quantity of
a basis that produces the acids of sulphur in combustion. . . ” (30). In 1809
Gay-Lussac and Thenard thoroughly established the elementary nature of
sulfur (31), (32).
By 1810 Davy had changed his views and suspected “a notable propor-
tion of oxygen in Sicilian sulphur, which is probably owing to the presence
of oxide of sulphur Considering the manner in which sulphur is pro-
cured in Sicily, it might be expected to contain oxygen ; when taken from
the mine, the limestone rock containing it, broken into small fragments, is
subjected to heat in a kind of kiln; whilst a small portion of the sulphur is
* " .. .Entro h baize
Fra dumi> t fra dirupi il zoifo aligna;
Che piante e vegetahili pur sono
Veto, Vargento, il tame, ilferro, il zoifo ... ” (74)
Sulfur and Carbon
burnt, and ascends into the atmosphere in the form of sulphurous acid gas,
the greater part of it melts, sinks, and flows out through an opening de-
signed to give issue. This process I witnessed at the extensive sulphur
mines in the neighbourhood of Gujenti [Girgenti, or Agrigentum] ; and I
believe it is generally in use throughout the sulphur districts” ( 30 ).
When Davy allowed “oxvmuriatic acid gas” (chlorine) to react with
moist sulfur, he obtained hydrogen chloride and oxygen. When he re-
peated the experiment, using Sicilian sulfur dried over calcium chloride,
“no oxygen gas was evolved and not a cubical inch of muriatic [hydro-
chloric] acid. . .and it was found that between 16 and 17 cubical inches of
oxymuriatic acid gas [chlorine] had disappeared; the whole of the sulfur
was sublimed in the gas, and the liquor formed was of a tawny-orange
colour” [probably sulfur monochloride] ( 30 ).
Carbon in the forms of charcoal and soot must certainly have been known
even to prehistoric races, and in Pliny’s time the former was made, much
as it is today, by heating wood in a pyramid covered with clay to exclude
the air ( 21 ). According to the “Encyclopaedia Biblica,” the word diamond
as used in the old Testament probably does not refer to the true diamond
but more likely to corundum ( 22 ), ( 36 ). The ancient Hindu scriptures,
the Vedas, the Ramayana, and the Mahabharata, make frequent mention
of the diamond. As early as 1704 Sir Isaac Newton stated in his “Optics”
that it must be combustible, and in 1772 Lavoisier found this to be true
( 23 ). The English chemist, Smithson Tennant, proved in 1797 that it
consists solely of carbon ( 24 ).
Literature Cited
(1) Winkler, C., “Ueber die Entdeckung neuer Elemente im Verlaufe der letzten
ftinfundzwanzig Jahre," Ber., 30, 13 (Jan., 1897).
(2) Baskerville, C., '‘The elements: Verified and unverified," Science , N. S., 19,
88-100 (Jan., 1904).
(3) RAy, P. C., “History of Hindu Chemistry," 2nd edition, Vol. 1, Chuckervertty,
Chatterjee and Co., Calcutta, 1904, p. 25.
(4) Ex., 20:23; Deu., 8:13; I Ki., 20:3; Job, 31:24; Ps., 19:10; Prov., 16:10;
Isa., 60:17; Lam., 4:1; Hag., 2:8; Zee., 13:9.
(5) Pliny the Elder, “Natural History," translated by Bostock and Riley, Geo.
Bell and Sons, London, 1856, Book XXXIII, Chap. 21.
(6) Ibid., Book XXXIII, Chap. 32.
(7) Genesis, 23: 16.
(3) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie," Vol. 2, Baudry et Cie., Paris, 1891, p. 372,
(9) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry," Vol. 1, Colburn and Bentley, Lon-
don, 1830, p. 53; E. O. von Lippmann, “Entstehung und Ausbreitung der Al-
chemie," Springer, Berlin, 1919, pp. 519-30.
(10) Stillman, J. M., “The Story of Early Chemistry," D. Appleton and Co., New
York City, 1924, pp. 2-7.
( 11 ) Ezra, 8: 27.
(12) Pliny Yhb Elder, “Natural History," ref. (5), Book XXXIV, Chap, 39.
Discovery of the Elements
(13) Job, 19: 23-4.
(14) Deu.. 3:11.
(15) Eze., 27: 12.
(16) Pliny the Elder, “Natural History,” ref. (5), Book XXXIV, Chap. 47.
(17) Ibid ., Book XXXIV, Chap. 48.
(18) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” ref. (8), Vol. 2, p. 366.
( 19 ) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry,” ref. ( 9 ), Vol. 1, p. 103; Pliny tiie
Elder, “Natural History,” ref. (5), Book XXXV, Chap. 50.
( 20 ) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” ref. (£), Vol. I, p. 458.
(21) Ibid ., Vol. 1, p. 680; Pliny the Elder, “Natural History,” ref. (5), Book XVI,
Chap. 8.
(22) Ex., 28: 18; 39: 11; Eze., 28: 13; Jer., 17, 1.
(23) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” ref. (8), Vol. 1, pp. 664-8; Ernst von
Meyer, “Geschichte der Chemie,” 4th edition, Veit and Co., Leipzig, 1914, p. 371.
( 24 ) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry,” ref. ( 9 ), Vol. 2, p. 236.
(25) Berthelot, P.-E.-M., “Les Origines de TAlchimie,” Steinheil, Paris, 1885, pp.
( 26 ) Billincer, R. D., “Assaying with Agricola,” J. Chem. Educ., 6, 349-54 (Feb.,
( 27 ) Berthelot, P.-E.-M., “La Chimie an Moyen Age,” Vol. 1, Imprimerie Nationalc,
Paris, 1893, p. 364.
(28) De GAlvez-Ca^ero, A., “La Metalurgia de la Plata y del Mercurio. Bosquejo
Hist6rico,” IX Congreso Intemacional de Quimica Pura y Aplicada, Madrid,
1934, 37 pp.
( 29 ) Partington, J. R., “Origins and Development of Applied Chemistry,” Long-
mans, Green and Co., London, 1935, pp. 14-100.
( 30 ) Davy, J., “The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart.,” Smith, Elder and
Co., London, 1840, Vol. 5, pp. 73, 160-8, 216-20, 310-11.
(31) Kopp, H., “Geschichte der Chemie,” Fr. Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig, 1847,
Vol. 3, pp. 310-11.
( 32 ) Gay-Lussac, L.-J. and L.-J. Thenard, “En reponse aux recherches analytiques
de M. Davy, sur la nature du soufre et du phosphore,” Ann. chim . phys . (1), 73,
229-53 (Mar. 31, 1810). Read Sept. 18, 1809
( 33 ) Davy, H., “Sur la nature de certains corps, particulterement des alcaiis, du soufre,
du phosphore, du carbonc et des acides reputes simples,” ibid ., (1), 73, 5-11 (Jan.
31, 1810).
( 34 ) Holmyard, E. J., “The Works of Geber Englished by Richard Russell, 1678,”
J. M. Dent and Sons, Iyondon and Toronto, 1928, p. 209.
( 35 ) Bugge, G., “Das Buch der grossen Chemiker,” Verlag Chemie, Berlin, 1929,
Vol. 1, pp. 18-31, 60-9. Articles on Jabir and Pseudo-Geber by J. Ruska.
(3$) ChEyne, T, K. and J. S. Black, “Encyclopaedia Biblica,” The Macmillan
Company, New York, 1899, Vol. 1, columns 1097-8.
(37) Smith, J. M. and E. J. Goodspeed, “The Bible. An American Translation,”
University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1931, 418 pp. Translation of Deuteron-
omy by T. J. Meek.
(38) Wbek«, M. E., “An exhibit of chemical substances mentioned in the Bible,” J.
Chem. Educ., 20, 63-76 (Feb., 1943).
(39) Dana, J. D., “Manual of Mineralogy and Lithology,” John Wiley and Sons,
New York, 1880, 3rd ed., p. 144.
( 40 ) Browne, C, A*, “The chemical industries of the American aborigines,” Isis , 23
(2), 417 (Sept., 1935).
Literature Cited
(41) Bergs0e, Paul, “The Gilding Process and the Metallurgy of Copper and Lead
among the pre-Columbian Indians,” Danmarks Naturvidenskabelige Samfund,
Copenhagen, 1938, lngeni0rvidenskabelige Skrifter, No. A 46, 56 pp.
(42) Hammond, G. P. and Agapito Rey, “Narratives of the Coronado Expedition,
1540-1542,” University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerqufe, 1940, p. 188.
(42) Winship, G. P., “The Coronado Expedition, 1540-1542,” U. S. Bu. Am. Eth-
nology, Washington, D. C., 1896, pp. 345, 350, 397, 405, 509, 577, 582.
(44) Brereton, John, “A Briefe and True Relation of the Discouerie of the North
Part of Virginia,” George Bishop, London, 1602, p. 9.
(45) de Acosta, Father Jos£, “Natural and Moral History of the Indies,” The
Hakluyt Society, London, 1880, Vol. 1, pp. 186-211, 223.
(46) Barba, A. A., “El Arte de los Metales,” John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1923,
pp. 67-9. English translation by R. E. Douglass and E. P. Mathewson.
(47) Morgan, M. H., “Vitruvius. The Ten Books on Architecture,” Harvard
University Press, Cambridge, 1914, pp. 215-6.
(48) Isserow, Saul and Hugo Zahnd, “Chemical knowledge in the Old Testament,”
J. Chem. Educ., 20, 327-35 (July, 1943).
(49) Caley, E. R., “Mercury and its compounds in ancient times,” ibid., 5, 419-24
(Apr., 1928).
(50) Gellert, C. E., “Metallurgic Chemistry,” T. Becket, London, 1776, p. 57.
(51) von Lippmann, E. O., ref. (9), Vol. 1, pp. 600-07.
(52) Schelenz, H., “Geschichte der Pharmazie,” J. Springer, Berlin, 1904, p. 41.
(52) Hill, John, “Theophrastus’s History of Stones,” printed for the author, London,
1774, 2nd ed., pp. 227-35.
(54) Kopp, H., ref. (31), Vol. 4, p. 172.
(55) Martin, Benjamin, “Biographia Philosophica,” W. Owen, London, 1764, pp.
58-60. Biographical sketch of Theophrastus.
(56) Gunther, R. T., “The Greek Herbal of Dioscorides,” Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1934, pp. 623-6, 638, 648.
(57) Davis, Tenney L., “Remarks on the value of historical studies,” Report of New
England Assoc, of Chem. Teachers , May, 1930, p. 5.
(58) Hoppensack, J. M., “Ueber den Bergbau in Spanien iiberhaupt und der Queck-
silver-bergbau zu Alrnaden,” Weimar, 1796, 158 pp. Review in Ann. chint . phys.,
(1), 25, 51-60 (1798).
(59) de Acosta, Father Josfe, ref. (45), Vol. 1, pp. 185, 214-17. English translation
by Edward Grimston, 1604.
(60) Ar£valo, Celso, “La Ilistoria Natural en Espana,” Unibn Poligr4fica, Madrid,
1935, pp. 143-9.
(61) Hawley, C. E., “Notes on the quicksilver mine of Santa Barbara in Peru,” Am.
J. Sci ., (2), 45, 5-9 (Jan., 1868); “Notes on the quicksilver mines of Alrnaden,
Spain,” ibid., (2), 45, 9-13 (1868).
(62) Saglio, E. and E. Pottier, *‘Dictionnaire des Antiqifites Grecques et Romanies,”
Librairie Hachette et Cie., Paris, 1877, Vol. 4, pp. 1457-64. Article on Stannum
by Maurice Besnier.
(63) Bailey, K. C., “The Elder Pliny’s Chapters on Chemical Subjects,” Edward
Arnold and Co., London, 1929, Part 1, p. 129.
(64) Bingham, Hiram, “Machu Picchu, a Citadel of the Incas,” Yale University
Press, New Haven, Conn., 1930, p. 197.
(65) Lucas, A., “Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries,” Edward Arnold and
Co., London, 1934, 2nd ed., pp. 209-11. 214, 352.
Discovery of the Elements
( 66 ) “The Complete Works of Homer,” Modern Library, New York, no date, pp. 350-
4. The “Iliad,” Book 18.
(67) Rawlinson, G. and M. Komroff, “The History of Herodotus,” Tudor Publishing
Co., New York, 1941, p. 188; Book III of the Herodotus History.
(68) Jenkin, A. K H., “The Cornish Miner,” George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., London,
1927, 351 pp.
(69) Lodge, H. C. and F. W. Halsey, “The Best of the World’s Classics,” Funk and
Wagnalls Co., New York and London, 1909, Vol. 2, p. 65.
(70) Harrar, N. J., “Sulfur from Popocatepetl,” J. Chem. Educ., 11, 641 (Dec., 1934).
(71) MacNutt, F. A., “Letters of Cortes,” G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York and
London, 1908, Vol. 2, p. 204. Letter of Cortes to Charles V, Oct. 15, 1524.
(72) “The Complete Works of Homer,” ref. (66), pp. 352-3. Book XXII of the
(73) Bailey, K. C., ref. (63), Vol. 2, pp. 97-9; Pliny, “Historia Naturalis,” Book 35,
paragraphs 174-7.
(74) Trsti, Gino, “La chimica dello zolfo in un poema del 1759,” La Chimica neW
Industria, nelV Agricoltura, e nella Biologia , 6, 182-5 (May 31, 1930).
(75) Pinkerton, John, “A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting
Voyages and Travels in All Parts of the World,” Longman, Hurst, Rees, and
Orme, London, 1809, Vol. 5, pp. 139-40. L. Spallanzani’s “Travels in the two
(76) MacNutt, F. A., ref. (71), Vol. 2, p. 205.
(77) Wainwright, G. A., “The coming of iron,” Antiquity, 10, 5-24 (March, 1936).
(78) Nininger, H. H., “Our Stone-pelted Planet,” Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston and
New York, 1933, 237 pp.
(79) Cogiilan, H. H., “Prehistoric iron prior to the dispersion of the Hittite Empire,”
Man, 41, 74-80 (July, Aug., 1941).
(80) Cline, Walter, “Mining and Metallurgy in Negro Africa,” George Banta
Publishing Co., Menasha, Wis., 1937, pp. 17-23. Chapter on Negro iron-working
in antiquity.
(81) Cronstedt, A. F., “Aminnelsetal ofver H. T. Scheffer,” Lars Salvius, Stockholm,
1760, pp. 15-31.
(82) Menschutkin, B. N., “Historical development of the conception of chemical
elements,” J. Chem. Educ., 14, 59-61 (Feb., 1937).
The alchemists never succeeded in making gold from base metals, yet their
experiments, recorded under a mystical and intentionally obscure terminology ,
gradually revealed metallic arsenic t antimony , and bismuth . Finally , in the
latter part of the seventeenth century , the pale light of phosphorus began to
illumine the dark secrets of alchemy and to disclose the steady advance of scien-
tific chemistry.
“ . . . .Surely to alchemy this right is due, that it may be compared
to the husbandman whereof Aesop makes the fable; that, when he
died, told his sons that he had left unto them gold buried underground
in his vineyard ; and they digged over all the ground , and gold they
found none; but by reason of their stirring and digging the mould
about the roots of their vines, they had a great vintage the year follow-
ing: so assuredly the search and stir to make gold hath brought
to light a great number of good and fruitful inventions and
experiments. . ” (1)
The part played in ancient civilizations by gold, silver, copper, iron,
lead, tin, mercury, carbon, and sulfur has already been shown. Certain
Sixteenth-Century Cartoon on Alchemy
other elements, although their lineage is not quite so ancient, have never-
theless had a history that extends far back through the centuries. In this
group may be mentioned arsenic, antimony, bismuth, and phosphorus; and,
Discovery of the Elements
strangely enough, these four simple substances have so many character-
istics in common that they constitute one of the groups in the system of
classification now universally used by chemists. Their early history is so
shrouded in uncertainty that only in the case of phosphorus is it possible
to assign the honor of discovery definitely to any person.
“ For smelter fumes have I been named .
I am an evil , poisonous smoke . . .
But when from poison I am freed,
Thrpugk art and sleight of hand ,
Then can I cure both man and beast ,
From dire disease ofttimes direct them;
But prepare me correctly , and take great care
That you faithfully keep watchful guard over me;
For else am I poison , and poison remain ,
That pierces the heart of many a one.” (36)*
The so-called “arsenic” of the Greeks and Romans consisted of the
poisonous sulfides, orpiment and sandarac, mined with heavy loss of
life by slave labor (2). No one knows who first isolated the metal, but
this honor is sometimes accredited to Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus,
1 193-1280), who obtained it by heating orpiment with soap ( 3 ). Paracelsus
(15), the eccentric and boastful medical alchemist of the sixteenth century,
mentioned a process for obtaining metallic arsenic, “white like silver,” by
heating the so-called “arsenic” of the ancients with egg shells (18), Ber-
thelot believed, however, that metallic arsenic was known much earlier
than this, for it i$ easily reduced from its ores. Since it sublimes easily,
and readily forms soft alloys with other metals, and since the arsenic sul-
fide, realgar, looks very much like the corresponding mercury ore, cinnabar,
the alchemists regarded arsenic as a kind of quicksilver. The Pseudo-
Democritus gave tne following method of reducing the ore: “Fix the mer-
cury obtained from : arsenic (sulfide) or from sandarac, throw it on to copper
and iron treated with sulfur, and the metal will become white” (5), (27),
Signor Marcello Muccioli published in Archeion an article on the knowl-
edge of arsenic possessed by the Chinese in about 1600, as exhibited in
the Pen Ts’ao Kan-Mu (or Kang-mu), a 52-volume encyclopedia on
* " Mein Nahme heisset HilUen-Rauch/
Und bin ein giff tiger boser Schmauch . . .
Da aber Ich vmier den Gift/
Dutch Kunst und reckte Handgriff/
So kan Ich Menschen und Vieh curiren/
Auss bdser Krdfackheit offtmals fiihren/
Dock bereit mit remit und hah gut Acht/
Doss du haltst rqU mir gute Wachtj
Sonst bin Ich Gifft und bmbe Gift/
Das manchems Wertz im Leib absticht. * * (36)
materia medica ( 37 ). Yoshio Mikami states that this work was printed
in 1590 and that it was the result of thirty years of scholarly labor by its
author, Li Shih-chen
( 38 ). The Chinese were
thoroughly familiar with
the poisonous properties
of arsenic, and knew how
to test whether or not a
person had been poisoned
by it. They used it to
kill mice in their fields
and insects in their rice
plantations. Chinese
persons were sometimes
poisoned by drinking
beverages which had
stood for some time in
new tin vessels. The
author of the Pen Ts’ao
attributed these cases to
improper purification of
tin prepared from min-
erals containing arsenic
( 37 ). After making era-
sures in their manu-
scripts (which were writ-
ten on yellow paper),
ancient Chinese scholars
covered them neatly with
a yellow varnish contain-
ing finely pulverized orpi-
ment. Most of the orpi-
ment was used by artists,
however, as a pigment
( 37 ).
In 1649 Johann Schroe-
der published a pharma-
copoeia in which he gave
two methods of obtaining
metallic arsenic : ( 1) by
decomposing orpiment,
arsenious sulfide, with lime and ( 2 ) by reducing arsenious oxide with char-
coal. The metallic nature of this element was thoroughly established
Albertus Magnus, 1193-1280
German Dominican scholar and alchemist who in-
terpreted Aristotle to the Latin races. Author of
" De Miner ctiibus .” He alsb contributed to mechanics,
geography, and biology.
Discovery of the Elements
through the researches of J. F. Henckel (1725), Georg Brandt (1733), (2l)>
J. Browall (1744), and A. G. Monnet (1774) (16). Bishop Johan Browall
also observed that it, like sulfur, is present, in small amounts at least, in
most ores and that it sometimes occurs
in the uncombined state (3), (22).
J. H. Pott (1692-1777) and Browall
(1706-1755) reduced white arsenic with
soap (22).
“But antimony j like mercury, can
best be compared to a round circle
without end,... and the more one
investigates it, by suitable means,
the more one discovers in it and
learns from it; it cannot be mastered,
in short, by one person alone because
of the shortness of human life. ,> (58)
Antimony, like arsenic, was known
to the ancients, but perhaps only in
From Peters* 4t Aus pharmazeutischer Vorzcii * the form of its Sulfide, which Oriental
tn Btld und Wort " 7
Sbventeenth-Century Ai.chem.stic WOmen of leisure used to use to darken
Symbol for Arsenic and beautify their eyebrows (4). Ber-
thelot’s belief that metallic antimony
was known to the ancient Chaldeans was based on his analysis of a
most unusual vase that had been brought to the Louvre from the
ruins of Tello, and which he found to consist of pure metallic antimony
containing only a trace of
iron (5), (19). He also
quoted the following pas-
sage from Dioscorides:
4 ‘One roasts this ore (anti-
monious sulfide) by plac-
ing it on charcoal and
heating to incandescence;
if one continues the roast-
ing, it changes into lead”
(5) . Pliny issued the same
warning in his description
of the preparation of anti-
mony medicinals, when he
said: “But the main thing of all is to observe such a degree of nicety in
heating it, as not to let it become lead” (4). Hence it is possible that
the Greeks and Romans, like the Chaldeans, knew how to obtain antimony,
From Peters' "Aus pharmaseutischer Vorzeit in Bild und Wort"
Seventeenth-Century Alchbmistic Symbol for
but since they did not have adequate methods of distinguishing between
metals, they applied the indefinite term “lead” to all those that were
soft, easily fusible, and black.
Georgius Agricola, in the sixteenth century a.d., was familiar with
metallic antimony and an important use of it. “Stibium,” said he in his
“De natura fossilium,” “when smelted in the crucible and refined, has as
From N. LeFevre's “ Cours de Chymie 1751
Calcination of Antimony
a, the table, b, the mirror, which can be raised or lowered, c, the stone or the slab,
on which is placed the powdered antimony, d, the adept adjusting the mirror and
moving the antimony, e, the light focused by the mirror.
much right to be regarded as a proper metal as is accorded to lead by
writers. If, when smelted, a certain portion be added to tin, a bookseller’s
alloy is produced from which the type is made that is used by those who
print books on paper” (39).
The most famous of the early monographs on this element is the “Tri-
umphal Chariot of Antimony,” which first appeared in 1604, in German.
Johann Tholde, operator of a salt-works in Frankenhausen, Thuringia, the
editor of this work, claimed that it had been written by a fifteenth-century
24 Discovery of the Elements
Benedictine monk, Basilius Valentinus ( 3 ), (6). Since no conclusive evi-
dence of the existence of this monk has been unearthed, and since the literary
style of the “Triumphal Chariot” is much too modern for a fifteenth-
century manuscript, many historians of chemistry have concluded that it
must have been written in the latter part of the sixteenth century, possibly
by Tholde himself. Felix Fritz, however, has concluded from comparison
with the “Haligraphia” and other authentic publications of J. Tholde thal
he cannot have been the author
of the “Triumphal Chariot” nor
of the other writings attributed
to Basilius (40).
In 1707 Nicolas L&nery pub-
lished his famous “Treatise on
Antimony.” He was born at
Rouen on November 17, 1645.
After studying pharmacy there
under one of his relatives, he went
to Paris in 1666 to complete his
education. Dissatisfied with his
progress under the unsociable but
scholarly Christophe Glaser, dem-
onstrator of chemistry at the
Jardin du Roi, he resolved to tour
France and learn first-hand from
the greatest chemists of his day
(43 ) . Returning to Paris in 1672,
he lectured to groups of students
who rebelled against the prevail-
ing ignorance and prejudice of
the iatrochemists (41).
When M.L&nery had to choose
between the two degrees, Doctor
of Medicine or Master Apothe-
cary, he selected the latter be-
B.-B. de Fontenelle described his
public laboratory in the Rue Galande as “less a room than a cellar, and
almost a magic cavern, illumined only by the light of the furnaces; yet the
influx of people was so great that there was scarcely enough room for
his operations. Even women, carried along by fashion, had the audacity
to show themselves at such learned assemblies” (41).
Students came from all parts of Europe to live at his boarding school,
“and the rooms of the quarter were filled with half-pensioners, who wished
at least to eat at his home.” His pharmaceutical preparations had a large
Basilius Valentinus
Although the collection of chemical writings
attributed to the fifteenth-century Benedic-
tine monk, Basilius Valentinus, contains this
alleged portrait, there is no conclusive evi-
dence that such a person ever lived. Al-
though the Triumphal Chariot of Antimony
and other writings commonly attributed to
him are much too modern for the fifteenth
century, they are nevertheless of great
historical value.
cause of its closer relation to chemistry.
sale, and the profits from his “bismuth magistery,” a cosmetic, were
sufficient for all the expenses of his household. In 1675 he published his
famous “Cours de Chymie,” which, unlike most scientific books, sold out
edition after edition “like a work of romance or satire.”
When L£mery was received into the Academy of Sciences in 1699, he
decided to make a thorough analysis of the mineral known as antimony
[stibnite] in a search for useful medicaments. After reading his paper in
instalments to the Academy, he finally
published it in 1707 as the “Treatise
on Antimony.” “When I resolved to
study antimony thoroughly in all its
aspects,” said he, “I believed it proper
to begin with some reflections on the
nature of this compound and the
places where it occurs ; on the names
which were applied to it, and their
diversity ; on how to select it ; and on
its medicinal virtues (41).
“Antimony,” said L6mery, “is a
heavy, fragile, black, shining, odorless,
insipid, and very sulfurous mineral
crystallizing in laminae or in long
needles. It occurs near the metals in
many European mines, in Hungary,
in Transylvania, in Brittany, in Poi-
tou, and in Avernia. In Latin it is
called antimonium or stibium . The
alchemists, who abound in high-
sounding names, have called it the
red lion or wolf, because in the fire it devours the greater part of the metals;
believing that many metals were derived from it, they have called it the
root of the metals; because it receives various forms and colors, they have
sometimes called it Proteus; sometimes sacred lead , or philosophers' lead ,
because they believed that, since this mineral devours many metals, it
must be related to lead, which combines with many metallic substances (41).
“Among the merchants,” continued L&nery,' “we find two general
species of antimony, the unworked mineral and the artificial : the former
is taken from the mine loaded or mixed with many rock fragments, which
the artisans call gangue — This kind of antimony is not very common
at the apothecaries’ shops because it does not sell well —
“The other kind of antimony,” said L&nery, “is that commonly found
at the apothecaries’ ;* it is not different from the first except that it has been
purified from its stony and earthy constituents. To purify it, the anti-
Nicolas Lemery, M.D., 1645-1715
French chemist. Author of "Cours
de Caymie” one of the textbooks that
Scheele studied, and of a treatise on
Discovery of the Elements
mony taken from the mine is melted in vessels or crucibles in the fire, then
removed by means of a perforated iron ladle to other vessels; the dirt
which remains on the strainer is thrown away, and when the antimony has
become cold, the vessels are broken open and removed, and it [the anti-
mony] is sent to us in loaves as we see it. The antimony from Poitou is the
handsomest and best, because most carefully purified ” (41). Before
the discovery of stibnite in France, small specimens of it had been imported
from Hungary.
By heating a mixture of crude, pulverized stibnite, saltpeter, and “red
tartar* 1 to redness in a crucible, L&nery obtained the metal, which fused
completely, and condensed on cooling to form a massive, shining solid with
the characteristic stellar structure of antimony on its surface (41). This
highly specialized investigation led Fontenelle to foresee the great chemical
monographs of today. “One might learn from this example,” said he,
“that the study of a single mixture is almost limitless and that each in
particular might have its own chemist” (41).
Du Monstier, the editor of Nicolas Le Fevre’s “Cours de Chymie,” was
more critical of L6tnery’s work. “A treatise that he published on anti-
mony,” said Du Monstier, “found itself exposed to the criticism of persons
better informed than he on this mifteral. I have been not a little surprised
to see with what boldness he gives to sick persons antimony preparations
which he devises and risks for the first time. One feels nevertheless on
reading it that he has never seen those of Basil Valentine and of Suchten,
both Germans whose works are held in high esteem by connoisseurs” (42).
Paul-Antoine Cap’s biographical sketch of L&nery, written with the
literary elegance of a French classic, opens with an imaginary word picture
of L&nery entertaining in his laboratory his cosmopolitan friend Wilhelm
Homberg. “At the end of the room, opposite the door,” said Cap, “one
noticed an immense furnace of solid and massive construction, surmounted
by a basket full of instruments and various kinds of apparatus. Retorts
and flasks there contended for space with matrasses, siphons, and aludels
[earthen subliming pots]. Around this monumental furnace were placed
other portable furnaces and polychrests, with their alembics, refrigerants,
serpentines, rosaries, athanors, sand baths, and reverberatory furnaces,
with their domes, their moor’s head stills, and their copper or tin copings.
In the center of this great room one saw a large table covered with utensils,
ums, scorifiers, two-stage and three-stage glass alembics, and subliming
apparatus with long cones arranged in pyramids. A copper lamp sus-
pended from the ceiling swayed in the air, chemical symbols, arithmetical
tables, slates streaked with chalk covered the walls of the room, and at each
corner, hour-glasses of various sizes served for measuring time and regulat-
ing the duration of experiments.
“This laboratory,” said Cap, “one could judge at a glance, was not that
From LaWali's “ Four Thousand Years of Pharmacy *'
Frontispiece prom Johann Schroeder’s Pharmacopcria, 1646
Discovery of the Elements
of a sixteenth-century alchemist. One did not recognize here, by the pecu-
liarity of their forms, the bizarre ideas conceived by these men on the
nature of elements and mixtures. One saw none of those emblems, alle-
gories, and symbolic figures with the aid of which they thought to hide
from the knowledge of the common man their pretended secrets, already so
obscure even for the true adepts. Nothing there suggested mystery,
charlatanism, or occultism; on the contrary, everything bore the stamp of
laborious study, of useful science; everything bespoke the modest scholar
who devoted his life, in good faith and unreservedly, to the search for
truth” (44).
After the publication of his monograph on antimony, L&nery began to
suffer from paralytic strokes and apoplexy, which on June 19, 1715,
brought his life to a close. According to Fontenelle, “most of Europe
learned chemistry from him, and most of the great chemists, French or
foreign, have rendered homage to him by their learning. He was a man of
unceasing industry, knowing only the bedside of his patients, his study, his
laboratory, and the Academy, and showing that he who wastes no time has
plenty of it” (41).
The Germanisches Museum in Nuremberg has a collection of boxes,
caskets, chests, and little cupboards decorated in bright colors painted
over a background of metallic bismuth (28), (45). In his “History of Bis-
muth from 1400 to 1800,“ the late E. O. von Lippmann stated that one of
these was made in about 1480 (46). By 1572 this art had developed into a
craft there, and in 1613 its artisans were incorporated into a guild (47).
F. Wibel described a wooden casket in the Museum of Useful Arts at Ham-
burg, made in 1557. Over a chalk background attached with wax or glue,
it has a metallic surface about one millimeter thick, overlaid with gold or
amber lacquer. Investigation of this surface proved it to be bismuth. In
the latter part of the eighteenth century, bismuth painting was superseded
by a cheaper process in which perfected lacquers were applied directly to
the wood (47).
In the middle of the fifteenth century the demand for bismuth increased.
The early Gutenberg printing presses first used type cut from brass, and
later, type cast from metals, such as lead, copper, or tin. In about 1450 a
secret method of casting type from a bismuth alloy came into use (46).
According to E. O. von Lippmann, the earliest mining publication to men-
tion bismuth is that of Riilein von Kalbe, Burgomaster of Freiberg, who in
1505 referred to “Wysmudertz” as something already well known.
In his “Heaven of the Philosophers,” Paracelsus (1493-1541) made a
vague allusion to bismuth : 4 ‘Two kinds of Antimony are found : one the
common black, by which Sol [gold] is purified when liquefied therein.
~ Courteay Tannty L. Davit
Johann Kunckbl von L6wenstbrn, 1630-1702
German chemist, pharmacist, and glass technologist who gave an early
account of phosphorus. Counselor of Metals under King Charles XI of
(The portrait reproduced herewith is the frontispiece of Kunckel’s
“Ars Vitraria Experimentalis,” published during his lifetime in 1679.)
Discovery of the Elements
This has the closest affinity with Saturn [lead]. The other kind is the
white, which is also called Magnesia and Bismuth. It has great affinity
with Jupiter [tin], and when mixed with the other Antimony it augments
Luna [silver ]” (48).
Georgius Agricola, a contemporary of Paracelsus, described the proper-
ties of bismuth in much greater detail and told how it was extracted from
ores mined near Schneeberg in the Saxon-Bohemian Erzgebirge. In his
book “Bermannus,” Bermannus says to Naevius, “this which just now I
said we called bisemutum cannot correctly be called plumbum candidum
(tin) nor nigrum (lead), but is different from both and is a third one” (49).
In believing it to be a specific metal, different from all others, Agricola
was far in advance of his age, for the idea that bismuth was a kind of lead
persisted even into the eighteenth century (7). The miners believed
that there were three kinds of lead (ordinary lead, tin and bismuth) and
that bismuth had progressed farthest in its transmutation into silver.
When they struck a vein of bismuth they said naively and sadly, “Alas,
we have come too soon” (7). Since they usually found silver below the
bismuth, they called the latter “tectum argenti” or “roof of silver” (24).
In his “De re metallica” Agricola gave several methods of obtaining the
metal by simple liquation of the native bismuth or by reduction with char-
coal. Pulverized charcoal was placed in a small, dry pit, and a fire of
beech wood was kindled over it. When the ore was thrown into the fire,
the molten bismuth dripped out of it into the pit. The solidified cakes
were later purified in a crucible (24).
After discussing the prevalent belief that the growth of precious stones
and metals was governed by the stars, Padre Alvaro Alonso Barba stated in
1640 in his Arte de los Metales : “But this subordination and application is
uncertain, as is also the conceit that Mettals are but seven in number,
whereas it is very probable that in the bowels of the Earth there be more
sorts than we yet know. A few years ago in the mountains of Sudnos in
Bohemia was found a Mettal between Tin and Lead, and yet distinct from
them both: there are but few that know of it, and Tis very possible more
Mettals also may have escaped the notice of the generality. And if one
should admit the subordination and resemblance between Mettals and the
Planets, modem experience, by excellent Teliscopes has discover'd that
they are more than seven. Gallileo de Galiles [sic!] has written a Treatise
of the Satelites of Jupiter, where one may find curious observations of the
number and motion of those new Planets” (50 ) .
Georgio Baglivi and Father Jos6 de Acosta believed that metals grew like
plants under the influence of the planets. “Mettalls,” said de Acosta, “are
(as plants) hidden and buried in the bowels of the earth, which have some
confotmitie in themselves, in the forme and maner of their production;
for that wee see and discover even in them branches and, as it were, a bodie.
from whence they grow and proceede, which are the greater veines and the
lesse. . .they are engendered in the bowels of the earth, by the vertue and
force of the Sunne and other planets, and in long continuance of time they
increase and multiply after the manner of plants. . .the rough and barren
earth is as a substance and nutriment for mettalls and that which is fertile
and better seasoned a nourishment for plants’ 1 (52).
In the fifth edition of his “Cours de Chymie,” Nicolas L6mery confused
bismuth with tin. “Bismuth,” said he, “is a Sulphureous Marcassite that
is found in the Tinn Mines; many do think it is an imperfect Tinn which
partakes of good store of Arsenick; its pores are disposed in another man-
ner than those of Tinn, which is evident enough because the Menstruum
which dissolves Bismuth cannot intirely dissolve Tinn. There is another
sort of Marcassite, called Zinch, that much resembles Bismuth Mar-
cassite is nothing else but the excrement of a Metal, or an Earth impreg-
nated with Metallick parts. The Pewterers do mix Bismuth and Zinch in
their Tinn to make it found the better” (52).
In the eleventh edition of this work, Lemery said that older writers be-
lieved bismuth to be “a natural marcasite or an imperfect tin found in tin
mines; but the moderns,” said he, “believe with much likelihood that it is a
regulus of tin prepared artificially by the English; my thought on this sub-
ject is that there is natural bismuth, but that it is rare, and that that which
is commonly brought us from England is artificial. However that may be,
it is certain that excellent bismuth is made with tin, tartar, and saltpetre;
some also mix arsenic with it” (53).
Even as late as 1713 the Memoirs of the French Academy contained
the statement that bismuth is composed of a mineral, crude sulfur, mercury,
arsenic, and earth; and the pharmacopoeias of that time contained recipes
for making it (7). Lemery, for example, described the following method
which he said was used in the English tin mines: “The workmen,” said he,
“mix this tin with equal parts of tartar and saltpetre. This mixture they
throw by degrees into crucibles made red hot in a large fire. When this is
melted, they pour it into greased iron mortars and let it cool. Afterward
they separate the regulus at the bottom from the scoriae and wash it well.
This is the tin-glass which may be called the regulus of tin” (13). He
thought that bismuth was “probably a regulus of tin prepared artificially
in England in imitation of a rare natural bismuth*” (30).
Caspar Neumann (1683-1737) clearly recognized bismuth as a specific
metal (31). “Bismuth,” said he, “is extracted from its own proper ore,
which is found most plentifully in Saxony, near Schneeberg, and of which
some quantities are met with also in Bohemia and in England. Many
have affirmed that it is an artificial composition, and accordingly delivered
processes for making it; of which processes I tried those which seemed to
approach the nearest to probability. . By heating “four ounces of
Discovery of the Elements
English Tin, two ounces of white Arsenic, one ounce of white Tartar, and
half an ounce of Nitre, cemented and melted together” he obtained “a
Regulus, weighing three ounces and three drams, so much resembling
Bismuth as to be easily mistaken for it by one who had not thoroughly
examined the appearance of that semi-metal. There are, however, some
differences in the structure of the two. . . In their intrinsic properties
they are extremely different: Thus the counterfeit, dissolved in Aqua
fortis, forms a bluish coagulum, whilst the solution of the natural Bismuth
continues uniform and limpid; the counterfeit, calcined and mixed with
sulphur, exhibits nothing of that singular needled structure which the
natural assumes in the same circumstances. Since therefore it has been
reported that the Bismuth met with in the shops is an artificial production,
and since experiment shows that it is capable of being imitated in its ex-
ternal form though not in its qualities, we ought to be upon our guard
against such an imposition.”
The French chemist Jean Hellot noticed that the tin smelters in Cornwall
added natural bismuth, instead of the ingredients recommended in the
pharmacopoeias, to make the tin hard and brilliant, and in 1737 he ob-
tained by fire assay of a cobalt-bismuth ore a button of the latter metal (7).
In 1753 Claude-Frangois Geoffroy, a son of Claude-Joseph (Geoffroy the
Younger), made a thorough investigation of bismuth (7), (20). Since this
metal had not yet been introduced into medicine and was used only by
pewterers for rendering tin whiter and more sonorous, it had been neglected
by most chemists. J. H. Pott, however, had investigated it and published
his “Exercitationes chymicae de Wismutho,” and C.-F. Geoffroy first re-
peated the experiments of this famous German chemist. Although Pott
had stated that bismuth loses 3 /s8 of its weight when calcined in an open
fire, -Geoffroy found that the weight increased instead, and that, after the
calx had once been formed, no amount of heat caused any further increase.
Knowing that lead behaved similarly, Geoffroy sought for other points of
resemblance between the two metals. Although it had long been assumed
that lead was the only metal suitable for the cupellation of silver and gold,
an artist had informed Charles-Franoois de Cisternay du Fay in 1727 that,
if the gold contained certain impurities such as emery it was necessary to
cupel it with a large quantity of bismuth. Pott and Geoffroy both found
that bismuth can also be used in the cupellation of silver. Although Pott
had stated that bismuth is not combustible, Geoffroy saw it bum with its
characteristic blue flame (54), He found ten points of similarity between
bismuth and lead but nevertheless distinguished clearly between them and
closed with the words “In a second Memoir I shall ascertain whether or not
this analogy holds on treating these two substances with acids and different
salts” (54). Because of his premature death in 1753, C.-F. Geoffroy was
unable to complete this second memoir.
In his “Elements of the Art of Assaying Metals/ 1 Johann Andreas
Cramer pointed out the close association of bismuth with arsenic and
cobalt. “Every ore of Bismuth,” said he, “as is shewn by the chemical
analysis, is reduced to the State of Ore by Arsenick : For this goes out of it
by Sublimation. You find in the same Ore that Kind of Earth that gives
an azure Colour to Glasses, of which we have already spoken in the Article
of Cobalt. Whence it is evident that the Ore of Bismuth may without
Impropriety be called Cobalt of Bismuth: The more, because you will
find in any ore of Bismuth the same Principles as in Cobalt, only in a
The Alchemist, by D. Teniers ( 1610 - 1690 )
different Proportion” (55). This close association of bismuth and cobalt in
nature made it difficult for early chemists to distinguish between them (55).
In Cromwell Mortimer’s notes to the second English edition of Cramer’s
work there is a description of an ore sent from Cornwall which was “so very
rich of Bismuth that, by only holding a Piece with a Pair of Tongs against a
clear Fire, the melting Bismuth will run down as soon and as easy as cheese
will drop in toasting” (55).
When the Swedish mineralogist J. J. Ferber visited Derbyshire in the
latter part of the eighteenth century, he found that “Mineralogy in England
is still in its cradle, and it is not long since the Cornish miners threw away
the bizmuth with the refuse, as a substance perfectly useless; and they
34 Discovery of the Elements
would have remained in the same error had it not been for Dr. Schlosser of
Amsterdam” (57).
In the seventeenth century there lived in Hamburg a merchant by the
name of Hennig Brand (or Brandt), who was apparently the first man ever
to discover an element. Of course, gold and lead and the other metals
and non-metals used in ancient civilizations must have been discovered
by somebody, but these great contributors to human knowledge are as
unknown today as is that greatest of all inventors — the man who made the
first wheel.
Brand was a soldier in his youth, and it is said that later he became
“an uncouth physician who knew not a word of Latin” ( 8 ). In spite of this
deficiency he married a wealthy wife, who honored him for his scientific
attainments. While endeavoring to improve his financial standing, he
was lured by the spell of alchemy to search for the King of Metals. No one
knows what led this zealous alchemist to hope that in human urine he
might find a liquid capable of converting silver into gold, but it is well
known that his queer experiments made in 1669 produced results that were
both startling and strangely beautiful. Small wonder that he was delighted
with the white, waxy substance that glowed so charmingly in his dark
laboratory. The method of obtaining this light-giving element, which is
now called phosphorus, Brand kept secret, but the news of the amazing
discovery soon spread throughout Germany ( 9 ).
There lived at that time a famous chemist, Johann Kunckel (1630-1702).
a son of an alchemist in the court of the Duke of Holstein ( 10 ). The
younger Kunckel studied pharmacy, glass-making, and assaying; worked in
the Dresden laboratory of John George II, Elector of Saxony; taught
chemistry in the famous medical school at Wittenberg; and later man-
aged the glass-works in Berlin belonging to Frederick William, the Elector
of Brandenburg. His last years were spent in the service of King Charles
XI of Sweden, who conferred on him the titles, Baron von Lowenstern and
Counselor of Metals ( 10 ).
One day Kunckel proudly exhibited to a friend in Hamburg — much as a
modem chemist might show a specimen of hafnium or rhenium — a phos-
phorescent substance. To his great surprise, the friend had not only seen
this substance before, but offered to take Kunckel to the home of the
medical alchemist, Dr. Brand, to see a still more remarkable substance that
shines spontaneously in the dark. Brand* they found, had given away
his entire supply, but he took Kunckel to the home of a friend to see the
wondrous element.
* See also “The Supplementary Note on the Discovery of Phosphorus, 0 Part III, pp„
Kunckel’s Phosphorus
Kunckel, in the heat of excitement, wrote immediately to his friend,
Dr. Johann Daniel Krafft of Dresden. The latter, however, proved to be a
false friend, for, without replying to Kunckel’s letter, he went immediately
to Hamburg and bought the secret from Brand for two hundred thalers.
Just as the transaction was being made, Kunckel arrived on the scene.
Ail his attempts to learn the secret process failed, but he did find out that
the new luminous substance, which had come to be known as phosphorus,
had been obtained from urine (S).
Kunckel then began experimenting with this fluid, and was finally suc-
cessful. Like Brand, he refused to reveal the method, giving as his reason
the fear that dangerous accidents with phosphorus might become frequent.
According to Homberg, Kunckel' s process was essentially as follows: Fresh
urine was evaporated nearly to dryness, after which the black residue was
allowed to putrefy in a cellar for several months. This material was
heated, gently at first and then strongly, with twice its weight of sand, in
a retort leading to a receiver containing water. After the volatile and oily
constituents had distilled over, the
phosphorus began to settle out in the
receiver as a white, waxy solid. This
was the part of the process which
Kunckel thought too dangerous to
reveal to the public. To prevent fires
and explosions, it was necessary to
remove the flame as soon as the phos-
phorus began to appear, and to keep
the receiver closed until it became
cold (S).
Kunckel not only prepared phos-
phorus, but also cast it in molds to
obtain the stick phosphorus now fa-
miliar to all chemistry students. He
also introduced its use as a medicinal,
and his famous book on the subject
bears the curious title: ‘Treatise of
the Phosphorus Mirabilis, and Its
Wonderful Shining Pills” (10), It is
pleasant to know that his phosphorus
researches were not without reward,
for Duke Johann Friedrich of Han-
over paid him an annual pension for the rest of his life (9). According to
Thomas Thomson (11), William Homberg purchased Kunckel’s secret of
making phosphorus by giving in exchange the ingenious barometer in-
vented by Otto von Guericke, in which a little man comes to the door of
Robert Boyle, 1627-1691
English chemist and physicist
famous for his researches on gases, his
air pump, 'His early experiments on the
mechanical origin of heat, and his
independent discovery of phosphorus.
One of the founders of quantitative
36 Discovery of the Elements
his house in dry weather and discreetly retires within as soon as the air
becomes moist (35).
It would be unfair to conclude this brief account of the discovery of
phosphorus without mentioning that Robert Boyle, the illustrious English
pioneer in pneumatic chemistry, also discovered it independently. He
prepared it by a method somewhat resembling that of Kunckel, but, as
Boyle himself said, without any previous knowledge of that process. Boyle
was a man of such high integrity that one cannot doubt the truth of his
statement. Krafft claimed, however, to have communicated his process
directly to Boyle (32). Boyle’s assistant, Godfrey Hanckwitz, made phos-
phorus on quite a large scale, and exported it to Europe (12). One of his
advertisements reads as follows: “Ambrose Godfrey Hanckwitz, chemist
in London, Southampton Street, Covent Garden, continues faithfully to
prepare all sorts of remedies, chemical and galenical .... For the in-
formation of the curious, he is the only one in London who makes inflam-
mable phosphorus, black phosphorus, and that made with acid, oil, and
other varieties. All unadulterated. . . Solid phosphorus, wholesale 50s.
an ounce, and retail, £3 sterling, the ounce” (14).
In 1737 a stranger in Paris offered to sell the secret process of making
phosphorus to the Academy of Sciences. After accepting the offer, the
French government appointed Jean Hellot chairman of a committee to
study the process, and his detailed report, published in the Memoirs of the
Academy for 1737 and later in P.-H. Macquer’s textbook of chemistry,
made the process access ible to all chemists (12), (34). The Dictionnaire de
Chymie published in Yverdon, Switzerland, in 1767 states that “as this
process, up to the present, has been more curious than useful, and as,
moreover, it is both costly and embarrassing, I have no knowledge what-
ever that any chemist repeated it then in France except M. Rouelle, who,
shortly thereafter, opened his course in chemistry, in which he tried to
make phosphorus in presence of his audience. I was present at his first
attempt; M. Hellot, who took great interest in this experiment, came also,
and followed the process throughout its entire duration. We spent the
night there; this first operation failed, to tell the truth, because of a defect
in the retort; but in the following years M. Rouelle succeeded a number of
times in making phosphorus in his course” (29), (31). However, phos-
phorus is no longer prepared by the unpleasant method described above.
In 1769 the Swedish scientists Scheele and Gahn (33) found that it is an
important constituent of bones, and in the following year Scheele succeeded
in isolating it from them (8), (25), (26), (27). It really is strange that
phosphorus was discovered so early in the history of chemistry, for the re-
actions involvedin Brand's method are rather complex, and even today this
dement is not isolated with ease.
Courtesy Tenney L. Davis
Guillaume-Francois Rouellb
Parisian apothecary. Former inspector-general of the pharmacy at
the City Hospital. Demonstrator in chemistry at the Royal Botanical
Garden. Member of the Royal Academies of Science of Paris and Stock-
holm and of the Electoral Academy of Erfurt. Bom in the village of
Mathieu two leagues from Caen September 16, 1703, died at Passy Aug. 3,
1770, (Translated from the French caption on the frame.)
38 Discovery of the Elements
Literature Cited
(I) Bacon, Francis, “The Advancement of Learning," edited by Wm. A. Wright,
3rd edition, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1885, p. 36.
(. 2 ) Pliny the Elder, “Natural History," translated by Bostock and Riley, Geo.
Bell and Sons, London, 1856, Book XXXIII, Chap. 22; Book XXXIV, Chap
55; R. Jagnaux, “Histoire de la Chimie," Vol. 1, Baudry et Cie., Paris, 1891, pp.
(3) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie," ref. (2), Vol. 1, pp. 656-8.
(4) Pliny the Elder, “Natural History,” ref. (2), Book XXXIII, Chap. 34; P.
C. RAy, “History of Hindu Chemistry," 1st edition, Vol. 2, Bengal Chemical and
Pharmaceutical Works, Calcutta, 1909, p. 54.
(5) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie," ref. ( 2 ), Vol. 2, p. 325; Chung Yu Wang,
“Antimony, Its History, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, Metallurgy, Uses,
Preparations, Analysis, Production, and Valuation," Chas. Griffin and Co., Lon-
don, 1909, pp. 1-5.
(6) Stillman, J. M., “The Story of Early Chemistry," D. Appleton and Co., New
York, 1924, pp. 372-6; T. L. Davis, “Questions for the student of elementary
chemistry," J. Chem. Educ., 7, 1141-6 (May, 1930).
(7) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie," ref. (2), Vol. 2, pp. 331-2; H. Kopp,
“Geschichte der Chemie," part 4, F. Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig, 1847,
pp. 110-2.
{8) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie," ref. ( 2 ), Vol. 1, pp. 634-7; A. C. Wootton,
“Chronicles of Pharmacy," Vol. 1, Macmillan and Co., London, 1910, pp. 360-7;
Kunckel von Lowenstern, “Vollstandiges Laboratorium Chymicum," vierte
Auflage, Riidigersche Buchhandlung, Berlin, 1767, pp. 595-609.
(9) Poggendorff, J. C. t “Biographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte
der exakten Wissenschaften," 6 vols., Verlag Chemie, Leipzig and Berlin, 1863-
1937. Article on Brand.
(10) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry," Vol. 1, Colburn and Bentley,
London, 1830, pp. 233-5; T. L. Davis, “Kunckel and the early history of phos-
phorus," J. Chem. Educ., 4, 1105-13 (Sept., 1927).
(11) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry," ref. (10), Vol. 1, p. 240; L. von
Crell, “Neues chem. Archiv.," Vol. 1, J. G. Muller, Leipzig, 1784, pp. 77-8.
(12) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry," ref. (10), Vol. 1, pp. 285-6.
(13) Wootton, A. C., “Chronicles of Pharmacy," ref. (8) t Vol. 1, p. 387; H. Kopp,
“Geschichte der Chemie,” ref. (7), part 4, p. 111.
(14) LaWall, C. H., “Four Thousand Years of Pharmacy,” J. B. Lippincott Co.,
Philadelphia, 1927, p. 336.
(15) Davis, T. L., “Boerhaave’s account of Paracelsus and van Helmont," J. Chem.
Educ., 5, 671-81 (June, 1928).
(16) Kopp, H. # “Geschichte der Chemie," ref. (7), part 4, p. 92.
(17) Berthelot, P.-E.-M., “La Chimie au Moyen Age,” Vol. 1, Imprimerie Nationale,
Paris, 1893, p. 263.
(18) Waite, A. E., “The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus," Vol. 1,
Elliott and Co., London, 1894, p. 58.
(19) Von Lippmann, E. O., “Entstehung und Ausbreitung der Alchemic," Springer.
Berlin, 1919, pp. 629-30.
(20) Dorveaux, Paul, “Apothicaires membres de l’Academie Royale des Sciences,"
Revue d* histoire de la pharmacie, 19, 118-26 (1931); ibid., 20, 113-26 (1932);
M. E. Weeks, J. Chem. Educ., 11, 428 (July, 1934).
(21) Brandt, Georg, “Observations sur Tarsenic," Recueil des Mtaoires ♦ . , de
Literature Cited
chymie . . . dans les actes de l’acadlmie d’Upsal et dans les m&noires de l*acad6mie
royale des sciences de Stockolm, “publies depuis 1720 jusqu'en 1760/' P. Fr.
Didot le Jeune, Paris, 1764, Vol. 1, pp. 1-8; Actes de Vacad. d 9 Upsal, 3 (1733).
(22) Browall, Jean, “Exp6riences et remarques sur l’arsenic," Recueil des M6moires.,
ref. (21); Vol. 1, pp. 133-48; MSm. de l' Acad. Roy. de SuUe, 6 (1744).
(23) O'Hanlon, Sister Mary Ellen, “Albertus Magnus, the chemist," The Torch,
16, 21-3 (July-Aug., 1932).
(24) Hoover, H. C. and L. H. Hoover, “Georgius Agricola. De re metallica trans-
lated from the first Latin edition of 3 556," Mining Mag., London, 1912, pp.
(23) Speter, Max, “History of phosphoric acid. II. Berzelius’ views on Gahn’s
share in the discovery of the composition of bone earth," Superphosphate, 6 , 125-6
(July, 1933).
(23) Dobbin, L., "Collected papers of C. W. Scheele," G. Bell and Sons Ltd., London,
1931, pp. 311-3.
(27) Nordenskiold, A. E., Scheeles nachgelassene Briefe und Aufzeichnungen,"
Norstedt & Seiner, Stockholm, 1892, pp. 37-9.
(28) Wibel, F., “Beitrage zur Geschichte, Etymologic, und 'Pechnik des Wismuts
und der Wismutmalerei." Z. angew. Chemie, 6, 502-3 (Aug. 15, 1893).
(29) “ Dictionnaire de Chymie," Yverdon, 1767, Vol. 2, pp. 621-43. Article on “Phos-
phore d'Angleterre ou de Kunckel.
(30) Mellor, J. W., “Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chem-
istry," Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1929, Vol. 9, pp. 587-8.
(31) Lewis, William, “The Chemical Works of Caspar Neumann, M.D.," Johnston,
Keith, Linde, etc., London, 1759, pp. 113, 579-84.
(32) Kopp, H., “Geschichte der Chemie," ref. (7), part 3, p. 329; G. E. Stahl, “Ex-
perimenta, observationes, animadversiones CCC numero, chymicae et physicae,"
Ambrosius Iiaude, Berolini, 1731, pp. 392-4.
(33) Speter, Max, “Who discovered the composition of bone-earth: Scheele or
Gahn?" Superphosphate, ref. (25), 4, 141-5 (June, 1931).
(34) Macquer, P.-J., “Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry," A. Millar
and J. Nourse, London, 1764, 2nd edition, Vol. 1, pp. 261-7.
(35) “Eloge de M. Guillaume Homberg,” Hist, de l’Acad. des Sciences (Paris), 1715,
pp. 82 fl.
(36) “Fr. Basilii Valentini chymische Schriften," Gottfried Liebezeit, Hamburg, 1694,
part 2, p. 156.
(37) Muccioli, M., “L’arsenic presso i cinesi," Archivio di Storia della Scienza (Ar-
cheion), 8, 65-76 (Jan. -Apr., 1927).
(38) Mikami, Yoshio, “A chronology of the sixteenth century. China and Japan,"
ibid., 23, 222 (Nov. 12, 1941).
(39) Hoover, H. C. and L. H. Hoover, ref. (24), pp. 1-3. Quotations from Agri-
cola’s “De natura fossilium," p. 180 and “Bermanmus," p. 439.
(40) Buggr, G., “Das Buch der grossen Chemiker," Verlag Chemie, Berlin, 1929,
Vol. 1, pp. 125-41. Chapter on Basilius Valentinus by Felix Fritz.
(41) “Eloge de M. Nicolas L6mery,” Hist, de TAcad. des Sciences de Paris, 1715, pp
73-81; N. L6mbry, “Trattato dell’antimonio. . Gabriel Hertz, Venice, 1732,
preface and pp. 1-3, 275-6.
(42) LeFevrb, Nicolas, “Cours de Chymie," J.-N. Leloup, Paris, 1751, 5th edition,
Vol. h PP- vi-vii.-
( 43 ) De Milt, Clara, “Christopher Glaser," J. Chbm. Educ., 19, 58-9 (Feb., 1942).
40 Discovery of the Elements
(44) Cap, P.-A., “Nicolas Ltaery, Chimiste,” Imprimerie et Fonderie de Fain, Paris,
1839, pp. 2-3.
(45) Von Lippmann, E. O., “Abhandlungen und Vortrage zur Geschichte der Natur-
wissenschaften,” Veit and Co., Leipzig, 1913, Vol. 1, pp. 247-8.
(46) Von Lippmann, E. O., “Die Geschichte des Wismuts zwischen 1400 und 1800,”
Julius Springer, Berlin, 1930, 42 pp.
(47) Von Lippmann, E. O., “Nachtrage zur Geschichte des Wismuts,” Chem. Ztg.,
57, 4 (Jan. 4, 1933).
(48) Waite, A. E., ref. (18), Vol. 1, p. 8.
(49) Hoover, H. C. and L. H. Hoover, ref. (24) pp. 1-3.
(50) Barba, Father A. A., “The Art of the Metals,” S. Mearne, London, 1674, pp.
29-30, 90-1.
(51) De Acosta, Father Jos6, “The Natural and Moral History of the Indies,” The
Hakluyt Society, London, 1880, Vol. 1, pp. 183-4. English translation by Ed-
ward Grimston, 1604.
(52) L£mery, N., “A Course of Chymistry,” Walter Kettilby, London, 1686, 2nd
English edition from the 5th French, pp. 101-2.
(53) L£mery, N., “Cours de Chymie,” Theodore Haak, Leyden, 1716, 11th edition,
pp. 136-7.
(54) Gkoffroy, C.-F. (Geoffroy, fils), “Analyse chimique du bismuth, de laquelle il
r£sulte une analogic entre le plomb et ce semimetal,” Mem. de VAcad. Roy. des
Sciences de Paris , 1753, pp. 296-312; Hist, de VAcad. Roy., 1753, pp. 190-94.
(55) Cramer, J. A., “Elements of the Art of Assaying Metals,” L. Davis and C.
Reymers, London, 1764, 2nd edition, pp. 161-2.
(56) Baum£, A., “Chymie Experimentale et Raisonnee,” P.-F. Didot le jeune, Paris,
1773, Vol. 2, pp. 371-2.
(57) Pinkerton, John, “A general collection of the best and most interesting voyages
and travels,” Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, London, 1808, Vol. 2, p. 484.
J. J. Ferber’s “Essay on the oryctography of Derbyshire.”
(58) Basilius Valentinus, ref. (36), part 2, p. 314.
Although most accounts of the discovery of phosphorus are based mainly on
the writings of Kunckel von Lowenstern and record the events essentially as they
have just been described, other early records present a somewhat different story .
In 1902 Hermann Peters , a famous German historian of chemistry and phar-
macy , made a thorough study of the autograph letters of Brand, Krafft , Kunckel ,
Homberg , G. W. Leibniz , and others which are preserved in the Royal Library
at Hanover , and found that , although the various accounts differ in many re-
spects, they all agree on one point: namely, that phosphorus was originally
discovered by Dr. Hennig Brand of Hamburg. Although most historical records
present Dr. Brand as an almost mythical character and do not even mention his
Christian name , he emerges from these rare old letters as a real human being.
In his correspondence with the Abb£ Nollet, Raimondo di Sangro (1710-
1771) mentioned the “perpetual lamps” of Saint Augustine (354-430),
which were sometimes found in sepulchers of the early Christians. Rai-
mondo di Sangro believed that these lamps contained phosphorus, and
Gino Testi considered this obscure point in chemical history worthy of
further investigation (26), (27).
In his “ History of the match industry” in the Journal of Chemical
Education, M. F. Crass, Jr., quoted Paracelsus’ recipe for “the separation
of the elements from watery substances” (28), (29). Paracelsus’ “icicles
which are the element of fire,” which he apparently obtained by distil-
lation of urine, may possibly have been elemental phosphorus. If that be
the case, it is difficult to understand why they aroused so little interest.
Most authorities agree that the original discoverer of elemental phos-
phorus was the seventeenth-century alchemist and physician Hennig (or
Henning) Brand of Hamburg. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)
was personally acquainted with Brand, corresponded with him regularly
for at least four years, and wrote a history of the discovery of phosphorus.
According to this great philosopher and mathematician, Brand was living
in 1677 at the Michaelisplatz in Hamburg, in the newer part of the city.
His wife, Frau Margaretha Brand, was proud of his attainments, and the
dates of her letters show that she lived to enjoy the honors which resulted
from his epoch-making discovery. A stepson often assisted the doctor in
his experiments, and there were other children as well. Although Dr.
Brand was something of a spendthrift and borrower, the family must have
lived comfortably on their income of 1000 Reichsthalers a year. Visionary
* Readers who prefer a shorter, yet connected, account of the discovery of the elements
may omit chapters III, VI, VIII, X, XII, XIII, and XVI.
Courtesy Fisher Scientific Co.
The artist who painted this scene, Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-97), called it
“The Alchymist in search of the philosopher's stone discovers phosphorus and prays
for the successful conclusion of his operation, as was the custom of the ancient chymi-
cal astrologers.” It was first exhibited in 1771, and was engraved by William Pether
in 1775.
Brand’s Phosphorus
and impractical though he was, his skill in chemistry won the respect of his
contemporaries at a time when iatrochemistry held the forefront in medical
thought. Ambrose Godfrey Hanckwitz once referred to him as “old honest
Brandt of Hamburg” (15).
When his alchemical experiments revealed the beautiful light-giving
element, Brand called it cold fire (“kaltes Feuer ”), or, affectionately, “ mein
Feuer .” The luminous substance which Kunckel subsequently exhibited
in Hamburg was “Balduin’s phos-
phorus,” a phosphorescent calcium
nitrate which had been prepared by
distilling a solution of chalk in nitric
acid (2), (3), (20). Brand’s “cold fire”
interested Kunckel greatly, and when
he wrote about it to his friend, Johann
Daniel Krafft (or Kraft) of Dresden,
the latter also came to Hamburg.
They visited Brand and suggested that
they might be able to sell his secret to
some royal personage for a high price.
According to Leibniz, both Kunckel
and Krafft learned the secret directly
from Dr. Brand at that time (I), (4).
The learned Dr. Krafft soon made
the new substance known far beyond
the walls of Hamburg as he traveled to
the Netherlands, to England, and even
to northern America ( ll dem mitternacht -
lichen Amerika ”) (4). In an attempt
to sell the secret process, he exhibited
the cold fire in the court of the Great
Elector, Friedrich Wilhelm of Branden-
burg. On April 24, 1676, at nine in
the evening, all the candles were ex-
tinguished while Dr. Krafft performed before a large assembly a number
of experiments with the “perpetual fire.” However, he did not reveal the
method by which it had been prepared. *
In the following spring Dr. Krafft went to the court at Hanover, where
G. W. Leibniz was serving as librarian and historian under Duke Johann
Friedrich, and exhibited two little phials that shone like glowworms.
When Leibniz suggested that a large piece of phosphorus might give enough
light to illumine an entire room, Dr. Krafft told him that this would be
impractical because -the process of preparation was too difficult (I). On
September 15, 1677, Krafft performed some startling experiments with it
Ambrose Godfrey
According to I nee (Ref. 15) this
represents Ambrose Godfrey Hanck-
witz, but according to Pilcher (Ref. 22)
it is Hanckwitz's son, Ambrose God-
frey (1685-1756). Since the portrait
was made from life in 1738 it must
represent the son.
44 Discovery of the Elements
before Robert Boyle and several other members of the Royal Society. At
the request of Robert Hooke, Boyle wrote a detailed report of them. After
the candles had been removed to another room and “the windows closed
with wooden -shuts,” Krafft’s precious little specimen of phosphorus, of the
size of two peas, was seen to shine brightly. When Krafft scattered tiny
bits of it on the carpet, Boyle was delighted “to see how vividly they
shined . . . And these twinkling sparks, without doing any harm (that we
took notice of) to the Turky Carpet
they lay on, continued to shine for a
good while . . . Mr. Kraft [sic] also
calling for a sheet of Paper and taking
some of his stuff upon the tip of his
finger, writ in large characters . . .
DOMINI, . . . which . . . shone so
briskly and lookt so oddly, that the
sight was extreamly pleasing, having
ill it a mixture of strangeness, beauty,
and frightfulness ...” (23). One
hundred and fifty-seven letters from
Krafft are still preserved in the library
at Hanover.
In July, 1678, Leibniz went to Ham-
burg and drew up a contract between
Duke Johann Friedrich and Dr. Hen-
nig Brand according to which the
latter was to correspond regularly
with Leibniz and keep him informed
about new developments regarding
the “ cold fire.” The Duke’s part of
the contract consisted in the promise
to pay ten thalers a month, with the
stipulation that sixty thalers, or six
months’ allowance, would be paid in
advance for revealing the secret proc-
esses (“bei Communicirung der Com -
position und ander bereit habender Curiositaten”) (1).
Shortly after this Dr. J. J. Becher went to Hamburg and attempted to
engage Brand for the Duke of Mecklenburg-Giistrow. In this, however,
he was intercepted by Leibniz, who took Dr. Brand back with him to Han-
over and advised Duke Johann Friedrich that it would be best to keep him
at the court or send him to the Harz Mountains until the secret processes
had been tested. Leibniz thought that Dr. Brand would be able to prepare
a large quantity of phosphorus in the mountains and that he might perhaps
Courtesy Mathematics Dept.,
The University of Kansas
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
German mathematician, philoso-
pher, historian, and scientist. Inde-
pendent discoverer of the differential
calculus. He was personally ac-
quainted with Brand and Krafft, and
wrote a detailed account of the dis-
covery of phosphorus, including bio-
graphical sketches of Brand, Krafft,
Kunckel, and Becher.
Krafft’s Experiments
find the philosophers’ stone. Brand did not go to the Harz, however, but
remained in Hanover for five weeks, preparing a fresh supply of phosphorus
outside the city and showing Leibniz the secret process according to the
agreement. The latter also prepared a quantity of phosphorus and sent
some of it to the physicist Christian Huygens in Paris, who was studying
the nature of light (2), (5). Thus Leibniz was the fourth person to pre-
pare the new element (Brand, Krafft, Kunckel, Leibniz) (2).
Brand, however, was highly dissatisfied with the pay he had received,
and wrote angry letters to Leibniz claiming that it was insufficient for his
traveling expenses and the care of his family at home. Frau Margaretha
Brand also wrote angrily to Leibniz, and her husband berated Krafft for
inducing him to place confidence in Leibniz instead of in Dr. Becher. He
also accused Krafft of having received one thousand thalers for the phos-
phorus in England.
On December 24, 1678, Dr. Krafft sent this letter to Leibniz, saying,
“Since you mention having received an angry letter from him [Brand],
I am sending you mine herewith. You may compare them and see which is
the prettier” (2). Nevertheless, Leibniz advised the Duke to deal more
liberally with Dr. Brand, partly out of sympathy, and partly to prevent
him from selling his secrets to others.
This tactfulness calmed Brand’s wrath, and in 1679 he planned another
trip to Hanover to prepare phosphorus on a large scale and reveal his other
chemical secrets. A weekly salary of ten thalers in addition to board and
traveling expenses was agreed upon, and a later letter shows that, on this
second trip, Brand worked for Duke Johann Friedrich two months. The
last letter from Brand in the Hanover library is dated August 23, 1682, but,
according to Leibniz, he was still living ten years later (2), (4). Hermann
Peters thought that possibly other letters from Brand may still exist in
Hamburg or elsewhere.
Leibniz communicated Brand’s method of making phosphorite to Count
Ehrenfried Walter von Tschimhaus (1651-1708) in Paris, and sent him a
specimen by request. When Tschirnhaus published the Brand- Leibniz
recipe in the history of the Royal Academy, Colbert recommended him for
membership in the French Academy of Sciences, and on July 22, 1682, he
was elected. According to Dr. Peters, this recipe was also published in the
fifth edition of Nicolas L&nery’s “ Coursde Chymie*' in 1683 (2).
When Krafft went to England, he exhibited phosphorus in the court of
Charles II and showed it to the Honorable Robert Boyle (2), (4), (6), {23).
The great English scientist then prepared it by a slightly different method
and studied its properties more thoroughly than did any other chemist of
the seventeenth century (2).
When Wilhelm Homberg defended Kunckel’s claim to the re-discovery
of phosphorus after the original secret process had been lost to the world.
Discovery of the Elements
Leibniz strove to defend the rights of Dr. Brand and stated emphatically
that the real discoverer of phosphorus was still living long after Krafft and
Kunckel had made the element known, and that he used to complain
bitterly about his false treatment (2). Although Krafft published his
recipe in 1679, Brand was still living in 1692, and even by 1710 Leibniz
had heard no report of his death. A. Godfrey Hanckwitz once paid the
following tribute to the great Hamburg chemist:
... as all things have their period so has also the vitalis lucula (scin-
tilla, spark) by approaching age. By (in the case of) this urosophus
Brandt, it daily lessened and wore off, till at last in the midst of his
best experiments it e'en quite extinguished. His fine stare fire, which
through art he produced, remained for his memory longer with us than
himself .... and shined longer than his flammula vitae , that in time of
his best occupation did turn and return to its fiery sphere. His ac-
quaintances and confidents would feign (if wishes would have done
it) have retarded his decrease to set it farther off . . . (25).
Robert Hooke and his contemporaries, recalling the animal origin of
phosphorus, had several “disputes, whether there were any such thing as
flammula vitae: and it was conceived by some that the experiments of
phosphorous [sic] plainly proved such & flammula as being extracted either
immediately out of the blood or mediately out of the urine" (30).
According to Leibniz, Brand was not secretive, but, on the contrary,
gave over the process too readily to Krafft and Kunckel in return for some
little gifts and the promise of larger payments (2), ( 4 ). When Kunckel
tried out the process at home, his first attempts were unsuccessful. His
complaining letters to Brand brought him no further information, however,
for the Hamburg chemist had soon regretted his poor bargain. In the
meantime Kunckel experimented by a trial-and-error method, and, since
he had seen the process and was familiar with Brand's distillation ap-
paratus, he finally succeeded in correcting his own mistake. He then had
the audacity to claim the discovery for himself (2), (4).
In a letter to Brand written from Wittenberg on June 25, 1676, Kunckel
asked him directly for the details of preparation, suggesting that the
recipe might be worded so obscurely as to be meaningless to others, and
assuring him that there would be no danger of any one else opening the
letter. He complained because Brand had given some phosphorus to Krafft
and the chaplain of the Pest House, and begged him to give no more of
it to any one else. Kunckel modified the Brand process a little by adding
sand to the urine before distilling. In June, 1676, he told his friend,
G. C, Kirchmaier, professor of chemistry at Wittenberg, about the new
process, and the latter published a paper on it. Whether Kunckel ever
prepared the new element on a large scale or not is not known, but at the
Brand’s Process for Phosphorus 47
end of his history of phosphorus he wrote, “However, I am not making
it any more, for much harm can come of it” (2), ( 3 ).
Dr. Hermann Peters concluded from a study of these old letters that
Kunckel did not re-discover phosphorus, but merely made a little of it by
Brand’s method, and that, even without Kunckel, phosphorus would have
remained known to the world through the efforts of Krafft, Leibniz, and
Boyle (7).
In 1726 W. Derham published a book entitled “ Philosophical experi-
ments and observations of the late eminent Dr, Robert Hooke , F.R.S . and
Geom . Prof. Gresh and other eminent Virtuoso's in his time," in which he
included a detailed description of Brand’s process of making phosphorus
(20). Under the title “Phosphoros Elementaris, by Dr. Brandt of Ham-
burgh,” Derham wrote:
“Take a Quantity of Urine (not less for one Experiment than 50 or 60
Pails full) ; let it lie steeping in one or more Tubs, . . .till it putrify and breed
Worms, as it will do in 14 or 15 Days. Then, in a large Kettle, set some of
it to boil on a strong Fire, and, as it consumes and evaporates, pour in
more, and so on, till, at last, the whole Quantity be reduced to a Paste. . .
and this may be done in two or three Days, if the Fire be well tended, but
else it may be doing a Fortnight or more. Then take the said Paste, or
Coal; powder it, and add thereto some fair Water, about 15 Fingers
high. . . ; and boil them together for 1 /a of an Hour. Then strain the Liquor
and all through a Woollen Cloth. . .the Liquor that passes must be taken and
boil’d till it come to a Salt, which it will be in a few Hours. Then take off
the Caput Mortuum (which you have at any Apothecary’s, being the Re-
mainder of Aqua Fortis from Vitriol and Salt of Niter) and add a Pound
thereof to half a Pound of the said Salt, both of them being first finely
pulverized. And then for 24 Hours steep’d in the most rectify’d Spirit of
Wine, two or three Fingers high, so as it will become a Kind of Pap.
Then evaporate all in warm Sand, and there will remain a red, or reddish,
Salt. Take this Salt, put it into a Retort, and, for the first Hour, begin
with a small Fire; more the next, a greater the 3d, and more the 4th; and
then continue it, as high as you can, for 24 Hours. Sometimes, by the
Force of the Fire, 24 Hours proves enough; for when you see the Recipient
white, and shining with the Fire, and that there are no more Flashes, or, as
it were, Blasts of Wind, coming from Time to Tiihe from the Retort, then
the Work is finished. And you may, with Feather, gather the Fire to-
gether, or scrape it off with a Knife, where it sticks.”
Derham said of this phosphorus, “I saw some of it, press’d with a Quill
that was cut, and it fired Gun-powder about it. Mr. Concle [Kunckel?]
writ also with it on Paper, and the Letters all shined in the Dark. . .My
Author says he had ‘once wrapp’d up a Knob in Wax, at Hanover, and it
being in his Pocket, and he busy near the Fire, the very Heat set it in
Ambrose Godfrey Hanckwitz
In this portrait by George Vertue (1718), the bust of
Hanckwitz is shown surrounded by his apparatus. At the
left are shown the furnace and receiver used in the manu-
facture of phosphorus. The molten product was removed
with a ladle to the molds in which it was cast into sticks,
the entire operation being carried out under water. Flam-
ing phosphorus and the phoenix, emblem of fire and immor-
tality, figure prominently in the foreground.
Ambrose Godfrey Hanckwitz
Flame, and burn’d all his Cloaths, and his Fingers also; for though he
rubbed them in the Dirt, nothing would quench it, unless he had had
Water; he was ill for 15 Days, and the Skin came off. .
The following incident related by Nicolas L&nery illustrates the care-
lessness of early chemists in handling this dangerously flammable element.
‘'After some Experiments,' ’ said he, “made one day at my house upon the
Phosphorus, a little piece of it being left negligently upon the Table in my
Chamber, the maid making the bed took it up in the bed-clothes she had
put upon the Table, not seeing the little piece: the person who lay after-
wards in the bed, waking at night . . . , perceived that the coverlid was on
fire” (31),
In his article entitled “The Aerial Noctiluca,” Robert Boyle mentioned
that “the experienced chymist Mr. Daniel Krafft had, in a visit that he
purposely made me, shewn me and some of my friends, both his liquid and
consistent phosphorus. . In return for some information about “un-
common mercuries, ... he [Krafft] , in requital, contest to me at parting,
that at least the principal matter of his phosphorus’s was somewhat that
belonged to the body of man. . (6), (19). On September 30, 1680,
Boyle’s efforts to prepare the luminous element were crowned with success,
and two weeks later he deposited his recipe with the secretaries of the Royal
Society, who, however, did not open it until after he had died in 1691 (7).
Boyle's assistant, A. G. Hanckwitz or Hanckewitz (1660-1741), was there-
fore able to develop the process on a commercial scale, improve it, and
export phosphorus to the continent (8), (9), (17). Hanckwitz had
been brought over from Germany at an early age by his honored master.
He later built furnaces and stills in Maiden Lane, and traveled through the
Netherlands, France, Italy, and Germany. He founded a famous phar-
maceutical firm in London, and so great was his fame that a letter once
came to him safely from Berlin addressed simply, “For Mr. Godfrey,
famous Chymist in London” (15). He was known in England simply by
the name Ambrose Godfrey, the German surname being reserved for formal
The letters which constitute his correspondence with Sir Hans Sloane
from 1721 to 1733 are still preserved in the British Museum (18), and in
1858 Joseph Ince wrote an interesting biographical sketch of Hanckwitz
based on correspondence, diaries, and notes (15). According to Caspar
Neumann, “Mr. Godfrey himself. . .was once in danger of his life from
[phosphorus], his hand being burnt so terribly that for a time he was out of
his senses, and for three days lay in exquisite pain, as if his hand had been
constantly in a fire” (21). In spite of all his dangerous experiments, this
great disciple of Robert Boyle lived to be an octogenarian. He died on
January 15, 1741, and was survived by three sons, Boyle, Ambrose, and
John Godfrey, all of whom shared their father's interest in science.
Discovery of the Elements
Hanckwitz kept his recipe for phosphorus a profound secret, and, even
in the article which he published in 1733, forty or fifty years after leaving
Boyle's laboratory, gave only an obscure description of the process (8),
(10). The sons evidently adopted the same policy, for one of them wrote:
As to the phosphorus made of urine called Kunckel’s, we have it de-
scribed by the Honourable Mr. Boyle, Mons. Homberg, and others.
But I shall beg to be excused for not discovering the process how I
prepare it, or from giving any
farther light into its production
than what was done by my
father, before the Royal Society,
in the year 1733 (16).
Yet only two years after this ob-
scure and vague description of the
process was published, the aged
Hanckwitz allowed Dr. J. H. Hampe,
the court physician, to coax him into
revealing the secret (8). Not many
years ago the late Dr. Max Speter
found this long-lost recipe in an unex-
pected place. In the published cor-
respondence of the Counselor of
Mines, Johann Friedrich Henckel (or
Henkel) of Freiberg (1679-1744),
there appears a letter from Dr. Hampe
written in London on August 29,
1735 (8), (11). In reply to Henckel's
Max Speter, 1883-1942 inquiries regarding Hanckwitz and
Transylvanian inventor and histor- the secret proc ess, Dr. Hampe wrote
lan of chemistry. Author of many , _ , , . .
articles on Boerhaave, Geoff roy the that Boyle s famous assistant was
Elder, Marggraf, Black, and Lavoisier. st}11 lj v i ng but so forgetful because
Contnbutor to Das Buck der grosscn _ _ . f. . ...
Chemiker." In 1929 he found the of advanced age that little could be
Boyle-Hanckwitz recipe for phos- learned from him. Nevertheless,
phorus, after it had been kept secret „ ... -
for more than two centuries (25). through diligent questioning of the
old man, he had succeeded in getting
the essential details of the phosphorus recipe which Henckel had re-
quested. Dr. Hampe asked Henckel to write him about any difficulties that
might arise in his attempts to make phosphorus, in order that the aged
Hanckwitz might be further questioned if necessary.
From this letter it appears that "the true key" to the process, which
consisted in distilling a mixture of solid and liquid excrement, “was, above
all else, that everything be done under water; especially while pouring
it into the molds and while cutting it, enough water must always be at
Hanckwitz's Process for Phosphorus
hand” ( 8 ), (II). To avoid the necessity of redistillation, or rectification,
Hanckwitz pressed the phosphorus through leather, being careful to keep it
under water. In a second letter written on September 9 of the same
Front Ferchl's Apothcker-KaUndcr for 1932
Johann Heinrich Linck*
Leipzig apothecary who communicated Kunckel's method
of preparing phosphorus to J. F. Henckel* The “Golden
Lion” pharmacy was in possession of the Linck family for
three generations, and their museum of natural history
and art was known throughout all Germany.
year, Dr. Hampe gave Henckel further information about the process.
On November 15 he asked Henckel not to divulge the secret to any one
else and suggested that they keep each other informed about the experi-
ments with phosphorus ( 8 ).
* Courtesy Mr. Arthur Nemayer, Buchdruckerei und Verlag, Mittenwald, Bavaria.
Discovery of the Elements
Henckel had learned the details of Kunckel’s method of preparing it as
early as 1731 from Johann Linck, an apothecary in Leipzig. In his letter
of May 29, 1731, Linck stated that a better method was being used in
England by Hanckwitz, but that he did not know the details (8), (21).
Hanckwitz, however, like his contemporaries, had entirely incorrect
views as to the chemical nature of phosphorus. “Its principal Contex-
ture/' said he, “is found to consist of a subtile Acid concentrated by the
Salt of Urine, and of a fat depurated Oil. . .The Phlogistic Part is so slightly
connected with the other Principles, that the least Motion, Friction, or
Warmth, sets it on fire. . .Phosphorus may be called an urinous Soap, as it
consists of the saline and oleaginous Parts of the Urine. . .In regard to the
Parts whereof Phosphorus consists, it may be considered as the Soot of a
deflagrated Oil; and so may every combustible Substance be looked upon
as a Kind of Phosphorus, as consisting of inflammable Materials. . .Phos-
phorus is more immediately compounded of a Salt tending to the Nature
of Sal Ammoniac, of an urinous Salt, of an Acid, and an oily Phlogiston,
with a subtile Earth. . ." He also stated that glowworms “seem to have
Phosphorus lodged in their Bodies." Hanckwitz claimed that Kunckel,
Krafft, and Brand had been able to obtain only “unctuous and opaque"
phosphorus, whereas his was “hard*, transparent, and glacial" (10).
Another of the early experimenters with phosphorus was the Abb£ Nol-
let, who watched Jean Hellot and others demonstrate its properties before
the French Academy of Sciences in 1737 (32 ) . The procedure was described
in detail in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for that year and later
in P.-J. Macquer’s “Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry.”
Even in the eighteenth century, chemists had a completely erroneous idea
of its nature. “Almost all the Chymists," said Macquer, “consider Phos-
phorus as a substance consisting of the Add of Sea-Salt combined with the
Phlogiston, in the same manner as Sulphur consists of the Vitriolic Acid
combined with the Phlogiston" (33 ) . This conception was based, according
to Macquer, on the presence of salt and phlogiston (carbonaceous matter?)
in the urine from which phosphorus is prepared and on the fact that phos-
phoric acid, like hydrochloric, throws down a precipitate with silver nitrate
In 1743 A. S. Marggraf, a student of Henckel, found a much better way
of preparing this element from urine (12), (13), (14), (24) and, since the
phosphorus business was no longer as profitable as it had been, he promptly
published the process. According to Marggraf, the new method had been
suggested by Henckers statement that, when the “calx of lead" was di-
gested with sal ammoniac, potassium carbonate, and old urine, and then
distilled, a good grade of phosphorus could be obtained. According to
Mielcke, the microcosmic salt, NaNI^HPO^HjO, in the urine was con-
verted by heating into sodium metaphosphate, NaPOi. In the meantime
Phosphorus from Plants
the potassium carbonate and carbon reduced the lead chloride and lead
oxychloride to lead, after which the carbon and lead reduced the sodium
metaphosphate to sodium pyrophosphate and phosphorus (12). Dr.
vSpeter also studied the correspondence between Marggraf and Henckel
regarding this interesting method of preparing phosphorus.
Marggraf tried in vain to prepare phosphorus without urine. When he
used mixtures of various chlorides with “vegetable coals, and even animal
matters such as oil of hartshorn, human blood, etc.,” all his attempts
failed. When he separated some microcosmic salt from urine, however,
mixed the salt with lampblack, and distilled the mixture, “he obtained from
it a considerable quantity of very fine phosphorus . . . , whence he con-
cluded that in this Saline matter resides the true Acid that is fit to enter
into the composition of phosphorus” (33).
In 1688 Bernhard Albinus (Weiss) mentioned the presence of phosphorus
in the ash of mustard and cress (34). In 1743 Marggraf prepared it from
wheat and mustard (35). “In order to demonstrate by experiment,” said
he, “that the vegetables we enjoy every day or occasionally also contain
that which is necessary for the production of the phosphorus, I found in
Albinus’ Dissertation on Phosphorus as well as on page 477 of the cele-
brated Hofmann’s [Friedrich Hoffmann’s] notes to Poterius that the seeds
of black and white mustard and of cress yield phosphorus. Since I myself,
however, still had no experience with it, yet found in Professor Pott’s
Collegio Mscpto on the first edition of Boerhaave’s Chemistry that wheat,
rye, and other similar grains yield phosphorus, I made the following experi-
ments ...” (35).
When Marggraf distilled the seeds of white and black mustard, garden
cress, pepper, and wheat, he obtained phosphorus from each of them except
the pepper. Although Albinus had added sand, Marggraf found this to be
unnecessary. For the sake of economy, Marggraf used pepper from which
the essential oil had previously been distilled (35). When he found that
microcosmic salt could be reduced to phosphorus, he became curious to
know the source of this salt in human mine. Since he found higher concen-
trations of microcosmic salt and phosphoric acid in the urine in the summer
(when people eat more garden products such as mustard and cress), he
thought it probable that these might be the source of the microcosmic salt
(36). Although the modem chemist has simple qualitative tests for phos-
phates, Marggraf and his contemporaries were obliged to carry out the
much more difficult process of liberating elemental phosphorus in order to
detect its presence.
Since plants and animals are able to concentrate phosphorus in their
tissues, and since these tissues contain their own reducing agents, E. B. R*
Prideaux does not consider it surprising that physicians and pharmacists
Discovery of the Elements
of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries first prepared this element from
substances of vegetable and animal origin (36).
Lavoisier said that “Phosphorus is met with in almost all animal sub-
stances and in some plants which, according to chemical analysis, have an
animal nature .... The discovery that M. Hassenfratz has made of this
substance in wood charcoal would make one suspect that it is commoner in
the vegetable realm than has been thought; this much is certain: that,
when properly treated, entire families of plants yield it” (37). Apothecary
J. K. F Meyer of Stettin wrote in 1784
that he had observed, several years
previously, a permanent green color in
the essences he prepared by digesting
green herbs in copper vessels. He con-
cluded that phosphates in the leaves
had reacted with the copper to form
copper phosphate (38).
William Lewis stated in 1759 that
the ash of bones and horn resembles
chalk and “the earth of the shells of
sea-fishes ... in being easily soluble in
the nitrous [nitric], marine, and vege-
table acids, and not in the vitriolic.’ '
The only difference he was able to ob-
serve between the calcareous earth
from shells and the bone ash was that
the latter is “not changeable by fire
into Lime: How strongly soever the
earth of Bones and Homs be calcined,
it continues insipid and gives no mani-
Swedish chemist, physician, mineralo- impregnation to water (39).
gist, and agriculturist. T. Bergman's When J. G. Wallerius analyzed eggs,
predecessor as professor of chemistry, , , , .
metallurgy, and pharmacy at Upsala. In bone > other animal substances
his analyses of bone and other animal in 1760, he detected lime, and had a
substances in 1760, he detected the cal- . « ,, , , , . , .
cium but not the phosphorus. vague idea that they also contain cer-
tain other earths. In a footnote to
this paper in the Neues chemisches Archiv , Crell stated, “Hr. W. did not
yet know the nature of the animal earth which the unforgettable Scheele
made known to us: that is, that it consists of lime and phosphoric add”
(40). In 1769 C. W. Scheele and J. G. Gahn discovered that phosphorus
is an important constituent of bone. Although some historians of chem-
istry have attributed this discovery to Gahn or Scheele alone, the late Dr.
Max Speter proved from Gahn’s own notes that both had a part in it (41).
In his Chemisches Journal Lorenz von Crell mentioned a rare publication
1 ,
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Courtesy Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Collect \
Johan Gottschalk Wallerius
Phosphorus from Bone
announcing this discovery. “In the medical commentaries of a society of
physicians at Edinburgh I found in the first issue of the third part (p. 97
ff. of the German translation, Altenb. 1776) a report by Hrn. D. Heinrich
Gahn of Stockholm of how one can obtain a phosphorus from the bones of
animals and especially from the hartshorn. I searched for a more detailed
account of this wonderful discovery of Herr Gahn’s. Except for the remark
in C. W. Scheele’s investigation of fluorspar that it has recently been dis-
covered that the earth in bones or horns is lime saturated with phosphoric
acid , all my searching was in vain. In the meantime, since this process of
working up bones to obtain the phosphorus seemed to me to belong to the
masterpieces of chemical decomposition, I repeated the experiment ac-
cording to the instructions in the aforementioned book, and, to my great
pleasure, found it to be true” (42). The “Heinrich Gahn” mentioned by
von Crell was probably J. G. Gahn’s brother, Henrik Gahn, assessor in the
medical School.
Even to J. G. Gahn and Scheele, phosphorus was a rarity. When Scheele
first read the English translation of his treatise “On air and fire,” he found
that Johann Reinhold Forster had translated the word Gran as ounces in-
stead of grains. “Nine ounces of phosphorus,” said Scheele, “I have never
yet seen” (43).
Gahn was a man of broad interests who “often laid aside the Philosophi-
cal Transactions or his blow-pipe to read aloud, near the sewing- table in
the next room, now a poem by Kellgren, Franz&i, Fru Lenngren, Leopold,
or Voltaire, now a comedy by Moli&re or Holberg; or to exhibit a little me-
chanical or optical masterpiece; or to study the instruments for some
household art and present a method of improving them” (44).
During the preparations for his daughter Margareta’s wedding, Gahn
and his family witnessed a most unusual manifestation of household chemis-
try. Since the recipe for salting ham with a brine containing sugar and
saltpeter had been lost, Fru Gahn trusted to her memory, and made the
mistake of adding altogether too much saltpeter and too little water. On
the wedding day, when the ham was being boiled in the brine, the terrified,
breathless housekeeper came running in to report that the ham had burst
into flame and was throwing out flashes of lightning, and that the house was
in danger of burning down. The ensuing scene was described by Gahn him-
self in a letter written to Berzelius on September *20, 1807: “It was really
a peculiar and pretty sight: first there rose, over the entire surface of the
water in the kettle, bright, flashing sparks, which silently appeared and dis-
appeared; then long and sometimes brilliant and violent streams of flashes
were thrown in all directions over the water” (45). “After the kettle had
been removed from the fire and left to cool,” said Gahn, “I could see that
the shining particles were originally small ofl-Kke drops, several of which I
quickly caught, and picked up, and found to be actually phosphorus /” (^5).
Discovery of the Elements
The kind assistance of the late Dr. Max Speter of Berlin, who graciously
contributed a number of important references on the early history of phos-
phorus, is grateiully acknowledged.
Literature Cited
(1) Peters, Hermann, “Geschichte des Phosphors nach Leibniz und dessen Brief -
wechsel,” Chem.^Ztg., 26, 1190-8 (Dec. 13, 1902).
(2) Kunckel, J., “Vollstiindiges Laboratorium Chymicum,” 4th edition, Rudigersche
Buchhandlung, Berlin, 1767, pp. 605-9.
(3) Davis, T. L., “Kunckel and the early history of phosphorus,” J. Chbm. Educ.,
4, 1105-13 (Sept., 1927).
(4) Leibniz, G. W., “Geschichte der Erfindung des Phosphors/' CreWs Neues chem .
Archiv. 1, 213-8 (1784).
(5) “Oeuvres Completes de Christian Huygens,” Vol. 8, Soc. Hollandaise des Sciences,
The Hague, 1899, pp. 217, 236, 238, 248-9, 251-2, 256-7, 267; ibid., Vol. 10,
1905, pp. 688-9, 696-7.
(6) “The Works of the Honourable Robert Boyle,” Vol. 4, A. Millar, London. 1744,
p. 21.
(7) Boyle, R., “A phosphorus,” Phil. Trans. Abridgment, 5th edition, 3, 353-4
(1749); Phil . Trans., 17, 583-4 (Jan., 1692).
(8) Speter, Max, “Zur Geschichte Ses Urin-Phosph^rs: Das entdeckte Phosphor
Rezept von Boyle-Hanckwitz,” Chem.-Ztg., 53, 1005-6 (Dec. 28, 1929).
(9) Smith, E. F., “Forgotten chemists,” J. Chem. Educ., 3, 39-40 (Jan., 1926).
(10) Hanckwitz, A. G., “Some experiments on the phosphorus urinae. . . . with several
observations tending to explain the nature of that wonderful chemical pro-
duction,” Phil. Trans., 38, 58-70 (1733-4); Phil Trans. Abridgment, ref. (7), 9,
373-9 (1747); CreWs Neues chem . Archiv , 3, 6-14 (1785).
(11) “Mineralogische, Chymische, und Alchemistische Briefe von reisenden und an-
deren Gelehrten an den ehemaligen Chursachsischen Bergrath J. F. Henkel/*
3 vols., Waltherische Buchhandlung, Dresden, 1794-95.
(12) Buggb, G., “Das Buch der grossen Chemiker,” Vol. 1, Verlag Chemie, Berlin,
1929, pp. 231-4. Article on Marggraf by Speter.
(13) Marggraf, A. S., “Verschiedene neue Arten, den Harn phosphorus leichter zu
verfertigen, und ihn geschwind aus Phlogiston und einem besondern Harnsalze
zusammenzusetzen/' CreWs Neues chem. Archiv, 3, 300-3 (1785).
(14) Speter, Max, “Zur Geschichte des Marggrafschen Urin- Phosphors,” Chem.-
techn. Rundschau, 44, 1049-51 (Aug. 13, 1929).
(15) Ince, J., “Ambrose Godfrey Hanckwitz,” Pharm. J., [1], 18, 126-30, 157-62,
215-22 (Aug., Sept., Oct., 1858).
(16) Ince, J., “On the discovery of phosphorus,” ibid., [1], 13, 280-2 (Dec., 1853).
(17) Gore, G., “On the origin and progress of the phosphorus and match manufac-
** tures/* Chem . News, 4, 16-8 (July 13, 1861).
(18) Stephen, L. and S. Lee, “Dictionary of National Biography/ 1 Macmillan and
Co., London, vol. 22, 1890, pp. 30-1. Article on Godfrey or Godfrey ^Hanckwitz .
(19) “Nitrogen and phosphorus: A classic of science/* Sci. News Letter , 22, 102-3
(Aug. 13, 1932), Reprint of Boyle's “Aerial Noctiluca,” ref, (6).
(20) Dbrham, W., “Philosophical experiments and observations of the late eminent
Dr. Robert Hooke, F.R.S.. '. .and other eminent Virtuoso's in his time,” W. and
J. Innys, London, 1726, pp, 178-81.
Literature Cited 57
(21) Lewis, William, “The Chemical Works of Caspar Neumann, M.D.,” Johnston,
Keith, Linde, etc., London, 1759, p. 582.
(22) Pilcher, R. B. f “Boyle's laboratory,” Ambix, 2, Plate VII (June, 1938).
(23) Gunther, R. T., “Early Science in Oxford,” printed for the author, Oxford, 1931,
vol. 8, pp. 271-82. Boyle's “Short memorial of some observations made upon an
artificial substance that shines without precedent illustration,” Sept., 1677.
(24) Macqubr, P.-J., “Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry,” A. Millar
and J. Nourse, London, 1764, 2nd ed., vol. 1, pp. 273-7.
(25) Weeks, M. E., “Max Speter, 1883-1942,” Isis, 34, 340-44 (Spring, 1943).
(26) Tbsti, Gino, “Un punto oscuro di storia della chimica da investigare. L'opera de
Raimondo di Sangro,” La Chimica nelV Industria, nelV Agricoltura , e nella Biolo-
gia , 6, 412-13 (Oct. 31, 1930); Archeion, 13, 67-8 (1931).
(27) von Klinckowstroem, Carl Graf, “Raimondo di Sangro,” ibid., 14, 490-1
(28) Crass, M. F., Jr., “A history of the match industry,” J. Chem. Educ., 18, 116
(Mar., 1941).
(29) Waite, A. E., “The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus the Great,”
James Elliott and Co., London, 1894, Vol. 2, p. 19.
(30) Gunther, R. T., “Early Science in Oxford,” ref. (23), Vol. 7, pp. 588-9.
(31) L6merv, N., “A Course of Chymistry,” Walter Kettilby, London, 1686, 2nd
English ed. frpm the 5th French, p. 529.
(32) Nollet, M. l'Abb 6, “Lemons de Physique Exp6rimentale,” Fr£res Guerin, Paris,
1748, vol. 4, pp. 228-36.
(33) Macquer, P.-J., “Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry,” A. Millar
and J. Nourse, 1764, 2nd ed., vol. 1, pp. 261-79.
(34) Albinus, B., Dissertatio de Phosphoro Liquido et Solido,” Frankfurt-on-the
Oder, 16S8.
(35) Marggraf, A. S., “Chymische Schriften,” Arnold Wever, Berlin, 1768, revised
ed., Vol. 1, pp. 75-7, 104-5.
(36) Friend, J. N,, “A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry,” Charles Griffin and Co.,
London, 1934, Vol. 6, part 2, pp. 4-5. “Phosphorus” by E. B. R. Prideaux.
(37) Lavoisier, A.-L., “Traits Etementaire de Chimie,” Cuchet, Paris, 1793, 2nd ed.,
vol. 1, pp. 224-5.
(38) Meyer, J. K. F., “Ueber die Phosphorsaure in dem griinen harzigten Bestand-
theile der PflanzCnblatter,” CrelVs Ann., 1, 521-2 (1784).
(39) Lewis, William, ref. (21), pp. 493-4.
(40) Wallerius, J. G., “Untersuchung der Erden, aus Wasser, Pflanzen, und Thieren
drittes Stuck; von der Erde aus Thieren,” CrelVs Neues chem. Archiv , 8, 285-6
(1791); K. Vet. Acx£d. Handl., 22, 188 (1760).
(41) Speter, Max, “Berzelius’ views on Gahn's share in the discovery of the composi-
tion of bone earth,” Superphosphate, 6, 125-6 (July, 1933). In German, French,
and English. * *
(42) von Crell, L. “Versuch aus menschlichen Knochen einen Phosphorus zu berei-
ten,” CrelVs Ckemisckes Journal, 1, 23-39 (1778).
(43) Nordenski6ld, A. E., “C. W. Scheele. Nachgelassene Briefe und Aufzeichnun-
gen,” P. A. Norstedt and Sons, Stockholm, 1892, p. 318. Letter of Scheele to T.
Bergman, Aug. 18, 1780.
(44) Jarta, Hans “Aminnelse-tal dfver Herr Joh. Gotti. Gahn,” P, A. Norstedt and
Sons, Stockholm, 1832, 51 pp.
(45) SOdbrjbaum, H. G., “Jac. Berzelius Brev,” Almqvist and Wikseils Publishing
Co„ Ups&la, 19 22, part 9, pp. 18-19. Letter of Gahn to Berzelius, Sept. 20, 1807.
Among the metals isolated in the eighteenth century may be mentioned zinc ,
cobalt , nickel , and manganese , /fee last three of which were discovered in Sweden .
The researches of Marggraf, Georg Brandt , Cronstedt , awd Cafew which led to
the recognition and isolation of these elements were scientific contributions of the
first rank , and the personalities of these great men are well worthy of study
and emulation. Other metals of this period will be discussed in later chapters.
“ Knowing how contented , free and joyful is life in the realms of
science , one fervently wishes that many would enter their portals. ”
Pliny the Elder and Dioscorides of Anazarbus mentioned that zinc com-
pounds were used for healing wounds and sore eyes {41), {42). In the latter
From Bugge’s " Dos Buck der grossen Chemiker
Andrbas Sigismund Marggraf
part of the thirteenth century A.D.,
Marco Polo described the manufac-
ture of zinc oxide in Persia: “Ku-
benan is a large town. The people
worship Mahommet. There is much
iron and steel .... They also pre-
pare both Tutia (a thing very good for
the eyes) and Spodium; and I will
tell you the process. They have a
vein of a certain earth which has the
required quality, and this they put
into a great flaming furnace, whilst
over the furnace there is an iron
grating. The smoke and moisture,
expelled from the earth of which I
speak, adhere to the iron grating, and
thus form Tutia, whilst the slag that
is left after burning is the Spodium”
German chemist who distinguished Centuries before zinc was disco v-
between potash and soda, realized that A . . . r ..
day contains the peculiar oxide now cred in the metallic form, its ores were
known as alumina, recognized mag- used for making brass. Ancient met-
nesia, isolated zinc from calamine, and „ . , . , . . , .. . « .
discovered sugar in the beet. allurgists probably lost this volatile
metal as vapor because their appa-
ratus was not designed for condensing it. The late E. O. von Lippmann,
a great authority on the history of science, searched the writings of Aris-
totle, Pliny, and Dioscorides in vain for any mention of it, but an idol coh-
Z, Angew. Chem.» 1912
Production of Zinc in China as pictured in the Chinese technical lexicon
Tien kong kai on.”
Discovery of the Elements
taining 87.5% of that metal was found in a prehistoric Dacian ruin at Dor-
dosch, Transylvania ( 2 ). P. C. R&y states that the Hindu king, Madana-
p&la, recognized zinc as a metal as early as 1374 ( 3 ), and it is probable that
the art of snelting the ores originated in India and was carried first to
China. A Chinese book entitled “Tien kong kai ou” printed in 1637 de-
scribes the ir etallurgy and uses of this metal ( 2 ), {44).
A hundred years before zinc was smelted in Europe, it was being sold
there by Portuguese traders who brought it from the Orient (4). G. Agri-
cola mentioned the formation of “zincum” in the furnaces in Silesia (31).
Small amounts of metallic zinc were obtained as a by-product of the lead
industry at Goslar, Prussia, and G. E. Lohneyss described the process as
follows: “The metal zinc or counterfeht is formed under the smelting fur-
naces and in the crevices of the wall where the bricks are not well plastered.
When the wall is scraped, the metal falls down into a trough placed to re-
ceive it. The metal is not much valued, and the workmen collect it only
when they are promised Trinkgeld” (2), (18), (28).
Caspar Neumann (1683-1737) gave the following first-hand description
of the Goslar zinc works: “The greatest quantities of Zinc come from the
East Indies, in large oblong pieces; and from Goslar, commonly in round
cakes or loaves. Of the origin of the East-India Zinc we have no certain
account: The Goslarian is extracted from the Lead- and Silver-ores of
Rammelsberg by a particular contrivance in the structure of the furnace.
The Zinc, naturally contained in the ore, separates during the fusion from
the other metallic matters, being elevated by the heat in form of fume,
which passes into a reservoir made for that purpose in the front wall, over
the gutter by which the Lead runs off. The reservoir for the Zinc is in-
closed, on the inside, by a large flat stone, only some chinks being left for
the fumes to enter; and on the outside, by another stone, which is closely
luted, and frequently sprinkled during the process with cold water, to cool
and condense the fumes. Each smelting lasts twenty hours, beginning at
ten in the forenoon and ending at six next morning. When the fusion of
the ore is completed, the workman dextrously strikes the outer stone of the
reservoir with an Iron rod, so as to loosen some of the luting at the bottom ;
upon which the Zinc, collected during the process, runs out like Quicksilver.
He continues to tap till nothing more will run ; then melts the Zinc again
in an iron pot, and casts it into hemispherical masses. I have several
times been at this work, and kept at it two days and a night together with-
out leaving the furnace.
“Though a part of the Zinc is thus obtained in its metallic form, a part is
also dissipated, and a very considerable one adheres to the sides of the
furnace in the form of a calx. . . The produce of Zinc is extremely variable. . .
At Goslar, when the due precautions happen to be neglected, there is not
so much Zinc detained as to be worth collecting. . . ” (33) .
Henckel’s Zinc
Johann Kunckel and Georg Ernst Stahl believed that the ore calamine
contained a metal that alloys with copper to form brass, and even as late
as 1735, the Swedish chemist Georg Brandt thought that calamine could
not be reduced to a metal except in presence of copper ( 2 ), {19). During
the years between 1768 and 1781, Richard Watson, Bishop of Llandaff,
published his famous chemical essays {45 ) . In the one on zinc, he quoted
the following passage
from page 295 of the
French translation of J.
F. Henckel’s (or Hen-
kel’s) “Pyritologia” :
“One makes, for example,
with the calamine, not
only iron (in small
amounts, to be sure), but
also a very large quantity
of zinc, which one ob-
tains not only on present-
ing to it the substance
with which it can incorpo-
rate itself (that is to say,
copper, which is its lode-
stone), but also this half-
metal shows itself simply
on addition of a fatty
substance which metal-
lizes; it is only necessary
to avoid letting this
phoenix be reduced to
ash, to keep it from burn-
ing, and to observe the
time and circumstances”
{46). Henckel prepared
metallic zinc by reduc-
tion of calamine, but
kept the process secret
Professor of chemistry, and later professor of divinity,
at Cambridge. Between 1768 and 1781 he published a
collection of chemical essays on water, air, coal, lead,
zinc, salt, saltpeter, and other common substances. # He
gave an excellent account of the early history of zinc.
{29), {47). As the shin-
ing metal came forth from the hard, lusterless ore, he was reminded of the
Egyptian symbol of immortality, the phoenix, a fabulous bird which rose to
new life from its ashes.
In the introduction to his German translation of P. M. de Responds
“Special Experiments on the Mineral Spirit,’ * Henckel mentioned in 1743
that “In our smelting furnaces at Freyberg we have obtained the essence
Discovery of the Elements
of zinc [zinckische Wesen] in power but not in form” (48). He believed that
their failure to obtain “corporal” [metallic] zinc must have been due to the
complex nature of their ore, to the construction of their furnaces, and to
the long-continued heating, which made it “impossible for the phoenix,
even when resurrected from its ash, to withstand the fire” (48).
“Nevertheless,” said Henckel, “zinc is a metal with regard to its consist-
ency, luster, specific gravity, tenacity, and mercurial fluidity in the fire,
but also not a metal with respect to its flammability and complete com-
bustibility, wherein it is entirely different from all other metals” (48).
The Flemish metallurgist P. M. de Respour published the first edition of
his “Special Experiments on the Mineral Spirit” in 1668, when he was
twenty-four years old. He prepared a minute amount of metallic zinc
by gently heating a mixture of zinc oxide and fat on a sandbath for six or
seven days. When he subsequently distilled this mixture, he found in the
retort only a little gray, fuming deposit in which he was unable to distin-
guish any metallic particles. When he rubbed it with mercury, however,
and distilled off the latter, he obtained a little metallic zinc (48).
Bishop Watson stated that, “though Henckel was the first, Dr. Isaac
Lawson was, probably, the second person in Europe who procured zinc from
calamine .... Our English writers . . . speak in high terms of Lawson ...”
(46). Since the Bishop prefaces his description of the metal with the words
“If the reader has never seen a piece of zinc,” it must have been a rarity
even in the second half of the eighteenth century (46).
When Lawson observed that the flowers of lapis calaminaris were the
same as those of zinc and that they had the same effect on copper, he
worked tirelessly until he found a method of separating the zinc from this
mineral. He never realized any profit, however, from this discovery (46).
While in Leyden, Dr. Lawson belonged to a scientific club presided over
by the great Swedish botanist Carl von Linne, and became so engrossed in
making mineralogical analyses that he gave up attending lectures. Another
of Lawson's Leyden contemporaries who held him in high esteem was Dr.
Hermann Boerhaave (49), (50).
Johann Andreas Cramer assisted Dr. Lawson for several years in his
chemical experiments in Leyden. In the preface to the second English
edition of Cramer's “Elements of the Art of Assaying Metals/' there is a
fine tribute to Dr. Lawson, who “had resided much longer at Leyden than
those foreigners usually do who go there to qualify themselves for the Prac-
tice of Physick. He then employed himself in the Cultivation of those arts
which he had there been taught; particularly of Chemistry; and was
highly esteemed for his Skill therein, and lived in great Intimacy with
Boerhaave . . . and with several other Men of great Learning* who resided
in that University ... as also with Linnaeus . . * Doctor Lawson after-
wards served as Physician to the British Army in Flanders; where, by
Zinc from Calamine and Sphalerite
his Death, in the year 1745, the World was deprived of the Advantage of
many useful Discoveries. To him we owe several of the Observations con-
tained in this Work . . . ” (51).
In a great research “On the method of extracting zinc from its true min-
eral, calamine,” A. S. Marggraf in 1746 reduced calamine from Poland,
England, Breslau, and Hungary with carbon in closed retorts, and obtained
metallic zinc from all of them ( 2 ), (19), (27). He found the ore from
Holywell to be especially rich in it. He stated that both J. H. Pott and
J. H. Henckel had known how to prepare this metal and keep it from
Marggraf also showed that the lead ores of Rammelsberg contained zinc
and that zinc can be prepared from blende, or sphalerite (53). “Who
would think/’ said he, “that this furnace calamine [in Saxony] is derived
from blende and that this blende contains the zinc earth, for I know of no
one who ever thought of it except the aforementioned Herr Professor Pott,
who mentioned on page 1 19 of his treatise on pseudo-galena that pulverized
blende, melted with carbon and copper, did not, to be sure, entirely convert
the copper to brass, yet made it rather yellow, and therefore correctly
concluded that it must contain an earth related to calamine. Still less has
anyone, so far as I know, ever yet made known the process of actually pre-
paring zinc from this mineral, which, however, I hope to make clear from
the following experiment” (53).
Marggraf was probably unaware that in 1742 Anton von Swab, a step-
brother of Emanuel Swedenborg, had distilled zinc from calamine at Ves-
tervik, Dalecarlia, and that, two years later, he had even prepared it from
blende (18). Since the vapors rose to the top of the alembic before passing
into the receiver, this process was called distillation per ascension. In the
fall of 1752 Swab and A. F. Cronstedt developed at government expense
the use of Swedish zinc ores in the manufacture of brass, to avoid the neces-
sity of importing calamine. They installed equipment near Skisshyttan
for the washing, slow oxidation, decomposition, and calcination of the ore
and for distillation of the zinc. Swab showed that blende can be reduced
even in the absence of copper (52). In 1755 Cronstedt ’s share in the work
was taken over by Sven Rinman (32), (46), (47). Rinman so improved the
metallurgical process that zinc could be smelted not merely in the form of
grains or powder, which required subsequent melting and consequent loss
of metal, but also in fluid form directly from the ore (81).
Even in the early nineteenth century, the value of sphalerite was not
appreciated. In Henry R. Schoolcraft’s report on the lead mines of Mis-
souri, which was published in the American Journal of Science for 1821, ap-
pears the statement: “Zinc is abundant, but as the ore is the sulphuret,
it is not very valuable. It is not mentioned that the calamine, which is
the useful ore of zinc, has been found” (54).
Discovery of the Elements
Some Swedish Metals
In the eighteenth century Sweden outstripped all other countries in the
discovery of new elements. It is blessed with a rich supply of rare ores
and, moreover, it had a long succession of brilliant chemists and miner-
alogists whose greatest delight was to investigate these curious minerals.
In the century following the accidental discovery of phosphorus, three
new metals, cobalt, nickel, and manganese, were discovered by Swedish
“Thus with Hermetic art the Adept combines
The Royal acid with cobaltic mines;
Marks with quick pen , in lines unseen portrayed ,
The blushing mead , green dell , and dusky glade;
Shades with pellucid clouds the tintless field ,
And all the future Group exists conceal'd;
Till waked by fire the dawning tablet glows ,
Green springs the herb f the purple floret blows ,
Hills , vales , and woods in bright succession rise ,
And all the living landscape charms the eyes ” (62).
Analyses of blue glass made by the ancients show that the earliest speci-
mens were colored sometimes with cobalt but much more often with cop-
per (64), (65), (66). In the tomb of Tut-ankh-Amen were many specimens
of dark blue glass, only one of which was found to contain cobalt (67).
Paracelsus, in his “Book of Minerals/’ which forms part of the 1658
Latin folio edition of his works, gave only a vague description of cobalt (7).
The unknown author of the writings attributed to “Basil Valentine” stated
in his treatise “On the great stone of the ancient philosophers” that
“Among the minerals are included all metals, ores, marcasite, cobalt (Ko-
bold), talc, zinc, shining pyrites, and stones” (63). Berthelot thought,
however, that metallic cobalt must have been prepared before the thirteenth
century, for the alchemists understood how to roast and reduce ores. They
did not, however, know how to refine the metals and distinguish between
them (7).
Near the end of the fifteenth century, a troublesome and supposedly
worthless mineral, “cobalt,” was found in large quantity in the mines on
the borders of Saxony and Bohemia (68). The miners disliked it because
of the labor of removing it and also because the arsenic in it injured their
health. The first glassmaker who really understood the specific ability of
these ores to impart a blue color to glass was Christoph Schiirer of Platten,
Bohemia, who, in about the middle of the sixteenth century, prepared a
blue color for pottery at the Eulen smelter in Neudeck (69). On a visit to
Schneeberg he collected some pieces of the ore. When he tested them in
Cobalt Glass
his glass-furnace, he found that they fused with the vitreous mass and
yielded a handsome blue glass. At his plant in Neudeck he prepared the
new color, first for the use of local potters and later for shipment to Nurem-
Courtesy Tenney L. Davis
Bernard Palissy
1510 ?-l 589
French glassmaker, surveyor, potter, agriculturist, and chemist who was familiar with
“zaffer,” or cobalt blue.
“ Who is it in the suburbs here ,
This Potter , working with such cheer , . • .
This madman , as the people say ,
Who breaks his tables and his chairs
To feed his furnace fires . • .
0 Palissy! within thy breast
Burned the hot fever of unrest” (82)':
berg and thence to the Netherlands, where the skilled glass-painters under-
stood better how to use it ( 68 ).
The poorer grades were used for making bluing and blue starch for laun-
dry ( 70 ). Roasted cobalt ore was soon exported in casks to eight color-
mills in the Netherlands. When the people of Schneeberg began to remark
Discovery of the Elements
that the part of the cobalt ore which dropped down while being roasted
contained more color than the roasted ore itself, Elector Johann Georg sub-
sidized the development of an extensive cobalt industry there (68). A
mixture of roasted cobalt ore and sand, which was added to conceal its
nature, was known as Zaffer , Safflor , or Safran. Most of the cobalt ores in
the Erzgebirge also contained bismuth, which was easily separated by
After mentioning calamine, Vannoccio Biringuccio stated in his “Piro-
technia” in 1540: “Another similar half-mineral is Zaffer. It is heavy like
metal. It does not melt by itself, but when mixed with vitreous substances
it becomes like water and colors them blue. Zaffer is therefore used for
coloring glasses blue or for painting glass vessels with a blue color. At the
artist’s desire, it also serves as a black pigment in these crafts, by taking
more of it than is permissible for blue” (71).
The great sixteenth -century French ceramist Bernard Palissy once
wrote: “I know no plant nor mineral nor any substance which can tinge
stones blue or azure except saphre, which is a mineral earth, extracted from
gold, silver, and copper, which has very little color, except gray inclining
a little toward the violet. Whenever the said saphre is incorporated with
vitreous substances, it makes a marvelously fine azure: hence one may
know that all stones having an azure color have taken their tint from the
said saphre” (72).
In his “Art of Glass,” an English translation of which was published in
1699, Haudicquer de Blancourt, who was especially fond of blue because
“it has resemblance to that of the Heavenly Arch and is taken for the Sym-
bol of Generosity,” gave specific directions for the preparation of metallic
pigments used to tinge glass and “set it off with an unspeakable Beauty”
(73). He told how Father Antonio Neri used to prepare “Zaffer” by heat-
ing the ore to redness in the furnace, sprinkling it with vinegar, grinding it,
and washing it by decantation with warm water (73) t (74). In his “Ars
Vitraria Experimentalis” Johann Kunckel explained that the acetic acid
used in this process was unnecessary and that the roasting of the ore served
to remove the arsenic, which was then collected, resublimed, and sold in
the apothecary shops (70).
Georg Brandt, the discoverer of cobalt, was bom in the spring of 1694
at Riddarhytta, Vestmanland, where his father, Jurgen Brandt, a former
apothecary, operated a copper smelter, an iron-works, and some mines.
At an early age Georg began to help his father with his chemical and metal-
lurgical experiments. He studied medicine and chemistry for three years
at Leyden under the famous Hermann Boerhaave and received his degree
of doctor of medicine at Reims in 1726. Although he never carried on a
general practice, he was one of the physicians called to the death-bed of
Fredrik I (5), (6), ($ 4 ).
Metallic Cobalt
On his way home from the Netherlands he studied mining and metal-
lurgy in the Harz, and in 1727 he was placed in charge of the chemical
laboratory at the Bureau of Mines in Stockholm, which was then in poor
financial condition. After the laboratory was sold, Brandt and his stu-
dents, Henrik Teofil Scheffer and Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, carried on their
epoch-making researches at the Royal Mint, and in 1730 Brandt became
assay-master of the Mint. Three years later he published a systematic
investigation of arsenic and its compounds in which he showed that ar-
senic is a “semi-metal” and that “white arsenic” [arsenious oxide] is its
calx (35).
Brandt's most important contribution to science was his discovery of
the element cobalt. Since the mineral which had been used since the six-
teenth century for making “Zaffer,” or smalt, resembled copper ores in its
ability to give blue solutions when dissolved in acids, yet (even in minute
amounts) imparted a much deeper blue color to glass than copper
compounds do, it was called “cobalt” from the German word Kobold ,
meaning subterranean gnome. These little, teasing earth sprites are fre-
quently mentioned in Goethe’s “Faust”:
Salamander soil gliihen
Undone sich winden ,
Sylphe verschwinden ,
Kobold sich miihen.
Salamander shall kindle,
Writhe nymph of the wave,
In air sylph shall dwindle,
And Kobold shall slave.
Wer sie nicht kennte
Die Elemente }
Ihre Kraft ,
Und Eigenschafty
Ware kein Meister
Uber die Geister. ( 8 )
Who doth ignore
The primal Four,
Nor knows aright
Their use and might,
O'er spirits will he
Ne’er master be. (5)
The Kobolds, according to an ancient German superstition, delighted in
destroying the work of the miners, causing them endless trouble; and in
mining towns the people used to pray in the churches for deliverance
from the power of these malicious spirits (7).
In 1730 or before, Georg Brandt prepared a dark blue pigment from an
ore found at the Skil& copper works (Riddarhytta) in Westmanland (39).
Specimens of this “fargcobalt” are still preserved in the Cederbaum collec-
tion at Oskarshamn. Since the first accurate description of metallic cobalt
is to be found in Brandt’s dissertation on the half -metals in the Acta Liter-
aria et Scientiarum Sveciae for 1735, it has frequently been stated that co-
balt was discovered in that year. Nils Zenz6n has shown, however, that
this issue of the Acta was not published until 1739 and that the portion of
Brandt’s “Diarium Chymicum” which records his researches from the lat-
ter part of 1737 to the end of 1738 is merely a Swedish edition of the Dis-
sertatio de semi-metaltis.
Discovery of the Elements
According to Zenzdn, Brandt stated in his diary for 1741 (which was not
edited until 1744) : “As there are six kinds of metals, so I have also shown
with reliable experiments, in my dissertation on the half-metals which I
presented to the Royal Academy of Sciences in Upsala in 1735, that there
are also six kinds of half-metals. The same, dissertation shows that I,
through my experiments, had the good fortune ... to be the first discoverer
of a new half -metal, namely cobalt regulus, which had formerly been con-
fused with bismuth ...” (39). Zenz£n believes, however, that this date
must be attributed to Brandt's lack of memory. After separating this
metal by fire assay, he named it cobalt for the mineral from which he had
extracted it. In his “Dissertation on the semi-metals” Brandt stated that
six metals andsix “half -metals” (mercury, bismuth, zinc, and the reguluses
of antimony, cobalt, and arsenic) were then known. By a “half -metal” he
meant a substance which resembles the metals in color, weight, and form
but which is not malleable. Since most bismuth ores contain cobalt, he
gave six ways of distinguishing between these two “semi-metals.”
“1. When bismuth is broken with a hammer, it gives a fracture com-
posed of little super-imposed laminae. The regulus of cobalt is more like a
true metal. Moreover there is a very great difference in the color of these
two metals. . .
2. In fusing they do not mingle at all with each other; it is easy to
separate them with a stroke of the hammer; for they are attached about as
an almond is to its stone; and in this union they seem to be separated by a
segment of a circle so that they both appear to form but a single regulus,
at one end of which is found the bismuth, or marcasite, and at the other
the regulus of cobalt.
3. The regulus of cobalt, pulverized and calcined, gives, when one fuses
it with flint and fixed alkali, a blue glass, known under the names zaffera ,
sasre, or smalt. Marcasite does not give any smalt. The blue glass
which bismuth ore sometimes gives is produced by the cobalt which is al-
most always found in the ores of this semi-metal.
4. Bismuth melts easily; when kept fused, it becomes calcined like
lead and converted into a yellow powder, which, when melted, gives a
glass of the same color as that of lead. . .
5. Bismuth amalgamates with mercury; which the regulus of cobalt
does not do at all.
6. Bismuth dissolves in nitric add and in aqua regia ; both solutions are
predpitated by pure water in the form of a white powder. When the
regulus of cobalt is dissolved in these menstrua, it cannot be predpitated
from them except by the alkalies; fixed alkali predpitates it in the form of a
powder which, after being washed, remains dark and black; whereas when
one predpitates it with volatile alkali, espedally if it has been dissolved by.
Death of Brandt and Swab 69
aqua regia, it acquires a very red color, which changes to blue, if one ex-
poses it to the fire up to the point of redness” (27).
Brandt later made a more complete investigation of cobalt. He also
demonstrated that common salt and soda contain the same (mineral) al-
kali, whereas saltpeter contains the vegetable alkali. This confirmed the
earlier work of Duhamel du Monceau. Brandt encouraged the use of
Swedish zinc in the manufacture of brass. When he died at Stockholm on
April 29, 1768, his death was mourned by the entire scientific world. He
was one of the ablest chemists of his time (6).
A. F. Cronstedt once spoke eloquently of “what a Brandt in our time can
accomplish in cramped quarters, with broad knowledge and with zeal
which even age cannot check. This honored man, whose presence here
prevents me from saying what I wish, received chemistry and its instru-
ments (already rusting after Hjarne’s death) with newer views in natural
science, with thorough mathematical knowledge, and with systematic order
such as his master Boerhaave of Leyden had employed. Thereafter, fol-
lowed only experiments which all scholars could apply to experimental
physics and from which husbandry could quickly benefit. The science was
presented as clearly as it had formerly been made obscure, and from that
day, it has gradually gained the right to instruct the youth in our uni-
versities, to the great gain of both parties” (75).
After Anton von Swab and Georg Brandt had died in the same year,
Carl von Linn6 said: “The kingdom and our sciences have now lost in a
single year two stars of the first magnitude, Brandt and Swab. The Bureau
of Mines and the science of mining have lost their supporting pillars. Men
such as these never spring up like mushrooms. So far as I know, Europe
has none like them .... A king can lose an army, but within a year have
another just as good. A king can lose a fleet and within two years have
another rigged up, but a Brandt and a Swab cannot be gotten again during
his entire reign” (52). The History of the Swedish Academy of Sciences
describes Brandt as “frugal, taciturn, and solitary” (76).
In 1776 a Hungarian chemist, Petrus Madacs, defended a thesis in which
he claimed, as did J. J. Winterl, that cobalt is a compound of iron and
arsenic, but admitted that nickel is an element. He distinguished clearly
between copper and nickel and stated that “copper and arsenic never give
nickel” (77).
Although chemists long disputed the elemental nature of cobalt, perhaps
because they were unable to reduce the blue smalt to the metal, Torbem
Bergman explained in 1780 that, because of the high coloring power of
cobalt, only a small amount of it need be present in smalt. He heated
many kinds of cobalt glass with black flux and was able, in each case, to
obtain the metal, but only in small amounts (78). He distinguished defi-
nitely between nickel and cobalt, stated that nickel never gives a blue glass
Discovery of the Elements
nor a sympathetic ink nor a red solution in acids and that cobalt never
gives a green one, and that pure nickel readily alloys with silver, whereas
cobalt does not (78), From experiments with the preparation of smalt
and sympathetic ink in the following year, Sven Rinman also concluded
that cobalt and nickel are two entirely different metals (79).
Axel Fredrik Cronstedt, the discoverer of nickel, was born on December
23, 1722, in the province of Sodermanland in Sweden (5). His father, a
lieutenant-general, gave him a good education, and he soon demonstrated
his ability in physical science and mathematics. He rendered great serv-
Urban Hiarne, 1641-1724
Swedish physician, mineralogist, and poet. Assessor and later acting president of
the Swedish Bureau of Mines. Author of "Regium Laboratorium Chymicum,” Stock-
holm, 1683. In 1694 he mentioned the ore Kupfernickel, in which Cronstedt more than
half a century later discovered nickel.
ice to his country as a metallurgist in the Bureau of Mines, and his name
will always be honored because of the brilliant manner in which he discov-
ered the useful metal nickel (8), (24).
The history of this metal is similar to that of cobalt. An alloy of nickel
called packfong (or paktong) was used by the Chinese long before the metal
was known in Europe (7), (23). In Germany a heavy, reddish brown ore,
frequently found covered with green spots or stains, was used to color
glass green; the miners called it Kupfernickel {21). Since Nickel , like
Kobold, means deceptive Utile spirit, the word Kupfernickel may be trans-
lated, false copper. Urban Hiarne, in a work on metals published in 1604,
expressed a belief that Kupfernickel was a kind of cobalt or arsenic mixed -
Discovery of Nickel
with copper, but in this view there was only a germ of truth (7), (24), A.
F. Cronstedt once said, “Hiarne in his lifetime pursued chemical research
most zealously. With all his creative genius and his desire to support
Cartesian natural science with chemical arguments and conclusions, he
still did not fail to consider the practical use which industry could demand
of it. With the support of the authorities, he therefore occupied himself
with the testing and investigation of substances from all realms of nature
and all parts of the country” (75).
Although no one had ever succeeded in extracting copper from Kupfer -
nickel , J. H. Linck (or Link) stated in 1726 that, since it gives green solu-
tions when dissolved in nitric acid, it
must be a cobalt ore containing copper
(24), (80) When Swedish cobalt
miners found a reddish yellow ore
which imparted little or no blue color
when fused with glass frit, they called
it “cobalt which had lost its soul”
( 21 ).
In 1751 Axel JFredrik Cronstedt
investigated a new mineral which he
found in the cobalt mine at Los, Farila
parish, Halsingland (21), In one of
his experiments he placed a piece of
iron in the acid solution of the ore,
expecting to see the copper deposit
on it. To his great surprise, he was
unable to secure a deposit of any kind,
for, as is now well known, niccolite
contains no copper (9). Upon calcin-
ing the green crystals which covered
the surface of some weathered Kup-
fernickel, and reducing the calx, or
oxide, by heating it with charcoal, Cronstedt obtained a white metal bear-
ing no resemblance whatever to copper. After studying its physical, chemi-
cal, and magnetic properties, he announced in the Memoirs of the Stock-
holm Academy that he had discovered a new metal, different from all
others, for which he proposed the name nickel (7)\ (21).
He said,
This salt or this vitriol, after having been calcined, gives a coleothar
or clear, gray residue which, when fused with three parts of black flux,
gives a regulus of 50 pounds per quintal. This regulus is yellowish on
the outside, but in the fracture it is silver-colored with iridescent colors*
and composed of little laminae, quite similar to those of bismuth. It is
Balthasar-Georgbs Sage
French analytical and mineralogical
chemist of the phlogistic school. In
his " Analyse Chimique” published in
1786, he gave methods of testing and
analyzing coal, clay, water, and many
72 Discovery of the Elements
hard and brittle, only feebly attracted by the magnet, calcination
changes it to a black powder; these two properties come from the iron
which has passed into the vitriol. This regulus dissolves in aqua fortis,
aqua regia, and spirit of salt; it gives on dissolving a brilliant green
color, and there precipitates a black powder which, when heated before
the enamelers’ blowpipe, gives signs of phlogiston and of the metallic
part which it contains. . . . ( 7 ), {21).
The slight magnetization observed by Cronstedt is a property of nickel it-
self. In 1751 he mixed some Kupfernickel with “black flux,” placed
the mixture in a crucible, and covered it with a layer of common salt.
Upon roasting it he not only reduced the oxide to the metallic state,
but melted the metal. Not until 1754 did he publicly christen it. “The
greatest quantity of the new previously described half metal,” said he,
“is contained in Kupfernickel; therefore I retain the same name for its
regulus or call it nickel for short. For my experiments I have used a mas-
sive Kupfernickel from the Kuhschacht [Cow Shaft] in Freiberg, Saxony”
{21). Kupfernickel, or niccolite, is now known to be an arsenide of nickel.
Many chemists in Sweden and in other parts of the world immediately
accepted Cronstedt’ s claim to the discovery of a new element, but Sage
{22) and Monnet in France believed that his nickel was merely a mixture of
cobalt, arsenic, iron, and copper (7). ^ Asamatter.of fact, it was somewhat
contaminated with iron, cobalt, and
arsenic; and therefore the great pioneer
in analytical chemistry, Torbern Berg-
man, carried out an elaborate series
of experiments by means of which he
obtained nickel in a high state of
purity. The results he published in
1775 completely confirmed those of
Cronstedt, for he showed that no
combination of iron, arsenic, cobalt,
and copper will duplicate the proper-
ties of nickel. Bergman’s pupil,
Johan Arvidsson Afzelius, defended
these views at Upsala in 1775 (7), (36).
Even after this proof, some chem-
ists were very conservative about
accepting the new element. William
Nicholson, in his “First Principles of
Chemistry” published in 1796, gave
the following account of it:
This metallic substance has not
been applied to any use; and the
chief attention of those chemists
Torbern Bergman, 1735-1784
Swedish chemist, mineralogist, and
editor. Author of the “ Opuscula
physica et ckemica ;, M a six-volume
treatise. Among his students were
Gahn, the discoverer of manganese;
Hjehn, who isolated molybdenum; and
the d'Elhuyar brothers, who discovered
Nickel and Manganese
who have examined it has been directed to obtain it in a state of
purity; which, however, has not yet been accomplished. . . . Nickel
has been thought to be a modification of iron. ... So long as no
one is able to produce this metal from pure iron or copper, and to
explain in an intelligible way the process by which it can be generated,
we must continue to regard it as a peculiar substance, possessing dis-
tinct properties. The general opinions of chemists concur in admitting
the force of this reasoning ( 10 ).
Cronstedt’ s fame does not rest alone on his discovery of nickel, for he
made an excellent classification of minerals which was translated into
several languages. Berzelius said of him, “Cronstedt, the founder of the
chemical system of mineralogy, a man who by his acuteness in that science
rose so far above his age that he was never correctly understood by it,
used the blowpipe to distinguish between minerals'’ ( 11 ). Ability to use
this instrument skilfully and without fatigue and injury to health required,
as Berzelius pointed out, an intensive training that few chemists care
to undergo. Nevertheless, Cronstedt acquired such unusual control over it
that he could direct a candle-flame upon a sample no larger than the head
of a pin and make it white-hot ( 11 ). Jagnaux states that Cronstedt and
Rinman operated a successful plant for distilling zinc, and that they
“were as well versed in metallurgy as
also discovered a zeolite, one of the
silicates so widely used for softening
water, and wrote a paper on it in 1756.
He died in Saters parish near Stock-
holm on August 19, 1765 ( 32 ).
When Cronstedt died, the man who
is conceded to be the discoverer of
manganese was exactly twenty years
old. Johan Gottlieb Gahn was bom
at Voxna, an iron-mining town in South
Helsingland on August 19, 1745 ( 5 ).
Left fatherless at an early age and
obliged to earn his living in the mines,
he shared the joys and sorrows of the
laborers and learned mining “on the
lowest and wettest level” (17). He
studied mineralogy under Bergman,
became expert in the use of the blow-
pipe, and, according to Berzelius, al-
ways carried it with him, even on the
shortest trips. When Gahn demon-
in mineralogy” ( 4 ). Cronstedt
Johan Gottlieb Gahn
Swedish chemist, mineralogist,
and mining engineer. Manufac-
turer of copper, sulfur, sulfuric
acid, and red ochre. Discoverer of
metallic manganese.
Discovery of the Elements
strated the presence of copper in certain kinds of paper by burning a quar-
ter of a sheet, heating the ash with the blowpipe, and displaying a tiny
speck of the red metal, the young Berzelius watched him with wonder and
admiration (11). J. Nickl&s believed, however, that this copper must
have been volatilized from Gahn’s burner (40).
Pyrolusite has been used for centuries in the manufacture of glass.
After mentioning the production of blue glass with “zaffer” (a mixture of
roasted cobalt ore and sand), Vannoccio Biringuccio wrote in his “Piro-
technia” in 1540, ‘‘There is still another half mineral of the same kind, so-
called Braunstein. This comes from Germany and is found especially in
Tuscany in Mt. Viterbo and at Salodiana in the neighborhood of Monte-
castello, near Cara. It is dark rust brown. It does not melt so that one
can obtain metal from it. But when one adds vitrifiable substances to it,
it colors them a handsome violet. The master glass-makers color their
glasses a wonderful violet with it. The master potters also use it for violet
decorations. Braunstein, moreover, when mixed with molten glass, has
the special property of purifying it and making it white instead of green or
yellow” (57). Because of the last-named property, glass-makers used to
call it sapo vitri , or glass soap.
The Berlin glass and porcelain technologist, J. H. Pott, believed that py-
rolusite consisted of phlogiston and* an earth somewhat like that in alum
(58). In 1740 he prepared “chameleon mineral” (potassium permanganate)
and other compounds from it and showed that iron is not a constituent of
pure pyrolusite (13).
The first person to prepare a little metallic manganese was probably
Ignatius Gottfried Kaim, who described it in his dissertation, “De metallis
dubiis,” which was published at Vienna in 1770 (12). Although this pub-
lication is rare and inaccessible, P.-J. Macquer left an abstract of it in his
famous chemical dictionary. By heating a mixture of one part of pulver-
ized pyrolusite with two parts of black flux, Kaim obtained a bluish-white,
brittle metal with countless shining facets of different shapes, showing in
the fracture a play of colors from blue to yellow. He claimed that this
regulus was free from iron (59). This incomplete research attracted little
notice. The mineral was also known by the confusing names “black mag-
nesia” and “manganese.” Bergman knew, however, that it was not a
compound of the alkaline earth, magnesia, for he said, “The mineral called
black magnesia is nothing other than the calx of a new metal, which must
not be confounded with lime nor with magnesia alba.” He failed, however,
in all attempts to reduce the ore (15), (25), and finally turned the problem
over to his friend, Scheele, who in 1774, after experimenting for three years,
presented his results to the Stockholm Academy in the form of a paper en-
titled, “Concerning Manganese and Its Properties.” In this epoch-
making dissertation he announced the existence of the gaseous element
Metallic Manganese
chlorine and paved the way for the discovery of oxygen gas and the metals,
barium and manganese. Scheele stated that the mineral known as “man-
ganese” was the calx of a metal different from any then known (26).
Although Pott, Bergman, and Scheele all believed in the existence of the
metal manganese none of them were able to isolate it. However, in 1774
Gahn (25) lined a crucible with moist charcoal dust, placed in the center a
mixture of the pulverized pyrolusite and oil, and covered it with more of
the charcoal dust. After luting another crucible to this, he heated them
intensely for an hour and, upon opening the apparatus, he found in it a
button of metallic manganese weighing about a third as much as the ore
from which he had isolated it (13), (30). For the accomplishment of this
difficult reduction and for the isolation of this important metal, Gahn
deserves high praise.
This discovery, like most of his others, was not published in any scientific
journal. In his first attempts, Gahn obtained what Scheele called “re-
duced pyrolusite . . . combined with much phlogiston and a little iron.”
On May 16, 1774, Scheele sent him some purified pyrolusite with the sug-
gestion, “I am eagerly waiting to see what kind of result this pure Braun-
stein will give when you apply your hell-fire to it, and I hope you will
send me a little of the regulus as soon as possible” (37). On June 27th of
the same year, Scheele thanked Gahn for the manganese regulus [“regulum
tnagnesiae”] and added, “I believe that the Braunstein regulus is a half
metal different from other half metals and closely related to iron” (37).
In his notes to H. T. Scheffer’s chemical lectures, which were published
in 1775, Torbern Bergman stated that a fifteenth metal had recently been
added to the fourteen which Scheffer had discussed. Because of its weight,
ability to color glass, and its precipitation with ferrocyanides (blodlut),
Bergman had suspected that pyrolusite must contain a peculiar metal as
an essential constituent. “At the same time,” said he, “Hr. J. G. Gahn,
without knowing of my reasons, actually brought forth from it by reduc-
tion a half metal which in refractoriness approaches nearest to platinum,
and which, moreover, does not resemble any of those previously known ....
Since then, I, too, have obtained the regulus of pyrolusite by reduction,
but could not purify it from iron” (38).
In 1785 P. J. Hjelm published in the Nya Handlingar of the Swedish
Academy of Sciences a detailed description of this reduction. He obtained
his specimens from a pyrolusite quarry in Undenas parish in Vermland.
After placing a mixture of a known weight of the pulverized sample with a
little oil or melted tallow and powdered coal dust or blood charcoal in a
large covered crucible lined with a mixture of iron-free clay and coal dust,
he applied sufficient heat from his forge to volatilize the oil without allow-
ing it to burst into flame. In less than an hour, he obtained a regulus which
weighed more than half as much as the original crude pyrolusite. Assessor
Discovery of the Elements
Qvist suggested to him that the metal could be produced more economically
in a cast steel furnace or wind furnace (60) .
J. C. Ilsemann of Clausthal also obtained manganese independently with-
out previous knowledge of the methods used by Gahn and Bergman. Ilse-
mann reduced 1 10 pounds of pyrolusite from Ilsefeld by heating it with a
mixture of fluorspar, lime, powdered charcoal, and ignited salt, and ob-
tained four and one-half pounds of impure metallic manganese from which
he was unable to separate the iron (61).
In 1784 Gahn was made assessor at the College of Mines; he also served
as deputy to the 1819 Diet, and was known politically as a Liberal (14).
He was not only a brilliant chemist and mineralogist and a conscientious
public official, but also a highly successful business executive. He owned
and managed mines and smelters, and introduced new industrial methods;
and it was in his sulfuric acid plant that Berzelius discovered the element
selenium. During the American Revolution, when large amounts of pure
copper were needed for sheathing ships, Gahn’s plant at Stora Kopparberg
was able to fill large rush orders (15). It is a curious fact that Assessor
Gahn bore such a striking resemblance in features, gestures, and intellectual
interests to Dr. William Hyde Wollaston, the English scientist who later
discovered palladium and rhodium, that he was often called “the Wollaston
of Stockholm” (16). Berzelius once*stated, in fact, that one “would take
them for sons of the same father” (16). Thomas Thomson, who once
visited Assessor Gahn at his home in Fahlun, said that “his manners were the
most simple, unaffected and pleasing of all the men of science” he had ever
met, and that “benevolence and goodness of heart beamed in his
When Edward Daniel Clarke visited Fahlun, he said that “perhaps in
no part of the world” will the traveler “meet with superintendents so well
informed ... at the head of whom is the celebrated Gahn, whose ac-
quirements, and the kindness he has always shewn to strangers, have en-
titled him to respect and consideration in all the Academical Institutions of
Europe .... Hospitality in a Swede is what we may always expect; but
the attention paid to strangers by Mr. Gahn, especially if their visits had
any view to science, was of a more exalted nature. He not only shewed a
zeal, as if actuated by a religious duty, to satisfy scientific inquiries; but he
did more — he directed them; and himself endeavoured to stimulate the
ardour of those with whom he conversed ... by exciting and then gratifying
their curiosity” (55).
At the time of his sixty-eighth birthday, Gahn received a novel congratu-
latory note from Berzelius, which read: “From Herr Assessor’s last letter
I was happy to find new support for the doctrine of definite proportions.
Herr Assessor was 68 on August 19; the following day (the 20th) I became
Literature Cited 77
34; now 34 X 2 = 68, from whence it follows that Herr Assessor is equal to
a multiple of me by two ...” (56).
Gahn, unfortunately, left most of his scientific work unpublished, leaving
only a few papers on the blowpipe, on a sensitive balance, and on economy
in the operation of smelters. He died in Stockholm on December 8, 1818,
at the age of seventy-three years. In a biographical sketch in the “Annals
of Philosophy,” one may read this high tribute:
To sum up the whole, we may safely say that he was alike eminent as
a practical chemist and mechanic, as a patriot in public, and a friend in
private life, as presiding over the interests of the miner and of the
farmer, and in fine 4s the guardian and overseer of the large family of
his native poor,* It will not indeed be easy to find another whose
talents have been at once more brilliant and more useful, who has been
more admired and more loved by his country, than John Gottlieb
Gahn (15).
Literature Cited
(1) Mendel£eff, D., “First Principles of Chemistry," 5th edition, Vol. 1, translated
by Kamensky and Greenaway, Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1891, preface,
P- ix.
(2) Mellor, J. W.* “Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chem-
istry," Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1923, Vol. 4, pp. 398-405. Article on
(3) RAy, P. C., “History of Hindu Chemistry," 2nd edition, Vol. 1, Chuckervertty,
Chatterjee and Co., Calcutta, 1904, pp. 157-8; 1st edition, Vol. 2, Bengal Chemi-
cal and Pharmaceutical Works, Calcutta, 1909, pp. 17, 19, and 22.
(4) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire dc la Chimie," Vol. 2, Baudry et Cie., Paris, 1891, pp.
209-11; E. O. von Lippmann, “Entstehung und Ausbreitung der Alchemie,"
Springer, Berlin, 1919, pp. 591-600.
(5) Poggendorff, J. C., “Biographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte
der exakten Wissenschaften,” 6 vols., Verlag Chemie, Leipzig and Berlin, 1863™
1937. Articles on Brandt, Crons tedt, and Gahn.
(6) “Biographie Universelle, Ancienne et Modeme," 85 vols., Michaud Fr£res,
Paris, 1811-1862. Biographical sketch of Brandt by Catteaux,
(7) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie," ref. (4), Vol. 2, pp. 318-21; L. Gmblin,
“Handbuch der theoretischen Chemie," ersten Bandes Zweite Abtheilung, F.
Varrentrapp, Frankfurt am Main, 1826, p. 1193; G. Brandt, Act. Upsal, 1735,
33; A. E. Waite, “Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus," Vol. 1,
Elliott and Co., London, 1894, p. 254.
(< 8 ) von Goethe, J. W., “Faust,” part 1, lines 1273-1282. Translation from the
“Harvard Classics," vol. 19, P. F. Collier and Son, New York, 1909-1910, p. 51.
(9) FArber, E., “Geschichtliche Entwicklung der Chemie," Springer, Berlin, 1921,
pp. 63-4.
(10) Nicholson, W., “First Principles of Chemistry," 3rd edition, C. G. and
J. Robinson, London, 1796, pp. 363-5.
(11) Berzelius, J. J., "Die Anwendung des Ldthohrs in der Chemie und Mineralogie,"
Zweite Aufiage, 1828; F. C. Phillips, “Chemical German," 2nd edition, Chemical
* Assessor Gahn helped to establish the first poorhouse at Fahlun.
Discovery of the Elements
Publishing Co., Easton, Pa., 1915, p. 103; J. J. Berzelius, “Om Bl&srorets An-
vandande i Kemien och Miner alogien/’ Nordstrom, Stockholm, 1820, pp. 1-8.
( 12 ) VON Wurzbach, C., “Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich," Hof.
und Staatsdruckerei, Vienna, 1889, Vol. 57, p. 89. Article on "J- J. Winterl; J.
G. Kaim, Dissertatio de metallis dubiis," Vienna, 1770, Chap. 4, pp. 48 ff.
( 13 ) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie," ref. (4), Vol. 2, pp. 315-16; L. Gmblin,
"Handbuch der theoretischen Chemie," ersten Bandes zweite Abtheilung, ref. (7),
p. 882. See also P. J. Hjelm, “Versuche aus dem Braunsteine den Braunstein-
konig (Magnesium) zu erhalten," Cr ell's Ann., 7, 158-68; 446-57 (1787).
( 14 ) Hoefer, F., “Nouvelle Biographie G6nerale," Didot Fr&res, Paris, 1866. Bio-
graphical sketch of Gahn by Guyot de F&re.
( 15 ) “ ‘Biographical Account of Assessor John Gottlieb Gahn/' Annals of Philos.,
New Series, 8, 1-11 (July, ^824).
( 16 ) SOderbauM, H. G., “Jac. Berzelius Bref,” Vol. 1, part 3, Almqvist and Wiksells,
Upsala, 1912-1914, p. 242; Emilib WOhler, ‘‘Aus Berzelius's Tagebuch wahrend
seines Aufenthaltes in London im Sommer 1812," Z. angew. Chem., 18,
1946-8 (Dec., 1905).
( 17 ) Hoover, H., radio address of acceptance of the Saunders Medal.
( 18 ) Bergman, T., “Opuscula Physica et Chemica," Vol. 2, Mtilleriano, Lipsiae, 1792,
pp. 309-14.
( 19 ) Kopp, H., “Gesehichte der Chemie," part 4, F. Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig,
1847, pp. 113-20.
( 20 ) Smith, E. F., “Forgotten chemists," J. Chem. Educ., 3, 31-2 (Jan., 1926).
( 21 ) Bergman, T., “Opuscula Physica et Chemica," ref. ( 18 ), Vol. 2, pp. 231-3; A. F.
Cronstedt, “Ron och forsok gjorde med en malm -art frdn Los Kobolt grufvor
i Farila socken och Helsingeland," Vet. Acad. Hondl., 1751, pp. 287-92; “Fort-
siittning af ron och forsok gjorde med en malm-art fr&n Los Kobolt-grufvor,"
ibid., 1754, pp. 38-45.
( 22 ) Sage, B.-G., “M6moires de Chimie," Imprimerie Royale, Paris, 1773, pp. 116-26.
“Examen de la Mine de Cobalt d'un gris rougeatre nomm6e Kupfernickel."
( 23 ) Baldwin, W. H., “The story of nickel. Part 1. How ‘Old Nick's' gnomes were
outwitted," J. Chem. Educ., 8, 1749-50 (Sept., 1931).
( 24 ) Kopp, H., “Gesehichte der Chemie," ref. ( 19 ), part 4, pp. 157-9.
( 25 ) Bergman, T., “Opuscula Physica et Chemica," ref. ( 18 ), Vol. 2, pp. 201-3.
( 26 ) Schbele, C. W., “Sammtliche physische und chemische Werke," translated into
German by Hermbstadt, 2nd edition, Vol. 2, Rottmann, Berlin, 1793, pp. 33-90.
( 27 ) Brandt, G., "Dissertation sur les demi-m6taux," Recueil des Memoir es de Chymie,
etc., contenus dans les Actes de l'Acad. d'Upsal et dans les M6m. de l’Acad.
Roy. des Sciences de Stockolm, 1720-1760, P. F. Didot le Jeune, Paris, 1764,
vol. 1, pp. 8-25; Actes de l'Acad. d' Upsal, 4 (1735).
(28) Hommbl, W., “Berghauptmann Ldhneysen, ein Plagiator des 17. Jahrhunderts,"
Chem.-Ztg., 36, 137-8 (Feb. 3, 1912).
(29) Henckel, J. F., “Abhandlung von dem Zinke," Cr ell's Neues chem. Archiv, 2,
265 (1784); Physisch-medicinische Abh. Akad. Najurforscher, 4, 308 (1733-36).
( 30 ) NordenskiOld, A. E., “Scheeles nachgelassene Briefe und Auf zeichnungen, ’ ' P. A.
Norstedt & Soner, Stockholm, 1892, pp. 120-6. Letters of Scheele to Gahn,
May 16, 1774, and June 27, 1774.
( 31 ) Hoover, H. C. and L. H. Hoover, "Georgius Agricola. De re metallica trans-
lated from the first Latin edition of 1556," Mining Mag., London, 1912, pp. 408-
10 .
Literature Cited 79
(32) “Svenskt biografiskt lexikon," Albert Bonniers Boktryckeri, Stockholm, 1929,
Vol. 9, pp. 279-95. Article on Cronstedt by Nils Zenz6n.
(33) Lewis, William, “The chemical works of Caspar Neumann, M.D./’ Johnston,
Keith, Linde, etc., London, 1759, pp. 122-3.
(34) “Svenskt biografiskt lex ikon/' Albert Bonniers Boktryckeri, Stockholm, 1925,
Vol. 5, pp. 784-9. Article on Georg Brandt by Sv. Od6n.
(35) Nordbnski6ld, A. E., “A leaf from the history of Swedish natural science/*
Nature , 21, 518-21 (Apr. 1, 1880); G. Brandt, “Observations sur l*arsenic/*
Recueil des m6moires de chymie . . . dans les actes de l*aead6mie d'Upsal et dans les
m6moires de l’acad&nie royale de Stockolm . . . 1720-1760, P. Fr. Didot le Jeune,
Paris, 1764, vol. 1, pp. 1-8; Actes de Vacad. d'Upsal , 3 (1733).
(.?tf) Boethius, “Svenskt biografiskt lexikon,” ref. (32), Vol. 1, pp. 222-4 (1918);
P. J. Hjelm, “Aminnelsetal 6fver Herr T. O. Bergman," J. G. Lange, Stockholm,
1786, p. 99; Torbern Bergman and J. Arvidsson Apzelius, “Dissertatio
chemica de Niccolo" Upsala, 1775.
(37) NordbnskiOld, A. E., “C. W. Scheele. Efterlemnade bref och anteckningar,"
P. A. Norstedt and Sons, Stockholm, 1892, pp. 120-6. Cf. ref. (30).
(38) Scheffer, H. T., “Chemiske forel&sningar rdrande salter, jordarter, vatten, fet-
mor, metaller och fargning," M. Swederus, Upsala, 1775, p. 390. Annotated by
T. Bergman.
(39) Zenz6n, Nils, “Forsok till historik over Cederbaumska miner alsamlingen i Os-
karshamn," Arkiv for Kemi , Mineralogi och Geologi , 10A, 31-4, 41-6 (1930).
(40) “Correspondence of Prof. Jerome Nickl&s, dated Nancy, France, Oct. 22, 1867,"
Am. J. Sci. (2), 45, 67-8 (Jan., 1868).
(41) Bailey, K. C., “The Elder Pliny's chapters on chemical subjects," Edward
Arnold, London, 1932, Vol. 2, pp. 25, 37, 166-8.
(42) Gunther, R. T., “The Greek herbal of Dioscorides," Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1934, pp. 623-8, 648.
(43) Parks, G. B., “The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, Concerning the King-
doms and Marvels of the East," The Macmillan Company, New York City, 1927,
Book 1, chap. 21, p. 48.
(44) Hommel, W., “Ueber indisches und chinesisches Zink," Z. artgew. Chem., 25, 97-
100 (Jan. 19, 1912).
(45) Bartow, Virginia, “Richard Watson, eighteenth-century chemist and clergy-
man," J. Chem. Educ., 15, 103-11 (March, 1938).
(46) Watson, R., “Chemical Essays," J. Archdeacon, Cambridge, 1786, 2nd ed., Vol.
4, pp. 1-84.
(47) Beckmann, Johann, “A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins/'
Henry G. Bohn, London, 1846, 4th ed., vol. 2, pp. 32-45.
(48) von Respur, P. M. (de Rbspour), “Besondere Versuche vom Mineral-Geist,
zur Auflosung und Verwandlung derer Metallen," Friedrich Hekel, Dresden and
Leipzig, 1743, pp. 178-80 and Section 5 of the Neue Vorrede by J. F. Henkel (or
Henckel) .
(49) Smith, Sir James Edward, “A Selection of the Correspondence of Linnaeus and
Other Naturalists," Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, London, 1821, vol.
2, pp. 174-6, 205-6. Letters of J. F. Gronovius and H. Boerhaave.
(50) Jackson, B. D., “Linnaeus," H. F. and G. Witherby, London, 1923, pp. 142-3,
(51) Cramer, J. A., “Elements of the Art of Assaying Metals/’ Thomas Woodward
and C. Davis, London, 1741, pp. 163-7; ibid., 2nd ed., L. Davis and C. Reymers,
London, 1764, pp. iii and iv.
80 Discovery of the Elements
(52) Hildebrand,, Bengt, "K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien. Forhistoria, Grund-
laggning och Organisation," K. Vet. Akad., Stockholm, 1939, pp. 637-9.
(53) Marggraf, A. S., "Ueber die Methode den Zink aus seiner wahren Minera dem
Galmeysteine her vor zubr in gen , ’ * CreWs Neues chem. Archiv., 4, 280-3 (1785);
Abh. konigl. Akad. Wiss. (Berlin), 1746, M£m., p. 15; "Chymische Schriften,”
Arnold Wever, Berlin, 1768, revised ed., Vol. 1, pp. 248-58.
(54) Review of H. R. Schoolcraft's “A view of the lead mines of Missouri,” Am, J.
Set, (1), 3, 63 (1821).
(55) Clarke, E. D., "Travels in Various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa,”
T. Cadell, London, 1824, Vol. 10, pp. 527-8.
(56) SOderbaum, H. G., "Jac. Berzelius Levnadsteckning,” Almqvist and Wiksells
Publishing Co., Upsala, 1929-31, vol. 1, pp. 495-7. Letter of Berzelius to Gahn,
Aug. 27, 1813.
(57) Johannsen, Otto, "Biringuccio’s Pirotechnia,” Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn,
Braunschweig, 1925, p. 133.
(58) Pott, J. H., "Chemische Untersuchung des Braunsteins, oder der Magnesia der
Glasschmelzer,” CreWs Neues chem. Archiv , 3, 289-94 (1785) ; Abh. kdnigl. Akad.
Wiss. (Berlin), 1735-42, p. 40.
(59) Macquer, P.-J., “Chymisches Worterbuch,” Weidmannische Buchhandlung,
Leipzig, 1788, 2nd ed., part 1, pp. 572-4.
(60) Hjelm, P. J., "Versuche aus dem Braunsteine den Braunsteinkonig (Magnesium)
zu erhalten, und denselben mit einigen andern Metallen zusammen zu schmelzen,
CreWs Ann. 7, 158-68, 446-54 (1787); K. Vet. Acad. Nya Handl. (Apr., May,
June, 1785), pp. 141-58.
(61) Ilsemann, J. C., "Versuche iiber einen ganz reinen strahligten glanzenden Braun-
stein von Ilsefeld, und den daraus erhaltenen Konig,” CreWs Neueste Entdeckun-
gen , 4, 24-42 (1782).
(62) Darwin, Erasmus, "A Botanic Garden,” J. Johnson, London, 1791, 2nd ed., p. 48.
(63) "Fr. Basilii Valentini Chymische Schriften,” Gottfried Liebezeit, Hamburg,
1694, pp. 209-10. "Von dem grossen Stein der Uhralten Weisen.”
(64} Kopp, H.j ref. (19), Vol. 4, pp. 150-7.
(65) Newell, L. C., "Chemistry in the service of Egyptology,” J. Chem. Educ., 10,
262 (May, 1933).
(66) Lucas, A., "Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries,” Edward Arnold and
Co., London, 1934, 2nd ed., pp. 122-4.
(67) Carter, Howard, "The Tomb of Tut-ankh-Amen,” George H. Doran Co., New
York, 1927, Vol. 2, p. 242. Chapter on "The Chemistry of the tomb” by A. Lucas.
(68) Beckmann, Johann, ref. (47), Vol. 1, pp. 109-10, 131-2, 478-87.
(69) "Gmelin's Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie,” Verlag Chemie, Berlin, 1932
8th ed., vol. 58A, pp. 1-5.
(70) Kunckel, Johann, "Ars Vitraria experimentalis,” Christoph Riegel, Frankfurt
and Leipzig, 1689, pp. 45-8.
(71) Biringuccio, V., ref. (57), pp. 132-3.
(72) Dupuy, Ernest, "Bernard Palissy,” Soe. franchise dTmprimerie et de Librairie,
Paris, 1902, pp. 227-8; Palissy, "Des pierres,” II, 176; Foster, Mary Louise,
"Bernard Palissy, sixteenth-century scientist,” J. Chem. Educ., 8, 1048 (June,
(73) de Blancourt, Haudicqubr, "Art of Glass,” Smith, Greenwood and Co., Lon-
don, 1699, preface and pp. 63-4, 211.
(74) "Art de la Verrerie de Neri, Merret, et Kunckel,” Durand and Pissot, Paris,
1752, pp. 48-62.
Literature Cited 81
(75) Cronstbdt, A. F.. “Aminnelsetal ofver H. T. Scheffer,” Lars Salvius, Stockholm,
1760 , pp. 15-31.
(76) Hildebrand, B., ref. (52), pp. 533-9.
(77) MadAcs, Petrus, “Theoria affinitatum chemicarum . . . Comitat. Lyptov
Physicus Tyrnav, 1776, p. 29; CreWs Neueste Entdeckungen, 2, 270 (1781).
(78) Bergman, T., “Fallungsversuche mit Platina, Nickel, Kobold, und Braunstein,”
ibid., 8, 206 (1783); K. Vet. Acad. Nya Handl. , 1, 282-93 (1780).
(79) Rinman, S., “Fortsetzung von einer griinen Farbe aus dem Kobolde,” CreWs
Neueste Entdeckungen, 10, 151-63 (1783); K. Vet. Acad. Nya Handl., 2, 3-13
(80) Linck (or Link), J. H., "A discourse on the cobaltum or smalt,” Phil. Trans.
fj Abridgment, 6 , 235-40 (1734); Phil. Trans., 34 , 192 (1726); CreWs Neues chem.
liArchiv., 2, 342 (1784).
(81) Forsstrand, Carl, “Sven Rinman. Minnesteckning till 200-firsdagen av hans
! * ) jfodelse,” Hugo Gebers Forlag, Stockholm, 1920, pp. 25-7, 73-80.
(82) “Complete Poetical Works of H. W. Longfellow,” Houghton, Mifflin and Com-
pany, Boston and New York, 1902, pp. 428-9. “K6ramos.”
Chemists of the eighteenth century were intensely interested in “air" which
they prepared by fermentation by heating various chemical compounds , and
by allowing substances of vegetable and animal origin to putrefy . Gradually
the idea dawned that , as Priestley expressed it , there are “different kinds of
air" and that Cavendish's “inflammable air from metals" is quite different
from Daniel Rutherford's “noxious air" and from Scheele's “fire air" The
preparation and recognition of the three gases , hydrogen nitrogen , and oxygen
required true genius. For further information about Rutherford see pp. 106-20 .
“The generality of men are so accustomed to judge of things by
their senses that , because the air is invisible , they ascribe but little
to it , and think it but one remove from nothing" (1)
From Bugge’s ** Das Buck der grossen Chemiktr *■
Georg Ernst Stahl
German chemist, physician, and
professor. Co-founder of the phlogis-
ton theory of combustion. Author
of u Fundamenta Chymiae Dogmatical
et Experimentalist He distinguished
between potash and soda and recog-
nized that alum contains a peculiar
earth different from all others.
In the latter part of the seven-
teenth century, Johann Joachim
Becher and Georg Ernst Stahl ad-
vanced a peculiar theory of combus-
tion that held sway over the minds of
chemists for nearly a hundred years.
They maintained that everything
that can be burned contains a sub-
stance, phlogiston, which escapes in
the form of flame during the combus-
tion, and until Lavoisier overthrew
this theory in 1777, practically all
chemists believed that a metal con-
sists of its calx, or oxide, and phlogis-
ton. It was in this period of chemi-
cal history that the gases hydrogen,
nitrogen, and oxygen were discovered.
Hydrogen was observed and col-
lected long before it was recognized as
an individual gas. The statement
of Paracelsus (1493-1541) that “Luft
erhebt sich und bricht herfur gleichwie
ein Wind"? has often been cited
Van Helmont, Boyle, Ma-
erroneously as an allusion to this gas (2), (37).
* “Air rises and breaks forth like a wind.”
yow, and Stephen Hales all had some slight acquaintance with hydro-
gen. In his “New experiments touching the relation betwixt flame and
air,” which were ready for publication in 1671, Robert Boyle dissolved iron
in dilute hydrochloric or sulfuric acid and prepared hydrogen in the form of
“inflammable solution of Mars [iron]” { 44 ).
“Having provided a saline spirit [hydrochloric acid]/’ said Boyle, . .
we put into a vial, capable of containing three or four ounces of water, a
very convenient quantity of filings of steel, which were not such as are
commonly sold in shops to chemists and apothecaries (those being usually
not free enough from rust) but such
as I had a while before caused to be
purposely filed off from a piece of good
steel. This metalline powder being
moistened in the vial with a little
of the menstruum, was afterwards
drenched with more; whereupon the
mixture grew very hot, and belched
up copious and stinking fumes ; which,
whether they consisted altogether
of the volatile sulphur of the Mars, or
of metalline steams participating of
a sulphureous nature, and joined with
the saline exhalations of the men-
struum, is not necessary to be here
discussed. But whencesoever this
stinking smoke proceeded, so inflam-
mable it was, that on the approach of
a lighted candle to it, it would readily
enough take fire and bum with a blue-
ish and somewhat greenish flame at
the mouth of the vial for a good while
together; and that, though with little
light, yet with more strength than one
would easily suspect’ * { 44 ). Nicolas
L&nery described it in 1700 in the M&noires of the Paris Academy ( 2 ).
In the 1686 English edition of his “Course of Chymistry/' which was based
on the fifth French edition, there is no mention of the evolution of any
flammable or explosive gas when “vitriol of Mars” is prepared by dissolv-
ing iron in dilute sulfuric acid. At that time, L&nery merely observed
that “the liquor heats and boils considerably” { 45 ). In the eleventh French
edition, however, which was published in 1716, a year after L&nery’s death,
the same preparation is described as yielding “white vapors which will rise
to the top of the neck of the matrass; if one presents a lighted candle to
Johann Joachim Bechbr
German chemist and physician.
Founder of the phlogiston theory.
His experiments on minerals are de-
scribed in his “ Physica Subterranean
Stahl summarized his views on com-
bustion in a book entitled “Specimen
84 Discovery of the Elements
the mouth of this vessel, the Vapor will immediately take fire and at the
same time produce a violent, shrill fulrrination” (45). In this reaction
Ldmery believed he had found the cause of thunder and lightning. In the
posthumous 1701 edition of Turquet de Mayerne’s complete works, the
flammability of the gas is mentioned (2).
The name most closely associated with the early history of hydrogen
is that of Mr. Henry Cavendish. Although he was a descendant of the
Dukes of Devonshire and the Dukes of Kent, he was born at Nice; for his
mother, Lady Anne Cavendish, had
gone to France for the benefit of the
mild climate. The date of his birth
is given as October 10, 1731. The un-
fortunate death of Lady Cavendish
two years later, and the consequent
lack of maternal affection in the young
child's life may account in some degree
for the abnormal shyness and ungre-
gariousness of the man. At the age
of eleven years Henry Cavendish en-
tered Dr. Newcome’s school at Hack-
ney, and from 1749 to 1753 he attended
Cambridge University. Although he
lacked only a few days of the necessary
residence requirements, he left Cam-
bridge without receiving a degree (3).
During his father’s lifetime Caven-
dish lived on a meager allowance,
but, upon his father's death in 1783,
he received an enormous inheritance.
Not long after this an aunt died,
leaving him another large legacy.
Thus he became, as Biot said, “the
richest of all the learned and the most
learned of all the rich” (4). Since
Cavendish lived very modestly, the
interest on his money accumulated until, at the time of his death, he was
the largest depositor in the Bank of England (5).
It may be said without exaggeration that, of all great personages of
scientific history, Mr. Henry Cavendish was the most singular. He was shy
and awkward among strangers, and to him aU men were strangers. The
only social contacts he ever made were at the meetings of the Royal
Society and at the Sunday evening receptions which Sir Joseph Banks was
accustomed to give for the scientists in London. Cavendish spoke falter- 4
Henry Cavendish
English chemist and physicist. This
is the Alexander portrait . The likeness
of Cavendish in W. Walker's engraving
of British scientists was taken from
the drawing by Tomlinson (46). Cav-
endish was the first to distinguish hy-
drogen from other gases and was an
independent discoverer of nitrogen.
Henry Cavendish
ingly in shrill tones and was unable to converse with more than one person
at a time; yet, because of his broad knowledge and clear reasoning, the
members of the Royal Society all recognized him as a superior. Dr.
Thomas Thomson in his well-known "History of Chemistry" cites a strik-
ing example of Cavendish’s extreme fear of publicity. Dr. Ingenhousz
once brought as his guest to the home of Sir Joseph Banks a distinguished
Austrian scientist, whom he introduced to Cavendish with extravagant
praise. The foreign guest, in turn, became profuse in his flattery of
Cavendish, stating that he had come to London with the express purpose of
From Edward Smith’s “ Life of Sir Joseph Banks "
Lady Banks Sir Joseph Banks
(From a Wedgwood cameo, attributed to Flaxman.)
Sir Joseph Banks , 1743-1820. English naturalist and collector of plants and insects.
President of the Royal Society from 1778-1820. His collections of books and natural
history specimens were bequeathed to the British Museum. Lady Banks used to
assist him in giving frequent receptions for the scientists of London.
meeting such a distinguished scientist, whereupon Cavendish, at first em-
barrassed, then utterly confused, darted through the crowd to his waiting
carriage (5). >
A few scientists, however, knew how to overcome his extreme diffidence,
and of these perhaps the most successful was Dr. Wollaston. "The way
to talk to Cavendish," said he, "is never to look at him, but to talk as it
were into vacancy, and then it is not unlikely but you may set him going"
( 6 ).
In spite of his love of solitude, Cavendish was not lacking in interest in
Discovery op the Elements
the researches made by others. He presented yoting Humphry Davy with
some platinum for his experiments, and went occasionally to the Royal
Institution to see his brilliant experiments on the decomposition of the
alkalies (6). Sir Humphry said later in his eulogy of Cavendish,
Upon all subjects of science he was luminous and profound;
and in discussion wonderfully acute His name will be an object
of more veneration in future ages than at the present moment.
Though it was unknown in the busy scenes of life, or in the popular
discussions of
the day, it will
remato illustri-
ous in *the an-
nals of science,
which are as im-
perishable as
that nature to
Wiich they be-
long; and it will
be an immortal
honour to his
house, to his
age, and to his
country (7).
Cavendish dressed
like an English
gentleman of a by-
gone day. He wore
a-l!$&ed hat and a
gray-green coat with
a high collar and
frilled cuffs. His
costume and person-
ality are well depicted
in the famous Alex-
Prom Thorpe's ** Scientific Papers of the Hon . Henry Cavendish' ander portrait,
Cavendish's House at Clapham sketched hastily at
a dinner without
Cavendish’s knowledge. Cavendish had three residences: one near the
British Museum, furnished mainly with books and apparatus; another in
Dean Street, Soho, containing his main library, which he generously placed
at the disposal of all scholars who wished to use it; and a third dwelling
known as Cavendish House, Clapham Common. This suburban home at
Clapham, his favorite residence, he converted almost entirely into work-
shops and laboratories (8).
Although many historians of chemical progress mention Cavendish as
Hydrogen and Nitrogen
the discoverer of hydrogen, he himself made no such claim and prefaced his
remarks on the explosibility of a mixture of hydrogen and air with the
words, “. . .it has been observed by others. . .” He was, however, the first
to collect gases over mercury (41 ) and distinguish hydrogen from other gases
by the descriptive term, “inflammable air from the metals.” His accurate
description of its properties and his methods of obtaining the pure gas from
different sources were scientific contributions of the first rank. He had, how-
ever, the mistaken idea that the hydro-
gen came from the metal rather than
from the acid (9). He at first identi-
fied hydrogen with phlogiston, but
later thought it was a compound of
phlogiston and water.
Cavendish's death was as lonely as
his life. He lived to the age of
seventy-nine years, and then, one day,
feeling the approach of death, he
asked an attendant servant to leave
the room and not return until a speci-
fied time. When the servitor re-
turned, he found his great master dead
(10). Mr. Henry Cavendish was
given the honor of a public funeral
and burial in All Hallows Church
near the tomb of his philanthropic
ancestor, Elizabeth Hardwicke. He
lived a blameless life, unselfishly de-
voted to the advancement of science.
His researches included electricity,
astronomy, meteorology, and chem-
istry, and he was also well versed in
mathematics, mining, metallurgy, and \
the fullest sense of the word.
From Ramsay* s “The Gases
of the Atmosphere **
Danibl Rutherford, 1749-1819
Scottish physician, botanist, and
chemist. Discoverer of nitrogen.
Professor of botany at Edinburgh.
President of the Royal College of Phy-
sicians of Edinburgh.
flogy. He was a great scientist in
The discovery of nitrogen was announced in a doctor’s dissertation by
Daniel Rutherford, uncle of Sir Walter Scott (11),* (40). He was a son of
Dr. John Rutherford, one of the founders of the Medical School at Edin-
burgh, and was born in that city on November 3, 1749. Preparatory to
entering his father’s profession, he graduated from the Arts course at the
University of Edinburgh, and on September 12, 1772, he received the
degree of doctor of medicine. His dissertation was the result of a research
suggested and directed by the famous Scottish chemist, Dr. Joseph Black.
Discovery of the Elements
Dr. Black had noticed that when a carbonaceous substance was burned, a
certain amount of air remained even after the “fixed air” (carbon dioxide)
had all been absorbed by caustic potash. He therefore gave to Rutherford
the problem of studying the properties of this residual “air” (12), (38).
Rutherford found that when a mouse was left in a confined volume of air
until it died, one-sixteenth of the volume disappeared; and that when the
remaining air was treated with alkali, it, in turn, lost one-eleventh of its
volume. After thus remov-
ing the carbon dioxide (“fixed,
or mephitic, air”) and most
of the oxygen, he studied the
properties of the residual gas.
He found it very difficult “to
completely saturate air with
phlogiston” (to remove all
the oxygen), for after a mouse
had died in it, a candle would
bum feebly, and after the
flame had flickered out, the
candle wick or phosphorus
would continue to glow. His
best results were obtained by
burning phosphorus in the
confined air. Since the resid-
ual gas did not support life,
he called it “noxious,” or in-
jurious, air. He did not rea-
lize, however, that his “nox-
ious air,” or nitrogen, as it is
now called, is the constituent
of the atmosphere that re-
mains after removal of the
oxygen and carbon dioxide.
He thought that the “nox-
ious air” was atmospheric air
that had taken up phlogiston from the substance that had been burned.
According to Rutherford, “ . . . this conjecture is confirmed by the fact
that air which has served for the calcination of metals is similar, and has
clearly taken away from them their phlogiston.” He thought that the
“mephitic air” obtained by burning carbonaceous material contained less
phlogiston than the “noxious air” remaining after combustion of phos-
phorus^ Rutherford’s epoch-making thesis, “ Dissertatio Inauguralis de
Aare fixo dicta, aut mepMHco t >f is preserved in the British Museum (12),
Courtesy Lyman C. Newell
Joseph Black, 1728-1799
Scottish chemist, physicist, and physician.
Professor of chemistry at Glasgow. He dis-
covered carbon dioxide (“fixed air”), and dis-
tinguished between magnesia and lime. He dis-
covered the latent heats of fusion and va-
porization, measured the specific heats of many
substances, and invented an ice calorimeter.
Nitrogen and Oxygen 89
(39) and at the University of Edinburgh and has been translated into
After completing his medical course, Dr. Rutherford traveled for three
years in England, France, and Italy. Upon returning to Edinburgh in 1775
he began his medical practice, and never again engaged in chemical
research. Eleven years later he accepted the chair of botany at Edinburgh,
but continued to practice medicine . He served for a time as president of the
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Dr. Rutherford had a pleasant
disposition, and displayed true loyalty and friendship toward his honored
teacher, Dr. Black {12).
Although most authorities agree that Dr. Rutherford was the discoverer
of nitrogen, it would be unfair to disregard the work of Scheele, Cavendish,
and Priestley. Scheele obtained nitrogen at about the same time by ab-
sorbing the oxygen of the atmosphere in liver of sulfur or a mixture of sulfur
and iron filings {13). One of Cavendish’s papers, written before 1772 and
marked in his handwriting “communicated to Dr. Priestley,” describes
his method of preparing “burnt air” by passing atmospheric air repeatedly
over red-hot charcoal, and then removing the carbon dioxide by absorbing
it in caustic potash. He studied the properties of nitrogen carefully, as
shown by this accurate description: “The specific gravity of this air was
found to differ very little from that of common air; of the two it seemed
rather lighter. It extinguished flame, and rendered common air unfit for
making bodies burn in the same manner as fixed air, but in a less degree, as
a candle which burnt about 80" in pure common air, and which went out
immediately in common air mixed with 8 /m of fixed air burnt about 26" in
common air mixed with the same portion of this burnt air” {14). It is
probable that Rutherford was unacquainted with Priestley’s earlier work
on nitrogen {38), {39).
In his “Simple Bodies of Chemistry,” David Low, as late as 1848, ex-
pressed a belief in the compound nature of nitrogen, based on the curious
reasoning that, since ammonia is derived from the organic kingdom, it must
contain carbon, and that therefore nitrogen must consist of carbon and
oxygen {49).
“ When Air's pure essence joins the vital flood ,
And with phosphoric Acid dyes the blood,
Your Virgin Trains the transient Heat dispart ,
And lead the soft combustion round the heart;
Life's holy lamp with fires successive feed,
From the crown'd forehead to the prostrate weed ,
From Earth's proud realms to all that swim or sweep
The yielding ether or tumultuous deep .
You swell the bulb beneath the heaving lawn ,
Brood ike Um seed , unfold the bursting spawn;
Discovery of the Elements
Nurse with soft lap , and warm with fragrant breath
The embryon panting in the arms of Death;
Youth's vivid eye with living light adorn ,
And fire the rising blush of Beauty's golden morn" (50).
Many books have been written about the discovery of oxygen. The
Orientalist, Heinrich Julius Klaproth, a son of the famous German chemist ,.
Martin Heinrich Klaproth, found a. reference to this gas in a Chinese book
written by Mao-Kh6a about the middle of the eighth century after Christ.
Mao-Kh6a believed that the atmos-
phere is composed of two substances:
Y&nn, or complete air (nitrogen), and
Yne, or incomplete air (oxygen).
Ordinary air can be made more perfect
byrusing metals, sulfur, or carbon to
rob it of part of its Yne. He said that
when these substances burn in air,
they combine with the Yne, which,
according to Mao-Khoa, never occurs
free, but is present in certain minerals
and in saltpeter, from which it can
be driven out by heating (25), (34).
Signor Muccioli (36), however, has
questioned the authenticity of this
Chinese manuscript.
iJ The first European to state that air
is not an element was the versatile
artist-scientist, Leonardo da Vinci
(1452-1519) . Leonardo, keen observer
that he was, noticed that air is con-
sumed in respiration and combustion,
but that it is not completely consumed
(15), (35).
Robert Hooke (16), in his famous
book “Micrographia” published in
1665, gave a complete theory of combustion. He thought that air contains
a substance (oxygen) that exists in solid form in saltpeter, and a larger
quantity of an inert substance (nitrogen). Dr. John Mayow, when only
thirty-three years of age, explained combustion by saying that air contains
a Spiritus nitro-aereus (oxygen), a gas that is consumed in respiration and
burning, with the result that substances no longer burn in the air that is
left. He thought that his Spiritus was present in saltpeter, and stated that it
existed, not in the alkaline part of the salt, but in the add part. According
to Dr. Mayow, all acids contain the Spiritus , and all animals absorb it into ,
From Jean Paul Richter’s “ Leonardo ”
Leonardo da Vinci
{From a drawing in red chalk by
himself. In the Royal Library, Turin.)
Italian artist, sculptor, anatomist, and
scientist of the first rank. Pioneer in
mechanics and aeronautics. The first
European to recognize that the atmos-
phere contains at least two constituents.
their blood as they breathe (17). T. S. Patterson, however, who has made
an exhaustive study of Dr. Mayow’s writings, believes that his contribu-
tions to the theory bf combustion have been greatly over-estimated (18).
The first person to prepare oxygen by heating saltpeter was Ole Borfch,
but he did not know how to collect it (19). He stated in 1678 that it did
not burn but that it made charcoal burn very vigorously (51). In his
“Prominent Danish Scientists,” V. Meisen shows a facsimile of the intro-
duction to Borch’s “Nitrum non inflammari,” which was published in
volume five of Thomas Bartholin's A eta Medica; 1 ‘In a little book Naturalis
Historic Nitri (Authore Guilielmo Clarcke Anglo, Francofurti et Hamburg
From Gunther's "Early Science in Oxford ,** Vol. 7
Robert Hooke’s Home, Montague House, Which Afterward Became the First
Home of the British Museum
1675.8°. p. 13), a man of learning says: ‘Saltpetre is ignitible, because ex-
perience shows that if a small piece of it is cast into a fire, it is ignited at
once and bums, leaving a rest of lime or ash. It catches fire suddenly and
blazes lively; and it burns downwards, whereas ordinarily fire always burns
upwards.* In numberless experiments I have however found nothing of the
kind . . .” (52).
William Clarke’s “Treatise on the Natural History of Nitre” was first
published in London in 1670. A Latin translation of it was issued in 1675.
Borch was a great physician, botanist, chemist, philologist, and historian
of science who bequeathed all his property to the University of Copenhagen
Discovery of the Elements
for the erection and maintenance of Borch’s Collegium, a dormitory for
students deserving of financial aid ( 52 ). Stephen Hales also prepared
oxygen from saltpeter and collected it over water, but thought he had
ordinary air; he did not believe in the existence of a “vivifying spirit' ' in
the atmosphere (19). In April, 1774, there appeared in Abb6 Rozier's
Journal de Physique a remarkable paper by Pierre Bayen, a pharmacist
who later became a medical in-
spector in the armies of the
French Republic. In discuss-
ing his experiments with mer-
curic oxide, Bayen stated that,
when mercury is calcined, it
does not lose phlogiston, but
combines with a gas and in-
creases in weight. He thus
rejected the phlogiston theory
three years before it was
proved false by Lavoisier (20).
Bayen, however, like all his
predecessors who had handled
oxygen, neglected to make a
thorough study of its properties
and failed to recognize it as a
new substance. AS Patterson
says, he . . cannot therefore
be regarded as having dis-
covered it, and this applies
with greater force to other un-
conscious preparations of oxy-
gen by Hales and possibly by
Robert Boyle, and, of course,
still more strongly to the vague
speculations of Hooke and
Mayow" (18).
Most chemists agree that
the actual discovery of oxygen
was made independently at
about the same time by Priestley in England and Scheele in Sweden.
Priestley's results, to be sure, were published before those of Scheele, but
Scheele's publisher had been inexcusably negligent. The question of
Courtesy E. R. Riegel
English chemist and physician, who died quite
young. Famous for his early researches on com-
bustion and respiration. His theory of combus-
tion was described in his tract entitled (t De Sale
Nitro et Spirito Nitro-aereo” in 1674 (48).
The Stuart Portrait of Joseph Priestley, 1733-1804
“Oh what an active brain had he ,
And clear discriminating mind.
Through life his great desire was this:
To bless and elevate mankind” (54).
Discovery of the Elements
Joseph Priestley was born in Fieldhead, a tiny hamlet near Leeds, on
March 13 (old style), 1733, and was therefore about one and one-half
years older than that other great pioneer in pneumatic chemistry, Mr.
Henry Cavendish. Although Priestley and Cavendish had similar scientific
interests, their lives and personalities offered the greatest possible contrast.
Since Priestley’s mother died when he was only six years old, he was en-
trusted to the care of an aunt,
Mrs, Keighley, of whom he
afterward said that she ‘‘knew
no other use of wealth, or of
talents of any kind, than to
do good” (21).
At the age of nineteen years
he was sent to the Dissenting
Academy at Daventry to be
educated for the liberal minis-
try. After completing the
three-year course, he minis-
tered to congregations at
Needham Market and later
at Nantwich, but with small
success. In 1761 he received
an appointment as teacher of
languages in the Dissenting
Academy at Warrington, and
taught Latin, Greek, French,
Italian, oratory, and civil law.
Although these subjects were
only distantly related to the
science in which he later won
undying fame, Priestley’s
scientific spirit manifested it-
self even here — he encouraged
absolute freedom of speech
Title Page of Bayen’s " Opuscules Chimiques” among his students.
Even when struggling with
poverty at Nantwich, Priestley loved to make experiments; and from his
meager salary he purchased an air-pump and an electrical machine. In
1766 an event occurred that caused him to devote the rest of his life to
scientific research. That event was his introduction to the great American
statesman and scientist, Benjamin Franklin. Not long after this meeting,
Priestley accepted a pastorate at Leeds. Since the parsonage happened to
be located next door to the Jakes and Nell Brewery, the Reverend Mr.
From Priestley's “ Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air," 1774 and 1790
See references (9) and {22)
Priestley’s Apparatus for Studying the Composition of the Atmosphere
Fig. 1, a, Earthenware pneumatic trough, 8* deep; bb , flat stones, which in his later
wooden trough were replaced by a shelf for holding the jars; cc, jars, 10* X 2 1 //, for
collecting gases; d f tall beer glass containing enough air to sustain a mouse for from 20
to 30 minutes, and “something on which it may conveniently sit, out of reach of the
water.” The mouse was introduced by passing it quickly through the water; e,
gas generator heated by a candle or a red-hot poker.
Fig. 2, “Pots and tea-dishes” to slide under the gas-filled jars when removing them
from the trough.
Fig. 3, Receiver for keeping the mice alive. It was open at top and bottom, ex-
cept for plates of perforated tin, the lower of which stood on a wooden frame to permit
circulation of air. To avoid chilling the mice, this receiver was kept on a shelf over the
kitchen fireplace.
Fig. 4, Cork for closing a phial of solid or liquid which must be transferred, without
wetting the contents, to a jar of gas in the pneumatic trough.
Fig. 5, Wire stand for supporting a gallipot inside a jar of gas.
Fig. 0, Funnel for “pouring air” into a glass jar by displacement of water.
Fig. 11, Glass cylinder for admitting a candle to test the ability of the gas to support
Fig. 12, a , Wax candle, bent for introducing it into a vessel, with the flame upward;
b , wire; c , candle to be held under a jar standing in water. It was removed the instant
the flame was extinguished, to avoid contamination of the gas in the iar with smoke.
Frontispiece of Priestley’s " Observations on Different Kinds of Air,” 1774 and 1790
See references (9) and (22)
Priestley’s Laboratory
Fig. 7, Apparatus for expelling gas from solids. The fireplace was used for heating
a gun barrel containing dry sand which had previously been ignited. The open end
of the gun barrel was luted to the stem of a tobacco pipe leading to a trough of mercury.
Fig. 8, a. Trough containing an inverted cylinder, b, of mercury; c, a phial contain-
ing substances from which a gas may be liberated; d, glass trap to intercept moisture.
Fig. 9, Bladder for transferring gases. It contained a bent glass tube at one end
and at the other a one-hole cork to admit a funnel. After the gas had been admitted,
the bladder was tied tightly with string.
Fig. 10, a, Apparatus for impregnating a fluid with gas; b, bowl containing a quan-
tity of the same fluid; c, phial containing chalk, cream of tartar, or pearlash, and dilute
sulfuric acid for generating carbon dioxide; d, flexible leather tube, which permitted
Priestley to shake the gas generator, c,
Fig. 13, Siphon.
' Fig. 14, Evacuated bell jar.
Fig. 15, Apparatus for measuring small quantities of gas in his experiments with
‘’nitrous air” (nitric oxide), o, small glass tube; b, wire; c, sharply bent, thin plate
of iron for withdrawing the wire. This little apparatus was introduced under water
into a jar of nitric oxide, and when the wire was withdrawn, nitric oxide took its place.
Priestley measured the lengths of the columns of air, of nitric oxide, and of the resulting
nitrogen peroxide after admixture.
Fig. 16, Apparatus for taking the electric spark in any kind of gas. a t Mercury
column; b, brass knob.
Figs. 17, 18, and 19 are different forms of apparatus for taking the electric spark in
gases. Fig. 19 represents a mercury-filled siphon containing an iron wire, aa, in each
leg. Any gas which was introduced would rise to bb, the upper part of the siphon. The
mercury basins could be made part of an electric circuit.
Joseph Priestley
Priestley had a convenient source of “fixed air" for his experiments. He
soon discovered the pleasant taste of water charged with this gas, and
recommended the refreshing beverage to his friends. Dr. William Brown-
rigg had previously made the same discovery (22), (47) .
Inspired by Priestley’s illuminating experiments with oxygen, carbon
dioxide, and other gases, the great Spanish physicist, historian, and poet,
Father Jos6 de Viera y Clavijo (1738-1799), praised him in a long poem.
Although the following prose
translation of an excerpt
from it cannot render justice
to the poetry, it nevertheless
illustrates an early intellec-
tual bond between the scien-
tists of Spain, Italy, England,
and the United States of
“If by His mandate Torricelli
Poised air's vast sea in slender
tube ,
Newton with his wondrous
Dawn's seven rays dissected
out ,
Jove's thunder and Heaven's
Yielded to Franklin's rod ,
God also guided Priestley when
He said:
Take thou this earth , take from
it the fixed air" (53).*
From 1772 to 1779 Priest-
ley served as literary com- Dedication of Priestley’s “Experiments
_ , „ and Observations on Different Kinds of
panion to Lord Shelburne. Air,” 1774
His most important chemical
experiments, culminating in the discovery of oxygen, were made during
this period, and his book entitled “Experiments and Observations on
Different Kinds of Air" was therefore affectionately dedicated to Lord
Shelburne. In 1780 Priestley became minister to adarge metropolitan con-
* "Si 61 hizo d Torricelli que pesos e
En tubo estrecko el mar de la atmosfera;
Que Newton con un prisma disecase
Los siete rayos de la luz primera;
Que Franklin con su barra le robase
El rayo d Jove , el Eter d la esfera;
TambiSn gu%6 d Priestley \ quando le dixo:
Toma esa tierra, saca el Ayre fixo . . (53).
Discovery of the Elements
gregation in Birmingham. Here he was contented in his ministry and
happy in his association with such men as James Watt, Josiah Wedgwood,
and Erasmus Darwin at the meetings of the Lunar Society, which met on
the first Monday evening after each full moon in order that the members
might find their way home through the unlighted streets. At Birmingham
he completed his six- volume work on “Different Kinds of Air,” which was
later abridged to three volumes.
The struggles of the American and French revolutionists aroused
Priestley's sympathy, and he was no dissembler. On July 14, 1791, about
eighty persons had a dinner at a Birmingham hotel in observance of the
second anniversary of the fall of the Bastille. A mob shattered the win-
dows with stones. Although Priestley did not attend the dinner, his politi-
cal views were well known. The fanatics broke up the meeting at the hotel,
surged through the streets of Birmingham, burned Priestley's church,
home, and library, and shattered his apparatus. Even then their thirst for
From Zekert’s “Carl Wilhelm Scheele, Sein Lehen und seine Werke ’*
Stralsund, the Birthplace of Scheele*
violence was not satiated, and furious rioting continued for three days.
Before the dragoons were at last able to disperse the mob and restore order,
the homes and churches of many dissenters had become charred ruins {23).
With the aid of friends, the Priestley family escaped without personal
injury. After three unhappy years in London, they finally succeeded in
collecting a small indemnity from the British Government, and emigrated
to America (23). Priestley's last days were spent in the peaceful town of
Northumberland, Pennsylvania, where he worked without interference at
his beloved experiments (33). He died on February 6, 1804, and was
buried in the Quaker cemetery at Northumberland.
Since Priestley found that some gases can be collected over water while
others require mercury (41), he concluded that there must be different
kinds of “airs." On August 1, 1774, he heated mercuric oxide with a burn-
ing glass, liberated a gas, “dephlogisticated air" (oxygen), and collected it
* Reproduced by kind permission of Mr. Arthur Nemayer, Bucbdruckerei und
Veriag, Mittenwald, Bavaria.
Priestley and Scheele
over water. In an atmosphere of this gas, substances burned more brilliantly
than in air. Five years later he tested the respirability of his “dephlogisti-
cated air” by mixing it with nitric oxide over water. He found that much
more nitric oxide was required to render a given volume of “dephlogisticated
air” unfit for a mouse to breathe than for an equal volume of atmospheric
air. His description of the experiment is charmingly naive :
My reader will not wonder
that, after having ascertained
the superior goodness of dephlo-
gisticated air by mice living in
it, and the other tests above
mentioned, I should have the
curiosity to taste it myself. I
have gratified that curiosity by
breathing it, drawing it through
a glass syphon, and by this
means I reduced a large jar full
of it to the standard of common
air. The feeling of it to my
lungs was not sensibly different
from that of common air, but I
fancied that my breast felt pe-
culiarly light and easy for some
time afterwards. Who can tell
but that, in time, this pure air
may become a fashionable
article in luxury? Hitherto
only two mice and myself have
had the privilege of breathing
it (24).
On the one hundredth anniversary
of the discovery of oxygen, a large
audience assembled in Birmingham
for the unveilingof a statue of Joseph
Priestley, and an eloquent eulogy
and biographical sketch was de-
livered by Thomas Huxley (25).
From Zekert's "C. W. Scheele,
Sein Leben und seine Werhe ”
Youthful Portrait of Carl Wilhelm
Scheele, 1742 - 1786 *
Swedish pharmacist and chemist. In-
dependent discoverer of oxygen. He dis-
covered arsenic acid, distinguished between
nitric and nitrous acids, demonstrated
the presence of tartaric, citric, malic,
and gallic acids in plants, and discovered
lactic and uric acids in the animal realm.
At the same time the scientists of Leeds assembled at Priestley’s birth-
place and the chemists of America gathered at his grave near the banks of
the Susquehanna to honor his memory (26). The meeting in Pennsylvania
was memorable not only because it marked the centennial of the discovery
of oxygen but also because it resulted in the founding of the American
Chemical Society.
Carl Wilhelm Scheele was born on December 9, 1742, in Stralsund, then
• Reproduced by kind permission of Mr. Arthur Nemayer, Buchdruckerei und
Verlag, Mittenwald, Bavaria.
100 Discovery of the Elements
the capital of Swedish Pomerania. He was the seventh child in a family
of eleven, and, since the family was not as rich in worldly goods as in
children, he was apprenticed at the age of fourteen years to an apothe-
cary named Bauch. Like other pharmacists of his time, Bauch prepared
his own medicines from the crude drugs and was well versed in chemistry.
In his laboratory were to be found many inorganic salts, the mineral acids,
a few ores, rock-crystal, phosphorus, sulfur, benzoic acid, and camphor.
His chemical library included
the works of Boerhaave, L6m-
ery, Kunckel, and Neumann
(27). The fourteen-year-old
apprentice soon developed a
passion for reading chemical
books and repeating the experi-
ments described in them. His
memory for chemical facts was
so great that, after reading a
book through once or twice, he
had no need to consult it again.
In 1768 Scheele took charge
of the Scharenberg pharmacy
in Stockholm, and at about the
same time he met with bitter
disappointment at the hands
of the Stockholm Academy,
which rejected two of his
earliest papers because of the
unmethodical style in which
they were written. The editor
who refused them was Torbem
Bergman, who afterward be-
came Scheele’s lifelong friend
(27 ) . In 1773 Scheele accepted
a position in Lokk’s pharmacy
at Upsala. One day Lokk
noticed that saltpeter which
has been fused for some time remains neutral, but evolves red fumes when
treated with vinegar. Assessor Gahn, the famous mineralogist who
discovered manganese, was unable to explain the change, and Bergman,
the illustrious professor of chemistry at Upsala, could give him no help.
Scheele, however, readily explained that there are two “spirits of niter/’ or,
as one says today, $wo acids, nitric and nitrous.
Gahn and Scheele became close friends, and much of their correspondence
From Grimaux’s “ Lavoisier ”
From the Painting by David
M. and Mme. Lavoisier
In 1777 Lavoisier gave quantitative proof of the
incorrectness of the phlogiston theory. Shortly
after Priestley and Scheele discovered oxygen,
Lavoisier gave the true explanation of combustion
and respiration. Berthollet, Guyton-Morveau,
Fourcroy, and Klaproth were among the first to
accept the new views.
Carl Wilhelm Scheele
has been preserved. It was through Gahn that Scheele made the acquaint-
ance of Bergman. When Scheele explained that potassium nitrate is
converted by fusion into the deliquescent salt, potassium nitrite, Berg-
man became deeply interested in the young chemist, and they, too, formed
a lasting friendship. Bergman received much of his practical instruction
from Scheele, while Scheele’s intellectual interests were broadened by his
long association with the scholarly Bergman {27).
In spite of many offers from
universities, Scheele never ex-
changed the practice of phar-
macy for an academic career.
The pharmacies of his day were
quiet centers of original re-
search, and as Scheele himself
once said to Assessor Gahn,
“ ... To explain new phenom-
ena, that is my task; and
how happy is the scientist
when he finds what he so dili-
gently sought, a pleasure that
gladdens the heart” {28).
His most brilliant discoveries
were made at the Lokk phar-
macy. His notebooks, which
have since been edited and
published by Baron Norden-
skiold, show that he prepared
oxygen in 1771 and 1772, that
is to say, at least two years
before Priestley did. Scheele
made it by heating silver car-
bonate, mercuric carbonate,
mercuric oxide, niter, and mag-
nesium nitrate, and by distilling a mixture of manganese dioxide and
arsenic acid. When oxygen is prepared by heating silver or mercuric car-
bonate, the carbon dioxide must be absorbed in caustic alkali.
The results of these experiments were discussed in the book, ‘Tire and
Air,” which Scheele sent to his publisher, Swederus, near the end of 1775,
but the book did not appear until 1777. In August, 1776, Scheele, ex-
asperated at the delay, wrote dejectedly to Bergman, “I have thought for
some time back, and I am now more than ever convinced, that the greater
number of my laborious experiments on fire will be repeated, possibly in a
somewhat different manner, by others, and that their work will be pub-
A Statue of Lavoisier Which Formed Part
of the French Exhibit at the San Francisco
Exposition in 1915
Discovery of the Elements
lished sooner than my own, which is concerned also with air. It will then
be said that my experiments are taken, it may be in a slightly altered form,
from their writings. I have Swederus to thank for all this” (29). Scheele’s
discovery of oxygen was anticipated, as he had feared, but he is universally
recognized as an independent discoverer of that gas.
In 1776 he became a pro visor of the pharmacy at Koping, a little town
on the north shore of Lake Malar. The owner, Heinrich Pohl, had died,
leaving the shop to his young widow. Instead of finding the prosperous
business he had expected, Scheele met the discouraging task of freeing the
estate from heavy debt (27), but he finally placed the business on a sound
financial basis and purchased it from the widow Pohl. By 1 782 his name
was known to all European scientists, and his financial condition permitted
him to build a new home and a well-equipped laboratory. One of his
sisters and Mrs. Pohl kept house for him.
The last years of his life were filled with intense suffering from rheuma-
tism. When he realized that death was near, he married the widow Pohl
in order that the estate which he had struggled so hard to save might return
to her. He died two days later on May 21, 1786, at the age of forty-three
years. His entire life had been devoted to chemistry, and in one of his let-
ters to Gahn one may read, “ Diese edel Wissenschaft ist mein Auge ”* (30).
Scheele was a phlogistonist to the end of his life, and thought that
phlogiston was similar to the imponderable ether of the physicists and that
hydrogen was a compound of phlogiston and “matter of heat.” It has
been shown that certain seventeenth-century chemists were ahead of most
eighteenth-century scientists in their understanding of the composition of
the atmosphere and the nature of combustion and respiration. Even the
three men who had contributed most toward an understanding of the at-
mosphere — namely, Cavendish, Priestley, and Scheele — clung to the end of
their days to the outgrown phlogiston theory.
The great French scientist, Lavoisier, would have liked very much to be
considered an independent discoverer of oxygen, but he himself may have
felt the weakness of his claim. He wrote in his il M6moire sur VEocistence de
VAir dans VAcide Nitreux ,” read on April 20, 1776, “Perhaps, strictly
speaking, there is nothing in it of which Mr. Priestley would not be able to
claim the original idea; but as the same facts have conducted us to dia-
metrically opposite results, I trust that, if I am reproached for having
borrowed my proofs from the works of this celebrated philosopher, my right
at least to the conclusions will not be contested” (31). In his remarkable
paper “On the Nature of the Principle That Combines with Metals during
Their Calcination and Increases Their Weight, ’ ’ which he had read during the
Easter season of 1775, he had announced that this principle is simply “the
purest and most salubrious part of the air; so that if the air which has been
♦ "This noble science is my guide."
Antoinb-Laurbnt Lavoisier
fixed in a metallic combination again becomes free, it reappears in a condi-
tion in which it is eminently respirable and better adapted than the air of the
atmosphere to support inflammation and the combustion of substances”
( 32 ).
This was the death blow to the phlogiston theory. Although Lavoisier
discovered no elements himself, he was the first to assert that oxygen is an
element. Moreover, his correct explanation of combustion so revolutionized
the entire science of chemistry that, under the new stimulus, many new
elements were discovered soon after his tragic death on the guillotine.
For this great service scientists will always honor the name of Antoine-
Laurent Lavoisier.
Literature Cited
(0 Boyle, R. f “Memoirs for a General History of the Air,” Shaw’s Abridgment of
Boyle's Works, Vol. 3, 1725, p. 61; Sir W. Ramsay, “The Gases of the Atmos-
phere,” Macmillan & Co., London, 1915, p. 10.
( 2 ) Kopp, H., “Geschichte der Cliemie,” part 3, Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig,
1845, pp. 260-1; R. Jagnaux, “Histoire de la Chimie,” Vol. 1, Baudry et Cie.,
Paris, 1891, pp. 385-6.
( 3 ) Wilson, G., “The Life of the Honourable Henry Cavendish Including Abstracts
' of His More Important Scientific Papers,” printed for the Cavendish Society,
London, 1851, p. 17.
(4) “Biographie Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne,” 85 vols., Vol. 7, Michaud Fr£res,
Paris, 1813, p. 456. Biographical sketch of Cavendish by Biot.
(5) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry,” Vol. 1, Colburn and Bentley,
London, 1830, pp. 336-8.
(6) Wilson, G., “The Life of the Honourable Henry Cavendish,” ref. (3), pp. 168-9.
(7) Davy, Dr. John, “Memoirs of the Life of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart.,” Vol. 1,
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, London, 1836, p. 221.
( 8 ) Wilson, G., “The Life of the Honourable Henry Cavendish,” ref. ( 3 ), pp. 163-4.
(9) Ibid., pp. 25-7; Alembic Club Reprint No. 3. H. Cavendish, “Experiments
on Air,” University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1906, pp. 13-25; J. Priestley,
"Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air,” Vol. I, Thomas
Pearson, Birmingham, 1790, p. 5 and p. 270; T. E. Thorpe, “Scientific Papers of
the Honourable Henry Cavendish, F.R.S.,” Vol. 2, University Press, Cambridge,
1921, pp. 9-10; H. Cavendish, Phil. Trans., 74, 119-53 (1784).
(10) Wilson, G., “The Life of the Honourable Henry Cavendish,” ref. (3), pp. 182-5.
(11) Ramsay, Sir W., “Life and Letters of Joseph Black, M.D.,” Constable and Co.,
London, 1918 , p. 51.
(12) Ramsay, Sir W., “The Gases of the Atmosphere,” ref. (2), pp. 61-7,
(13) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” ref. ( 2 ), Vol. 1, p. 550; Alembic Club
Reprint No. 3. H. Cavendish, “Experiments on Air,” ref. (9), pp, 26-7; C. W.
Scheele, “Sammtliche physische und chemische Werke,” translated into German
by Hermbstadt, Vol. 1, zweite unveranderte Auflage, Mayer and Muller, Berlin,
1891 , pp. 186-7.
(14) Wilson, G„ “The Life of the Honourable Henry Cavendish,” ref. ( 3 ), p. 28,
British Assoc. Report, 1839, pp. 64-5; Alembic Club Reprint No. 3. H. Caven-
dish, “Experiments on Air,” ref. (9), p. 49; H. Cavendish, Phil. Trans., 75,
372-84 (1785). '
104 Discovery of the Elements
(25) JOrgensen, S. M., “Die Entdeckung des Sauerstoffes,” translated from Danish
into German by Ortwed and Speter. Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart, 1909, pp. 3-11.
(70) Alembic Club Reprint No. 5, “Extracts from Micrographia,” University of
Chicago Press, Chicago, 1902, pp. 43-7.
(17) JOrgensen, S. M., “Die Entdeckung des Sauerstoffes,” ref. (25), pp. 8-9;
E. Riegbl, “Four eminent chemists who died before their time,” J. Chem.
Educ., 3, 1103-5 (Oct., 1926).
(IS) Patterson, T. S., “John Mayow — in contemporary setting,” Isis, 15, [3], 539
(Sept., 1931).
(19) JOrgensen, S. M., “Die Entdeckung des Sauerstoffes,” ref. (25), pp. 12-4.
(20) Jorgensen, S. M., “Die Entdeckung des Sauerstoffes,” ref. (25), pp. 30-3; P.
Bayen, Rozier's Jour, de Physique , 3, 285 (Apr., 1774); P. Bayen, “Opuscules
Chimiques,” Vol. 1, Dugour et Durand, Paris, An VI de la R6publique, p. li
(feloge by Parmentier); ibid., p. 228.
(21) Thorpe, T. E., “Essays in Historical Chemistry,” Macmillan & Co., London,
1894, p. 30.
(22) Priestley, J., “Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air,”
J. Johnson, London, 1774, pp. 25-34.
(23) Thorpe, T. E., “Essays in Historical Chemistry,” ref. (21), pp. 34-5.
(24) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” ref. (2), Vol. 1, p. 399; J. PRIestley,
“Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air,” Vol. 2, Thomas
Pearson, Birmingham, 1790, pp. 161-2. See also, ibid., pp. 102-87.
(25) Huxley, T., “Science and Education: Essays,” D. Appleton & Co., New York
City, 1897, pp. 1-37.
(26) Thorpe, T. E., “Essays in Historical Chemistry,” ref. (21), p. 28.
(27) Ibid., pp. 56-65.
(28) Scheble, C. W., “Nachgelassene Briefe und Aufzeichnungen,” edited by Norden-
skiold, Norstedt & Soner, Stockholm, 1892, p. 151. Letter of Scheele to Gahn,
Dec. 26, 1774.
(29) Ibid., p. 264.
(30) Ibid., p. 165.
(31) “Oeuvres de Lavoisier,” Vol. 2, Imprimerie Imp6riale, Paris, 1862, p. 130.
(32) Ibid., Vol. 2, p. 127.
(33) Smith, E. F., “Priestley in America,” P. Blakiston’s Son and Co., Philadelphia,
1920, 173 pages; C. A. Browne, “A Half Century of Chemistry in America,”
The American Chemical Society, Easton, Pa., 1926, pp. 3-16; S. A. Goldschmidt,
“The birth of the American Chemical Society at the Priestley house in 1874,”
J. Chem. Educ., 4, 145-7 (Feb., 1927); W. H. Walker, “History of the Priestley
house and the movement for its preservation,” J. Chem. Educ., 4, 150-7 (Feb.,
1927); C. A. Browne, “Priestley’s life in Northumberland and discussion of the
Priestley relics on exhibition in the museum,” J. Chem. Educ., 4, 159-71 (Feb.,
1927); L. C. Newell, “One of Priestley’s first letters written from Northumber-
land, Pa.,” J. Chem. Educ., 4, 173-5 (Feb., 1927); T. L. Davis, “Priestley’s last
defense of phlogiston,” J. Chem. Educ., 4, 176-83 (Feb., 1927); C. A. Browne,
“Joseph Priestley as an historian of science,” J. Chem. Educ., 4, 184-99 (Feb. ,
(34) Klaproth, H. J„ “Sur les connaissances chimiques des Chinois dans le VIII
Steele,” Mimoires de VAcad. de St. Peter sbourg, 2, 476-84 (1810).
(35) VON Lippmann, E. O., “Abhandlungen und Vortrage zur Geschiehte der Natur-
wissenschaften,” Veit and Co., Leipzig, 1906, Vol. 1, p. 361.
Literature Cited
(36) MuccIoli, M., "Intorno ad una Memoria di Giulio Klaproth sulle ‘Conoscenze
Chimiche dei Cinesi nell 1 VIII Secolo,’ ” Archeion, Archiv . di Storia della Scienza ,
7, 382-6 (Dec., 1926).
(37) Dobbin, L., "Paracelsus and the discovery of hydrogen,” J. Chbm. Educ., 9,
1122-4 (June 1932); M. E. Weeks, ibid., 9, 1296 (July, 1932).
(38) Weeks, M. E., "Daniel Rutherford and the discovery of nitrogen,” ibid., 11,
101-7 (Feb., 1934); Rev. Sci ., 72, 441-9 (July, 1934).
(39) McKie, D., "Daniel Rutherford and the discovery of nitrogen,” Sci . Progress , 29,
650-60 <Apr., 1935); L. Dobbin, "Daniel Rutherford’s inaugural dissertation.
Crum Brown's translation.” J. Chem. Educ., 12, 370-5 (Aug., 1935).
(40) Weeks, M. E., "Some scientific friends of Sir Walter Scott,” J. Chbm. Educ.,
13, 503-7, (Nov., 1936).
(41) Speter, Max, "Wer hat zuerst Quccksilber als Sperrfiussigkeit beim Auffangen
von Gasen verwendet?” Schweizerische Apotheker-Ztg ., 58, 123-4 (Feb., 1920).
(42) Speter, Max, "Lavoisier und seine Vorlaufer,” F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1910, pp. 48-
51. Chapter on Pierre Bayen.
(43) Speter, Max, ibid., pp. 55-72, 96-108. Chapter on John Mayow; "John
Mayow und das Schicksal seiner Lehren,” Chem.-Ztg., 34, 946-7, 953-4, 962-4
(Sept., 1910).
(44) "The Works of the Hon. Robert Boyle,” A. Millar, London, 1794, vol. 3, pp. 255-
6; ibid., vol. 5, p. 111.
(45) L£mbry, N., "A Course of Chymistry,” Walter Kettilby, London, 1686, pp. 145-
6; ibid., Theodore Haak, Leyden, 1716, pp. 184-6.
(46) Smith, H. M., "Eminent men of science living in 1807-8,” J. Chem. Educ., 18,
203-5, 226 (May, 1941); W. Walker, "Memoirs of the Distinguished Men of
Science of Great Britain Living in the Years 1807-8,” W. Walker and Son, Lon-
don, 1862, p. 38.
(47) Priestley, J., ref. (9), vol. 1, pp. 4-5.
(48) McKie, D., "John Mayow, 1641-79,” Nature, 148, 728 (Dec. 13, 1941).
(49) Low, David, "The Simple Bodies of Chemistry,” Longman, Brown, Green, and
Longmans, London, 1848, 2nd ed., p. 85.
(50) Darwin, Erasmus, "A Botanic Garden,” J. Johnson, London, 1791, 2nd ed., pp.
(51) Jorgensen, S. M., ref. (15), p. 12.
(52) Mbisen, V., "Prominent Danish Scientists,” Levin and Munksgaard, Copen-
hagen, 1932, pp. 33-5.
(53) Sempere. J., "Epsayo de Una Biblioteca Espanola de los Mejores Escritores del
Reynado de Carlos JII,” Imprenta Real, Madrid, 1789, vol. 6, pp. 155-8.
(54) "The Priestley centennial,” Am. Chemist, 5, 43 (Aug., Sept., 1874). Poem by
Iambs Aiken.
Although the statement that nitrogen was discovered in 1772 by Daniel
Rutherford appears in most histories of chemistry , this Scottish scientist has
remained almost unknown to chemists. Nevertheless , the life story and per-
sonal character of Dr. Rutherford emerge from the correspondence of his dis-
tinguished nephew , Sir Walter Scott } in almost pleasing manner. Both Dr.
Rutherford and his father served as physicians to the Scott family , and the
great novelist's allusions to them combine admiration , sincere affection , and
pardonable family pride.
Dr. Rutherford served as professor of botany at the University of Edinburgh
from 1786 to 1819 , and was thus contemporary with Joseph Blacky Charles
Hope , and John Robison. He invented an ingenious maximum and mini-
mum thermometer which is described in many modern textbooks of physics.
The tragic circumstances surrounding his sudden death were described by Sir
Walter in numerous letters to members of his family.
In his doctor's thesis Rutherford made a clear distinction between nitrogen
and carbon dioxide which most of his contemporaries had failed to observe.
Henry Cavendish y however , had made this distinction somewhat earlier , but had
failed to publish his results. The names of Priestley and Scheele are also
intimately connected with the discovery of nitrogen.
The correspondence of Sir Walter Scott, his family genealogy , and the ten-
volume biography by his son-in-law, J. G. Lockhart, contain frequent al-
lusions to Scott's grandfather, Dr. John Rutherford, one of the founders of
the medical school at the University of Edinburgh, and to his uncle, Dr.
Daniel Rutherford, who is usually regarded as the discoverer of the element
nitrogen. In the genealogy of the Scott family one may read:
By his first wife, Jean Swinton, Professor John Rutherford had a son,
John, who died young, and a daughter Anne, who married f Walter
Scott, writer to the Signet, and became the mother of Sir Walter Scott
Bart. He married, secondly, on the 9th August, 1743, Anne
M'Kay, by whom he had five sons and three daughters. . .Daniel Ruth-
erford, second son of Professor John Rutherford, was born on 3rd
November, 1749. Prosecuting medical studies at the University of
Edinburgh, he early discovered the existence of a gaseous fluid, now
known as nitrogen gas. . ,{1)
Sir Walter Scott gave some of the same facts in the following passage
from his autobiography;
* Presented before the Division of History of Chemistry at the Washington meeting
of the American Chemical Society, March 28, 1933.
t A facsimile of the marriage contract is to be found in ref. (4).
Daniel Rutherford
In [April, 1758] my father married Anne Rutherford, eldest daugh-
ter of Dr. John Rutherford, professor of medicine in the University of
Edinburgh. He was one of those pupils of Boerhaave to whom the
school of medicine in our northern metropolis owes its rise, and a man
distinguished for professional talent, for lively wit, and for literary ac-
quirements. Dr. Rutherford was twice married. His first wife, of
whom my mother is the sole surviving child, was a daughter of Sir
John Swinton of Swinton, a family which produced many distinguished
warriors during the middle ages, and which, for antiquity and honour-
able alliances, may rank with any in Britain. My grandfather's
second wife was Miss Mackay, by whom he had a second family, of
whom are now [1808] alive, Dr. Daniel Rutherford, professor of botany
in the University of Edinburgh, and Misses Janet and Christian
Rutherford, amiable and accomplished women. . .(2)
As might be expected, the Rutherfords, both father and son, served as
physicians to the Scott family. When Sir Walter was only eighteen months
old, his right leg became paralyzed, and, after the best physicians had failed
in their attempts to restore the use of it, his grandfather, Dr. John Ruther-
ford, had him sent to live in the country ( 3 ), ( 4 ). During a serious illness
in later life, Scott “submitted without a murmur to the severe discipline
prescribed by his affectionate physician [Dr. Daniel Rutherford]. . ." (5).
John Rutherford was born in the Manse of Yarrow, Scotland, on August
1 , 1695, was educated at the grammar school at Selkirk, and studied anat-
omy, surgery, and materia medica in London and later in Leyden under
Boerhaave. After receiving his medical degree from the University of
Reims in 1719, he went to Edinburgh to engage in private practice. In
November, 1724, he applied, with three other members of the College of
Physicians, for the keeping of the college garden, which had fallen into
disuse. With the consent of the town council, the four physicians raised
medicinal plants there and, in order to prepare drugs for the apothecaries'
shops, set up a chemical laboratory at their own expense. Two years later
Dr. Rutherford was appointed Professor of the Practice of Medicine in the
medical school which he had helped to found. He used Boerhaave's
“ Aphorismi de Cognoscendis et Curandis Morbis " as a textbook, and for
many years delivered clinical lectures in the Edinburgh Infirmary. He
resigned in 1765, and died in 1779 at the age of eighty-four years (6), (7).
According to Florence MacCunn, both Sir Walter Scott and his mother
inherited their “homely features and look of gobd-tempered shrewdness"
from “old Dr. Rutherford, whose homely, heavy, sensible face hangs in
the rooms of the Edinburgh College of Physicians" (< 8 ).
According to Lockhart, Dr. Daniel Rutherford “inherited much of the
general accomplishments, as well as the professional reputation, of his
father" (9). He was keenly interested in the classics, in English literature,
and in mathematics, and his graduation thesis, like that of his celebrated
Discovery of the Elements
professor, Dr. Joseph
Black, dearly revealed
the existence of a new
gas. Just as Black's
dissertation , “De hu -
more acido a cibis orto } et
magnesia alba"* pub-
lished on June 11, 1754,
had contained the dis-
covery of carbon di-
oxide, Rutherford’s the-
sis, “ Dissertatio inaug-
ur alis de aere fixo dicto,
aut mephitico ,”t dated
September 12, 1772,
made clear the exist-
ence of nitrogen (phlo-
gisticated air) as distinct
from carbon dioxide
(fixed air).
Although Stephen
Hermann Boerhaave, 1668-1738 Hales had prepared ni-
Dutch physician, anatomist, chemist, and botanist. frozen hv absorbing the
The Edinburgh Medical School was founded by pupils tro 8 en aosorDing rne
of Boerhaave while he was still in his prime. John oxygen from a confined
Rutherford, father of Daniel Rutherford, was one of vo i ume Q f atmospheric
ms ae voted disciples. r
air, he had failed to
recognize it as a new substance (10). Henry Cavendish was evidently the
first person to distinguish nitrogen from other kinds of suffocating incom-
bustible gases, but he had failed to publish his results. In a paper marked
in his handwriting “communicated to Dr. Priestley," he had written:
I am not certain what it is which Dr. P[riestley] means by mephitic
air, though from some circumstances I guess that what he speaks of. . .
was that to which Dr. Black has given* the name of fixed air. The
natural meaning of mephitic air is any air which suffocates animals (&
this is what Dr. Priestley seems to mean by the words), but in all prob-
ability there are many kinds of air which possess this property. I
am sure there are 2, namely, fixed air, & common air in which candles
have burnt, or which has passed thro’ the fire. Air which has passed
thro’ a charcoal ’fire contains a great deal of fixed air, which is generated
from the charcoal, but it consists principally of common air, which has
suffered a change in its nature from the fire. As I formerly made an
experiment on this subject, which seems to contain some new circum-
stances, I will here set it down.
* The acid arising from food, and magnesia alba,
f Inaugural dissertation on the air called fixed or mephitic.
Cavendish’s Experiments on Nitrogen
I transferd some
common air out of
one receiver
through burning
charcoal into a 2nd
receiver by means
of a bent pipe, the
middle of which
was filled with
powdered charcoal
& heated red hot,
both receivers be-
ing inverted into
vessels of water, &
the 2nd receiver
being full of water,
so that no air could
get into it but what
came out of the
first receiver &
passed through the
charcoal. The
quant, air driven
out of the first re-
ceiver was 180 oz.
measures, that
driven into the 2nd
receiver was 190
oz. measures. In
order to see whether
any of this was
fixed air, some sope
leys was mixed with
the water in the
bason, into which
the mouth of this 2nd receiver was immersed; it was thereby reduced
to 166 oz.,* so that 24 oz. meas. were absorbed by the sope leys, all of
which we may conclude to be fixed air produced from the charcoal;
therefore 14 oz. of common air were absorbed by the fumes of the
burning charcoal, agreeable to what Dr. Hales and others have ob-
served, that all burning bodies absorb air. . .( 11 )
Sir Walter Scott, 1771-1832
Scottish novelist and poet. His writings contain
many interesting allusions to his uncle. Dr. Daniel
Rutherford. Scott’s circle of friends included Dr.
William Hyde Wollaston, Sir David Brewster, Dr.
John Davy, Sir Humphry Davy, and Joseph Black.
With characteristic thoroughness Cavendish had passed the 166 ounces
of residual air back again through fresh burning charcoal into another
receiver. After another treatment with the soap lye there remained 162
ounces of a gas which he described as follows :
The specific gravity of this air was found to differ very little from
that of common air; of the two it seemed rather lighter. It extin-
guished flame, & rendered common air unfit for making bodies bum,
in the same manner as fixed air, but in a less degree. . .( 11 )
* The number 168 given in the British Association Reports is evidently a misprint.
Discovery of the Elements
In a paper read before the Royal Society in March, 1772 (six months
before Dr. Rutherford's thesis was published), Priestley mentioned these
experiments, but failed to record Cavendish’s clear interpretation of them.
The Honourable Mr. Cavendish favoured me [said he] with an ac-
count of some experiments of his, in which a quantity of common air
was reduced from 180 to 162 ounce measures, by passing through a
red-hot iron tube filled with the dust of charcoal. This diminution he
ascribed to such a destruction of common air as Dr, Hales imagined to
be the consequence of burning. Mr. Cavendish also observed, that
there had been a generation of fixed air in this process, but that it was
absorbed by sope leys (72) .
In the same paper Priestley stated :
Air thus diminished by the fumes of burning charcoal not only ex-
tinguishes flame, but is in the highest degree noxious to animals; it
makes no effervescence with nitrous air, and is incapable of being di-
minished any farther by the fumes of more charcoal, by a mixture of
iron filings and brimstone, or by any other cause of the diminution of
air that I am acquainted with. -This observation, which respects all
other kinds of diminished air, proves that Dr. Hales was mistaken in
his notion of the absorption of air in those circumstances in which he
observed it. For he supposed that the remainder was, in all cases, of
the same nature with that which had been absorbed, and that the
operation of the same cause would not have failed to produce a farther
diminution; whereas all my observations not only shew that air, which
has once been fully diminished by any cause whatever, is not only in-
capable of any farther diminution, either from the same or from any
other cause, but that it has likewise acquired new properties, most re-
markably different from those which it had before, and that they are,
in a great measure, the same in all the cases. . . .(12)
Priestley also observed that "‘lime-water never became turbid by the
calcination of metals over it," and that "when this process was made in
quicksilver, the air was diminished only one-fifth; and upon water being
admitted to it, no more was absorbed" (22). He stated that this "air in
which candles, or brimstone, had burned out. . . is rather lighter than com-
mon air" (22). Thus Priestley recognized, even at this early date, some
of the most important properties of the gas now known as nitrogen.
Although the only copy of Rutherford's thesis which Sir William Ramsay
was able to find is in the British Museum, Dr. Leonard Dobbin found a
copy of it in the Edinburgh University Library and has published Crum
Brown's English translation of it in the Journal of Chemical Education
(40). Although Ramsay stated in the first edition of 4 "The Gases of the
Atmosphere" that this dissertation "precedes Priestley's and Scheele’s
writings by a year or two," he corrected this in the second edition to read :
" . . . Priestley had nearly anticipated Rutherford; and indeed, he specu-
lated on the nature of the residual gas, left after combustion and absorp*
Rutherford's Experiments on Nitrogen
tion of the fixed air
produced" (13). Al-
though Rutherford re-
ferred in his thesis to
Priestley's experiments
on the effect of vege-
tation on the atmos-
phere, he was evidently
unfamiliar with those
on nitrogen (14), (15).
Dr. Black had noticed
that when a carbona-
ceous substance is
burned in air in such a
manner that the fixed
air can be absorbed in
caustic alkali, a portion
of the air remains. He
had therefore assigned
to his student, Daniel
Rutherford, the investi-
gation of this residual
air in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for
the degree of doctor of
The dissertation be-
British clergyman, biologist, chemist, and inventor.
His most important researches were on blood pressure,
circulation of sap, respiration, and ventilation.
gins with an appropriate quotation from Lucretius and a review of the
researches of Black and of Cavendish on fixed air. Rutherford then
described his own experiments in which he had found that a mouse,
left in a confined volume of atmospheric air until it died, had con-
sumed Vie of the air, and that treatment of the remaining air with alkali had
caused it to lose one-eleventh of its volume. He found that the residual
air extinguished the flame of a candle and that the wick would continue
to glow in it for only a short time. He also discovered that air depleted
by passage over ignited charcoal is identical with air vitiated by respiration.
When he burned a metal, ^phosphorus, or sulfur in the atmosphere, however,
he found that the residual gas contained no mephitic air [carbon dioxide],
but that it had undergone "a singular change" (14). After burning a
candle or suffocating a mouse in a confined volume of air, and absorbing the
resulting^Micei air, or carbon dioxide, in caustic alkali, Rutherford concluded
from careful study of .the residual gas that
Discovery of the Elements
. . .healthy and pure air by being respired, not only becomes partly
mephitic [poisonous], but also suffers another change in its nature.
For after all mephitic air [carbon dioxide] is separated and removed
from it by means of a caustic lixivium, that which remains does not
thence become more healthful; for although it makes no precipitate of
lime from water, yet it extinguishes fire and life no less than before (16).
Rutherford also believed that “pure air is not converted into mephitic air
by force of combustion, but that this air rather takes its rise or is thrown
out from the body thus resolved” (15). Heconcluded, in other words, “that
that unwholesome air is composed of atmospheric air in union with, and, so
to say, saturated with, phlogiston” (15). After pointing out the distinc-
tion between this new “noxious air” [nitrogen] and “mephitic air” [carbon
dioxide], the air evolved by the action of acids on metals, and the air from
decaying flesh, Rutherford added that he was unable to state with cer-
tainty anything regarding the composition of mephitic air nor to explain its
inability to support life. He believed, however, that it was possibly gener-
ated from the food, and expelled as a waste product from the blood by
means of the lungs (14). ,
Certain experiments [said he] appear to show. . .that it consists of
atmospheric air in union with phlogistic material : for it is never pro-
duced except from bodies which ^abound in inflammable parts; the
phlogiston ever appears to be taken up by other bodies, and is hence of
value in reducing the calces of metals. I say from phlogistic ma-
terial, because as already mentioned, pure phlogiston, in combination
with common air, can be seen to yield another kind of air. . .(15)
Sir William Ramsay believed that Rutherford “may well be credited
with the discovery of nitrogen” and that his thesis on mephitic air “was
an advance, though not a great one, in the development of the theory of the
true nature of air” (15). B. B. Woodward believed, however, that “all
the facts and views recorded by Rutherford are to be found in Priestley's
memoir published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1772 (p. 230 et
passim ), and read six months before the publication of Rutherford's tract;
but Priestley's exposition is less methodical and precise” (14). Both
Rutherford and Priestley believed the new gas to be atmospheric air satu-
rated with phlogiston, and neither of them regarded it as an element (14).
In his “Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry,” Dr. Joseph Black made
the following statement about the discovery of nitrogen :
Scarcely inferior to vital air in importance is the faul air of Dr.
Scheele, which I mentioned on the same occasion, as that noxious por-
tion of atmospherical air which remains when the vital air has been
absorbed by the hepar sulphuris [product of heating potassium car-
bonate with sulfur] (17). I must here observe, that this portion of
our atmosphere was first observed in 1772 by my colleague Dr. Ruther-
ford* and published by him in his inaugural dissertation. He had then
discovered that we were mistaken in supposing that all noxious air
was the fixed air which I had discovered. He says, that after this has
been removed by caustic alkali or lime, a very large proportion of the
air remains, which extinguishes life and flame in an instant. Soon
after this Dr. Priestley met with this noxious air, which was produced
in a variety of experiments, in which bodies were burned, or putrefied,
or thickened in certain cases, or metals calcined, or minerals efflo-
resced, &c.&c. In all these cases, he thought that he had reason to be-
lieve that phlogiston had quitted the substances under consideration —
had combined with the air, — and had thus vitiated it. Now saturated
with phlogiston, the air could take no more, and therefore extinguished
flame. He called all these processes phlogisticating processes , and the
air thus tainted phlogisticated air (18).
According to Dr. Black, it was Scheele who proved that the diminution
of bulk which accompanied the vitiation of the air by these combustion
. . .was owing to a real abstraction of all the vital air which the atmos-
pheric air contained . For when any of these ‘ 'phlogisticating processes ' '
of Dr. Priestley were performed in vital air, it was totally absorbed (19).
The remainder therefore, when the experiment was made in common
air, was considered by him as a primitive air, unchanged in its proper-
ties. He called it faul air , which may mean either rotten air, because
it is produced in vast abundance by putrefying bodies, or simply foul
air , i. e., tainted occasionally, when the phlogiston is more than will
saturate the vital air.
Dr. Black also mentioned Berthollet’s preparation of nitrogen by pouring
nitric acid on fresh muscle fiber and Fourcroy's discovery of this gas in the
swimming bladders of carp, bream, and other fish (20). He said that, al-
though the discoverers of the element had called it by various names —
phlogisticated , foul, or mephitic air , or choke-damp (Stickstoff) — the name
nitrogen had been suggested by “Mr. Chaptal and other chemists of the
first rank/’ after Cavendish had prepared niter by sparking the new gas
with oxygen in presence of caustic potash (21). The French name azote
was suggested by Lavoisier because of the inability of the gas to support
life (18), (22), (23), (24). Although Lavoisier (25) had mentioned nitrogen
in his list of elements, Sir Humphry Davy doubted its elementary nature
as late as 1808-09 and attempted to decompose it (26).
After his graduation, young Dr. Rutherford studied in Paris, Italy, and
London for three years before returning to Edinburgh to practice medicine.
During his stay in Paris, he declined an invitation to a party at which
Prince Charles Edward was expected, saying that, out of respect for the
honor of a fallen house, he wished to avoid the spectacle of seeing the prince
intoxicated (I).
Since Max Speter (27), (41) mentioned that John Mayow in his “Trac-
tatus Quinque” anticipated Lavoisier (28) in the belief that all adds contain
Discovery of the Elements
John Hope, 1725-1786
Predecessor of Daniel Rutherford as professor of botany
and materia medica at the University of Edinburgh. Dr.
Hope had the plants in the Botanical Garden arranged
according to the Linnaean system. In the above por-
trait he is shown instructing one of the workmen. His
son, Thomas Charles Hope (1766-1844), was Rutherford’s
contemporary as professor of chemistry at Edinburgh.
oxygen, it is interest-
ing to know that Dr.
Rutherford also
made the same error.
A note by John Robi-
son in his edition
of Black's “Lectures
on the Elements oj
Chemistry " reads as
follows :
I cannot omit
mentioning in this
place, that my
colleague, Dr.
Daniel Rutherford
read, in the year
1775, to the Philo-
sophical Society of
Edinburgh, a dis-
sertation on nitre
and nitrous acid,
in which this doc-
trine is more than
hinted at or sur-
mised. By a series
of judiciously con-
trived experi-
ments, he obtained
a great quantity of
vital air from nitric
acid; about one-
third of that quan-
tity from the sul-
phuric acid, as
contained in alum ;
and a small quan-
tity (and this very
variable and un-
certain) from the
muriatic acid. The manner in which it came off from the compounds,
in various circumstances, led him to think that the different quantities
obtained did not arise from the different proportions in which it was
contained in those acids, but merely in the different forces with which
it was retained. He therefore concluded that vital air was contained
in all acids, and thought it likely that it was a necessary ingredient
of an acid; and seeing that it was the only ‘substance found, as yet, in
them all, he thought it not unlikely that it was by {his that they were
add , and he points out a course of experiments which seems adapted to
the decision of this question. I was appointed to make a report on this
Daniel Rutherford
dissertation; and I recollect stating as an objection to Dr. Rutherford’s
opinion, ‘‘that it would lay him under the necessity of supposing that
vitriolic acid was a compound of sulphur and vital air,” which I could
not but think an absurdity. So near were we at that time to the
knowledge of the nature of the acids (29).
Mayow’s “ Tractates Quinque ” was published in 1674, Dr. Rutherford’s
communication was read in 1775, and Lavoisier’s statement that oxygen is
an essential constituent of all acids is contained in a paper read on Novem-
ber 23, 1779.
From Kay’s Portraits
Cartoon Showing a Controversy in 1817 over the Founding of a Chair
of Comparative Anatomy
The candidate, Dr. Barclay, is shown astride the elephant's skeleton. His
opponent. Dr. Thomas Charles Hope (center foreground), has his anchor firmly
grounded in “the strontian.” This is an allusion to the research in which he dis-
tinguished between baryta and strontia. The scene is laid at the entrance to the
old College of Edinburgh.
In 1786 Rutherford was appointed successor to John Hope, the professor
of botany at the University of Edinburgh, and in the same year he was
married to Harriet Mitchelson of Middleton ( 1 ). With pardonable
famil y pride, Sir Walter Scott once said that Dr. Rutherford “ought to
have had the chemistry class, as he was one of the best chemists in Europe;
but superior interest assigned it to another, who, though a neat experimen-
talist, is not to be compared to poor Daniel for originality of genius. .
(30). Bower’s ", History of the University of Edinburgh ” states that the
discovery of nitrogen “entitles Rutherford to rank very high among the
Discovery of the Elements
chemical philosophers of modern times” and that “the reputation of his
discovery being speedily spread through Europe, his character as a chemist
of the first eminence was firmly established, and much was augured from a
young man in his twenty-second year having distinguished himself so
remarkably” (30).
Sir R. Christison, one of Dr. Rutherford’s botany students, said, on the
other hand,
Tradition had it in my student years that he was disappointed at not
being made assistant and successor to Black in 1795, when that office
was given to Dr. Charles Hope; and he again, son of the botanical
predecessor of Rutherford, was said to have preferred to step into his
own father's University shoes rather than into those of Dr. Black.
However that may have been, Hope highly distinguished himself in
his Chemical Chair; while Rutherford, in that of Botany, which he
filled for thirty-four years, always seemed to lecture with a grudge,
and never contributed a single investigation to the progress of the
science which he taught. . .His lectures, however, were extremely
clear, and full of condensed information, his style was beautiful, and
his pronunciation pure and scarcely Scotch (31).
Because of hereditary gout, Dr. Rutherford was unable to take his botany
students on field trips, and Sir R. Christison thought that that important
duty ought to have been entrusted to the head gardener (31).
I. B. Balfour also thought it strange that Dr. Rutherford should have been
chosen to teach botany, and stated in the “Makers of British Botany” that
“Rutherford was a chemist, and I have not discovered in any references to
him expressions that he was at this period of his life interested in plants
otherwise than as objects for his experiments in relation to the chemistry of
the atmosphere” (32). Nevertheless, the botanical garden developed under
Rutherford’s administration into one of the best in the world, and the
plants of Scotland were carefully recorded by the head gardeners (32).
Dr. Rutherford was a fellow of the Philosophical (later the Royal) So-
ciety of Edinburgh, and contributed to its Transactions a description of a
thermometer for reading maximum and minimum temperatures (33), (34).
The portion of the instrument designed for reading minimum temperatures
is a horizontal tube filled with alcohol in which is immersed a small glass rod
with a knob at each end. As long as the temperature keeps falling, the
concave surface tension film of the alcohol drags this little rod back with it,
but when the temperature rises, the expanding alcohol moves past the rod,
leaving it stationary. The portion of the thermometer used for reading
maximum temperatures consists of a horizontal tube containing a thread of
mercury which pushes a small bar of iron ahead of it as long as the tem-
perature keeps rising (34). Dr. Rutherford also made experiments to im-
prove the air pump (33).
Death of Daniel Rutherford
He published an octavo volume called “ Characteres Generum Plantar um”
and collaborated with James Hamilton and James Gregory in writing “A
Guide for Gentlemen Studying Medicine at the University of Edinburgh ”
(14). He was a member of the Linnaean Society and of the Aesculapian,
Harveian, and Gymnastic Clubs (14).
Dr. and Mrs. Rutherford had two sons and three daughters, but in 1805
the elder son, John, a boy of seventeen, was lost in the shipwreck of an
East Indiaman commanded by John Wordsworth, a brother of the famous
poet. After his words of sympathy to Wordsworth, Scott wrote, 44 . . .
The same dreadful catastrophe deprived me of a near relation, a delightful
and promising youth, the hope and pride of his parents. He had just ob-
tained a cadetship, and parted from us all in the ardor of youthful hope and
expectation, leaving his father (a brother of my mother) almost heart-
broken at his departure. . .” (35). Fourteen years later Scott said, when
writing to his son at the time of Dr. Rutherford’s death, “Since you knew
him, his health was broken and his spirits dejected, which may be traced
to the loss of his eldest son. ...” (30).
Scott’s correspondence with his aunt, Miss Christian Rutherford, shows
that he found in his uncle’s family 44 . . . more than one kind and strenuous
encourager of his early literary tastes.” Nevertheless, his youthful habit
of reading at breakfast often brought forth good-natured protest from the
doctor (9).
In December, 1819, Scott suffered the tragic loss of three of his nearest
relatives within scarcely more than a week (30), (36). On the twelfth, his
mother, who had been in excellent health and spirits in spite of her ad-
vanced age of eighty-seven years, was suddenly stricken with such a severe
attack of paralysis that Dr. Daniel Rutherford felt certain that she could
not live more than a few days.
But [said Scott in a letter to his brother in Canada], 4 4 this heavy
calamity was only the commencement of our family losses. Dr.
[Daniel] Rutherford, who had seemed perfectly well and had visited
my mother upon Tuesday the fourteenth, was suddenly affected with
gout in his stomach, or some disease equally rapid, on Wednesday the
fifteenth, and without a moment’s warning or complaint, fell down a
dead man, almost without a single groan. You are aware of his fond-
ness for animals; he was just stroking his cat after eating his breakfast,
as usual, when, without more warning than a half-uttered exclamation,
he sunk on the ground, and died in the arms of his daughter Anne.
Though the Doctor had no formed complaint, yet I have thought him
looking poorly for some months ; and though there was no failure what-
ever in intellect, or anything which approached it, yet his memory
was not so good, and I thought he paused during the last time he at-
tended me, and had difficulty in recollecting the precise terms of his
recipe. Certainly there was a great decay of outward strength.
We were very anxious about the effect this fatal news was likely to
Discovery of the Elements
produce on the mind and decayed health of our aunt, Miss C. Ruther-
ford, and resolved, as her health had been gradually falling off ever
since she returned from Abbotsford, that she should never learn any-
thing of it until it was impossible to conceal it longer. But God had
so ordained it that she was never to know the loss she had sustained,
and which she would have felt so deeply. On Friday the 17th Decem-
ber, the second day after her brother's death, she expired, without a
groan and without suffering, about six in the morning. . .It is a most
uncommon and afflicting circumstance, that a brother and two sisters
should be taken ill the same day — that two of them should die without
any rational possibility of the survivance of the third — and that no one
of the three could be affected by learning the loss of the other. The
Doctor was buried on Monday 20th, and Miss Rutherford this day
(Wednesday 22nd), in the burial-place adjoining to and surrounding
one of the new Episcopal chapels [St. John’s Chapel], where Robert
Rutherford [son to the professor of botany] had purchased burial-
ground of some extent. . .and in this new place I intend to lay our poor
mother when the scene shall close. . . (37) .
Scott once paid the following tribute to his uncle: 4 ‘Dr. Rutherford was
a very ingenious as well as an excellent man, more of a gentleman than those
of his profession too often are, for he could not take the back-stairs mode of
Rutherford’s Maximum and Minimum Thermometer
a . . . Index of minimum thermometer.
m . . .Index of maximum thermometer.
rising in it, otherwise he might have been much more wealthy. . (30).
This kindly Scottish physician is remembered today for his maximum and
minimum thermometer and for the brilliant research in which he clearly
distinguished between carbon dioxide and nitrogen (38), (39).
Literature Cited
(1) Rogers, C., “Genealogical Memoirs of the Family of Sir Walter Scott, Bart, of
Abbotsford,” Roy. Historical Soc„ London, 1877, pp. lv-lviii.
(2) Lockhart, J. G., “Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott,” Adam & Charles
Black, Edinburgh, 1862 , Vol. 1, p. 14.
(3) Lockhart, J. G., ref. ( 2 ), Vol. 1, pp. 19-21.
(4) “Catalogue of the Scott Centenary Exhibition,” Edinburgh University Press,
Edinburgh, 1872 , p. 149.
(5) Lockhart, J. G., ref. ( 2) t Vol. 1, p. 173.
(6) Rogers, C., ref. (1), p. lii.
(7) Grant, Sir Alexander, “The Story of the University of Edinburgh during Its
First Three Hundred Years,” Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1884 , Vol. 1, pp.
Literature Cited 119
(8) MacCunn, P., “Sir Walter Scott’s Friends,” Wm. Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh
and London, 1910, p. 12.
(9) Lockhart, J. G., ref. (2), Vol. 1, p. 188.
(10) Clark-Kennedy, A. E., ‘‘Stephen Hales, D. D., F.R.S.,” University Press,
Cambridge, 1929, pp. 101-10.
(11) Harcourt, V., “Presidential address,” Brit. Assoc . Reports , 9, 3-68 (Aug., 1839)
A reprint of Cavendish's paper on nitrogen is included.
(12) Priestley, J., “Observations on different kinds of air,” Phil. Trans., 62, 147-256
(1772). Read Mar. 5, 12, 19, 26 (1772).
( 13 ) Ramsay, Sir W., “The Gases of the Atmosphere,” 1st ed., Macmillan & Co,,
London, 1896, p. 62; ibid., 2nd ed., 1915, p. 63.
(14) Lee, Sir Sidney, “Dictionary of National Biography,” The Macmillan Co.,
New York City, 1897, Vol. 50, pp. 5-6. Article on Daniel Rutherford by B. B.
(15) Ramsay, Sir W., ref. (13), 2nd ed., pp. 62-8.
(16) Grant, Sir Alexander, ref. (7), Vol. 2, pp. 382-4.
(17) Sciieele, C. W., “Nachgelassene Briefe und Aufzeichnungen,” Nordenskibld
edition, P. A. Norstedt & Sbner, Stockholm, 1892, p. 80. Letter of Scheele to
J. G. Gahn, Nov., 1775.
(18) Black, Joseph, “Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry,” Wm. Creech, Edin-
burgh, 1803, Vol. 2, pp. 105-8.
(19) Dobbin, L., “The Collected Papers of Carl Wilhelm Scheele,” G. Bell & Sons,
London, 1931, pp. 116-7.
(20) Fourcroy, A.-F., “Recherches pour servir & l’histoire du gaz azote ou de la
rnofette, comme principe des matidres animales,” Ann. chim. phys., [1], 1, 40-7
(1795); “Observations sur le gaz azote contenu dans la vessie natatoire de la
carpe; deux nouveaux procddds pour obtenir ce gaz,” ibid., [1 ], 1, 47-51 (1795).
(21) Alembic Club Reprint No. 3, "Experiments on air. Papers published in the
Philosophical Transactions by the Honourable Henry Cavendish, F.R.S.,” Wm. F.
Clay, Edinburgh, 1893, pp. 39-52; H. Cavendish, Phil. Trans., 75, 372-84
(1785). Read June 2, 1785.
(22) Black, Joseph, ref. (18), Vol. 1, pp. 395-6.
(23) Black, Joseph, ref. (18), Vol. 1, p. lv.
(24) “Oeuvres de Lavoisier,” Imprimerie Impdriale, Paris, 1864, Vol. 1, p. 63; “Nitro-
gen and phosphorus. Classic of science,” Sci. News Letter, 22, 102-4 (Aug. 13,
(25) “Oeuvres de Lavoisier,” ref. (24), Vol. 1, pp. 135-7.
(26) Davy, H., “The Bakerian lecture. An account of some new analytical researches
on the nature of certain bodies,” Phil. Trans., 99, 55-6, 103-4 (1809). Read
Dec. 15, 1808.
(27) Speter, Max, “John Mayow und das Schicksal seiner Lehren,” Chem.-Ztg., 34,
946-7, 953-4, 962-4 (Sept. 1910); Alembic Club Reprint No. 17, University of
Chicago Press, Chicago, III., 1908, pp. 31-2. Translation of Mayow's “Tractatus
Quinque Medico-Physici.”
(28) “Oeuvres de Lavoisier,” ref. (24), Vol. 1, p. 57; ibid., Vol. 2, pp. 248-60. Paper read
Nov. 23, 1779. Presented Sept. 5, 1777.
(29) Black, J., ref. (18), Vol. 2, p. 213 (note 6) and p. 732.
(30) Lockhart, J. G., ref. (3), Vol. 6, pp. 157-9. (Letter of Sir W. S. to his son.
Cornet Walter Scott); Bower, “History of the University of Edinburgh,” 1830,
Vol. 3, pp. 260-1. Quoted by Lock har t.
(31) Grant, Sir Alexander, ref. (7), Vol. 2, pp. 382-4.
120 Discovery of the Elements
(32) Oliver, F. W., “Makers of British Botany,” Cambridge University Press, Cam-
bridge, 1913, pp. 290-1. Chapter by I. B. Balfour on “A sketch of the professors
of botany in Edinburgh from 1670 until 1887.”
(33) Poggbndorff, J. C., “Biographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch der exakten
Wissenschaften,” Verlag Chemie, Leipzig and Berlin, 1863-1937, Vol. 2, p. 726.
Article on Daniel Rutherford.
(34) Edser, E., “Heat for Advanced Students,” Macmillan & Co., London, 1911, pp.
18-9; R. T. Glazebrook, “Heat,” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
1914, p. 25; T. Preston, “Theory of Heat,” 2nd ed., Macmillan & Co., London,
1904, p. 113.
(35) Douglas, David, “Familiar Letters of Sir Walter Scott,” Houghton Mifflin Co.,
Boston, 1894, Vol. 1, p. 27.
(36) Lockhart, J. G., ref. (2), Vol. 6, pp. 160-1; D. Douglas, ref. (35), Vol. 2, pp. 66
and 69-70. (Letters of Sir Walter Scott to Wm. Laidlaw, to J. B. Morritt, and
to Joanna Baillie.)
(37) Lockhart, J. G., ref. (2), Vol. 6, pp. 164-8. (Letter of Sir Walter to his brother,
Thomas Scott.)
(38) Weeks, M. E., “The discovery of the elements. IV. Three important gases,”
J. Chem. Educ., 9, 219-21 (Feb., 1932).
(39) “Dan. Rutherford iiber die mephitische Luft,” CrelTs Neueste Entdeckungen in
der Chemie, Weygandsche Buchhandlung, Leipzig, 1784, Vol. 12, pp. 187-96.
(40) Dobbin, L., “Daniel Rutherford’s inaugural dissertation. Crum Brown’s
translation,” J. Chem. Educ., 12, 370-5 (Aug., 1935).
(41) Speter, Max, “Lavoisier und seine Vorlaufer,” F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1910, pp.
56-72, 96-108. Chapter on John Mayow.
The publications and correspondence of Bergman and Scheele contain
interesting allusions to the d’Elhuyar brothers , to Hjelm , and to the early
history of the metals tungsten and molybdenum which they discovered . The
presence of a new metal in pitchblende was recognized by Klaproth in 1789,
but it remained for Peligot half a century later to isolate uranium . Chromium,
now the most familiar element of the group , was the last to be discovered when
the immortal French chemist Vauquelin finally isolated it in 1798 from a
Siberian mineral . For further information about tungsten see pp. 143-56.
“ Les laboratoires sont les temples de Vavenir, de la richesse et
du bien-etre; c'est Id que V humanity grandit , se fortifie et dement
meilleure.” ( 1 )*
During the last two decades of the eighteenth century, investigations
were made which foreshadowed the discovery of chromium, molybdenum,
tungsten, uranium, tel-
lurium, chlorine, tita-
nium, and beryllium;
but some of these ele-
ments were not actually
isolated until much
later. For the sake of
simplicity, only the
closely related ele-
ments, tungsten, mo-
lybdenum, uranium,
and chromium will be
considered in this chap-
T ungsten and tungstic
acid were first recog- Lampadius* Laboratory at Frbibrrg, 1800
nized in the minerals Many of the most eminent mineralogical chemists in
lr , , i Europe were educated at the Freiberg School of Mines,
wolframite and scheel- The d’Elhuyar brothers, who discovered tungsten, and A.
ite As earlv as 1761 M. del Rio, who discovered vanadium (“erythronium”),
* « y * received part of their training there, and F. Reich and
J . G. Lehmann ana- h. T. Richter, the discoverers of indium, and Clemens
lvzed the former with- Winkler, the discoverer of germanium, were members of
J ’ the teaching staff.
out recognizing, how-
ever, that it contained two metals which were then unknown, tungsten and
manganese. When he fused it with sodium nitrate and dissolved the melt
* * 'Laboratories are the temples of the future, of wealth, and of welfare; in them
humanity grows greater, stronger, and better.”
Discovery of the Elements
in water, he obtained a green solution which became red (sodium manga-
nate and permanganate). Addition of a mineral acid caused the precipita-
tion of a soft, spongy, white earth (tungstic acid) which, after long standing
in contact with the solution, became yellow. He concluded, however, that
the wolframite from Zinnwald must be “a mineral consisting mainly of a
glassy earth, much iron, and a trace of zinc” and that it is related to a min-
eral used by glassmakers, “ magnesia vitriariorum ,” or pyrolusite (58).
In 1779 Peter Woulfe examined this mineral and concluded that it must
contain something new. ‘ ‘The Spar of the Germans, ’ ’ said he, “is commonly
called white tin ore .... This is supposed by several to be rich in tin ; but
the Saxon mineralogists assert that it contains none. The only experiment
I made with it was to digest it in a powdered state with acids, by which
means it acquires a rich yellow colour, like turbith mineral [basic mercuric
sulfate] ; the acid of salt answers best for this experiment. This is the only
substance I know of which has this property” (65).
There is found in Sweden a white mineral which used to be called tung-
sten , or heavy stone , and which is now kriown as scheelite (20). In 1781
Scheele gave the following description of it: “The constituents of this
variety of stone seem probably to be still unknown to chemists. Cron-
stedt enumerates it amongst the ferruginous varieties of stone, under the
name of Ferrum calciforme, terra quadam incognita intime mixtum. That
which I used for my experiments is pearl-coloured and taken from the iron
mine of Bitsberg” (56). He decomposed the mineral with aqua fortis
(nitric acid) and found that it contained lime and a white acidic powder
similar to molybdic acid but differing from it in the following respects :
“(1) The acid of molybdaena is volatile and melts in the fire, which does
not occur with acid of tungsten. (2) The first-named acid has a stronger
affinity for phlogiston, which is seen from its union with sulphur and the
change it undergoes on calcination with oil. (3) Calx molybdaenata does
not become yellow with acid of nitre and is dissolved by it quite easily.
With tungsten the contrary occurs. (4) Terra ponder osa molybdaenata is
soluble in water, but not the same variety of earth united with our acid ; and
(5) acid of molybdaena has a weaker attraction for lime than our acid” (56).
Thinking, because of its high specific gravity, that scheelite might con-
tain the alkaline earth baryta, Torbem Bergman analyzed it, but found in-
stead an acidic oxide (tungstic acid). In 1781 he concluded that both tung-
stic and molybdic acids must be related to white arsenic and that therefore
it ought to be possible to prepare metals from them. Since Bergman him-
self could not find time to test this hypothesis, he expressed the hope
that someone else would make the necessary experiments (57).
In the meantime two Spanish chemists, the d’Elhuyar* brothers, found
* The name was also spelled Luyarte, de Luyart, and d'Elhuyart. In Spanish books
it is spelled de Elhuyar. The brothers themselves did not agree as to the spelling.
in wolfram, a dark brown mineral (wolframite) then supposed to be an
ore of tin and iron, an acid (wolframic) which they found to be identical with
tungstic acid (2), (21), (25), (37), (38).
Don Fausto d'Elhuyar was
born in 1755 at Logrofio, Spain.
With his brother, Don Juan
Jos6, he went to Freiberg to
study chemistry and mineralogy
at the School of Mines, and
Don Juan Jos4 later went to Up-
sala to work for half a year in
Bergman's famous laboratory
(21), (41). The Swedish pro-
fessor mentioned him in his
diary. “Mr. de Luyarte, from
Spain,” said he, “came with
Mr. de Virly to Upsala on
the same errand [to study],
where they not only privately
went through an entire course
in higher chemistry, but also,
with others, went to private
lectures in assaying, each pass-
ing excellent tests. They re-
mained until the end of the
term” (27), (39).
In a letter to Bergman dated
July 5, 1782, Scheele mentioned
a visit which these chemistry
students had recently paid him :
“. . . The foreign gentlemen,”
he said, “stayed with me two
days; I found real pleasure in
talking with them about chemi-
cal matters; moreover they were
not inexperienced in that field”
In 1783 the brothers collabo-
rated in a research on tungsten
and wolfram, and found that both these ores contained the tungstic add
that Scheele had reported. The first metallic tungsten was prepared not
from scheelite but from wolframite ( spuma lupi ) from Zinnwald. “We
know no Spanish name for this mineral,” wrote the d’ Elhuyar brothers in
From Nordenskidld’s “Carl Wilhelm Schede.
Nachgclasstnc Brief e und Aufzeichnungen ”
B6rjeson’s Statue of Carl Wilhelm
Scheele discovered * tungstic and molybdic
acids, and was the first to distinguish between
graphite and molybdenite.
Discovery of the Elements
1783, “nor do we know that it has been found in our country” (58). The
possibility of obtaining a new metal by reducing tungstic acid had already
been suggested by Bergman and Scheele. The apparatus used by the
d’ Elhuyar brothers was very simple. An intimate mixture of tungstic acid
and powdered charcoal was heated strongly in a luted crucible (22). After
cooling the crucible, they removed from it a dark brown, metallic button,
which crumbled easily in their fingers, and when they examined the powder
with a lens, they saw metallic globules of tungsten, some of which were as
large as the head of a pin (2), (26). On April 2, 1784, Scheele wrote to
Bergman, “I am glad that Mr. Luyarte has obtained a tungsten regulus.
I hope he has sent you specimens of it” (4).
The d’ Elhuyar brothers afterward
went to America and in 1788 Fausto
became Director of Mines of Mexico.
Don Juan Jos6 died in Bogota, Colom-
bia, but at the outbreak of the Revo-
lution Don Fausto returned to Spain.
His reason for leaving Mexico may be
"inferred from the note found at the end
of one of Andres del Rio's papers:
* The preceding analysis only too
plainly shows the wretched state
of our laboratory in Mexico, after
having been for thirty years under
the direction of so distinguished a
chemist as M. Elhuyar, the dis-
coverer of wolfram and cerium [ ! ]
It is true that under the old govern-
ment, this savant found himself
obliged to become a man of busi-
ness, undoubtedly much against
his inclination ; for it is impossible
that he who has once imbibed a
taste for science can ever abandon it (5).
After returning to Spain Fausto served on the General Council of Public
Credit, was made Director General of Mines, drew up the famous mining
law of 1825, and planned the School of Mines of Madrid. After a long,
eventful, and useful life, he died in Madrid on January 6, 1833 ( 6 ).
In 1785 Rudolf Erich Raspe, author of “The Adventures of Baron
MUnchausen,' ’ showed that the metal obtained from scheelite is identical
Courtesy Dr. Moles and Mr. de Gdlvez-
Fausto de Elhuyar
President of the Mining Tribunal
and Director General of Mines of
New Spain. For more than thirty
years he directed the College of Mines
of Mexico.
with that from wolframite and that it hardens steel (59). In an investiga-
tion of two refractory specimens of scheelite, he succeeded in reducing
them to a “regulus which contains only a little iron and is unusually hard,
strong, and refractory. It cuts glass like good hardened steel and is there-
fore well suited for the manufacture of all kinds of hard tools, for the im-
provement of several iron- and steel manufactures, even perhaps for the
pouring of anchors in a single operation.’ ’ He also prepared a fine yellow
pigment from the mineral.
When he compared a regulus from wolframite with one from scheelite,
he found that the former contained more iron and that “it has almost the
same color as the scheelite regulus and is, if I be not mistaken, one and the
same thing. Only yesterday I began the experiments with wolframite,
which I regard as a kind of crystallized scheelite and which, according to a
report in the newspapers, Don Luyarte [de Elhuyar] and another Spaniard
have recently announced as containing a new metal’ * (59). J. Hawkins
said that Raspe obtained his wolframite from “Poldice” [Poldise], Corn-
wall and his scheelite from Entral (60). Wolframite is now known to be a
ferrous manganous tungstate of the composition (Fe, Mn)W0 4 ; scheelite
is calcium tungstate, CaW0 4 .
Rudolf Erich Raspe was bom in 1737 in Hanover and educated in the
natural sciences and philology at Gottingen and Leipzig. Benjamin
Franklin met both Raspe and Baron von Munchausen on his visit in Han-
over (61). Raspe was brilliant and versatile, but extravagant and dis-
honest. After he had pawned some valuable medals which he had stolen
from the museum at Cassel, the police described him as a red-haired man,
attired alternately in a gold -embroidered red suit, and suits of black, blue,
and gray. After his arrest at Clausthal, he escaped in the night and em-
barked for England, where for the rest of his life he earned his living by
tutoring and translating. He was also employed for a time in the mines of
Cornwall and Ireland. He died at Mucross, Ireland, in 1794 (62).
As late as 1800, F. C. Gren wrote: “It is still questionable whether the
oxyd of wolfram is reducible to a reguline metal. No chemist has yet suc-
ceeded in obtaining a pure regulus of it, at least of some magnitude.
Whenever the experiment was attempted, the result, upon examination with
the glass, was always found to be a mere congeries of small metallic glob-
ules” (63).
Nicholson's Journal for the same year contained a brief account of Guy-
ton-Morveau’s attempt to fuse tungsten: “Guyton, in a fire urged by the
blast of three pipes to 185 degrees of the pyrometer, obtained a well
rounded piece of 35 grammes. But it broke in the vice, and exhibited a
central portion, which was only agglutinated, and soon acquired a purple
colour by exposure to the air . . . and he concludes from the infusibility and
brittleness of this metal that it affords little promise of utility in the arts,
except in metallic alloys, or by virtue of the property which its oxide pos-
sesses, of affording fixed colours, or giving fixity to the colours of vegeta-
bles” (64). The tungsten lamp filaments, tungsten contact points, and
high-speed steel so indispensable to modem life have all resulted neverthe-
126 Discovery of the Elements
less from the great discovery made so long ago by the d’ Elhuyar brothers
in Spain.
Native molybdenum disulfide is a soft, black mineral that looks much like
graphite. In fact, until the latter part of the eighteenth century, both
were sold under the same name: Molybdan, or molybdenum . German
writers used to call molybdenite “Wasserbley,” a name suggestive of lead.
Although Johann Heinrich Pott knew that it is not a lead mineral, he con-
Courtesy Fansteel Products Co., Inc.
Vacuum Tube Showing the Use of Tantalum and Molybdenum
fused it with graphite, “Reissbley,” and believed that it consisted of lime,
iron, and sulfuric acid (50).
In 1754 Rengt (Andersson) Qvist, a friend of A. F. Cronstedt and Sven
Rinman, investigated a mineral which he described as follows: “At one
locality of the Bispberg there is found a light, roughly pointed, loose, glis-
tening molybdenite (Wasserblei) consisting of flexible lamellae which are
not firmly coherent and which for the most part succeed one another in
the form of regular pyramids .... In the muffle it gave off dense black
fumes and a suffocating sulfurous odor; at the same time appeared small
yellow “flowers” like snowflakes, which crystallized in masses of rather
elastic filaments or lamellae” (52).
Qvist observed that the calx was yellow while hot but glistening white
when cold. He obtained positive tests for iron and copper, and found that
“on digestion, it gave no sweetness to distilled vinegar” (an indication that
molybdenite is not a lead mineral). In one specimen from England he de-
tected tin. He concluded that “it is evident from several experiments that
the molybdenite itself contains something specifically metallic in addition
to those just mentioned” {51).
On December 19, 1777, Scheele wrote to J. G. Gahn: “You doubtless
have there in your mineral collection some foliated molybdaena like the en-
closed sample. I received some in the summer from Assessor Hoffgaard;
I find something peculiar in it. Please be so good as to send me a little of
it by mail. On some better occasion I shall describe my experiments” {52) .
Scheele kept this promise, and on May 15th of the following year wrote
Gahn as follows: “I now have the pleasure of giving you a short report of
my experiments with molybdaena . Professor Bergman, Assessor Rinman,
and B. Hermelin [Samuel Gustav Hermelin] all sent me some of it” {52).
In 1778 Scheele published his analysis of the so-called “lead ore” (molyb-
denite), then known as molybdaena. “I do not mean the ordinary lead ore,”
said he, “that is met with in the apothecaries’ shops, for this is very different
from that concerning which I now wish to communicate my experiments to
the Royal Academy. I mean here that which in Cronstedt’s Mineralogy is
called molybdaena membranacea nitens and with which Qvist and others
probably made their experiments. The kinds I had occasion to submit to
tests were got in different places, but they were all found to be of the same
nature and composed of the same constituents” {53).
Because of its softness, Scheele had to devise an ingenious method of pul-
verizing the mineral. “Now since it does not permit of being ground to fine
powder by itself, on account of its flexible lamellae, some fragments of
vitriolated tartar [potassium sulfate] were also placed in the glass mortar
occasionally, when it was at last transformed to a fine powder” {53).
Scheele then washed the powder by decantation with hot water to remove
the potassium sulfate. By adding nitric acid to the mineral several times
and evaporating to dryness, he succeeded in decomposing it so completely
that only a white powder remained, which he named terra molybdaenae .
Bengt Qvist had already shown that the mineral is volatile in the open
fire and that it contains sulfur, and Scheele found that “earth of molyb-
daena is of an acid nature.” He examined it “by the method of reduction
with black flux and charcoal and with glass of borax and charcoal, but it was
in vain; I did not perceive anything in the least metallic” {53). Scheele
showed that graphite and the molybdenum mineral are two entirely dif-
ferent substances. Although nitric acid has no effect on graphite, it reacts
with the mineral “molybdenum,” or molybdenite, to give sulfuric acid
and a peculiar white solid, which he named molybdic acid {2), {23). Berg-
man suggested to Scheele that molybdic acid must be the oxide of a new
Discovery of the Elements
metal, and since the latter chemist did not have a furnace suitable for the
purpose, he asked his friend Hjelm to attempt the reduction of the ore (7).
Peter Jacob Hjelm was of about the same age as Scheele, for he was born
on October 2, 1746, at Sunnerbo Harad. He probably met the latter in
Upsala, for their correspondence began shortly before Scheele went to
Koping (7). At Scheele’ s suggestion he tried to reduce molybdic acid with
carbon, and in order to get very intimate contact between the two reagents,
he stirred the pulverized acid with linseed oil to form a paste. When he
heated the mixture strongly in a closed crucible, the oil became carbonized,
and the carbon reduced the molybdic acid to the metal, which became
known as molybdenum (2), {24).
On November 16, 1781, Scheele wrote to Hjelm,
... I gladly excuse your delay in writing, for I know you are
now very busy. 1 rejoice that we now have another new half-metal,
molybdaenum. I think I can already see the French seeking to deny
the existence of this new half-metal, since they are not the discoverers
of it . . . The acidum enclosed in paper is the same acid that I fused in a
crucible. If you prepare a regulus from it, I beg you, because of its
rarity, to send me some of it, even if it is only a grain. I have no
molybdaenum (8).
In another of his letters to Hjelm he said, “As far as I can judge of your
work, it does you all credit' * (9).
Although this correspondence shows that Hjelm must have isolated
molybdenum as early as the fall of 1781, his first paper on it was not pub-
lished until much later. In 1790, after both Scheele and Bergman had
died, he wrote :
“At the request of the late Scheele and Bergman, I tried to prepare a
metal from yellow molybdic acid, using the same acid which the former him-
self sent me. I first fused ox blood several times with the vegetable alkali :
then, when I wanted to reduce the acid, I added to it an equal amount of
microcosmic salt, and a little tartar or black flux from which I had often
smoked off some grease. I placed the entire mixture, sometimes also cov-
ered with common salt, in a luted crucible, and exposed it for several hours
to the heat of a good wind furnace. If one wishes to reduce a new portion
of acid again, one uses the glass produced in the foregoing operation, as it
might then be less inclined to attack the earth of molybdenum itself and to
dissolve it.
“The small regulus I obtained from the meager supply of earth brought
forth the description of it to be found in Herr Bergman’s paper on the blow-
pipe. The traces of sulfur and iron present in the reguluses I attribute to
the molybdic earth which I received, for my fluxes were perfectly pure;
the former were therefore only a kind of crude metal in which, however,
the metallic nature is fundamental. Several writers, including Herr [Ber-
Molybdenum 129
trand] Pelletier, Sage, Ilsemann, and Heyer, assume this: yet they have
not engaged in the actual reduction’ * (42).
Hjelm prepared purified molybdic acid and a pure regulus, which he ex-
amined with the microscope. In an unsuccessful attempt to fuse the molyb-
denum, he raised the temperature of the wind-furnace with “fire-air”
(oxygen) obtained by adding two pounds of crude pyrolusite to the fire (24).
He published papers on the composition of coal, wood, charcoal, steel,
pyrolusite, molybdenite, and spring waters, on the arts of purifying lead,
hardening copper, and burning bricks, on the working of saltpeter and in-
digo, on resuscitation of patients with suspended animation, and on the
porphyry industry at Elfdal, East Dalarne (54).
Torbbrn Olof Bergman, 1735 - 17&4
Swedish chemist, pharmacist, and physicist. He was among the first to investigate
the compounds of manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten, and molybdenum.
In 1782 Hjelm was made Assay Master of the Royal Mint at Stockholm,
and twelve years later he became Director of the Chemistry Laboratory at
the Bureau erf Mines. He died in that city on October 7, 1813 (7).
Edward Daniel Clarke, who visited him in 1799, described him as “a
most intelligent man and very able chemist, of the name of Hjelm, who
permitted us to see the collection of minerals belonging to the Crown ....
Mr. Hjelm was employed, at the time of our arrival, in making what he
called Spa Water; that is to say, water impregnated with carbonic acid
gas; by the usual process of agitating the fluid in a receiver containing the
gas collected from the effervescence of limestone when exposed to the action
of an acid. Mr. Hjelm used the sulphuric acid and powdered marble. He
showed to us a very great chemical curiosity; namely, a mass of chromium
in the metallic state, nearly as large as the top of a man's thumb. We could
Discovery of the Elements
perceive, however, that the Swedish chemists, celebrated as they justly are,
carry on their works in the large way: the furnaces used by Mr. Hjelm,
in the Royal Laboratory, were of the size of those in our common black-
smiths' shops; and the rest of his apparatus was on a similar scale" (55).
Professor Hjelm was one of Scheele’s best friends, and their correspon-
dence is still treasured by the Stockholm Academy of Sciences. In his later
days Hjelm kept a complete diary, which is now in possession of the Royal
Library at Stockholm (7) . When Scheele wrote to Hjelm, ‘ l E$ istja nur die
Wahrheit, welche wir wissen wollen , und welch ein herrliches Gefiihl ist es nicht ,
sie erforscht zu haben”* (10), he knew that he was expressing the latter's
feelings as well as his own.
In 1785 B. Pelletier proved that the ore mineralogists used to call “molyb-
denum" is a sulfide of that metal (28). The molybdic acid obtained by
Scheele does not exist as such in the mineral, but was produced when he
oxidized the molybdenum sulfide with nitric acid.
Molybdenum is a much softer, more ductile metal than tungsten, and is
indispensable for the filaments, grids, and screens required in radio broad-
casting. Hence this great modern industry rests upon the researches that
gave so much intellectual pleasure to Hjelm and Scheele.
The early history of uranium is closely associated with the name of
Martin Heinrich Klaproth, a German chemist who was born in Werni-
gerode in the Harz on December 1, 1743. When he was eight years old,
the family became impoverished by a serious fire. Since there was little
money left for the education of the three Klaproth boys, little Martin
Heinrich earned his tuition by singing in the church choir. After receiving
a little instruction in Latin at Wemigerode, he was apprenticed at the age
of sixteen years to an apothecary. After five years of apprenticeship, he
worked for four years in public laboratories at Quedlinburg and at Han-
over, and at Easter time in 1768 he became an assistant in Wendland's
laboratory in Berlin "at the sign of the Golden Angel in the street of the
Moors" (11), (40).
In 1770 he became an assistant to the famous chemist, Valentin Rose,
who, however, died only a few months later. Although Klaproth was
only twenty-seven years old when this emergency arose, he met all the
responsibilities of his new position. He not only carried on Rose's duties
for nine years, but acted as a father to his two fatherless sons, providing
carefully for their education. The younger boy unfortunately died in child-
hood, but the older one, Valentin Rose the Younger, shared Klaproth's
love for nature, and collaborated with him in many researches. It was
* "It is only the truth that we want to know, and isn't it a glorious feeling to have dis-
covered it?" ,
Rose’s task to repeat and verify all Klaproth’s experiments before the
results were published (11). Klaproth afterward purchased the Flem-
ming laboratory on Spandau Street. His marriage to Sophie Christiana
Lekman led to a happy family life. They had four children, and the only
son, Heinrich Julius, became a famous Orientalist.
Martin Heinrich Klaproth made many brilliant contributions to analyti-
cal and mineralogical chemistry (33), and his papers are assembled in his
“ Beitrage zur chemischen Kenntniss der Miner alkor per," a six-volume work.
Although he never discovered an element in the sense of isolating it for the
first time, his analytical work fore-
shadowed the discovery of uranium
and zirconium and verified the dis-
covery of tellurium and titanium.
In 1789 he investigated the mineral
pitchblende, which was then thought
to be an ore of zinc and iron. When
he dissolved it in nitric acid, however,
and neutralized the acid with potash,
he obtained a yellow precipitate which
dissolved in excess potash. Klaproth
concluded correctly that the mineral
must contain a new element, which
he named in honor of the new planet,
Uranus, which Herschel had recently
discovered (12). He then attempted
to obtain metallic uranium just as
Hjelm had prepared metallic molyb-
denum. By strongly heating an oil
paste of the yellow oxide in a char-
coal crucible, he obtained a black
powder with a metallic luster, and
thought he had succeeded in isolat-
ing metallic uranium (29). For over
fifty years the elementary nature of
his product was accepted by chemists, but in 1841 Peligot showed that this
supposed uranium metal was really an oxide.
When the University of Berlin was founded, Klaproth was sixty-seven
years old, yet he was appointed as the first professor of chemistry, and
served in that capacity until his death on January 1, 1817 (13). Thomas
Thomson mentioned as his most characteristic personal traits: pure love
of science, intellectual integrity, unselfishness, modesty, friendliness, kind-
ness, a sense of humor, religious feeling, freedom from superstition, neat-
ness, and precision (14).
Martin Heinrich Klaproth
German chemist and pharmacist.
The most distinguished German min er-
alogical and analytical chemist of his
time. His careful analyses led to the
discoveiy of uranium and zirconium
and verified the discovery of tellurium
and titanium. He also made pioneer
researches on ceria.
Discovery of the Elements
In 1823 J. A. Arfwedson reduced the green oxide of uranium (then believed
to be the lowest oxide) with hydrogen, and obtained a brown powder which
he took to be the metal, but which is now known to be uranous oxide,
UO 2 (15), (30). In 1841 Peligot, on analyzing anhydrous uranous chlo-
ride, UCI 4 , found that 100 parts of this chloride apparently yielded about
110 parts of its elements uranium and chlorine. His explanation of this
seemingly impossible
result was that the
uranous chloride re-
acts with water in the
following manner:
UCh -f 2H 2 0 *
UO* + 4HC1
Since uranous oxide
cannot be reduced
with hydrogen or car-
bon, it had always been
mistaken for metallic
Peligot then heated
the anhydrous chloride
with potassium in a
closed platinum cru-
cible. This was heroic
treatment for the
platinum, to be sure,
for the reaction was
violent enough to
make crucible and con-
tents white-hot. How-
Fr om F er chi' s“V on Libau bis Liebig" eVer » he took
The Rose Pharmacy in Berlin* care P^ ace small
Valentin Rose the Elder (1735-1771), his son Valentin crucible inside a larger
Rose the Younger (1762-1807), and his grandson Heinrich rin<a QT1 j
R ose (1795-1864) all rendered distinguished service to one ana to remove ms
chemistry and pharmacy. alcohol lamp as soon
as the reaction had
started, Peligot avoided being injured by the pieces of potassium thrown out
of the crucible. When the violent reaction subsided, he heated the crucible
strongly to remove the excess potassium and to make the reduced uranium
coherent. After cooling it, he dissolved out the potassium chloride, and
obtained a black metallic powder with properties quite different from those
* Reproduced by courtesy of Mr. Arthur Nemayer, Buchdruckerei und Verlag,
Mitten wald, Bavaria.
Eug6ne-Melchior Peligot 133
formerly attributed to metallic uranium ( 15 ) , ( 31 ). He was evidently the
first person to isolate this metal.
Eugene -Melchior Peligot was bom on February 24, 1811, at Paris. He
studied at the Lycee Henri IV and at the Central School of Arts and Manu-
factures, but was obliged to leave school for financial reasons. In 1832,
however, good fortune dawned for him, and he was admitted to the labora-
tory of the ficole Polytechnique to study under J. B. Dumas. A few
years later he was collaborating with
Dumas in important researches in or-
ganic chemistry.
For thirty -five consecutive years Peli-
got occupied the chairs of analytical
chemistry and glass-making at the Cen-
tral School of Arts and Manufactures,
and during this time he wrote an im-
portant treatise on each of these sub-
jects. He also lectured to large,
sympathetic audiences at the Conserva-
toire des Arts et Metiers, and taught a
course in agricultural chemical analy-
sis at the National Agronomic Insti-
He was employed at the Mint for
forty years, first as assayer, then as
verifier, and finally as Director of
Assays. His residence was at the Mint
also, and it was there that he died in
1890. According to Tissandier, “his
life, always calm and methodical, was
entirely consecrated to the science that
he loved with passion and to his family
that he cherished no less” ( 34 ). He
must have been a man of broad in-
terests, for he published papers on such
varied topics as: water analysis, the
chemical composition of the sugar beet
and sugar cane, chemical and physiological studies of silk-worms, the com-
position of Bohemian glass, and researches on uranium and chromium ( 6 ).
Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin, the discoverer of the metal chromium, was
* Reproduced by courtesy of Mr. Arthur Nemayer, Buchdruckerei und Verlag,
Mittenwald, Bavaria.
From Ferchl’s “Von Libau bis Liebig ’
Valentin Rose the Younger
1762 - 1807 *
German chemist and apothecary
who was educated by Klaproth, col-
laborated with him in his researches
and verified all his analyses before pub-
lication. Rose demonstrated the pres-
ence of chromium in a species of ser-
pentine. He was the father of Hein-
rich Rose, the chemist, and Gustav
Rose, the mineralogist. His father,
Valentin Rose the Elder, was the dis-
coverer of the low-melting alloy, Rose’s
Discovery of the Elements
born on May 16, 1763, in a little Normandy village called St. Andr£
d’H£bertot.* As a child he worked in the fields with his father, who
struggled hard to feed and clothe his large family. The boy made surpris-
ingly rapid progress in the village school and in the religious studies taught
him by the cur£, who was very fond of him ( 16 ). At the age of fourteen
years, young Vauquelin became a laboratory assistant and dishwasher in an
apothecary shop in Rouen,
and somewhat later he went
to Paris with a letter of
introduction from his old
cur£ at St. Andr£ d’H^bertot
to the prior of the order of
Premontr£. His two best
friends during his early
struggles in Paris were this
venerable prior and Mine.
Aguesseau, the owner of the
estate on which the elder
Vauquelin worked as a peas-
ant ( 16 ).
During his first three years
in the city, the boy worked in
various apothecary shops,
and in his leisure moments
studied Latin and botany.
One of these pharmacies was
owned by M. Cheradame, a
cousin of the famous chemist,
Antoine-Fran$ois de Four-
croy. When M. Cheradame
told Fourcroy about young
Vauquelin’s fondness for
chemistry, Fourcroy immedi-
ately engaged the boy as his
assistant and took him home.
Fourcroy’s unmarried sisters
treated the young assistant with all gentleness and kindness, and on
one occasion he owed his recovery from a serious illness to their motherly
care, an act of kindness which he never forgot.
Vauquelin continued his study of physics, chemistry, and philosophy, and
assisted Fourcroy in teaching a course at the Athenaeum. He was diffident
about speaking in public, but as soon as he became acquainted with his new
♦ Also spelled Saint-Andr6 des Berteaux.
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Translator’s Preface to the English Edi-
tion of Klaproth’s “Analytical Essays to-
ward Promoting the Chemical Knowledge
of Mineral Substances’*
'**# i , I 'IV^Pn&'i [' hi 'tt ft- ; *i ‘ ,• r<
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students, he always taught with pleasure and enthusiasm and soon en-
deared himself to them.
One of the stirring events of the French Revolution was Vauquelin’s
rescue, from the mob, of an unfortunate Swiss soldier, who had escaped from
the Tuileries massacre. Because of his participation in the Revolution,
Vauquelin had to leave Paris in 1793; however, after serving as pharmacist
in a military hospital for a
few months, he returned to p , 1 ":” ' : " ;: "" ;; 1 4 C™"
Paris to teach chemistry at •
the Central School of Public : v r •
Works, which afterward be- ^
came the Ecofc Polytechni-
que. He later became an in-
spector of mines and professor : ; ' ! -
of assaying at the School of
Mines, where he also lived. : J? :
Out of gratitude to Four
croy s sisters, who continued AMuPhmuMfo **? dmfajjtol
to keep house for him even ' ; a«r vmfaAtymk «»*.
after the death of their Au^*.*i^.W
Uw C&urfardf, M*y*ut. AiatUmie 4tr WifTcufchafteo *t» Efftttt, <Uir
brother, Vauquelin placed GtftUfch* » *« k 0 md Hail*, tm#**** |
most of the apartment at *« «>»<! wMesitu*
their disposal, and both the '>> }L \ *&*****?* *** H *‘>,p
sisters lived with him until p v ; ^ ' J 1 * / ;• f 'i
they died (iff), (35). , , ,
The first analysis of the
Siberian red lead (now known ;$$$$$
as crocoite, or crocoisite) was J ;>£ ) y Z 1$
made by Johann Gottlob : '—>«**>*« : v
Lehmann in 1766 (43). He
was highly esteemed as di- •
rector of the Prussian mines v -
and as a lecturer in Berlin.
In 1761 he became professor Dedication of the German Edition of
r - . , , j. . - Scheelb’s Works Edited by HermbstAdt
of chemistry and director of
the Royal Museum in St.
Petersburg, and was commissioned by Catherine II to make extensive
mineralogical trips throughout the Russian Empire. He described the
Siberian red lead in a letter to the Comte de Buff on in 1766. At that
time it was found only at a smelter fifteen versts from Ekaterinstadt
(Markstadt). In his chemical investigation of it, Lehmann dissolved it
in hydrochloric acid, noticed the emerald-green color of its (reduced)
solution, and found that the mineral contained lead. He concluded
JPrdWfer d*T .
' AJUkrni* 4*t JUwlk mi i
«lw Cbwtfafa Miitttiu AlA4*mied^r'Wt£tu{ch^ftta
Mftufcrftua Ml OtftllffiMt HaUc
Aec 4«r >rftae«irt«** ‘V-v-
. ' ' _ BeHJA 4H1U ■ _ /v
v; } v/i*li *in*n
-pi' V' .J. i(
f’. ^ ^?v ? rt'* W.'; ■ ■/* ; ,/;,f * a* ’
Dedication of the German Edition of
Scheelb’s Works Edited by HermbstAdt
Discovery of the Elements
that it must be “a lead mineralized with a selenitic spar and iron particles”
( 44 ). In 1767 his life was suddenly cut short by the bursting of a retort in
Eugene Peligot
Professor of analytical chemistry
and glass-making at the Central
School of Arts and Manufactures in
Paris. Director of assays at the
Paris Mint. Professor of agricultural
chemical analysis at the National
Agronomic Institute. The first to
isolate the metal uranium.
pyramids of it attached like little
rubies to quartz. When pulverized,
it gives a handsome yellow guhr which
could be used in miniature paint-
ing .... It is difficult today to pro-
cure enough of it for large-scale as-
says, for the part of the mine where
this lead ore is found is seldom
worked, for lack of air ... . Five
hundred workmen are now employed
in these mines . . ( 46 ).
Peter Simon Pallas (1741-1811)
was a native of Berlin. He was
broadly educated in medicine, natural
which he was heating some arsenic ( 45 ).
In 1770 P. S. Pallas described the
Beresof gold mines near Ekaterinburg,
Siberia. On the 25th and 26th of June
of that year he wrote: “The Beresof
pits include four mines, which have
been worked since 1752.” The Beresof
mine also yielded copper, lead, and
silver. “A very remarkable red lead
mineral is also exploited there,” said
Pallas, “which has never been found in
any other mine of the Empire or else-
where. This lead ore is heavy, of
varying color (sometimes like that of
cinnabar), and semi-transparent . . . .
One also finds small irregular, tortuous
Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin
French analytical and mineralogi-
cal chemist and apothecary of the
Revolutionary Period. Professor at
the fecole Polytechnique and at the
School of Mines. Assayer at the Paris
Mint. In 1767 he discovered chro-
mium and beryllium.
sciences, and modern languages, which he studied in Berlin, Halle, Gottin-
gen, the Netherlands, and England. From 1768 until 1774 he made ex-
tended journeys at the request of Catherine II and suffered great privations
in order to study the natural history of Siberia, the Altai Mountains, the
lower Volga region, and the southern part of European Russia (47), (48), (49).
In 1798 N.-L. Vauquelin analyzed crocoite and gave a detailed account
of its history. “All the specimens of this substance which are to be found
in the several mineralogical cabinets in Europe/ ’ said he, “were obtained
from this [Beresof] gold mine; which indicates that it was formerly abun-
dant; but it is said that for some
years past it has become very scarce,
and that at present it is bought for its
weight in gold, especially if pure and
regularly formed. The specimens
which do not possess the regular
figure, or are broken into fragments,
are appropriated to painting, in which
art this substance is of high value for
its beautiful orange-yellow colour, its
unchangeableness in the air, and the
facility with which it can be levigated
with oil” (36).
“The beautiful red colour, trans-
parency, and crystalline figure of the
Siberian red lead,” continued Vau-
quelin, “soon induced mineralogists
and chemists to make enquiries into
its nature. The place of its discovery,
its specific gravity, and the lead ore
which accompanies it produced an im-
mediate suspicion of the presence of
that metal; but, as lead had never
been found in possession of the characteristic properties of this Siberian ore,
they thought, with justice, that it was mineralised by some other substance;
and Lehmann, who first subjected it to chemical analysis, asserted, in a
Latin dissertation printed at Petersburgh in 1766 . . . that the mineralisers
were arsenic and sulphur” (36). When Vauquelin and Macquart analyzed
it, they found it to consist of lead peroxide, iron, and aluminum. Bindheim
of Moscow reported, however, that it contained molybdic acid, nickel,
cobalt, iron, and copper. To settle this question Vauquelin in 1797 re-
peated the analysis (32). When he boiled the pulverized mineral with two
parts of potassium carbonate, he obtained lead carbonate and a yellow
solution containing the potassium salt of an unknown acid. This solution
The Naturalist's Library, vol. 9
Peter Simon Pallas
German scientist who made extensive
scientific journeys to study the natural
history of Russia and Siberia. He de-
scribed the Beresof gold mines and the
14 Siberian red lead” (crocoite) in 1770.
Discovery of the Elements
gave a beautiful red precipitate when added to the solution of a mercuric
salt and a yellow precipitate when added to a lead solution. He noticed also
that when he isolated the
. - - - , , , Cet omrace rtf nus sous la same-eard* <!c la !*»«.
new acid and added stan- t *
<1 .* .v i Tous lrso**mplaires sont signes par l\Antemet fliiip, im>» .
Fourcroy Autograph from His “ Systeme des Con -
naissances Chimiqties ”
. - - * , , . wniucr i-a* mi* u >amc-Earur mr pa i«ti.
new acid and added stan- t *
nous chloride the solu TouslcsiUtempUiirssoiitsignespaiTAntemet Hiuju m»- »» .
tion became green (re- .
duction of chromic acid S S/I
to a chromic salt) (17). jf y £ /Jaudatungfafi
In the following year ^
Vauquelin succeeded in ^
isolating the new metal. Fourcroy Autograph from His “Systeme des Con -
After removing the lead naissances Chimiqties ”
in the Siberian red lead
by precipitation with hydrochloric acid, he evaporated the filtrate to obtain
the chromium trioxide, which he put into a charcoal crucible placed inside a
large earthen one filled with charcoal
dust. After heating it intensely for
half an hour, he allowed it to cool.
The inner crucible was found to be
^ filled with a network of gray, inter-
lacing metallic needles which weighed
one-third as much as the original
chromium trioxide that had been re-
duced. Because of its many colored
compounds Fourcroy and Haiiy sug-
gested the name chromium for the
new metal (17), (36).
Vauquelin taught for a time at the
College de France and at thejardin des
, , Plantes, and in 1811, upon the death
of his old friend and teacher, M. Four-
croy, he became his successor as pro-
Antoine-Francois de Fourcrov fessor of chemistry in the School of
1765-1809 Medicine. In 1828 the Department
French chemist of the Revolutionary of Calvados, in which his native village
St- d’Hftntot is situated,
Lavoisier, de Morveau, and Berthollet he appointed him as one of its deputies.
He discharged the duties of this office
analyzed many reagents and medicinals with honor, striving always for the
best interests of his beloved Republic.
Although his early days were spent in poverty and toil, he became a man
of broad culture, took pleasure in music and literature, and frequently
quoted his favorite authors, Horace and Virgil (Id).
Antoinb-Francois de Fourcroy
French chemist of the Revolutionary
Period. Defender of Lavoisier's views
on combustion. In collaboration with
Lavoisier, de Morveau, and Berthollet he
carried out a reform of chemical no-
menclature. Fourcroy prepared and
analyzed many reagents and medicinals
Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin
M. Chevallier, one of his students, recalled an incident that well
illustrates Professor Vauquelin’s kindness. In 1808 Bonaparte ordered the
arrest and deportation of all Spaniards living in Paris. One of the sixty
who were seized and taken to the prefecture of police was a young man who
had recently come to study under Professor Vauquelin and who had no
other protector in Paris. Vauquelin started out before six o'clock next
morning, dressed in the uniform worn on formal occasions by members of
the Institute, went to the police station, and succeeded in having the boy
released. This young Spaniard, who
was named Orfila, afterward made a
name for himself in chemistry (16),
Sir Humphry Davy once gave the
following amusing description of Vau-
quelin’s home life:
Vauquelin was in the decline of
life when I first saw him in 1813
—a man who gave me the idea
of the French chemists of an-
other age; belonging rather to
the pharmaceutical laboratory
than to the philosophical one;
yet he lived in the Jardin du Roi.
Nothing could be more singular
than his manners, his life, and
his manage. Two old maiden
ladies, the Mademoiselles de
Fourcroy, sisters of the profes-
sor of that name, kept his house.
I remember the first time that I
entered it, I was ushered into a
sort of bed-chamber, which like-
wise served as a drawing-room.
One of the ladies was in bed,
but employed in preparations for the kitchen; and was actually
paring truffles. Vauquelin wished some immediately to be dressed
for my breakfast, and I had some difficulty to prevent it (IS).
Spanish chemist who studied un-
der Vauquelin in Paris. The founder
of modern toxicology. Professor of
toxicology, medical chemistry, and
forensic chemistry in Paris.
This was, to be sure, an unusual way of receiving a fashionable English
gentleman, but perhaps if Sir Humphry had known the pleasing story of
Vauquelin’s gratitude to the two old ladies who* had befriended him in
youth, he would not have been so critical.
Vauquelin in France and Klaproth in Germany were the outstanding
analytical chemists of their day, and were, in fact, two of the greatest
analysts of all time. According to Thomson, Vauquelin was “by far the
most industrious of all French chemists” (19). He died in his native
district at the Ch&teau des Berteaux on November 14, 1829.
Discovery of the Elements
Chromium has taken its place among the world's useful metals, and
stainless steel, chromium-plated hardware and automobile trimmings, and
artistic chromium jewelry now bear witness to the importance of Vauquelin's
Literature Cited
(1) Vallery-Radot, R., “Life of Pasteur,” English translation by Mrs. Devonshire,
Doubleday, Page and Co., New York, 1926, p. 152.
(2) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chiinie,” Vol. 2, Baudry et Cie., Paris, 1891, pp,
(2) Nordenskiold, A. E., “C. W. Scheele’s nachgelassene Briefe und Aufzeich-
nungen,” Norstedt & Soner, Stockholm, 1892, pp. 362-3.
(4) Ibid.,p.Z70.
(5) Del Rio, A. M., “Analysis of an alloy of gold and rhodium from the parting
house at Mexico,” Annals of Phil., 10, 256 (Oct., 1825).
( 6 ) Poggendorff, J. C., “Biographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte
der exakten Wissenschaften,” 6 vols., Verlag Chemie, Leipzig and Berlin, 1863-
1937. Articles on d'Elhuyar and Peligot.
(7) NordenskiOld, A. E., “Scheele’s nachgelassene Briefe und Aufzeichnungen,” ref
(3), pp. 373-4.
(8) Ibid., pp. 399-400.
(9) Ibid., p. 389. Letter of Mar. 13, 1780.
(10) Ibid., p. 381.
(11) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry,” Vol. 2, Colburn and Bentley,
London, 1931, pp. 192-3.
(12) FArbbr, E., “Geschichtliche Entwicklung der Chemie,” Springer, Berlin, 1921,
p. 65.
(13) Buggb, G., “Das Buch der grossen Chemiker,” Vol. 1, Verlag Chemie, Berlin,
1929, p. 334.
(14) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry,” ref. (II), Vol. 2, pp. 197-8.
(15) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” ref. (2), Vol. 2, pp. 322-4.
(16) “Biographic Universelle, Ancienne et Modeme,” 85 vols., Michaud Frires,
Paris, 1813. Article on Vauquelin by Chevallier.
(17) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” ref. (2), Vol. 2, pp. 317-8.
(18) Davy, Dr. John, “Memoirs of the Life of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart.,” Smith,
Elder and Co., London, 1839, p. 166.
(19) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry,” ref. (11), Vol. 2, p. 212.
(20) Scheblb, C. W., “Sammtliche physische und chemische Werke,” translated into
German by Hermbstadt, zweite unveranderte Auflage, Vol. 2, Mayer and Muller,
Berlin, 1793, pp. 291-302.
(21) Bergman, T., “Opuscula Physica et Chemica,” Vol. 6, Libraria I. G. Mtilleriana,
Lipsiae, 1790, pp. 108-9.
(22) Gmblin, L. “Handbuch der theoretischen Chemie,” ersten Bandes zweite Abthei-
lung, dritte A ullage, Varrentrapp, Frankfurt am Main, 1826, p. 789.
(23) Schbble, C. W., “S&mmtliche physische und chemische Werke,” ref. (20), pp.
(24) Hjblm, P. J., “Versuche mit Wasserbley, zur Darstellung desselben in metallischer
Gestalt,” Cr ell's Ann., 13, 39-45 (1790) ; “Versuche mit Wasserbley und Wieder-
herstellung seiner Erde,” ibid., IS, 179-85, 248-80, 353-63, 429-48 (1791).
Literature Cited 141
( 25 ) Klaproth, M. H. and F. Wolff, “Dictionnaire de Chimie,” Klostermann Fils,
Paris, 1811, Article on “Scheelium.”
(26) D’Elhuyar, F. and J. J., "A Chemical Analysis of Wolfram and Examination of
a New Metal Which Enters into Its Composition,” translated from the Spanish
by Ch. Cullen. Preface by Bergman. London, 1785. German translation by
Gren (Halle, 1786).
(27) Bergman’s Autobiography, translated by H. N. Barham and A. E. Pearson
from original manuscript in Upsala Univ. Library, x.2551.
(28) Lagrange, Count J.-L., '’Notice des Travaux de Bertrand Pelletier,” Ann . chim.
phys., 27, 199-200 (1797); Charles Pelletier and Sbdillot Jeune “M6moires
et observations de chimie de Bertrand Pelletier,” Croullebois, Fuchs, Barrois and
Huzard, Paris, 1798 (an VI), Vol. 1, pp. 146-224. “M6moire sur l’analyse de la
plombagine et de la molybctene.”
(29) Klaproth, M. H., “Chemische Untersuchung des Uranits, einer neuentdeckten
metallischen Substanz,” CrelVs Ann., 12, 387-403 (1789).
( 30 ) Arfvedson, J. A., “Recherches sur l’Urane,” Ann. chim. phys ., [2], 29, 148-75
(31) Peligot, E., "Sur le poids atomique de l’Urane,” Compt. rend., 12, 735-7 (1841);
“Recherches sur l’Urane,” Compt. rend., 13, 417-26 (1841); “Recherches sur l’Ura-
nium,” Ann. chim. phys., [3], 5, 5-47 (May, 1842); [3], 12, 549-74 (Dec., 1844).
(32) Vauquelin, N.-L., “Memoire sur une nouvelle substance m£tallique contenue
dans le plomb rouge de Siberie, et qu’on propose d’appeler Chrome, k cause de la
propri£t£ qu’il a de colorer les combinaisons ou il entre,” Ann. chim . phys., [1 ],
25, 21-31, 194-204 (Jan., 1798).
(33) Meyer, R. “M. H. Klaproth, ein deutscher Chemiker des 18. Jahrhunderts,”
Z. angew. Chem., 34, 1-3 (Jan. 4, 1921).
(34) Tissandier, G., “Eugene Peligot,” La Nature, [1], 18, 521-2 (April 26, 1890).
(35) Dains, F. B., “John Griscom and his impressions of foreign chemists in 1818-
19,” J. Chem. Edtjc., 8, 1288-310 (July, 1931).
(36) Vauquelin, N.-L., “Memoir on a new metallic acid which exists in the red lead
of Siberia,” Nicholson's J ., 2, 145-6 (July, 1798); “Analysis of the red lead of
Siberia, with experiments on the new metal it contains,” ibid., 2, 387-93 (Dec.,
(37) Weeks, M. E., “The scientific contributions of the de Elhuyar Brothers,” J.
Chem. Educ., 11, 413-9 (July, 1934).
(38) de GAlvbz-CaRbro, A., “Apuntes biogr&ficos de D. Fausto de Elhuyar,” Boletin
del Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espafia, Vol. 53, Graficas reunidas, Madrid,
1933, 253 pp.
(39) von Crell, L., “Zum Andenken Torbem Bergmanns,” Crell's Ann., 7, 74-96
(40) Dann, G. E., “Pharmaziegeschichtliches aus den Vorstudien zur Biographie
Klaproths,” Pharmazeutische Ztg ., 72, 549-52 (May 7, 1927).
(41) Hjelm, P. J., "Aminnelse-tal dfver Herr Torbern Olof Bergman,” J. G. Lange.
Stockholm, 1786, p. 86.
(42) Hjelm, P. J., “Versuche mit Wasserbley, zur Darstellung desselben in metallis-
cher Gestalt,” CrelVs Ann., 13, 39-45, 140-50 (1790).
(43) Kopp, H., “Geschichte der Chemie,” Fr. Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig, 1847,
vol. 4, p. 81; P. I. Valdbn, “Science and Life,” Petrograd, 1918, Part 1, pp. 81-8
(In Russian); Mineralogical Abstracts , 2, 483 (1925).
(44) von Kobell, Franz, “Geschichte der Mineralogie von 1650-1860,” J. G. Cotta,
Munich, 1864 , pp. 611-2.
142 Discovery of the Elements
(45) “Allgemeine deutsche Biographie,” Duncker and Humblot, Leipzig, 1883, vol.
18, pp. 140-1; J. C. Poggendorff, “Biographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch
der exacten Wissenschaften,” 6 vols., Verlag Chemie, Leipzig and Berlin, 1863-
1937, Vol. 1, columns 409-10. Articles on J. G. Lehmann.
(46) Gauthier de la Peyronie, “Voyages de M. P. S. Pallas en difterentes provinces
de FEmpire de Russie et dans l’Asie septentrionale," Maradan, Paris, 1789, Vol.
2, pp. 225-37.
(47) Poggendorff, J. C., ref. (45), Vol. 2, column 348. Article on P. S. Pallas.
(48) Smith, E. C., “P. S. Pallas, 1741-1811,“ Nature, 148, 334-5 (Sept. 20, 1941).
(49) Gauthier de la Peyronie, ref. (46), Vol. 1, p. iii.
(50) Pott, J. H., “Chemische Untersuchung des Wasserbleyes," Cr ell's Neues chem.
Archiv, 3, 284-8 (1785); Abh. konigl. Akad. Wiss. (Berlin), 1735-42, p. 29.
(51) Qvist, Bengt, “Untersuchung vom Wasserbleye," Crell's Neues chem. Archiv, 8,
238-49 (1791); Abh. K. Schvved. Akad. (Stockholm), 1754, p. 192.
(52) Nordenskiold, A. E., ref. (3), pp. 200-4, 332-6, 399-400.
(53) Dobbin, L., “Collected Papers of C. W. Scheele," G. Bell and Sons, London,
1931, pp. 186-94; C. W. Scheele, K. Vet. Acad. Handl., 39, 247-55 (1778).
(54) “Mynt-Guardien Petter Jacob Hjelms biographie," ibid., 1813, pp. 280-3.
(55) Clarke, E. D., “Travels in Various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa," T.
Cadell, London, 1824, Vol. 9, pp. 203-5.
(56) Dobbin, L., ref. (53), pp. 225-9; C. W. Scheele, K. Vet. Acad. Nya Handl., 2,
89-95 (1781).
(57) Bergman, T., “Vom Schwersteine," Crell's Ann., 1, 44-8 (1784).
(5c?) Koppel, I., “Beitrag zur Entdeckuugsgeschichte des Wolframs," Chem. Ztg., 50,
969-71 (Dec. 25, 1926).
(59) “Vom Hrn. Raspe in Cornwall," Crell's Ann., 3, 546-9 (1785).
(60) “Letter from J. Hawkins in Braunschweig," ibid., 4, 340-1 (1785).
(61) Van Doren, Carl, “Benjamin Franklin," Viking Press, New York, 1938, p. 357.
(62) “Biographie Universelle," L. G. Michaud, Paris, 1824, vol. 37, pp. 119-20; “All-
gemeine Deutsche Biographie," ref. (45), Vol. 23, pp. 2-3. Biographical sketches
of R. E. Raspe.
(63) Gren, F. C., “Principles of Modern Chemistry," T. Cadell, Jun. and W. Davies,
London, 1800, Vol. 2, p. 422.
(64) “Infusibility of tungsten," Nicholson's J., 4, 191-2 (July, 1800).
(65) Woulfe, Peter, “Experiments on some mineral substances." Phil. Trans., 69,
26-7 (1779).
Although Don Fausto de Elhuyar f and his brother , Don Juan JosS } achieved
undying fame by their isolation of the element now known as tungsten , only
meager accounts of their contributions have been recorded in the English
language , and even in Spanish and Spanish- A merican journals it is difficult
to find more than brief mention of Don Juan JosL This Castilian literature ,
however , contains a wealth of information about the scientific activities of Don
Fausto } and the observance of the centenary of his death brought forth new bio-
graphical material.
In the latter part of the eighteenth century the Count of Pefiaflorida,
with the approval of King Charles III, founded in the Basque provinces a
patriotic organization known as “The Basque Society of Friends of their
Country” (Sociedad Vascongada de Amigos del Pais). In the early days of
its existence, this learned society, consisting of studious men of the nobility
and clergy, used to meet every evening in the week. On Mondays they
discussed mathematics; on Tuesdays they made experiments with Abb£
Nollet’s electrical machine or with their air pump from London or dis-
cussed the physical theories of the day, such as Franklin's views on elec-
tricity ; on Wednesdays they read history and translations by members of
the society; on Thursdays they listened to music; on Fridays they studied
geography; on Saturdays they conversed on current events ; and on Sun-
days they again listened to music. According to a contemporary writer,
Don Juan Sempere y Guarinos (1) :
The two most glorious monuments of the Sociedad Vascongada are
the Seminary of Vergara and the House of Mercy of Vitoria... This
Seminary was the first in Spain in which virtue was united with the
teaching of the sciences most useful to the state. Vergara was the first
town in which chairs of chemistry and metallurgy were founded.
Soon after this Seminary was founded in 1777, two brilliant and promis-
ing youths of Basque and French lineage, Don Juan Jos£ de Elhuyar y de
Zubice and his younger brother, Don Fausto, were commissioned to study
abroad. Don Juan Jos£ was sent by the King to master the science of
metallurgy and Don Fausto was chosen by the Count of Pefiaflorida to
study mineralogy at the expense of the Society of ^Friends of their Country
and become the first professor of that subject at the new Seminary ( 2 ).
Don Fausto was bom at Logrofio in northern Spain on October 11, 1755,
and was educated in Paris under the best masters. While the gifted young
* Presented before the Division of History of Chemistry at the Chicago meeting of the
A. C. S., Sept. 11, 1933.
t Even in Spanish literature, the spelling of this name varies.
Discovery of the Elements
Louis- Joseph Proust (3), who later defended the law of definite proportions
so valiantly against Berthollet, taught chemistry at Vergara, Don Fausto
and Don Juan Jos4 went to Freiberg, where in 1778 they enrolled as stu-
dents in the Royal School of Mines, studied subterranean geometry, min-
ing, metallurgy, and machine construction, and became ardent disciples of
the great mineralogist Abraham Gottlob Werner. They also visited the
mines and metallurgical industries of Sweden and England, and at least one
of the brothers profited by a brief course of study at Upsala under the
celebrated Torbern Bergman.
Courtesy Dr Moles and Mr.deG6lvez-Cafte.ro
The Seminary of Vergara
It was here that Don Juan Jose and Don Fausto de Elhuyar carried out their re-
markable analysis of wolframite, which resulted in the isolation of a new metal, “ wolf-
ram, or tungsten. Among the professors at this Seminary were L.-J. Proust, Francois
Chabaneau, and Fausto de Elhuyar.
When Don Fausto took up his teaching duties at Vergara just after the
Christmas vacation in 1781,* he was already famous because of his achieve-
ments in northern Europe. He soon published papers on the manufacture
of tin plate, the mines of Somorrostro, the iron-works of Biscaya, and the
working of copper mines.
Soon after devoting themselves to laboratory research in Vergara, the de
Elhuyar brothers analyzed a specimen of wolframite from a tin mine in
Zinhwald and separated from it an insoluble yellow powder which they
* The author wishes to correct a statement in Reference 8. Elhuyar taught at Vergara
before going to Mexico, not after his return.
called wolframic acid
and which they later
showed to be identical
with tungstic acid.
Since these Spanish
chemists were the first
to reduce wolframic
acid, Dr. E. Moles of
the University of Ma-
drid and the late Dr.
Fages y Virgili have
pointed out that the
metal ought to be called
by the name wolfra-
mium {wolfram) which
the de Elhuyar brothers
gave it. Although this
name (4) has been
changed in some lan-
guages to forms derived
from tungstein , the ac-
cepted international
symbol, W, still bears
witness that the metal
was first obtained from
wolframite, not from
tungstein (scheelite).
Although the isola-
tion of this metal has
sometimes been erro-
neously credited to Don
Fausto alone, the original paper published in 1783 in the Extractos de las
Juntas Generates of the Royal Basque Society under the title 4 ‘Chemical
Analysis of Wolfram and Examination of a new Metal which Enters
into its Composition” bore the names of both brothers. Because of the
great importance of this memoir it was soon translated into French, Eng-
lish, and German (5). *
Dr. Fages and Dr. Moles have both pointed out that, in isolating the new
metal, the de Elhuyar brothers did much more than merely confirm the
hypothesis of Bergman. Instead of analyzing tungstic acid intentionally
prepared to test this hypothesis, as has so often been stated, they analyzed
wolfram without any preconceived ideas. Dr. Fages stated that, after the
de Elhuyar brothers had discovered the add in wolframite :
Courtesy Dr. Moles and Mr. de G&lvez-Caftero
Fausto de Elhuyar, 1755-1833, as He Appeared
While Studying in Vienna before Going to Mexico
At this period he was already famous because of the
research at Vergara in which he and his brother liber-
ated the element now known as tungsten. This por-
trait was bequeathed to the Mining Council by Don
Fausto’s daughter, Dona Luisa de Elhuyar de Martinez
de Arag6n.
Discovery of the Elements
. ..their great en-
lightenment and
erudition, support-
ing their great
genius, caused
them to suppose
that the earth en-
countered, com-
pletely new to
them and to almost
all chemists, might
be the same that
Scheele had dis-
covered a few
months before in
another mineral,
entirely independ-
ently. . .(4), (6).
The de Elhuyar
brothers concluded
from their analysis
that wolframite is
composed of wolf-
ramie acid com-
bined with iron and
manganese. Their
method of obtaining
From F . G. Corning , “ A Student Reverie” the metal by TeduC-
Abraham Gottlob Werner, 1750-1817 tion of tungstic
Professor of geognosy at the Freiberg School of Mines. (wolframic) acid
Because his followers believed in the aqueous origin of rocks, . '
they were called Neptunists. Among his distinguished stu- with charcoal has
dents were the de Elhuyar brothers, Baron Alexander von heen described in
Humboldt, and A. M. del Rio, the discoverer of vanadium
(erythronium). other papers (4), (6),
(7), (S). As late as
1786 the great analytical chemist, Martin Heinrich Klaproth, admitted that
all his own attempts had failed and that “up to the present only Hr.
Elhuyar has succeeded in getting the metal” (9).
Although the de Elhuyar brothers were unsuccessful in their attempts to
synthesize wolframite, they foreshadowed modern methods of mineral
synthesis (5). They also devised an ingenious method of determining the
specific gravity of solids, and their values for wolframite, tungsten tri-
oxide, and metallic tungsten were surprisingly accurate (2), Their disser-
tation on wolframite, published three-quarters of a century before Thomas
Graham founded the science of colloid chemistry, contains a clear de-
scription of a wolf ramie (tungstic) acid sol (2). Spanish writers have
commented on the
lucid and refined
style of this great
memoir, which,
though written in
the phraseology of
the phlogistonists,
exhibits scientific
concepts and tech-
nic which are as-
tonishingly mod-
ern. In the French
translation of it,
the de Elhuyar
brothers modestly
admit that no use
has yet been found
for the new metal,
but add that “we
must not conclude
from this that it is
entirely useless”
( 3 ).
In the meantime,
events in the west-
ern hemisphere had
caused King
Charles to make Don Andr£s Manuel del Rio,* 1764-1849
new nlans for the Professor of mineralogy, French, and Spanish at the School
a T?ru u u ° ’f Mines of Mexico. Member of the American Philosophical
de Elhuyar broth- Society. He discovered the element vanadium (erythro-
ers. As early as nium), but later confused it with chromium. This portrait
„ ' . _ _ J , belongs to the School of Mines of Mexico.
1774 Don Joaquin
de Velazquez Cardenas y Le6n had presented a plan for the establishment
of a school of mines at Mexico City which had received the King's approval.
However, the realization of the plan had unfortunately been deferred by
the death in 1786 of this distinguished Mexican scientist. In order to
fulfill his cherished hope of developing the mines of America, King Charles
sent Don Juan Josd to New Granada (Colombia) and Don Fausto to
Hungary and Germany to prepare himself for the exacting duties of Direc-
tor General of Mines of Mexico ( 2 ), (< 6 ).
* The author wishes to thank Sefior Pablo Martinez del Rio, head of the Extension
Dept, of the National University of Mexico, for his kind assistance in locating this por-
Discovery of the Elements
«. 1 -nvA :
v ' ■ v , ; * '** >& . , ^
- f - »jU v < A ^
* - 1 ■'«»,* ► A* - . »¥$ r * ^ j* **$•* 4 > fFimtmi
A /■ ?..ll/
The former served
for many years as
professor of mineral-
ogy, successfully ad-
ministered technical
commissions of great
responsibility, and
developed the mines
of New Granada.
Early in the spring
of 1786 Don Fausto
collaborated with
Fran gois Chabaneau ,
professor of chemis-
try at Vergara, in
some remarkable re-
searches on plati-
num. In a letter
written in Vergara
on March 17th of
that year to Don
_ „ _ . Juan Jos£, who was
Courtesy F. B. Dams J
Baron Alexander von Humboldt, 1769-1859 then living in Bo-
German naturalist and traveler. Author of “Kosmos” gotd, Colombia, Don
and “Political Essay on New Spain.” Friend of Fausto de Fausto crave a clear
Elhuyar and A. M. del Rio. ®
description of their
process for making pure platinum malleable. In his bibliography of
Spanish science, Men£ndez y Pelayo mentions a paper on locating veins
of mercury which Don Juan Jos4 published in the same year (10).
Don Juan Jos£ was a highly esteemed friend of the great Spanish bota-
nist, Don Jos4 Celestino Mutis, who once said proudly, “I have been the
instrument for the glorious acquiring of the two learned D'Elhuyar [sic]
brothers and the rapid introduction of Baron Born's new mining process"
(11). In 1932 the Republic of Colombia celebrated the bicentenary
of the birth of this great Spanish botanist (12). According to Dr. Pages,
many documents preserved with the famous Mutis collection at the Botani-
cal Garden in Madrid show that the services of Don Juan Jos4 in New
Granada were no less useful to Spain than those of his younger brother in
Mexico. Don Juan Jos£ de Elhuyar died in 1804 in the Santa Ana mine
at Bogota, without ever revisiting his native land (6), (II).
On May 22, 1783, while the de Elhuyar brothers were still engrossed in
their famous experiments on wolframite, the King had issued his "Royal
Ordinances for the Direction, Management, and Government of the
The db Elhuyar Brothers
Important Body of Mining in New Spain and of its Royal General Tri-
bunal (13)” In the spring of 1786 Don Fausto de Elhuyar was sent to
Hungary and Germany to study the new method of amalgamation which
Counselor Born had established in Schemnitz and Freiberg. On July 18th
of that year the Marquis of Sonora wrote as follows to Don Fausto, who
was then in Vienna :
The King has deigned to appoint Your Excellency as Director Gen-
eral of the Royal Assembly of Mines of Mexico with a salary of 4000
pesos, and by his Royal command I give you this order for your satis-
faction, and that, well informed on the new method of amalgamation
that Mr. Bom invented, you may return to those realms at your earli-
est convenience in order to go to New Spain and fill that office with the
intelligence and knowledge which the discharge of your obligation de-
mands and which His Majesty expects from your application, profi-
ciency, and zeal (13).
After a year and a half in Hungary and Germany, Professor Elhuyar spent
a few months in Vienna studying the mines of the surrounding region and
the metallurgy of many metals and enjoying the brilliant social life of the
city. Before returning to Spain he married a German lady of distinguished
lineage, Juana Raab de Moncelos, who, in the middle of June, 1788, set sail
with him from Cadiz for New Spain (II), {21).
When the frigate Venus cast anchor at Vera Cruz on September 4th of
that year, the new Director General of Mines disembarked and went im-
mediately to Mexico City. After a solemn and colorful ceremony in the
Royal Palace, he entered at once into his new duties.
A few months later, as a first step in the construction of a chemical lab-
oratory, assay furnaces were built in the patio of the college building.
According to Director Elhuyar’s plan, the students admitted were to range
in age from fifteen to twenty years and were to wear a prescribed blue uni-
form with red collar and cuffs and gold buttons decorated with the signs
for gold, silver, and mercury. On Sundays and church holidays they were
expected to attend the church functions, both morning and afternoon, and
to call on the mining officials “in order to learn the usages of polite society
(13)” As an incentive to scholarship, the Director arranged that prizes
for good conduct and industry should be awarded with great solemnity.
These consisted of ornaments to be worn in the buttonhole (13). The
School of Mines was officially opened on New Yehr’s Day, 1792, with an
impressive ceremony in the Church of San Nicolas. It was the first scien-
tific institution to be erected on Mexican soil (14).
The new Director of Mines made a thorough experimental study of the
“patio,” or cold amalgamation, process of separating silver from its ores.
Although this empirical process invented by Bartolom£ de Medina had
been used for more than two centuries, no satisfactory explanation of the
Discovery of the Elements
fetf*® 8 m
,s §§
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**■*'’* J " UA '" ,J4 " U ' '
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„ v ,
vS’^'t W ^M" '.‘c^^V’Y:' '<*A' '.i'4‘ V A ,'’ } ,;■ ’ «’■>■{/ A"-*...,,,
|¥^^! i-r'-;t 35 ■<
| j u ***.
y) s.ff, -O^fi
Dedication of the History of the College of Mines
of Mexico (Ref. 13)
Translation : “To the illustrious memory of the emi-
nent scientists who filled with exceptional ability the im-
portant office of First Director General of Mining, D.
Joaquin de Vel&zquez Cardenas y Leon and D. Fausto de
Eihuyar, the former the initiator and the latter the
founder of the College of Mines. In testimony of af-
fection, admiration, and gratitude.”
chemical reactions in-
volved had yet been
given. L.-J. Proust,
who was then teach-
ing in the Academy
of Artillery at Sego-
via, reviewed these re-
markable experiments
of Eihuyar in volume
one of the Amies del
Real Laboratorio de
Quimica in 1791. The
late Sefior J. R. Mou-
relo once stated that
. . the glory of
both [Bartolom6 de
Medina and Alvaro
Alonso Barba] shines
and scintillates more
brightly in that of . . .
the famous mining en-
gineer, Don Fausto
Eihuyar, in whom ap-
pears completed . . .
the magnificent work
of those eminent
miners . . (15).
Since a royal order,
transmitted through
the Viceroy of Mexico,
had decreed that Wer-
ner’s theory of the
formation of veins be
taught to the stu-
dents, the brilliant
young Don Andrfe Manuel del BJio was sent to Mexico to introduce
the most approved mining methods which he had learned at Freiberg
(IS). Although del Rio had declined the professorship of chemistry, he
accepted that of mineralogy, and took with him on the warship San Pedro
Alc&ntara a quantity of equipment for the . School of Mines. Soon after
hjs arrival in Mexico City in December, 1794, Don Fausto de Eihuyar
asked him to translate Werner’s book on the theory of formation of veins
into Spanish (15),
Fausto de Elhuyar and the Mines of Mexico
When Sefior Elhu-
yar’s nine-year term
as Director was about
to expire in 1797, his
colleagues and stu-
dents requested that
he be reappointed for
another nine years, or
for life, or for what-
ever period might
meet with Royal favor
(13). The report
stated that . . this
Royal Seminary is
persuaded that in this
kingdom there is no
other subject of the
merit and circum-
stances so suited to
this institution. . . as
Sr. D. Fausto Eluyar
[sic].” The officers
of the school felt that
no one else “would
recognize the char-
acter and genius of
the [Mexican] people. * '
The association of
Fausto de Elhuyar, Director General of Mines of
The centenary of his death was observed in 1933 at
the School of Mining Engineering of Madrid.
mining engineers from all parts of Mexico also voted unanimously for his
reappointment, and the request was granted (13).
In the meantime Don Fausto made many inspection trips to mining
centers, supervised the installation of pumps of his own invention, and for
several months taught the chemistry course, because of the illness of Don
Luis Lindner. Under his leadership the prestige of the school increased,
and students came from distant parts of Mexico to obtain a broad cultural
foundation as well as a practical knowledge of mining. In April, 1798, the
King ordered that some of the most promising youths be selected by ex-
amination to become directors and mining engineers in the viceroyships of
Peru and Buenos Aires and the provinces of Quito, Guatemala, and Chile,
and to establish safe, economical methods for the exploitation of the pre-
cious metals (13).
After Baron Alexander von Humboldt had visited Mexico in 1803, he
wrote that “no dty of the new continent, without excepting those of the
Discovery of the Elements
United States, presents scientific establishments so large and substantial
as the Capitol of Mexico. I shall mention . . . the School of Mines, di-
rected by the learned Elhuyar . . ." ( 16 ).
The Baron also stated that
* . . a European traveler would be surprised to meet in the interior of
the country, near the California boundary, young Mexicans reasoning
on the decomposition of water in the operation of amalgamation in the
open air. The School of Mines has a chemical laboratory, a geological
collection classified according to Werner's system, and a physical
laboratory, in which are to be found not only valuable instruments of
Ramsden, Adams, Lenoir, and Luis Berthoud, but also models made
in the same capitol with the greatest precision and of the best wood in
the country. The best mineralogical work which Spanish literature
possesses, the manual of mineralogy arranged by Senor del Rio accord-
ing to the principles of the Freiberg School, where the author studied,
has been printed in Mexico ( 16 ).
The Baron also mentioned Lavoisier's “Elements of Chemistry," the
first Spanish edition of which was published in Mexico. Chaptal's text-
book of chemistry was also used at the Mining Academy, but in 1820 it was
superseded by that of Orfila ( 13 ).
Professor Elhuyar often ordered instruments for the School of Mines
through von Humboldt, who selected and purchased them without any
commission. In return for this courtesy he gave the Baron much valuable
information for his “Political Essay on New Spain" ( 13 ), ( 16 ). Von
Humboldt later presented to European museums numerous specimens of
Mexican minerals which this Spanish scientist had given him.
Two of de Elhuyar's most famous papers were entitled “Suggestions on
Coining in New Spain" and “Memoir on the Influence of Mining on the
Agriculture, Industry, Population, and Civilization of New Spain" ( 17 ),
( 18 ). In his “History of Mexico" ( 19 ), H. H. Bancroft extolled the former
treatise as follows :
With regard to the mint and coinage I find the work of Fausto de
Elhuyar, entitled Indigaciones sobre la Amonedacidn en la Nueva Es-
pafia, Madrid, 1818, to be extremely useful. His researches were con-
ducted with great care, and supply a concise and correct history of the
mint from its establishment down to the 10th of August, 1814, when
he laid before the mining tribunal of Mexico, of which he was director,
the results of his labors. In this book, which consists of 142 pages, he
gives an account of the different coins struck off and the modifications
which they experienced at different periods, also of the new system
when the administration was assumed by the government. He more-
over considers with attention the causes by which the interests of the
mining industry suffered, and suggests remedies.
During the war of independence, the once prosperous mining industry of
Mexico passed through such a serious depression that all courses at the .
The School of Mines in Mexico City
Discovery of the Elements
School of Mines were suspended, with humane provision, however, for those
of its employees who* had no other source of income. Don Fausto de
Elhuyar relinquished his authority, and thus, after thirty-three years of
service, his directorship came to a close on October 22, 1821. The history
of the School of Mines (13) by the distinguished mining engineer, Santiago
Ramirez, contains a wealth of information about Elhuyar’s services to
After returning to Madrid, Professor Elhuyar was made a member of
the General Council of Public Credit (13), served on many government
commissions, wrote his famous treatise on the influence of mining in New
Spain (17), drew up the new mining law known as the Royal Decree of July
4, 1825, and was made Director General of Mining* (20), (22). He planned
the School of Mining Engineering of Madrid and organized and developed
the mining industry of his native land, which he served devotedly to the
end of his life. One of the reforms which he advocated was the eight-hour
day (2).
In spite of his many positions of influence and responsibility, Professor
Elhuyar lived in modest circumstances, devoting all his energy to intellec-
tual rather than material pursuits. He died at Madrid on January 6,
1833, at the age of seventy-seven years. (Although the centenary of
Elhuyar's death was observed on February 6, 1933, the death certificate
which Senor de Gdlvez-Cafiero discovered in the records of San Sebastian
parish in Madrid states that Don Fausto died on January 6th as the result
of a fall (12).)
In 1892 the Mexican government under Porfirio Diaz, the former stu-
dents of the Mining Academy, and the leading mining companies arranged
a mining exposition and a series of public functions throughout the year to
commemorate the centennial anniversary of the founding of the Seminary.
All the scientific organizations in the country participated, and the German
musical society, the Orfedn Alemdn , gladly cooperated out of gratitude for
the honors which the Seminary had bestowed on Baron von Humboldt.
In each arch of the magnificent college building appeared a flag-draped
escutcheon bearing an honored name, and foremost among these were
Joaquin de Velazquez C&rdenas y Le6n, Fausto de Elhuyar, and Andres
Manuel del Rio (14).
On February 6, 1933, the Spanish Society of Physics and Chemistry, the
Geological and Mining Institute of Spain, and the Association of Mining
Engineers met at the School of Mining Engineering of Madrid to observe
the one-hundredth anniversary of the death of Don Fausto de Elhuyar.
Eloquent and scholarly addresses on the various phases of his services to
* Although standard Spanish and German encyclopedias state that Don Fausto de
Elhuyar also became Secretary of State, Dr. Pages (3) has pointed out that this is in-
Literature Cited
science were delivered by Senores Bermejo, Hauser, Galvez-Cafiero, Moles,
Novo, and L6pez Sanchez Avecilla, and three portraits* of him were dis-
played by Sefior de Gfilvez-Canero, who published in 1933 a beautifully illus-
trated biography based on authentic documents and correspondence. Plans
were announced for the publication of some of Don Fausto's papers in a
series of Spanish scientific classics, and the Elhuyar Prize of 1000 pesetas
was awarded to Don Fernando Gonzalez Nunez for his revision of the
atomic weight of chromium ( 2 ).
The writer is deeply grateful to Professor E. Moles, Mr. Galvez-Cafiero,
Dr. F. G. Corning, Sefior Pablo Martinez del Rio, and Dr. F. B. Dains for
the use of the illustrations accompanying this chapter. It is also a pleasure
to acknowledge the valuable help obtained from the literature on the his-
tory of Spanish chemistry which Dr. Moles and Mr. de Galvez-Cafiero so
kindly contributed.
Literature Cited
(2) Sempere, J., “Ensayo de una biblioteca espanola de los mejores escritores del
Reynado de Carlos III/' Imprenta Real Madrid, 1789, Vol. 5, pp. 151-77.
(2) “El primer centenario de D. Fausto de Elhuyar/’ Anales soc. espaft.fis . quint., 31,
115-43 (Mar. 15, 1933).
( 3 ) Ateneo cientifico literario, y artistico de Madrid, “La Espafia del Siglo XIX,”
Libreria de D. Antonio San Martin, Madrid, 1886, Vol. 2, pp. 412-52. Chapter
on the history of the physical sciences by Mourelo.
(4) Moles, E., “Wolframio, no tungsteno. Vanadio o eritronio,” Anales soc. espaU.
fis. quint., [3], 26, 234-52 (June, 1928).
(5) Elhuyar, J. J., and F., “Analisis quimico de volfram y examen de un nuevo metal
que entra en su composidon,” Extractos Real Soc. Bascongada, 1783, pp. 46-88;
Mbnoires Acad . Toulouse, 2, 141-68 (1784); English translation by Charles
Cullen, G. Nicol, London, 1785; German translation by F. A. C. Gren, Halle,
(6) “Discursos leidos ante la Real Academia de Ciencias en la recepcidn piiblica del
Ilmo, Sr. D. Juan Fages y Virgili," Madrid, 1909, 118 pp. Address on “The
chemists of Vergara.”
(7) Koppel, I., “Beitrag zur Entdeckungsgeschichte des Wolframs,” Chem.-Ztg ., 50,
969-71 (Dec. 25, 1926).
(8) Weeks, M. E., “The discovery of the elements. V. Chromium, molybdenum,
tungsten, and uranium,” J. Chem. Educ., 9, 459-61 (Mar., 1932); ibid., Mack
Printing Co., Easton, Pa., 1933, pp. 50-2. *
(9) Klaproth, M. H., “Untersuchung des angeblichen Tungsteins und des Wolframs
aus Cornwall,” CreWs Ann., 6, 507 (1786).
(10) Mbn6ndez, M„ “La ciencia espafiola,” 3rd ed., A. Perez Dubruli, Madrid, 1888,
Vol. 3, pp. 395-6.
* Sefior Bermejo, president of the Spanish Society of Physics and Chemistry, also
mentioned that there is a statue of Fausto de Elhuyar at the Faculty of Sciences of
156 Discovery of the Elements
(11) db GAlvez-CaAbro, A., “Apuntes biogrAficos de D. Fausto de Elhuyar y de
Zubice,” Boletin del Institute GeolSgico y Miner o de Espafia, Vol. 53, GrAficas
reunidas, Madrid, 1933, 253 pp.
(12) Anuario Acad. Ciencias, Madrid, pp. 180-1 (1932); "Century-old collection
yields new plant species,” Sci. News Letter, 24, 135 (Aug. 26, 1933).
(13) RamIrbz, S., "Datos para la historia del Colegio de Mineria,” Government publi-
cation for the Sociedad cientifica Antonio Alzate, Mexico City, 1890, 494 pp.
(14) RamIrbz, S., "El centenario del Colegio de Mineria,” Sociedad cientifica Antonio
Alzate, Memorias y revista, 6, 177-242 (1892-93).
(15) Mourelo, J. R., "Un libro famoso,” Revista acad. ciencias (Madrid), 29, 9-52
(Sept., 1932), Review of Barba, A. A,, "El Arte de los Metales,” 1640.
(16) Humboldt, A., "Ensayo politico sobre Nueva Espana,” 3rd ed., Libreria de
Lecointe, Paris, 1836, Vol. 1, pp. 232, 236-8; ibid., Vol. 2, p. 85.
(17) Elhuyar, F., "Indigaciones sobre la amonedacion en Nueva Espana,” Imprenta
de la calle de la Greda, Madrid, 1818, 146 pp.; “Memoria sobre el influjo de la
mineria en la agricultura, industria, poblacibn, y civilizacibn de la Nueva Espana,”
Imprenta de Amarita, Madrid, 1825, 154 pp.
(18) RamIrez, S., "Noticia historica de la riqueza minera de Mexico,” Secretaria de
Fomento, Mexico, 1884, 768 pp.
(19) "The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft,” A. L. Bancroft and Co., San Francisco,
1883, Vol. 11, p. 679.
(20) Moros, F. A., “Minerales y mineralogistas espafioles,” Revista Real acad. ciencias
(Madrid) 21,299 (1923-24).
(21) Arnaiz y Freg, Arturo, "D. Fausto de Elhuyar y de Zubice,” Revista de His-
toria de America (Mexico), No. 6, 75-96 (Aug., 1939).
(22) Whitaker, A. P., "More about Fausto de Elhuyar,” ibid., No. 10, 125-30 (Dec.,
It has been shown in preceding chapters that a number of elements includ-
ing zinc , cobalt , nickel } manganese , hydrogen , nitrogen , oxygen , tungsten ,
molybdenum , a«d chromium were recognized and isolated during the eighteenth
century . The story of tellurium , i/s discovery by Baron Muller von Reichen -
stein , and i/s confirmation by Klaproth remains to be told . Although selenium
properly belongs in the early part of the nineteenth century , it is so closely
related to tellurium both chemically and historically that it seems best to intro-
duce it at this point. The scientific contributions and correspondence of
Klaproth and of Berzelius furnish detailed information about these two great
discoveries , and the “ Early Recollections of a Chemist” by Friedrich Wohler
present an unforgettable picture of the great Swedish master.
“ The chymists are a strange class of mortals impelled by an
almost insane impulse to seek their pleasure among smoke and vapour ,
soot and flame , poisons and poverty; yet among all these evils I
seem to live so sweetly , that may I die if I would change places with
the Persian King.” (1)
The discoverer of tellurium, Franz Joseph Muller, was born on July 1,
1740, in Nagyszeben (Sibiu, or Hermannstadt) in the Transylvanian Alps
(14). After studying law and philosophy in Vienna, he attended the School
of Mines at Schemnitz (Selmeczbdnya, or Stiavnica Banska), where he
became intensely interested in mining, mineralogy, chemistry, and me-
chanics. At the age of twenty-eight years he became a surveyor in Hun-
gary, and two years later he served so efficiently on a committee which
managed the mines and smelters in the Banat that he was appointed sur-
veyor and director of the mines. In 1775 he went to the Tyrol as mine
captain and acting superintendent, and under Joseph II he became chief
inspector of all the mines, smelters, and salt-works in Transylvania (2).
In 1782 Muller extracted from a bluish-white ore of gold (called aurum
problematicum, aurum paradoxum , or aurum album ) , a metal which A* von
Rupprecht thought to be antimony. Muller’s paper announcing the dis-
covery was entitled, "An Experiment with the Regulus Thought to Be
Metallic Antimony Occurring in the Mariahilf Min© on Mt. Fazebay near
Salatna.”t Upon careful examination of the regulus, he decided in 1783
that although it bore some resemblance to antimony, it must be a new
metal, different from all others. Seeking confirmation of his discovery,
* See also Chapter X, pp. 169-82.
t “ V much mit dem in der Grube Mariahilf in dem Gebirge Fazebay bei Salatna
vorkommenden vcrmeinten gediegenen Spiessglaskbnig. n
Discovery of the Elements
he sent a tiny speci-
men to Bergman; but,
with such a small
sample, the latter
could do no more than
prove that it was not
antimony (3), (11).
Muller's important
discovery seems to
have been overlooked
for fifteen years, but
on January 25, 1798,
Klaproth read a paper
on the gold ores of
Transylvania before
the Academy of Sci-
ences in Berlin. In his
address he reminded
his hearers of the for-
gotten element, and
suggested for it the
name tellurium , mean-
ing earth , by which
it has ever since been
known (<?). It is hard
to understand why so
many historians of
science credit him with
the discovery of tellu-
rium. Klaproth, who
was never desirous of
undeserved honors,
stated definitely that the element had been discovered by Miiller von
Reichenstein in 1782 (11), (14).
Klaproth isolated tellurium from the gold ore by the following method.
After digesting the pulverized ore with aqua regia, he filtered off the residue
and diluted the filtrate slightly with water. When he made the solution
alkaline with caustic potash, a white precipitate appeared, but this dis-
solved in excess alkali, leaving only a brown, flocculent deposit containing
gold and hydrous ferric oxide. Klaproth removed this precipitate by
filtration and added hydrochloric acid to the filtrate until it was exactly
neutral. A copious precipitate appeared. After washing and drying it
he stirred it up with oil and introduced the oil paste into a glass retort;
From " Jac . Berzelius, Selbslbiographische Aufzeichnungen
Kahlbaum Monographs, Heft 7
Youthful Portrait of Berzelius
Left an orphan early in life, he was educated by his
stepfather. Berzelius studied at the Linkbping Gym-
nasium and later at the University of Upsala, where he
received the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He was a
student of Ekeberg, the discoverer of tantalum.
J6ns Jakob Berzelius 159
which he gradually heated to redness. When he cooled the apparatus, he
found metallic globules of tellurium in the receiver and retort (3), (11),
The discovery of tellurium was by no means the only service that Muller
von Reichenstein performed for the glory of his country. Kaiser Joseph
appointed him acting governor (Gubernialrath) and raised him to the
hereditary nobility with the title of Freiherr (Baron) von Reichenstein.
For sixteen years he was a
courtier in Vienna, but in
1818 he asked permission to
retire. Although he was
exempted from making re-
ports, he was still asked to
attend all the council meet-
ings, in order that the state
might continue to receive
his valued advice on mining
and metallurgy. The cross
of the Order of St. Stephen
was awarded to him for dis-
tinguished services to his
country and he was also
elected to membership in
the Mining Society, the
Gesellschaft naturforschender
Freunde (Society of Scien-
tific Friends) at Berlin, and
in the Mineralogical Society
at Jena (2), After serving
his country for sixty-two
years and publishing many
contributions to chemistry
and mineralogy, Muller von
Reichenstein died in Vienna
at the venerable age of
eighty-five years (4).
According to Paul Dier-
gart, Paul Kitaibel, professor of botany and chemistry at the University
of Pest, discovered tellurium independently in 1789 and wrote a paper on
it (5), (14), (15).
The discoverer of selenium was no other than the illustrious Swedish
chemist, Jdns Jacob Berzelius, who was bom in W&fversunda, a village in
Courtesy Dr. L. von Szathmdry
Paul Kitaibel
Hungarian chemist and botanist who anticipated
Klaproth in his researches on tellurium. The
original discoverer of this element, however, was
Muller von Reichenstein.
Discovery of the Elements
Ostergotland, on August 20, 1779. His childhood was saddened by the
early death of his parents, but his stepfather provided carefully for his
education. After attending the school at Linkoping, Berzelius studied
medicine at Upsala, and at the age of twenty-two years he received his
medical degree. Afzelius, a nephew of Bergman, was then the professor of
chemistry, and Ekeberg, who discovered tantalum at about the time of
Berzelius’ graduation, was
an assistant.
In the following year
Berzelius was appointed
assistant professor of medi-
cine, botany, and pharmacy
at the celebrated medical
school of Stockholm which
he served with honor and dis-
tinction for the rest of his
life. During part of the
time he also lectured at the
Military College and at the
Medico-Surgical Institute
at Stockholm. Berzelius,
unlike other chemistry pro-
fessors of his time, enlivened
his lectures with many
striking demonstrations.
His fame as a teacher soon spread throughout Europe, with the result that
brilliant ambitious students of chemistry made Stockholm their Mecca.
Mitscherlich, Wohler, C. G. Gmelin, Mosander, Svanberg, Sefstrom, and
the Rose brothers, Heinrich and Gustav, all received their inspiration
from the great Swedish master.
A vivid picture of Berzelius and an understanding of his sympathetic
attitude toward his students may be obtained by reading the “ Early
Recollections of a Chemist,” by Friedrich Wohler:
With a throbbing heart (says Wohler) I stood before Berzelius’s
door and rang the bell. A well-dressed, dignified gentleman with
florid and healthy complexion let me in. It was Berzelius himself.
He welcomed me very cordially, informed me that he had been ex-
pecting me for some time, and wished me to tell him of my journey —
all this in the German language, with which he was as familiar as
with French and English. This first day he took me to the Caroline
Institute, where he gave his lectures to medical students, but which
were also attended by officers of the army and several of his friends,
and which I regularly visited afterwards to accustom my ear to the
language. This afforded me opportunity to admire his calm and ♦
Second-Floor Plan of Berzelius’ I*aboratory
and Dwelling House
1 — Kitchen — Laboratory
2 — Laboratory
3 — Bedroom
4 — Parlor
5 — Not used by Berzelius
clear delivery and his skill in performing experiments. In this
institute was also the laboratory for medical students, which was
presided over by Mosander (6‘).
Berzelius determined the
atomic weights of nearly all the
elements then known, and was
the first chemist to determine
them accurately. He referred
his atomic weights to oxygen,
which, however, he allowed to
equal 100, instead of 16 as in our
present system. In his little
laboratory that looked like a
kitchen and in which the sand-
bath on the stove was never al-
lowed to cool, Berzelius dis-
covered the important elements:
selenium, silicon, thorium, ce-
rium, and zirconium^
About a hundred miles north-
west of Stockholm there lies
among barren hills the famous
old mining-town of Fahlun. The
average tourist might not be
greatly interested in the smoky
old town with its grimy, little
wooden houses, its sickly vege-
tation, and its odor of sulfuric
acid fumes, but the chemist
A pencil sketch by Magnus ’ brother,
Eduard. From Hofmann's " Zur Erin-
nerung an vorangegangene Freunde"
Gustav Magnus, 1802-1870
German chemist and physicist. One of
Berzelius' distinguished students. He was
one of the first chemists to investigate tellu-
rium. He contributed to mineralogical chem-
ical analysis, physiological and agricultural
chemistry and chemical technology, and de-
vised a simple process for recovering selenium
from the slime in the lead chambers of sulfuric
acid plants. He also carried out important
researches in mechanics, hydrodynamics,
heat, optics, electricity, and magnetism.
would recall its important r61e in
the early history of selenium. Berzelius and Assessor Gahn owned shares
in a sulfuric acid plant at Gripsholm that used as raw material pyrite
from the mine at Fahlun. On September 23, 1817 (7), Berzelius wrote
to his friend, Dr. Mareet of London, that he and Gahn had found tellurium
in the sulfuric acid, but on February 6th of the following year he wrote
again to Dr. Mareet, telling him that they had been mistaken about the
tellurium (£) :
I have just examined it more carefully here at Stockholm (wrote
Berzelius) and have found that what Mr. Gahn and I took for tellu-
rium is a new substance, endowed with interesting properties. This
substance has the properties of a metal, combined With that of sulfur
to such a degree that one would say it is a new kind of sulfur. Here
are some of its properties If one sublimes it in a large vessel,
Discovery of the Elements
it is deposited in the form of flowers of a cinnabar red, which are
nevertheless not oxidized. During its cooling it keeps for some
time a certain degree of fluidity, such that one can shape it between
the fingers and draw it into threads .... When one heats this new
substance with a flame, it burns with an azure blue flame, and gives
a very strong odor of radishes; it was this odor that made us think
it was tellurium.
The similarity to tellurium has given me occasion to name the
new substance selenium .... In the hope of pleasing you and Mr.
Wollaston, I am enclosing a little thread of selenium, which will
surely be broken before arriving, but some of it will always remain.
The paper in which it is wrapped has been colored by a sublimation
of selenium which took place when, in my absence, the fire was
stirred up too much in order to evaporate a solution of ammonium
selenate (£).
Balances Used by Berzelius
The following long quotation from Berzelius not only gives the details of
this remarkable discovery, but also serves as a splendid example of his
vividly dear literary style:
They use at Fahlun (he said) for the manufacture of sulfur, pyrites
occurring at various places in the copper mine. The pyrites are
often mixed with galena, blende, and several foreign substances.
The pyrites are placed on a layer of dry wood, in long, horizontal
furnaces, the upper part of which is covered with earth and de-
composed pyrites; the fumes pass from these furnaces into hori-
fcontal tuyeres, the fore part of which is of brick and the rest of wood.
The wood is lighted below, and the heat causes the excess sulfur to
distil from the lower layer of the pyrite; the gaseous sulfur is carried
by the current of warm air, and is finally deposited as flowers in
the tuyeres. ...
When this distilled sulfur is used for manufacturing sulfuric acid
by burning it, a red, pulverulent mass is deposited at the bottom of
the lead chamber. This fact was observed long ago by Mr. Bjuggren,
who then owned a sulfuric acid plant at Gripsholm. He found that
this does not occur when another kind of sulfur is used; and as he
had learned from a chemist that the red material must contain ar-
senic, he no longer used sulfur from Fahlun.
From Guinchard’s “Sweden," Vol. 2
The Fahlun Mine Is the Oldest Copper Mine in Sweden
It was worked in the 13th century, and has been run almost continually ever since.
Its present output of copper is small, but iron pyrite is still produced. The pyrite from
this mine was the first source of selenium. Gahn, the discoverer of manganese, and
Sefstrom, the discoverer of vanadium, lived in Fahlun.
Since this plant has been purchased by Gahn, Eggertz and myself
(continued Berzelius), the Fahlun sulfur has been burned there con-
tinually. The red sediment which forms in the acid liquid always
remained at the bottom of the chamber, and consequently increased
in thickness to the depth of a millimeter. The operation by which
the sulfur is acidified in this plant differs from that usually employed
in that the sulfur is not mixed with potassium nitrate. Flat glass
vessels containing nitric acid are placed on the bottom of the tank
and the sulfurous acid gas, in decomposing the nitric acid, produces
the nitrous gas necessary for the complete acidification of the sulfur. . . .
Discovery of the Elements
Berzelius then explained how he and Assessor Gahn had been misled into
thinking that they had found tellurium in the sulfuric acid :
In the glass vessels containing the nitric acid (said he) there is
found, after the complete decomposition of the nitric acid, a concen-
trated sulfuric acid at the bottom
of which is deposited a red, or
sometimes brown, powder. This
powder aroused our attention and
led us to make a special examina-
tion of it. The quantity resulting
from the combustion of 250 kilos
of sulfur did not exceed 3 grams.
The principal mass was sulfur; it
could be lighted and burned like
this substance; but it left a copi-
ous ash which, when heated with a
blowpipe, gave a strong odor of de-
cayed radishes or cabbage, analo-
gous to that which Klaproth says
is produced when one treats tellu-
rium in the same manner. .
The appearance of a substance
as rare as tellurium in the Fahlun
sulfur led me to try to isolate it,
in order to obtain more exact and
Alexander Marcet
Swiss physician and chemist. Lec-
turer on chemistry at Guy’s Hospital,
London. Friend of Berzelius, Wollas-
ton, and Tennant. He carried out a
number of researches in physiological
chemistry. In collaboration with Ber-
zelius he studied the properties of
carbon bisulfide.
at a moderate temperature. It
certain ideas regarding it. I there-
fore had the whole mass at the
bottom of the lead chamber re-
moved. While still wet it had a
reddish color, which, upon desic-
cation, became almost yellow. It
weighed about four pounds. It
was treated with aqua regia added
in sufficient quantity to render the
mass pulpy, and was finally digested
gradually changed color, the red
disappeared, and the mass became greenish yellow. After 48 hours
of digestion, water and sulfuric acid were added, and it was filtered.
The filtrate had a deep yellow color. The mass remaining on the
filter had not visibly diminished in volume; it consisted principally
of sulfur mixed with lead sulfate and other impurities.
The final steps in the isolation of the new element were described by
Berzelius as follows:
A small quantity of filtrate (said he) was taken to study the method
of separating the substance supposed to be present; it was pre-
cipitated with ammonium hydroxide. The precipitate, well washed
and dried, mixed with potassium and heated at the end of a barometer
tube, decomposed with ignition. Placed in water, a part dissolved,
and the liquid acquired the orange color of strong beer, very different
from the red wine color given by the hydro telluride of potassium.
The liquid did not cover the silvery pellet which always rises to the
surface of the hydrotelluride of potassium ; but after a few hours, it
became turbid and deposited red flakes, the quantity of which was
increased by the addition of nitric acid. The precipitate was pre-
served, and when a part of the filter on which the red precipitate had
been collected was lighted at a candle flame, it gave the edges of the
flame an azure blue color, meanwhile exhaling a strong odor of putrid
cabbage. A portion of very pure tellurium, precipitated in the
same manner from a solution of the hydrotelluride of potassium, had a
gray color, gave a greenish color to the edge of the flame, and pro-
duced no perceptible radish odor. . . .
Berzelius then proved that the odor of impure tellurium is caused by the
presence in it of small amounts of the new substance :
Upon examining more carefully the purified tellurium which
served for my earlier experiments with the oxide of tellurium and
hydrogen telluride gas (said he) I found that it produced no odor,
either when one heated it with the blowpipe or upon reduction to the
oxide, and that the only way to make it produce such an odor was
to heat it in a glass tube closed with the finger, until the vaporized
metal escaped tlirough a hole in the softened glass. It then burned
in this hole with a blue flame, giving an odor entirely analogous to
that of the red substance. . . . These experiments seemed to me to
prove that the red substance could not be tellurium, but that tellu-
rium itself contains varying amounts of it according to the care with
which it has been purified. . . .
Berzelius continued his experiments and soon realized that he was
dealing with a new element :
The brown material, insoluble in water, examined more carefully
(said he), was recognized to be the cause of the peculiar odor we
mentioned above ; and by means of some experiments which we shall
report soon, it was found that it was a combustible, elementary sub-
stance hitherto unknown, to which I have given the name selenium,
derived from Selene (the moon), to recall its analogy with tellurium.
According to its chemical properties, this substance belongs between
sulfur and tellurium, although it has more properties in common
with sulfur than with tellurium (9), (17).
Since Klaproth had named tellurium for the earth, Berzelius thought it
appropriate to name the sister element for the earth's satellite. The
results of his investigation of selenium and its compounds were published
in 1818 in the Annales de Chimie et de Physique .
His “Lehrbuch der Chemie ” was translated into German by Wohler and
was later translated into several other languages. Berzelius also published
each year, beginning in 1821, a report on progress in physics and chemistry
called the “Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte in der Physik und Chemie ”
Reproduced by kind permission of The Edgar F. Smith Memorial Collection in the History of Chemistry
University of Pennsylvania
Berzelius Autograph Letter
Translation of Letter, Part of Which Is Reproduced Above
Letter of Introduction written by Berzelius for Mr. Engelke to Herr E. L. Schubarth
Ph.D., M.D., Professor Extraordinary of Chemistry at the University of Berlin and
Teacher of Chemistry at the Technical Institute in Berlin.
Dear Sir: Stockholm, Apr. 14, 1815.
I herewith take the liberty to commend to you heartily Mr. Engelke, the bearer of
this letter. Mr. Engelke is, to be sure, really neither a scientist nor a technologist; he
is employed, however, in our local Commercial College, where, because of exceptional
general knowledge and great eagerness to fulfil his duties properly, he will in time take a
higher place. The object of his present journey is to study the various industries in
foreign countries from the point of view of political economy, and indeed I could recom-
mend him to no other than yourself with greater hope that he would receive sound
guidance in these things. I should therefore deem it a great favor if you would have the
kindness to receive my friend Engelke so that he may have an opportunity to see and
learn the things corresponding to file purpose of his journey.
I beg you to give my best regards to [name illegible] and, if there is an opportunity,
to introduce Mr. Engelke to him.
With most profound respect, I have the honor to remain. Sir,
Your humble servant, Jac. Berzelius
J6ns Jacob Berzelius
His students and friends adored him. Although Friedrich Wohler spent
only a few months in Stockholm, his contact with the great master in-
fluenced the whole course of his life. Their frequent exchange of intimate
letters lasted many years, to be interrupted at last only by the death of
Berzelius. Berzelius’ correspondence with Dr. Marcet, Davy, Wollaston,
and others was also extensive.
He did not marry until late in life.
“Yes, my dear Wohler, I have now
been a benedict for six weeks. I have
learned to know a side of life of which
I formerly had a false conception or
none at all” (10). The bride was
more than thirty years younger than
Berzelius, but their married life
proved to be most happy. On the
wedding day King Charles Jean of
vSweden honored him in a gracious and
appropriate manner. As Berzelius
entered his bride’s home just before
the ceremony, his father-in-law
handed him a letter, saying that the
King wished to have it read aloud to
the guests. The letter, which was
written in French, announced that
Berzelius, because of his eminent
services to Sweden, was to be given
the dignity and title of Baron (10),
( 16 ).
Selenium is now used instead of
manganese for decolorizing glass, and
its principal uses are in the glass and
ceramics industry. The metallic form
of the element is a non-conductor of
electricity in the dark, but has a con-
ductivity proportional to the intensity
of the light falling on it. This pecu-
On January 29, 1836, he wrote,
Jons Jacob Berzelius
Professor of chemistry and medi-
cine at the Stockholm Medical School.
He determined the atomic weights of
most of the elements then known, and
discovered selenium and the earth
ceria, and isolated silicon, thorium, and
zirconium. Among his students may
be mentioned Wohler, Heinrich and
Gustav Rose, Mosander, Sefstrdm, and
liar behavior made possible the construction of the very sensitive photo-
electric selenium cell. The first photophone using such a cell for
transmitting speech by means of a beam of light was devised by Alexander
Graham Bell in 1880. Although modern sound films are made with
photoelectric cells of the alkali metal type, the early development of talking
pictures, phototelegraphy, and television owed much to the element that
Berzelius discovered in the slime of his sulfuric acid plant (12), (13),
168 Discovery of the Elements
Literature Cited
(/) Bechbr, J. J., “Acta Laboratorii Chymica Monacensis, seu Physica Subterranea,”
1669; H. E. Howe, “Chemistry in Industry,” 3rd edition, Vol. 1, The Chemical
Foundation, Inc., New York, 1926, frontispiece.
(2) von Wurzbach, C., “Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich,”
60 vols., Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Vienna, 1891. Article on Miiller, Freiherr
von Reichenstein, Franz Joseph.
(.9) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” Vol. 1, Baudry ct Cie., Paris, 1891, pp.
(4) Poggendorfp, J. C., “Biographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichtc
der exakten Wissenschaften,” 6 vols., Verlag Chemie, Leipzig and Berlin, 1863-
1937. Article on Muller von Reichenstein, Franz Joseph.
(5) Diergart, P., “Tellur und Brom in der Zeit ihrer Entdeekung,” Z. angew. Chew.,
33, 299-300 (Nov., 1920).
(6) WOhler, F., “Early recollections of a chemist,” translated into English by
Laura R. Joy. Am. Chemist, 6, 131-6 (Oct., 1875); “Jugend-Erinnerungen eines
Chemikers,” Ber., 8, 838-52 (1875).
(7) SOderbaum, H. G., “Jac. Berzelius Bref,” Vol. 1, part 3, Almqvist and Wiksetls,
Upsala, 1912-1914, pp. 157-8.
(S) Ibid., Vol. 1, part 3, p. 161.
(fl) Berzelius, J. J., “Recherches sur un nouveau corps mineral trouv£ dans le soufre
fabriqu6 k Fahlun,” Ann. chim. phys., 9, 160-6 (1818).
( tO) Wallach, O., “Briefwechsel zwischen J. Berzelius und F. Wohler,” Vol. 1, Verlag
von Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, 1901, pp. 642-3.
( 11 ) Klaproth, M. H., “Extrait d'un Memoire de Klaproth sur un nouveau metal
nomm£ Tellurium, 4 ” Ann. chim. phys., 25, 273-81, 327-31 (1798); “Abstract of a
memoir of Klaproth on a new metal denominated tellurium,” Nicholson's J.,
2, 372-6 (Nov., 1798).
(12) Rankinb, “Telephoning by light,” Nature, 104, 604-6 (Feb. 5, 1920).
(12) Friend, J. N., “A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry,” Vol. 2, part 2, Chas. Griffin
and Co., London, 1931, pp. 297-8 and 301-2.
( 14 ) von SzathmAry, L., “Paul Kitaibel, the Hungarian Chemist,” Magyar Gydgys-
zerhztud. Tdrsasdg Urtesitoje, No. 4, 1-35 (1931); “Concerning the polemics
which led to the discovery of tellurium,” ibid., No. 1, 1-11 (1932). In Hungarian ;
summaries in German.
(15) Weeks, M. E., “The discovery of tellurium,” J. Chem. Educ., 12, 403-9 (Sept.,
(16) S6dbrbaum, H. G., “Jdns Jacob Berzelius, Autobiographical Notes,” Williams
and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, 1934, 194 pp. English translation by Olof Larsell.
( 17 ) Berzelius, J. J., “Undersokning af en ny mineralkropp funnen i de orenare
sorterna af det vid Fahlun tillverkade svaflet,” Afh. i. Fysik, Kemi och Mineralogi ,
6, 42-144 (1818),
Some letters of Klaproth and Kitaibel which have been carefully preserved
in the Hungarian National Museum at Budapest for more than a century shed
new light on the early history of the element tellurium and reveal the characters
of Baron Franz Joseph Muller von Reichenstein, who discovered it in the gold
ores of Transylvania , of Paul Kitaibel , who rediscovered it, and of Martin
Heinrich Klaproth, who named it and made it known to the scientific world.
Since Professor Ladislaus von Smthmary' s excellent articles (1) on this sub-
ject are in the Hungarian language and not readily accessible to most chemists,
an English translation of the Klaproth-Kitaibel correspondence is presented
here. The original letters of both are in German .
The gold mines of Nagyag were discovered by accident. A Roumanian
peasant, Juon Armenian (oi Armindjan), who used to pasture his pig in the
Nagy&g forest, reported to Baron Ignaz von Born's father that he had seen
flames breaking through a crevice, which had led him to believe that there
must be a rich deposit of metal there. After years of searching, Bom
found a black, leafy ore which he at first mistook for pyrite but which
proved to be rich in gold. He and his partner, Wildburg, opened the shaft
on April 8, 1747, and named it the “Conception of Maria"; the Roumani-
ans, however, called it the “Gypsy Shaft," for a Gypsy who lived nearby
used to repair the miners’ tools. Although the Born family had no
difficulty in extracting the gold, they were unable to determine the composi-
tion of the ore, which, because of its rarity, was highly prized by collectors.
This ore was found also at Zalatna and Offenbanya, and later in the Borz-
sony Mountains (I).
In the latter part of the eighteenth century, a skilful Hungarian chemist,
Colonel Joseph Ramacsahazy, examined the gold ores of the Borzsony Moun-
tains and was hampered in his analyses by the presence of a troublesome
unknown substance. In describing this ore he used the alchemistic term
“unripe gold," and on January 30, 1781, he made a contract with another
chemist, Matthew Bohm, to “ripen" it. Bohm deceived him, however, and
was deported from Hungary. (This information was generously contrib-
uted by Professor von Szathm&ry , who obtained it from the Record Office in
At the Maria Loretto shaft near Zalatna in the Facebaj Mountains
(lower Fej4r County), another white, leafy gold ore known as Spiessglaskdnig
or argent molybdique presented similar difficulties. When Professor Anton
von Rupprecht of Selmeczb4nya (Schemnitz) roasted the mineral gently on
charcoal, he found that the metallic residue, when treated with mercury,
Discovery of the Elements
gave no trace of vermilion (red mercuric sulfide). Since the mineral had a
metallic luster, gave no test for sulfur, and behaved in many respects like
antimony, von Rupprecht concluded that it must be native antimony.
This view, however, was opposed by a distinguished contemporary.
Baron Franz Joseph Muller von Reichenstein was born at Nagyszeben
(Sibiu, or Hermannstadt) in the Transylvanian Alps on July 1, 1740.*
After receiving his elementary education in his native city, he went to
Vienna to study philosophy and law. Later he became so deeply interested
in mining, metallurgy, and chemistry that in 1763 he entered the famous
School of Mines of Selmeczbanya, or Schemnitz (which is now known as
Tellurium Medallion
A very rare tellurium medallion bearing on one side the in-
scription “Tellurium from Nagyag, 1896” and on the other
the words “Royal Hungarian smelter at Selmeczbanya [Schem-
nitz]. ” The diameter is 43 mm., the thickness 5.5 mm. One
of these medallions is owned by the Hungarian National
Museum, another by the University of Sopron [Odenburg].
Stiavnica Banska, Czechoslovakia). Here he studied under the capable
leadership of N. J. Jacquin (I).
Upon returning to Transylvania, he served on a mining commission to
reorganize the neglected mines of his native country, and later became di-
rector of mines in the Banat. When he succeeded in putting the mines on
a paying basis, Maria Theresia entrusted him with similar responsibilities
in the Tyrol. In 1775, although successfully established as a mining
* This statement may serve as a correction to page 65 of the first and second editions of
"The Discovery of the Elements." Dr. Speter and Professor von Szathm&ry kindly
informed me that Baron von Reichenstein was born in Nagyszeben, not in Vienna, and
that heat first mistook die tellurium not for antimony but for bismuth.
Discovery of Tellurium
official in the little Tyrolian town of Schwatz,
he preferred to return to his own country.
King Joseph II gratified this desire by sending
him to Transylvania on special commissions,
and in 1778 appointed him as provincial
During his travels Muller amassed a splen-
did mineral collection, which he arranged ac-
cording to Born’s system. When he set to
work in his poorly equipped laboratory at
Nagyszeben to examine the ore which von
Rupprecht believed to be native antimony,
he made slow progress. On September 21,
1782, however, he published a statement (2)
to the effect that the mineral in question was
not native antimony, but bismuth sulfide.
When the ore was melted with niter and
tartaric acid, it did not yield antimony. It
colored the flame blue and formed an amal-
Courtesy Prof. L. von Ssathmdry
Selenium Medallion
A selenium medallion bear-
ing a portrait of Berzelius.
The diameter is about 45 mm.
This medallion was cast at
the Selmeczb&nya smelter and
is now in possession of the
University of Sopron. It is
extremely rare and has un-
fortunately been broken.
gam with mercury, whereas antimony would
have failed to give these reactions.
In the following year, however, he concluded that the mineral contained
neither bismuth sulfide nor antimony, that the gold was an essential constit-
uent of it, and that it contained an unknown metal. In an investigation
lasting three years and consisting of more than fifty tests, he determined the
specific gravity of the mineral and noted the radish odor of the white smoke
which passed off when the new metal was heated, the red color which the
metal imparts to sulfuric acid, and the black precipitate which this solution
gives when diluted with water (5) .
Muller also sent a very small specimen of the new substance to Torbern
Bergman, who regularly corresponded with him and whom he considered
to be “the greatest chemist of the present century.” In the reply dated
April 13, 1784, Bergman confirmed Muller’s results, mentioned Elhuyar's
recent discovery of tungsten, commented on the surprising increase in the
number of known metals, and added, “I am waiting impatiently for your
parcel so that I may work with larger amounts.” . Unfortunately, Bergman
was never able to work with this larger specimen; for he died in July of the
same year. Twelve years later, Muller, desirous of still further verifica-
tion, sent a specimen to Martin Heinrich Klaproth, the leading analytical
chemist of Germany, who analyzed it and completely confirmed the dis-
covery of the new metal (4). In his report before the Academy of Sciences
in Berlin on January 25, 1798, Klaproth named the metal tellurium and
mentioned that the’ original discoverer of it was Muller von Reichenstein,
Discovery of the Elements
V ■» - U
,r r %-e ^ <**■ ,
,**. > \ ' J .Xtr ■<
te ' * V* ,
i ' , S'*
*•■ , > »*•-'**
When Mliller was
promoted to the of-
fice of aulic councilor
he regretfully left
Transylvania for
Vienna. He was
later pensioned with
the order of St.
Stephen. He died
in Vienna on October
12, 1825 (or 1826?).
Although Baron von
Reichenstein’s wife,
Margaretha von
Hochengarten, was
German, and al-
though he spent
much of his life
among German
people and received
many honors from
the Austrians, his
descendants still live
in his native land of
In 1789 the famous
Hungarian scientist,
Paul Kitaibel, dis-
covered tellurium in-
dependently. He
was born on Feb-
From Siathm&ry, " Magyar Alkimist&k " Hiary 3, 1757, at
Icnaz Edler VON Born Nagy-MSrton [Mat-
Distinguished Transylvanian metallurgist, mineralogist, tersdorf ], and at-
and mining engineer. Kitaibel found tellurium in a mineral tended the academy
mdybd^te° m ^ inCOrreCtly dCSignated as argentiferous at Raab j n Qrder tQ
prepare himself for
the University of Buda. After serving under Professor J. Winterl as adjunct
in chemistry and botany (5), (£), he received his medical degree in 1785.
Four years later young Dr. Kitaibel found a new element in an ore from
Deutsch-Pilsen which Baron von Bom* had regarded as argentiferous
* Ignaz Edler von Bom (1742-1791). Transylvanian metallurgist. Inventor of a
famous amalgamation process of recovering gold and silver.
~ * * — ” — ■■ ? | [ *
.«! . . *!>.l ift-. *, A* .•> r* ..
> > ''p ip
Kxtaibel on the Discovery of Tellurium
molybdenite. At the suggestion of Abb€ Estner* and Mine Captain
Haidinger,f he also investigated the aurum problematicum and found that
it contained the same new element as that in the molybdic silver. When
he sent an account of his researches to Klaproth for criticism, the latter
gave a most favorable written report, but evidently gave no further thought
to the matter. Muller von Reichenstein later presented Klaproth with his
supply of aurum problematicum , and Klaproth reported the existence of the
new metal, tellurium, giving full credit to the original discoverer , Muller von
Reichenstein , but failed to mention Kitaibel’s work on the “molybdic
silver/' Since Kitaibel was unaware of the researches of Miiller von
Reichenstein and had been led to the erroneous conclusion that Klaproth
had claimed the discovery, he defended his priority over the latter in the
following letter to Johann Georg Lenz, professor of mineralogy at Jena (7) :
March, 1800.
I received yesterday the diploma which the Mineralogical Society at
Jena intended for me and which you were so kind as to send me. I
hasten to give you my heartiest thanks and to ask you to express my
gratitude to the famous Society for this honor and to assure it that I
shall strive to the best of my ability to live up to your mutual aims.
At present, to be sure, I am so occupied with the duties of my office,
traveling, and botanical work that I scarcely have time to think of
other activities, and my field is not so much mineralogy as botany and
chemistry; however, since I hope to find much worthy of notice on
my trips now about to be taken at public expense, and since the chemi-
cal analysis of mineral products not yet sufficiently well known will
be no less welcome to the Society than the external characteristics of
the same, I yet hope, when time permits, to accomplish some things
suited to your aims.
On this occasion I learned that the news has been brought to Jena
that I had discovered tellurium before Klaproth and that this famous
chemist had appropriated my discovery to himself. The whole matter
stands as follows;
About twelve years ago, the professor of natural history, Piller, J
who died here, gave me a little piece of ore from Deutsch-Pilsen in the
Hont region, saying that it was argentiferous molybdenite and that I
might determine the silver content. In some experiments that I made
with it, I found, to be sure, that it did contain silver (<?), but it was
evident also that the remainder was certainly not molybdenite, but a
new metal. After some time, I found the same mineral listed in
Bora's Catalogue as molybdic silver.
When Abbd Estner came here to appraise the collection of natural
history specimens left by Piller, and I learned that this very expert
mineralogist was working on a Mineralogy , I told him what I had found
* Abb6 Franz Joseph Anton Estner (1739-1803). Mineralogist at Vienna,
t Karl Haidinger (1756-1797). Austrian mineralogist and mining engineer. Father
of the famous mineralogist, Wilhelm Karl von Haidinger.
t Mathias Piller (1733-1788), professor of natural history at Buda.
Discovery of the Elements
out experimentally about the so-called molybdic silver and what I be-
lieve it to be. At his request, I repeated my previous experiments with
the few fragments of this mineral which I still had, compiled [the re-
sults], and sent them to him in Vienna. The sagacious mineralogist
and Mine Captain Haidinger, who had an opportunity to read my
article, wrote me after a time that they believed that the Transylva-
nian gold ores ( aurum graphicum , aurum problematicum ) contain the
same metal which I had found in Bom’s molybdic silver; I wished to
investigate the matter more thoroughly and found indeed that the
metal which was combined with the gold in the ore possessed all the
properties found for that in the ore from Pilsen, which I immediately
reported to Abb6 Estner.
Courtesy Dr. F. Fiala
The Former School of Mining and Forestry at SCHEM-
Schemnitz, or Stiavnica Banska, Czechoslovakia, where
Muller von Reickenstein, the discoverer of tellurium, was
educated. When Austria-Hungary was divided in 1918, the
collections, the library, the archives, and most of the portable
equipment at the former Schemnitz School of Mines were
taken to the University of Sopron in Hungary. Transylvania,
with its historic mines of gold and tellurium, became part of
Some time after this, Klaproth’s analysis of the molybdic silver ap-
peared. To my no slight surprise, I found there the statement that
this contains bismuth. Mr. Klaproth then came to Vienna, and Abb6
Estner gave him my paper to read, which was returned to me with a
very favorable utterance regarding my chemical work. After this,
Mr. Klaproth announced his discovery of tellurium. From this it can
certainly be surmised with some foundation that this famous chemist
was led to this discovery through my work, yet it cannot be proved;
and even if the documents which I possess were sufficient for this, yet I
would not do it. Mr. Klaproth, with whomT had the honor to become
personally acquainted in Berlin a year and a half ago, is my friend,
who, it is to be hoped, will himself, when he announces his cbrrected
analysis of the molybdic silver, state to the public that I discovered the
aforementioned new metal in this mineral before he did. If he does
Klaproth on the Discovery of Tellurium
not do this, Abbe Estner will do it when he comes to this subject in the
edition of his Mineralogy. Then one may judge from Klaproth’s be-
havior as one will ; as long as I shall not have been the cause of it, it
will not trouble me. But until then I must ask that no public use of
information on this matter, either from my family or from friends,
shall be made; the circumstances of my office demand this.
I cherish the hope that some time I may merit your highly desired
friendship, and remain, Sir, your most respectful and obedient servant,
The following is a translation of the “very favorable utterance” of
Klaproth to which Kitaibel referred in the preceding letter:
Courtesy Dr. F. Fiala
The building at Stiavnica Bafiska, Czechoslovakia, which
in the eighteenth century housed the chemical and mineral-
ogical laboratories of the former Schemnitz School of Mines.
Muller von Reichenstein, the discoverer of tellurium, and
A. M. del Rio, the discoverer of vanadium, both attended
this school.
Vienna, Aug. 1, 1796.
I have read both of the present chemical articles which Abb£ Estner
kindly communicated to me with so much the greater pleasure because
these give praiseworthy evidence that the author of them is a thor-
oughly practical chemist. The first of these, concerning molybdic sil-
ver, is not, to be sure, in entire agreement with my results; but this is
easily explained, for my results for these constituents refer only to the
individual specimen which I analyzed. . .
[The portion of the report here omitted refers to Kitaibel's paper on
hydroferrocyanic acid and Prussian blue. ]
One day as Klaproth was reading Wieland's New German Mercury, he
ran across the following disconcerting statement ( 9 ) :
Discovery of the Elements
The discovery of the new metal tellurium, which has already, in the
first volume of the Zeitschrift fur Ungarn , been claimed by Professor
von Schedius* for our energetic fellow-countryman Kitaibel (adjunct
at the Hungarian University at Pest) will also soon be claimed for Mr.
Kitaibel in the second volume of the Annalen der Jenaischen Gesell-
schaft fur die gesammte Mineralogie. Mr. Klaproth in Berlin, who has
hitherto been regarded in Germany as the discoverer, was merely led
by some of Kitaibel’s articles which he read on a visit to Vienna to the
further investigation of the new metal, which he named tellurium.
Suum cuique!
As a result of this unjust accusation, Klaproth wrote to Kitaibel as
follows :
Berlin Sept. 2, 1803.
Highly esteemed Colleague : It gives me special pleasure to address
you by this title, for on February 22nd of this year the Society of Scien-
tific Friends of this place elected you as a foreign member. The send-
ing of the diploma has up to the present been delayed merely because
Professor Willdenow,f who is taking charge of it, wishes to include a
few books at the same time. In the meantime, they are ready, as
Count von Waldstein} has noted in the preface to Volume 4B of our
New Publications.
In proportion as this occasion, like all other opportunities for friendly
correspondence with foreign friends and members of our Society has
been pleasant and welcome to me,*just so deeply do I regret that this
my first letter to you also concerns at the same time an unpleasant
matter. Only within the last few days have I seen the fourth issue for
1803 of Wieland’s New German Mercury , in which, to my greatest as-
tonishment, I find myself accused, under the heading: “Further News
of Hungary’s Most Recent Literature and Culture,” of downright
theft; in other words, of having robbed you of the discovery of tel-
lurium!! You, my dear colleague, will understand that I can by no
means allow this insult to my honor and staining of my reputation to
pass unnoticed.
To be sure, I do remember that a chemical paper was handed to me
in Vienna with the request for my opinion of it, which resulted favor-
ably. However, as far as the subject matter of it is concerned, this I
have completely forgotten, and the person who could inform me is
Estner, who is now dead. But, on my honor, and by all that an honest
man holds sacred, I assure you that that paper did not have the slight-
est influence on my chemical experiment with tellurium.
Long before my trip to Vienna, I had worked on this investigation,
using a specimen which had been sent here by the late Mr. von
Fichtel§ to Mr. Siegfried 1 1 ; I am also indebted to Mr. Muller von
•Ludwig von Schedius (1768-1847). Hungarian writer, editor, cartographer, and
f Karl Ludwig Willdenow (1765-1812). German botanist who studied chemistry
under Klaproth.
% Franz de Paula Adam Graf von Waldstein (1759-1823). Austrian botanist and
$ Johann Ehrenreich von Fichtel ( 1732-1795). Hungarian mineralogist.
J j Friedrich Wilhelm Siegfried (1734-1809). German mineralogist.
Kitaibel and Klaproth on Tellurium
Reichenstein, who was then in Zalathna, for voluntarily sending me
his supply of tellurium ores, which enabled me to carry my earlier
investigations farther.
I urgently request and expect a prompt and obliging reply in order
to learn whether you yourself will be so good as to arrange that a public
denial of this accusation of plagiarism made against me may be made
as soon as possible; which I shall regard as valuable evidence, not so
much of your own love of truth, which I by no means question, as of
your friendly and fraternal attitude toward me.
With the best regards of all the regular members of our Society, I
have the honor to be, Sir,
Your obedient friend and colleague,
(Signed) Klaproth.
Royal Chief Counselor of Medicine and Sanitation
Kitaibel replied as follows :
Highly Esteemed Colleague:
vSept. 19, 1803.
I received your letter [of September 2nd, 1803] only day before
yesterday. Pleased though I was at first to see your esteemed name
signed to it, yet all the more deeply was I disconcerted over the real
occasion for it: partly because I now truly believe that you have been
unjustly insulted; partly because your demand places me in an em-
barrassing situation from which I do not know how to extricate myself.
In order to enable you yourself to judge of this matter and of what can
be done to ease your mind, I must make you better acquainted with all
the details, which perhaps you do not yet correctly know.
I discovered tellurium in 1789 in Born’s so-called molybdic silver.
The following year I mentioned it verbally to Mr. Estner and after
some time sent him at his request a written article on the experiments
I had made with this metal. He and Mine Captain Haidinger ex-
pressed to me the opinion that the metal I had discovered probably lay
hidden also in the [nagyagite] “Transylvanian gray gold” (as Born
called the ores containing this tellurium) , whereby I was led to find this
metal also in the aforementioned ores, of which Estner and Haidinger
immediately received notice. The announcement of this discovery
was delayed by circumstances which need not be mentioned here.
Then you came to Vienna, obtained from Estner my article on the
investigation of the so-called silver molybdenite and another one on
hydroferrocyanic acid prepared in the free state, for your opinion, and
Estner sent me your written verdict with the information that he had
also communicated to you my report on the metal which lay hidden in
Transylvanian gold ores and had requested you to investigate the mat-
ter further. I rejoiced over this all the more bec&use I had good reason
to hope that, when you announced your investigation, you would men-
tion my work.
When I came to Vienna in the following year, your discovery of
tellurium was just being read, and Estner said that he was greatly sur-
prised that you had made absolutely no mention of my report which
had been communicated to you. It was also mentioned in presence of
others, wherefrom- 1 suspected no consequences whatever. After a
Discovery of the Elements
long time I was also questioned verbally about the details of the affair,
and a foreigner also sent me a written inquiry. Without knowing how
they had learned of the matter, I answered according to my knowledge
and belief. I now see, to be sure, that it would have been better if I
had suppressed what I knew; but you see, too, that we were both
wrong, you, in that you did not mention what you had learned of my
discoveries through Mr. Estner; and I, in that I mentioned what I
You will understand that it is now difficult to set matters right. I
cannot say that you knew nothing of my experiments; my article
dated by Estner, your written statement, and Estner’s letter prove the
contrary. If you were to say that you had forgotten about it and had
already made the discovery earlier, I and many others would not
doubt it, but this would not sufficiently vindicate you before all men ;
although no one would have doubted your discovery if you had previ-
ously said that you had made it before your trip to Vienna. If I were
to say that the details of the matter were other than what I have just
written, and which are already known, I would be contradicting my-
self and speaking falsely.
Under such circumstances I do not know what you mean by a public
denial which you demand of me. I can give you a statement that my
two papers. . .which Abb€ Estner gave you in Vienna for your verdict
were not concerned with the tellurium of the Transylvanian gold ore
but with Born's molybdic silver and free hydroferrocyanic acid; I can
add that I believe that you discovered tellurium without knowing
anything about my researches, if that will satisfy you. If you can
with justice demand more, I ask you to mention it and you will always
find, .me ready to do everything which your honor demands and mine
permits, for I willingly believe you. That you forgot the contents of
my paper, that you discovered tellurium without knowing anything
about this, and that, although the premises are true and give cause for
detrimental consequences, you were unjustly insulted.
I remain, however, with best regards, Sir,
Your devoted and respectful friend,
Klaproth replied as follows :
Berlin, Oct. 4, 1803.
Highly esteemed Colleague :
I am greatly indebted to you for your obligingly prompt reply to my
last letter. I must confess, however, that its contents by no means ful-
filled my expectations as completely as I had hoped. In the meantime
I ask you to pardon me if I am wrong [in believing] that there still re-
mains in your mind some doubt as to the truth of my explanation :
that the article which Estner communicated to me in Vienna has not had
the slightest influence on my experiments with tellurium . Only now does
your present letter recall to my mind that I have been concerned with
the subject of molybdic silver; but, as regards what you said about it,
even at this moment I remember not a single syllable, and I all the
more regret that you did not publish this work of yours long ago. I
boldly and confidently ask all my friends, here and abroad, who know
me better, If it is in any way compatible with my character to be a
Muller von Reichenstein’s Priority Acknowledged
plagiarist and if they cannot attest on the contrary that discoveries
which belong to me have reached the public through others, without
my being able to claim them. Yes, indeed. Even today I would
rather have made a dozen fewer discoveries than to bear for a moment
the slightest suspicion that I could seize the literary property of others.
I believe I have already mentioned in my preceding letter that,
several years before my trip to Vienna, perhaps in 1785 to 1786, I had
already worked with the so-called auro problematico which the late Mr.
von Fichtel had sent here to my honored friend, Treasurer Siegfried,
and that I was guided by the experiments which Mr. Muller von Reich-
enstein had made and had described in the Physical Researches , and
whose belief that it contains a new metal I found to be well grounded;
to which conclusion the beautiful criterion previously announced by
M. v. R., the red color which this metal imparts to sulfuric acid, was
also of special value. Several of my friends here and members of my
audience at that time can and will testify to this.
Now just what have I done? Nothing, except to carry out a few
little experiments in addition to those published by Mr. M. v. R. on
the ore which he himself supplied. But I must almost surmise that
you have not seen my complete paper on tellurium. Otherwise you
could not possibly retain the error that I. . . [have claimed] the discovery.
Nowhere have I said that; on the contrary, I have expressly and em-
phatically explained that the credit for the discovery belongs to Mr.
Muller von Reichenstein. Can one more definitely observe the suum
cuiquef Now since I have never claimed the discovery, it is now as
clear as day that I cannot have robbed anyone of this honor. I shall
now leave it to you, esteemed colleague, as to what course you may
deem best to give complete satisfaction as soon as possible for my pub-
licly insulted honor which, to this day, suffers blamelessly, without
compelling me to appear in my own defense; for I hate scholastic feuds
like sin. If this be done to my satisfaction, as I have occasion to hope
that it will, it will incomparably increase my esteem and respect for
you as a friend and colleague whose zeal and services in one of the
most beautiful branches of natural science I gladly recognize and
With highest esteem, I remain, Sir,
Your obedient friend and colleague,
(Signed) Klaproth
Thoroughly convinced of Klaproth’s integrity, Kitaibel promptly pub-
lished the following explanation (10 ) : (Since the circumstances which gave
rise to the unjust charge against Klaproth were stated in detail in the pre-
ceding letters, they may be omitted here). v
Pest, Oct. 18, 1803.
. . .The correct conclusion to be drawn really amounts to this: that I
discovered tellurium in a misunderstood and hitherto uncertain ore at a
time when the individuality of this metal and its existence in the
Transylvanian gold ores had not been publicly confirmed through the
excellent researches pf Mr. Klaproth, and more than this I did not wish
to claim for myself, as can be seen from the Zeitschrift von und fur Un-
Discovery of the Elements
gam, volume 1, page 275 ff. For Mr. Klaproth has himself pointed
out in volume 3, page 16 of his Bey tr age that the credit for the original
discovery of tellurium belongs to Mr. Muller von Reichenstein, aulic
counselor [Hofrath].
However, further inferences have been made and conclusions drawn
from the aforementioned circumstances that Mr. Klaproth had bor-
rowed from me the discovery of tellurium, which I hereby declare on
the following grounds to be highly unjust and false: In the first place,
Mr. Klaproth's blameless character is a security that he, who had no
need for such a despicable means of increasing his great deserts and his
most widespread renown, was incapable of any such action; in the sec-
ond place, his researches on tellurium and tellurium ores are so exten-
sive that they could not have been carried out so completely in the
short time in which they appeared after his departure from Vienna;
in the third place, there is considerable difference between Mr. Klap-
roth’s researches and my own, not only in the success of a few experi-
ments, but also in the completeness of their execution. I found, for
example, that tellurium is precipitated from nitric acid by water and
that the concentrated sulfuric acid from this metal becomes at first
brown, then red, and finally, after continued heating, becomes colorless
again. Mr. Klaproth’s investigation, on the contrary, left mine far
behind in completeness, hence the two cannot be compared; finally,
Mr. Klaproth could certainly not borrow from me a discovery which
belongs neither to him nor to me (NB. For [the statement]: “Mr.
Klaproth has himself already pointed out in volume 3, page 10 of his
Beytrage that the credit for the original discovery of tellurium belongs
to Mr. Muller von Reichenstein, aulic counselor” has been mentioned
here on page 4611), as Abb6 Eder* has so correctly observed in the
Zeitschrift von und fur Ungarn , volume 2, page 90.
Paul Kitaibel, Professor.
Professor Kitaibel’s love for botany was stimulated by his opportunity
to arrange the rich herbarium of Counselor Mygind, a friend of Linn£.
In 1793, after a scientific tour of Croatia, he returned to Pest to join the
staff of the school of pharmacy. After managing the botanical garden for
a time, he became a professor of botany and chemistry, giving no lectures,
however, but spending most of his time on scientific expeditions. In 1795
and 1796 he studied the chalybeate spring at Bardiov [Bartfeld, or B&rtfa]
and the flora of the Carpathians, and with Count Franz Adam von Wald-
stein explored the territory around the Sea of Marmora. On a visit to
Berlin he met Willdenow, who later named a genus of malvaceae Kitaibelia
in his honor. He also explored the beautiful shores of Lake Balaton (the
Plattensee, famous for its delicious fish), the fertile Banat, and most of
Kitaibel published a number of books and articles on the flora and mineral
waters of Hungary, and, according to Professor L. von Szathm&ry (71),
he was the first to prepare solid bleaching powder and use it for bleaching
* Joseph Karl Eder ( 1766-1810). Transylvanian historian and mineralogist.
Literature Cited
textiles. Kitaibel died at Budapest on December 13, 1817, at the age of
sixty-three years; Klaproth’s life had come to a close on New Year’s
Day of the same year. One of their younger contemporaries wrote for the
botanical journal Flora a memorial article entitled “Some Flowers on the
Grave of Paul Kitaibel” (5), in which appears the following characteriza-
tion: “Honest and outspoken, expressing his opinion openly among his
friends, and brandishing the lash of the satyrs, he disdained (although
sought out because of the kindness of his disposition, the extent of his
knowledge, and the force of his intellect) all vain social formalities. .
Kitaibel’s valuable library was purchased by the National Museum of
Budapest, which still treasures the letters which have here been cited.
Although this intimate correspondence refers to a disconcerting and em-
barrassing situation in their lives, it casts no shadow on the reputation of
either Klaproth or Kitaibel. Their names, on the contrary, shine all the
more brightly today because they refrained from the bitter polemics of the
printed page and settled their serious misunderstanding through the ex-
change of these restrained aud courteous letters.
The author is deeply indebted to Dr. Max Speter of Berlin and to Dr. L
von Szathm&ry of Budapest for the use of their notes and of the Klaproth-
Kitaibel correspondence, for their many gracious and helpful suggestions,
and for the reading of the manuscript; and to Dr. Franti^ek Fiala, director
of the State Museum of Mines of Stiavnica Bahskd, for his kindness in
sending photographs and information regarding the former School of
Mines of Schemnitz. It is also a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance
received from the Graduate Research Fund of the University of Kansas for
translations from the Hungarian, which were made by Mr. Julius Nagy of
Literature Cited
( 1 ) SzathmAry, LAszl6, "Paul Kitaibel, the Hungarian chemist,” Magyar Gydgys -
zerisztud. Tdrsasdg Urtesitoje, No. 4 , 1-35 (1931); "Concerning the polemics
which led to the discovery of tellurium," ibid., No. 1, 1-11 (1932).
(2) Muller, F. J., "Uber den vermeintlichen natiirlichen Spiessglaskonig, ’ ’ Physi-
kalische Arbeiten der eintrdchtigen Freunde in Wien , 1 (1), 57-9 (1783).
( 3 ) MOllbr, F. J., "Versuch mit dem in der Grube Mariahilf in dem Gebirge Facebaj
bei Zalatna vorkommenden vermeinten gediegenen Spiessglaskonig,’ * ibid., 1 (1)
63-9 (1783); 1 (2), 49-53 (1784); 1 (3), 34-52 (1785). f
(4) von Waldstbin, Waldauf, "Ueber den eigentlichen Entdecker des Tellurerzes,"
Vaterldndische Blatter filr den dsterreichischen Kaiserstaat, 1, 515-6 (Oct. 3, 1818).
(5) Schultes, “Einige Blumen auf das Grab Paul Kitaibel’s,” Flora , 14 , 149-59
(6) von Wurzbach, C., "Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich.”
Kaiserlich-kdnigliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1864 , Vol. 11, pp. 337-9. This
lexicon also contains biographical sketches of Born, Fichtel, Haidinger, Muller von
Reichenstein, Filler, Rupprecht, Schedius, and Waldstein.
182 Discovery of the Elements
(7) D6bling, H., “Die Chemie in Jena zur Goethezeit,” Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1928,
220 pp.
(S) Klaproth, M. H., “Analytical Essays towards Promoting the Chemical Knowl-
edge of Mineral Substances/’ Cadell and Davies, London, 1801, pp. 218-20.
(Klaproth found no silver in this ore.)
(9) “Fortgesetzte Nachrichten iiber Ungarns neueste Literatur und Kultur,” Der
neue deutsche Merkur, Stuck 4 , 298-9 (1803).
(10) Kitaibel, P., “Erklarung,” Gehlen's AUgem . J. der Chemie , 1, 460-1 (1803).
(11) von SzathmAry, L., “Paul Kitaibel entdeckt den Chlorkalk,” Chem.-Ztg ., 55,
645 (Aug. 22, 1931); ibid ., 55, 784 (Oct. 10. 1931).
Although the metals columbium f tantalum , and vanadium were recognized
very early in the nineteenth century , the difficult task of preparing them in a
pure state is an achievement of recent years. In 1801 the English chemist ,
Charles Hatchett , discovered a new element in a specimen of columbite which
had an interesting connection with the history of New England . In the same
year A. M. del Rio , a professor of mineralogy in Mexico , examined some
“ brown lead from Zimapdn ” and announced the discovery of a new metal ,
erythronium. In the following year Berzelius' professor , A . G. Ekeberg,
analyzed some tantalite from Finland and found in it an element very similar to
Hatchett's columbium. Although Dr . Wollaston believed that columbium
and tantalum are identical , Heinrich Rose and Marignac proved that they
are two distinct elements. In 1831 Sef strom found in some soft iron from
Eckersholm a metal , vanadium , which Wohler proved to be identical with del
Rio's erythronium.
It is impossible that he who h
science can ever abaridon it (2).
The element columbium (niobium)
was discovered in 1801 by the English
chemist, Charles Hatchett, * who was
born in London in 1765. As a young
man in his thirties he engaged actively
in chemical research, and published
in the Philosophical Transactions an
analysis of lead molybdate from
Carinthia and the results of some ex-
periments on shell and bone ( 2), and
in Nicholson's Journal an analysis of
an earth from New South Wales called
“Sydneia, or Terra Australis’ ' (31).
The discovery on which his fame
rests was announced before the Royal
Society on November 26, 1801 in a
paper entitled “Analysis of a Mineral
from North America containing a
Metal hitherto Unknown” (5). This
mineral, now known as columbite, is
a black rock found in New England,
and the specimen Hatchett analyzed
* See also Chapter XII, pp. 206-24.
once imbibed a taste for
Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Collection,
¥ V niversity of Pennsylvania
Charles Hatchett, 1765-1847
English chemist and manufacturer.
Discoverer of columbium. Most of his
researches were in analytical and min-
eralogical chemistry.
had an interesting history.
Discovery of the Elements
Governor John Winthrop the
Younger (30), (46), (52) used to take
great pleasure in examining minerals,
and his manner of collecting them is
best described in the quaint words of
an early American poet:
Sometimes his wary steps, but
wand' ring too,
Would carry him the Chrystal
Mountains to,
Where Nature locks her Gems ,
each costly spark
Mocking the Stars, spher'd in their *
Cloisters dark.
Sometimes the Hough, anon the
Gardners Spade
He deigned to use, and tools of th '
Chymick trade (47).
On one of these expeditions he may
1 have found in a spring near his
home at New London, Connecticut,
the rock fragment of columbite which
his grandson sent to Sir Hans Sloane
(1660-1753) in London, who placed
it in the British Museum (4).* The
specimen had evidently remained in
the museum for several decades
before Charles Hatchett analyzed it.
Since columbite is a very complex mineral indeed, containing columbic,
tantalic, titanic, and tungstic acids, zirconia, thoria, ceria, and yttria,
Hatchett must have possessed great analytical ability in order to discover
in it the new element, columbium. Although the greatest chemists in
Europe held for more than forty years the erroneous opinion that co-
lumbium and tantalum are identical, Marignac and Heinrich Rose finally
proved that they are two distinct elements. Thus Hatchett was cor-
rect in concluding that he had found a new metal in columbite (53).
It is to be regretted that a man of such great ability should have given
up his scientific research early in life. Thomas Thomson said of him in
1830, “ . . . unfortunately this most amiable and accomplished man has
been lost to science for more than a quarter of a century; the baneful
effects of wealth, and the cares of a lucrative and extensive business having
completely weaned him from scientific pursuits” (5). In 1845 Berzelius,
* See Chapter XII*
From Waters' U A Sketch of the Life of John
Winthrop the Younger ”
John Winthrop the Younger
First governor of Connecticut. Al-
chemist, manufacturing chemist, and
physician. His grandson sent the
columbite from which Charles Hatchett
later isolated the metal columbium.
writing to Wohler, ex-
pressed a similar opinion :
“On my previous visit
here in Karlsbad/’ said
he, “I made the personal
acquaintance of your
king as Prince of Cum-
berland. He asked me if
I knew a number of
English chemists, and
upon my replying that
I knew Davy, Wollaston,
Tennant, and Marcet, he
shook his head and in-
dicated that I had for-
gotten the foremost one,
namely, Hatchett. He
seemed greatly pleased
that I also knew him,
however did not want
to believe that he had
given up chemistry and
become a coach-maker
as his father’s successor”
( 6 ). Hatchett retired to
his estate at Roehamp-
ton, near London, and died at Chelsea on March 10, 1847.
He never succeeded in isolating columbium, and in fact the element
eluded chemists for more than six decades. In 1864, however, C. W.
Blomstrand reduced columbium chloride by heating it strongly in an
atmosphere of hydrogen ( 48 ), and saw the shining steel-gray metal.
In 1901 Henri Moissan pulverized some American columbite, mixed with
it some sugar charcoal, compressed the mixture, and heated it from seven
to eight minutes in his electric furnace, using a current of one thousand
amperes under fifty volts. After volatilizing all the manganese and part
of the iron and silicon, he obtained a melt containing columbium and
tantalum combined with carbon. *
After preparing columbic acid by Marignac’s method, he mixed eighty-
two parts of it with eighteen of sugar carbon, moistened the mixture
slightly with turpentine, and pressed it into the form of a cylinder, which
he heated in his electric furnace, using six hundred amperes under fifty
volts. A violent reaction took place in accordance with the equation:
CbsO« + 5C - 2Cb -f 5CO.
Sir Hans Sloanb, 1000-1753
Founder of the British Museum. Physician, phar-
macist, traveler, and collector of books, manuscripts,
coins, medals, gems, antiquities, and natural history
Discovery of the Elements
After cooling the mixture out of contact with the nitrogen of the air, he
found a well-fused ingot with a metallic fracture (49). Moissan’s co-
lumbium contained a small amount of combined carbon, and was so inert
and refractory that he believed the element to be a non-metal resembling
boron and silicon.
From 1904 to 1910 C. W. Bailee (7), (18), (55) analyzed many columbium
and tantalum compounds and determined the atomic weights of both
metals. In 1906 Werner von Bolton of the Siemens & Halslce Company
Courtesy Fansteel Products Company, Inc.
Photomicrograph of Columbium
Approximately 300 X
prepared a columbium regulus by an alumino-thermic method and purified
it by repeated melting in a vacuum electric furnace (17), (18). For twenty-
three years this little specimen in Germany continued to be the only piece
of pure columbium in the world, but in May, 1929, Dr. Balke exhibited
before the American Chemical Society some highly polished sheets and rods
of this rare metal. Because less energy is required to remove an electron
Tantalum 187
from its surface than from that of any other refractory metal, columbium is
used in vacuum tubes for high-power service ( 56 ).
Since minerals which contain columbium almost invariably contain
also the closely related element, tantalum, it is small wonder that chemists
at first confused the two elements. The discoverer of tantalum was the
Edgar F. Smith Memorial Collection , University of Pennsylvania
Autograph Letter of Charles Hatchett
William Thomas Braude (1788-1866), Davy's successor at the Royal Institu-
tion, was Charles Hatchett's son-in-law. The English edition of Brande’s 4l 'Manual
of Chemistry* * was dedicated to Hatchett.
Discovery of the Elements
Swedish chemist and mineralogist, Anders Gustaf Ekeberg. He was
born at Stockholm on January 16, 1767, the son of Joseph Erik Ekeberg,
a ship-builder in the service of the
King. When he was ten years old he
was sent to the school at Kalmar, and
two years later he went to Soderokra,
where he boarded at the home of the
clergyman. It was there that he
gained his first knowledge of Greek
literature, a subject which gave him
great pleasure throughout his life.
When he was fourteen years old, he
attended school at Westervik and at
Carlscrona and was an apt scholar both
in science and in art.
He graduated from the University
of Upsala in 1788, presenting a thesis
on “Oils Extracted from Seeds,” and
traveled, on salary, through Germany.
Anders Gustaf Ekeberg
vSwedish chemist, mineralogist, poet,
and artist. Professor of Chemistry at
Upsala when Berzelius was a student
there. The discoverer of tantalum.
He was one of the first chemists to
investigate yttria.
Soon after his return to Upsala in
1790 he wrote a beautiful poem on the
peace recently concluded between
Sweden and Russia. In 1794, after
publishing his first contribution to
chemistry, he began his teaching career
at Upsala.
Ekeberg suffered throughout his life
from physical handicaps. A severe
cold in childhood made him partially
deaf for the rest of his life, and in 1801,
when a flask exploded in his hand, he
lost the sight of one eye ($).
When the royal family visited Up-
sala in November of that year, an
elaborate chemical exposition was held
in their honor. A poem of three
Henri Moissan, 1852-1907
Professor of Chemistry at the £cole
de Pharmacie and at the Sorbonne.
The first to isolate fluorine and make a
thorough study df its properties. With
his electric furnace he prepared artificial
diamonds and many rare metals. He
brought about a revival of interest in
inorganic chemical research.
stanzas, which Ekeberg had composed and written with invisible ink, ap-
peared in blue letters when the King warmed the paper. It began as fol-
That in our land the sciences' pure light
Is mingled not with flash and gleam of sword ,
Oh Monarch , 7 is thy work. Accept our hearts' oblation .
May we, too, celebrate , with joyous visages ,
The long-awaited hour when Peace the world doth greet (57).*
Ekeberg became deeply interested
in the wonderful minerals to be found
at Ytterby and Fahlun, and made ex-
cellent analyses of a number of them.
In 1802 he analyzed a specimen of
tantalite from Kimito, Finland, and
another mineral, yttro tantalite, from
Ytterby, and found that both con-
tained a hitherto unknown metal.
Because it had been such a tantalizing
task to trace it down, Ekeberg named
it tantalum {32).
In 1809 Dr. Wollaston analyzed
both columbite and tantalite {10).
His conclusion that columbium and
tantalum are identical was accepted by
chemists until 1846, when Heinrich
Rose (a grandson of Valentin Rose the
Elder and son of the Rose whom Klap-
roth educated) questioned it. Rose
had made a thorough study of the
columbites and tantalites from Amer-
ica and from Bodenmais, Bavaria, and had extracted from them two acids
which he called niobic (columbic) and pelopic acids. He found later,
however, that the latter was not the acid of a new metal, as he had at first
supposed, but that it contained niobium (columbium) in a lower state of
oxidation. Rose stated that niobic and hyponiobic acids are both different
from tantalic acid (II).
Although columbic and tantalic acids are extremely difficult to separate,
Marignac finally succeeded, not only in separating them, but also in show-
* At Wetenskapers rena Dag
Ej blandades hos oss med blixtarne of swdrden,
Det dr ditt werk * Monark , vdrt hjertas offer tag!
Wi fire , jemwdl wi , med glddjens anletsdrag
Den Idnge drdgda stund f id Freden hdlsar werlden.
Heinrich Rose, 1795-1864
German analytical chemist and
pharmacist. Son of Valentin Rose
the Younger. His comparative study
of American columbite and Bavarian
tantalite proved that columbium
(niobium) and tantalum are two dis-
tinct metals.
Discovery of the Elements
in g that columbium is both tri- and pentavalent, whereas tantalum always
has a valence of five. The separation is based on the insolubility of potas-
sium fluotantalate in comparison with potassium fluo-oxycolumbate {12),
{20). In the United States the element discovered by Hatchett is known as
columbium , but in Europe most chemists prefer to use the name niobium
which Heinrich Rose gave it.
Ekeberg’s later years were made less fruitful by continued illness.
The few papers which he published contained the results of the analyses of
minerals such as gadolinite, the topaz, and an ore of titanium. In his
analysis of the mineral water of Medevi he was assisted by an obscure young
student who was destined to bring great glory to the University of Upsala.
The discovery of such a student as Berzelius was a far greater honor for
Ekeberg than his disclosure of the rather rare element, tantalum.
Berzelius warmly defended Ekeberg’s claim to the discovery of this
element. In the autumn of 1814 he wrote to Thomas Thomson objecting
to an alteration which had been made in an English translation of one of
his memoirs. Berzelius had used the word tantalum , and Thomson had
evidently substituted the word columbium , whereupon Berzelius wrote,
“Without wishing to depreciate the merits of the celebrated Hatchett,
it is nevertheless necessary to observe that tantalum and its properties in
the metallic as well as in its oxidized* condition were not known at all before
Mr. Ekeberg.”
Berzelius went on to explain the differences between Ekeberg’s tantalum
oxide and the columbium oxide prepared by Hatchett:
Mr. Ekeberg received from a friend who had visited England [said
he], a little portion of the columbic acid of Mr. Hatchett, and when the
experiments of Mr. Wollaston came to his knowledge he examined
that acid in a scrupulous manner. He recognized in it a large amount
of tungstic acid which had given to the oxide its properties of reacting
acid as well as those of combining with the alkalies and of coloring
microcosmic salt. These observations of Mr. Ekeberg have gained
still more weight by the discovery of a new fossil* that Mr. Gahn
and I have just made near Fahlun, which fossil possesses the general
properties of Mr. Hatchett’s columbite, and in the analysis of which
we have found oxide of tantalum combined with tungstic acid. . . .
Now, then [continued Berzelius], it is clear that the columbic acid
of Mr. Hatchett, having been composed of oxide of tantalum and
tungstic acid, which communicated to it a part of its specific properties,
it is clear, I say, that Mr. Hatchett shares the discovery of tantalum
in almost the same manner as MM. Fourcroy and Vauquelin share
with Mr. Tennant the honor of having discovered osmium (“Thom-
son's System," Ed. IV, Vol. 1, p. 200), and I suppose that you will
not refuse to render the same justice to the work of the Swede Ekeberg
that you have just rendered to the Englishman Tennant, f
* A tan tali te from Broddbo.
f See Part XIV, pp. 266-9.
As for the name of the metal [said Berzelius], I do not think that the
author of the discovery ought to count for much. For example you
do not say menaccanite instead of titanium;* moreover Mr. Hatchett
gave this name after the place where it was thought the fossil had been
found; now it is not good practice to name elementary substances in
chemistry after the places where they have first been found; not to
mention the fact that the place where columbite was found is still
doubtful, in the same degree as it is not certain that it comes from
America. The name tantalum having none of these inconveniences
and involving a beautiful meaning of a few properties of this particular
metallic body, I have felt compelled to choose it by preference.
The reason for the name tantalum (derived from the story of Tantalus)
is still more valid if one adds that metallic tantalum, reduced to the
finest powder, is not attacked by any acid, not even by aqua regia,
concentrated and boiling (13).
In his reply to this letter
on November 5, Thomson
explained that he had known
very little about Ekeberg’s
experiments and that his only
reason for changing Berzel-
ius’ nomenclature had been
to make the article more
intelligible to English read-
ers. He then added :
I regret that it never
has been in my power to
make experiments on
either of these sub-
stances (columbite or
tantalite) . Ekeberg sup -
plied me with a good
many specimens, but the
ship containing them
and all my Swedish col-
lection, which I valued
highly, was sunk in the Thomas Thomson, 1773-1852
Baltic, and all my prop- Scottish chemist and editor. The first distin-
erty lost. Your fact guished advocate of Dalton’s atomic theory,
about the new mineral Author of a two- volume “History of Chemistry”
like collumbite (sic) is characterized by its scientific accuracy and beau-
very interesting. I shall tiM literary style *
insert what you have told me in the next number of my journal. It is
all unknown here (14).
On March 29, 1815, Dr. Marcet wrote to Berzelius;
* See Part XVIII, pp. 318-22.
Discovery of the Elements
.... Dr. Wollaston made some time ago in my presence a little
experimental inquiry on wolfram and tantalite and columbite, by
which it appeared that Hatchett’s columbite did not contain any
tungsten, and that therefore he did not make the mistake you sus-
pected he had made. If you are curious to have the details, I shall
send them to you (15).
After prolonged suffering with tuberculosis, Ekeberg died at Upsala on
February 11, 1813, at the early age of forty-six years. In a letter to
Dr. Marcet (16), Berzelius paid the following tribute to his gifted teacher:
“Ekeberg has just died after a long, sad, hectic illness. He was one of
the most lovable of men, he had sound knowledge, and an irresistible
propensity for work. He was a good chemist and mineralogist, a good
poet and an excellent artist.”* Ekeberg had a kind, friendly, merry spirit
that frequently soared above poverty and suffering, and his love of litera-
ture and art was a constant solace to him.
Tantalum can be separated from columbium by recrystallization of the
Courtesy Fansteel Products Company, Inc.
Laboratory Equipment Made from Tantalum
double potassium fluorides.
In the commercial process
the ore is fused with caus-
tic soda. The insoluble
sodium columbate, sodium
tantalate, and iron tanta-
late are filtered off from
the soluble sodium salts,
and the iron is removed
by treatment with hydro-
chloric acid. The colum-
bic and tantalic acids are
treated with hydrofluoric acid and enough potassium fluoride to convert
the tantalum into the double fluoride, K^TaF:, which is then recry s-
tallized from water containing a little hydrofluoric acid (7).
After Werner von Bolton of Charlottenburg succeeded in 1903 in refining
the metal, it soon acquired a limited use as filaments (34), It was found,
moreover, that surgical and dental instruments made from it can be
sterilized by heating or by immersion in acids without damage to the
tantalum. Since, the price was almost prohibitive, however, Dr. Balke set
to work in Chicago to make the metal on a commercial scale. Using as his
raw material a rich tantalum ore from the desolate Pilbarra region of
western Australia, he finally succeeded in February, 1922, in preparing a
tantalum ingot which was passed repeatedly through a rolling mill to
produce a flawless piece of sheet metal (8), (19).
* “Ekeberg vient de mourir aprh une maladie hectique longue et malheureuse. Cet
homme itait des plus aimaUes; il possSdait des connaissances solides et un penchant irrisisti -
He pour le travail. II Slait bon chimisie et minSralogue, heureux poUe et trks bon peintrt**
Tantalum and Vanadium
Tantalum is now made into spinnerets for the manufacture of rayon,
into electrodes for the neon signs that give our Great White Ways a rud-
dier light, and into fine jewelry with
iridescent colors. Its most interesting
use, however, depends on its peculiar
electrochemical behavior caused by
the insolubility of its oxide in acid
solutions. When an alternating cur-
rent is passed through a vessel con-
taining sulfuric acid, a bar of lead
and a bar of tantalum (or of colum-
bium), it becomes a direct current (7),
(19), Thus, because direct current
was needed in the early days of radio reception, Ekeberg’s tantalizing metal,
in the form of radio rectifiers, “B” battery eliminators and trickle chargers,
entered into the home life of thousands upon thousands of families.
Courtesy Fansteel Products Company, Inc.
Tantalum for Watch Cases
SefstrGm’s Autograph on Title
Page of Berzelius’ Treatise on
the Blowpipe
* See Chapter XIII, pp.* 225-35.
In 1801, the year in which Hatchett
discovered columbium, Andr6s Man-
uel del Rio, a professor of mineralogy
in Mexico, examined a specimen of
brown lead from Zimapdn and con-
cluded that it contained a new metal
similar to chromium and uranium.
Very little has been written concerning
the personal life of del Rio.* He was
born in Madrid on November 10,
1764, studied at Freiberg and at
Schemnitz, and finally became a pro-
fessor in the School of Mines! (Colegio
de Minerla) in Mexico City, where
he taught for about fifty years (1795-
1849) (2), (50), (51).
It was there that he discovered a
new metal which, because of the red
color that it# salts acquire when
heated, he named erythronium (44),
Upon further study, however, he de-
cided that he was mistaken, and that
the brown lead from Zimap&n was
merely a basic lead chromate contain-
Discovery of the Elements
ing 80.72% of lead oxide and 14.80% of chromic acid (12 ) . His paper there-
fore bore the modest title, ‘‘Discovery of Chromium in the Brown Lead of
Zimapdn” (21)- In 1805 Collet-Descotils confirmed del Rio's analysis
(22), and for twenty-five years no more was heard of the new element,
In 1820 del Rio went to the Spanish court to plead for Mexican in-
dependence. His paper (1) on the “Analysis of an alloy of gold and
rhodium from the parting house at Mexico" was published in the Annals
of Philosophy in October, 1825. The closing years of his long useful
life were spent in Mexico, where he died on March 23, 1849.
In 1831 the Swedish chemist, Nils Gabriel Sefstrom, discovered a new
element in iron from the Taberg mine in Sm&land. Sefstrom was born on
June 2, 1787, at Ilsbo Socken, Norra Helsingland (2). He studied medicine,
and received his medical degree at the age of twenty-six years. After
four years of practice in a hospital, he became a professor of chemistry
and science at the Caroline Institute of Medicine and Surgery, and from
1820 to 1839 he taught chemistry at the newly erected School of Mines at
Fahlun (2), (54).
It was there that he made the remarkable discovery that Berzelius de-
scribed so charmingly to Wohler in his letter of January 22, 1831:
In regard to the sample which I am sending with this, I want to tell
the following anecdote : In the far north there lived in olden times
the goddess Vanadis, beautiful and lovable. One day some one
knocked at her door. The goddess remained comfortably seated and
thought : let the person knock again ; but there was no more knock-
ing, and the one who had knocked went down
the steps. The goddess was curious to see who
it might be that was so indifferent to being
admitted, sprang to the window, and looked at
the one who was going away. Alas! she said to
herself, that’s that fellow Wohler. Well, he
surely deserved it; if he had been a little more
concerned about it, he would have been ad-
mitted. The fellow does not look up to the
window once in passing by. . . .
After a few days some one knocked again at
the door; but this time the knocking continued.
The goddess finally came herself and opened
the door. Sefstrom entered, and from this
union vanadium was born . That is the name of
the new metal, whose former name suggesting
Brian, meaning wool (whence Erianae was edu-
cated, since Minerva taught human beings to
spin wool), has been rejected. The Herr Pro-
fessor guessed correctly that the lead mineral
from Zimapan contains vanadium and not chro-
Nils Gabriel SefstrOm
Swedish physician and
chemist. Professor at the
Caroline Institute of
Medicine and Surgery
and at the School of Mines
in Stockholm. In 1831
he discovered vanadium,
an element that proved to
be identical with del Rio's
mium. Sef strom himself proved with the little specimen belonging to
the professor that it is vanadium oxide.
Vanadium [continued Berzelius] is a thing which is very hard to find.
It is related to everything with which it forms compounds in definite
proportions, even with silica, so that only now have I been able to ob-
tain it pure. In Sefstrom’s vanadium oxide which he brought with
him are found phosphoric acid, silica, alumina, zirconia, and ferric
oxide, of whose presence we had no suspicion, but which we, because
of ambiguous results, had to remove, one after another; so that in the
three weeks which Sefstrom spent in working with me, we confined
ourselves almost entirely to the task of finding these impurities and of
thinking out ways of removing them. Sefstrom had to go home,
but left me so much vanadium that I have been in no embarrass-
ment over the continuance of the investigation. I shall send the
Herr Professor some of it later, when I see about how much
I can spare; but now in the midst of the research I need all I have
Berzelius then consoled Wohler for his failure to discover vanadium,
saying it required more genius to synthesize urea than to discover ten new
elements (58). “I have mailed to Poggendorff,” he continued, “a little
paper on vanadium by Sefstrom. I have also engaged Sefstrom to present
it to the Academy so that his name alone may be linked with the discovery,
which would not be the case if the first paper on it appeared under his and
my name together. Thus it also becomes possible to announce the dis-
covery sooner than if we had to wait for the conclusion of my research,
which surely cannot be completed so quickly” (23).
Two weeks later Wohler replied :
A thousand thanks, dear professor, for your kind letter with the
beautiful story about the goddess Vanadis, which gave me great
pleasure, although, frankly, it vexed me a little, though only at first,
to have made no visit to the beautiful one. Even if I had charmed her
out of the lead mineral, I would have had only half the honor of dis-
covery, because of the earlier results of del Rio on erythronium. But
Sefstrom, because he succeeded by an entirely different method, keeps
the honor unshared. As soon as I know the intimate relations of the
metal, and you have sent me a little of it, I will analyze the lead
mineral. . . .
Anticipatory as it may seem [continued Wohler] yet, because of
the slowness of the mails, it is time to ask whether, when I publish a
notice of the mineral, I ought to give its earlier history, the supposed
discovery by del Rio of a new metal in it, the refutation by Descotils?
that Humboldt brought it with him, etc. ? I would not want in the
least to take away from Sefstrom anything of his priority of discovery,
especially since such indecision is repugnant in cases like this; on the
other hand one must not expose one's self to the charge by the public or
especially by one's opponents that one through partisanship concealed
earlier claims. In any case Humboldt shall be named, since he alone
brought it with him, and with that the rest seems unavoidably linked.
Do not laugh at me because of my diplomatic question ( 23 ).
Discovery of the Elements
The keenness of Wohler’s disappointment is more definitely expressed
in his letter to Liebig of January 2, 1831, in which he writes:
... at the moment I am interested only in the new Swedish metal,
vanadium, discovered by Sefstrom, but really by Berzelius. Ich war
ein Esel not to have discovered it before in the brown lead ore from
Zimapan, Mexico. I was engaged in analyzing it and had already
found in it something new when, in consequence of hydrogen fluoride
vapor, I became ill for several months (24 ) .
From Thomas Thomson's " Travels in Sweden During the Autumn of 1812"
Taberg, SmAland, Sweden
Sefstrom discovered vanadium in iron from the Taberg mine.
For a description of Sefstrom’s method of isolating vanadium, it is
necessary to quote again from the correspondence of Berzelius, this time
from a letter to Dulong. On January 7, 1831, he wrote:
I must tell you of the discovery of a new metallic substance, of
which this letter contains some preparations. . , . The discovery
was made by Mr. Sefstrom, director of the School of Mines at Fahlun,
who, wishing to examine a kind of iron remarkable for its extreme
softness, found in it, in extremely small quantity, a substance whose
properties appear to differ from those of bodies hitherto known, but the
quantity of which was so infinitely small that too much expense would
have been necessary in order to extract enough of it to permit of
closer examination. This iron was taken from the Taberg mine in
Sm&land, which however contains only traces of the new body, but
Mr. Sefstrom, having found that the cast iron contained more of it
than the wrought iron, concluded that the scoria formed during the
conversion of the cast iron to malleable iron ought to contain larger
quantities of it. This proved to be true. Mr. Sefstrom extracted
portions of it which sufficed for studying it, and during his Christmas
vacation came to see me, to finish with me the study of “the stranger
(nouveau d6barqu4)” (25).
Sefstrom’s own ac-
count of the discovery
is also of great in-
terest :
It is several years
[said he], since
Rinman , the
manager of the
mine, in order to
discover easily
whether an iron
was brittle, gave
a method which
depends on the
circumstance that
such an iron,
when attacked by
muriatic (hydro-
chloric) acid,
gives a black pow-
der. Having oc-
casionally treated
in this manner an
iron which was
not brittle, and
finally some iron
from Eckersholm,
I was greatly sur-
prised to recog-
nize in the latter
the reaction of a
brittle iron, al-
Andr£s Manuel del Rio
though the iron Spanish-Mexican scientist. Tor half a century he was
from Taberg professor of mineralogy at the School of Mines of Mexico,
passes for the
most flexible and tenacious that we have. I did not then have the
leisure to investigate the nature of the black powder; but in April,
1830, I resinned my experiments to see if it contained phosphorus or
any other substance, which was for me not without importance.
I dissolved a considerable quantity of iron in muriatic acid [Sefstrom
Discovery of the Elements
then continued] and I noticed that, while it was dissolving, a few par-
ticles of iron, mainly those which deposit the black powder, dissolved
more rapidly than the others, in such a way that there remained hol-
low veins in the midst of the iron bar. Upon examining this black
powder, I found silica, iron, alumina, lime, copper, and, among other
things, uranium. I could not discover in what condition this substance
was, because the small quantity of powder did not exceed two deci-
grams, and, moreover, more than half of it was silica. After several
experiments I saw that it was not chromium, and the comparative tests
that I made proved to me that it certainly was not uranium. I
had sought to compare the highest degrees of oxidation, but I must
remark that vanadium is found partly in the lower degree (26).
In one of his letters Berzelius mentioned to Wohler an unfortunate
accident: “ ... As Sefstrom came home to Fahlun,” said he, “to take up
there the study of the vanadium alloy, a student spilled about one lot
(ten grams) of dissolved vanadium oxide in such a way that none of it
could be saved. Now he has nothing with which he can work, and must
repeat the entire preparation process on the slag” (27).
In May, 1830, a careful comparison of vanadium and uranium was made
in Berzelius’ laboratory. It was found
„that vanadium forms two series
of compounds, the vanadic and the
vanadous, but Berzelius and Sefstrom
did not succeed in isolating the
metal. Sefstrom died at Stockholm
on November 30, 1845, at the age of
fifty-eight years.
Wohler’s researches (45) proved
that he had been correct in believing
that the ore del Rfo had analyzed
in 1801 really contained vanadium
instead of chromium (26). This
mineral is now known as vanadinite,
PbCl 2 -3Pba(V0 4 )2.
The final step in the discovery of
vanadium was accomplished by the
English chemist, Sir Henry Enfield
Roscoe, who was bom in London on
January 7, 1833. When he was nine
years old the family moved to Liver-
pool. One of his first schoolmasters
reported that “Roscoe is a nice boy,
but he looks about him too much,
and does not know his irregular
Sir Edward (T. E.) Thorpe, 1845-1925
English chemist famous for his re-
search on the specific volumes of liquids
in relation to their chemical constitu-
tion, and for his work on the oxides of
phosphorus and the compounds of va-
nadium done in collaboration with Sir
Henry Roscoe. Author of excellent
textbooks of chemistry and of biogra-
phies and essays in historical chemistry.
verbs” («?£). His mother, who evidently did not object seriously to this
habit of “looking about,” encouraged him to make chemical experiments at
home and allowed him to transform one of the rooms into a laboratory.
At the age of fifteen years the boy entered University College, London,
where he studied under Thomas Graham and Alexander William William-
son. After graduating in 1853 with honors in chemistry, he went to Heidel-
berg to study quantitative analysis in the old monastery that had been
transformed into a laboratory for Bun-
sen. After passing his doctor’s exami-
nation summa cum laude , he collabo-
rated with Bunsen in the famous re-
searches on the chemical action of
light. During their long friendship
Roscoe received from the great Ger-
man master one hundred twenty -six
letters, which he carefully preserved
and finally presented in bound form to
the Bunsen -Gesellschaft (38).
When only twenty-four years old,
Roscoe succeeded Frankland as profes-
sor of chemistry at the University of
Manchester. In the winter of 1862,
when thousands of employees in the
cotton mills of Lancashire were thrown
out of work because of the Civil War
in America, Roscoe, in an effort to re-
lieve the mental depression of the un-
employed, instituted a series of popular
“Science Lectures for the People.”
Roscoe, Tyndall, Huxley, and other
noted scientists addressed large and
appreciative audiences each week for
eleven consecutive winters, and the
printed lectures were afterward sold for
a penny all over the world (39). In
his teaching Roscoe emphasized the
need of liberal culture as a basis for technical training (28).
In about 1865 he found that some of the copper veins of the Lower
Keuper Sandstone of the Trias in Cheshire contained vanadium (37) and
that one of the lime precipitates from this ore contained about two per
cent of it. It was from this unpromising material that Roscoe and Sir
Edward Thorpe laboriously prepared the pure vanadium compounds needed
for a thorough study of the element.
Carl Friedrich Rammelsbbrg
German chemist, mineralogist, and
crystallographer who demonstrated
the isomorphism of sulfur and selenium
crystals obtained from carbon bisulfide
solutions of these elements, and showed
that the vanadates are isomorphous
with the phosphates. He also deter-
mined the crystal forms of many or-
ganic compounds, and wrote textbooks
on crystallography, metallurgy, and
mineralogical and analytical chemistry
Discovery of the Elements
When Roscoe investigated them he found that vanadium is a tri- and
pentavalent element of the phosphorus group. He also discovered that
what Berzelius had taken for the metal was really the mononitride, VN,
and that most of the vanadium compounds studied by the Swedish chem-
ists had contained oxygen.
On August 26, 1867, Roscoe wrote to Thorpe saying,
... I want you very much to stay with me till April to settle the
vanadium and light matters and help me in London with my lec-
tures. . . I have at last found out about vanadium. The acid is
VaOft like P 2 O 6 . The chloride VOCl 3 like POCl 8 and the solid chlo-
rides VOClj, VOC1, etc. This explains the isomorphism of the
vanadate of lead and the corresponding phosphate and lots of other
points. It becomes very interesting now. . . (40).
On September 12 of the same year Roscoe wrote again to his assistant:
Please ask Joseph [Hey wood] to send me per book-post Pogg. Ann.,
vol. 98, in which volume is Rammelsberg’s paper on the isomor-
phism of vanadates and phosphates. There is no doubt in my mind
that vanadic acid is V2O5, and it will be exceedingly interesting to
work out the vanadates, which must all be explained as phosphates.
The ordinary white NH S salt is NH4VO3 (like NaP0 3 ) and is a meta-
vanadate. The bi- vanadates can also be explained, but all need
re-preparation and analysis. Did I tell you that we have now got
V*Ob, V2O4, V2O,, V2O2 (I wish we had V also!), V 2 0 2 C1 6 , V2O2CI4,
VjC^Clj, or VOClj, VOCI2, VOC1? At St. Andrews I saw Professor
Heddle; he has a crystal half apatite and half vanadinite, and he
threw out the suggestion long ago that vanadic acid is V 2 06- . . (40).
Five days later he sent Thorpe a detailed report of his experiments on
the oxides of vanadium and said in conclusion, “The thing above all others
necessary for us now is to get the metal ” (40).
Roscoe’s first paper on the subject was the Bakerian Lecture read before
the Royal Society on December 19, 1867. On February 14, 1868, with
Sir Edward Thorpe as his assistant, he gave a demonstration lecture at the
Royal Institution in which he proved that the lemon-colored chloride to
which Berzelius had assigned the formula VCI 3 actually contains oxygen.
When the audience saw him pass the vapor from a few grams of this
chloride, together with pure hydrogen gas, over red-hot carbon, and
watched him test the resulting gas for carbon dioxide by passing, it into
dear baxyta water, it was convinced that Berzelius’ formula must be
incorrect. Roscoe proved by analysis that the lemon-colored chloride is
an oxychloride now known as vanadyl chloride, VOClj (12), (29).
When he began his researches on vanadium, its compounds were listed
at £35 per ounce, and the metal itself was unknown. After all attempts at
direct reduction of the oxides had failed, Roscoe attempted to reduce
vanadium dichloride, VC1*, with hydrogen. Rigorous exdusion of oxygen
Isolation of Vanadium
and moisture was necessary, and, since vanadium metal reacts violently
with glass and porcelain, the chloride was placed in platinum boats inside
a porcelain tube. The tube itself could not be made of platinum because
of the porosity of that metal at red heat.
When he heated the tube, hydrochloric acid gas came off in “torrents,”
and continued to be evolved in decreasing quantity for from forty to eighty
hours. When it finally
ceased to come off, the
tube was cooled and the
boat was found to con-
tain “a light whitish
grey -colored powder,
perfectly free from chlo-
rine.' 1 When Roscoe ex-
amined this powder
under the microscope, he
found that it reflected
light powerfully and that
it consisted of “a brilliant
shining crystalline me-
tallic mass possessing a
bright silver- white
lustre.” Roscoe’s paper
announcing the isolation
of metallic vanadium was
read before the Royal So-
ciety on June 16, 1869
( 33 ).
While studying at
Heidelberg, Sir Edward
Front Thorpe's “ The Right Honourable Sir Henry Enfield
Roscoe ”
Sir Hbnry Enfield Roscoe, 1833-1915
Thorpe read in a French
periodical on popular
science that the Copley
Professor of Chemistry at the University of Man-
chester. Collaborator with Bunsen in researches in
photochemistry. Author of excellent textbooks and
treatises on pure and applied chemistry.
Medal had been awarded
to Sir Henry E. Roscoe. His letter of congratulation brought the follow-
ing reply:
In the first place let me thank you for your letter and congratula-
tions upon the great French discovery! Many of these Parisian
wonders have after all turned out myths — and this last is, I believe,
no exception — the expression “Medaille de Copley' , is, so far as I am
aware, the French (and bad French, too!) for the “Bakerian Lecture.”
I am, however, none the less obliged to you for your good wishes on
this occasion, and for all the valuable help which in many ways you
gave me ( 41 ).
Discovery of the Elements
Roscoe’s textbooks of chemistry were unusually successful, passed through
edition after edition, and were translated into Russian, Italian, Hungarian,
Polish, Swedish, modern Greek, Japanese, Urdu, Icelandic, Bengali, Turk-
ish, Malayalam, and Tamil. His autobiography (42) was written with
great charm, and the “Treatise on Chemistry” by Roscoe and Schorlemmer
is familiar to all chemists.
Sir Henry’s last years were spent on his beautiful estate at Woodcote in
southern England. Here Lady Roscoe took endless pleasure in the
cultivation of flowers and flowering shrubs and in entertaining her hus-
band’s distinguished guests. “My father,” said Miss Roscoe, “delighted
to bring foreigners, and the more heterogeneous they were the more he
was pleased. I remember one luncheon party of late years, consisting
of a Chinaman, a Japanese, a Czech, a German, and our three selves,
and the Occidentals were much the quietest of the party” (43).
After enjoying a serene old age, Sir Henry E. Roscoe died suddenly on
December 18, 1915, during an attack of angina pectoris.
In 1927 J. W. Marden and M. N. Rich of the research staff of the West-
inghouse Lamp Company obtained metallic vanadium 99.9% pure by
heating a mixture of vanadic oxide, metallic calcium, and calcium chloride
in an electric furnace for an hour at a temperature of about 1400° Fahren-
heit. When the resulting mass was cooled and stirred into cold water,
beads of pure metallic vanadium separated out (35).
The alloy ferrovanadium is used extensively in the steel industry. The
presence of small amounts of vanadium profoundly alters the properties
of steel, greatly increasing its toughness, elasticity, and tensile strength.
Thus the metal that Sefstrom and Berzelius named for the ancient Swedish
goddess of beauty has come to play an important utilitarian r61e in the con-
struction of locomotive frames, driving axles, and large shaftings for
electrical machinery.
Literature Cited
( 1 ) del Rio, A. M., “Analysis of an alloy of gold and rhodium from the parting house
at Mexico,” Annals of Phil., [2], 10, 256 (Oct., 1825).
(2) Poggbndorff, J. C., “Biographiseh-Literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte
der exakten Wissenschaften,” 6 vols., Verlag Chemie, Leipzig and Berlin, 1863-
1937. Articles on Hatchett, del Rio, and Sefstrom.
(3) Hatchett, C,, “Outline of the properties and habitudes of the metallic substance
lately discovered by Charles Hatchett, Esq., and by him denominated colum-
biura,” Nicholson's [2], 1, 32-4 (Jan., 1802); Crell's Ann., 37, 197-201, 257-
70, 352-64 (1802).
(4) “New metal columbium,” Nicholson's J., 14, 181 (June, 1806).
(5) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry,” Vol. 2, Colburn and Bentley, Lon-
don, 1831, p. 231.
(6) Wallace, O., “ Brief weehsel zwisehen J. Berzelius und F. Wohler,” Vol. 2, Verlag
von Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, 1901, p. 544.
Literature Cited
(7) Balke, C. W., “Metals of the tungsten and tantalum groups,” Ind . Eng. Chem
21 , 1002-7 (Nov., 1929); C. W. Balke and Edgar F. Smith, “Observations on
columbium,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 30 , 1637-68 (Nov., 1908); C. W. Balke, “The
atomic weight of tantalum,” ibid., 32 , 1127-33 (Oct., 1910).
(5) “American chemical industries. Fansteel Products Co., Inc.,” Ind. Eng.
Chem., 22, 1409-12 (Dec., 1930).
(9) “Biographical account of Mr. Ekeberg, assistant professor of chemistry at
Upsala,” Annals of Phil., [1], 4, 241-3 (Oct., 1814); Kongl. Vetenskaps Acade-
miens Handlingar, 1813 , p. 276.
(10) Wollaston, W. H., “On the identity of columbium and tantalum,” Nicholson's J.,
25, 23-8 (Jan., 1810).
(11) Rose, H. f “On a new metal, pelopium, contained in the Bavarian tantalite,”
Phil. Mag., [3], 29 , 409-16 (Nov., 1846); Obituary of H. Rose, J. Chem . Soc.,
17, 437-40 (Proc. of Mar. 31, 1864).
(12) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” Vol. 2, Baudry et Cie., Paris, 1891, pp.
(13) Soderbaum, H. G., “Jac Berzelius Bref,” Vol. 3, part 6, Almqvist and Wiksells,
Upsala, 1912 - 1914 , pp. 18-20.
(14) Ibid., Vol. 3, part 6, p. 25.
(15) Ibid., Vol. 1, part 3, p. 123.
(16) Ibid., Vol. 1, part 3, p. 40.
(17) Giles, “Observations on niobium, tantalum, and titanium,” Chem. News, 95 ,
1-3, 37-9 (Jan. 4 and Jan. 25, 1907) ; W. von Bolton, “Das Niob, seine Darstel-
lung und seine Eigenschaften,” Z. Elektrochem., 13, 145-9 (Apr., 1907).
(18) “Rare Metals,” Fansteel Products Co., N. Chicago, 1929 , pp. 7-22.
(19) Balke, C. W., “The production and uses of ductile tantalum,” Chem. Met. Eng.,
27, 1271-3 (Dec. 27, 1922).
(20) de Marignac, J. C. G., “Recherches sur les combinaisons du niobium,” Ann.
chim. phys., [4], 8 , 5-75 (May, 1866); “Recherches sur les combinaisons du
tantale,” ibid., [4], 9 , 249-76 (Nov., 1866).
(21) del Rio, A. M., “Discovery of chromium in the brown lead of zimap&n,” Gilb.
Ann., 71 , 7.
(22) Collet- DeSCOTILs, H.-V., “Analyse de la mine brune de plomb de Zimap&n, dans
le royaume du Mexique, envoy£e par M. Humboldt, et dans laquelle M. del Rio
dit avoir d^couvert un nouveau m6tal,” Ann. chim. phys., [1], 53, 268-71 (1805).
(23) Wallach, O., “Briefwechsel zwischen J. Berzelius und F. Wohler,” ref. (6), Vol. 1,
p. 336. Letter of Feb. 6, 1831.
(24) von Hofmann, A. W., “Zur Erinnerung an Friedrich Wohler,” Ber., 15 , 3170
(Dec. 1882) ; A. W. von Hofmann and Emilie Wohler, “Justus Liebig’s und
Friedrich Wohler’s Briefwechsel,” Vol. 1, F. Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig,
1888 , pp. 38-9.
(25) SCderbaum, H. G., “Jac. Berzelius Bref,” ref. (13), Vol. 2, part 4, pp. 98-9.
(26) Sefstr6m, N. G., “Sur le vanadium, metal nouveau, trouv6 dans du fer en barres
de Eckersholm, forge qui tire- sa mine de Taberg dans le Sm&land,” Ann. chim.
phys., 46 , 105-11 (1831).
(27) Wallach, O., “Briefwechsel zwischen J. Berzelius und F. Wohler,” ref. (6), Vol. 1,
pp. 340-1.
(28) Schuster and Shipley, “Britain’s Heritage of Science,” Constable and Co.,
London, 1917 , pp. 149-50.
(29) Roscoe, H. E., “On vanadium, one of the trivalent group of elements,” Phil. Mag.,
[41. 35, 307-14 (Apr., 1868).
204 Discovery of the Elements
(30) “Alchemy in old New England/’ J. Chem. Educ., 8, 2094 (Oct., 1931); L. C.
Newell, “Colonial chemistry. I. New England,” ibid., 2, 161-4 (Mar., 1925).
(31) Hatchett, C.,“An analysis of the earthy substance from New South Wales, called
sydneia, or terra australis,” Nicholson's J., 2, 72-80 (May, 1798).
(32) Ekeberg, A. G. f “Of the properties of the earth yttria, compared with those of
glucine; of fossils, in which the first of these earths is contained; and of the dis-
covery of a new substance of a metallic nature (tantalium),” Nicholson's J., 3,
.251-5 (Dec., 1802).
(33) Roscob, H. E., “Researches on vanadium. Part II,” Phil . Mag., [4], 39, 146-50
(Feb., 1870).
(34) Fanstebl Products Co., Inc., “Metallic tantalum,” J. Chem. Educ., 2, 1168-9
(Dec., 1925); W. von Bolton, “Das Tantal, seine Darstellung und seine Eigen-
schaften,” Z. Elektrochem ., 11, 45-51 (Jan. 20, 1905).
(.?5) “Vanadium new member of world’s metal family,” J. Chem. Educ., 4, 686
(May, 1927); J. W. Marden and M. N. Rich, “Vanadium,” Ind. Eng . Chent.,
19, 786-8 (July, 1927).
(36) Thorpe, T. E., “The Right Honourable Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe,” Longmans,
Green and Co., London, 1916, p. 18.
(37) Ibid., p. 123.
(38) Ibid., p. 26.
(39) Ibid., pp. 38-9.
(40) Ibid., pp. 125-30.
(41) Ibid., p. 129.
(42) Roscoe, H. E., “The Life and Experiences of Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe,” Mac
millan, London, 1906. 420 pp.
(43) Thorpe, T. E., “The Right Honourable Sir Henry Enfield Roscoe,” ref. (36), pp
(44) von Humboldt, A., Gilb. Ann., 18, 118 (1804).
(45) Wohler, F., Pogg. Ann., 21, 49 (1831).
(46) Browne, C. A., “Some relations of early chemistry in America to medicine,”
J. Chem. Educ., 3, 268-70 (Mar., 1926).
(47) Waters, “A Sketch of the Life of John Winthrop the Younger, Founder of Ips-
wich, Massachusetts, in 1633,” printed for the Ipswich Historical Soc., 1899,
p. 76. Poem on Winthrop by B. Tompson.
(48) Blomstrand, C. W., “Uber die Sauren der Tantalgruppe-Mineralien,” J. prakt.
Chem., 97, 37-50 (Heft 1, 1866) ; Oefversigt af Akad. Forh., 21, 541 (1864).
(49) Moissan, H., “Nouveau traitement de la niobite; preparation et propri£tes de la
fonte de niobium,” Compt. rend., 133, 20-5 (July, 1901).
(50) del Rio, A. M., “Elementos de Orictognosia,” “Elemens d’Orictognosie ou de la
connotssance des Fossiles, disposes suivant les principes de Werner, & l'usage du
College royal des mines du Mexique,” Imprimerie de Zuniga et Ontiveros, Mexico
City, 1795. Review in Ann. chim . phys., [1], 21, 221-4 (Feb., 1797).
(51) Weeks, M. E., “The scientific contributions of Don A. M. del Rio,” J. Chem.
Educ., 12, 161-6 (Apr., 1935); “The scientific contributions of the de Elhuyar
Brothers,” ibid., 11, 413-9 (July, 1934).
(52) “Selections from an ancient catalogue of objects of natural history formed in New
England more than 100 years ago by John Winthrop, F.R.S.,” Am. J. Set., [1],
47, 282-90 (1844); C. A. Browne, “The three hundredth anniversary of chemi-
cal industries in America,” Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed., 12, 427-8 (Dec. 10, 1934).
(53) Weeks, M. E., “The chemical contributions of Charles Hatchett/* J. Chem.
Educ., IS, 153-8 (Apr., 1938) .
Literature Cited 205
(54) Weeks, M. E., “Nils Gabriel Sef strom. The sesquicentennial of his birth,” Isis,
29 (1), 49-57 (July, 1938).
(55) Anon., “Balke- Pater et filius,” Ind. Eng . Chem., News Ed., 16, 276 (May 10,
(56) Balke, C. W., “Columbium and tantalum,” Ind. Eng. Chem., 27, 1166-9 (Oct.,
(57) Sodbrbaum, H. G., “Jac. Berzelius. Levnadsteckning,” Almqvist and Wiksells
Publishing Co., Upsala, 1929, Vol. 1, p. 141.
(58) Heyl, P. R., “The lingering dryad,” Am. Scientist , 31, 78-87 (Jan., 1943). Cen-
tenary of urea synthesis.
Unlike most chemists Charles Hatchett spent all his life in luxurious
surroundings. He was born on January 2, 1765,* the son of a famous
coach-builder of Long Acre, London, who in 1771 built at Chelsea a man-
sion called “Belle Vue House” (2), ( 2 ), (3).
Most of his scientific research was done during the decade 1796 to 1806.
His first paper in the Philosophical Transactions described his analysis of
the Carinthian lead molybdate (4). “The celebrated Scheele,” said he,
“in 1778 read before the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm an essay in
which he proved . . . that the mineral called Molybdaena was composed of
sulfur and a peculiar metallic substance, which, like arsenic and tungsten,
was liable by super-oxygenation to be converted into a metallic acid
which in its properties differed from any other that had been previously
discovered.” Hatchett mentioned the confirmatory researches of B.
Pelletier, P. J. Hjelm, and “Mr. Islmann” [J. C. Ilsemann], and added:
“But the existence of this substance was known to be only in that mineral
which Scheele had examined.” This lead mineral from Carinthia had been
described by the Abb£ F. X. Wulfen and by N. J. Jacquin. For several
years it was believed to be lead tungstate, but Klaproth proved it to be lead
molybdate. Since Klaproth had had an insufficient amount of the mineral,
Hatchett made a complete analysis of it and investigated the properties of
molybdic acid.
In the following year Hatchett was made a Fellow of the Royal Society.
In 1798 he analyzed “an earthy substance,” sydneia y which Josiah Wedg-
wood had found in New South Wales and another specimen of it provided
by Sir Joseph Banks (5). This, according to Wedgwood, was composed
of “a fine white sand, a soft white earth, some colourless micaceous parti-
cles, and some which were black.” Hatchett found it to consist “of
siliceous earth, alumine, oxide of iron, and black lead or graphite” and
concluded “that the Sydneian genus, in future, must be omitted in the
mineral system.”
In the same year, he analyzed the water of the Mere of Diss ( 6 ). Ben-
jamin Wiseman of Diss, Norfolk, had noticed that flint stones, calcareous
spar, slate, and pottery left in this water from the summer of 1792 to
August, 1795, acquired a metallic stain. He sent some of the water and
some of the coated objects to the President and Council of the Royal So-
ciety, who forwarded them to Charles Hatchett for analysis. Although
the deposit contained pyrite, the water, according to Hatchett, did “not
* Most authors state that Hatchett was born “in about 1765.” The 1935 “Annuaire”
of the Acad&nie des Sciences, however, in its list of members and correspondents, gives
the definite date, January 2, 1765. This annual gives the date of his death as March 10,
1847, instead of February 10.
Charles Hatchett
hold in solution any sulphur
and scarcely any iron; it
has not therefore been con-
cerned in forming the py-
rites, but it appears to me
that the pyritical matter is
formed in the mud and filth
of the Mere; for Mr. Wise-
man says . . . that ‘the
Mere has received the silt
of the streets for ages.’
Now . . . sulphur is con-
tinually formed, or rather
liberated, from putrefying
animal and vegetable mat-
ter, . . . and this most prob-
ably has been the case at
Diss. . .”
In the following year Sir
Everard Home interested
Mr. Hatchett in the chemi-
cal composition of dental
enamel (7), ( 8 ). Since the
tooth of the elephant is
composed of three different
structures, Sir Everard Dedication page from Brande . s « Manual of
wished to know “whether Chemistry,” Third Edition, London, 1830.
the materials themselves
were different or only differently arranged.” Hatchett showed that the
enamel was composed of calcium phosphate. “The enamel,” said he,
“has been supposed not a phosphate but a carbonate of lime. This error
may have arisen from its solubility in acetous acid or distilled vinegar;
but the effects of the acetous acid are in every respect the same on pow-
dered bone as on the enamel” ( 8 ).
Hatchett then investigated the composition of shell and bone. “When it
is applied to the cuttle-bone of the shops. . said he, “the term bone is
here misapplied. . . for this substance in composition is exactly similar to
shell, and consists of various membranes hardened by carbonate of lime,
without the smallest mixture of phosphate” (< 8 ).
Mr. Hatchett observed that the external skeleton of crustaceans and the
egg shells of birds contain more calcium carbonate than calcium phosphate
but that in bones the phosphate predominates . “It is possible,” said he,
. . that some bones may be found composed only of phosphate of lime;
Discovery of the Elements
and that thus shells containing only carbonate of lime and bones containing
only phosphate of lime will form the two extremities in the chain. .
In 1800 he published a paper which won the approbation and interest of
Sir Humphry Davy (9), (10). “Mr. Hatchett/ 1 said he, “has noticed in
his excellent paper on zoophytes that isinglass is almost wholly composed of
gelatine. I have found that 100 grains of good and dry isinglass contain
more than 98 grains of matter soluble in water . . .” Dr. John Bostock
(1774-1846) also praised this paper. “The term mucus/ 7 said he, “had
been generally employed in a vague
and unrestricted sense until Mr. Hat-
chett . . . attempted to assign to it a
more appropriate and definite mean-
ing. He conceives that jelly and
mucus are only modifications of the
same substance ... he considers it to
be entitled to the appellation of mucus
when it is soluble in cold water and
cannot be brought to a gelatinous
state . . . the ideas which I have
•formed of the nature of jelly and
mucus . . . differ materially from those
of Mr. Hatchett . . . Mr. Hatchett . . .
speaks of the white of the egg as con-
sisting of pure albumen, but I believe
that in this particular he will be found
not perfectly accurate. . .” Dr. Bo-
stock had found it to contain also a
William Thomas Brande small amountof a substance incapable
of coagulation (11).
British chemist and mineralogist. Sue <Znnn ^ftor tu* + 1irT1 n f tu*. o#»ntnrv
cessor to Sir Humphry Davy at the Royal fe00n atter tUm 0t century,
Institution. Son-in-law of Charles Hat- Mr. Hatchett became interested in
wiui *» Th »”“ * ****
chemistry. apothecaries’ apprentice who had re-
Lecturer on mmeralogical
chemistry. apothecaries’ apprentice who had re-
cently moved to Chiswick. He en-
couraged the boy to collect and classify ores and rocks, and presented him
with some of his duplicate specimens; the boy, in turn, sometimes assisted
Mr. Hatchett in analyzing minerals (1). Brande’s first scientific paper was
published in Nicholson’s Journal when he was only sixteen years old.
When he became Sir Humphry Davy’s successor at the Royal Institution,
Brande increased the mineral collection and used it in his lectures. He
later married Charles Hatchett’s daughter.
Hatchett’s greatest achievement was probably his discovery of the metal
columbium (12). While he was arranging some minerals at the British
Museum, one of them attracted his attention. From Sir Hans Sloane's
catalogue he found that it had been sent by “Mr. Winthrop of Massachu-
Early accounts of the discovery of columbite differ in several important
respects. While examining some min-
erals in the British Museum, half a
century after the death of its founder,
Sir Hans Sloane, Charles Hatchett
became interested in a small, dark,
heavy specimen which bore some re-
semblance to the “Siberian chromate
of iron” on which he was then making
some experiments.
“Upon referring to Sir Hans Sloane’s
catalogue,” said Hatchett before
the Royal Society on November 26,
1801 , “I found that this specimen was
only described as ‘a very heavy black
stone, with golden streaks’ which
proved to be yellow mica; and it ap-
peared that it had been sent with vari-
ous specimens of iron ores to Sir Hans
Sloane by Mr. Winthrop of Massa-
chusetts. The name of the mine, or
place where it was found, is also noted
in the catalogue ; the writing, however,
is scarcely legible: it appears to be
an Indian name (Nautneague) ; but
I am informed by several American
, Printed by C. Hullmandel
gentlemen that many of the Indian From T. Faulkner's " Historical and topographical
... , . , . description of Chelsea" 1829
names (by which certain small dis- 0 ^
' ; „ _ Sir Hans Sloane
tncts, hills, etc., were forty or fifty 1660-1753
years ago distinguished) are now British physician and collector.
totally forgotten, and European Mtaf °[ th t e Philosophical Transactions.
; * * . . . r President of the Royal Society. The
names have been adopted m the room books, pictures, coins, and specimens
of them. This may have been the ™ hich bequeathed to the nation
. . became the nucleus of the British Museum,
case m the present instance; but, as The specimen of columbite in which
the other specimens sent by Mr. Hatch^di^overed columbium was from
Winthrop were from the mines of
Massachusetts, there is every reason to believe that the mineral sub-
stance in question came from one of them, although it may not now be
easy to identify the particular mine” {12).
In the following January, Nicholson's Journal stated that “the mineral
Discovery of the Elements
was sent with some iron ores to Sir Hans Sloane by Mr. Winthrop of Massa-
chusetts [sic], and there is therefore every reason to believe that it came
from some of the iron mines in that province [sic]” (12).
In the fall of the same year, the Medical Repository made a preliminary
announcement of Hatchett’s discovery of “a metal in an ore lately brought
from North-America .... We have no particular information from what
spot or region the mineral was procured” (36).
After reading Hatchett’s paper in the Philosophical Transactions (12),
Samuel Latham Mitchill, editor, published an abstract of it in his Medical
Repository (36). In commenting on the name “Nautneague” he said,
“From the same place, it is probable, more of the like ore can be obtained.
This is particularly desirable, as Mr. Hatchett has had so small a piece to
work upon, and no other specimen but the half which he reserved for the
museum is known to exist. We hope the gentlemen of Massachusetts,
who respect Mr. Winthrop’s memory and are acquainted with the scope
and direction of his researches, will find out the mine and procure more
samples of this singular mineral. We think this matter would not be un-
worthy of that excellent institution the Historical Society” (36).
“No complete disoxydation of it,” continued Mitchill, “has as yet been
effected. The pure metal, therefore, has not been seen, even by Mr.
Hatchett himself. And if this discerning experimenter had succeeded in
freeing the metal from its oxygen, the quantity he worked upon was so
very small that it would have been impossible to have gratified many of
the curious by presents. At this time it is not known what quantity may
exist in nature, nor to what economical uses it may be applied.
“While we express our hopes that the whole history of this Columbian
mineral will soon be made known, we sincerely deplore the afflicting and
untimely death of our friend and countryman, Mr. Thomas P. Smith, from
whose industry, acuteness, and zeal in chemical (and, indeed, almost the
whole circle of physical) researches, Mr. Hatchett informs the Royal So-
ciety he had anticipated important aid in this inquiry” (36).
In his annual oration before the Chemical Society of Philadelphia in
1798, this youthful chemist voiced his conviction that “The only true bases
on which the Independence of our country can rest are Agriculture and
Manufactures . To the promotion of these nothing tends in a higher degree
than Chemistry .... It is to a general diffusion of a knowledge of this
science, next to the Virtue of our countrymen, that we are to look for the
firm establishment of our Independence ” (47). In the return journey from
England, Thomas P. Smith died “in consequence of the bursting of a gun”
at the age of only twenty-five years (36). Mrs, Gertrude D, Hess, assistant
librarian, kindly searched the manuscripts of the American Philosophical
Society by and pertaining to Thomas P* Smith, but was unable to find
there any mention oi columbite.
In the spring of 1805 the Medical Repository published an article entitled
“Place where the ore of columbium was found” (37). “It has been ascer-
tained,” the article stated, “that the specimen of this metal [sic] upon
which the experiments were made, as mentioned in our Med . Rep . Hex. i,
vol. vi., p. 322, was taken from a spring of water in the town of New London,
in the State of Connecticut. The fountain is near the house in which Gover-
nor Winthrop used to live, and is about three miles distant from the margin
of salt water, at the head of the harbour. This is the spot heretofore called
Nautneague; which is in Connecticut and not in Massachusetts. By the
politeness of Francis B. Winthrop, Esq., of New York, the manuscript
papers of his ancestor, relative to this place and to the minerals he carried
to Hans Sloane, have been sent to the Historical Society of Massachusetts.
By their care, we hope, every interesting particular concerning this sub-
stance and the place where it was orginally found will be made known to
the public. It will then be easy for gentlemen to visit the spot and to col-
lect other specimens of this singular ore” (37).
In the same year A.-L. Millin published in his Magasin Encyclopgdique
what seems to be a rather inaccurate French translation of the preceding
article. He said he had obtained the information from M. Valentin, a
physician and skilful physicist and naturalist of Marseilles (38).
The “Mr. Winthrop of Massachusetts” referred to by Charles Hatchett
was John Winthrop (1681-1747), grandson of the first governor of Con-
necticut and great grandson of the first governor of Massachusetts. He
was a Fellow and very active member of the Royal Society. Like his pa-
ternal grandfather, who had been one of the original Fellows of this So-
ciety, he liked to collect natural objects. The Journal Book of the Royal
Society for June 27, 1734, stated that “Mr. Winthrop presented several
curiosities from New England, as contained in the following list These
curiosities are a part of a large collection shewn at several meetings during
the subsequent winter, and the whole catalogue to which these numbers
refer is entered after the minutes of the day” (39). Sir Hans Sloane was
then President of the Royal Society (40).
In 1844 Benjamin Silliman and Benjamin Silliman, Jr., published this
historic list in their American Journal of Science and remarked in a foot-
note that “it has been supposed that the original specimen on which Mr.
Hatchett made the discovery of columbic acid was sent in this invoice, and
that some hint as to the locality from whence it came might be had” ( 39 ).
The only entry the Sillimans could find in this list, however, that corre-
sponded at all with Hatchett’s description of columbite was “No. 348.
A black mineral, very heavy, from the inland parts of the country.” They
concluded that “we must therefore rest content probably in ignorance of
the exact locality of that interesting specimen, although mineralogists
212 Discovery of the Elements
have, on what evidence does not appear, considered New London as the
locality ,, (39).
Berzelius even doubted the American origin of columbite. In a letter
to Thomas Thomson in the autumn of 1814 (see page 191), he stated that
“Mr. Hatchett gave this name after the place where it was thought the
fossil had been found; now it is not good practice to name elementary sub-
stances in chemistry after the places where they have first been found ; not
to mention the fact that the place where columbite was found is still
doubtful, in the same degree as it is not certain that it comes from Amer-
In his Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Connecticut , Dr.
Charles Upham Shepard said of columbite: “The State of Connecticut
furnished the first sample of this ore to science .... The chinastone quarry
at Middletown has furnished the most extraordinary specimens of colum-
bite yet described in the world. A single group of crystals obtained at this
place weighed fourteen pounds .... It is also found in small quantity at
Haddam .... The first sample was sent by Governor Winthrop to Sir
Hans Sloane, and was deposited with the collection of the gentleman in
the British Museum, where it was examined by Mr. Hatchett, and after-
wards by Dr. Wollaston. The specimen was supposed to have been found
near New London, which was the residence of Governor Winthrop; but
as the ore has not been rediscovered in that vicinity, it is more probable
that it was obtained from the region of Middletown” (41).
Since Sir Hans Sloane was only sixteen years old when Governor Win-
throp died, Shepard’s statement that the columbite had been sent to Sloane
by Governor Winthrop is probably erroneous. Hatchett’s remark in 1801
that many Indian names (such as Nautneague) which were used “forty or
fifty years ago . . . are now totally forgotten” implies that he understood
that the original specimen of columbite must have been labeled in about the
middle of the eighteenth century (12). He referred to the sender, more-
over, not as “Governor” Winthrop but as “Mr.” Winthrop.
In his “Chemistry in Old Philadelphia” Edgar F. Smith stated that
“Hatchett found ... a new element in a mineral of the Royal Society Col-
lection which had been sent in from Haddam, Connecticut, and been called
there columbite by Governor Winthrop” (42).
In an article on the life and mineral collection of Sir Hans Sloane, Jessie
M. Sweet states that “The only specimen which fortunately is still in the
Mineral Collection is the original fragment of columbite (B. M. 60309), of
which a brief account may be given here. Sloane describes it in the cata-
logue of “Metalls,” No. 2029, as: A very heavy black stone with golden
streaks . . . from Nautneague. From Mr. Winthrop” (40).
Miss Sweet adds that when John Winthrop (1681-1747) was elected a
Fellow of the Royal Society in 1734, “he presented more than six hundred '
specimens (mostly minerals), together with a manuscript catalogue of
them to the Society .... Many of these specimens appear to have been
incorporated into the Sloane collection, as several entries in the Winthrop
and Sloane manuscript catalogues are identical, and the columbite prob-
ably came from Winthrop at that time” (40).
Miss Sweet also stated
that “it was surmised that
‘Nautneague’ was another
name for Naumeaug (now
NewLondon, Connecticut) ,
and the specimen was be-
lieved to have been found
in a spring of water, near
the house of Governor
Winthrop .... The co-
lumbite is figured and de-
scribed in James Sowerby’s
Exotic Mineralogy, 1811-
1 820, vol. 1 , p. 1 1 and plate
6, and compares favour-
ably with Sloane’ s descrip-
tion, but now the specimen
has no longer any ‘golden
streaks’ ” (40).
In 1940 Dr. C. A. Browne
wrote Mr. Allyn B. Forbes
of the Massachusetts His-
torical Society for infor-
mation regarding the
manuscript paper which CourUsy MassackuseUs Historical Society
Francis B. Winthrop of J °7m-l74*° P
New York is said to have The specimen of columbite which Hatchett an-
sent to this Society. Ac- alyzed had been sent to the Royal Society by this
at* z. / j John Winthrop, a grandson of John Winthrop, first
cording to SStCnOlSOn S governor of Connecticut. This portrait was repro-
Journal for 1806 this duced from a copy in the collections of the Massa-
. . r “ chusetts Historical Society. Volume 40 (1737-38)
manuscript referred to the 0 f the Philosophical Transactions was dedicated to
mineral which F. B. Win- kim by Cromwell Mortimer, Secretary of the Royal
throp’s “ancestor” had Society -
given Sir Hans Sloane and to the place where it was found (43). However,
no trace of such a document could be found. Francis B. Winthrop (1754-
1817) was a grandson of John Winthrop (1681-1747) and great-great-
grandson of the first governor of Connecticut (44).
The Massachusetts Historical Society has preserved a commonplace
Discovery of the Elements
book which originally belonged to John Winthrop (1681-1747). In it there
is a letter which Francis B. Winthrop wrote to his brother Thomas L.
Winthrop of Boston on September 10, 1803, describing the spring At New
London in connection with their grandfather. ‘T think you must re-
member this spring,” said he, “It is about three miles from the sea, which
answers to the distance in the memo of articles presented to the Royal
Society” (45).
ment as well as worthy Member, and
of their learned and moft eminent Pre-
sident the Honourable Sir Ham Sloane
Baronet : Your perfonal Acquaintance
with our ingenious Latin Author Dr.
Cramer y who cannot but greatly ap-
prove of my dedicating to you a Trans-
lation of his excellent Book on the doci-
maftic Art ; thefe, Sir, have been the
Motives, for which 1 could not more
juftly, nor more judicioufly fhelter this
my new Performance under any other
Name, than yours.
However, Sir, 1 fliall always take it
as a Angular Favour done me, if you
will be pleafed to accept this Tender of
my Refpetd, as a Teftimony of the vafl:
Efteem and Ancerc Friendfliip, where-
with 1 have the Honour to be,
Tour trnfl obedient t
And mjl bumble Serjant,
3> iz^-
Dedication of the English translation of J. A. Cramer's “Elements of the Art of
Assaying Metals/ 1 London, 1741. It refers to John Winthrop ( 1681 - 1747 ), grandson
of the first governor of Connecticut.
In the letters of Governor John Winthrop the Younger, published with
the Winthrop Papers of the Massachusetts Historical Collections, there is
no mention of columbite. His interest in minerals, despite the difficulty
of collecting them, is expressed, however, in a letter to Sir Robert Moray
on August 18, 1668. ”1 have been very inquisitive,” wrote the Governor,
4 'after all sorts of mineralls, w* h this wildernesse may probably affoard;
but indeed the constant warrs, w ch have continued amongst the Indians
since I came last over, hath hindred all progresse in searching out such
matters . . * * Those shewes of minerals, w cix we have frd the Indians doe
To the Honourable
Fellow of the Roval Societv.
S 1 R,
I Beg Leave to make this Addrcfs to
you in ConAdcration of thofe ex-
cellent Virtues and rare Accomplifh-
ments, with which you arc endowed
both as a Gentleman and a Scholar,
Your great Knowledge of the true and
mod fecret Branches of Philofophy,
which has been for many Generations
handed down in your honourable Fa-
mily ; your profound Skill in all mi-
neral Affairs, particularly in Metallurgy,
which you have likewife inherited from
your noble and truly learned Anceftors,
of which you have given ample Proofi
by thofe curious Collections oi American
Minerals; wherewith you have enriched
the Mf earns both of the Royal Society %
of which you arc an illuftrious Oma-
A ment
only demonstrate that such are in reality in the country, but they usually
bring but small pieces, w ch are found accidentally in their huntings, stick-
ing in some rock or on the surface of the earth, on the side of some hill, or
banke of a river . . .” {46).
From the existing evidence, it seems impossible to prove conclusively
whether columbite was discovered by John Winthrop the Younger, first
governor of Connecticut, and bequeathed to his grandson, John Winthrop
(1681-1747), or whether it was originally discovered by the grandson. It
is possible, however, that this question may some day be settled by the
finding of hitherto unknown documents.
Hatchett fused the ore with potassium carbonate. When he took up
the melt with boiling water, a brown residue remained. When nitric acid
was added to the yellow filtrate, a copious white precipitate was thrown
down. “The preceding experiments shew,” said he, “that the ore which
has been analyzed consists of iron combined with an unknown substance
and that the latter constitutes more than three fourths of the whole.
This substance is proved to be of a metallic nature by the coloured precipi-
tates which it forms with prussiate of potash and with tincture of galls;
by the effects which zinc produces when immersed in the acid solutions;
and by the colour which it communicates ... to concrete phosphoric acid,
when melted with it. . .” He mentioned that it retained oxygen tenaciously
and that the oxide was acidic. Although the specimen Hatchett analyzed
was very small, he hoped to get more soon from “a gentleman now in
England (Mr. Smith, Secretary to the American Philosophical Society).”
This was evidently Thomas P. Smith, who died in 1802. In his “Chemistry
in America,” Dr. Edgar Fahs Smith quotes from the National Intelligencer ,
“While we express our hopes that the whole history of this Columbian
mineral will soon be made known, we sincerely deplore the afflicting and
untimely death of our friend and countryman, Mr. Thomas P. Smith, from
whose industry, acuteness and zeal in chemical . . . researches, Mr. Hatchett
informs the Royal Society he had anticipated important aid in this in-
Hatchett named the new metal columbium and stated that its “olive
green prussiate and the orange-coloured gallate . . . may probably be em-
ployed with advantage as pigments.” He also described his unsuccessful
attempts to reduce the oxide to the metal. From his careful use of La-
voisier's new nomenclature, it is evident that Hatchett Was not a phlogistonist.
In 1798 the Committee of Privy Council for considering the state of the
coinage reported that the gold coin was suffering considerable losses in
weight, and requested Henry Cavendish and Charles Hatchett to examine
it “to ascertain whether this loss was occasioned by any defect” (13).
Their experiments were begun near the end of 1798 and completed in
April, 1801. At Cavendish's request the report was made by Hatchett
Discovery of the Elements
alone. Hatchett stated, however, . . At all times I was favoured with his
valuable “advice; and the machines to produce friction, as well as the dies
were entirely contrived by himself. . .”
Hatchett studied the binary alloys of gold with arsenic, antimony, zinc,
cobalt, nickel, manganese, bismuth, lead, tin, iron, platinum, copper, and
silver, and confirmed the prevailing opinion that of these metals only copper
and silver are suitable for alloying gold for coinage. He concluded “that
gold made standard by silver and copper is rather to be preferred for
coin, . .” and added that “there is commonly some silver in the gold which is
sent to the Mint.” He also stated, not without humor, that “our gold
coin suffers but little by friction against itself; and the chief cause of
(Phil Trans., 1803)
Apparatus designed by Henry Cavendish and used by
Charles Hatchett for determining the comparative wear of
gold when alloyed by various metals. Two frames, one above
the other, each carrying twenty-eight coins, rubbed the upper
coins backward and forward over the ones below. Each of
the smaller concentric circles represents a coin. To avoid
the formation of furrows, the direction in which the coins
rubbed against each other was made to vary continually.
natural and fair wear probably arises from extraneous and gritty particles;
. . . the united effect of every species of friction to which they may be sub-
jected, fairly and unavoidably , during circulation. . . will by no means ac-
count for the great and rapid diminution which has been observed in the gold
coin of this country . . He added that the study of alloys had
not kept pace with the rapid progress of chemistry and that “Few additions
have been made to the compound metals employed by the ancients.”
In 1804 he published an analysis of a “triple sulphuret of lead, antimony,
and copper,” James Smithson (1765-1829), founder of the Smithsonian
Institution, disagreed with his conclusions. “It is not probable,” said he,
“that the present ore is a direct quadruple combination of the three metals.
Charles Hatchett
and sulphur and that these, in their simple states, are its immediate com-
ponent parts; it is much more credible that it is a combination of the three
sulphurets of these metals. . .” (14), (15).
At the same time Hatchett became interested in lac (16). Geoffroy the
Younger and J. A. C. Chaptal had regarded it as a kind of wax, but F. C.
Gren and A.-F. Fourcroy believed it to be a true resin. Hatchett con-
cluded “that although lac is indisputably the production of insects, yet . . .
the greater part of its aggregate properties, as well as of its component in-
gredients, are such as more immediately appertain to vegetable bodies . . .”
In 1804 he analyzed a strongly magnetic specimen of pyrite (17) to de-
termine whether the magnetic polarity was inherent in the iron sulfide or
whether minute particles of “the ordinary magnetical iron ore” [magnetite]
were interspersed in it. Although he could find no previous mention of
magnetic iron sulfide, Hatchett proved experimentally “that the three in-
flammable substances, carbon, sulphur, and phosphorus . . . possess the
property of enabling iron to retain the power of magnetism ...”
He continued the study of bitumens which he had begun in 1798 and
strengthened the evidence “that bituminous substances are derived from
the organized kingdoms of nature, and especially from vegetable bodies.”
He analyzed a “schistus” (IS) which Sir Joseph Banks had found near a
geyser near Reykum, Iceland, and found it to consist of water, oily bitu-
men, mixed gas, charcoal, silica, oxide of iron, and alumina.
When Sir James Hall (1761-1832) read of this work, he recalled his own
experiments on “the effects of compression in modifying the effects of
heat,” and concluded that “the changes which, with true scientific modesty,
he [Hatchett] ascribes to an unknown cause, may have resulted from vari-
ous heats acting under pressure of various force” (19). Sir James sub-
jected the theories of the geologists to the test of chemical experiment and
showed that when limestone is heated under pressure, it is not converted
into quicklime but into crystalline marble.
After analyzing some specimens from a pitch lake of Trinidad, Hatchett
concluded that “a considerable part of the aggregate mass at Trinidad
was not pure mineral pitch or asphaltum, but rather a porous stone of the
argillaceous genus, much impregnated with bitumen. The specimens he
analyzed, however, were not representative of the lake as a whole” (20).
In 1804 William Nicholson, the editor, chose Mr. Hatchett and Edward
Howard to serve with him on a committee to judge Richard Chenevix’s
alloy of platinum and mercury which Chenevix believed identical with
palladium, the new metal which had been announced anonymously by
W. H. Wollaston. Hatchett saw with his own eyes some of the experi-
ments made by the enthusiastic but misguided Chenevix.
During the years 1805 and 1806 Hatchett published three papers on
an artificial tanning agent (21). He mentioned the researches of Nicolas
Discovery of the Elements
Deyeux (1745-1837), Armand Seguin (1767-1835), and Sir Humphry
Davy on the natural tanning agents, and added that R. Chenevix had
‘‘observed that a decoction of coffee-berries
Revue Illuslree, 1886
Sketch by P Renouard.
did not precipitate gelatine unless they had
been previously roasted ; so that tannin had
in this case either been formed or had been
developed from the other vegetable princi-
ples by the effects of heat.”
Hatchett treated various kinds of wood,
coal, and coke with nitric acid and found
that “a substance very analogous to tannin
. . . may at any time be produced by exposing
carbonaceous substances, whether vegetable,
animal, or mineral, to the action of nitric
acid.” He also “converted skin into leather
by means of materials which, to professional
men, must appear extraordinary, such as
deal sawdust, asphaltum, common turpen-
tine, pit coal, wax candle, and a piece of the
same sort of skin ...”
Dr. John Bostock tried unsuccessfully to
use Hatchetts artificial tan as a test for
“jelly” [gelatine]. Although it had been
stated “on the highest authority, that of Mr.
Hatchett and Mr. Davy . . . that isinglass
consists of nearly pure jelly,” Dr. Bostock
found that isinglass from the shops contained
Michel-Eug6nb Chevreul
French chemist and psycholo-
gist who made notable contribu-
tions to the chemistry of fats
and oils, soap, candles, and dyes.
He lived to be almost one hun-
dred and three years old, sound
and active in mind and body.
This sketch was made at his
centenary, a gala occasion in
Paris. When he investigated
Hatchett's artificial tanning
agents, Chevreul was only
twenty-four years old (twenty-
one years younger than Hatch-
ett). See ref. (48).
a certain amount of insoluble matter which
he believed to be coagulated albumen. Dr.
G. Melandri of Milan also investigated
Hatchett’s tannin.
M.-E. Chevreul, near the beginning of his
surprisingly long career, studied Hatchett’s
papers and prepared some of the “tannin.”
Hatchett had found that pit-coal which con-
tained no resinous substance was dissolved
completely by nitric acid and converted into
the artificial tannin, whereas any resinous
matter remained undissolved. When Chev-
reul treated pit-coal with nitric acid, how-
ever, evaporated the solution, and poured it into water, “a yellow matter
separated, which was much more abundant than what remained in solu-
tion, and had no property that rendered it similar to resins ... yet I db
Hatchett and His Friends
not allow myself,” said Chevreul, “the least reflection on the labours of that
celebrated English chemist, as I am too fully aware that different modes
of operating and the different varieties of the bodies examined . . . may pro-
duce a variation in the results . . .” Chevreul found that the water-soluble
substance which precipitated gelatine copiously was a compound of nitric
acid and carbonaceous matter ...” (22). These artificial tannins have
since been identified as picric acid and other nitro derivatives of phenols (23).
Thomas Thomson said in 1810, “Till lately the analysis of vegetable sub-
stances was almost entirely overlooked by British chemists; but the fine-
ness of the field has now begun to attract their attention. Experiments of
great importance have been published by Davy, Chenevix &c and above
all by Hatchett ...” (24).
On February 21, 1809, Hatchett became a member of the famous Liter-
ary Club which had been founded in 1764 by Dr. Samuel Johnson and Sir
Joshua Reynolds. As treasurer of the club, Hatchett prepared a brief
historical account of it, which appears in Boswell’s “Life of Johnson”
(25). The club also included, among others, Edmund Burke, Oliver Gold-
smith, David Garrick, Edward Gibbon, Adam Smith, Sir Joseph Banks,
Sir Charles Blagden, Sir Humphry Davy, Dr. W. H. Wollaston, Sir Walter
Scott, Sir Thomas Lawrence, and Dr. Thomas Young.
Hatchett also took an active part in the Animal Chemistry Club , which
met alternately at his home and that of Sir Everard Home. Once every
three months, Sir Benjamin Brodie, Sir Humphry Davy, W. T. Brande,
Mr. John George Children, and a few others dined with the two hosts and
discussed their researches in physiological chemistry (26), (27), (28).
According to Sir Benjamin Brodie, “they were very rational meetings, in
which a good deal of scientific discussion was mixed up with lively and
agreeable conversation. The society continued to exist for ten or eleven
years, but during the latter part of the time, some other members were
added to it, and it degenerated into a mere dinner club . . . Hatchett, who
had now inherited a considerable fortune on the death of his father, had
ceased to work in chemistry (in spite of the remonstrance of Sir Joseph
Banks, who used to say to him in his rough way that ‘he would find being a
gentleman of fortune was a confounded bad trade’), but he had previously
laid up a large store of knowledge, abounded in the materials of conversa-
tion, and was a delightful companion . . (28).
Hatchett was one of the “educated men, with the sagacity for which this
nation is famous” who helped to entertain Berzelius in 18X2 (29). Since
Berzelius understood little of what the English chemists were saying, he had
a dull time at Hatchett’s dinner party. It was there, nevertheless, that
he first made the acquaintance of Dr. Alexander Marcet.
In his travel diary Berzelius wrote, “Hatchett himself is a very agreeable
man of about forty to forty-five years. His father was a rich coach-maker,
220 Discovery of the Elements
and the son, although a famous chemist at the time of his father’s death,
has continued to carry on the business. He is in very good circumstances,
and lives in Roehampton on a little estate built in a fine Italian style and
excellently maintained . . . Close by his Italian villa he has a very well-
equipped laboratory, but for a long time he has not worked” (30).
When the English translation of Berzelius’ treatise on the composition of
animal fluids appeared, Dr. Marcet wrote, “Your great memoir is an honour
to us. Hatchett, however, complains that, when you hunted in his
grounds, you didn’t even
cite him; but I have ex-
plained to him, as best I
could, the haste in which
you found yourself and your
necessity of abstaining from
reference work.”
‘ ‘ I am very sorry, ’ ’ replied
Berzelius, “. . . . but if you
take this matter up with
him again, tell him that I
am absolutely ignorant of
any work of his on these
subjects other than that of
the testaceae. . Berzelius
also explained that he had
confined himself almost en-
tirely to a description of his
own work. Dr. Marcet re-
plied, “I gave your little
compliment to Hatchett,
who seemed entirely satis-
fied with it, and sends you
his best regards. You will
see on consulting Thomson
[Thomas Thomson, “A sys-
tem of chemistry,” 1810] that he has written more than once on animal
substances” (29).
In 1813 Hatchett published in the Annals of Philosophy a method of
separating iron and manganese (31). This paper was in the form of a letter
to Thomas Thomson, the editor, and was dated “Mount Clare, Roehamp-
ton, Sept, 25, 1813.” A. F. Gehlen had used succinic acid to separate
these two metals, Professor J. F. John had used oxalic acid, but Hatchett
simply precipitated the ferric hydroxide from a neutral solution containing
ammonium chloride, leaving the manganese in solution.
Charles Hatchett
This portrait was lithographed by Day and
Haghe from the painting by Thomas Phillips, and
published in 1836 by Thomas McLean.
Charles Hatchett
In 1817 he described a method of renovating musty “com” [wheat] by
floating off the damaged grain with boiling water and carefully drying the
rest (32).
In his history of Chelsea (33), Thomas Faulkner has left a contemporary’
description of Hatchett’s fine home, Belle Vue House. “This capital
mansion,” says Faulkner, “was built by Mr. Hatchett’s father in 1771 ; and
the weeping willow opposite to the house, reckoned one of the finest trees of
its kind in England, was planted by him in 1776; it commands beautiful
views of the Thames and the distant Surrey Hills.” In the house were
paintings by several great masters, a portrait of Mrs. Hatchett by Gains-
borough, a large organ, a collection of manuscript and printed music, and
some Mongol idols collected by Hatchett’s friend Peter Simon Pallas, the
famous traveler. “The Library,” said Faulkner, “is extensive, and con-
tains many valuable editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, together with
a numerous series of Historical Works, and the voluminous Transactions
and Memoirs of the Royal Society and other similar learned Institutions of
In December, 1818, Dr. Marcet wrote to Berzelius, “Wollaston, [Sir
William] Congreve, and Hatchett are hard at work, but up to the present
haven’t produced anything.” Three years later he wrote: “Hatchett is
taking care of his money and paying court to personages with grand titles ;
but is no longer doing anything in chemistry, and I do not even know that
he is showing much interest in what others are doing” (29). He must have
retained some interest, however, for on September 15, 1823, he was elected
as a correspondent for the chemical section of the Acad&mie des Sciences .
In 1836 Hatchett published a quarto brochure on “The spikenard of the
ancients.” He died at his home, Belle Vue House, Chelsea, on February
10, 1847, at the age of eighty- two years.
In 1821 the Reverend J. J. Conybeare (1779-1824) named an Australian
mineral in honor of “the eminent chemist to whom we are indebted for the
most valuable contributions towards the history and analysis of this class
of mineral substances”; this form of mineral tallow is still known as
hatchettine or hatchettite. He found later, however, that it was identical
with the substance W. T. Brande had referred to as mineral adipocere (34).
In 1877 the American mineralogical chemist J. Lawrence Smith named
a mineral from North Carolina, a columbate of uranium, hatchettolite, be-
cause Hatchett’s discovery of columbium “was clear, precise, and well
made out, and has never been controverted” (35).
The author wishes to thank Dr. C. A. Browne and Mr. Allyn B. Forbes
for kindly placing at her disposal their correspondence on the history of 4
columbite, and Mrs. Gertrude D. Hess for examining the papers which
Thomas P, Smith bequeathed to the American Philosophical Society.
Discovery of the Elements
Literature Cited
(1) Stephen, Leslie and Sidney Lee, “Dictionary of National Biography," Smith,
Elder and Co„ London, 1891, Vol. 25, p. 153. Article on Hatchett by Gordon
( 2 ) Anonymous obituary of Charles Hatchett, Gentlemen's Mag., n. s., 28, 214-5
(Aug., 1847).
(3) Faulkner, Thomas, “A Historical and Topographical Description of Chelsea and
Its Environs," T. Faulkner, Chelsea, 1829, Vol. 1, pp. 89-92.
(4) Hatchett, Charles, “An analysis of the Carinthian molybdate of lead. . .,” Phil.
Trans., 86, 285-339 (1796).
(5) Hatchett, Charles, “An analysis of the earthy substance from New South
Wales, called sydneia, or terra australis,” ibid., 88, 110-29 (1798); Nicholson's
J. t 2, 72-80 (May, 1798).
(6) Hatchett, Charles, “Analysis of the water of the Mere of Diss,” Phil. Trans.,
88, 572-81 (1798); Nicholson's J., 3, 80-4 (May, 1799).
(7) Home, Sir Everard, “Some observations on the structure of the teeth of grami-
nivorous quadrupeds. . .,” Phil. Trans., 89, 243-7 (1799).
(3) Hatchett, Charles, “Experiments and observations on shell and bone,” ibid., 89,
315-34 (1799); Nicholson's J., 3, 500-6 (Feb., 1800); ibid., 3, 529-34 (March, 1800).
(9) Hatchett, Charles, “Chemical experiments on zodphyles,” Phil. Trans., 90,
327-402 (1800).
(10) Davy, Sir H., “An account of some experiments on the constituent parts of some
astringent vegetables,” Nicholson's J 4 , [2], 5, 259 (Aug., 1803).
(11) Bostock, John, “Observations and experiments for the purpose of ascertaining
the definite characters of the primary animal fluids. . .” ibid., [2], 11, 251, 254
(Aug., 1805).
(12) Hatchett, Charles, “An analysis of a mineral substance from North America
containing a metal hitherto unknown,” Phil. | Trans., 92, 49-66 (1802). Read
Nov. 26, 1801. Nicholson's J., [2], 1, 32-4 (Jan., 1802).
(13) Hatchett, Charles, “Experiments and observations on the various alloys, the
specific gravity, and on the comparative wear of gold,” Phil. Trans., 93, 43-194
(1803); Nicholson's J., [2],5,286-303(Aug.,1803); ibid., [2], 6, 145-61(Nov., 1803).
(14) Hatchett, Charles “Analysis of a triple sulphuret of lead, antimony and copper
from Cornwall,” Phil. Trans., 94, 63-9 (1804).
(15) Smithson, James, “On the composition of the compound sulphuret from Huel
Boys. . .,” Nicholson's J ., [2], 20, 332-3 (Suppl., 1808).
(16) Hatchett, Charles, “Analytical experiments land observations on lac,” Phil.
Trans., 94, 191-218 (1804); Nicholson's J ., [2], 10, 45-55 (Jan., 1805); ibid., [2],
10, 95-102 (Feb , 1805).
(17) Hatchett, Charles, “An analysis of the magnetical pyrites; with remarks on
some of the other sulphurets of iron,” Phil. Trans., 94, 315-45 (1804); Nicholson's
J., [2], 10,265-76 (Apr., 1805); ibid., [2], 11, 6-17 (May, 1805).
(IS) Hatchett, Charles, “Observations on the change of some of the proximate
principles of vegetables into bitumen; with analytical experiments on a peculiar
substance which is found with the Bovey coal,” Phil. Trans., 94, 385-410 (1804);
Nicholson's J., [2], 10, 181-200 (March, 1805); ibid., 2, 248-53 (Sept., 1798).
(19) Hall, Sir James, “Account of a series of experiments showing the effects of com-
pression in modifying the effects of heat,” Nicholson's J., [2], 14, 11$ (June, 1806);
ibid., [2], 14 , 201-2 (July, 1806).
(20) Nugent, Nicholas, “Account of the Pitch Lake of the Island of Trinidad,” ibid.,
[2],3Z, 209 (July, 1812).
Literature Cited
{21) Hatchett, Charles, “On an artificial substance which possesses the principal
characteristic properties of tannin,” Phil. Trans., 95, 211-24, 285-315 (1805); ibid,
96, 109-46(1806); Nicholson's J., [2], 12, 327-31 (Suppl., 1805); ibid., [2J, 13,
23-36 (Jan., 1806); ibid., [2], 15, 15-31 (Sept., 1806); ibid., [2], 15, 86-98 (Oct.,
{22) Chevreul, M. E., “Tanning substances formed by the action of nitric acid on
several vegetable matters,” Nicholson's J., [2], 32, 360-74 (Suppl., 1812); Ann.
chim. phys., [1 ], 73, 36-66 ( 1810).
{23) Wolesensky, Edward, “Investigation of synthetic tanning material,” Bureau of
Standards Technologic Paper No. 302 (1925), pp. 6-7.
{24) Thomson, Thomas, “A System of Chemistry,” 4th ed., Bell and Bradfute, Edin-
burgh, 1810, Vol. 5, p. 180.
{25) Boswell, James, “Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.,” edited by J. W. Croker,
George Bell and Sons, London, 1876, Vol. 2, pp. 325-9.
{26) Holmes, Timothy, “Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie,” T. Fisher Unwin, London.
1898, p. 46 and pp. 61-2.
{27) Anonymous obituary of W. T. Brande, J. Chem. Soc. (London), 19, 509-11 (1866).
{28) Hawkins, Charles, “The Works of Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, with an Auto-
biography,” Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, London, 1865, Vol.
1, pp. 55-8.
{29) SOderbaum, H. G., “Jac Berzelius Bref,” Almqvist & Wiksells, Upsala, 1912-1914,
Vol. 1, part 1, p. 42. Berzelius to Berthollet, Oct., 1812; ibid., Vol. 1, part 3, p.
19. Marcet to Berzelius, Jan. 25, 1813; ibid., p. 45. Marcet to Berzelius, May
5, 1813; ibid., p. 58. Berzelius to Marcet, June 30, 1813; ibid., p. 66. Marcet to
Berzelius, July 28 and Aug. 4, 1813; ibid., p. 183. Marcet to Berzelius, Dec.,
1818; ibid., pp. 231-2. Marcet to Berzelius, Jan. 15, 1822.
{30) Berzelius, J. J., “Reseanteckningar,” P. A. Norstedt & Soner, Stockholm, 1903,
pp. 23-4, 29, and 38.
{31 ) Hatchett, Charles, “On the method of separating iron from manganese,” Annals
of Philos., 2, 343-5 (Nov., 1813); J. F. John, ibid., 2, 172-3 (Sept., 1813).
{32) Hatchett, Charles, “A description of a process by which corn tainted with
must may be completely purified,” Phil. Trans., 107, 36-8 (1817). Letter to Sir
Joseph Banks.
{33) Faulkner, Thomas, “A Historical and Topographical Description of Chelsea and
its Environs,” T. Faulkner, Chelsea, 1829, Vol. 1, pp. 89-92.
{34) Conybrare, J. J., “Description of a new substance found in ironstone,” Annals of
Philos., 17, 136 (Feb., 1821); ibid., 21, 190 (March, 1823).
{35) Smith, J. Lawrence, “Examination of American minerals. No. 6. — Description
of columbic acid minerals from new localities in the United States, embracing a
reclamation for the restoration of the name columbium to the element now called
niobium. . Am. J. Sd ., [31, 13, 359-69 (May, 1877).
[36) “New American metal,” Medical Repository, 6 , 212 (Aug., Sept., Oct., 1802);
“Hatchett’s analysis of the American mineral substance containing a metal
hitherto unknown,” ibid., 6 , 323-4 (Nov., Dec., 1802, Jan*, 1803).
{37) “Place where the ore of columbium was found,” ibid. (2), 2 , 437 (Feb., Mar., Apr.,
{38) Millin, A.-L., “Nouvelles litt£raires. Etats-Unis d’Amerique,” Magasin Encyclo -
pidique, 6, 388-9 (1805).
(39) “Selections from an ancient catalogue of objects of natural history, formed in
New England more than one hundred years ago by John Winthrop, F, R. S.,”
Am. J. Sci. (1), 47 , 282-90 (1844) ; Journal Book of the Roy. Soc., 15 , 451-87
(June 27, 1734).
224 Discovery of the Elements
(40) Sweet, Jessie M., "Sir Hans Sloane: Life and mineral collection,” Natural His-
tory Mag. t 5, 115-6 (July, 1935).
(41) “A report on the Geological Survey of the state of Connecticut by Professor
Charles Upham Shepard, M.D., . . . with extracts and remarks by the editor
[B. Silliman],” Am. J. Set. (1), 33, 162-3 (1838).
(42) Smith, Edgar F., "Chemistry in Old Philadelphia,” J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadel-
phia, 1919 , pp, 14-22.
(43) "New metal columbium,” Nicholson's J., 14, 181 (June, 1806).
(44) Browne, C. A., “Scientific notes from the books and letters of John Winthrop
Jr. (1606-1676), first governor of Connecticut,” Isis , 11, 325-42 (1928).
(45) Letter of Allyn B. Forbes to C. A. Browne, Apr. 5, 1940. Quoted by permission.
(46) “Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society,” Boston, 1882 , series 5,
Vol. 8, pp. 126-7.
(47) Smith, Edgar F., “Chemistry in America,” D. Appleton and Co., New York
and London, 1914 , p. 36.
(48) Weeks, M. E. and L. O. Amberg, “M.-E. Chevreul. The fiftieth anniversary of
his death,” J. Am. Pharm. Assoc., Set. Ed., 29, 89-96 (Feb., 1940).
Although A. M . del Rio, the eminent discoverer of the element now known
as vanadium , spent most of his active life in Mexico and a few years in
Philadelphia, his services to chemistry and mineralogy are not as widely
known and appreciated by American scientists as they deserve to be. He was
a schoolmate and honored friend of Baron A lexander von Humboldt and a
worthy colleague of Don Fausto de Elhuyar, first director of the School of
Mines of Mexico.
Andres Manuel del Rio y Fernandez was born on Ave Maria Street in
Madrid on November 10, 1764, t and received his preliminary training at
the College of San Isidro. At the age of fifteen years he completed his
courses in Latin, Greek, literature, and theology and received his Bachelor’s
degree from the famous University of Alcala de Henares, which, two cen-
turies before, had rivaled Salamanca. When Don Jos € Solano held a
public contest in experimental physics, the young graduate in theology
distinguished himself so highly that the King provided for his further edu-
cation at the Mining Academy of Almaden. Because of del Rio’s enthusi-
asm for mining and subterranean geometry, the Minister of the Indies,
Don Diego Gardoqui, selected him to study in France, England, and
Germany at government expense (I).
He studied chemistry in Paris under Jean Darcet and attended lectures
in medicine and natural history. In 1789 he enrolled at the Royal School
of Mines in Freiberg, Saxony, where great things were expected of him
because of the enviable records made previously by his fellow countrymen
Don Juan Josd and Don Fausto de Elhuyar. He, too, soon felt the charm
of A. G. Werner’s teaching of geognosy and mineralogy. One of del
Rio’s intimate friends at the Freiberg Academy was his schoolmate, Baron
Alexander von Humboldt, who later renewed the friendship in Mexico.
Del Rio also studied subterranean geometry, analytical chemistry, and
metallurgy at the Royal School of Mining and Forestry at Schemnitz,
Hungary (Sti&vnica Bafiska, Czechoslovakia).
In 1791 Sefior del Rio visited the metallurgical industries of England.
During a second sojourn in France, he was associated with Lavoisier, and
in the troublous days of 1793, he, too, almost fell prey to the fury of the
revolutionists. According to Ramirez (1), del Rio disguised himself as a
water carrier and escaped to England. Although offered the directorships
of several mining enterprises, he declined them.
* Presented before the Division of History of Chemistry at the Cleveland meeting of
theA.C.S.,Sept. 11, 1934.
t Although the year of del Rio’s birth has frequently been given as 1765, Ramirez
(Ref. 1 ) obtained the above date from the birth certificate.
Discovery of the Elements
In 1793 a royal order decreed that Werner’s theory of the formation of
veins be taught at the School of Mines of Mexico recently founded by Don
Fausto de Elhuyar (2). The professorship of mineralogy was therefore
offered to Sefior del Rio, who had previously declined that of chemistry.
Early in August, 1794, he set sail from Cadiz on the warship San Pedro
Alcantara, taking with him a servant and a supply of apparatus for the
School of Mines. Eleven weeks later he disembarked at Vera Cruz ( 3 ).
After arriving at Mexico City, del Rio immediately arranged the min-
eral collections and planned his course in oryctognosy, which included
mineralogy, geognosy, and paleontology and which began on April 27,
1795. The new world spread forth before him so many objects of scien-
tific inquiry that he afterward wrote with enthusiasm: “Each step of the
traveler in this Republic discovers to him something new” (4).
In 1795 he published the first edition of his “Elements of Oryctognosy”
(5), which von Humboldt regarded as “the best mineralogical work which
Spanish literature possesses” (6), and which Santiago Ramirez (7) called
“a monumental work, which . . . will be an object of veneration and con-
sultation by the mineralogists of our country and for all those who . . . are
occupied in studying the mineralogy of our native country.”
Dd Rio’s paper on the best method of sinking mine shafts was printed
for use in all the mines of Mexico, and his article on the relations between
the composition of a mineral and the materials of which the vein is com-
posed was published in the supplement to the Gaceta de Mexico on January
18, 1797 (I), (3).
The most outstanding achievement of del Rio’s long, useful life was his
discovery in 1801 of the metal now known as vanadium. He found that
the brown lead mineral, plomo pardo de Zimapan (< 8 ), from the Cardonal
Mine in Hidalgo contained what he believed to be a new metal. Because
its salts are of varied colors, he at first called it panchromium , but because
its salts with the alkalies and earths become red on heating or on treatment
with acids, he later changed the name to erythronium (1), (9), (10).
When von Humboldt visited Mexico in 1803, del Rio gave him several
specimens of the brown lead ore. Von Humboldt sent some of them to the
Institut de France with an explanatory letter giving del Rio’s analysis and
his conclusions regarding the close resemblance of the new metal to chro-
mium and uranium, A more detailed description addressed to Chaptal
was lost in a shipwreck (10).
Since the properties of erythronium closely resembled those which
Fourcroy had ascribed to the recently discovered metal chromium, del
Rio lost confidence in the importance of his discovery and concluded that
his supposed new element was, after all, nothing but chromium ( 11 ).
In a note to his translation of Karsten’s “Mineralogical Tables” he wrote
( 7 ), ( 9 ), (12) : . . but, knowing that chromium also gives by evaporation .
Andr6s Manuel del Rio 227
red or yellow salts, I believe that the brown lead is a yellow oxide of chro-
mium, combined with excess lead also in form of the yellow oxide."
Dr. Ernst Wittich, German Ambassador to Mexico, has pointed out that
Baron von Humboldt was also led into the same error, for the specimen in
the Museum fur Naturkunde in Berlin is labeled in the Baron’s handwriting:
"Brown lead ore from the veins of Zimap&n in northern Mexico. Lead
chromate. M. del Rio thought he had discovered a new metal in it, which
he named erythronium, then panchromium ; later he realized that it was
ordinary chromium." The label was later corrected by Gustav Rose to
read: “Vanadiumbleierz” (vanadium lead ore) (29).
Another circumstance which helped to shake del Rio’s confidence in his
own work was the analysis of this mineral which Collet-Descotils, a friend
of Vauquelin, published in 1805 (13), When Collet-Descotils concluded
that the supposed new metal was merely chromium, del Rio warmly de-
fended his own prior claim to the "discovery" of chromium in the brown
lead ore (14),
The details of Sefstrom’s discovery of vanadium in soft iron from the
Taberg Mine in Sm&land, Sweden, and of Wohler’s proof of the identity of
erythronium and vanadium have already been related (14), (15), (16).
Dr. Moles has emphasized the fact that del Rio’s own excessive modesty
and scientific caution led him to renounce the discovery of the new element
before the analysis of Collet-Descotils had been published.
Unaware of the shipwreck which had prevented Humboldt from giving
full publicity to the discovery of erythronium, del Rio wrote in 1832 in his
"Elements of Oryctognosy" : "When he left Mexico, I gave him ... a
copy in French of my experiments in order that he might publish them.
If he had judged them worthy of public attention, they would have excited
the curiosity of chemists, and the discovery of the new metal would not have
been delayed for thirty years, which is the objection now unjustly made
against me. He did not even show Descotils the copy of my experiments,
for, since he [Descotils] was a chemist, he would have appreciated them
better, would have repeated them, and with his knowledge of chromium,
which I lacked, it would have been easy for him to decide that it was a
distinct metal" (7), (17). Since at that time chromium must have been a
novelty even in Europe and since it often required ten or twelve years for
the news of European discoveries to reach Mexico (22), del Rio should not
be criticized for having been uninformed as to the properties of this metal.
For a number of years del Rio taught not only mineralogy and mining,
but also Spanish and French, and served as one of the editors of the Gaceta
de Mexico, to which he contributed many articles, both literary and scien-
tific. In order that his students might "be proud of a country that offers
so many opportunities for admiring Nature," del Rio added to his transla-
tion of Karsten’s "Mineralogical Tables" a number of descriptions of
Discovery of the Elements
% Jnglcsci, Alemana y Francesa ,
• For el C. J1NDRES DEL RIO ,
Imprenta de Juan F. Hurtel.
^ 188 *.
H Ate
Courtesy Am. Philosophical Soc.
Title Page of del Rio’s "Elements of Oryctognosy”
Written According to the System of Berzelius and
the Principles of A. G. Werner
minerals from “this
America” and “the
other America.”
Since a French re-
viewer (5) had criti-
cized him in 1797 for
not completely adopt-
ing the new nomen-
clature proposed by
Lavoisier, del Rio
wrote in 1804, “Usage
has accepted oxtgeno
in place of arcicayo ,
oxido in place of cayo
. . . and I have ad-
justed the nomencla-
ture in conformity
with it” ( 9 ). In 1805
he published the sec-
ond volume of his
“Elements of Oryc-
In the following
year he established at
Coalcoman, Michoa-
can, the first iron-
works in Mexico,
which, however, were
destroyed during the
insurrection of 1811
(I), (3). An incident
related by Ramirez (1)
illustrates the fairness
of del Rio’s judgment.
When the master
blacksmith at the
Coalcoman ironworks,
who regarded his own
skill as superior to that
of del Rio, asked for
the use of an experimental furnace, del Rio granted the request. Although
the experiments resulted disastrously, del Rio’s report merely stated:
<4 PiHado did not succeed very well, but these are the first experiments.”
Del Rfo and Baron von Humboldt
Von Humboldt, who
was greatly interested
in del Rfo’s pumping
engine, described it as
follows: “This engine,
which is the first of
this kind constructed
in America, is much
superior to those in
the mines of Hungary ;
it was constructed ac-
cording to the esti-
mates and plans of
Sefior del Rio, profes-
sor of mineralogy of
Mexico, who has vis-
ited the most famous
mines of Europe and
who possesses most
thorough and varied
erudition ; and Mr.
Lachaussde, an artisan
native of Brabant, a
man of marked ability,
built it. . . . It is un-
fortunate that this
beautiful engine,
whose throttle valve is
provided with a special
mechanism, is set up
in a place where it is
difficult to get enough
water to run it con-
tinuously. . . The
Baron then explained
that the amount of
water had been esti-
mated in an unusually
Co ivf A M
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e ^ f- jC-O's e. s __
y&uJ f <9 s/. r CY**^*^*
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Crjf ^
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^ f£*
“>AA*r e
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'c* YjCo 4 /*+++*s /srfo'
Courtesy Am. Philosophical Soc ,
In a presentation copy of his translation of Kars ten’s
“Mineralogical Tables,” del Rio wrote as follows: “To the
Philosophical Society of Philadelphia this work is most
respectfully dedicated, which contains four new dis-
coveries, viz. — the sulphur of manganese, acknowledged
by Mr. Proust to have been discovered by me — the scws-
chromate of lead , the analysis of which is contained in these
tables, and was published in the Annales of Natural
Sciences at Madrid as a discovery of mine a year before
that of Mr. Des-Cotils at Paris — the hydrophanous copper
(the Dioptase of Mr. Hau£), which contains the same
principles of that found in Sibiria and analyzed by Mr.
Lowitz, viz., silex, water, and oxide of copper — also the
lavender bleu copper ore, which* is a carbonate of copper
and silver possessing the greatest proportion of the former,
by the translator AndrS del Rio, Mexico the 2 June 1818.”
rainy year, and added
that “Sefior del Rfo, when he arrived in New Spain, had no other aim
than that of proving to Mexican mine operators the effect of such ma-
chines and the possibility of making them in this country. . . ” (6).
Ramirez (1) stated, however, that del Rfo had predicted the diminution of
230 Discovery of the Elements
water supply, but had been unable to prevent the deforestation which
had caused it.
In 1820 deputies were appointed to the Spanish court. H. H. Bancroft
stated in his “History of Mexico” that this election “took place with no
little disorder” and that “. . . the choice fell almost exclusively on ecclesias-
tics and lawyers, with a sprinkling of soldiers, merchants, and men of no
particular calling, among whom were three natives of Spain” ( 18 ). One
of the latter was Andres Manuel del Rio, who pleaded earnestly for the
independence of his adopted country. Although Elhuyar resigned his
position and returned to Spain during the struggle, del Rio was in sympathy
with the new cause ( 19 ) and, according to Maffei and de la Rua Figueroa
(I), was one of the few deputies to vote for absolute independence.
During his visit to Spain, del Rio was offered the directorship of the
mines of Almad&i and of the Museum of Sciences in Madrid, but he pre-
ferred to return to Mexico. While he was in Bordeaux, Sefiora de Elhuyar
said to him, “Where are you going, del Rio? Don’t you know that Mexico
has become independent?” “Yes, ,: replied del Rio, “and I am going home
to my country” (I). Because of his loyal friends and eager, intelligent
students, his splendid collection of minerals from both hemispheres, the
undiscovered wonders of the new vjorld, and the charm of his virtuous
Mexican wife, del Rio had come to regard Mexico as his homeland. Per-
haps another incentive for his return was the impressive structure for the
School of Mines which had been completed in 1813, and which Mr. Beul-
loch, a contemporary English traveler, described as follows ( 20 ) :
“The edifice in which it is located excels in its dimensions and in the
beauty of its architecture all those in Europe destined for the same pur-
pose. It was erected at great cost [l 1 /* million pesos] and amply provided
with everything necessary for the mine owners and other rich inhabitants.”
Earthquakes soon damaged the noble structure to such an extent that by
1830 extensive repairs were needed. The architect took the high building
apart, placed the stately columns in the patio, and put them back in place
without losing a single piece (7).
In 1824 del Rfo published an analysis of a gold-rhodium alloy from the
smelting house in Mexico which was similar to the gold-palladium ingot
previously reported by Joseph Cloud, director of the Philadelphia Mint
( 21 ). Three years later he published a translation of Berzelius’ ‘‘New
mineral system” ( 22 ). He served for some time on a committee appointed
to inspect the money and improve working conditions at the Mint.
In acknowledgment of his allegiance, the new government, which ex-
pelled most Spaniards from Mexico in 1828, made an exception in the case
of del Rfo. Nevertheless, he preferred to share the fate of his fdlow-
countrymen and therefore spent four years of voluntary exile in Philadel-
phia. In the preface to the second edition of his “Elements of Oryctog-
Del Rio as a Teacher 231
nosy,” published in Philadelphia in 1832 at the expense of the Mining
Tribunal of Mexico, he wrote:
“Knowing by experience the happy disposition of Mexican youth for
the study of these sciences, I wish in the last third of my life to consecrate
to it the limited product of my efforts, immeasurably happy if I can some
day be useful to a country where I have lived for thirty-five years, re-
VL mipziio v fFiftn*
ti m mum de sis admibadores.
Dedication Page of “The Mineral Wealth of
Mexico and Its Present State of Development/'
Which S. RamIrez Wrote for the New Orleans Expo-
sition of 1884 .
Translation: “To the memory of the distinguished
scientist, expert mine operator, and celebrated miner-
alogist, D. Andres Manuel del Rio, whose well deserved
fame designated him to be the introducer of the natural
sciences into our country, whose stainless love for Mexico
makes him figure among our most illustrious fellow citi-
zens, and from whose scientific books our generations
of mine operators have imbibed ins true tion, this unim-
portant work is dedicated as a tribute by the most re-
spectful of his admirers.”
ceiving every kind of distinction. If the result is not proportional to my
high aim, it will at least be admitted that I aspire to manifest in the only
manner possible to me my gratitude for the distinguished favors with which
the Mexicans have honored me; my only merit is to be thankful” (17).
In his unassuming devotion to his teaching duties, del Rio resembled
John Dalton, One day in 1841, when a student knocked at the door of his
classroom to announce a distinguished visitor, del Rio asked the messenger
Discovery of the Elements
to have the visitor wait for him. When the bell rang at the close of the
class period, del Rio greeted Sefior Calderon de la Barca, minister pleni-
potentiary from the Court at Madrid. His Excellency, moreover, was not
offended at the delay (1).
Del Rio belonged to many scientific organizations of France, Germany,
Great Britain, Mexico, and Spain, and was an active member of the Ameri-
can Philosophical Society and president of the Geological Society of Phila-
delphia. From 1830 to 1834 he attended the meetings of the American
Philosophical Society, took part in the discussions, donated books which
are still in possession of the Society’s library, and presented papers for
The translation of Karsten’s Tables contains in del Rio’s handwriting
the following note of presentation: “To the Philosophical Society of
Philadelphia, this work is most respectfully dedicated, which contains four
new discoveries — the sulphur of manganese , acknowledged by Mr. Proust
to have been discovered by me — the sous -chromate of lead . . . the hy -
drophanous copper . . . also the lavender . . . copper ore This note was written
in 1818, but in 1827 del Rio wrote: “I thank Sr. Breithaupt for . . . believ-
ing me the first discoverer of manganese sulfide ... I am indeed [discoverer]
of that of los Mijes in the state of Qajaca [Oaxaca]; but we must be just
Sr. Proust discovered that of Transylvania two years before” [22). Del
Rio added that at that time many European discoveries were not known in
Mexico until ten or twelve years after publication. In the second edition
of his “Elements of Oryctognosy,” del Rio wrote: “In a work such as this
little can be called one’s own : only a few articles belong to me, such as the
manganese sulfide of Oaxaca, the brown lead of Zimapan, the mercury iodide
of Casas Viejas, the blue silver of Catorce, and the zinc selenide of Culebras”
His requests for a small specimen of “sulphuret of silver” and other min-
erals for analysis were granted by the Philosophical Society. At its meet-
ings he must have met A. D. Bache, F. Bache, Robert Hare, Joseph
Henry, G. W. Featherstonhaugh, and other contemporary American
scientists. Ramirez (i) mentions a process of purifying mercury which del
Rio had learned from Professor Hare of Philadelphia.
In 1830 del Rio read a paper on Becquerel’s method of reducing silver
ores (23). His paper (24) on the crystals developed in vermiculite by heat
begins: * ( A pupil of the celebrated Werner, I have always been more of a
Neptunian than a Plutonist, notwithstanding the many crystallizations
produced in the dry way. A new instance which has come under my obser-
vation in the crystals of vermiculite has contributed materially to change
my opinions ”
Dr. Meigs had heated a specimen of vermiculite in a candle flame and
had shown del Rio the worm-like filaments which shoot out from it. Under -
Del Rfo and the School of Mines of Mexico
the blowpipe, the Mexican scientist obtained from it oblique prisms nearly
an inch long, which were also ‘‘crooked and worm-like. ” Vermiculite is a
hydrous silicate generally produced by alteration of mica.
Between 1835 and 1837 several polemical articles by del Rio and Charles
U. Shepard, the well-known American mineralogist and collector of meteo-
rites, appeared in the American Journal of Science {25).
In 1834 del Rio was given the chair of geology in addition to that of
mineralogy. Before returning to Mexico, he purchased for the Mining
Seminary a splendid collection of shells and fossils collected by a Polish
naturalist who had recently died in Philadelphia. In 1841 he published a
manual of geology describing the fossil flora and fauna of the various rocks,
with special emphasis on those found in Mexico (7), {26). Two years later
del Rio, then about seventy-eight years of age, served on a committee to
study the manufacture of porcelain and determine whether or not the raw
materials were available in the Republic. Their report, which was highly
praised by the Bureau of National Industry, was published in El Siglo
XIX on May 10, 1843, and a porcelain works was established at Puebla {3).
Two years later del Rio was still serving as professor of mineralogy, but
in the following year he asked for a substitute in order that he might com-
plete the supplement to his textbook, which was to include discussions of
the most recent discoveries made in Europe and the United States. Ac-
cording to Senor Ramirez (7), this was published in 1849 {27). In spite of
failing eyesight, del Rio continued, almost to the close of his life, to con-
tribute to the literary and scientific periodicals of Mexico, yet in spite of
his illustrious services, he was reduced to poverty in his old age {28). On
March 23, 1849, he suffered a fatal cerebral attack.
Del Rio’s colleague, Don Joaquin Velazquez de Le6n, said in his eulogy:
“I still seem to see him leaving this college at the close of the day’s teach-
ing, with his book under his arm (for he used to say that the support of
science does not dishonor anyone) ; surrounded at the doorway of the insti-
tution by the unfortunate and the destitute, sharing with them his meager
salary, and returning to aid those who were already waiting for him at the
doors of his home” (I). In 1877 a rich mining region of Chihuahua was
named in his honor the Andres del Rio canton , with Batopilas as its capitol
( 7 ).
It is a pleasure to acknowledge the kind assistance of Miss Eva Armstrong
of the Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Library, the library of the American
Philosophical Society, Dr. E. Moles and Senor A. de Gdlvez-Cafiero of
Madrid, and Dr. F. B. Dains.
Literature Cited
(I) Maffei, E. and R. R. Figueroa, “Apuntes para una biblioteca espafiola de
libros. « .relativos al conocimiento y explotacibn de las riqtiezas mineral es,” Im-
Discovery of the Elements
prenta de J. M. Lapuente, Madrid, 1872, 2 Vols., 529 and 693 pp.; J. VelAzqubz
de Lb6n, “Elogio funebre del Sr. D. AndrAs del Rio,” El Album Mexicano, Im-
prenta de Cumplido, Mexico, 1849, Vol. 2, pp. 219-25; S. RamIrez, “Biografia
del Sr. D. Andres Manuel del Rio,” Boletin de la Soc. Mexicana de Geografia y
Estadistica , [4 ], 2, 205-51 (1890).
( 2 ) Weeks, M. E., “The scientific contributions of the de Elhuyar brothers,” J.
Chem. Educ., 11, 413-9 (July, 1934).
(3) RamIrez, S., “Datos para la historia del Colegio de Mineria,” government publi-
cation for the Alzate Society, Mexico, 1890, 494 pp.
(4) Del Rfo, A. M., “Analysis of two new mineral substances, consisting of bi-seleniuret
of zinc and seleniuret of mercury, found at Culebras in Mexico,” Phil. Mag., [2],
4, 113-5 (Aug., 1828).
(5) Del Rio, A. M., “Elementos de orictognosia,” Imprenta de Zuniga y Ontiveros,
Mexico, 1795, Vol. 1, 172 pp.; ibid., 1805, Vol. 2, 200 pp.; Vol. 1 reviewed in
Ann. chim. phys., [1 ], 21, 221-4 (Feb., 1797).
(6) von Humboldt, A., “Ensayo politico sobre Nueva Espana,” 3rd ed., Libreria de
Lecointe, Paris, 1836, Vol. 1, pp. 232, 236-8; Vol. 3, pp. 117-8.
(7) RamIrez, S., “Noticia historica de la riqueza minera de Mexico,” Secretaria de
Fomento, Mexico, 1884, 768 pp.
(8) “ZimapAn, the Leadville of Mexico,” Modern Mexico , 13, 30-1 (Sept., 1902).
(9) Del Rfo, A. M., “Tablas Mineralogicas Dispuestas segun los Descubrimientos MAs
Recientes e Ilustradas con Notas por D. L. G. Karsten,” Zufiiga y Ontiveros,
Mexico, 1804, pp. 60-62; Ram6n de la Quadra, “Introduction A las tablas com-
parativas de las substancias metAlicas*” Anales ciencias naturales (Madrid), 6, 46
(May, 1803).
(10) Wittich, E. f “Zur Entdeckungsgeschichte des Elementes Vanadium,” Technik-
Industrie und Schweizer Chem.-Ztg., 16, 4-5 (Jan. 31, 1933).
(11) de Fourcroy, A.-F., “Syst&me des connaissances chimiques,” Baudouin, Paris,
1800 (Brumaire, an IX). Vol. 5, pp. 107-13.
(12) Del Rfo, A. M., “Discurso de las vetas,” Gaceta de Mexico, Nov. 12, 1802; Anales
de las Ciencias Naturales (Madrid), 7, 31 (Feb., 1804). These references taken
from E. Moles, Ref. (15).
(13) Collet- Descotils, H. V., “Analyse de la mine brune de plomb de ZimapAn, dans
le royaume du Mexique, envoy 6e par M. Humboldt, et dans laquelle M. del Rio
dit avoir dAcouvert un nouveau mAtal,” Ann. chim. phys., [1], 53, 268-71 (1805);
J. L. Gay-Lussac, “Biographical account of Hippolyte-Victor Collet-Descotils,”
Annals of Philosophy, 9, 417-21 (1817); Ann. chim. phys., [2], 4, 213 (Feb., 1817).
(14) Wittich, E., “El descubrimiento del vanadio,” Boletin Minero, 13, 4-15 (Jan.,
1922) ; see also del Rio’s autograph letter reproduced on page 173.
(15) Moles, E., “Wolframio, no tungsteno. Vanadio o eritronio,” Anales soc. espaft.
fis. quint., [3], 26, 234-52 (June, 1928).
(16) Weeks, M. E., “The discovery of the elements,” J. Chem. Educ., 9, 873-82
(May, 1932); ibid., 2nd ed., Mack Printing Co., Easton, Pa., 1934, pp. 87-98.
(17) Del Rio, A. M., “Elementos de Orictognosia,” 2nd ed., John Hurtel, Philadelphia,
1832, pp. 484-5.
(18) Bancroft, H. H., “The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft,” A. L. Bancroft and
Co., San Francisco, 1885, Vol. 12, p. 699.
(19) de GAlvez-CaNero, A., “Apuntes BiogrAficos de D. Fausto de Elhuyar,” GrAficas
reunidas, Madrid, 1933, pp. 107-68.
(20) Bbulloch, “Viage a Mexico en 1828,” El Album Mexicano, Imprenta del Cum-
plido, Mexico, 1849» Vol. 2, p. 492; See also: T. A. Rickard, “Journeys of Oh-
Literature Cited 235
servation among the Mines of Mexico,” Dewey Publishing Co., San Francisco,
1907 , pp. 30-31.
(21) Del Rfo, A. M., “Analysis of a specimen of gold found to be alloyed with rho-
dium, M El Sol , Dec. 11, 1824; Am. J. Sci., 11 , 298-304 (1826); Ann . chim. phys.,
[2], 29 , 137-47 (1825); Annals of Philosophy, [2], 10 , 251-6 (Oct., 1825); E. F.
Smith, “Chemistry in Old Philadelphia,” J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia,
1919 , pp. 85-90.
(22) Del Rfo, A. M., “Nuevo Sistema Mineral del Senor Bercelio del Ano de 1825,”
Imprenta del Aguila, Mexico, 1827 , 28 pp.
(23) Del Rio, A. M., “Silver ores reduced by the method of Becquerel,” Trans. Am.
Phil. Soc., N. S., 4 , 60-2 (1834). Read Nov. 5, 1830.
(24) Del Rio, A. M., “On the crystals developed in vermiculite by heat,” ibid., 5 ,
137-8 (1837). Read Nov. 1, 1833.
(25) Shepard, C. U., “Reply to ‘Observations on the treatise of mineralogy of Mr. C.
U. Shepard/ by Andr6s del Rio. . . , ” Am. J. Sci., 27 , 312-25 (1835); A. M. del
Rfo, ibid., 30 , 384-7 (1836); ibid., 31 , 131-4(1837).
(26) Del Rio, A. M., “Manual de geologia extractado de la lethaea geognostica de
Bronn con los animales y vegetales perdidos. . .,” Ignacio Cumplido, Mexico, 1841 .
(27) Del Rio, A. M., “Suplemento de adiciones y correciones de mi Mineralogia
impresaen Filadelfia en 1832,” Tipografia de R. Rafael, Mexico, 1849 .
(28) Moles, E., “Discurso leido en el acto de su recepcion. Del momento cientifico
espahol 1775-1825,” Acad, ciencias exactas, fisicas, y naturales de Madrid, C.
Bermejo, Madrid, 1934 , pp. 97-105.
(29) Wittich, E., “Zur Entdeckungsgeschichte des Elementes Vanadium,” Forschun-
gen und Fortschritte, 9 , 38-9 (Jan. 20, 1933).
The earliest scientific descriptions of platinum are those of Dr. Brownrigg
and Don Antonio de Ulloa in the middle of the eighteenth century. Rhodium ,
palladium , osmium , and iridium were discovered in 1803 and 1804 , the first
two by Dr. Wollaston and the others by his friend , Smithson Tennant . Thom -
son*s “ History of Chemistry" and Berzelius' correspondence and diary
present a pleasing picture of these two great English chemists . Ruthenium ,
Russian member of the platinum family , was discovered much later by
Karl Karlovich Klaus , whose life story was beautifully told by the late Pro-
fessor B. N. Menschutkin of the Polytechnic Institute of Leningrad.
A successful pursuit of science makes a man the bene-
factor of all mankind and of every age (1).
Although platinum occurs as grains and nuggets in the alluvial sands of
many rivers, there is only slight evi-
dence of its use by ancient peoples.
The pre-Columbian Indians, how-
ever, near the place now known as La
Tolita, Esmeraldas, Ecuador (39),
produced white alloys of gold and
platinum, from which they made
many little artifacts, some of which
are now preserved in the University
of Pennsylvania Museum in Phila-
delphia and the Danish National
Museum in Copenhagen . Since plati -
num cannot be melted with any
primitive source of heat, Paul Bergs0e
(40) believes that a little gold was
mixed with the grains of platinum
in order to seal them together as the
gold was melted, and that the sin-
tered mass was then subjected to
alternate heating and hammering.
In 1557 a famous Italian scholar
and poet, Julius Caesar Scaliger, or
della Scala, made what is probably
the first definite allusion to plati-
num. In his well-known work “On
Subtlety/* Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) had defined a metal as “a sub-
stance which can be melted and which hardens on cooling/* In his Exo-
Julius Caesar Scaliger
Italian physician, scholar, and
poet. In 1557 he made a brief
allusion to a refractory metal which
was probably platinum. His son
Joseph Justus Scaliger was a famous
lericarum exercitationum liber quintus
decimus de subtilitate ad Hieronymum
Cardanum, Scaliger pointed out that
such a definition would exclude mer-
cury and also another metal, found
between Mexico and Darien, “which
no fire nor any Spanish artifice has
yet been able to liquefy” (41), (54).
Charles Wood, a metallurgist and
assayer, found in Jamaica some plati-
num from Carthagena, [Colombia] ,
and in 1741 took some of it to his
relative, Dr. Brownrigg. After
preparing a thorough and accurate
description of the metal and its
properties, Dr. Brownrigg in 1750
presented these specimens to the
Royal Society of London. The ex-
hibit included the ore as found in
Sir William Watson, 1715-1787
British physician, naturalist, and
electrician who contributed many
original papers and summaries of the
work of others to the Philosophical
Transactions. In 1750 he communi-
cated Dr. William Brownrigg ’s paper
on platinum to the Royal Society.
This portrait was engraved by Thorn -
thwaite after a painting by Abbott
Don Antonio de Ulloa
x 1716-1795
Spanish mathematician, naval officer,
and traveler. The log of his voyage
to Peru published in 1748 contains a
description of platinum.
Nature, the purified metal, the fused
metal, and a sword with a pummel
made partly of platinum (2).
In 1735 the French and Spanish
governments sent a scientific ex-
pedition to Peru and to Ecuador
to measure a degree of meridian
at Quito, close to the equator. One
of the two naval officers appointed
by Philip V to take charge of the
expedition was the brilliant young
mathematician, Don Antonio de
Ulloa (1716-1796). The French
ship on which he returned in 1744
was compelled to surrender to the
British at the port of Louisburg,
Cape Breton, but the English naval
officers treated him with the utmost
courtesy and kindness, preserved
Discovery of the Elements
his scientific records, and guaranteed him a safe passage to England.
When he petitioned the Admiralty for the return of his papers, says Don
Antonio de Ulloa, they '‘unanimously, and with pleasure, granted the
contents of my memorial, nobly adding that they were not at war with
the arts and sciences, or their professors.” Upon his arrival in London, de
Ulloa was introduced to Martin Folkes, the president of the Royal Society,
and to many other distinguished men and was elected to membership
in that society (32).
In 1746 de Ulloa returned to Madrid, and, with Jorge Juan, prepared for
publication the memorable “Historical Account of the Voyage to South
America,” which was published in 1748 (55), (55), (55). In the preface to
his “Astronomical and Physical Observations,” Jorge Juan said that Ulloa
regarded platinum as a peculiar metal and anticipated that there must be
special mines of it just as there are of gold and silver (55).
De Ulloa described it as follows: “In the district of Chocb are many
mines of Lavadero, or wash gold . . . several of the mines have been aban-
doned on account of the platina ; a substance of such resistance that, when
struck on an anvil of steel, it is not easy to be separated; nor is it calcin-
able; so that the metal, inclosed within this obdurate body, could not be
extracted without infinite labour and Charge . . . (55), (57).”
De Ulloa and Jorge Juan sent a dozen copies of this log to members of
the Royal Society of London. On December 19, 1748, William Watson
(later Sir William) wrote as follows: “Only last Wednesday I was de-
lighted to receive the copies of your book which you intended for me and
your other friends, for which I sincerely thank you .... On Thursday Mr.
Folkes did not fail to present . . . the copy marked for the Royal Society
.... The Society voted its special thanks to you both for the gift of a book
so charged with curious, choice, and interesting information” (58).
Unfortunately, de Ulloa’s many activities did not leave him time for a
thorough investigation of the new metal. After studying the sciences and
useful arts of several European countries, he returned to Spain and reor-
ganized the Schools of Medicine and Surgery, established the textile in-
dustry, and developed the mercury mines of Almad&i. In 1758 he was
sent to Peru to superintend the mercury mines of Huancavelica.
When the Treaty of Fontainebleau gave Spain authority over Louisiana,
Charles III in 1765 ordered Don Antonio to take possession. When he ar-
rived at New Orleans in a heavy storm, the colonists gave him “a respect-
ful, but cold and somber, greeting” (59). In his “History of Louisiana,”
Albert Phelps explained: “He was cold, reserved, and proud, but the
source of his dignity — his reputation as a man of learning and science —
was all unknown to Louisiana, and therefore his assumption of authority,
unsupported by any appearance, was taken to be mere arrogance or preten-
Antonio de Ulloa 239
tion” (SO). Another historian stated that “his scientific spirit, as often
happens, led him to waste his time on trifling details’' (59).
When his fiancee arrived from Peru, they were married at the Balize by
the chaplain of the vessel which had brought her. This unceremonious
procedure, together with de Ulloa’s prolonged absence from New Orelans,
brought fresh criticism from the colonists, and he was soon dismissed (34).
N.-J. Thiery de Menonville, a contemporary French botanist and traveler,
said, “I have heard much fault found with Don Uloa [sic], but all the sub-
jects of complaint that were alledged against him were charges of familiarity
unworthy of his rank, and a shabby meanness in his domestic concerns.
He has never given room for anyone accusing him of injustice or cruelty . . .
his excessive patience made him to be despised and dismissed” (61).
After serving for a time as commander of the fleet, de Ulloa returned to
Spain. Joseph Townsend, a contemporary traveler, gave the following
description of his visit to de Ulloa at Cadiz: “For my part, ... I chiefly
associated with Spaniards. Among these the principal was Don Antonio
Ulloa, the well known companion of D. Georg Juan .... I found him per-
fectly the philosopher, sensible and well informed, lively in his conversa-
tion, free and easy in his manners .... This great man, diminutive in
stature, remarkably thin and bowed down with age, clad like a peasant,
and surrounded by his numerous family of children, with the youngest,
about two years old, playing on his knee, was sitting to receive morning
visitors ....
“The room was twenty feet long by fourteen wide, and less than eight
feet high. In this I saw dispersed confused, chairs, tables, trunks, boxes,
books, and papers, a bed, a press, umbrellas, clothes, carpenters’ tools,
mathematical instruments, a barometer, a clock, guns, pictures, looking-
glasses, fossils, minerals, and shells, his kettle, basons, broken jugs, Ameri-
can antiquities, money, and a curious mummy from the Canary Islands
.... When I went to take my leave of him, on quitting Cadiz, he pre-
sented me with his Natural History of South America, a work highly de-
serving to be translated” (62).
De Ulloa died on Le6n Island near Cadiz on July 5, 1795. According to
Sempere y Guarinos, he brought to Spain the first knowledge of electricity
and artificial magnetism, and used a solar reflecting microscope, such as he
had seen in England, to demonstrate the circulation of the blood in the ap-
pendages of fish and various insects. From his jburneys, Ulloa brought
back a knowledge of the cinnamon and rubber trees and of improvements
in the arts of printing and binding. He also established the first cabinet
of natural history and the first metallurgical laboratory in Madrid (58).
About two years after the log of de Ulloa’s voyage had been published,
Sir William Watson and Dr. William Brownrigg contributed to the Philo-
sophical Transactions a more detailed description of platinum. William
Discovery of the Elements
Brownrigg was born at High Close. Hall, Cumberland, on March 24, 1711.
He studied medicine in London and later in Leyden under Boerhaave,
Albinus, and W. J. s’Gravesande, and began to practise in Whitehaven ( 2 ),
( 63 ), ( 64 ).
A paper read by Watson before the Royal Society on December 13,
1750, contained an excerpt from a letter, dated Whitehaven, December 5th
; |* I take the freedom to indofe to you an account of *S*rWP*.
called Pialim di Piute ; which, fo far at I know, hath not P*" <■*««•»-
h Jataice of by any wriar on minerals. Mr Hill, who it one * TJJLt*
offhe inofi modem, makes no mention ol it. Frefoming therefore
tJjtf:fjubj*£ttm:w, I requrft the, favour of you to by this account before <■—
*" be% them read and publifhed, if they thmkit deferring w/WRoyd
'jfamfafif.l foould fooner have publifoed thir account, but waa~gg dt ^*> * 6,
•ift hopes of finding leifure to make further experiment* oothfahod* » » TuJV
*plpfojr««» an^ other “ - **- K ‘ — '
offindit . .
cements ) alto noth Mercury, and ^
mtnfirm. But thefe experiment* I. ftuil now defer, until I mST^'v
leam hOw the above is 'received.: The experiment* which t hxve related «7f°- *»f^ -
of them made by a friend, whole exaftaeta in ew fo n p in g ?*•***
chess, and, vt*acity in rctoungthem, 1 can rely on s however, fef.groo-^TTj
tut foyfidf ref*** them. . :v /.w*,!"
.«** * o. f. k. s. t. wm. t x. s. omi w ai sto* »» Pse- 5 . •
that, among the va
> by the Modems i yet it ma&be&gf
: variety of bodies which tft A '
cfoicnce, there ftili remain* room for new inquiries. 't*:WWtii4
L that, among the great, and almoft inrxhaufhbte variqtie* w«ftiL
,«d other concretes, new appearance*, ■ and mixture* ho-
Ifoiaidd daily be difcovered : but. .that, .amoog i bp#im.^>.v'' : :
among the: metalline t*jb*, .....
fpectrs fixfok) mil remain almoft wholly unknown to ■$}
note ftrange,and‘exBf»Otdfoaty-:.: ; '>
mt* pottoemi* of to 3 ** J
' ‘ Of tbelateProfeffor
HK ■ ,
Facsimile Page from Volume X of the Philosophical Transactions Abridgment
Showing William Watson’s Description of Platinum and a Letter from Dr,
Brownrigg on the Same Subject.
of the same year, in which Dr. Brownrigg had mentioned some experi-
ments which a friend of his had made on “the semi-metal called Platina di
Pinto” (sic!), a substance which he had not found mentioned by any writer
on minerals ( 65 ). Dr. Brownrigg regarded it as strange that such a simple
substance “among the metalline tribe" should have remained unknown to
naturalists. He pointed out that the principle, long accepted by assayers,
that gold and silver may be purified from all other substances by cupella-
tion, did not apply to the new “semi-metal/’ for it, like gold, “resists the
power of fire and the destructive force of lead/’ He added that this
“platina” had been presented to him about nine years before by “a skilful
and inquisitive metallurgist [Mr. Charles Wood] who met with it in Ja-
maica, whither it had been brought from Carthagena” (Colombia). Dr.
Brownrigg believed it probable that “there is great plenty of this semi-
metal in the Spanish West
. Indies, since trinkets made
of it are there very common/ 7
He mentioned its high melt-
ing point and its refractori-
ness toward borax and other
saline fluxes. “But the
Spaniards/’ said he, “have a
way of melting it down, either
alone or by means of some
flux; and cast it into sword-
hilts, buckles, snuff-boxes,
and other utensils.”
In about 1730, “Don Jorge
de Villalonga, first viceroy of
Santa F£, was given a guard
for his rapier and some
buckles of platina, but was
assured that it had not been
sufficiently joined or made to
coalesce and that it was a
brittle metal, but much
heavier than the gold with
which it was associated in the
mines of the province of
Citaro in the district of
Chocd” (66).
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Sir William Watspn said Title Page of the German Edition of
, t. , , ... , Macquer’s Chemical Dictionary
that he had seen this sub-
. .. . . Pierre-Joseph Macquer, 1718-1784, was one of
stance mentioned by no other the g rst chemists to investigate platinum.
author except de Ulloa. On
February 13, 1750, Dr. Brownrigg wrote again to Watson, explaining that
the experiments he had mentioned in his previous letter had been made by
Mr. Charles Wood, who “was not ambitious of appearing in print,” but
had permitted Dr. Brownrigg to report his results to the Royal Society.
Dr. Brownrigg was always extremely modest about his discoveries, and
preferred to live in comparative obscurity in Cumberland rather than to ac-
Discovery of the Elements
cept the wider opportunities of London. He died at Ormathwaite on
January 6, 1800. A writer in Gentleman's Magazine said of him, “The poor
and the rich had everywhere some-
what for which they thanked him, and
health seemed only one of the bles-
sings which he had to dispense” (64).
Sir William Watson was a distin-
guished physician, naturalist, and
physicist. He was born in London on
April 3, 1715, studied at the Merchant
Taylors’ School, and became appren-
ticed to an apothecary. He contrib-
uted to the Philosophical Transactions
a large number of original papers
and many reviews of the work of other
Antoine Baum£ ,
French pharmacist and chemist. Au-
thor of a “Chymie experimentale et rai-
sonn£e” in which he discussed chemical
apparatus, chemical affinity, fire, air,
earth, water, sulfur, gypsum, alum,
clay, niter, gunpowder, borax, arsenic,
glass, porcelain, and the common acids,
alkalies, metals, and ores used in 1773.
His hydrometer scale is still used. He
was one of the first chemists to investi-
gate platinum.
scientists. His long series of brilliant
experimental researches on electricity
brought him great renown. For
many years he served as physician to
the Foundling Hospital in London.
He was knighted in 1786 and died on
May 10th of the following year.
The most distinguished chemists
in Europe soon became intensely in-
terested in platinum. Among those
who published papers on it may be
mentioned: H. T. Scheffer (42 ) ,
Bergman and Berzelius in Sweden;
Lewis in England; Marggraf in Ger-
Bbrtrand Pelletier
French chemist and pharmacist
who investigated the arsenates, phos-
phates, and phosphides of many met-
als, studied the action of phosphorus
on platinum, and devised new meth-
ods for making soap and refining
metal for clocks. He served as in-
spector of the hospitals in Belgium.
His son, Joseph Pelletier (1788-1842},
and Joseph Caventou discovered qui-
nine, cinchonine, strychnine, and bru-
H. T. Scheffer 243
many; and Macquer, Baum£, Buffon, Guyton, Delisle, Lavoisier, and B.
Pelletier (43), in France.
In 1752 H. T. Scheffer published a detailed scientific description of
platinum, or “white gold/’ as he called it, and, with the aid of arsenic, suc-
ceeded in fusing it (42). Henric Theophil Scheffer was born in Stockholm
on December 28, 1710, where his father was secretary to the Royal Board
of Mines. After serving an apprenticeship under Georg Brandt, he es-
tablished his own laboratory and made trips to the mines to learn firsthand
the close connection between smelting and assaying.
In his eulogy, A. F. Cronstedt told the members of the Swedish Academy
of Sciences how Scheffer became interested in platinum: “In his time,”
said Cronstedt, “a new metal happened to be discovered, which had evi-
dently not been found in two thousand years, and it was most fitting that
the first investigation of such a rare substance should fall to this man who
was worthy of it.
“Your literary member, Herr Rudenskold [Ulrik Rudenschold, 1704-
1765], brought this honor to him and to us; for no sooner had Mr. Watson
in London let Herr Bose [Georg Matthias Bose, 1710-1761] in Wittenberg
know that something resembling a metal of unknown properties had been
brought over from America, under the name of Platina di Pinto , until Herr
Rudenskold arranged to get some of it through his acquaintances in Spain.
“The little bit that came,” said Cronstedt, “he handed over to Scheffer,
who, driven by his customary zeal, soon solved the mystery of its nature,
and showed in a paper that it was a peculiar metal, different from all
others, almost infusible when alone, just as noble as gold, and less pliable.
He anticipated Mr. Lewis, who made experiments on a greater quantity of
it and later published the results of them in the Transactions of the British
Scientific Society [Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (67)];
but during the investigation neither was aware of the other’s manipulations
and conclusions, wherefore each of them established a special property in
addition to what they in all other respects found to be identical.
“Our Scheffer,” said Cronstedt, “who rejoiced over this incontrovertible
evidence, found, however, an error in denoting the specific gravity of the
many alloys which Mr. Lewis prepared from platinum and other metals;
wherefore he corrected them in the Handlingar of this Society in a manner
which bears witness that the love of truth did not turn the head of the
person who found it” (68). *
Scheffer died on August 10, 1759. As Cronstedt said, “he sought dili-
gently to follow the path that leads to the right goal after death; for he
could not harbor the false doctrine that gold, which hinders and leads as-
tray, or panaceas alleged to prolong life can serve as remuneration for
piety” (68).
In 1772 Baron Carl von Sickingen made extended researches on plat-
Discovery of the Elements
inum and rendered it malleable by alloying it with silver and gold, dissolv-
ing the alloy in aqua regia, precipitating the platinum with ammonium
chloride, igniting the ammonium chloroplatinate, and hammering the re-
sulting finely divided platinum to make it cohere (69). His researches on
this subject were not published until 1782 (70). Two years later F. C.
Achard prepared the first platinum crucible by fusing platinum with arsenic
and volatilizing off the arsenic (69).
The Marques de los Castillejos presented the Basque Society of Friends
of their Country with a large quantity of platinum. The Extractos of this
Society published William Lewis’s dissertation on this metal with the
editorial note: “The Commission has made several tests according to this
information and has succeeded in applying the use of this metal to the
adornment of the handles of several razors and knives, giving it by ad-
mixture various tints of golden or yellow color” (66). After a thorough
investigation of this metal at the Vergara Seminary, Pierre-Fran^ois Cha-
baneau (or Chavaneau) succeeded in making pure platinum malleable (66).
Professor James Lewis Howe, author of an excellent bibliography of the
metals of the platinum group, and Louis Quennessen, head of the firm of
Des Moutis and Company, platinum refiners, have reviewed Chabaneau’s
contributions (71), (72), (73). Chabaneau was born at Nontron, Dordogne,
in 1754. An uncle, a monk of the order of St. Anthony, encouraged him to
study theology. Although Chabaneau was brilliantly successful in his
studies, metaphysical speculations were so distasteful to him that he an-
tagonized his teachers and was expelled from the school.
His penniless condition aroused the sympathy of the Abb6 La Rose, di-
rector of a Jesuit college at Passy, who offered him the chair of mathe-
matics. Although he scarcely knew arithmetic, Chabaneau, then only
seventeen years old, was compelled by dire need to accept this unsuitable
position. Studying by firelight every night in preparation for the next
day’s teaching, he mastered arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, and soon
became deeply interested in physics, natural history, and chemistry.
At the age of twenty years he began to give a course of public lectures.
Among his auditors were the sons of the Count of Peftaflorida, who had
sent them to France to study and to select professors for the recently
founded Vergara Seminary. They finally induced Chabaneau to go to
Vergara to teach French and physics.
Don Jos6 Celestino Mutis mentioned in 1774 two portrait medallions of
the King made by#Don Francisco Benito, engraver at the Royal Mint in
Santa F& [Colombia]. One of these was made of an alloy containing equal
parts of copper and platinum, the other of pure platinum (74). Two letters
of Don Fausto de Elhuyar, long preserved with the Mutis manuscripts at
the Botanical Garden in Madrid, show that he collaborated with Chaba-
neau in the researches on platinum. Writing from Vergara to his brother
P.-F. Chabaneau
Don Juan Jos 6 in Bogota on March 17, 1786, Don Fausto described their
process in detail, and estimated the value of platinum as less than that of
silver. From the other letter, written from Paris to Don Juan Jos6 on
May 19th of the same year, it is evident that Chabaneau and the two El-
huyar brothers kept this process secret (75), (76).
Soon after this, King Charles III created for Chabaneau a public chair of
mineralogy, physics, and chemistry at Madrid, lodged him in one of the
royal palaces, and provided him
with a valuable library and a
luxurious laboratory (72), (73).
The Marques de Aranda had
the government turn over its
entire supply of platinum to
Chabaneau for his difficult and
puzzling researches. When
Chabaneau removed the gold,
mercury, lead, copper, iron, etc.,
he thought he had a single
metal, platinum. As a matter
of fact, however, he was still
dealing with six metals, for rho-
dium, palladium, osmium, irid-
ium, and ruthenium had not yet
been discovered. Small wonder
that he oftentimes became dis-
couraged by contradictory re-
sults. Sometimes the platinum
was malleable and at other times
it was brittle (alloyed with ir-
idium); sometimes it was in-
combustible and nonvolatile and
at other times (when an osmium
alloy happened to be present) it
burned and volatilized.
When Chabaneau began to
work on other subjects, the pa-
tient Marques de Aranda encouraged him to turn hgain to the great re-
search on “white gold.” Even when Chabaneau finally lost his temper
and destroyed his apparatus and preparations, the Marques still urged him
not to lose confidence. Three months later, the Marques found on a table
in his home a ten-centimeter cube of metal. Attempting to pick it up, he
said to Chabaneau, “You are joking. You have fastened it down/’ The
little ingot weighed 23 'kilograms; it was malleable platinum! Although
Jos6 Celbstino Mutis
Spanish botanist, physician, and ecclesiastic
who devoted his life to studying the natural
history of northern South America.' He in-
vestigated the cinchona (or chinchona) forests
of Colombia (New Granada) and collaborated
with Don Juan Jos6 de Elhuyar in developing
its mines. He stated that the gold in the ores
of Choc6 cannot be spearated from the plati-
num except by amalgamation (87).
Discovery of the Elements
the Marques de Aranda had previously handled platinum only in the
spongy form, Chabaneau had compressed a very pure platinum sponge,
while hot, at the moment of its formation, and hammered it, while white
hot, until it cohered.
The King, who had often come to the laboratory to watch the progress
of the experiments, had a commemorative medal struck in platinum, and
granted Chabaneau a life pension on condition that he remain in Spain.
The letters-patent bearing the date 1783 establish Chabaneau’s priority
in this discovery (72).
Realizing that the very infusibility of platinum would lend value to ob-
jects made from it, Chabaneau and Don Joaquin Cabezas purified it,
worked it, and carried on a lucrative business in the sale of platinum ingots
and utensils. Thus began what Don Juan Fages y Virgili has called "the
platinum age in Spain" (66). In 1799 Clavijo Fajardo, director of the
Royal Laboratory of Natural History, asked the Minister for forty pounds
of purified platinum and three arrobas (1 arroba = 25 pounds) of the
native platinum grains for the use of Don Luis (Joseph-Louis) Proust for
making crucibles and other utensils, and the government granted even
more of it than was requested (66). Thus in a single laboratory in Madrid,
"forty-six kilograms of platinum in grains and eighteen and one-half of the
same purified were brought in in one day, that is to say, more platinum
than we possess today [1909] in all the official laboratories in Spain" (66).
Some of the platinum extracted from the gray sand which Don Antonio
de Ulloa had brought from America was made into a magnificent com-
munion cup for the chapel of the Royal Palace in Madrid (77).
Late in life Chabaneau renounced his pension in order to seek rest and
restoration of his health near his native village. He died in 1842 at the
age of eighty-eight years. Jules Delanoue, a contemporary, described him
as "a fine-looking old man, with pleasing and regular features, bearing
much resemblance to those of our good and lamented B Granger. His con-
versation was charming and always instructive. Friend and contemporary
of Volney, of Cabanis, of Lavoisier, he was nourished upon their ideas and
imbued with their spirit, and they were pleasingly reflected in his conver-
sation" (72), (73).
When Chabaneau took some of his ingots to Paris, M. Jeanety made
from them some beautiful pieces of jewelry and became so interested that
he gave up his craftm^nship in gold and silver to devote all his time to the
working of platinum (78). Guyton-Morveau, Sir Joseph Banks, and some
of the scientists in Sweden and the Netherlands ordered from him their
platinum crucibles and ingots. Jeanety also made platinum snuff-boxes,
watch-chains, spoons, toothpick boxes, blowpipes, and a set of buttons (78),
(79). The prices were lower than for the corresponding articles in gold.
In reporting Jeanety’s process to the French Bureau of Consultation in -
Fusion of Platinum
1792, C.-L. Berthollet and Bertrand Pelletier stated that the gold from
the No vita and Citaria mines north of Choc6 was separated from the plat-
inum by sorting or by amalgamation. Since platinum could be used to al-
loy and adulterate gold, and since such alloys resisted parting, the Spanish
government ordered that the platinum be thrown into the rivers. “The
Choc6 gold,” said Berthollet and Pelletier, “is then sent to be coined in the
two mints at Santa F6, to those in Bogotd and Popaydn, where any plat-
inum which may have remained with the gold is again sorted out. Royal
officers guard it, and when there is a certain quantity of it, they come with
witnesses to throw it into the Bogota River two leagues from Santa F 6 and
into the Cauca River one league from Pop ay an. The platinum always
occurs in little grains ; some of them, however, are quite large ; there is even
one in the cabinet of the Vergara Academy of the size of a pigeon’s egg”
When J.-B. Boussingault had charge of the metallic mines of Colombia,
the Congress of that country voted that a platinum equestrian statue of
Bolivar be erected in Bogotd. Charged with the duty of executing this
order, Boussingault drew up a report showing that the production of all
the mines in the country would be insufficient for this purpose and that it
would be impossible to cast a statue from this refractory metal. On the
advice of a superior official, he withheld the report, however, and, to shield
the lawmakers from embarrassment, merely agreed to carry out the com-
mission to the best of his ability. When the Congress had had time to
forget about the statue of Bolivar, the two kilograms of platinum which
had been carefully saved were made into apparatus for the laboratory of
chemical engineering (80).
In 1801 Robert Hare, then only twenty years old, described before the
Chemical Society of Philadelphia his oxyhydrogen blowpipe, with which he
could fuse platinum. Two years later he reported to the American Philosoph-
ical Society that he had succeeded in volatilizing this metal (81). Hare’s
student, Joachim Bishop, later founded the American platinum refining
industry (82). It was not until after the experiments of Wollaston, how-
ever, that the working of platinum became easy (3). William Hyde
Wollaston, the son of an Episcopal clergyman, was born at East Dereham,
Norfolkshire, England on August 6, 1766. His childhood was not a lonely
one, for he had fourteen active brothers and sisters. After studying at
Cambridge, he received his medical degree at the "age of twenty-seven
years. Although he practiced his profession for a time at Bury St.
Edmunds,* he retired in 1800 and went to live in London, in order that
he might devote all his time to physical science (4).
For half a century after its discovery platinum had few uses because of
the difficulty of working it. Dr. Wollaston found, however, that spongy
* John Winthrop the Younger once attended grammar school at this place.
Professor of chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania, At the age of twenty years he in-
vented the oxy-hydrogcn, or compound, blowpipe, with which he fused and volatilized platinum
and other refractory substances. He was most ingenious in devising chemical apparatus.
W. H. Wollaston
platinum becomes malleable when strongly compressed and that it can be
annealed and hammered. This process made possible the widespread
use of the metal for laboratory apparatus, and the income from it enabled
Wollaston to retire from his medical practice at the early age of thirty-four
years and devote the rest of his life to scientific research. He specified the
exact composition of the aqua regia which would dissolve the platinum
without dissolving the iridium, and the proper method of expelling the
ammonium chloride without making the fine particles of platinum cohere.
The pulverizing was done with the hands and with a wooden mortar and
pestle, for harder surfaces burnished the platinum so that it could not be
welded. The powder was then thoroughly washed with water, and, while
still wet, strongly compressed in a mould, heated in a wind furnace, and
struck, while hot, with a heavy hammer.
On April 22, 1813, Berzelius wrote from vStockholm to Dr. Marcet of
When you see Dr. Wollaston give him a thousand compliments
from me and then ask him if it would not be possible to have a little
malleable platinum, not separated from its natural alloy with pallad-
ium, rhodium, etc., to make a crucible. The crucibles I have bought
recently from Cary are of a metal noticeably purer than those which
I formerly had, and for that very reason infinitely more susceptible
to attack by other substances (5).
About two weeks later Dr. Marcet replied:
Wollaston laughs at the idea that you want him to get you some
impure platinum. He asks me to suggest that you alloy pure platinum
with a little silver, as the surest means of increasing its durability ( 6 ).
On February 24, 1829, Berzelius wrote to Eilhard Mitscherlich, “Wollas-
ton's death grieves me. His specifications for making platina pliable were
circulated at the same time as the news of his death. As I got iridium to
cohere in an analogous manner, I was struck all the more by his simple
method, went out into the laboratory, where I had a wet filter with platina
on it, partly washed, which I pressed in a vice, dried, and ignited over a
spirit lamp in a small platina crucible, and got it so coherent that it could
no longer be broken with the fingers and could easily be cold-hammered.
That’s as far as I have yet gone. That was ten minutes’ work, then I had
to let it wait for a better time’* (S3).
That Berzelius made good use of Wollaston’s process is evident from
his letter to Wdhler written on May 1, 1829:
We are now re-casting all our old soldered platinum crucibles by
Wollaston’s method of making platinum pliable; it goes like a dance.
I think Wollaston must have laughed inside over the many elaborate
methods which have been used in vain for this purpose, when his is
so simple. It seems that by heating the bottom of the crucible glow-
250 Discovery of the Elements
ing hot in Sefstrom’s forge, the formation of bubbles can be entirely
prevented (7).
In preparing solid platinum from its powder, Wollaston foreshadowed
modern methods of powder metallurgy, by which the powders of refractory
Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Collection,
University of Pennsylvania
A Page from Sbfstr6m’s Laboratory Notes*
Translation; Cincliona reactions. 5 lbs. cortex Peruvian, first quality, with the
sea captain Ripa from Amsterdam, belongs to Mazer and Co. Board of Health, minutes
for Sept. 16, 1816. Bark very fine dark gray. Infusion clear, quite weak quinine taste,
gave with iron solution a dark green precipitate. Antimony tartrate, very weak opales-
cence. Infusion of nutgalls, very heavy white precipitate like that of gelatin and nut-
galls. Gelatin solution, faint opalescence. It is no good. Stockholm, Sept. 22, 1816.
N. G. Sefstrdm, M.D., Adjunct in Chemistry.
* The writer is deeply grateful to Miss Mary Larson of the Zodlogy Department at
The University of Kansas and to Mr. Einar Bourman for the translation of this letter
from the Swedish and for assistance in securing Swedish illustrations.
Platinum and Palladium 251
metals, such as tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, and columbium, can be
fabricated into useful articles (84), (86).
The technical working of massive platinum should be ascribed, however,
to Thomas Cock, a brother-in-law of the platinum-refiner, P. N. Johnson,
rather than to Wollaston. Cock worked out the process in William Allen’s
laboratory at Plough Court and, at Allen’s request, communicated it to
Wollaston (61). According to G. Matthey, P. N. Johnson was the first
to manufacture platinum on a commercial scale and the first to prepare a
large and perfect sheet of the pure
metal. James Lewis Howe has stated
that Chabaneau’s process was redis-
covered by Knight and possibly also
by Cock (72).
In his lectures in 1817, W. T. Brande
stated that platinum “may be con-
sidered as the exclusive product of
South America" (46). In 1819, how-
ever, a white metal was observed in
the gold placers op the eastern, or
Siberian, slopes of the Urals, south of
Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) (69). In
1822 I. I. Varvinskij, director of the
Gold-smelting Laboratory of Ekaterin-
burg, showed that it contained plati-
num, and V. V. Liubarskij, an assayer
of St. Petersburg, later proved it to be
osmiridium. In 1824 platinum was dis-
covered north of Ekaterinburg in the
Urals (36). The late B. N. Menschut- From Berzelius' ,( Lehrbuch der CherniS'
kin published in the Journal of Chemi- N. G. Sefstrom’s Portable Eight-
cal Education an excellent historical Fig 20 v£K£*k». ' Fig. 21 .
sketch of the Russian platinum (36). Transverse section.
I„ 1828 the' Rnssian government , r
authorized the coinage of large amounts of dust-free wood charcoal as fuel,
of Siberian platinum acquired from SefstrSm melted platinura in this forge.
Count Demidoff (85).
As early as 1700, or more than a century before palladium was dis-
covered, Brazilian miners became familiar with a natural alloy which they
called prata (silver), ouro pddre (worthless, or spoiled gold), or ouro branco
(white gold) (44). In about 1780 a silver-white gold bar at the Sabari
smelting-house broke into several pieces under the impact of the die.
Discovery of the Elements
This gold had come from St. Anna dos Ferros, near Itabira do Dentro,
Minas (44). In 1798 Josi Vieira do Couto mentioned several localities in
Brazil where a silver-white “platinum” was to be found. This was prob-
ably the alloy palladium-gold.
In 1803 Dr. Wollaston succeeded in separating two new metals from
platinum. He dissolved the crude metal in aqua regia, evaporated off
the excess acid and added a solution of mercurous cyanide, drop by
drop, until a yellow precipitate appeared. When this substance was washed
and ignited, a white metal remained. By heating the yellow precipitate
with sulfur and borax he also succeeded in obtaining a button of the new
metal, which he named palladium in honor of the recently discovered
asteroid, Pallas (6).
From Berzelius f ** Lehrbuch der Chemie ”
Bellows Used with SefstrOm’s Forge
The first knowledge that the London public received of this discovery
was an anonymous handbill offering the metal for sale. The humorous
and pathetic story of the young Irish chemist, Richard Chenevix (8), who
believed the new metal to be fraudulent and who tried to prove that it was
a platinu m amalgam, has been told by White and Friedman in the
Journal of Chemical Education (21).
In 1809-10 Joseph Cloud, chemical director of the Philadelphia Mint,
discovered an alloy of gold and palladium in two ingots of gold from Brazil
(48), (49). Although this alloy contained no easily oxidizable metal, silver,
nor platinum, he obtained from it a button of palladium. Since palladium
had previously been obtained only from impure platinum, some chemists
may still have believed with Richard Chenevix that it must be an alloy of ■
Palladium and Rhodium
platinum. Cloud's isolation from the platinum-free ingots of a metal
which proved to be identical with Dr. Wollaston's palladium afforded
strong evidence that the latter must be an individual metal and not an al-
loy of platinum (50).
When the gold bars from Gongo-Soco, Brazil, first began to come to
England, the Mint refused to accept them because of their brittleness.
The famous platinum refiner Percival Norton Johnson assayed them, how-
ever, detected the palladium, and perfected a process for refining and
toughening the Brazilian gold (51), (52). In 1837 he presented specimens
of palladium-gold, palladium ammonium chloride, and palladium metal
to W. A. Lampadius of the Freiberg School of Mines. According to Lampa-
dius, “Palladium has not been separated from the Brazilian gold until the
last four years, but since that time Mr. Johnson, who had worked on palla-
dium a great deal with the late Wollaston, has given the owners of the
aforementioned gold mine a method of parting by means of which the gold
is produced pure, and the separated palladium put to many other uses ....
The palladium thus produced, alloyed with 20 per cent silver, is now used
in London as metal for dentists, also for making scales for sextants and
other astronomical instruments. Alloyed with copper, it gives a composi-
tion which makes steel more elastic. Even earlier, a watchmaker, Bennet,
specified an alloy of 24 palladium, 44 silver, 72 gold, and 92 copper for
bearings for chronometers” (52).
Johnson separated the pallad um from an enormous quantity of the
Gongo-Soco gold, and in 1845 supplied the Royal Geological Society of
London with a sufficient quantity of this metal for the casting of the Wollas-
ton Medal (44). Johnson was always considerate of the miners, and sin-
cerely devoted to their welfare. He spent much of his time and fortune
on the schools which he erected near the mines (51).
Dr. Wollaston dissolved another portion of crude platinum in aqua regia,
and neutralized the excess acid with caustic soda. He then added sal am-
moniac to precipitate the platinum as ammonium chloroplatinate, and
mercurous cyanide to precipitate the palladium as palladious cyanide.
After filtering off the precipitate, he decomposed the excess mercurous
cyanide in the filtrate by adding hydrochloric acid and evaporating to dry-
ness. When he washed the residue with alcohol, eveVything dissolved ex-
cept a beautiful dark red powder, which proved to be a double chloride of
sodium and a new metal (3), which, because of the rose color of its salts,
Dr. Wollaston named rhodium (9). He found that the sodium rhodium
chloride could be easily reduced by heating it in a current of hydrogen,
and that after the sodium chloride had been washed out, the rhodium
remained as a metallic powder. He also obtained a rhodium button.
Discovery of the Elements
Thomas Thomson relates that Dr. Wollaston had amazingly keen vision
and remarkably steady hands. He could write on glass with a diamond
in clear, well-formed letters which were so small that other persons could
read them only with a microscope (4) .
That Berzelius was well acquainted with Dr. Wollaston and held him in
high esteem may be seen from his letter to Berthollet written in London in
October, 1812:
William Hyde Wollaston
English chemist and physicist. Dis-
coverer of palladium and rhodium. In-
ventor of a process for making platinum
malleable. Famous for his researches
on force of percussion, gout, diabetes,
columbium, tantalum, and titanium,
and his scale of chemical equivalents.
My stay here [said Berzelius] has
been most interesting and instruc-
tive in furnishing me a quantity of
chemical resources of which I for-
merly had no idea. But what I
value most of all is the personal ac-
quaintance of the admirable Wol-
laston and the brilliant Davy. I am
sure that among the chemists who
are at present in the prime of life
there is none that can be compared
with Wollaston in mental depth and
accuracy as well as in resourceful-
ness, and all this is combined in
him with gentle manners and true
modesty. I have profited more by
an hour’s conversation with him
than frequently by the reading of
large printed volumes. . . . Sim-
plicity, clarity, and the greatest ap-
pearance of truth are always the ac-
companiments of his reasoning (5).
In the diary which he kept on this
visit to England, Berzelius wrote,
Dr. Wollaston, Secretary of the
Royal Society, known through his
numerous discoveries in chemistry and physics, is a man between
forty and fifty years old, of very pleasant appearance, very polished
manners, plainness and clearness in his conversation, interest in his
slightest gesture, and with such a spirit of justice and gifted with such
moderation in his views that it has become a common proverb that
whoever argues with Wollaston is wrong (30).
The letters of Dr. Marcet to Berzelius give us a pleasing picture of Dr.
Wollaston's friendly nature. On May 24, 1814, Dr. Marcet wrote:
Would you believe it, my dear friend, that while your kind and
interesting letter of April 12th was on its way to London, I was oc-
cupied with friend Wollaston in enjoying all the dissipations of Paris.
One fine morning, near the end of April, Wollaston came into my house
W. H. Wollaston
and said to me: “I have curious news for you.” “What!” I replied,
“Has Bonaparte returned to Paris?” “No,” he said, “it is even more
curious than that. ... I am going to Paris tomorrow, and you are one
of the party.” I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was dreaming; but he
finally proved to me that it was not a dream; and as everything
Wollaston says is
gospel (Sir John
Sebright has nick-
named him “The
Pope”), I immedi-
ately told my wife
that fate was cal-
ling me to Paris for
a fortnight, gave a
good dose to each
of my patients, and
left (10).
Sir Edward Thorpe
gives quite a different
picture of Wollaston,
however, when he says,
He resembled
Cavendish in tem-
perament and men-
tal habitudes, and,
like him, was dis-
tinguished for the
range and exacti-
tude of his scien-
tific knowledge, his
habitual caution,
and his cold and re-
served disposition
On another occasion
Dr. Marcet wrote, “The
excellent Wollaston has
just lost his father, who
leaves a large fortune,
which I dare to reply,
will not spoil our
friend 1 ' (12). On Janu-
ary 23, 1816, he suggested in reply to a question asked by Berzelius,
If you wish to send Wollaston a present in the name of the prince,
the only idea that comes to me is a fine hunting gun of your splendid
Swedish steel. The dear Doctor, pope that he is, has taken seriously to
From Figuier’s “Vies des Savants Mushes'*
Georgbs-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, 1707-1788
French naturalist famous for his beautiful literary
style. Founder of the Jardin des Plantes. Author of a
“Natural History” in forty-four volumes, in which he dis-
cussed insects, birds, quadrupeds, minerals, the theory
of the earth, and the epochs dt Nature. One of the
first to investigate platinum.
Discovery of the Elements
hunting, and already acquits himself with much success. The fact
is he does not know how to do anything poorly (10).
Dr. Wollaston was a man of very broad interests, as a list of his publica-
tions will show. His papers were on such diverse subjects as: force of
percussion, fairy rings, gout, diabetes, seasickness, metallic titanium, the
identity of columbium and tantalum, a reflection goniometer, micrometers,
barometers, a scale of chemical equivalents, and the finite extent of the
atmosphere. He died in London on December 22, 1828 (13).
Osmium and Iridium
Smithson Tennant, the discoverer of osmium and iridium, like Dr.
Wollaston, was the son of a clergyman. He was born in Wensleydale,
near Richmond, Yorkshire, on November 30, 1761. At the age of nine
years he had the misfortune to lose his father, and not many years later he
witnessed the tragic death of his mother, who, while riding with him, was
thrown from her horse and instantly killed. Tennant’s elementary educa-
tion was fragmentary, but even when very young he was fond of reading
chemical books and performing experiments. When he was only nine
years old he made some gunpowder ^for fireworks (14).
In 1781 he went to Edinburgh to study under the famous chemist and
physician Dr. Black, and in the following year he entered Christ’s College,
Cambridge, where he studied chemistry, botany, mathematics, and New-
ton’s “Principia.” His room at college was a scene of confusion: books,
papers, and chemical apparatus littered the floor, and his indolent and un-
systematic habits were indeed a serious handicap throughout his scientific
career (15).
When he was twenty-three years old, he traveled through Denmark and
Sweden, where he met the famous Scheele, and for the rest of his life he
delighted in showing his English friends the minerals that the great Swedish
chemist had given him on this occasion. Tennant also traveled through
France and the Netherlands and met the most eminent chemists of those
countries. Berzelius said that Tennant always carried in his pocket a map
of Sweden which had become worn and soiled through years of use and that
he spoke French '‘gladly and well” (30 ) . He received his degree of Doctor
of Medicine from Cambridge in 1796, but never practiced.
In the same year he proved by an ingenious experiment that the diamond
consists solely of carbon. This he did by burning a weighed diamond by
heating it with saltpeter in a gold tube. The carbon dioxide united with
the potash in the saltpeter, and was later evolved. Most chemists would
have felt deep concern over the outcome of such a costly and important
experiment, but Tennant went horseback riding at his usual hour, leaving
the results to the mercy of his assistant. However, since the assistant was
Smithson Tennant 257
no other than the gifted William Hyde Wollaston, the outcome was success-
ful (14), (16).
In 1803 Tennant found that when crude platinum is dissolved in dilute
aqua regia, there remains a black powder with a metallic luster. This
had been observed before and was thought to be graphite, but Tennant
investigated it carefully in an attempt to alloy lead with it, and concluded
that it contained a new metal (17). In the autumn of the same year Collet-
Descotils, a friend and pupil of Vauquelin, found that this powder contains
a metal which gives a red color to the precipitate from an ammoniacal
platinum solution (18). When Vauquelin treated the powder with alkali
he obtained a volatile oxide which he believed to be that of the same metal
with which Descotils was dealing (19).
In the meantime Tennant continued his researches, and the results
which he communicated to the Royal Academy in the spring of 1804
showed that the powder contains two new metals, which may be separated
by the alternate action of acid and alkali. One of these he named iridium
because its salts are of varied colors, and the other one he called osmium
because of its odor (. 20 ).
These discoveries may best be described in his own words :
Upon making some experiments, last summer, on the black powder
which remains after the solution of platina, I observed that it did not,
as was generally believed, consist chiefly of plumbago, but contained
some unknown metallic ingredients. Intending to repeat my experi-
ments with more attention during the winter, I mentioned the result
of them to Sir Joseph Banks, together with my intention of com-
municating to the Royal Society my examination of this substance,
as soon as it should appear in any degree satisfactory.
Two memoirs were afterward published in France [continued
Tennant] one of them by M. Descotils and the other by Messrs. Vau-
quelin and Fourcroy. M. Descotils chiefly directs his attention to
the effects produced by this substance on the solutions of platina.
He remarks that a small portion of it is always taken up by nitro-
muriatic acid during its action on platina; and, principally from the
observations he is thence enabled to make, he infers that it contains a
new metal, which, among other properties, has that of giving a deep
red colour to the precipitates of platina. M. Vauquelin attempted a
more direct analysis of the substance, and obtained from it the same
metal as that discovered by M. Descotils. But neither of these chem-
ists have observed that it contains also another metal, different from
any hitherto known. . . .
Tennant gave the name iridium to the metal which Descotils and
Vauquelin had observed, and the name osmium to the new one (20).
In speaking of iridium, osmium, palladium, and rhodium, W. T. Brande
stated in his lectures in 1817, “Of these, the two former were discovered by
the late Mr. Tennant and the two latter by Dr. Wollaston; and had we
Discovery of the Elements
searched throughout chemistry for an illustrative instance of the delicacy
of the modern art of analysis, it would be difficult to have found any one
more notorious than the history of the discovery and separation of these
bodies exhibits” (46). During the entire course of the researches which
led to the discovery of these four metals, Dr. Wollaston and Tennant had
friendly intercourse with each other, and each kept in close touch with the
other’s work. As a brief relaxation from their scientific labors, they visited
the Giants’ Causeway together.
Smithson Tennant had a most kind and forgiving nature. When a
dishonest steward on his estate, who had become so heavily in debt that
Tennant was obliged to examine the accounts, committed suicide, Tennant
not only excused the unfortunate family from the payment of the debt, but
assisted them financially in the kindest possible manner (14).
Tennant, like Wollaston, enjoyed the esteem and friendship of the great
Swedish master, Berzelius, who paid him a visit in the summer of 1812.
Together they rode on horseback to inspect the 100-acre experimental oat
field in which Tennant had mixed lime with the soil in decreasing ratio from
one end to the other (31). After he had shown Berzelius the tall, well-
developed oats at the highly limed end and the sickly plants at the other
end of the field, they visited the lime-kiln wffiich Tennant himself had de-
signed (30).
Berzelius may perhaps have envied the English chemist’s horsemanship,
lor, after receiving the Cross of the Order of the Northern Star, he said in a
letter to Dr. Marcet, “Here I am then a kind of cavalier, I whose manner of
mounting a horse Tennant can describe to you”* (24). In a letter to J. G.
Gahn, Berzelius wrote: “Tennant is of about the same age as Wollaston,
but is gray-haired and looks like an old man. He is a charming man, gets
off a lot of droll ideas which entertain any sort of society, scientific or other-
wise. He is a rather good, reliable chemist, but doesn’t have either Wollas-
ton’s or Davy’s head; and now he has lost much of his memory, so that
one can tell him the same thing on two successive days with full assurance
that it will be new to him. He is badly dressed, is careless of his appear-
ance, and makes a poor showing. His chemicals are so helter skelter that
he gets permission to pull out all the table drawers in the parlor to convince
himself of the absence of what one would never expect to find except in a
laboratory” (53)
In May, 1813, Dr. Marcet wrote to Berzelius, “Our friend Tennant has
just been elected professor of chemistry at Cambridge after a very long
struggle with a candidate who had many friends. His position demands
that he give twenty lectures a year, which will not be very difficult for him
(22). Berzelius replied, “Congratulate Tennant for me on his new profes-
* "Me voili done une esp£ce de chevalier, moi, dont Tennant pent vous apprendre
comment je monte & cheval.”
Death of Tennant 259
sion and tell him that we expect from his hands the life of Newton more cor-
rect than we have yet seen it” (23).
Tennant was destined to give his lecture course at Cambridge only once,
for his life was cut short by a tragic accident, the following account of
which was written by Dr. Marcet to Berzelius on March 29, 1815:
You have doubtless learned of the tragic death of poor Tennant.
I was often on the point of writing you, but the grief of being the
first to tell you this story restrained me. He had spent six months
in France and was returning loaded with curious observations in ge-
ology, chemistry, political economy, etc. He had, it is said, discov-
ered in sea water the source and origin of iodine. He announced him-
self every week for a month or so, and nevertheless did not come.
Quite like himself, he clung to all the objects along the way, and ad-
vanced only very slowly. He finally arrives at Calais, then at Bou-
logne, and after having spent about fifteen days between these two
places while waiting for a perfectly favorable wind, he finally sets
sail. But a calm arises and they are obliged to return to port. Our
friend seeks to console himself for this disappointment by taking a
horseback ride; he proposes to a Prussian officer who was on board
with him that they go together to see a column erected to Bonaparte
a few miles from Boulogne.
They had to pass over a little draw-bridge [continued Dr. Marcet].
The officer goes over first, but as soon as he is on the bridge he notices
it pivoting on its center and that it is going to open into the ditch.
He cries to Tennant, “Don’t come any farther,” and at the same time
rushes on to re-establish equilibrium, but it was too late; he feels
that another force is pressing on the bridge and forcing it to an inclined
plane. . . he slides back with his horse and falls from twelve to fifteen
feet into the ditch. Recovered from his shock, he looks around him
and sees poor Tennant lying against the wall at the end of the ditch
with his horse writhing on top of him. He pushes the horse away,
lifts our friend, and finds him dying. . . . Who would have thought
that our friend would die while visiting a work of war, of which you
know he had the greatest horror. You well know, and I have no need
to tell you, all that his friends, all that science, have lost. He was a
unique man and one who will probably never be replaced. He loved
you dearly, and I know you will mourn him sincerely (24).
Tennant had “an expressive, intelligent face. . .an intuitive and prompt
perception of truth ... a broad mind, deep moral feelings, and a zeal for
the improvement of mankind” (15). He delighted*in the artistic achieve-
ments of Virgil, Milton, Pascal, Gray, Handel, and Raphael. His never-
failing sense of humor consisted in “fanciful trains of imagery, in natural,
but ingenious and unexpected, turns of thought and expression, and in
amusing anecdotes, slightly tinged with the ludicrous. The effect of these
was heightened by a perfect gravity of countenance, a qiiiet, familiar
manner, and a characteristic beauty and simplicity of language” (15).
260 Discovery of the Elements
The element ruthenium is the little Benjamin of the platinum family.
It did not see the light until more than a century after the discovery of
platinum, but, to avoid separating it too far from its older brothers, its
story will be told here.
In 1828 Berzelius and G. W. Osann (25), professor of chemistry at the
University of Dorpat, Russia, examined the residues left after dissolving
crude platinum from the Ural mountains in aqua regia. Berzelius did not
find in them any unusual metals except palladium, rhodium, osmium, and
iridium, which had already been found by Wollaston and Tennant in simi-
lar residues from American platinum.
Professor Osann, on the other hand,
thought that he had found three new
metals, which he named pluranium,
ruthenium, and polinium (25), (36).
In 1844, however, Professor Klaus, an-
other Russian chemist, showed that
Osann’s ruthenium oxide was very im-
pure, but that it did contain a small
amount of a new metal (26), (33).
Karl Karlovich Klaus* spent his
infancy and boyhood in a harsh, un-
kind environment, f He was born in
the Baltic-Russian city of Dorpat§
on January 23, 1796. His father, a
talented painter whose pictures later
adorned Klaus’s library, died in 1800.
Soon after her husband’s death the
mother married another artist, and she,
in turn, died when the boy was only
five years old. Her second husband
soon married again, and thus the little
boy found himself a strange child in a
strange home, left without affection and almost without care (36).
Klaus soon showed ability in design and sculpture, and his love for art,
poetry, and drama helped him at times to forget the none-too-gentle home
* The name is frequently written Carl Ernst Claus. It is a German name, not a
Russian one.
t Most of the details regarding the life of Klaus would have been inaccessible
without the kind assistance of Mr. M. K. Elias of the Kansas State Geological Survey,
who translated Menschutkin's biographical sketch from the Russian. The author is
sincerely grateful to him.
$ This city is located in Esthonia, and is now known as Tartu.
Courtesy Mr. W. D. Trow
Karl Karlovich Klaus, 1796-1864
Professor of pharmacy and chem-
istry at the Universities of Dorpat
and Kazan. He was a great authority
on the chemistry of the platinum
Karl Karlovich Klaus
surroundings. He attended the grade school and gymnasium in Dorpat,
but was unable, in spite bf his excellent record, to complete the course at the
latter institution. However, the praise given by his teachers stimulated
him to further efforts which, even at this early age, revealed the funda-
mental features of his character: resoluteness, optimism, and a desire to
reach at any cost a once-attempted goal. As a boy he enjoyed the few
bright aspects of his cheerless life, and as an adult he never complained of
the sufferings of his chilc$hood.
When forced to earn his own living at the age of fourteen years, he be-
came an apprentice in a pharmacy in St. Petersburg. Here he spent his
spare moments reading books on chemistry, pharmacy, and allied sciences.
These attempts at self-education were so successful that Klaus was soon
able to pass the examinations, first for assistant pharmacist and then for
the position of provisor (36).
In 1815 he went back to Dorpat, passed the pharmacy examinations at
the University, and returned to the St. Petersburg apothecary. His study
of the natural sciences having awakened in him a desire to study Nature at
first hand, he went to Saratov in 1817 as pro visor of a pharmacy so that
he might spend his leisure hours investigating the flora and fauna of the
Volga steppes, or prairies, in eastern Russia. The results of this ten-year
research were published in the Russian journals.
After his marriage in 1821 Klaus longed to have an apothecary shop of
his own, and five years later he began business in Kazan, where he soon had
the best pharmacy in the town. Here, with more adequate financial re-
sources, he continued his study of the flora and fauna. He soon became
recognized as an authority on that subject, and his advice was sought when-
ever a scientific expedition was to be sent into the steppes. This brought
him into contact with many famous scientists, who always carried away a
pleasant recollection of his modesty and willingness to cooperate. The
expedition which he himself made in 1827 through the region between the
Urals and the Volga afforded material for his large book entitled ‘‘Volga
Flora” (36).
When an assistantship in the chemistry department of the University of
Dorpat was offered to him in 1831, Klaus sold his store at a loss, made the
long trip back to Esthonia, and accepted the modest position, in order to
devote all his time to scientific research. While completing the work for
his master's degree in chemistry, he found time to explore with Gobel and
A. Bergmann the Trans-Volga salt marshes and to prepare all the sketches
for a large, two-volume record of the expedition, which was published at
Dorpat in 1837 and 1838. In recognition of this work he was awarded
the Demidoff prize.
Wishing to return to Kazan, he applied to the Secretary of Public Instruc-
tion for a position at the University. The Secretary approved the applies-
Discovery of the Elements
tion, but only after listening to a trial lecture which Klaus was required
to deliver at the Medico-Surgical Academy of St. Petersburg (36).
Upon returning to Kazan as adjunct in chemistry, he entered enthusiasti-
cally into the work of remodeling the old chemical museum into a chemical
laboratory. Klaus also succeeded in getting six additional rooms in a
newly completed university building. These were arranged like Liebig’s
laboratory at Giessen, and included a large lecture room, well equipped
for demonstration experiments. He was granted an appropriation of about
10,000 rubles ($5000) for the purchase of glassware, reagents, and ap-
In 1838 Klaus, with his student assistant Kabalerov, made an analysis
of the water from the Sergievsky Mineral Springs, which provided the
data for his dissertation for the doctorate in pharmacy. Immediately after
receiving this degree, he was made extraordinary professor at the Uni-
versity, and six years later he was promoted to the position of ordinary
In 1840 Klaus became interested in platinum residues. The reader, will
recall that in 1828 Professor G. W. Osann of Dorpat University had an-
nounced the presence in these residues of three new metals, the existence of
which Berzelius had denied. Professor Klaus wished to settle this question,
and the first step in his investigation was a careful repetition of Osann ’s
work. He obtained two pounds of platinum residues from P. G. Sobo-
Ievsky, a platinum refiner in St. Petersburg, and was surprised to find
that they contained 10% of platinum, besides smaller amounts of os-
mium, iridium, palladium, and rhodium. In his report one may read,
The unexpected richness of the residues, great quantities of which
lie unused at the laboratory of the Government Mint at St. Peters-
burg, appeared to me so important that I immediately reported the
results of my investigation to the government mining authorities,
and in 1842 I went to the capitol (36).
In St. Petersburg he interviewed Count Egar F. Kankrin, the Secretary
of the Treasury who introduced platinum coinage in Russia. Kankrin
expressed complete approval of Professor Klaus’s investigation, and Chev-
kin, the chief of the staff of mining engineers, presented him with twenty
pounds of the platinum residues.
The working of these residues did not prove as profitable as Professor
Klaus had hoped, for, as he said :
These residues were poorer than the first, and thus my hope of adapt-
ing my method for profitable extraction ©f platinum from them was
not fulfilled. There remained only an investigation interesting for
science. Since I came to realize this two years ago, I have worked
constantly on this hard, prolonged, and even unhealthful investiga-
tion; now I report to the scientific world the results obtained: (l)
results of analysis of rich residues; (2) new methods for the separation
of the metals of the platinum group; (3) methods for working up poor
residues; (4) discovery of a new metal, ruthenium; (5) results of the
analysis of poor residues and the simplest methods of decomposition of
platinum ores and residues; (6) new properties and compounds of
the previously known metals of the platinum group. All this may
serve as a contribution to the chemical history of the precious metals of
our fatherland (36).
Klaus obtained the new metal from osmiridium, the portion of the crude
platinum which is insoluble in aqua regia. He calcined a mixture of
osmiridium, potash, and potassium nitrate in a silver crucible placed inside
a Hessian crucible on a layer of magnesia (27). After heating it for an
hour and a half at bright redness, he poured the molten contents into an
iron capsule. He then took up the melt in a very large volume of water,
and allowed it to stand four days in the dark in a completely filled
The orange-colored solution, containing, among other things, potassium
ruthenate, was treated with nitric acid, whereupon a black precipitate of
osmium dioxide containing from fifteen to twenty per cent of ruthenium
oxide was thrown down as a velvety deposit. Klaus distilled this with
aqua regia, taking care to condense the osmium tetroxide. The residue
remaining after the distillation consisted mainly of the sesquichloride and
tetrachloride of ruthenium. By adding ammonium chloride, Klaus pre-
pared ammonium chlororuthenate, (NH^RuCle, a salt which upon
calcination yields spongy ruthenium (27) } (38).
This report, which was entitled “Chemical investigation of the residues
of ural platinum ore and of the metal ruthenium,” occupied one hundred
and eighty-eight pages in the Sdentific Annals of Kazan University for
1844. In the following year it was published in book form. For patriotic
reasons and also in recognition of the earlier work of Professor Osann,
Klaus retained the name ruthenium , which means Russia . The white
substance which Osann had taken for the oxide of this new metal consisted
chiefly of silicic and titanic acids, iron peroxide, and zirconia. The new
metal had escaped him because he had repeatedly treated this insoluble
material with hydrochloric acid without examining the solution (37).
When Professor Klaus sent a sample of the new metal to Berzelius, the
great Swedish master was skeptical* On January *21, 1845, he remarked
in a letter to Wohler:
Probably Klaus's experiments on the residues from platinum ores
and on the new metal ruthenium have already been described in the
German journals. He sent me his paper in manuscript. You see
thereby that he has also prepared colorless salts of iridium with sul-
furous acid The early severe winter in November interrupted the
Discovery of the Elements
postal communication between Ystad and Stralsund, so that I have not
received the German journals for three months (28).
In the meantime Klaus continued
his investigation of the compounds of
ruthenium, specimens of which he sent
to Stockholm, one after another, with
detailed descriptions of their properties
and the methods of preparation. This
evidence was so convincing that in
1845 Berzelius announced in the
Jahresbericht his acceptance of ru-
thenium as a new element (36), (37).
On March 9, 1846, he again men-
tioned Klaus’s paper to Wohler, saying :
Klaus in Kazan has sent me a
resume (Nachernte) concerning ru-
thenium, which I expect to read
tomorrow at the Academy and
which you shall then receive in
the Ofversigten. It is strange
that he does not publish his longer
paper. A copy of it has been
in my hands since November,
1844. Yet he surely cannot have
intended that I should publish it.
At least he has never said a word
about it. . . .
Berzelius finally suggested to Klaus that he send the ruthenium paper
to Wohler for publication in the A nnalen , and it may now be seen in Volume
63 of that journal (29), (38).
All of Klaus’s papers on the platinum metals were collected and published
in 1854 in a Jubilee Volume issued in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the
founding of the University of Kazan. He continued to teach inorganic,
analytical, and organic chemistry, and was assisted for a time in the organic
course by Nikolai Nikolayevich Zinin and in the inorganic course by Alex-
ander Michaylovich Butlerov.
In 1852 Klaus was invited to occupy the chair of pharmacy at the Uni-
versity of Dorpat and to take charge of the Pharmaceutic Institute, at that
time the only institution of its kind in all Russia. He accepted the appoint-
ment, left his position at Kazan in charge of Butlerov, abandoned the
long-cherished Steppes of the Volga, and made the long trip back to
At Dorpat he continued his investigation of the platinum metals and
their alloys. After devoting twenty years to research in this field, he
J. Henri Dbbray
French chemist who collaborated
with Henri Sainte- Claire Deville at
the Ecole Normale Superieure in re-
searches on gaseous dissociation. He
also investigated beryllium, molyb-
denum, tungsten, and the metals of the
platinum group, and made contribu-
tions to synthetic mineralogy. It was
in Debray’s laboratory that Moissan
liberated fluorine.
Literature Cited
wished to publish a monograph which should include not only his own
researches but those of other scientists. In 1863 the Russian government
sent him to western Europe to visit the laboratories and platinum refineries
and to study the history of the platinum metals in the libraries of the great
scientific centers. Klaus’s achievements were so well known that he was
honored wherever he went. In Berlin he met Heinrich and Gustav Rose,
Poggendorff, and Magnus, and in Paris he studied the electric furnaces of
Henri Sainte-Claire Deville and H. Debray (36).
Professor Klaus returned to Dorpat in January, 1864, with a wealth of
material for the monograph on the platinum group, but illness unfortu-
nately overtook him, and the work was never completed. He passed away
on March 24, 1864, loved and respected by his students and colleagues.* In
his last public address before the Pharmaceutical Society of St. Petersburg,
he emphasized the desirability of providing scholarships for needy students
Literature Cited
(2) Priestley, J., “Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air,” J.
Johnson, London, 1774, p. xvii.
( 2 ) Dixon, “Biographical account of William Brownrigg, M.D.,” Annals of Phil., 10,
321-38, 401-17 (Nov., Dec., 1817).
(3) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” Vol. 2, Baudry et Cie., Paris, 1891, pp.
(4) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry,” Vol. 2, Colburn and Bentley,
London, 1831, pp. 246-50.
(5) SdDERBAUM, H. G., “Jac Berzelius Bref,” Vol. 1, part 3, Almqvist and Wiksells,
Upsala, 1912-1914, pp. 40-2.
(6) Ibid., Vol. 1, part 3, p. 47.
(7) Wallach, O., “Briefwechsel zwischen J. Berzelius und F. Wdhler,” Vol. 1, Verlag
von Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, 1901, p. 253.
(5) “Reward of twenty pounds for the artificial production of palladium,” Nichol-
son's J., 7, 75 (Jan., 1804); R. Chenevix, “Enquiry concerning the nature of a
metallic substance lately sold in London as a new metal, under the title of palla-
dium,” ibid., 7, 85-101 (Feb., 1804); 176-82 (Mar., 1804); Letter from Wollaston
to Nicholson concerning Pd, ibid., 10,204-5 (Mar., 1805); T. Thomson, “History
of Chemistry,” ref. (4), Vol. 2, p. 217.
(9) Wollaston, W. H., “On a new metal fotind in crude platina,” Nicholson's J.,
10, 34-42 (Jan., 1805).
(10) SOdbrbaum, H. G., “Jac. Berzelius Bref,” ref. (5). Vol. 1. part 3, p. 98.
( 11 ) Thorpe, T. E., “ftistory of Chemistry,” Vol. 1, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, London,
1909-1910, p. 114.
( 12 ) SOdbrbaum, H. G., “Jac. Berzelius Bref,” ref. (5), VoL 1, part 3, pp. 128-9.
( 13 ) Poggendorff, J. C., “Biographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte
der exakten Wissenschaften,” 6 vols., Verlag Chemie, Leipzig and Berlin, 1863-
1937. Articles on Wollaston and Claus.
* According to the Russian calendar Klaus was bom on Jan. 11, 1796, and died on
March 12, 1864.
Discovery of the Elements
(14) Thomson, T., “History of Chemistry," ref. ( 4 ), Vol. 2, pp. 232-40.
(15) “Some account of the late Smithson Tennant, Esq.,” Annals of Phil., 6 , 1-11
(July, 1815); 81-100 (Aug., 1815); Gentleman's Mag., 117, 281 (Mar., 1815).
(16) Tennant, S., “On the nature of the diamond,' 1 Nicholson's J., 1, 177-9 (July,
(17) “Discovery of two new metals in crude platina by Smithson Tennant, Esq.,
F.R.S.," ibid., 8, 220-1 (July, 1804).
(18) Collet-Descotils, H.-V., “On the cause of the different colours of the triple
salts of platina, and on the existence of a new metallic substance in the metal,"
ibid., 8, 118-26 (June, 1804).
’(2*9) Vauqublin, N.-L., “M6moire sur l'iridiuni et 1'osmium, m6taux qui se trouvent
dans le residu insoluble de la mine de platine, traitee par l'acide nitromuriatique,"
Ann. thim. phys., (1), 89, 150-81 (Feb., 1814); 225-50 (Mar., 1814).
(20) Tennant, S., “On two metals, found in the black powder remaining after the
solution of platina," Nicholson's J., 10, 24-30 (Jan., 1805).
(21) White, A. M. and H. B. Friedman, “On the discovery of palladium," J. Chem.
Educ., 9, 236-45 (Feb., 1932)
(22) SOderbaum, H. G., “Jac. Berzelius Bref," ref. (5), Vol. 1, part 3, p. 46.
(23) Ibid., Vol. 1, part 3, p. 61.
(24) Ibid., Vol. 1, part 3, pp. 117-9.
(25) “New metals in the Uralian platina," Phil. Mag., 2, 391 (Nov., 1827).
(26) Brown, J. C., “History of Chemistry," P. Blakiston's Son, Philadelphia, 1913,
p. 523.
(27) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie," ref. (3), Vol. 2, pp. 406-7.
(28) Wallach, O., “Briefwechsel zwischen J. Berzelius und F. Wohler," ref. (7), Vol.
2. p. 520.
(29) Ibid., Vol. 2, p. 580.
(»??) “Aus Berzelius's Tagebuch wtibrend seines Aufenthaltes in London im Sommer
1812," translated into German by Emilie Wdhler, Z. angew. Chem., 18, 1946-8
(Dec., 1905) and 19, 187-90 (Feb., 1906).
( V2) Tennant, S., “On the different sorts of lirne used in agriculture," Nicholson's J.,
3, 440-6 (Jan., 1800).
(32) St. John, “The Lives of Celebrated Travellers," Vol. 2, J. & J. Harper, New York,
1832, pp. 320-38. Chapter on de Ulloa.
(33) Klaus, K. K., “Ruthenium, ein neues Metall der Platinerze," Ann., 56, 257-61
(Heft 3, 1846).
(34) Dimitry, “A king's gift," Mag. Am. History, 16, 308-16 (Oct., 1886).
(35) Ogburn, S. C., “The platinum metals," J. Chem. Educ., 5, 1371-84 (Nov., 1928).
(36) Menschutkin, B. N., “Karl Karlovich Klaus," Ann. inst. platine (Leningrad),
No. 6, 1-10 (1928); “Discovery and early history of platinum in Russia," J.
Chem. Educ., 11, 226-9 (Apr., 1934).
(37) “On the new metal ruthenium," Phil. Mag., (3), 27, 230-1 (Sept., 1845).
(38) Klaus, K. K., “Mine de platine; osmium, ruthenium," J. Pharm. Chim., (3), 8,
381-5 (Nov., 1845); “Beitrage zur Chemie der Platinmetalle," Ann., 63, 337-60
(Heft 3, 1847).
(39) Farabbb, W. C. f “A golden hoard from Ecuador," Museum Journal, University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 12, 43-52 (1921),
(40) Bergs0e, P., “The metallurgy of gold and platinum among the pre-Columbian
Indians," Ingeni0rvidenskabelige Skrifter No. A44, Danmarks Naturviden-
skabelige Samfund, Copenhagen, 1937, 48 pp.; Nature, 137, 29 (Jan. 4, 1936);
ibid,, 139, 490 (March 20, 1937).
Literature Cited 267
(41) Kopp, H., “Geschichte der Chemie,” Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig, 1847,
Vol. 4, pp. 220-6.
(42) Scheffer, H. T., “Das weisse Gold oder siebente Metall, in Spanien Platina del
Pinto, Kleines Silber von Pinto genannt, seiner Natur nach beschrieben," Crell's
Neues chem. Archiv, 5, 103-6 (1786); Chem. Abh. konigl. schw. Akad., 1752, pp.
(43) Pelletier, Bertrand, “M6moires et observations de Chimie," Paris, 1798 (an
VI), Vol. 2, pp. 120-133. “Rapport fait au Bureau de Consultation sur les
Moyens proposes par M. Jeanety pour travailler le platine (Juillet, 1792), par
MM. Berthollet et Pelletier. "
(44) Hussak, Eugen, “Uber das Vorkommen von Palladium und Platin in Brasilien,”
Sitzungsber. math.-naturwiss. Klasse, Akad . Wiss. (Wien), 113,379-466 (1904).
(45) Baruel, “Process for procuring pure platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, and
osmium from the ores of platinum/’ Quarterly J. Sci. t 12, 262 (1822); N.-L.
Vauquelin, “M£moire sur le palladium et le rhodium,’ 1 Ann. chim. phys. (1), 88,
170-1 (Nov. 30, 1813).
(46) “Report of Mr. Brande's lectures on rnineralogical chemistry,” Quarterly J . Sci.,
5, 64-7 (181 8).
(47) Fonda, J. S., “Historic set of weights,” Hexagon, 15, 81-2 (Nov., 1924); J. Chem.
Educ., 2, 308 (Apr., 1925).
(48) Del Rio, A. M. “Analysis of a specimen of gold found to be alloyed with rho-
dium,” Am. J. Sci., 11, 298-304 (1826); Ann. chim. phys. (2), 29, 137-47 (1825).
(49) Cloud, J., “On the discovery of palladium in a native alloy of gold,” Nicholson's
J. (2), 30, 137-40 (Oct., 1811); Trans. Am. Philos. Soc., 6, 407 (1809).
(50) Smith, K. F., “Chemistry in Old Philadelphia,” J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia,
1919, pp. 86-8.
(51) Mattuey, G., “Obituary of Percival Norton Johnson,” J. Chem. Soc., 20, 395
(1867); Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), 16, xxiii-xxv (1867-8).
(52) Johnson, P. N. and W. A. Lampadius, “Uber brasilianisches Palladgold und des-
sen Ausbringung und Scheidung,” J. prakt. Chem., 11, 309-15 (1837).
(55) Soderbaum, H. G.,ref. (5), Vol. 9, p. 73. Letterof Berzelius to Gahn, Jan. 25, 1813
(54) “Julii Caesaris Scaligeri, Exotericarum exercitationum Liber XV de Subtilitate
ad Hieronymum Cardanum,” apud Claudium Maraium & haeredes Joannis
Aubrii, Francofurti, MDCVII, pp. 323-4.
(55) de Ulloa, A. “Relacibn Historica del Viage a la America Meridional," Antonio
Marin, Madrid, 1748, Vol. 1, book 6, chap. 10, p. 606.
(56) Juan, Jorge and Antonio de Ulloa, “A Voyage to South America,” Lockyer
Davis, London, 1772, Vol. 1, pp. 131-2, 452-3; Vol. 2, pp. 417-8.
(57) Pinkerton, John, “A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voy-
ages and Travels," Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orrne, London, 1812, Vol. 14, p.
540. De Ulloa's “Voyage to South America.”
(58) Sempere y Guarinos, J., “Ensayo de Una Bibliotec# Espafiola de los Mejores
Escritores del Reynado de Carlos III," Imprenta Real, Madrid, 1789, Vol. 6,
pp. 15&-76.
(59) de Villibrs du Terragb, Bon Marc “Les Derni&res Annies de la Louisiane
franpaise," E. Guilmoto, Paris, 1903, pp. 225-326, 398, 415.
(60) Phelps, Albert, “Louisiana, a Record of Expansion," Houghton, Mifflin and
Co., Boston and New York, 1905, pp. 108-23.
(61) Pinkerton, John,. ref. (57), Vol. 13, p. 786. N. J. Thiery de Menonville’s “Trav-
els to Guaxaca."
268 Discovery of the Elements
(62) Townsend, Joseph, “A Journey through Spain in the Years 1786-7,” James
Moore, Dublin, 1792, 3rd ed., Vol. 2, pp. 152-3.
(63) Stephen, Leslie, “Dictionary of National Biography,” Smith, Elder and Co.,
London, 1886, Vol. 7, pp. 85-6. Article on Brownrigg by G. T. Bettany.
(64) Obituary of Brownrigg, Gentleman’s Mag., 70, 386-8 (1800).
(65) Watson, William, “Several papers concerning a new semi-metal called platina,”
Phil. Trans. Abridgment , 10, 671-6 (1756); Phil. Trans., 46, 584-96 (Nov., 1750).
(66) “Discurso del Ilmo. Sr. D. Juan Fages y Virgili,” Establecimiento Tipogr&fico y
Editorial, Madrid, 1909, pp. 41-3, 57-61.
(67) Lewis, William, “Experimental examination of a white metallic substance said
to be found in the gold mines of the Spanish West Indies . . . ,” Phil. Trans.,
48 (2), 313-38 (1754).
(68) Cronstbdt, A. F., “Aminnelse-tal ofver . . . Henric Theoph. Scheffer,” Lars
r Salvius, Stockholm, 1760, 31 pp.
(6.9) Kopp, H., “Geschichte der Chemie,” Fr. Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig* 1847,
Vol. 4, pp. 220-6.
(70) von Crell, L. “Review of Baron von Sickingen’s Versuche uber die Platina,”
Crell’s Neueste Entdeckungen, 6, 197-206 (1782).
(71) Howe, J. L., “Bibliography of the metals of the platinum group, 1748-1896,”
Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 38, 1-318 (1897).
(72) Howe, J. L., “Chabaneau: an early worker on platinum,” Pop. Set. Mo., 84,
64-70 (Jan., 1914).
(73) Qubnnessen, Louis, “A propos de l’histoire du platine. Pierre Francois Chaban-
eau, 1754-1842,” Rev. Sci.. 52 (1), 5.*-7 (1914).
(74) Maffbi, E., and R. Rua Figueroa, “Apuntes para una Biblioteca Espahola . . .
de las Riquezas Minerales . . . J. M. Lapuente, Madrid, 1873, Vol. 2, p. 625;
Manuscript letter of J. C. Mutis dated June 15, 1774.
(75) “El primer centenario de D. Fausto de Elhuyar,” Anales Soc. Espafi. de Fisica y
Quimica , 31, 7-23 (1933).
(76) de GAlvez-Ca^ero, A., “Apuntes Biogrdficas de D. Fausto de Elhuyar y de
Zubice,” Gr&ficas Reunidas, Madrid, 1933, pp. 62-70.
(77) Diergart, Paul, “Beitrage aus der Geschichte der Chemie dem Gedachtnis von
G. W. A. Kahlbaum,” Franz Deuticke, Leipzig and Vienna, 1909, p. 412.
(78) Pelletier, Charles and S6dillot Jeune, “M6moires et Observations de
Chimie de Bertrand Pelletier,” Croullebois, Fuchs, Barrois, and Huzard, Paris,
1798, Vol. 2, pp. 120-33.
(79) CrelVs Ann., 14, 53-4 (1790).
(80) Lacroix, Alfred, “Figures de Savants,” Gauthier- Villars, Paris, 1932, Vol. 2,
pp. 144-6.
(81) Hare, Robert, “Account of the fusion of strontites and volatilization of plati-
num,” Trans. Am. Philos. Soc., 6 (1), 99 (1804).
(82) Smith, E. F., “Life of Robert Hare,” J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia and Lon-
don, 1917, pp. 5-6, 204-5.
(83) SOderbaum, H. G., ref. (5), Vol. 13, p. 132. Letter of Berzelius to E. Mitscherlich,
Feb. 24, 1829.
(84) “Laboratory of powder metallurgy established at Stevens Institute of Technol-
ogy,” Ind. Eng. them., News Ed., 18, 548 (June 25, 1940).
(85) “Russian coinage of platina,” Phil. Mag. (2), 4, 458 (Dec., 1828).
(86) Kelly, F. C., “Powder metallurgy,” Sci. Mo„ 57, 286-8 (Sept., 1943).
(87) Weeks, M. E., “Don Jos4 Celestino Mutis, 1732-1808,” J. Chbm. Educ., 21, 55
(Feb., 1944).
A number of the chemical elements , including some that play an important
role in modern life , remained practically unknown outside the scientific world
for many years after their discovery . Some, like tellurium, vanadium, and
titanium , were forgotten for several decades even by chemists , and were later
rediscovered. The reader will recall , however , that when phosphorus was
discovered in 1669 the news spread rapidly throughout Europe . In a similar
manner Davy's isolation of sodium and potassium immediately fired the
imagination of the nineteenth-century public and aroused intense interest.
These elements , like phosphorus , made their entrance upon the chemical stage
in a manner nothing short of dramatic , and the accompanying phenomenon oj
light helped to focus all eyes upon them. Lithium , however , entered the chemi-
cal world in a more quiet manner and was introduced by a scientist of lesser
prominence , J. A. Arfwedson, a student of Berzelius.
There is now before us a boundless prospect of novelty
in science; a country unexplored , but noble and fertile
in aspect; a land of promise in philosophy (I).
Potassium and Sodium
Ancient writers did not distinguish between sodium carbonate (the min-
eral alkali) and potassium carbonate (the vegetable alkali) (42). When
Johann Bohn prepared aqua regia in 1683 by distilling a mixture of salt
and aqua fortis (nitric acid), he noticed that the cubic crystals which re-
mained differed from those of saltpeter prepared in the ordinary manner
from wood ashes. This clear distinction between “cubic saltpeter” (sodium
nitrate) and ordinary saltpeter was an important step in the proof that
soda and potash are two different alkalies. In the latter part of the eight-
eenth century, Torbem Bergman wrote: “There are to this day persons
who insist that the vegetable alkali cannot be exhibited in form of crystals,
notwithstanding that Professor Bohnius (Diss. Physico Chym., ann . 1696,
pa. 381) of Leipsic, so long ago as the end of the last century, had demon-
strated the contrary; but his method had been so long unknown that it was
lately offered to the public as a new discovery” (42), (43), (44).
In speaking of the loss to both chemistry and medicine by too narrow
specialization in either science, Hermann Boerhaave once wrote, “What
praise then is not merited by Jean Bohn and Frederic Hoffmann, who excel
in both and who thereby acquired such a great reputation” (45).
George Ernst Stahl distinguished between the “natural and artificial
alkalies” (soda and potash) as early as 1702, and noted that certain sodium
Discovery of the Elements
salts differ in crystalline form from those of potassium (42). Hermann
Kopp quoted a passage from the “Specimen Becherianum” in which Stahl
stated that the natural alkali (soda) in common salt appeared in the re-
tort after distillation with concentrated oil of vitriol or spirit of niter (sul-
furic or nitric acid) in the form of new salts differing from the corresponding
salts of the artificial alkali (potash) in their crystalline form, solubility in
Henri-Louis du Hamel du Monceau
(or Dumonceau) proved conclusively
in 1736 that the mineral alkali (soda)
is a constituent of common salt, ol
Glauber’s salt, and of borax. He was
bom in Paris in 1700 and educated at
Harcourt College. Even before his
election to membership, the Academy
of Sciences selected him to study a dis-
ease which was threatening the saffron
crop in G&tinois. Du Hamel found the
cause of it to be a parasitic plant, and
decided to devote his life to scientific
agriculture and the public welfare (50).
Although the acidic constituent of
common salt was already known, the
nature of its basic constituent was
still a matter of conjecture. “Soda,
natrum, and borax,” wrote du Hamel
in 1736, “give with vitriolic acid Glau-
ber’s salt; with acid of saltpeter, cubic
saltpeter [sodium nitrate]; and with
acid of salt, a kind of sea salt. Does
this not permit one to decide as to the
base of the sea salt?” (46).
He prepared soda from salt by two
methods. In the first of these, he
evaporated a mixture of salt and oil of vitriol, heated the resulting Glau-
ber’s salt with charcoal dust in a closed crucible, distilled the reduced mix-
ture with wine vinegar, and calcined the hard, black residue of sodium ace-
tate left in the broken retort. In his other method, he poured concentrated
Spirit of saltpeter (nitric acid) on the salt, and distilled off the resulting
aqua regia. After repeating the distillation four times, he exploded the
residue of cubic saltpeter (sodium nitrate) with charcoal dust in a red-hot
crucible. On dissolving the residue, he obtained “the crystalline salt of an
alkali, as in the foregoing process” (46). He concluded that “soda is cer-
water, and behavior toward heat.
Gal. franf., IS 23.
Drouais phe pinx., H. Grevedon del.
Henri-Louis du Hamel
{or Duhamel) du Monceau
French chemist and agriculturist who
proved in 1736 that the mineral alkali
(soda) is a constituent of common salt,
of Glauber’s salt, and of borax. With
his brother, M. de Denainvilliers, he
carried out important experiments in
plant nutrition on their estate.
Du Hamel Du Monceau 271
tainly nothing other than the true base of sea salt; this is shown by the
habitat of soda plants’' (46).
In an attempt to find out whether the presence of soda or potash de-
pended on a specific difference in the plants which produce them or on the
composition of the soils, du Hamel devoted many years to agricultural
experiments, at his estate at Denainvilliers, on the culture of the common
saltwort ( Salsola kali), a plant used for the manufacture of soda ash. The
final analyses of the ash of this plant proved that in the first year the min-
eral alkali still predominated, but that in succeeding years the vegetable
alkali rapidly increased until finally, after a few generations, the soda had
almost disappeared (50). In these experiments, he had for many years the
invaluable and enthusiastic help of his brother, M. de Denainvilliers. In
his eulogy of du Hamel in the History of the Academy of Sciences, the
Marquis de Condorcet gave the following characterizations of the two
While M. du Hamel wrote his books, consulted with scientists, kept
up a correspondence with the most enlightened men in Europe, en-
gaged in new scientific researches, and planned his experiments and
observations, M. de Denainvilliers carried out, in his retreat, the ob-
servations and experiments which his brother had entrusted to him,
always unknown and content to be so. . .asking no other recompense
than the pleasure of having done good. To judge M. du Hamel, one
would have to see him at Denainvilliers, the fields covered with exotic
productions which were enriching growers whose fathers had not
known even the names of these useful and salutary plants,. . . forests
filled with exotic trees brought from all countries of the globe, . . .all
the instruments invented for observing nature and studying her laws,
distributed in the mansions, in the gardens, in the parks; and in the
midst of all these objects of instruction, two men united by the love of
the good, different in character as in occupation. . .(50).
In his books, M. du Hamel reported his own experiments and their re-
sults, and also included much elementary information for the use of prac-
tical farmers. “At the age of fifty years,” said Condorcet, “he was one of
the best informed men in Europe in all the scientific branches with the ap-
plications of which he later occupied himself almost exclusively. . .and if
he has often been justly cited to show what use scholars ought to make of
their learning, one can also prove by his example that, in order rightfully
to aspire to the honor of making the sciences useful, one must be very
learned” (50). M. du Hamel “kept all his life the principles of religion he
had received in his childhood; . . .to serve humankind, to penetrate nature’s
marvels, and to ascribe them to their Author, seemed to him, for a scientist
and citizen, the most fitting exercise of piety” (50). He lived tranquilly
with his nephews, one of whom shared his scientific labors. After the death
of M. de Denainvilliers, these nephews and a niece relieved M. du Hamel of
all domestic cares. He lived to be eighty-two years old.
Discovery of the Elements
Georg Brandt in 1746 prepared both crystalline and amorphous sodium
carbonate and observed that the latter is not hygroscopic and that it
crystallizes more readily than does potassium carbonate {47).
In 1758-59 A. S. Marggraf prepared very pure cubic saltpeter from com-
mon salt. “After cooling the vessel and breaking the retort/’ said he, “I
found in it a saline substance which took fire on glowing charcoal, without
the slightest crackling (just as ordinary saltpeter does when very pure)
and, as the chemists say, detonated, but with the difference that the flame
was yellow; for that with ordinary prismatic niter is usually whitish” {48).
In his next paper, which was entitled “Proof that the alkaline part sepa-
rated from common salt is a true alkaline salt and not an alkaline earth,”
he mentioned the yellow flash of gunpowder made with cubic saltpeter
and the blue (violet) flash of that made with prismatic saltpeter {48).
Although chemists had long suspected that the alkaline earths are metal-
lic oxides, the true nature of soda and potash was not surmised before
the early nineteenth century {28). Lavoisier believed that they might
contain nitrogen :
Up to the present [said he] the principal constituents of soda are no
better known than those of potash. We are not even certain whether
or not that substance is already formed in vegetables before combus-
tion. Analogy might lead us to believe that nitrogen is one of the
principal constituents of alkalies in general, and we have the proof of
it in the case of ammonia, as I shall explain; but as far as potash and
soda are concerned, we have only slight presumptions, not yet con-
firmed by any decisive experiment {29).
In his list of elements Lavoisier mentioned thirty-three substances:
muriatic radical
fluoric radical
boric radical
In commenting on this list he said, “I have not included in this table the
fixed alkalies, such as potash and soda, because these substances are
evidently compound, although however the nature of the principles which
enter into their composition is still unknown” {30). The chemical nature
of these common alkalies remained unknown until the beginning of the
nineteenth century, when the brilliant young English chemist, Humphry
Davy succeeded in decomposing both of them with his voltaic pile.
High above an azure bay on the rugged coast of Cornwall there rises
lofty St. Michael’s Mount, a gigantic rock surmounted by an ancient
Sir Humphry Davy
turreted castle. The nearby town of Penzance in Mount’s Bay may sug-
gest to lovers of light opera the adventurous pirates of Gilbert and Sullivan,
but chemists revere it as the birthplace of Sir Humphry Davy, who once
gave the following vivid picture of the scene so dear to him:
The sober eve with purple
Sheds o'er the hills her
tranquil light
In many a lingering
, ra y ;
The radiance trembles on
the deep ,
Where rises rough thy
rugged steep ,
Old Michael, from the
sea .
A round thy base, in azure
Flows the silver-crested
tide ,
In gently winding
The Zephyr creeps thy
cliffs around , —
Thy cliffs, with whispering
ivy crown'd , —
And murmurs in thy
caves (2).
Humphry Davy was
born on December 17,
1778. He was a healthy,
active, affectionate child,
who made many friends
by his knack of telling
stories and reciting origi-
nal verses. His teacher,
Dr. Cardew, said the
Sir Humphry Davy
English chemist and physicist. One of the founders
of electrochemistry. Inventor of the safety lamp for
miners. He was the first to isolate potassium,
sodium, calcium, barium, strontium, and magnesium.
Davy in England and Gay-Lussac and Thenard in
France, working independently, were the first to
isolate boron.
boy’s best work was done in translating the classics into English verse {3).
Davy’s schooling ended when he was only fifteen years old, but his educa-
tion continued for the rest of his life. In 1795 he was apprenticed to
Bingham Borlase, a surgeon and apothecary in Penzance, and two years
later he began to study natural philosophy and chemistry (20). His
textbook was Lavoisier’s 4 ’Elements of Chemistry," his reagents were
the mineral acids and the alkalies* and his apparatus consisted largely
of wine glasses and tobacco pipes. When he was twenty years old Davy
Discovery of the Elements
became superintendent of the Pneumatic Institution which Dr. Beddoes
had recently established at Clifton for studying the medicinal value of
gases. He was most happy in sharing the delightful home life of Dr.
Beddoes and the social contacts with such distinguished literary men as
Southey and Coleridge (4).
Electrochemical Apparatus of Sir Humphry
Fig. 1. Agate cups.
Fig. 2. Gold cones.
Fig. 3. Glass tubes.
Fig. 4. The two glass tubes with the inter-
mediate vessel.
In 1801 Count Rumford
obtained for Davy a position
as assistant lecturer on chem-
istry and director of the lab-
oratory at the Royal Insti-
tution. In the Philosophical
Magazine one finds the fol-
lowing description of his first
lecture, which was on gal-
vanism :
Sir Joseph Banks,
Count Rumford and
other distinguished phi-
losophers were present.
The audience was highly
gratified, and testified
their satisfaction by gen-
eral applause. Mr.
Davy, who appears to
be very young, acquitted
himself admirably well.
From the sparkling in-
telligence of his eye, his
animated manner, and
the tout ensemble, we
have no doubt of his at-
taining distinguished ex-
cellence (5).
Literary persons and the
members of fashionable soci-
ety, as well as scientists,
flocked to his lectures.
In all the figures, AB denote the wires, one posi- Davy kept a careful record of
tive and one negative; and C\the connecting „ .. . , *
pieces of mpistened amianthus. l 118 experiments and
showed it willingly to all who
were interested. He remained with the Royal Institution for eleven
years, and then retired at the time of his marriage.
Humphry Davy's greatest successes were in the field of electrochemistry.
In his first attempts to decompose the caustic alkalies, he used saturated
aqueous solutions, but succeeded in decomposing nothing but the water.
Isolation of Potassium
On October 6, 1807, however, he changed his plan of attack. “The pres-
ence of water appearing thus to prevent any decomposition,” said he,
“I used potash in igneous fusion” (22), (23), (26).
To his great surprise he noticed intense light at the negative pole and a
column of flame rising from the point of contact. When he reversed the
current the flame came always from the negative pole. Since perfectly
dry potash is a non-conductor, Davy gave it a brief exposure to the air :
A small piece of potash [said he], which had been exposed for a few
seconds to the atmosphere so as to give conducting power to the sur-
face, was placed upon an insulated disc of platina, connected with the
negative side of the battery of the power of 250 of 6 and 4, in a state
of intense activity; and a platina wire, communicating with the posi-
tive side, was brought in contact with the upper surface of the alkali.
The whole apparatus was in the open atmosphere.
Under these circumstances [said
Davy] a vivid action was soon
observed to take place. The pot-
ash began to fuse at both its points
of electrization. There was a vio-
lent effervescence at the upper
surface; at the lower, or negative,
surface, there was no liberation of
elastic fluid; but small globules
having a high metallic lustre, and
being precisely similar in visible
characters to quicksilver, appeared,
some of which burnt with explosion
and bright flame, as soon as they
were formed, and others remained,
and were merely tarnished, and
finally covered by a white film
which formed on their surfaces.
These globules, numerous experi-
ments soon shewed to be the sub-
stance I was in search of, and a
peculiar inflammable principle the
basis of potash. I found that the
platina was in no way connected
with the result, except as the me-
dium for exhibiting the electrical
powers of decomposition; and a
substance of the same kind was
produced when pieces of copper,
silver, gold, plumbago, or even charcoal were employed for compleat-
ing the circuit.
The little metallic globules always appeared at the cathode, and these
had an astonishing way of bursting into flame when thrown into water.
They skimmed about excitedly with a hissing sound, and soon burned with a
Dr. Thomas Beddoes
English physician and chemist.
Founder of the Pneumatic Institu-
tion at Clifton for studying the
therapeutic value of gases. Sir
Humphry Davy became the super-
intendent of* this institution at the
age of twenty years.
Discovery of the Elements
lovely lavender light. Davy found that the new metal liberated hydrogen
from the water and that the flame was caused by the burning of this gas
(6), (23), Because he had obtained the metal from potash, he named it
potassium . Dr. John Davy, who was present when potassium was isolated
for the first time, said that
Apparatus of Sir Humphry Davy
Fig. 1 . Retort of plate glass for heating potas-
sium in gases.
Fig. 2. Platinum tray for receiving the potas-
Fig. 3. Platinum tube for receiving the tray
in distillation experiments. 1
Fig. 4. Apparatus for taking the voltaic
spark in sulfur and phosphorus.
his brother became greatly
excited and almost delirious
with joy (7), (19).
Humphry Davy then at-
tempted to decompose caustic
soda by a similar method,
and found that a larger cur-
rent was required (6), or, as
he himself expressed it, that
“the decomposition de-
manded greater intensity of
action in the batteries, or the
alkali was required to be in
much thinner and smaller
With the battery of
100 of 6 inches in full
activity [he explained]
I obtained good results
from pieces of potash
weighing from 40 to 70
grains, and of a thick-
ness which made the dis-
tance of the electrified
metallic surfaces nearly
a quarter of an inch ; but
with a similar power it
was impossible to pro-
duce the effects of de-
composition on pieces of
soda of more than 15 or
20 grains in weight, and
that only when the dis-
tance between the wires
was about one-eighth or
one-tenth of an inch. The substance produced from potash remained
fluid at the temperature of the atmosphere at the time of its production;
that from soda, which was fluid in the degree of heat of the alkali
during its formation, became solid on cooling, and appeared having the
lustre of silver (23), (24).
Thus only a few days after the discovery of potassium Davy was able to ‘
Sodium and Potassium Proved to Be Elements
announce the isolation of another new metal, which he named sodium.
However, it still remained for him to prove the elementary nature of these
metals, which many chemists believed to be compounds of the alkali and
hydrogen. Gay-Lussac and Thenard argued, for example, that, since
Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Collection, University of Pennsylvania
A Letter by Sir Humphry Davy in Which He Introduces Mme. Lavoisier de
Rumford to Dr. Ure op Glasgow
ammonium = ammonia + hydrogen, potassium = potash + hydrogen.
It was finally proved, however, that no hydrogen can be evolved from
potassium, and that Davy was correct in regarding sodium and potassium
as elements (8).
Mr. A. Combes, one of Davy’s admirers, communicated some interesting
comments on this discovery to Nicholson's Journal (27):
278 Discovery of the Elements
I attended his course of lectures of 1807 [said Mr. Combes] and in
referring to my notes I find that he stated it as a fact, that all bodies
of known composition attracted by tiie negative pole in the Voltaic
circuit consisted principally of inflammable matter, and were natu-
rally positive; and that it was probable therefore, that all bodies of
unknown composition attracted by this pole, and which were naturally
positive, might also contain inflammable matter. In his lectures in
1801,* he stated, that, in looking for inflammable matter after those
ideas in the fixed alkalies, he had discovered it, and that he had likewise
found what he had not expected, that it was metallic in its nature.
In this instance sagacious conjecture and sound analogy were followed
up by experimental researcji, and ended in a great discovery.
From A. H. Norway's " Highways and Byways tn Devon and Cornwall”
St. Michael’s Mount and Bay near Penzance, Cornwall, Where Sir Humphry
Davy Was Born
Davy’s isolation of the alkali metals was brilliant in every sense of the
word. It soon led to the discovery of the alkaline earth metals by a
similar electrochemical method; and the alkali metals themselves were
destined to become powerful tools in the search for other elements.
Lithium f
At the close of the eighteenth century, the great Brazilian scientist and
statesman Jozi Bonif&cio de Andrada e Silva made a mineralogical journey
* This date as given in Nicholson's Journal is obviously incorrect.
t See also Chapter XVI, pp. 287-9.
Lithium Minerals
through Scandinavia (41). In a letter to Mine Surveyor Beyer of Schnee-
berg which was published in January, 1800, in Scherer's Journal , he de-
scribed an infusible, laminated mineral which he called petalite, which dis-
solved in nitric acid very slowly and without effervescence, and another
new mineral which he called spodumene (34) .
N.-L. Vauquelin’s analysis of spodumene, which the Abb£ Haiiy pub-
lished in his Traite de Miniralogie in 1801, showed a loss of 9.5 per cent,
which was never correctly interpreted
until J. A. Arfwedson in 1818 dis- F ' . 1
covered a new alkali metal, lithium, < ‘\*V-
first in petalite, and soon after in . . ‘ ‘
spodumene and in lepidolite (35). Even ^ ^ ^ 1:: 1 ; *'
before the discovery of lithium, Johann
Nepomuk von Fuchs observed the red
color which spodumene imparts to the
flame; he afterward expressed chagrin
because he had neglected to investi-
gate the cause of this color (36). Vau-
quelin detected the presence of an ^
alkali in a specimen of petalite ob-
tained from the metallurgist E. T.
Svedenstjema, but mistook it for pot-
ash (13), (37). Wilhelm Hisinger also
analyzed this mineral at least as early
as January, 1818, and obtained prelimi-
nary results similar to those of Arfwed- • ‘
son (38). When the Reverend Edward
Daniel Clarke of the University ol a. Sisson, nth.
Cambridge analyzed a specimen of it Bonif a ck)^de And ra d a e Silv.a
in the same year, his results showed a Rra7iliatl spipnti ~t s t a ,, S m M *nH
Brazilian scientist, statesman, and
puzzling “loss” of 1.75 per cent, the poet. Discoverer of petalite and spo-
reason for which became evident as “Sta,. 1 "
soon as Arfwedson’s analysis was pub- lessly to improve the social conditions
Hctiori (W\ (dri\ of the dispossessed Indians and en-
ns \ )* \ )• slaved Negroes and to bring about their
Johan August Arfwedson, the dis- gradual emancipation.
coverer of lithium, was born at Skager-
holms-Bruk, Skaraborgs Lan, on January 12, 1792 (1(f). He studied chem-
istry under Berzelius, and it was in the latter’s famous Stockholm labora-
tory that he made this great discovery at the age of twenty-five years.
Berzelius described this chemical event in a letter to Berthollet written on
February 9, 1818:
The new alkali [said he] was discovered by Mr. Arfvedson, a very
skillful young chemist Who has been working in my laboratory for a
Discovery of the Elements
year. He found this alkali in a rock previously discovered by Mr.
d’Andrada in the mine at Uto and named by him petalite. This rock
consists, in round numbers, of 80% silica, 17% alumina, and 3% of
the new alkali. To extract the latter from it one uses the ordinary
method of heating the pulverized rock with barium carbonate and sepa-
rating from it all the earths. . .
This alkali [continued Berzelius] has a greater capacity for saturat-
ing acids than the other fixed alkalies, and even surpasses magnesia.
It is by this circumstance that it
Engraved by W. T. Fry from an original Picture
by J. Opie, R.A.
Edward Daniel Clarke
English mineralogist and traveler.
One of the founders of the Cambridge
Philosophical Society. One of the first
chemists to analyze the lithium mineral
petalite. His “Travels in Various
Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa”
contains intimate glimpses of many
contemporary scientists and their labo-
ratories. See ref. (49).
ing it as the sulfate.
was discovered. For the salt with
the [new] alkali as base, obtained
by analysis, exceeds greatly in
weight what it ought to have
weighed if its base had been soda or
potash. It was very natural to
conclude that a salt with an alkali
base which is not precipitated at
all by tartaric acid ought to con-
tain soda. So did Arfvedson at
first, but, having repeated the an-
alysis of the petalite three times
with exactly the same results, he
thought he ought to examine each
* constituent more thoroughly, and
it is in consequence of such an ex-
amination that he noticed that the
alkaline substance had properties
different from other alkalies. We
have given this alkali the name of
lithion [lithia] to recall that it was
discovered in the mineral kingdom,
whereas the two others were [dis-
covered] in the vegetable king-
dom (21).
Arfwedson’s own account of his an-
alysis of petalite is to be found in the
Annales de Chimie et de Physique for
1819. He found that it contained
silica, alumina, and an alkali metal
which he tried to determine by weigh-
But [said he] it was still necessary to learn the base of the salt. Its
solution could not be precipitated either by tartaric acid in excess or
by platinum chloride. Consequently it could not be potassium. I
mixed another portion of a solution of the same salt with a few drops
of pure potash, but without its becoming cloudy. Therefore it con-
tained no more magnesia : hence it must be a salt with soda for a base.
I calculated the quantity of soda which would be necessary to fora
it ; but it always resulted in an excess of about 5 parts in 100 of the
Isolation of Lithium
mineral analyzed. Therefore, since it seemed probable to me that
the different substances might not have been well washed, or that the
analysis might not have been made with sufficient precision in other
respects, I repeated it twice more with all the care possible, but always
with results very little different. I obtained: Silica: 78.45, 79.85;
Alumina: 17.20, 17.30; Sulfate: 19.50,17.75. At last, having stud-
ied this sulfate more closely, I soon found that it contained a definite
fixed alkali, whose nature had not previously been known (21).
Petalite is now known to be lithium aluminum silicate, LiAl(Si 206 ) 2 -
On April 22, 1818, Berzelius wrote to his London friend, Dr. Marcet.
that Arfwedson had also found lithium in spodumene and lepidolite, and
that the former contains about 8 per cent of this metal, whereas the latter
contains about 4 per cent. In the spring of the memorable year (1824) that
Wohler spent at Stockholm, he accompanied a distinguished groupof Swedish
chemists, including Berzelius, Hisinger, Arfwedson, and C. Retzius, on a
holiday excursion to Uto Island, about two miles out from shore in the Baltic
Sea. The island interested them greatly, not only because of its rich iron
mines, but also because of its rare minerals, including petalite and spodu-
mene, in which Arfwedson had found the new alkali metal (9). Lepido-
lite is also found on this island (12).
Arfwedson also studied the most important lithium salts, and his results
were quickly confirmed by Vauquelin (13 ) . Lithium differs from potassium
in that it does not give a precipitate with tartaric acid, and from sodium
in that its carbonate is only sparingly soluble. The beautiful red color
which lithium salts impart to a flame was first observed in 1818 by C. G.
Gmelin (14), (25).
Arfwedson and Gmelin tried in vain to isolate lithium metal. After
failing to reduce the oxide by heating it with iron or carbon, they tried to
electrolyze its salts, but their voltaic pile was not sufficiently powerful
(14). W. T. Brande succeeded in decomposing lithia with a powerful
battery and obtained a white, combustible metal, and Davy also obtained
a small amount of lithium in the same manner (14), (15), (31), (32), (33).
Although these early investigators obtained only an extremely small
quantity of the metal, Bunsen and Matthiessen succeeded in 1855 in prepar-
ing enough of it for a thorough study of its properties (16). They accom-
plished the reduction by heating pure lithium chloride in a small thick-
walled porcelain crucible with a spirit lamp such as Berzelius used, while a
current from four to six carbon-zinc elements (Bunsen cells) was passed
through the molten mass. After a few seconds they saw a fused, silver-
white regulus form at the cathode and build up in two or three minutes
to the size of a pea. They carefully removed the globule with an iron
spoon, placed it under petroleum, and repeated the operation every three
minutes until they had reduced an ounce of lithium chloride (16). They
Discovery of the Elements
also showed that lithium, although it was first found in the mineral king-
dom, is widely distributed in all three of the natural realms.
That the famous mineralogist, the Abbi Haiiy, held Arfwedson in high
esteem is evident from his letter of June 13, 1820, in which he said to Ber-
zelius, “Be so kind, Monsieur, as to offer to M. Arfvedson, of whom it
suffices to say that he is your worthy pupil, the assurance of the profound
esteem and distinguished respect which I bear him” (17).
In the same year Arfwedson bought an iron-works (forge de feu) and a
large estate at Hedenso in the province of Sodermanland, which caused
Berzelius to fear lest this promising young chemist might abandon his
scientific career (17). Perhaps his misgivings were well founded, for
Thomas Thomson, after mentioning Arfwedson’s experiments on the
oxides of uranium * and on the action of hydrogen on metallic sulfates,
said, “He has likewise analyzed a considerable number of minerals with
great care; but of late years he seems to have lost his activity. His
analysis of chrysoberyl does not possess the accuracy of the rest; by some
inadvertence, he has taken a compound of glucina and alumina for silica”
(18). Arfwedson died at his Hedenso estate on October 28, 1841 (10).
Literature Cited
(/) Davy, Dr. John, “The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart.," Vol. 1,
Smith, Elder and Co., London, 1839, p. 117. Quotation from Sir H. D.
(2) Paris, J, A., "Life of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart.,” Vol. 1, Colburn and Bentley,
London, 1831, pp. 33-4. Ode to St. Michael’s Mount iu Cornwall.
(3) Davy, J., "The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart.," ref. (/), Vol. 1,
pp. 10-1.
(4) Ibid., p. 51.
(5) Ibid., p. 88.
(6) Jagnaux, R., "Histoire de la Chimie," Vol. 2, Baudry et Cie., Paris, 1891, pp.
(7) Davy, J., "The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart.," ref. (/), Vol. 1, p.
(8) FArber, E., "Geschichtliche Entwicklung der Chemie," Springer, Berlin, 1921,
pp. 116-9.
(9) W6hler, F., "Early recollections of a chemist, "Am. Chemist , 6, 131 (Oct., 1875).
(10) Poggbndorff, J. C., "Biographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte
der exakten Wissenschaften," 6 vols., Verlag Chemie, Leipzig and Berlin, 1863-
1937. Article on Arfvedson (sic).
(11) SOderbaum, H. G., "Jac. Berzelius Bref," Vol. 1, part 1, Almqvist and Wikseils,
Upsala. 1912 - 1914 , pp. 63-4; "Lettre de M. Berzelius A M. Berthollet sur
deux Mltaux nouveaux," Ann. chim. phys., (2), 7, 199-201 (1818).
(12) S6derbaum, H. G*, "Jac. Berzelius Bref," ref. (II), Vol. 1, part 3, pp. 171-2V
(13) Vauquelin, Nicolas-Louts, "Note sur une nouvelle esp£ce d’Alcali mineral,"
Ann. chim , phys., (2), 7, 284-8 (1818).
* See Part VII, p, 132 and Part XVI, p. 291.
Literature Cited
(14) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” ref. (6), Vol. 2, pp. 124-9.
(15) Gmblin, L., “Handbuch der theoretischen Chemie,” ersten Bandes zweite Ab-
theilung, dritte Auflage, F. Varrentrapp, Frankfurt am Main, 1826, pp. 597-8;
W. T. Brande, “Manual of Chemistry/* John Murray, London, 1821, Vol. 2, p.
57 ; Scherer’s Allgem. Nordische Ann. der Chemie, 8, 120 ( 1822).
(16) Bunsen, R., “Darstellung des Lithiums/’ Ann., 94, 107-10 (1855).
(17) SOderbaum, H. G., “Jac Berzelius Bref,” ref. (11), Vol. 3, part 2, p. 165.
(18) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry/’ Vol. 2, Colburn and Bentley
London, 1831, p. 229.
(19) Gregory, J. C., “The Scientific Achievements of Sir Humphry Davy,” Oxford
University Press, London, 1930, pp. 37-57.
(20) Ibid., pp. iii-vii and 1-9.
(21) Arfwedson, J. A., “Analyses de quelques mineraux de la mine d’Utben Su&de,
dans lesquels on a trouv6 un nouvel alcali fixe,” Ann. chim. phys ., (2), 10, 82-107
(1819); Afhandlingar i Kemi, Fysik och Mineralogie, 6 (1818); Set. News Letter,
18, No. 493, 186 (Sept. 20, 1930).
(22) Davy, H., “The decomposition of the fixed alkalies and alkaline earths,” Set.
News Letter, 14, No. 390, 201-2 (Sept. 29, 1928).
(23) Davy, H., “The Decomposition of the Fixed Alkalies and Alkaline Earths,”
Alembic Club Reprint No. 6, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1902, 51 pp.
(24) Davy, H., “The Bakerian lecture, on some new phenomena of chemical changes
produced by electricity, particularly the decomposition of the fixed alkalies, etc.,’
Sri. News Letter, 18, No. 493, 18G-7 (Sept. 20, 1930).
(25) Kopp, H., “Geschichte der Chemie,” Vol. 4, F. Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig,
1847, p. 41.
(26) Brockman, C. J., “Fused electrolytes — an historical sketch,” J. Chem. Educ., 4,
512-23 (April, 1927).
(27) Combes, A., “Second letter on the subject of the new metals,” Nicholson's J.,
21, 365 (Suppl., 1808).
(28) Davy, H., “Electro-chemical researches, on the decomposition of the earths;
with observations on the metals obtained from the alkaline earths, and on the
amalgam procured from ammonia,” Nicholson's J., 21, 366-83 (Suppl., 1808).
(29) ‘"Oeuvres de Lavoisier,” Vol. 1, Imprimerie Imp£riale, Paris, 1864, pp. 119-20.
(30) Ibid., Vol. 1. pp. 135 and 137.
(31) Thomson, T., “History of Chemistry,” ref. (18), Vol. 2, pp. 264-5;, Annals of
Philos., (1), 12, 16 (July, 1818).
(32) Weeks, M. E. and M. E. Larson, “J. A. Arfwedson and his services to chemis-
try,” J. Chem, Educ., 14, 403-7 (Sept., 1937).
(33) Arfwedson, J. A., “Undersdkning af nAgre mineralier,” K. Vet . Acad. Handl.
1822, pp, 87-94; Annals of Philos., 23, 343-8 (May, 1824).
(34) de Andrada, J. B., “Kurze Angabe der Eigenschaften und Kennzeichen einiger
neuen Fossilien aus Sehweden und Norwegen, nebst qinigen chemischen Bemer-
kungen fiber dieselben,” Scherer's Allg. J. der Chemie, 4, 28-39 (Jan., 1800).
(35) Funk, G., “Bidrag till Sveriges mineralogi,” Arkiv for Kemi, Mineralogi och
Geologi, 5, 21, 221-2 (1914).
(36) von Kobell, Franz, “Bibliography of Johann Nepomuk von Fuchs,” Am. J .
Sci. (2), 23, 99 (1857).
(37) Vauqurlin, Nicolas-Louis, Schw. J ., 21, 397-401 (1817).
(38) SOderbaum, H. G.,.ref. (11), Vol. 8, pp. 50-1. Letter of Berzelius to Hisinger,
Jan. 12, 1818.
284 Discovery of the Elements
(39) Gmelin, C. G., “Analysis of petalite and examination of the chemical properties
of lithia,” Annals of Philos. , 15, 341-51 (May, 1820).
(40) Clarke, E. D., “Description and analysis of a substance called petalite, from
Sweden,” ibid., 11, 196-8 (March, 1818) ; ibid., 11, 365-6 (May 1818).
(41) Neiva, VenAncio de Figueiredo, “Rezumo Biogr6fico de Jozi Bonif&cio de
Andrada e Silva, o Patriarca da Independence do Brazil,” Irmaos Pongetti, Rio
de Janeiro, 1938, 305 pp.
(42) Kopp, H. ref. (25), Vol. 4, pp. 3-41.
(43) Cullen, Edmund, “Physical and Chemical Essays Translated from the Original
Latin of Sir Torbem Bergman,” J. Murray, Balfour, Gordon, and Dickson, Lon-
don, 1784, Vol. 1, p. 21 ; ibid., Vol. 2, footnote to p. 438.
(44) Bohnius, D. Joh., “ Dissertationes Chyniico-Physicae,” Thomas Fritsch, Leip-
zig, 1696, pp. 381-2.
(45) Bobrhaavk, H., “Elemens de Chytnie,” Chardon, fils, Paris, 1754, Vol. 1, pp.
188, 197.
(46) du Hamel du Monceau, H.-L., “Ueber die Basis des Seesalzes,” Crell's Neues
chem. Archiv, 4, 166-70 (1785); Hist, de Vacad. roy. des sciences (Paris), 1736,
p. 89.
(47) “Recueil des m£nioires de chyrnie. . .dans les actes de l’acad. des sci. de Stokolm
(sic). . .,” Vol. 2, pp, 515-7; G. Brandt, “Observations et experiences sur les
differences qui se trouve entre la soude et la potasse,” Mem. de Vacad. roy. de
Suede, Vol. 8 (1746).
(48) Marggraf, A. S., “Chymische Schriften,” Arnold Wever, Berlin, 1768, revised
ed., Vol. l,pp. 134-78.
(49) Obituary of Edward Daniel Clarke. Annual Register 1822, pp. 274-6.
Although the histories of chemistry devote but little space to the work of
J. A. A rfwedson, the discoverer of lithium , Berzelius' correspondence ,
travel-diary , and autobiography contain much interesting information about
him. The superb biography of Berzelius which the late H. G. Soderbaum
completed near the close of his life also throws much light on Arfwedson* s
chemical activity.
Johan August Arfwedson was born in January, 1792, t (I), {2)> on the
family estate at Skagerholms-Bruk in Skaraborg County, Sweden. Until
the age of fourteen, he was educated at home, and in 1806 he entered the
college (hogskolan) at Upsala. After completing the mining course at
Upsala and the mining examinations, he entered the Royal Bureau of
Mines at Stockholm, where he served as secretary at the Bureau, and still
found time to carry on research in chemical analysis in Berzelius’ famous
laboratory. When the twenty -five-year-old Arfwedson entered this lab-
oratory early in 1817, he had among his classmates Count H. G. Trolle-
Wachtmeister, ten years his senior, and Lieutenant C. A. Arrhenius, the
discoverer of gadolinite, who was then sixty years of age.
Arfwedson immediately set to work analyzing meionite and leucite
( 3 ), (4), (5). He observed that although the leucite was very infusible,
the meionite melted readily before the blowpipe, swelled, and formed an
enamel. Since his analysis of meionite agreed closely with Klaproth’s
analysis of leucite, Arfwedson analyzed a specimen of leucite and found
these two minerals to be very similar in composition, except that the leucite
contained no lime. Suspecting, therefore, that the lime must be the cause
of the meionite’s fusibility, he mixed a little lime with the leucite, after
which it, too, could be easily melted.
In the autumn of the same year, Arfwedson completed a beautiful re-
search on the oxides of manganese. He determined the per cent of man-
ganese in the brown powder obtained by igniting manganous oxide and in
the black powder, manganic oxide, obtained by evaporating this brown
manganosic oxide with nitric acid and gently igniting the residue. Since
he found it difficult to get the black powder of constant composition, he
recommended that in analytical work the oxide should always be strongly
ignited and weighed as manganosic [mangano-manganic] oxide, Mn 3 0 4 .
Arfwedson also observed that the ratio of the oxygen in manganous
oxide to the oxygen in manganic oxide is as 1 to U/ 2 , a relation which the
modem chemist expresses in the formulas MnO and Mn 2 0 3 . He realized
* Presented by Mary E. Larson and the author before the Divisions of History of
Chemistry and Chemical Education at the Midwest Regional Meeting of the A. C. S.,
Omaha, Nebraska, April 30, 1937.
t Sdderbaum (1) and Leijonhufvud (2) give the date of Arfwedson's birth as January
4th; the unsigned obituary (4) in the Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. gives it as January 12th.
Discovery of the Elements
that manganosic oxide must be a compound of these two oxides, and rea-
soned that “if this compound, like ferrous-ferric oxide, may be supposed
to be of such composition that the oxide contains twice as much metal and
three times as much oxygen as the protoxide, this compound consists of
72.82 per cent metal and 27.18 per cent oxygen ... I have called this oxide
oxidum manganoso-manganicum because of its resemblance to ferroso-ferric
oxide, the composition of which Herr Professor Berzelius described in his
Courtesy Mr. Carl Bjdrkbom, Royal Library, Stockholm
Johan August Arfwedson, 1792-1841
This lithograph by Fehr and Muller of Stockholm was
labeled by Berzelius "Reskamraten Arfvedson” (traveling
companion Arfvedson) . Berzelius placed it in the manuscript
of his travel diary "Reseanteckningar.”
Attempt to lay the foundations of a purely scientific system for Mineralogy ,
page 92.”
Manganosic oxide is now known to contain only 72.03 per cent of man-
ganese. Since Arfwedson obtained 1.0735 grams of manganosic oxide by
igniting one gram of manganous oxide, which is in good agreement with the
value now accepted (1.0752 grams), his experimental work must have been
excellent. In computing the per cent of manganese in manganosic oxide,
however, he made the mistake of accepting 21.88 per cent as the oxygen
content of manganous oxide, a value which Professor Johann Friedrich
John of Berlin had obtained by the analysis of manganous sulfate, Arf-
Johan August Arfwedson
wedson determined the composition of manganous oxide by passing hydro-
gen chloride over a weighed portion of manganous carbonate, treating the
resulting manganous chloride with an excess of silver nitrate, and weighing
the silver chloride. Although his value of 22. 14 per cent oxygen in man-
ganous oxide was somewhat better than that of John (the value now ac-
cepted is 22.56 per cent), Arfwedson lacked confidence in it and stated,
“I have reason to suspect a slight admixture of oxide in the muriate I inves-
tigated, and therefore the result of my analysis is probably less reliable. "
In September, 1817, Berzelius reported Arfwedson’s research in letters to
Dr. Marcet and Gay-Lussac ( 6 ), and in the following year Arfwedson
published it in the Afhandlingar i Fysik,
Kemi och Miner alogi (7), the editorial
staff of which he had recently joined.
When he had completed the manga*
nese research, Berzelius set him to work
at analyzing a new mineral, petalite, from
the iron mine on Uto, one of the many
rocky islands or skerries which comprise
Stockholm's superb archipelago. Arf-
wedson fused the petalite with potas-
sium carbonate, determined the silica in
the usual manner, and precipitated the
alumina with ammonium carbonate. His
analysis totaled only 96 per cent. Sur-
prised to find such a large loss in such a
simple analysis, he decomposed the pet-
alite with barium carbonate. After re-
moving the silica and alumina and the bar-
ium Sulfate Obtained by adding excess Sul- From Berzeli ™' “ Lehrbuch der Chemie"
furic acid, he evaporated the washings, Berzelius’ Blowpipe Lamp
volatilized the ammonium salts, and found
a fused residue of a soluble, nonvolatile sulfate. Since an aqueous solution
of this salt gave no precipitate with tartaric acid, “platina solution," or
caustic potash, the base could be neither potash nor magnesia. Arfwedson
therefore assumed that the salt must be sodium sulfate, but when he calcu-
lated his results on that assumption, his analysis totaled about 105 per cent.
Thinking that this excess weight must be due to improper washing of his
precipitates, he repeated the analysis twice and obtained in duplicate de-
terminations 19.500 and 17.75 per cent of the unknown sulfate.
In a letter to Wilhelm Hisinger, who was then analyzing the same mineral,
Berzelius wrote on January 12, 1818, . . All these facts have led us to
believe that petalite perhaps contains a new alkali ... of such great saturat-
ing capacity that, when the salt is computed as a sodium salt, the excess in
Discovery of the Elements
weight arises through the fact that the salt contains much less base than a
sodium salt. If this be true, Arfwedson has had the good fortune to make
in his second mineralogical analysis one of the most remarkable discoveries
which can be made in this manner . . .” ( 3 ). Berzelius also announced
Arfwedson's discovery of lithium to Dr. Marcet and Count Berthollet in
the same letters in which he mentioned his own discovery of selenium (8).
Arfwedson's announcement of the discovery was published in the Afhand-
lingar in the same year ( 9 ). According to Dr. Soderbaum (5), Berzelius
himself deserves a great deal of credit for the discovery of lithium as well
as selenium, but was generous enough to let the lithium research be pub-
lished under Arfwedson’s name alone.
Arfwedson prepared lithium acetate, ignited it, and noted the insolu-
bility of the resulting lithium carbonate in water and its action on platinum.
He also prepared and studied the bicarbonate, sulfate, nitrate, chloride,
tartrate, borate, hydroxide, and a double sulfate which he reported as
lithium alum. He mentioned that lithium hydroxide is much less soluble
than the other caustic alkalies and that it has a greater “saturation ca-
pacity” [lower equivalent weight] than they. Because of its ability to
form deliquescent salts with nitric and hydrochloric acids, Arfwedson recog-
nized the close relation between the new alkali and the alkaline earths,
especially magnesia.
His attempt to decompose the new base with Berzelius' galvanic battery
of fifty pairs of plates in an electrolyte of sodium chloride was unsuccessful.
As early as 1818, however, Sir Humphry Davy obtained a minute amount of
lithium metal (10). When he passed a current through fused lithium
carbonate in a platinum capsule, “the alkali decomposed with bright
scintillations, and the reduced metal being separated, afterward burnt.
The small particles which remained a few moments before they were re-
converted into alkali . . . were . . . very similar to sodium. A globule of
quicksilver made negative and brought into contact with the alkaline
salt, soon became an amalgam of lithium, and had gained the power of
acting on water. . .”
Most standard works of reference also contain incomplete state-
ments that lithium was isolated by Brande (or Brandes) and refer to
Scher., 8, 120 or Schweigger’s J., 8, 120. The correct reference is
Scherer's Allgemeine Nordische Annalen der Chem., 8, 120 (1822), which
merely states that W. T. Brande used a voltaic pile to prepare lithium
as a shining, white, combustible metal and refers to the second London
edition of his “Manual of Chemistry,” Volume 2, page 57. This edi-
tion was published by John Murray in 1821. Braude's complete
statement therein is as follows : “When lithia is submitted to the action
of the Voltaic pile, it is decomposed with the same phenomena as
potassa and soda; a brilliant white and highly combustible metallic
substance is separated, which may be called lithium , the term lithia
Arfwedson and Berzelius
being applied to its oxide. The properties of this metal have not
hitherto been investigated, in consequence of the difficulty of procuring
any quantity of its oxide."*
In 1821 Arfwedson published a supplementary note to his lithium re-
search (22), in which he stated that the salt which he had previously re-
ported as lithium acid sulfate must be the normal sulfate and that the
double sulfate he had at first taken for lithium alum was really potassium
alum resulting from a trace of potassium in his alumina.
In the summer of 1818 Arfwedson went to England, taking with him
specimens of Berzelius' new element selenium to present to Dr. Marcet, Sir
Humphry Davy, and Dr. W. H. Wollaston as gifts from the discoverer.
Berzelius met him there later and accompanied him on visits to Dr. Wollas-
ton, William Prout, Sir Joseph Banks, F. C. Accum, William Allen, and the
geologist John Farey, Senior. In company with Berzelius he studied at
first hand the soda-water, gas, and brewing industries of England. In
October of the same year the aged Abb€ R.-J. Haiiy of Paris entertained
Berzelius and Arfwedson and gave them some inspiring lessons on miner-
alogy (12).
In June, 1819, Berzelius, Arfwedson, Alexandre and Adolphe Brongniart,
and several other scientists made a geological tour of the Fontainebleau
Forest and the country surrounding Clermont. Part of the journey was
made in a crowded diligence in which “Arfwedson’s slender form became
still more compressed." At the inn in Clermont, Arfwedson, Almroth,
and Berzelius finally relinquished one of their two wax candles to the insist-
ent maid servant, who needed it for another guest, and continued their
studies by the light of Berzelius’ famous blowpipe lamp.
The Mont-Dore region could be explored only on horseback. "I cannot
mention," said Berzelius, “all the troubles I had (2) in getting my left foot
up into its stirrup and (2) in throwing the right one so high up into the air
that it arrived right over the little portmanteau which was tied back of the
saddle . . . However, after several attempts, and after Almroth and Arfwed-
son had laughed to their hearts’ content at my awkwardness, I finally suc-
On their journey to le Puy, their fellow passengers were good-natured,
inquisitive peasants who thought the Swedish language was a kind of
French patois. “Arfwedson," said Berzelius, “was 4 in their opinion, a
prince, for he was wearing in the cabriolet the same suit he wore on the
streets of Paris, whereas Almroth and I had adapted ourselves more to the
dirty, careless traveling costume of the French."
In Lyons, Arfwedson and Berzelius observed the manufacture of silk and
velvet in the homes of the workers. In Geneva they visited Dr. and Mrs.
Alexandre Marcet. While they were in Zurich, Professor M. A. Pictet of
* This may serve as a correction to “The Discovery of the Elements/* 3rd ed., p. 126,
Discovery of the Elements
Geneva announced to them that they had both been elected to honorary
membership in the Helvetian Scientific Society.
To simplify their journey across Prussia and homeward through Sweden,
Arfwedson bought a fine carriage in Dresden. Berzelius and he visited the
porcelain works at Berlin, where Berzelius bought several porcelain stop-
cocks and was delighted to find them completely air-tight.
After their return to Stockholm in the winter of 1819, Arfwedson set up
his own laboratory and equipped it with apparatus he had bought during
his travels. In the following year he purchased a handsome estate at
Hedenso (Heden’s Island), where he equipped another chemical laboratory.
However, since he owned the Nashulta Works and mill in Sodermanland
near Hedenso and shares in the Gravendal Works in Kopparberg and in-
dustrial plants at Skagerholm and Brunnsberg, his executive duties left
him little time for research.
On April 18, 1821, he was elected to membership in the Swedish Academy
of Sciences. In the same year he published some analyses of cyanite from
St. Gotthard and Ror&s and nepheline and sodalite from Vesuvius (13).
In 1822 he published analyses of cinnamon stone, chrysoberyl, and bora-
cite (14). He found the cinnamon stone which Berzelius had brought
back from Vermland to be a calcium aluminum iron silicate and regarded it
as a true garnet like the one from Ceylon which Klaproth had analyzed.
Arfwedson’s analysis of Brazilian chrysoberyl was severely criticized by
Thomas Thomson, who said that “by some inadvertence, he has taken a
compound of glucina and alumina for silica ,, (15). Glucina, or beryllia,
had been discovered by N.-L. Vauquelin nearly a quarter of a century be-
fore (16).
Arfwedson fused the chrysoberyl three times with caustic potash in a
silver crucible. Since a portion of the melt corresponding to about 18
per cent of the mineral failed to dissolve in hydrochloric acid, he reported
this residue as silica. It is now known that beryllium hydroxide, when
freshly precipitated, dissolves readily in hydrochloric acid, but becomes
after a time almost completely insoluble in it (17). Therefore, it is prob-
able that Arfwedson’s “silica ,, was really the beryllium hydroxide. He
then precipitated the alumina by adding ammonium hydroxide to the acid
filtrate. To satisfy himself of the purity of his alumina, he saturated the
alkaline solution with hydrochloric acid until the precipitate dissolved, and
added a large excess of ammonium carbonate. “Had any glucina [beryl-
lia] or yttria existed in the matter/ * said Arfwedson, “it would have been
dissolved by this excess of carbonate of ammonia, and would have fallen
when the filtered liquid was boiled till the excess of ammonia was driven off ;
but the liquid stood this test without any precipitate appearing/' Arfwed-
son was evidently unable to detect beryllia here because he had already
filtered it off and reported it as silica. When the American chemist Henry
Arfwedson’s Researches on Uranium 291
Seybert analyzed the same mineral in 1824 he found it to contain from
15 to 16 per cent of beryllia (22).
In 1822 Arfwedson published his paper on uranium (18). More than
thirty years before, Klaproth had heated a paste made with uranic oxide
and linseed oil, and obtained a brown powder with a metallic luster, which
he regarded as metallic uranium. Although others had used carbon cru-
cibles in their attempts to reduce uranium oxide to the metal, Arfwedson
used hydrogen. He placed a weighed portion of ignited “uranous oxide”
[uranosic, or uranous-uranic oxide] in a bulb blown out at the center
of a piece of barometer tubing, drove off the moisture, and passed dry
hydrogen over it. As soon as the air had been removed, he heated the
bulb with an Argand spirit lamp. A vigorous reaction took place, and in
a few minutes the green “uranous oxide” had been changed to “a powder
of a liver-brown color,” which Arfwedson believed to be uranium metal.
He also prepared the “potash muriate of uranium” [potassium uranyl
chloride, KaCUOaJCU], and attempted to analyze it by reduction with
hydrogen just as Berzelius had analyzed potassium chlorplatinate (19).
As Arfwedson passed hydrogen over the strongly heated salt, it continued
to lose hydrochloric acid for more than two hours. After cooling the ap-
paratus, he washed out the potassium chloride and the undecomposed salt
and obtained a dark, crystalline powder with a metallic luster. When this
was heated, it became converted into green “uranous oxide” [uranosic
oxide]. During this change, 100 parts of the so-called “metal” [uranous
oxide] gained 3.7 parts of oxygen. This was evidently the reaction:
3UC>2 + 0 2 = U3O8, in which 100 parts of uranous oxide actually gain 3.95
parts of oxygen; 100 parts of true uranium metal would have gained 17.9
parts of oxygen. Arfwedson, however, did not believe that his powder
could be an oxide, for, according to Sir Humphry Davy’s new theory re-
garding the composition of muriatic [hydrochloric] acid, the double chloride
of uranium and potassium contained no oxygen.
Although Arfwedson, Klaproth, Berzelius, and many other eminent
chemists long regarded this crystalline powder as the metal, E. M. Peligot
in 1841 obtained the true metal. When he heated uranous oxide with
carbon in a current of chlorine, h,e obtained carbon monoxide, carbon di-
oxide, and a green crystalline compound which is now known to be uranous
chloride, UCI4. Since the evolution of carbon dioxide and carbon mon-
oxide showed that the so-called “uranium” must contain oxygen, Peligot
heated the uranous chloride with potassium and succeeded for the first time
in preparing and studying true metallic uranium. As early as 1824, how-
ever, Friedrich Stromeyer had doubted that Arfwedson’s “uranium” was
the metal (23).
When Arfwedson tr.ied to analyze lead uranate by reducing it with hydro-
gen, it gained weight and became hot. When he placed the reduced mass
Discovery of the Elements
on paper, he was astonished to see it burst into flame. He also prepared
other pyrophoric alloys of uranium in the same way. “The uranium
alloys," said he, “absorb oxygen again at ordinary temperatures, become
ignited, and thus constitute a peculiar kind of pyrophors which are not
inferior in flammability to those already known."
In 1822 Arfwedson published a paper on the decomposition of sulfates
with dry hydrogen (20). In the following year the British mineralogist
H. J. Brooke (1771-1857) described a new mineral, arfwedsonite (21).
“The benefits which mineralogy has derived from the labours of Mr.
Arfwedson," said he, “have induced me to associate his name with this
mineral, which is from Greenland, and is black and foliated, and has been
hitherto called ferriferous hornblende ..."
In the autumn of 1824 Arfwedson helped Berzelius and Wilhelm Hisinger
arrange the mineral collection of the Academy of Sciences according to
Berzelius’ chemical system. Two years later Berzelius visited Arfwedson
at Hedenso. “This," said he, “is a most beautiful place, and Arfwedson
and his wife have improved it since I was here last time. Inside there
reigns extreme neatness and a degree of luxury which could be much less
and still be sufficient" (3).* Berzelius’ pleasure was marred, however, by
an attack of gout which did not yield even when Arfwedson himself ap-
plied nine leeches to the affected knee.
Although Arfwedson ’s business interests more and more distracted his
attention from chemical research, this was not caused by the love of
money. When one of his uncles bequeathed him the magnificent Forssby
estate with its precious collection of oil paintings, Arfwedson allowed this
inheritance to be shared according to law with the other heirs.
In the last year of his life, the Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded
him its large gold medal (2) in honor of his discovery of lithium. He died
at Hedenso on October 28, 1841, and was survived by his wife and three
sons. The Vetenskapsacademiens Handlingar for that year contained the
following tribute to his memory: “His love of order gave an impress of
neatness not only to his person but also to everything about him. He had
a pleasant manner; when different points of view were exchanged, he ex-
pressed himself with a deliberateness which was not compliance and with a
thoroughness which showed deep thought. One may venture to say that,
because he was obliged to devote his time to the management of a consider-
able fortune, . . . the science to which he devoted himself in his youth lost
much (4)."
In conclusion we wish to thank Mr. Carl Bjorkbom of the Royal
Library at Stockholm and Miss Amy Wastfelt of Upsala for their kind as-
* Letter of Berzelius to Carl Palmstedt, July 26, 1826.
Literature Cited 293
Literature Cited
( 1 ) Boethius, B., “Svenskt biografiskt lexikon," A. Bonnier, Stockholm, 1918. Arti-
cle on Arfwedson by H. G. Soderbaum.
( 2 ) Leijonhufvud, K. A. K:son, “Ny svensk slaktbok," P. A. Norstedt & Sdner,
Stockholm, 1906, pp. 94-5.
(3) Soderbaum, H. G., “Berzelius levnadsteckning," Almqvist & Wiksells Bok-
tryckeri A.-B., Upsala, 1929-31, 3 vols.
(4) Anon., “Biografi ofver Johan August Arfvedson, Brukspatron,” Kongl. Vet. Acad.
Handl., 1841, pp. 249-55.
(5) Arfwedson, J. A., “Analys af melonit dioctaedre och af leucit fr&n Vesuvius,"
Afh. i Fysik , Kemi och Mineralogi , 6, 25,5-62 (1818).
(6) SOderbaum, H. G., “Jac. Berzelius Bref, "Almqvist & Wiksells, Upsala,1912-1914,
Vol. 1, part 3, pp. 158-9. Letter of Berzelius to Marcet, Sept. 23, 1817; Ann.
chim. phys., (2), 6, 204-5 (1817). Letter of Berzelius to Gay-Lussac, Sept. 28,
(7) Arfwedson, J. A., “Undersokning af oxidum manganoso-manganicum, en hittills
okand kemisk forening af manganoxidul och oxid," Afh. i Fysik, Kemi och Min.,
6, 222-36 (1818); Annals of Philos., 23, 267-75 (Apr., 1824).
(<?) SOderbaum, H. G., “Jac. Berzelius Bref," Almqvist & Wiksells, Upsala, 1912-14,
Vol. 1, part 1, pp. 63-4. Letter of Berzelius to Berthollet, Feb. 9, 1818; ibid.,
Vol. 1, part 3, p. 160. Letter of Berzelius to Dr. Marcet, Feb. 6, 1818.
(9) Arfwedson, J. A., “Undersokning af n&gre vid Uto Jernmalmsbrott fcire-
kommande Fossilier, och af ett deri funnet eget Eldfast Alkali," Afh. i Fysik,
Kemioch Min., 6, 145-72 (1818); “Tillagg af Berzelius," ibid., 6, 173-6 (1818).
( 10) Anon., “Additional observations on lithium and selenium by Professor Berzelius,"
Annals of Philos ., (1), 11, 374 (May, 1818); Thomas Thomson, “History of physi-
cal science from the commencement of the year 1817," ibid., (1), 12, 16 (July,
1818); Anon., “An account of the new alkali lately discovered in Sweden,"
Quarterly J. of Sci. and the Arts, 5, 337-40 (1818); “Von Petalit und dem schwed-
ischen rothen dichten Feldspath vom Dr. Clarke, Prof, der Mineralogie zu Cam-
bridge," Gilbert’s Ann. der Physik, 59, 241-7 (1818).
(11) Arfwedson, J. A., “Tillagg och rattelser vid afhandlingen om lithion i Kongl.
Vet. Acad. Handl. for Ar 1818,” Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl., 1821, pp. 156-9.
(12) Berzelius, J. J., “Reseanteckningar," P. A. Norstedt & Soner. Stockholm,
1903, 430 pp.
(13) Arfwedson, J. A., “Undersokning af n&gra mineralier," Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl.,
1821, pp. 147-55.
(14) Arfwedson, J. A., “Undersokning af n&gre mineralier," ibid., 1822, pp. 87-94;
Annals of Philos., 23, 343-8 (May, 1824).
(15) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry," Colburn and Bentley, London, 1831,
vol. 2, p. 229.
(16) Vauquelin, N.-J., “Analyse de l’aigue marine, ou b£ril, et d£couverte d’une terre
nouvelle dans cette pierre," Ann. chim. phys., [1], 155-77 (May (30 Flor6al),
(17) Haber, F. and G. van Oordt, “t)ber Berylliumverbindungen," Z. anorg. Chem.,
38, 380-1, 397 (Feb. 17, 1904).
(18) Arfwedson, J. A., “Bidrag till en narmare kannedom om uranium," Kongl. Vet.
Acad. Handl., 1822, pp. 404-26 ; Annals of Philos 23, 253-67 (April, 1824),
(19) Berzelius, J. J., “Note sur la composition des oxides du platine et de For," Ann.
chim. phys., (2), 18, 149-50 (1821).
(20) Arfwedson, J. A., “Om svafvelsyrade metallsalters sfinderdelning med vat gas,"
Discovery of the Elements
Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl., 1822 , pp. 427-49; Annals of Philos., 23 , 329-43 (May,
(21) Brooke, H. J., "A description of the crystalline form of some new minerals,”
Annals of Philos . . 21, 381-4 (May, 1823).
(22) Smith, E. F., '‘Chemistry in America,” D. Appleton and Co., New York and
London, 1914 , p. 151; Henry Seybert, “Analyses of the chrysoberyls from
Haddam and Brazil,” Trans. Am. Philos. Soc. (N. S.) t 2, 116-23 (1825). Read
March 5, 1824.
(23) Wallach, O., ” Brief wechsel zwischen J. Berzelius und F. Wohler,” Wilhelm
Engelmann, Leipzig, 1901 , Vol. 1, p. 19. Letter of Wohler to Berzelius, Nov. 11,
The isolation of the alkaline earth metals required the combined genius of
Davy and Berzelius. After the latter had succeeded in decomposing lime and
baryta by electrolyzing a mixture of the alkaline earth and mercury , Davy was
able in 1808 to prepare the amalgams in larger quantity and, by distilling of
the mercury , to isolate the metals , strontium f barium , calcium, and magnesium.
In the year 1817 a number of preparations of zinc oxide sold by German
apothecaries were confiscated by the inspectors , who found that zinc carbonate
had been substituted for the oxide , that the carbonate became yellow upon
heating , and that , when hydrogen sulfide was passed into an acid solution of the
carbonate , a yellow precipitate resembling arsenious sulfide was thrown down.
The researches of Dr. Stromeyer , Dr. Roloff, and Mr. Hermann proved , how-
ever, that this yellow precipitate was not arsenic sulfide , but the sulfide of an
unknown metal. Thus the good name of the manufacturing pharmacies was
restored l, and the chemical world was enriched by the discovery of the new ele-
ment, cadmium.
If matter cannot be destroy'd,
The living mind can never die;
If e'en creative when alloy'd,
How sure its immortality!
Then think that intellectual light,
Thou loved' st on earth is burning still ,
Its lustre purer and more bright,
Obscured no more by mortal will (1).
Although the ancients had many uses for lime, they knew nothing of its
chemical nature. The De Re Rustica of Marcus Porcius Cato the Censor
(234-149 B.C.), the De Architectura of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (who lived
in the reign of Augustus), and the Historia Naturalis of Pliny the Elder
all discuss the preparation, properties, and uses of lime (44), (45), (46)
Vitruvius noticed that lime from the kiln, although it was as bulky as the
original limestone, had "‘lost about one third of its weight owing (he said)
to the boiling out of the water’ ’ (47). *
George Ernst Stahl (1660-1734) thought that in the slaking of this sub-
stance the earthy element combined with the watery element to form
a salt. He admitted that there are distinct earths that might be con-
verted into metals by combining with phlogiston. Although most eigh-
teenth-century chemists thought that lime and baryta were elements,
Lavoisier believed them to be oxides (2), (12), “It is probable,” said
Discovery of the Elements
he, “that we know only part of the metallic substances which exist in Na-
ture; all those, for example, that have more affinity for oxygen than
for carbon are not capable of being reduced or brought to the metallic
state, and they must not present themselves to our eyes except in the form
of oxides, which we do not distinguish from the earths. It is very probable
that baryta, which we have just classified with the earths, is one of these;
it presents experimentally properties which closely ally it with metallic
substances. It is possible, strictly
speaking, that all the substances
which we call earths may be simply
metallic oxides irreducible by the
methods we employ' ' (12). Caspar
Neumann made some elaborate but
unsuccessful attempts to obtain a
metal from quicklime (3), but for this
difficult reduction new methods, new
apparatus, and the genius of a Davy
were required.
Sir Humphry's ardent nature could
not rest content with his recent
triumphs over sodium and potassium.
With a conqueror’s enthusiasm he
pushed ahead toward the still more
difficult task of decomposing the al-
kaline earths. In his first attempts
he passed a current through the
moist alkaline earth, which was pro-
tected from the air by a layer of
naphtha. There was slight decom
position, but any metal that may
have been formed combined immedi-
Davy then tried to use potassium directly as a reducing agent. “I
heated potassium,” said he, “in contact with dry, pure lime, barytes, stron-
tites, and magnesia, in tubes of plate glass; but as I was obliged to use
very small quantities, and as I could not raise the heat to ignition without
fusing the glass, I obtained in this way no good results.” Although the
potassium attacked the earth and the glass, no distinct metallic globules
were obtained (2).
The method he finally adopted was to mix the non-conducting, dry
earth (lime, strontia, or baryta) with excess potash and fuse it. When he
covered the alkaline mixture with naphtha and passed an electric current
through it, he soon saw metallic globules rising and bursting into flame,
From Muspratt's “Chemistry, Theoretical,
Practical and Analytical ”
Sir Humphry Davy
Professor of chemistry and lecturer
at the Royal Institution, London.
Scientist, poet, and humanitarian.
Donor of the Davy Medal.
ately with the iron cathode («?).
Decomposition of the Alkaline Earths
but when the flame died out, there remained nothing except potash and the
alkaline earth with which he had started ( 2 ), (3).
Although greatly disappointed over this failure, Sir Humphry soon
thought out another plan of attack. This time he mixed lime with mercuric
oxide and obtained a small amount of calcium amalgam. He also made
similar alloys of the other alkaline earths with mercury, silver, tin, and
lead, but never obtained enough of the alloy to permit the isolation of the
alkaline earth metal. In May, 1808, however, Berzelius wrote Davy
that he and Dr. Pontin, the
king’s physician, had decom-
posed lime by mixing it with
mercury and electrolyzing the
mixture, and that they had
been equally successful in
decomposing baryta and pre-
paring barium amalgam (2),
With the help of this sug-
gestion, Davy finally worked
out a method of obtaining
the alkaline earth metals
themselves. He mixed the
moist earth with one-third
its weight of mercuric oxide,
and placed it on a platinum
plate connected to the posi-
tive pole of a powerful bat-
tery. He then hollowed out
a little cavity in the center
of the mixture, and poured
a globule of mercury into it
in order to make possible the
use of a heavy current from
“a battery of five hundred.”
A platinum wire dipping into
the mercury was connected to
the negative pole. By this means Sir Humphry obtained enough of the
calcium amalgam so that he could distil off the mercury and see for the
first time the silvery-white metal, calcium ( 2)> (3) f (7).
In his letter of July 10, 1808, Davy acknowledged his indebtedness to
Berzelius and Dr. Pontin. After describing his early failures he said :
Since I have been favoured with your papers, I have, however, made
new and more successful attempts, and by combining your ingenious
Title Page of the “Chemical Works of Cas-
par Neumann” ( 1683 - 1737 )
Apothecary and professor of chemistry at Ber-
lin, His writings were carefully studied by
Scheele and Davy.
Courtesy Sir James C. Irvine
Thomas Charles Hope
Scottish chemist and physician. Successor to Dr. Joseph Black at Edinburgh.
The first chemist in Great Britain to teach Lavoisier’s views on combus-
tion. Hope and Dr. Adair Crawford were the first to distinguish between baryta
and strontia.
Calcium and Barium
mode of operating with those that I be-
fore employed, I have succeeded in ob-
taining sufficient quantities of amalgams
for distillation. At the red heat the
quicksilver rises from the amalgams and
the bases remain free. The metals of
strontites, barytes, and magnesia are all
that I have experimented upon in this
way; but I doubt not the other earths
will afford similar results. ... I con-
sider this letter as addressed in common
to you and your worthy fellow labourer,
Dr. Pontin, to whom I must beg you to
present my compliments” (14),
Pure calcium cannot be prepared by the
method of Davy and Berzelius, and a success-
ful commercial process was not perfected
until nearly a century later (32).
Richard Kirwan
Irish chemist. Author of a trea-
tise on water analysis, which is one of
the first books on quantitative analy-
sis, Famous for his early researches
on strontia.
Dr. Pontin (M.M. ap Pontin)
Physician to the King of
Sweden. He collaborated with
Berzelius in preparing amal-
gams of calcium and barium by
electrolyzing lime or baryta in
presence of mercury. Author
of a biography of Berzelius.
Early in the seventeenth century
Vincenzo Casciarolo, a shoemaker and
alchemist in Bologna, noticed that
when heavy spar is mixed with a com-
bustible substance and heated to red-
ness, the resulting mixture, which be-
came known as the “Bologna stone,”
emits a phosphorescent glow. W.
Derham in 1726 gave the following
account of the “Bolognian phos-
phorus” : “This stone is found in three
Places near the City of Bologna; the
first is called Pradalbino; the second
is a small Brook near the Village Ron-
caria; the third is called Monte
Patemo, and is most noted for these
Stones ; . . . It's known by a Glitter-
ing. . .which surprizes the eye. It was
first found out by . . . Vincenzo Cas-
ciarolo, a Cobler, but ingenious, and a
lover of Chymistry; who, trying
300 Discovery of the Elements
several Experiments with these Stones, by Chance happened on this Way of
preparing them, so as to make them shine in the Dark, after they had been
some Time exposed to the Sun. . . It’s usually no bigger than an Orange;
and tho’ Licetus affirms, there never was any greater than that in
Androvandus’ [Ulisse Aldrovandi’s] Museum, weighing about two Pound
and a half; yet the Author hath had of five Pound. It’s very
heavy, considering the Bulk, as being probably compounded of several
mineral Substances. . . When It's well prepared, it leaves a Lustre in the
Superficies, and is enlightened, not only
by the Sun, but the Moon, and a
Fire; but by these not so strongly, as
the Sun. The Light, tho' it appear
like a Coal, yet is not sufficient to
read with, unless applied close to the
Word. It will not retain the Light
very long, at one Time, nor its Vertue
above five or six Years. . (37).
Derham also described in great detail
the method of preparing the “Bolog-
man phosphorus’ ’ from the mineral.
A seventeenth-century item in the
Philosophical Transactions states that
“Though several Persons have pre-
tended to know the Art of Preparing
and Calcining the Bononian Stone, for
keeping a while the Light once Im-
bibed, yet there hath been indeed but
One who had the true Secret of per-
forming it. This was an Ecclesiastick,
who is now dead, without having left
that Skill of his to any one. . .S. [Mar-
cello] Malpighi takes np|ice, That one
S. Zagonius had a way of making out
of the Bononian Stone Calcin'd, Statues
and Pictures variously Shining in the
Dark. But he adds (to our sorrow) that that Person lately Dy’d, without
discovering to any Body his Method of Preparing it" (58). In his "History
. * .of vision, light, and colours," Joseph Priestley stated that "the best
method of preparing the Bolognian stone had been kept a secret in the
Zagonian family, all of whom had died without revealing it" (59).
Wilhelm Homberg observed that Balduin's phosphorus (anhydrous cal-
cium nitrate) was similar to the Bolognian but shone with a somewhat
feebler light. B.-B. de Fontenelle’s eulogy states that Homberg "worked at '
Naturalise k Library, vol. 7
ULISSfc Aldrovandi
(or Aldrovandus)
1522-1605 (?)
Italian scholar and collector, well
versed in all branches of natural
science. Professor of pharmacognosy
at Bologna. Founder of a great
botanical garden, museum, and li-
brary* which he bequeathed to the
state. Volume 4 of the superbly
illustrated 1642 folio edition of his
complete works contains an account
of the "Bologna stone," barite (De
lapide illvminabili) .
The Bologna Stone
Bologna on the stone which bears the name of that city, and restored to it
all its light, for the secret of it had almost been lost” (55). When he re-
peated the experiment in Paris, he was unsuccessful. Homberg himself
finally found that when he ground the materials in an iron mortar, the ex-
periment failed, but when he used a bronze mortar and pestle, he obtained
a luminous product (56). Some impurities serve as activators for producing
a high degree of fluorescence, whereas others have an inhibiting effect.
Hence in the most modem plants for the manufacture of fluorescent lamps,
dust must be completely excluded (57) .
Priestley mentioned that Jacopo Bartolomeo Beccari and other scientists
of Bologna in 1711 “took a great deal of pains with the chymical analysis
of this fossil, by which they thought they discovered in it some sulphur and
also an alkaline salt ” (59). For some time this mineral was believed to be
a kind of gypsum, but Cronstedt classified it as a special species. Marggraf
showed in 1750 that it contains sulfuric acid, but he believed the base to be
lime (18).
In his famous investigation of pyrolusite, which was published in 1774,
C. W. Scheele discovered a new base, baryta, which gave a white, nearly
insoluble precipitate with sulfuric acid and with vitriols (25), (18). Al-
though he first encountered the new alkali merely as an accidental or non-
essential constituent of pyrolusite, he soon received from Torbem Berg-
man a specimen of this mineral to which some peculiar crystals were at-
tached. On February 28, 1774, Scheele wrote to J. G. Gahn, “Haven’t
you seen, Sir, on Braunstein, especially on some of it, a few white sparry
crystals? You undoubtedly have. One might take it for gypsum or cal-
cite, but incorrectly. It is the new earth itself, combined with sulfuric acid.
I’m curious to know with what kind of a name Herr Professor Bergman will
christen this earth. He thinks that there must be rocks which contain a
great deal of this earth” (60). A month later, Scheele sent some of these
crystals to J. G. Gahn, who found that they had the same composition as
massive heavy spar, or Bologna stone.
Although baryta was at first a great rarity, Gahn’s discovery of the com-
position of Bologna stone opened up to chemists an abundant source of it.
In his letter of May 16, 1774, Scheele congratulated Gahn as follows: “I
am delighted that you have discovered the presence in heavy spar of the
earth I mentioned. It must therefore be named Schwerspatherde (earth of
heavy spar). Scarcely had I investigated the crystals you sent me until I
hurried to Herr Professor Bergman and received from him a piece of this
spar, on which I immediately began to experiment” (60).
Baryta was first distinguished from lime in 1779 by Scheele, who pre-
pared it from heavy spar, a naturally occurring barium sulfate. He re-
duced the sulfate to the sulfide by heating a sticky, pasty mixture of heavy
spar, powdered charcoal, and honey. . After decomposing the barium sul-
Discovery of the Elements
fide with hydrochloric acid, he added excess potassium carbonate to pre-
cipitate the barium as the carbonate (25). Metallic barium was first
prepared by Sir Humphry Davy in 1808 ( 2 ), ( 3 ), ( 4 ).
In about 1787 a rare mineral, which had long been exhibited in one or
two collections, was brought to Edinburgh in considerable quantity by a
dealer in minerals. Although some mineralogists mistook it for fluorite,
most of them regarded it as a kind of “aerated barytes” (witherite, or
barium carbonate). It was found in the lead mine at Strontian, Argyle-
shire, intermingled with the lead ore and with “calcareous and ponderous
spars” (calcite and witherite) ( 48 ).
In 1790 Dr. Adair Crawford (1748-1795) published a paper on “The
medicinal properties of the inuriated barytes” (barium chloride) ( 18 ).
“The muriated barytes exhibited in St. Thomas’s Hospital since the month
of May, 1789,” said he, “was obtained by the decomposition of the heavy
spar. Having procured some specimens of a mineral which is sold at
Strontean [sic], in Scotland, under the denomination of aerated barytes, I
was in hopes that the salt might be formed with less difficulty by immedi-
ately dissolving that substance in the muriatic acid. It appears, however,
from the following facts, which have been verified by the experiments of
my assistant, Mr. Cruikshank, as well as by my own, that this mineral
really possesses different properties from the terra ponderosa [baryta] of
Scheele and Bergman” ( 49 ).
Dr. Crawford showed in this paper that the salt (strontium chloride) ob-
tained by dissolving the new mineral in hydrochloric acid differs in several
respects from barium chloride. It is much more soluble in hot water than
in cold, the strontium salt is much the more soluble in water and produces a
greater cooling effect, and these two chlorides have different crystalline
forms. He concluded therefore that “the mineral which is sold at Strontean
[sic] for aerated terra ponderosa possesses different qualities from that
earth, although at the same time it must be admitted that in many par-
ticulars they have a very near resemblance to each other.” He also stated
that “it is probable that the Scotch mineral is a new species of earth which
has not hitherto been sufficiently examined” and that “Mr. Babington. ♦ .
has for some time entertained a suspicion that the Scotch mineral is not the
true aerated terra ponderosa.” In 1790 Dr. Crawford sent a specimen of
the new mineral (strontianite, strontium carbonate) to Richard Kirwan
for analysis ( 50 ).
Adair Crawford was born at Antrim, Ireland, and received his degree of
doctor of medicine at Glasgow in 1780. After settling in London he became
a physician at St, Thomas’s Hospital, a member of the Royal College of
Adair Crawford and Thomas Charles Hope 303
Physicians, and professor of chemistry at Woolwich. He died in 1795 at
the estate of the Marquis of Lansdowne, near Lymington, Hants (51).
According to Robert Hunt, Dr. Crawford “was distinguished by his de-
sire to be accurate in all his investigations. All his pieces of apparatus were
graduated with delicate minuteness which has never been surpassed” (52).
In his epitaph for Dr. Crawford, Mr. Gilbert Wakefield described him as
follows: “In the practice of his profession intelligent, liberal, and humane;
in his manner gentle, diffident, and unassuming; his unaffected deference
to the wants of others, his modest estimate of himself, the infant simplicity
of his demeanor, the pure emanation of kind affection, and a blameless heart
rendered him universally beloved. To these virtues of the man his con-
temporaries alone can testify. As a votary of science and author of a
treatise on Animal Heat, posterity will repeat his praise” (51).
Near the close of 1791, Thomas Charles Hope of Edinburgh began an
elaborate investigation of the Strontian spar, the results of which he pre-
sented to the College Literary Society of Edinburgh in March, 1792, and
to the Royal Society of Edinburgh on November 4, 1793. In these experi-
ments he made a clear distinction between witherite and strontian spar
(strontianite) and proved conclusively that the latter contains a new earth
“strontites,” or strontia (26), (30), (48). He noticed that strontia slakes
even more avidly with water than does lime; that, like baryta, it is much
more soluble in hot water than in cold ; that its solubility in water is ex-
tremely great; and that all its compounds, especially the chloride, tinge
the flame of a candle red. “This flame color,” said Hope, “was first men-
tioned to me in the 1787 by an ingenious gentleman, Mr. Ash, who was
then studying physic at Edinburgh.” Dr. Hope also noticed the green
flame color of barium and the red of calcium, which he was able to distin-
guish from the more brilliant red of strontium.
Although many of the properties of strontia are intermediate between
those of lime and baryta, he proved that it is not a combination of the two
and that it “bears repeated solutions, crystallizations, and precipitations
without showing the smallest disposition to a separation of principles”
(48). Thus it is evident that Dr. Hope foreshadowed in 1793 one of the
triads which J. W. Dobereiner pointed out in 1829.
Benjamin Silliman the Elder studied at Edinburgh in 1805. “My
earliest introduction,” said he, “among men of science was to Dr. Thomas
Hope, Professor of Chemistry &c. in the University of Edinburgh. I found
him at his house in New Town and received a very kind and courteous wel-
come. Dr. Hope was a polished gentleman, but a little stately and formal
withal. ... He proved himself a model professor and fully entitled to act
as a mentor. The professorship of chemistry was, at the time of my Edin-
burgh residence, very lucrative. The chair was so ably filled and the science
so fully illustrated by experiments that the course drew a large audience
Discovery of the Elements
which, at three guineas a ticket, probably gave him an income of four
thousand dollars or more — some said, five thousand. He with his brother
kept bachelors' hall in a handsome house on Princes Street, in the New
Town. . . .
“Dr. Hope’s lectures. . .were not only learned, posting up the history of
the discovery, and giving the facts clearly and fully, but the experiments
were prepared on a liberal scale. They were apposite and beautiful, and so
neatly and skilfully performed that rarely was even a drop spilled upon the
table. . . Dr. Hope lectured
in full dress, without any
protection for his clothes;
he held a white handker-
chief in his hand, and per-
formed all his experiments
upon a high table, himself
standing on an elevated
platform, and surrounded
on all sides and behind by
his pupils. . .” (53).
In his “Story of the Uni-
versity of Edinburgh,” Sir
Alexander Grant said that
“Hope was fully alive to
the importance of the
quantitative age in Chem-
istry ... he had learnt
Lavoisier’s views from
himself, and in personal
communication with Dal-
ton had imbibed his ideas
American chemist, geologist, mineralogist . and
pharmacist. This miniature by Rogers was made in
1818, the year in which Silliman founded the American
Journal of Science (thirteen years after he had studied
in Edinburgh under T. C. Hope).
of atomic constitution . ’ ’
Professor Hope's two
greatest contributions to
science were his research
on strontia and his ob-
servation of the curious and beneficent property that water has of at-
taining its maximum density at a certain temperature (now fixed accurately
at 4°C.). He abandoned research, however, in order to devote all his time
to the improvement of his lectures. Since he sometimes had more than
five hundred students, it was necessary for him to perform the lecture ex-
periments on a very large scale (54).
Among the first to investigate strontia were F. G. Stilzer, J. F. Blumen-
hach, J. G, Schmeisser (IS), Court-Apothecary J. K. F. Meyer of Stettin,
Strontium and Magnesium 305
R. Kirwan (28), (29), (50), M. H. Klaproth (19), Bertrand Pelletier (16),
J . T. Lowitz, and Fourcroy and Vauquelin (17).
Sir Humphry Davy isolated the metal in 1808 by the method he had
used for calcium and barium (5), (3). In 1924 P. S. Danner of the Uni-
versity of California allowed the oxides of barium and strontium to react
with magnesium or aluminum and,
upon distilling, obtained both bar-
ium and strontium in a high state
of purity. His method was a refine-
ment of the one previously used by
A. Guntz (33), (34).
During a drought in the summer
of 1618 Henry Wicker (or Wickes)
discovered on the common at Epsom,
Surrey, a small hole filled with water.
To his astonishment, not one of his
thirsty cattle would drink there.
This bitter Water was found to have
a healing effect on external sores and
to be useful also as an internal me-
dicament. By the middle of the
seventeenth century, Epsom had be-
come a fashionable spa, attracting
famous visitors from the continent
(40), (62).
In 1695 Dr. Nehemiah Grew pub-
lished a dissertation on the medicinal
value of salt from these wells (41).
In 1726 John Toland wrote that
“these aluminous waters are ex-
perienc’d to be very beneficial. ,
the salt that is chymically made of
’em being famous over all Europe”
( 40 ).
Since the supply of the natural
salt was insufficient to meet the demand for it, it was soon superseded by
an artificial product. According to Torbem Bergman, crystals of artificial
Epsom salt from sea water “are sometimes so large that they are sold for
Glauber’s salt; and on the other hand, in France, Glauber’s salt, being re-
duced to small speculae, by agitating it during the crystallization, is sold
for Epsom salt. “These frauds,” said he, “are indeed of little consequence,
Johann Rudolph Glauber
German chemist who detected sodium
sulfate (Glauber’s salt, the enixutn of
Paracelsus) in water from a spring near
Vienna and introduced its use into medi-
cine. His “Description of New Philo-
sophical Furnaces” contains methods for
the preparation of pyroligneous acid
and the mineral acids.
306 Discovery of the Elements
yet they throw a veil over the truth, and are not easily discovered”
Caspar Neumann (1683-1737) stated that the artificial Epsom salt was
prepared at Portsmouth by adding sulfuric acid to the mother liquors left
in the purification of sea salt imported from Spain and Portugal (43), He
distinguished clearly between Epsom salt and the “sal mirabile of Glauber”
(sodium sulfate), and stated that “The earth of the bitter purging salt is
called Magnesia alba . ... I have nowhere met with this earth in the min-
eral kingdom. ...” He did not distinguish between magnesia alba and
lime, however (43).
An excellent account of the early history of magnesia is to be found in
Bergman’s Physical and Chemical Essays (42). At the beginning of the
eighteenth century, a certain canon regular sold at Rome a secret panacea
called magnesia alba , or Count Palma's powder. In 1707 Michael Bernhard
Valentini of Giessen revealed the method of preparing it by calcination
from “the last lixivium of nitre.” Two years later, Johann Adrian Slevogt
of Jena gave an easier way of preparing it by precipitation. Since this
powder effervesced with acids, chemists long confused it with “calcareous
earth,” or calcium carbonate, which they used to prepare from crabs’ eyes,
oyster shells, and egg shells. Friedrich
Hoffman (1660-1742) observed, how-
ever, that when calcareous earth was
treated with vitriolic (sulfuric) acid, it
yielded an insipid salt, whereas mag-
nesia was converted by similar treat-
ment into an intensely bitter one (42).
At this time it was believed that
when carbonates were calcined they
combined with an acrid principle from
the fire to form caustic alkalies. In
1755, however, Dr. Joseph Black (26)
of Edinburgh published a famous treat-
ise entitled, 4 4 Experiments upon Mag-
nesia Alba, Quicklime, and some other
Alkaline Substances,” in which he
proved that carbonates lose weight
Antoine- Alexandre Brutus Bussy
French chemist, pharmacist, and
physician. Professor of chemistry at
the Ecole de Phaitnacie in Paris. He
was connected with this school for
more than fifty years, and for nearly
thirty years he Served as its director.
In 1831 he obtained magnesium in
coherent form.
during calcination and that the sub-
stance expelled is carbon dioxide,
4 ‘fixed air.” In this treatise he showed
that magnesia is entirely different from
lime, and four years later Marggraf in
Berlin made the same discovery in-
dependently (6), (18), (20), (21), (38),
When Sir Humphry Davy isolated a little magnesium metal in the famous
experiments already described, he called it magnium because, as he said,
the word magnesium is easily confused with manganese . Nevertheless, the
name magnesium has persisted, and the metal is no longer known by the
one which Davy gave it.
The quantity of metal which he prepared was very small, and it was not
until 1831 that it was first prepared in a coherent form. This was done
by the French chemist, Antoine- Alexandre -Brutus Bussy, who was born at
Marseilles on May 29, 1794. He studied at the ficole Polytechnique for a
time, but his interest in chemistry soon led him to abandon his military
career and to become apprenticed to a pharmacist. After studying phar-
Side View of the £cole Sup£rieure de Pharmacie, Showing the Laboratories
for Practical Pharmacy
macy at Lyons and at Paris he became a pupil of Robiquet, who was then a
prdparateur in chemistry at the ficole de Pharmacie. Bussy graduated in
pharmacy in 1823 and received his medical degree in 1832.
Although most of his researches were of a pharmaceutical nature, he pub-
lished in 1831 a paper entitled “Sur le Radical m^taBique de la Magn&ie,'*
in which he described a new method of isolating magnesium, which con-
sisted in heating a mixture of magnesium chloride and potassium in a glass
tube. When he washed out the potassium chloride, small, shining globules
of metallic magnesium remained (8), (20), (27).
For several years Bussy taught pharmacology in the medical school at
the ficole de Pharmacie; and in 1856 he served as president of the Academy
Discovery of the Elements
of Medicine. For fifty-six years he served on the editorial staff of the
Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie. He died at Paris on February 1, 1882,
at the age of eighty-seven years (22).
Cadmium was discovered in 1817 by Dr. Friedrich Stromeyer, a professor
of chemistry and pharmacy at Gottingen University. He was born on
August 2, 1776, at a time when the phlogiston theory was drawing its last
breath (8). After studying chem-
istry, botany, and pharmacy in his
native city of Gottingen, he worked
in Paris under the great master of
analytical chemistry, Vauquelin.
Following the example of this
famous teacher, he devoted himself
almost entirely to the analysis of
minerals (9).
In 1802 he became a Privatdozent
in the faculty of medicine at Got-
tingen, and was rapidly promoted
until in 1810 he became a full pro-
fessor (Professor ordinarius ) . In
the German universities, as in
certain American ones, professors
frequently hold government offices.
Dr. Stromeyer was the inspector-
general of all the apothecaries of
Hanover. On an inspection trip
to Hildesheim in the autumn of
German physician, botanist, chemist,
and pharmacist. Inspector-general of all
the Hanoverian apothecary shops. Dis-
coverer of the element cadmium. His col-
lection of thirty mineral analyses is a classic
of analytical chemistry.
1817 he noticed that a certain
preparation which, according to
the Hanoverian Pharmacopoeia,
ought to have contained zinc oxide,
contained zinc carbonate instead.
The events which followed were described by Dr. Stromeyer in his letter
to Dr. Schweigger written on April 26, 1818:
As I was last harvest inspecting the apothecaries' shops in the prin-
cipality of Hildesheim, in consequence of the general inspection of the
apothecaries of the kingdom having been entrusted to me by our most
gracious Regency, I observed in several of them, instead of the- proper
oxide of zinc, carbonate of zinc, which had been almost entirely pro-
cured from the chemical manufactory at Salzgitter. This carbonate
of zinc had a dazzling white colour; but when heated to redness, it as-
sumed a yellow colour, inclining to orange, though no sensible portion
of iron or lead could be detected in it.
In an attempt to determine why this substitution had been made, Dr.
Stromeyer visited the pharmaceutical firm at Salzgitter :
When I afterwards visited Salzgitter, during the course of this
journey [said he] and went to the chemical manufactory from which
the carbonate of zinc had been procured; and when I expressed my
surprise that carbonate of zinc should be sold instead of oxide of zinc,
Mr. Jost, who has the charge of the pharmaceutical department of the
manufactory, informed me that the reason was, that their carbonate of
zinc, when exposed to a red heat, always assumed a yellow colour,
Exhibit of Drugs and Mbdicinals at the £cole Sup£riburb de Pharmacie
Vauquelin was the director of this school from the time of its reorganization in 1803
until his death in 1829.
and was on that account supposed to contain iron, though the greatest
care had been taken beforehand to free the zinc from iron, and though
it was impossible to detect any iron in the oxide of zinc itself.
The fact that the zinc carbonate could not be converted into the oxide
without discoloration interested Dr. Stromeyer greatly:
This information [said he] induced me to examine the oxide of zinc
more carefully, and I found, to my great surprise, that the colour which
it assumed was owing to the presence of a peculiar metallic oxide,
the existence of which had not hitherto been suspected. I succeeded
by a peculiar process in freeing it from oxide of zinc, and in reducing
it to the metallic state .... (10),
Discovery of the Elements
His method of obtaining the metal was as follows. He dissolved the
impure zinc oxide in sulfuric acid and passed in hydrogen sulfide. After
filtering and washing the precipitate of mixed sulfides, he dissolved it in
concentrated hydrochloric acid and evaporated to dryness to drive off
excess acid. After dissolving the residue in water, he added a sufficient
excess of ammonium carbonate solution to redissolve any zinc and copper
that may have been precipitated. Since the carbonate of the new element
was not soluble in excess ammonium carbonate, Dr. Stromeyer filtered it
off, washed it, and ignited it to the oxide. After mixing the brown oxide
with lampblack in a glass or earthen retort, he heated the mixture to
moderate redness. Upon opening the retort he found a bluish gray metal
with a bright luster (10).
However, since he had only three grams of the new metal, he was un-
able at first to make a thorough study of its properties. Fortunately, he
soon received more of it from an unexpected source, for in the same letter
to Dr. Schweigger he wrote :
I am happy, therefore, to be able to inform you, that within these
few days, through Mr. Hermann, of Schonebeck, and Dr. Roloff, of
Magdeburg, who took an interest in this metal, I have been placed in a
situation which will enable me to carry my experiments further. Dur-
ing the apothecary's visitation in the state of Magdeburg some years
ago, there was found in the possession of several apothecaries, a
preparation of zinc from Silesia, made in Hermann’s manufactory at
Schonebeck, which was confiscated on the supposition that it con-
tained arsenic, because, when dissolved in acids, and mixed with sul-
phuretted hydrogen, it let fall a yellow precipitate, which, from the
chemical experiments made on it, was considered as orpiment.
This fact [continued Stromeyer] could not be indifferent to Mr.
Hermann, as it affected the credit of his manufactory, and the more
especially as the Medicinal Counsellor Roloff, who had assisted at
the Apothecaries’ visitation, had drawn up a statement of the whole,
and sent it to Hufeland, who published it in the February number
of his Medical Journal. He, therefore, subjected the suspected oxide
of zinc to a careful examination; but he could not succeed in delect-
ing any arsenic in it (24).
He then requested the Medical Counsellor Roloff (23) to repeat
his experiments on the oxide once more. This he did very readily
and he now perceived that the precipitate which had at first been
taken by him for orpiment, was not so in reality; but owed its exis-
tence to the presence of another metal, having considerable resemblance
to arsenic, but probably new. To obtain full certainty on the subject,
both the gentlemen’ 11 had recourse to me, and have sent me, within
these few days, both a portion of the Silesian oxide of zinc and speci-
mens of the orpiment-like precipitate and of the metal extracted from
it, with the request that I would subject these bodies to a new examina-
tion, and in particular that I should endeavour to ascertain whether
they contained any arsenic (10).
* Dr. Roloff (31) explained that this was not done to settle a dispute,
Isolation of Cadmium
Dr. Stromeyer soon surmised that the metal which Mr. Hermann and
Dr. Roloff had extracted from the Silesian zinc oxide was the same as the
one he had obtained from the Salzgitter product (31), (35), (39 ) :
From the particulars already stated [said he] I considered it as prob-
able that this Silesian oxide of zinc contained likewise the metal which
I had discovered; and as it gives with sulphuretted hydrogen a pre-
cipitate similar in colour to orpiment, I considered this to be the reason
why the oxide was supposed to contain arsenic. Some experiments
made upon it fully confirmed this opinion. I have, therefore, in-
formed Mr. Hermann of the circumstance by the post; and I shall
not fail to give the same information to Medicinal Counsellor Roloff,
whose letter I received only the day before yesterday.
This discovery gave great satisfaction and relief to Mr. Hermann be-
cause it again brought his pharmaceutical establishment into good standing,
and it also gave Dr. Stromeyer the opportunity to make a more thorough
study of the new metal and its compounds. Because this metal is so
frequently found associated with zinc, he named it cadmium, meaning
cadmium fornacum or furnace calamine . In the researches which led to this
discovery, he was assisted by two of his students, Mr. Mahner of Brunswick
and Mr. Siemens of Hamburg.
W. Meissner (36) of Halle and C. Karsten (25) of Berlin, without any
knowledge of the work done by Stromeyer, Roloff, and Hermann, also
discovered cadmium independently (11). Meissner analyzed two products
from the Schonebeck plant sent him by Superintendent of Mines von
Veltheim, one of which proved to be the carbonate and the other the sulfide
of the new metal. By dissolving the carbonate in nitric acid and placing a
rod of pure zinc in the solution, he obtained a voluminous, light gray de-
posit. When he washed and dried it and ground the resulting powder in an
agate mortar, it exhibited a metallic luster. Meissner made a careful
study of the metal and its compounds.
In 1817, perhaps as a result of his great discovery, Dr. Stromeyer received
the honorary title of Hof rath, or court counselor. After publishing many
papers on mineralogy and chemistry, and serving his university for many
years as an inspiring teacher, he died on August 18, 1835, in the city where he
was born and where he had spent most of his life (8).
In 1821 Nils Nordenskiold wrote to Berzelius, “Stromeijer [sic] has the
finest and neatest laboratory I have yet seen in Germany, and is certainly
one of the few whose analyses are somewhat reliabfe. Nevertheless his
procedures differ from yours in many important respects. I shall take the
liberty of mentioning a few of the differences I have noticed. One sees no
filter stand. All filtrations are made in glass cylinders such as come with
our brandy gauges, one foot high and from 3 to 1 inch in diameter; as the
funnels are wider, they are simply placed over the edge of the glass, the
liquid spatters around, but the filter takes up that which spatters out.
Discovery 6f the Elements
The filter is folded like the French ones and always extends over the rim
of the funnel. The filter is not burned. The solutions are also precipi-
tated in the above-mentioned glass cylinders, and the digestions are made
in retorts or small flasks with long necks and thin bottoms. The sandbath
is not used; the heating is done over the free flame or on hot plates. In
regard to reagents, I have noticed that he prefers to use the fixed alkalies
as precipitating agents instead of ammonium hydroxide, which I believe
involves difficulty in washing the filter, especially such as they use here.
The balance Stromeyer uses is very good, but one has to walk through a
hall to reach the room where it is kept” ( 61 ),
An important application of the cold light from certain compounds of
zinc, cadmium, and other elements of Group II of the periodic system is
the modern fluorescent lamp. A long tube, containing an inert gas at low
pressure and a few droplets of mercury, is constructed with an electrode at
each end. This tube has an inside coating of some stable, fluorescent sub-
stance which will absorb the resonance line of a low pressure mercury dis-
charge in the ultraviolet at 2,537 Angstrom units and re-radiate this en-
ergy in a desirable part of the visible spectrum (57). The basic part of
the fluorescent compound used always contains a lower atomic weight
metal from Group II. Zinc silicate, for example, gives a green fluores-
cence; cadmium silicate and the borates of cadmium and zinc give pink;
magnesium tungstate and zinc beryllium silicate give white light; and
calcium tungstate gives blue.
Literature Cited
( 1 ) Davy, Dr. J., “The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart./* Vol. I,
Smith, Elder and Co., London, 1839, p. 235. Poem by Sir H. D.
(2) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” Vol. 2, Baudry et Cie., Paris, 1891, pp.
140 - 4 .
(3) Davy, H., “Electro-chemical researches, on the decomposition of the earths;
with observations on the metals obtained from the alkaline earths, and on the
amalgam procured from ammonia/' Nicholson's J., 21, 306-83 (Suppl., 1808);
22, 54-68 (Jan., 1809).
(4) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie/' ref. (2), Vol. 2, pp. 130-7.
(5) Ibid., Vol. 2, pp. 138-40.
(i 6 ) Ibid., Vol. 2, pp. 153-5.
(7) Davy, Dr. J., “Memoirs of the Life of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart.,” Longman,
Rees, etc., London, 1836, Vol. 1, pp. 395-6.
(8) Poggendorff, J. C., “ Biographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte
der exakten Wissenschaften,” 6 vols., Verlag Chemie, Leipzig and Berlin, 1863-
1937. Articles on Stromeyer and Bussy.
(9) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry,” Vol. 2, Colburn and Bentley, 1831,
pp. 217-2L
(10) Letter from Dr. Stromeyer to Dr. Schweigger, Annals of PhU., 13, 108-11 (Feb.,
1819); translated from Schweigger's J 21, 297 (May 28, 1818); F, Strombybr,
“New details respecting cadmium,” Annals of Phil., 14,269 (Oct., 1819); Ann .
der Physik, 60, 193; Set. News teller, 19, 75-6 (Jan! 31, 1931).
Literature Cited 313
(11) Budgbn, "Cadmium: Its Metallurgy, Properties, and Uses," Chas. Griffin and
Co., London, 1924, p. xiii.
(12) Oeuvres de Lavoisier, Vol. 1, Imprimerie Imp6riale, Paris. 1864, p. 122.
(13) Brockman, C. J., "Fused electrolytes — an historical sketch,” J. Chem. Educ.,
4, 512-23 (Apr., 1927).
{14) SOderbaum, H. G., "Jac. Berzelius Bref,” Vol. 1, part 2, Almqvist and Wiksells,
Upsala, 1912-1914, pp. 7-8.
(15) Scheele, C. W., "Sammtliche physische und chemische Werke,” Vol. 2, 2nd
edition translated by Hermbstadt, Rottmann, Berlin, 1793, pp. 179-82.
(16) Pelletier, B., "Extrait d ’Observations sur la Strontiane,”^4«n. chim. phys . (1), 21,
113-43 (Feb. 28, 1797).
(17) Fourcroy, A.-F. and N.-L. Vauquelin, "Extrait de deux M£moires sur un
nouveau moyen d’obtenir la Baryte pure, et sur les propri6tes de cette terre
comparees A celles de la Strontiane,”vl»w. chirn. phys ., (1), 21, 276-83 (Mar., 1797).
(18) Kopp, H., "Geschichte der Chemie,” Vol. 4, F. Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig,
1847, pp. 42-55; J. G. Schmbisser, "Account of a mineral substance called
strontionite (sic),” Phil. Trans., 84, 419 (1794).
(19) Klaproth, M. H., "Analytical Essays toward Promoting the Chemical Knowledge
of Mineral Substances,” Cadell and Davies, London, 1801, pp. 223-37 and 387-98
(20) Wootton, A. C., "Chronicles of Pharmacy,” Vol. 1, Macmillan and Co., London,
1910, pp. 354-8
(21) Bugge, G., "Das Buch der grossen Chemiker,” Vol. 1, Verlag Chemie, Berlin,
1930, pp. 240-52. Biographical sketch of Black by Max Speter.
(22) Bourquelot, "Le Centenaire du Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie, 1809-1909,”
Octave Doin et Fils, Paris, 1910, pp. 53-4.
(23) Roloff, C. H., Gilh. Ann., 61, 205 (1819) ; 70, 194 (1822).
(24) Hermann, K. S. L. t "Ueber das schlesische Zinkoxyd und fiber ein darin ge-
fundenes sehr wahrschcinlich noch unbekanntes Metali,” ibid., 59, 95-6 (1818);
ibid., 59, 113-16(1818). Stromeyer’s letter of Apr. 19, 1818, on cadmium, ibid.,
66, 276 (1820).
(25) Karsten, C., Archiv Berg. Hiitt ., i, p. 209; "Aus einem Schreiben des Prof. [J. F.
W.] Brandes in Breslau an den Prof. Gilbert,” Gilbert's Ann. der Physik, 59, 104-7
( 1818). Letter of May 13, 1818 regarding Karsten’s work on cadmium.
(26) Irvine, Sir J., "Scotland’s contribution to chemistry,” J. Chem. Educ., 7,
2810-4 (Dec., 1930).
(27) Bussy, A.-A.-B., "M4moire sur le radical ni6tallique de la magn£sie,” Ann. chim.
phys., (2), 46, 434-6 (1831).
(28) Smith, E. F., "Forgotten chemists,” J. Chem. Educ., 3, 35 (Jan., 1926).
(29) Brockman, C. J., "Richard Kirwan— chemist, 1733-1812,” ibid., 4, 1275-82
(Oct., 1927); Reilly and O’Flynn, "Richard Kirwan, an Irish chemist of the
eighteenth century,” Isis, 13 (2), 298-319 (Feb., 1930).
(30) Dains, F. B., "John Griscom and his impressions of foreign chemists in 1818-
19,” J. Chem. Educ., 8, 1307-8 (July, 1931).
(31) Roloff, J. C. H., "Zur Geschichte des Kadmiums von dem Medicinalrath und
Kreisphysikus Dr. Roloff in Magdeburg,” Gilbert's Ann. d. Physik, 61, 205-10
(32) Brace, "Notes on the metallurgy of calcium,” Chem. Met. Eng., 25, 105-9
(July 20, 1921),
(33) Guntz, A., "Sur la preparation du baryum,” Compt. rend., 133, 872-4 (Nov. 25,
1901); "Sur le strontium m£tallique et son hydrure,” ibid., 133, 1209-lt) (Dec.
23, 1901).
314 Discovery of the Elements
(34) Danner, P. S. f ‘‘The preparation of very pure barium and strontium,'’ J. Am.
Chem. Soc., 46, 2382-5 (Nov., 1924).
(35) “Aus einem Schreiben des Herrn Ober.-Berg.-Hauptmann Gerhardt an den Prof.
Gilbert,” Gilbert's Ann. der Physik, 59, 97-9 (1818). Letter of May 1, 1818.
(56) “Ueber ein neues Metall in dem schlesisehen Zinkoxyde, vom Dr. W. Meissner,
Besitzer der Ldwenapotheke in Halle,” ibid., 59, 99-104 ( 1818). Letter of May 4,
(37) Derham, W., ‘‘Philosophical experiments and observations of the late eminent
Dr. Robert Hooke, F.R.S. . . . and other eminent Virtuoso's in his time,” W. and
J. Innys, London, 1726, pp. 174-83.
(38) Speter, Max, “Joseph Black,” Chem.-Ztg., 52, 913 (Nov., 1928).
(39) “Sur un nouveau m£tal (le cadmium),” Ann. chim. phys. (2), 8, 100-1 (1818).
(40) Home, Gordon, “Epsom. Its History and Its Surroundings,” The Homeland
Assoc., Epsom and London, 1901, pp. 43-63.
(41) Grew, Nehemiah, “Tractatus de Salis Cathartici Amari in Aquis Ebeshamensi-
bus. . .Natura et Usu,” London, 1695.
(42) Cullen, Edmund, “Physical and Chemical Essays Translated from the Original
Latin of Sir Torbern Bergman,” J. Murray, Balfour, Gordon, and Dickson, Lon-
don, 1784, Vol. 1, pp. 423-40, 460-3.
(43) Lewis, Wm., “The Chemical Works of Caspar Neumann, M.I).,” W. Johnston,
G. Keith, A. Linde, etc., London, 1759, 586 pp.
(44) Bailey, K. C., “The Elder Pliny’s Chapters on Chemical Subjects,” Edward
Arnold, London, 1932, Vol. 2, p. 139; Pliny the Elder, “Historia Naturalis,”
Book 36, chaps. 23-4. ^
(45) Blank, E. W., “Lime and lime kilns,” J. Chem. Educ., 17, 505-8 (Nov., 1940).
(46) Brehaut, E., “Cato the Censor on Farming,” Columbia University Press, 1933,
pp. 33 5, 64-6.
(47) Morgan, M. H., “Vitruvius. The Ten Books on Architecture,” Harvard Uni-
versity Press, Cambridge, 1914, pp. 45-6.
(48) Hope, T. C., “Account of a mineral from Strontian and of a peculiar species of
earth which it contains,” Trans. Roy. Soc. (Edinburgh) , 4 (2), 3-39 (1798). Read
Nov. 4, 1793.
(49) Crawford, Adair, “On the medicinal properties of the muriated barytes.”
Medical Communications (London). 2, 301-59 (1790). Read Nov. 10, 1789.
(50) Kirwan, R., “Versuch iiber eine neuer Erde, die in der Nahe von Stronthian in
Schottland gefunden ist,” CrelVs Ann., 24, 119-25 (1795).
(51) Munk, Wm., “The Roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London,” published
by the College, London, 1878, Vol. 2, pp. 339-40.
(52) Stephen, L. and S. Lee, “Dictionary of National Biography,” Oxford University
Press, London, 1921-2, Vol. 5, pp. 49-50. Article on Adair Crawford by Robert
(53) Fisher, G. P., “Life of Benjamin Silliman,” Charles Scribner and Co., New York,
1866, Vol. 1, pp. 159-69.
(54) Grant, Sir A., “The Story of the University of Edinburgh,” Longmans, Green
and Co., London, 1884, Vol, 2, pp. 397-8.
(55) “Eloge de M. Guillaume Homberg,” Hist, de 1’Acad. Roy. des Sciences (Paris),
1715, pp. 82 ff.
(66) Bbrnardi, A., “La storia del fosforo di Bologna nel XVII e XVIII secolo," La
Chimica neU' Industria , nelV Agricoltura , nella Biologic, 16, 69-74 (Feb., 1940).
(57) Harden, J. W., “Chemicals in fluorescent lamps,” Chem. Met. Eng., 48, 80-4
(Aug., 1941); Editorial, “Operations begin at Fairmont Fluorescent Lamp
Plant," ibid., 48, 82-4 (Aug., 1941).
Literature Cited
(i>8) "The Philosophical Transactions and Collections to the End of the Year 1700
abridg’d. . John Lowthorp," Bennet, Knaplock, and Wilkin, London, 1705 , Vol.
3, p. 346; Phil. Trans., 1 , n. 21, p. 375 (1665); ibid., 12 , n. 134, p. 842.
(59) Priestley, J., "The History and Present State of Discoveries Relating to Vision,
Light, and Colours," J. Johnson, London, 1772, Vol. 1, pp. 361-6.
(60) Nordenskiold, A. PI, "C. W. Scheele, Nachgelassene Briefe und Aufzeich-
nungen," P. A. Norstedt and Sons, Stockholm, 1892, pp. 115, 118, 121, 243-4, 253.
(61) SOderbaum, H. G., ref. (14), Vol. 11, p. 40. Letter of Nils Nordenskiold to Ber-
zelius, Aug. 3, 1821.
(62) Neave, E. W. J., "The Epsom spring," Isis, 34, 210-11 (Winter, 1943).
The earths of the titanium group had a cosmopolitan origin. The German
chemist Klaproth discovered zirconia in 1789 while analyzing a zircon from
Ceylon. Two years later the English clergyman William Gregor found ti-
tania , or “ menachanile in a black sand from his own parish in Cornwall
but announced his discovery in such a modest manner that it made little im-
pression on the scientific world. Klaproth rediscovered this earth four years
later in a Hungarian red schorl , and named it “ Titanerdef or titania.
Hisinger and Berzelius discovered ceria in 1803 while investigating the Swedish
mineral “ heavy stone of Basinas," now known as cerite. Berzelius found
thoria, the last of these earths , in 1829 in a specimen of thorite that had been
sent to him from an island off the coast of Norway. The difficult isolation of
the metals titanium , cerium , zirconium } and thorium was accomplished by
various methods involving the powerful reducing action of sodium and potas-
sium .
Es hat wohl nie eine Wissenschaft, in einem kleinern
Zeitraume , raschere Fortschritte gemacht, als die chemische
Naturkenntniss (I)*.
Zirconium minerals are widely distributed in Nature, and have been used
for centuries. In his enraptured description of the four-square city, Saint
John the Divine mentioned the jacinth (or hyacinth) as one of the twelve
precious stones that garnished the foundations of the city wall (14).
Although zircon was frequently used by the ancients for intagli, and
although hyacinth and jargon were well known in the Middle Ages, the
presence in these minerals of an unknown metal was not suspected until
near the end of the eighteenth century. The earth zirconia was overlooked
because of its great similarity to alumina, and it took the analytical skill
of a Klaproth to detect it. In 1789 he analyzed a specimen of zircon from
Ceylon, and realized that it contained a large quantity of a new earth,
which he named Zirconerde, or, as one says in English, zirconia (9), (31),
(32). All analyses of zirconium minerals made before the discovery of this
earth were incorrect. The celebrated Torbern Bergman had, for example,
reported the following composition for a certain hyacinth from Ceylon:
Silica Alumina Iron Oxide Lime
25 % 40 % 13 % 20 %
When Klaproth analyzed the same specimen he found:
* “No science has ever made more rapid progress in a shorter time than chemistry,’’
Isolation of Zirconium
Silica Iron Oxide Zirconia ( Jargonia )
25% 0.5% 70%
His results were soon confirmed by Guyton Morveau* and by Vauquelin (9),
(33) , (34), (35). This mineral is now known to be zirconium silicate, ZrSiCb.
In 1808 Sir Humphry Davy tried iii vain to decompose zirconia with the
electric current, but Berzelius (36) finally obtained the metal in 1824 by
heating a dry mixture of potassium and potassium zirconium fluoride in a
very small closed iron tube placed inside a platinum crucible. After the
quiet reaction had taken place, he cooled the tube and placed it in distilled
water, whereupon, to use his own
words, “There feU from the tube a
black powder as fast as the salt dis-
solved, and at the same time there
was evolved a small quantity of hy-
drogen. . . . The zirconium obtained
in this manner is easily deposited.
It can be washed with water without
oxidizing. Washed and dried, it forms
a black powder resembling charcoal,
which cannot be compressed nor
polished like a metal” (15).
Although Berzelius’ method
yielded impure zirconium, highly
contaminated with zirconia, he had
chosen his materials with great
scientific acumen (37). Through
the attempts of many research
workers, including Ludwig Weiss
and Eugen Naumann (38), Wede-
kind (39), and Moissan (40), zirco-
nium of higher and higher purity has
been obtained. Finally in 1914 D. Lely, Jr., and L. Hamburger (41) of the
research staff of the Philips Metal-Incandescent Lamp Works in Eindhoven,
Holland, obtained the metal 100% pure. Their method consisted in heating a
mixture of the tetrachloride and sodium in a bomb, using the electric current
as the source of heat. The metal consisted of laminae which could be pressed
into rods, drawn into wire, or burnished to a bright, mirror-like surface.
The element is still best known, however, in the form of its oxide. Zir-
conia linings for metallurgical furnaces are very permanent, and, because
of their low heat conductivity, may be made very thin. Zirconia refrac-
tories, such as crucibles, are very resistant to the action of heat, slags, and
* During the Revolution, the scientific papers of Morveau were signed "Cit[oyen]
French attorney and chemist. Pro-
fessor of chemistry at the 6cole Poly-
technique from 1794 to 1815. With
Lavoisier, Fourcroy, and Berthollet he
brought chemical nomenclature into
accord with modem views on combus-
tion. He made the first serious re-
searches on the structure of steel.
Discovery of the Elements
most acids, and may safely
be plunged into water while
red-hot (42).
Joseph Priestley was not
the only English clergyman
to discover a new element.
The Reverend William Gregor
met with similar good fortune.
He was born in 1761 in Corn-
wall, and was educated for the
ministry at Bristol and Cam-
bridge, where he made an ex-
cellent scholastic record, es-
pecially in mathematics and
the classics. He held pastor-
ates at Deptford ' near Tot-
ness, at Bratton Clovellv in
Devonshire, and finally at
Creed near Grampound,
Cornwall (2).
He became intensely inter-
ested in the minerals of Eng-
land, and acquired such
great skill in analyzing them
that Berzelius and other com-
petent judges referred to him
Introduction to the Reverend William as a famous mineralogist”
Gregor’s Original Paper on Titanium, or (3), He was a founder and
“Mbnachanite.” CreWs A nnalen, 1791 t
honorary member of the
Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, and his analyses of such substances as
bismuth carbonate, topaz, wavellite, uranium mica (Uranglimmer) (16),
and native lead arsenate (17) were of high excellence (4).
The most interesting mineral that Mr. Gregor ever analyzed, however,
was a black, magnetic sand from the Menachan valley in his own parish.
His account of this analysis, as it appeared in Crell's Avnalen in 1791, was
introduced by the following editorial note:
Mr. Gregor did me the special favor of sending the manuscript of
this paper for insertion in the Annalen , the translation of which from
the English by my eldest son Carl, I have the honor to present to Ger-
man analytical chemists.
The paper begins with a minute description of the sand :
itotaltititgttt tmt> SJerfucfje ri6<r b<n
SRenofamtt, fintn in CerwwiH
n« m«9B*«|itKn ®onb; com .^rtt
fl&Hiam <&vtw *).
€5«nb wirt in grofjtt fRtngt
te *in«m $twlt bt<
VI<mCm in in 8oci<wa0 gtf unb<n.
*tu b»(Tcn {>aupt«
fbtlan Qmbiln ifc »ct
.<■ ®8w*r|, tub fort tern Vtuittn na<b,
Wit btm g&itftpmxt. Seine
■mKM&t-'m Mtf*trt«tet 9rifie, fc>ben abet
' ft i» mu ti mm dnbttn
ttmifebt, btfen Sbrnct
jtyb* ' fpniftfcb* ®<b«wrt bt< (
*M*fctw«i»btrt> bat* rin eitbatMiniaWn, febware
wrti jwi Kctbebt M (ft* bt
n bcfriKttoi = 4,4*7: *.
'wmm* .
■ ; ©w» ■
tcfilCfcit, wit -
■> : jw.fufriklw» it bit Swale*
- *" "% s ub «tt tew
This sand [said Mr. Gregor] is found in large quantity in a valley
of the Menachan parish in the county of Cornwall. Through this
valley there flows a stream whose principal source is in the valleys of
Gonhilly. The sand is black, and in external appearance resembles
gunpowder. Its grains are of various sizes, but have no definite shape.
It is mixed with another dirty-white sand, the grains of which are much
Gregor found that the black portion of this sand had the following
composition :
Magnetite Silica Reddish Brown Calx Loss
46Vi.% 37*% 45% 4«/i.%
The “reddish brown calx” dissolved in sulfuric acid to give a yellow
solution which became purple when
reduced with zinc, tin, or iron, and
when the pulverized mineral was fused
with powdered charcoal, a purple slag
was formed.
Mr. Gregor modestly stated that
his paper was not a complete inves-
tigation, but merely a record of dis-
connected facts, the interpretation of
which he would leave to more skilful
workers and keener philosophers than
himself. His friend, John Hawkins,
to whom he showed the black sand,
agreed that it must be a new mineral.
The opinion of a man so dis-
tinguished in mineralogy [said
Mr. Gregor], together with the
extraordinary properties of the
sand, led me to believe that it
must contain a new metallic sub-
stance. In order to distinguish
it from others, I have ventured to
give it a name derived from the region where it was found — namely, the
Menachan parish — and therefore the metal might be called menachanite.
He cautiously added that perhaps the researches of other chemists might
some day explain the unusual properties of the mineral and “rob it of its
novelty.” His many duties unfortunately prevented him from continuing
the investigation (5) of this black magnetic sand now known as ilmenite,
FeTiOa. Strangely enough, his announcement did not attract much atten-
tion, and thus titanium, like tellurium, was quickly forgotten.
William Gregor died at Creed in the summer of 1817, after prolonged
suffering with tuberculosis (47). Thomas Thomson once said of him:
The Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Collec-
tion, University of Pennsylvania
D. Lorentz von Crell
Editor of Chetnische Annalen fur die
Freunde der Naturlehre, Arzneigelahrlheil,
Haushaltungskunst und Manufakturen
and of Crell ’s Neues Chemisettes Archiv.
Professor of chemistry and counselor of
mines at Helmstadt.
Discovery of the Elements
Mr. Gregor of Cornwall was an accurate man, and attended only to
analytical chemistry; his analyses were not numerous, but they were
in general excellent. Unfortunately the science was deprived of his
services by a premature death ( 6 ).
Mr. Gregor’s intimate friend, the Reverend J. Trist of Veryan, mentioned
the exemplary manner in which he had
fulfilled all the duties of his Christian pastor-
ate, ''dispensing to his neighbors both spiri-
tual and temporal benefits, and enlivening
the society of his friends by his cheerful
and instructive conversation” (2).
The reader will recall how the honored
chemist, Martin Heinrich Klaproth, resur-
rected tellurium, giving full credit to the
original discoverer, Muller von Reichenstein.
After Mr. Gregor’s discovery had likewise
fallen into oblivion, Klaproth again came to
the rescue. In 1795 he separated what
seemed to be a new oxide from a specimen
of red schorl, or rutile, found in Boinik,
Hungary, and presented to him by Count
Wiirben of Vienna (7), (£). However, since
this oxide bore such a close resemblance to
the one previously described by Mr. Gregor,
Martin Heinrtch Klaproth
German analytical chemist.
First professor of chemistry at
the University of Berlin. In
1810 he published, with F. Wolff,
a chemical dictionary containing
references to the researches cited
therein. Klaproth’s six-volume
“Rcitrdge zur chemischen Kennt -
niss der Miner alkor per” is a
collection of his remarkable
mineral analyses. He rediscov-
ered Gregor's “menachanite ”
made a thorough study of its
properties, and rechristened it
titanium .
Klaproth analyzed a specimen of menacha-
nite, or "iron-shot titanite from Cornwall,”
as he preferred to call it, for comparison {21 ) :
Within a few years [said he] a fossil
has been brought into notice by the
name of Menachanite , which has been
found in the parish of Menachan, in
Cornwall , and consists of grey-black,
sand-like grains, obeying the magnet.
Mr. M’Gregor, of Menachan, who dedi-
cates his study to mineralogical chemis-
try, has given not only the first informa-
tion of this fossil, but also a full narra-
tive of his chemical researches concern-
ing it. The chief result of these is, that menachanite has for its con-
stituent parts irpn, and a peculiar metallic oxyd of an unknown nature .
By the following examination it will appear that this substance, which,
besides iron, forms the second chief component principle of menacha-
nite, is precisely the very same which constitutes the Hungarian red
schorl; namely, oxyd of titanium . With this opinion also, most of the
phenomena noted down by M’Gregor, in his operations with mena-
chanite, agree.
Isolation op Titanium 321
Klaproth gave the following curious reason for preferring to call the new
element titanium:
Whenever [said he] no name can be found for a new fossil which
indicates its peculiar and characteristic properties (in which situation
I find myself at present), I think it best to choose such a denomina-
tion as means nothing of itself, and thus can give no rise to any errone-
ous ideas. In consequence of this, as I did in the case of uranium,
I shall borrow the name for this metallic substance from mythology,
and in particular from the Titans, the first sons of the earth. I there-
fore call this new metallic genus Titanium (£), (9).
Klaproth, Vauquelin, Heinrich
Rose (22) y and others tried in vain to
isolate the metal. In 1822 Dr. Wol-
laston thought he had found it in the
form of minute cubic crystals in the
slag of the iron works at Merthyr
Tydvil, but Wohler (18) showed in
1849 that these were not the metal
itself but a mixture o* the nitride and
cyanide. In 1825 Berzelius (20) pre-
pared some very impure amorphous
titanium by reducing potassium fluo-
titanate, K 2 TiF 6 , with potassium.
Although the resulting black powder
gave a metallic streak, it was insol-
uble in hydrofluoric acid and there-
fore could not have contained much
titanium metal (23).
In 1849 Wdhler and Deville at-
tempted to prepare pure titanium by
Berzelius' method, but used a closed
crucible in order to exclude air.
When they found that the product
thus obtained still contained titanium
nitride, they heated boats containing
potassium and potassium fluotitanate in an atmosphere of hydrogen and
obtained a gray powder which showed a metallic luster when examined
with a microscope (7), ( 10 ), ( 18 ). Wohler and Deville thought they had
the metal, but, in the opinion of W. M. Thornton, Jr. ( 23 ), they were still
dealing with the nitride.
In 1887 Lars Fredrik Nilson and Otto Pettersson finally prepared the
metal 95 per cent pure by reducing the tetrachloride with sodium in an air-
tight steel cylinder ( 24 ), ( 48 ). The titanium that Moissan obtained from
Sven Otto Pettersson
Professor of chemistry at the Uni-
versity of Stockholm from 1881-1908
He collaborated with Lars Fredrik
Nilson in researches on metallic ti-
tanium and the physical constants of
titanium and germanium. He was
one of the first chemists to support
Arrhenius in his views on electrolytic
Discovery of the Elements
his electric furnace was free from nitrogen
and silicon and contained only 2 per cent of
carbon (25).
In 1910 M. A. Hunter (26) obtained the
. ^ ^ metal 99.9 per cent pure by a modification of
| Nilson and Pettersson’s method in which pure
LJ titanic chloride and sodium were heated in a
LL L 1000-cc. machine steel bomb capable of bearing
40,000 kilograms of pressure. The lid, which
rested on an intervening gasket of soft copper,
was securely held in place by six braces.
After the temperature had been raised to
low redness, the reaction took place quickly
and violently. The sodium chloride was then leached out with water,
leaving the pure titanium.
The oxide titania, TiOs, because of its high refractive index, is used in
high-grade white pigments of great opacity and covering power. The
metal unites with iron to form the useful alloy, ferro-titanium, which
is added to molten steel to prevent formation of air bubbles, which
would form holes in the finished castings. Thus the element that lay
hidden for centuries in the sand of Mr. Gregor’s parish is now of direct
benefit to mankind.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Eng •
Sci . Series , No. 1, p. 6 (1911)
M. A. Hunter’s Bomb for
Preparing Metallic Ti-
Wilhelm Hising, or Hisinger as he was called after being raised to the
nobility, belonged to a wealthy Swedish family that owned the famous
Riddarhyttan* property in Vestmanland and the Bastnas mine, in which
the mineral cerite was
discovered. He was
born in December,
1 766, and soon learned
to love the beautiful
minerals of Sweden.
When only fifteen
years old he sent
some cerite to the fa-
mous Scheele for anal-
ysis, and the reply
showed that even the
greatest of men some-
Statub of Carl Wilhelm Scheele at Koping, Sweden times make mistakes.
* The reader will recall that Riddarhyttan was also the birthplace of Georg Brandt,
the discoverer of cobalt.
Scheele reported that he was unable to discover any new metal in the cerite
However, as Baron Nordenskiold said, this mistake is very excusable, for
the mineral is difficult to handle even with modern methods of analysis (11).
Berzelius described cerite as follows :
In the iron mine at Bastnas, now abandoned, in the vicinity of Vest-
manland, one finds a mineral of exceedingly high specific gravity,
called “heavy stone of Bastnas”; that is why Scheele searched there,
but in vain, for tungsten. This mineral remained in oblivion until
1803, when it was simultaneously examined by Klaproth (44), by Hi-
singer and by myself (29). We found in it a new substance; Klaproth
called it terre ochroite. Hisinger
and I called it cerous oxide, be-
cause there is a higher oxide, and
the two oxides give salts of differ-
ent colors and properties. The
root of the name cerium was de-
duced from that of Ceres, f
which Klaproth changed to cer-
erium, but this name was soon
abandoned. The mineral is com-
posed mainly of cerous silicate,
and for this reason receives the
name of cerite. Cerium was
afterward discovered in minerals
from other localities; for example,
in gadolinite, orthite, allanite,
yttrocerite, cerous fluoride, etc.”
( 12 ).
The main object of Berzelius and
Hisinger’s analysis of cerite was to
search for yttria, which might easily
have escaped the attention of Scheele
and d’Elhuyar since it was unknown
at the time their investigation was
made (29). Although they failed to
find yttria, Berzelius and Hisinger
Axel Frbdrik Cronstedt*
Swedish chemist and mineralogist.
Discoverer of nickel. Author of a
“System of Mineralogy” which was trans-
lated into several languages. He called
the heavy mineral now known as cerite
“ tungstein of Pastnds ” Hence Scheele
thought it might contain tungsten.
discovered instead the new earth ceria.§
In his “Early Recollections of a Chemist,” Wohler gives a charming
picture of Hisinger's home : M
After a five days’ stay at Fahlun [he writes] we drove to Skinnskatte-
berg, Hisinger’s estate, where, after a drive of twenty-four hours, we
* See Part IV, pp. 70-3, for biographical sketch.
t The element was named for the planet Ceres, which had been recently dis-
covered by Piazzi.
§ In volumes 9 and ip of Nicholson's Journal this paper was accredited to W.
D’Hesinger and J. B. Bergelius (sic!).
Discovery of the Elements
arrived one afternoon, finding Berzelius there. The venerable, genial,
and most original Hisinger, so well known through his contributions
to the geognostic mineralogy and botany of Sweden, and through the
liberality with which he had supported Berzelius during the commence-
ment of his studies, lived here a very rich man (Brukspatron) on a
princely estate, surrounded by magnificent forests, gardens, and iron
mines. We spent a week here most delightfully, partly occupied in
examining his collections, with making blowpipe tests of unknown min-
erals, and with the reading aloud of my translation of Hisinger’s “Min-
eral Geography.” In company with Berzelius and Hisinger, we made
an excursion a few miles distant to the mines of Riddarhyttan, among
Skinnskatteberg, Vestmanland, Sweden, Where Wilhelm Hisinger Used
to Live
The mineral cerite was first found in one of the mines on his estate.
which the Bastnashaft is known as the only locality for the occurrence
of cerite n At the mouth of this mine, which at that time had already
been abandoned, we collected in the scorching sun hundreds of the
most characteristic specimens of cerite and cerin [allanite] (13).
Hisinger was indeed one of Sweden’s most eminent mineralogists and
geologists. He died on June 28, 1852, at the venerable age of eighty-five
Gahn in Sweden and Vauquelin in France tried in vain to obtain me-
tallic cerium. Mosander prepared anhydrous cerous chloride and sub-
jected it for a long time to the action of potassium vapor. After washing
the residue with cold alcohol, he obtained a brown powder which,-
Cerium and Thorium
when burnished, ex-
hibited a dark metallic
luster. This cerium
was far from pure,
however, for it was
badly contaminated
with the oxychloride.
Impure cerium was
also prepared by
Wohler. Hillebrand
and Norton (27)
succeeded in 1875 in
preparing the metal in
a coherent form by
electrolyzing fused
cerous chloride. In
1911 the late Dr. Alcan
Hirsch (SO) made
some electrolytic ce-
rium containing only
two per cent of im-
purities (iron, cerium
oxide, and cerium car-
bide) . The metal was
purified by amalga-
mating it and distil-
ling off the mercury in
an evacuated quartz
tube lined with mag-
nesia. This elaborate
From " Industry in Sweden” Federation of Swedish Industries
Mine Head-Frame at Riddarhyttan
The mineral cerite was discovered there in 1781 by
Wilhelm von Hisinger. Georg Brandt, the discoverer
of cobalt, was born at Riddarhyttan.
investigation required
more than three years of work at the University of Wisconsin.
Cerium forms with iron a peculiar pyrophoric alloy which, when struck,
emits showers of sparks, and which is used somewhat in the manufacture of
automatic gas-lighters (28).
While analyzing one of the rare minerals from the Fahlun district, Ber-
zelius found in 1815 a substance that he believed to be the oxide of a new
metal which he named thorium in honor of the ancient Scandinavian
god, Thor. Ten years later he himself found that this substance was not
a new earth, but simply yttrium phosphate. He evidently liked the name
thorium, however, for when in 1829 he really did discover a new element,
he christened it with the same name (45).
Discovery of the Elements
William Francis Hillebrand*
Chemist with the U. S. Geological
Survey, later Chief Chemist at the
Bureau of Standards. President of the
American Chemical Society in 1906.
Author of “The Analysis of Silicate and
Carbonate Rocks." He was the first
to suggest the possibility of recovering
potash from the fumes from cement
like gadolinite from Ytterby ; the
exterior presents sometimes a thin
rust-colored surface layer (12).
This mineral, which is now known as
thorite, consists essentially of thorium
silicate, ThSi0 4 (50).
Thorium, like the other metals of
this group, is isolated with great
difficulty. Berzelius prepared the
impure metal by heating a mixture
of potassium and potassium thorium
fluoride in a glass tube. D. Lely,
Jr., and L. Hamburger prepared it
In his account of the discovery,
Berzelius wrote:
The mineral on which I made
the following experiments is found
in the syenite on the island of
Lovo near Brevig, Norway. It
was discovered by the pastor
Esmarck, son of Jens Esmarck,
famous professor at the University
of Christiania. It is the latter
who sent me a specimen, asking
me to examine it, because, on ac-
count of its high specific gravity,
he believed it to be the earth of
tantalum. This mineral is black,
with no indication of crystalline
form or texture, and looks exactly
Thomas H. Norton f
Professor of chemistry at the Uni-
versity of Cincinnati. American
consul at Harput, Turkey, at Smyrna,
and at Chemnitz, Saxony. Author of
books on dyes, the cottonseed in-
dustry, potash production, and the
utilization of atmospheric nitrogen.
Collaborator with W. F. Hillebrand
in researches on cerium (4$), (49).
* See Allen, "Pen Portrait of William Francis Hillebrand, 1853 -’1925," J, Chem.
Educ., 9, 72-83 (Jan., 1932).
> t See Ind.Eng. Chetn., News Ed., 13, 318-9 (Aug. 10, 1935).
Literature Cited
99 percent pure by distilling sodium and
thorium chloride into an exhausted steel
cylinder and also succeeded in obtain-
ing it as a coherent metal (P), (41).
It is interesting to note that all four of
the elements of this group, titanium,
cerium, zirconium, and thorium, were
isolated with the aid of the alkali metals
discovered by Sir Humphry Davy .
In 1898 Mme. Curie in Paris and
Professor G. C. Schmidt at the Uni-
versity of Munster, working inde-
pendently, found that thorium, like
uranium, is radioactive (43) . This dis-
covery opened up a vast new field of
research as a result of which thorium
is now known to be the parent sub-
stance of an entire series of radioactive
elements. The story of their discovery
will be reserved, however, for a later
Literature Cited
(/) Klaproth, M. H., “Ueber die vorge-
gebene Reduction der einfachen Er-
den,” Crell's Ann., 15, 119 (1791). .
(2) “Biographical notice of the Rev. Wil-
liam Gregor,” Annals of Phil., [1], 11,
112-4 (Feb., 1818)
From Sdderbaum’s Jac . Berzelius Brev
Wilhelm Hisingkr
Swedish mineralogist and geologist.
Owner of the famous Riddarhytta
mining property in Vestmanland, where
cerite was discovered. He was one of
the first to analyze the lithium mineral
( 3 ) Soderbaum, H. G., “Jac. Berzelius Bref,” Vol. 3, part 6, Almqvist and Wiksells,
Upsala, 1912-1914, p. 47. Letter of Berzelius to Thomson, Autumn, 1816.
(4) Poggendorff, J. C., “Biographisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte
der exakten Wissenschaften,” 6 vols., Verlag Chemie, Leipzig and Berlin, 1863-
1937. Article on Gregor.
(5) Gregor, W., “Beobachtungen und Versuche fiber den Menakanite, einen in
Cornwall gefundenen magnetischen Sand,” Crell's Ann., 15, 40-54, 103-19 (1791).
(6) Thomson, Thomas, “History of Chemistry,” Vol. 2, Colburn and Bentley,
London, 1831, p. 231.
(7) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” Vol. 2, Baudry et Cie., Paris, 1891, pp.
(8) Klaproth, M. H., “Analytical Essays towards Promoting the Chemical Knowl-
edge of Mineral Substances,” Cadell and Davies, London, 1801 , pp. 200-10.
( 9 ) Mellor, J. W., “Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chem-
istry/ 1 Vol. 7, Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1927 , pp. 1-2, 98-9, 174-8.
Articles on Titanium, Zirconium, and Thorium.
{10) W6hler, F., “Sur le titane," letter to Pelouze, Compt. rend., 29, 505 (Nov. 5,
1849); F. WOhler and H. Ste. -Claire Dbvillb, “M&noiresur l'affinit^ sp&riale
Discovery of the Elements
de l’azote pour le titane,” Compt. rend., 45, 480-3 (Oct. 5, 1857); “Recherche* sur
le titane et son affinity sp4ciale pour l'azote,” Ann. chim. phys., [3], 52, 92-7
(Jan., 1858).
(11) NordbnskiOld, A. E., “Scheeles nachgelassene Briefe und Aufzeichnungen,”
Norstedt & Sdner, Stockholm, 1892, p. 351.
(12) Jagnaux,R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” ref. (7), Vol. 2, pp. 195-9.
(13) WOhler, F., “Early recollections of a chemist,” translated by Laura R. Joy, Am.
Chemist , 6, 131 (Oct., 1875); “Jugend-Erinnerungen eines Chemikers,” Ber., 8,
838-52 (1875).
(14) Revelation, 21:20.
(15) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie,” ref. (7), Vol. 2, p. 176
(16) Gregor, W., “Experiments on a mineral substance formerly supposed to be zeolite,
with some remarks on two species of uran-glimmer,” Proc. Roy. Soc. London ,
1, 209-10 (July 4, 1805).
(17) Gregor, W., “On a native arseniate of lead,” Proc. Roy. Soc. London , 1, 331 (Apr.
13, 1809) Communicated by Chas. Hatchett.
(18) WOhler, F., “Note sur le titane,” Ann. chim. phys., [3], 28, 382-3 (Mar., 1850);
[3], 29, 166-87 (June, 1850); Phil. Mag., [3], 36, 67-8 (Jan., 1850); “Ueber die
Natur des metallischen Titans,” Ann., 73, 34-49 (1850).
(19) Wollaston, W. H., “On metallic titanium,” Annals of Phil., [1], 21, 67 -8 (Jan ,
(20) Berzelius, J. J., Pogg. Ann., 4, 3 (1825).
(21) Klaproth, M.H., “A nalytical Essays towards Promoting the Chemical Knowledge
of Mineral Substances,” ref. (8), pp? 499-509.
(22) Rose, H., Pogg. Ann., 16, 57 (1829).
(23) Thornton, W. M., Jr., “Titanium,” Chem. Catalog Co., New York City, 1927,
pp. 42-5.
(24) Nilson, L. F. and S. O. Pettersson, “liber einige physikalische Konstanten
des Germaniums und Titans,” Z. physik. Chem., 1, 27-8 (Feb., 1887).
(25) Moissan, H., “Preparation et propri£tes du titane,” Compt. rend., 120, 290-6
(Feb 11,1895).
(26) Hunter, M. A., “Metallic titanium,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 32, 330-6 (Mar., 1910).
(27) Hillebrand, W, F. and T. H. Norton, Pogg. Ann., 155, 631 (1875); 156, 466
(28) Levy, “The Rare Earths,” Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1915, pp. 314-7.
(29) Hisinger, W. and J. J. Berzelius, “Account of cerium, a new metal found in a
mineral substance from Bastnas, in Sweden,” Nicholson's J., 9, 290-300 (Dec.,
1804); 10, 10-2 (Jan., 1805); J. J. Berzelius, “Analyse de la gadolinite,” Ann .
chim. phys., [2], 3, 26-34 (Sept., 1816).
(30) Hirsch, A., “The preparation and properties of metallic cerium,” Met. Chem.
Eng., 9, 540-4 (Oct., 1911).
(31) Klaproth, M. H., “Kleine mineralogische Beitrage,” CreiVs Ann., 11, 7 (1789)
Ann. chim . phys., [1], 1, 6 (1789).
(32) Klaproth, M. H.,“ Analytical Essays towards Promoting the Chemical Knowledge
of Mineral Substances,” ref. (8), pp. 175-94.
(33) Ibid., pp, 195-9.
(34) Morveau, G., “Sur PHyacmte de France, coilgenere & celle de Ceylan, et sur la
nouvelle terre qui entre dans sa composition,” Ann. chim. phys., [1], 21, 72-95
(Jan., 1797).
(35) “Extralt 4 f un m6moire du Cit. Vauquelin, contenant Panalyse comparative des
Literature Cited
Hyacinthes de Ceylan et d’Expailly, et Texpos£ de quelques-unes des propri£t£s
de la terre qu’elles contiennent,” Ann. chim. phys., [1], 22 , 179-210 (May, 1797).
(36) “Extrait d’une lettre de M. Berzelius & M. Dulong,” Ann. chim. phys., [2], 26,
(37) Venable, F. P„ “Zirconium and Its Compounds,” Chem. Catalog Co., New York
City, 1922 , pp. 22-6.
(38) Weiss, L. and E. Naumann, “Darstellung und Untersuchung regulinischen,
Zirkoniums,” Z. anorg. Chem., 65, 248-78 (Jan. 8, 1910).
(39) Wedekind, E. and Lewis, “Studien liber das elementare Zirkonium,” Ann., 371 ,
366-87 (Heft 3, 1910); E. Wedekind, Ann., 395 , 149-94 (Heft 2, 1912).
(40) Moissan, H., “Sur la volatilisation de la silice et de la zircone et sur la reduction de
ces composes par le charbon,” Compt. rend., 116, 1222-4 (May 29, 1893).
(41) Lely, D. and L. Hamburger, “Herstellung der Elemente Thorium, Uran,
Zirkon, und Titan,” Z. anorg . Chem., 87, 209-28 (May 26, 1914),
(43) Venable, F. P., “Zirconium and Its Compounds,” ref. (37), pp. 126-32.
(43) “Classic of science: Radioactive substances by Mme. Curie,” Set. News Letter
14, 137-8 (Sept. 1, 1928).
(44) “Classic of science: Account of experiments made on a mineral called cerite, and
on the particular substance which it contains, and which has been considered as
a new metal, by M. Vauquehn,” Set. News Letter, 20, 138 (Aug, 29, 1931),
(45) Soderbaum, H. G., “Jac. Berzelius levnadsteckning,” Almqvist & Wiksells Bok-
tryckeri-A-B., Upsala, 1929 - 31 , Vol. 2, pp. 66-8, 501-7.
(46) Anon., “Thomas H. Norton receives Lavoisier medal,” I nd. Eng. Chem., News Ed.,
15 , 542 (Dec. 20, 1937).
(47) “Dictionary of National Biography,” Smith, Elder 8c Co., London, 1890 - 91 , vol.
23, pp. 89-90. Article on Gregor by G. C. Boase.
(48) von Euler, Hans, “Sven Otto Pettersson. In meinoriam,” Svensk Kemisk
Tidskrift , 53 , 28-32 (Jan., 1941).
(4.9) “Necrology. Thomas H. Norton,” Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed., 19 , 1474 (Dec.
25, 1941).
(50) Bull, E. and E. Jansen, “Norsk Biografisk Leksikon,” H. Aschenhoug and Co.,
Oslo, 1926 , vol. 3, pp. 595-6. Articles on the Esmark family.
When the Abb# Hauy pointed out the close similarity and probable identity
of beryl and the emerald , Vauquelin analyzed them carefully , and found in
1798 that they are indeed identical , and that they contain a new earth , which
he named glucina , but which is now known as beryllia . The metal was iso-
lated thirty years later by Wohler and Bussy independently. Boron was iso-
lated in 1808 by Gay-Lussac and Thenar d in France and by Davy in England
by reduction of boric acid with potassium. Although amorphous silicon was
prepared by Berzelius in 1824 , the crystalline form of it was not obtained until
about thirty years later , when Henri Sainte-Claire Deville prepared it by
an electrolytic method. Aluminum was isolated in 1825 by the Danish physi-
cist, Oersted , and two years later Wohler prepared it by a better method. Suc-
cessful commercial processes for the manufacture of this important metal
were perfected by Henri Sainte-Claire Deville , by Charles Martin Hall , and
by Dr. Paul L. T. Htroult.
Aber neue Phaenomena zu erklaren , dieses macht meine
Sorgen aus , und wie froh is* der Forscher, wenn er das so
fleissig Gesuchte ftndet, eine Ergotzung wobei das Herz
lacht (1).*
Pliny the Elder realized that beryl and the emerald are closely related
(56). In speaking of the discovery of beryllium Fourcroy once said, “It is
to geometry that we owe in some sort the source of this discovery; it is that
[science] that furnished the first idea of it, and we may say that without
it the knowledge of this new earth would not have been acquired for a
long time, since according to the analysis of the emerald by M. Klaproth
and that of beryl by M. Bindheim one would not have thought it possible
to recommence this work without the strong analogies or even almost
perfect identity that Citizen Hauy found for the geometrical properties
between these two stony fossils” (5).
As a result of his analysis of a Peruvian emerald, Klaproth had stated
that this gem has the following composition:
Silica "silex” Alumina, ** alumin c or argil” Iron oxide
60.25% 31.25% 0.50%
To explain his extravagance he said, “For the specimen of emerald sacrificed
to this analytical process, I am indebted to the liberal kindness of Prince
Dimitri Gallitzin, whose zeal for the study of mineralogy is most honour-
ably known” (22).
* For a. translation of this quotation see page 101.
Beryl had also been analyzed by
Bergman, Achard, Bindheim, and
Vauquelin, and was supposed to be
a, calcium aluminum silicate (23).
The identity of beryl and the emerald
was not suspected until the famous
French mineralogist, the Abbd Haiiy,
made a careful study of their crystal
forms and physical properties and was
so struck by the similarity of the
two minerals that he asked Vauquelin
to analyze them chemically.
Although the latter had previously
overlooked the new earth because of
its similarity to alumina, he found in
1798 that the hydroxide that precipi-
tates when caustic potash is added to
an acid solution of the beryl does not
dissolve in an excess of the alkali.
It also differs from alumina in other
respects, for it forms no alum, it dis-
solves in ammonium carbonate, and
its salts have a sweet taste. Vau-
quelin ’s paper read before the French
Academy on “le 26 pluviose an VI”
of the Revolutionary Calendar, or
the fifteenth of February, 1798
(6)* (23), proved that, except for a little chromium in the emerald, the two
gems have the same composition and that they contain a new earth, a
sample of which he presented to the Academy. At the suggestion of the
editors’ 1 ' of the Annales de Chimie et de Physique , he called the new earth
glucina, meaning sweet. The specimen of beryl that Vauquelin analyzed
was presented to him by "Citizen Patrin, whose zeal for the advancement
of the sciences is well known to every one of their cultivators” (23).
Vauquelin believed that Bergman’s incorrect conclusions as to the
chemical nature of the beryl had been caused by the unwillingness of his
“active mind to submit to the details of experiment.” Thus Bergman,
and Bindheim as well, had entrusted their analyses to young pupils who
were incapable of distinguishing a new substance when they saw it. Ac-
cording to Bindheim’s analysis, the beryl consisted of 64 per cent of silica,
27 per cent of alumina, 8 per cent of lime, and 2 per cent of iron (total 101
per cent) (23).
* Guyton-Morveau. Monge, Berthollet. Fourcroy, Seguin, Chaptal, and Vauquelin.
Front “La Science Francaise,” Dept . Public
Instruction, Paris
Ren6-Just Ha#y
French mineralogist. He deduced
the fundamental laws of crystallog-
raphy, and explained cleavage by pos-
tulating that a crystal is built up of
small similar parallelopipeds. He was
the first to recognize that beryl and the
emerald are geometrically identical.
Vauquelin’s proof of their chemical
identity, made at the suggestion of
Haiiy, led to the discovery of the ele-
ment beryllium.
Discovery of the Elements
Johann Friedrich Gmelin
Father of Leopold Gmelin. Pro-
fessor of chemistry at Tubingen and
Gottingen. Famous chemical his-
torian. His remarkable “ Geschichte
der Chemie ” was published in 1797-99.
When Vauquelin analyzed a Peruvian
emerald (25) after his discovery of chro-
mium and glucina, the results differed
greatly from his previous ones and from
those of Klaproth. He found :
Silica 64.60
Alumina 14.00
Glucina 13.00
Lime 2 . 56
Chromium oxide 3.50
Moisture, or other volatile matter 2.00
J. F. Gmelin’s analysis of a Siberian
beryl soon confirmed Vauquelin’s con-
clusions as to the essential constituents
of that gem, for he found no lime, but
only silica, alumina, glucina, and a
small amount of iron oxide (26).
Since yttria, as well as glucina, forms
sweet salts, Klaproth preferred to call
the latter earth beryllia, and it is still
known by that name. Beryl and the
emerald are now known to be a
beryllium aluminum silicate [Be 8 Al 2 -
(Si0 3 )«].
Metallic beryllium was first prepared in August, 1828, by Wohler and
Bussy independently by the action of potassium on beryllium chloride
(?)> (5), Wohler placed alternate layers of the chloride and flattened
pieces of potassium in a platinum crucible, wired the cover on strongly, and
heated the mixture with an alcohol lamp. The reaction began immediately
and took place with such intensity that the crucible became white-hot.
After cooling it thoroughly, he opened
it and placed it in a large volume of
water, whereupon the beryllium sepa-
rated out ias a gray-black powder.
After washing this insoluble material,
Wohler saw that it consisted of fine
metallic particles which could be bur-
nished to show a dark metallic luster.
He did not succeed in melting the
beryllium (8).
The first person to prepare pure be-
ryllium by an electrolytic process was
Hexagonal Crystals of Pure Beryl-
lium Prepared by P. Lebeau
Beryllium and Boron
the French chemist, P. Lebeau (27),
(29). After adding potassium or so-
dium fluoride to pure beryllium fluo-
^--'Vv V;: ride to make it conduct the current, he
m lwWtijt m placed the mixture in a nickel crucible.
After melting the double salt with a
m ohwik a t’fou w>v*u Bunsen burner, he placed the positive
(graphite) electrode in the fluoride
mnm& «* wm** : v mixture and connected the nickel cru-
1 ; M cible to the negative side of a battery
_ of twenty amperes under eighty volts.
Dedication Page of Phenard’s “Trait* T t . , f
de Chimie ” a Five-Volume Work than an hour crystals of beryl-
lium were deposited on the sides of
the crucible. After washing them, first with water and then with absolute
alcohol, and drying them in a vacuum desiccator containing phosphorus pen-
toxide, Lebeau found that they contained from 99.5 to 99.8 per cent of
beryllium. This research provided
ttuimsm tm mntiK a Cicou iumut
m * «.* •«** arj
ws CtvisUwB. h »*»»», WP. ■, _ , .
Dedication Page of Thenard’s “Traite
de Chimie” a Five- Volume Work
the data for his thesis for the doctorate
in June, 1898.
Nearly a century after Wohler and
Bussy liberated beryllium, Alfred
Stock and Hans Goldschmidt devised
the first commercial process, in which
a mixture of the fluorides of beryllium
and barium is electrolyzed. The
molten beryllium separates out at the
water-cooled iron cathode (24).
There is no conclusive proof that
the ancients were acquainted with
borax; even in the eighteenth cen-
tury, it was believed to be an artifi-
cial production (59), (60). In 1772,
however, the Swedish merchant Johan
Abraham Grill (Abrahamsson) de-
scribed in volume thirty-four of Louis-Josewi Gav-Lussac
Vetenskapsacademiens Handlingar a
natural borax called pounxa sent
him from Thibet by Jos. Vit. Kuo, a
native Chinese Catholic missionary.
“From the report of my correspond-
ent Vit. Kuo,” said he, “it can be in-
Professor of chemistry at the Lcole
Polytechnique and at the Jar din des
Plantes. With Thenard, he prepared
potassium without the use of a battery,
and isolated boron. In 1809 Gay-
Lussac enunciated his famous law of
combining volumes of gases.
Discovery of the Elements
ferred that the pounxa is found in Thibet, that to obtain it one digs into the
ground to the depth of two yards;. . .it positively cannot be made arti-
ficially by heating the earth; it is found already prepared by nature" (61).
Analyses by R. Nasini and R. Grassini indicate that boric acid entered
into the composition of the brilliant coral red glazes on the Aretine vases
(first century B.C. to first century A.D.) excavated at Arezzo (57), (76).
Because of the seal, or impression, on the bottom, these vases were known
as “terra sigillata ware." Paul Diergart of the research staff of the Royal
Porcelain Works in Berlin questioned these analyses, however (58).
Boric acid was first prepared in 1702 by Wilhelm Homberg. He was
born on January 8, 1652, at Batavia on the island of Java. When his father
left the service of the Dutch East India Company, the family settled in
Amsterdam, where young Wilhelm (or Willem) had a much better oppor-
tunity to study than in the torrid climate of the East Indies. After study-
ing law at Jena and Leipzig, he was admitted to the bar in Magdeburg in
1674. Soon becoming more interested in the laws of nature than in those
devised by man, he began to devote much time to botany, astronomy, and
The Burgomaster of the city, Otto von Guericke, was then performing
“the Magdeburg miracles" with the* evacuated hemispheres which sixteen
horses could not separate and with his curious barometer, “the little man
who remained hidden in a tube when the weather was to be rainy and came
out when it was to be fair” (62). These wonders still further diverted
Homberg's attention from his practice of law.
At Padua and Rome, he studied medicine, optics, art, and music. After
further study in France, he went to England to work with Robert Boyle,
thence to the Netherlands, where he studied anatomy, and finally to
Wurttemberg, where he received the degree of doctor of medicine. Hom-
berg then visited the mines of Saxony, Hungary, and Bohemia, and went
to Sweden to see the great copper mine at Fahlun and work with Urban
Hiarne in the newly established chemical laboratory at Stockholm. When
Homberg returned to Paris, the Duke of Orleans studied under him, caught
his enthusiasm, and equipped for him “the most superb and best furnished
laboratory Chemistry had ever seen" (62).
In 1702 Homberg stated in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences at
Paris that he had heated borax with a solution of iron vitriol (ferrous sul-
fate) and sublimed off with the water vapor a substance which he called sel
volatil narcotique du vitriol (“volatile sedative salt from the vitrol"). Thus
it is evident that he must have prepared boric acid and that he believed that
it came from the ferrous sulfate (63). He used hot water to extract the
colcothar or residue which remained in the retort after distillation of Nord-
hausen sulfuric acid, filtered the solution, and mixed with it a hot solution
of borax. After evaporating the mixture to incipient crystallization, he
Wilhelm Homberg
heated it on a sandbath, using a cucurbit and alembic. When the liquid
products of distillation ceased to drip into the receiver, snow-white plate-
lets with a mother-of-pearl luster sublimed in the still-head. By redistilling
the aqueous distillate eight or ten times, Homberg obtained a good yield of
the “sedative salt” (63).
F. M. Jaeger found in the correspondence of Elisabeth Charlotte of Or-
leans (1652-1721) a firsthand character sketch of the discoverer of boric
acid. “One cannot know Homberg,” said she, “without admiring him for
his clear mind, — not at all confused as the highly educated usually are, and
not solemn, but always jolly; everything he knows, even the most difficult
arts, seem with him to be a jest, as though he were playing tricks. ... He
has a soft voice, and speaks very slowly but clearly” (64).
During his last illness, Homberg’s patience “was that of a hero or a saint.
A few days before his death,” said Fontenelle in his eulogy, “he took the
liberty of writing to His Royal Highness the Duke of Orleans. . . to recom-
mend to him all that he had most loved, the widow whom he was about to
leave and the Academy of Sciences. His prayer for the Academy had more
success than he would have dared to hope; the prince has reserved for
himself alone the direct management of this Company. He treats our sci-
ences like his own domain, of which he is jealous” (62).
Wilhelm Homberg died on the twenty-fourth of September, 1715.
“Although he had a weak constitution, he was most industrious; although
he lacked strength, he had courage to compensate for it. Besides a prodigi-
ous quantity of curious facts of natural philosophy collected in his mind
and retained in his memory, he had the qualifications of an ordinary scholar
in history and languages. He even knew Hebrew. His quality of mind is
evident in all his work: above all, an ingenious attentiveness which caused
him to make observations where others saw nothing. . . .
“We have already mentioned his complete freedom from ostentation,”
said Fontenelle. “He was equally free from mystery, so common among
chemists, which is merely another kind of ostentation in which one conceals
instead of displaying. , . . Although French was always a foreign language
for him and he naturally was not rich in vocabulary and had continually to
search for the right word, he always found it. No one ever had more gentle
manners nor more sociable habits. . . , A wholesome, peaceful philosophy
made him receive calmly the different events of life, immune to those agita-
tions for which one has, if one wishes, so many occasions” (62).
In 1747-8 Theodore Baron de H&iouville (1715-1768) proved that borax
is composed of “sedative salt” and soda (65). In his “Elective Attrac-
tions,” Torbern Bergman stated emphatically that the so-called “sedative
salt“ is not a salt but an acid. “The substance commonly called sedative
salt,” said he, “is more nearly allied to acids than any other class of bodies.
It reddens turnsole and saturates alkalis and soluble earths. It also dis-
Discovery of the Elements
solves various metals, and has other properties which shew its acid na-
ture; and it seems better entitled to the name of acid of borax than to that
of sedative salt” (66).
After the chemical revolution, “sedative salt” came to be regarded as an
acidic oxide, boric (or boracic) acid. Even at the close of the eighteenth
century, its chemical nature was not understood. In a letter to the An-
nates de Chitnie el de Physique , A. N. Scherer wrote in 1799: “I have just
been assured that Crell has recognized carbon as the radical of boracic
acid” (67).
Lavoisier believed that it contained oxygen, and had mentioned its radi-
cal in his list of elements* (20). The first proof of the composition of boric
acid was given in 1808 when Gay-Lussac and Thenard in France and Davy
in England succeeded in decomposing it by reduction with potassium, and
in liberating a new element which the French chemists called bore and Sir
Humphry called boracium.
Louis-Joseph Gay-Lussac was born at St. Leonard, near Limoges, on
December 6, 1778, and was therefore just eleven days older than Davy.
After receiving his elementary educa-
tion in St. Leonard he went to Paris,
Louis- Jacques Thenard
and when he was nineteen years old, he
enrolled at the ficole Polytechnique,
where he soon became acquainted
with his lifelong friend and collabo-
rator, Thenard.
Somewhat later he won the friend-
ship of Berthollet at the ficole des
Ponts et Chauss£es, who said to him,
“Young man, your destiny is to make
discoveries” (3). For a time he
worked with Berthollet’s son in a fac-
tory in Arcueil where chlorine was
used to bleach linen. On New Year’s
day in the year 1802 Gay-Lussac be-
came a rdp^titeur at the ficole Poly-
technique, where he often substituted
for Fourcroy in his lectures on chem-
Professor of chemistry at the fecole
Polytechnique. Discoverer of hydro-
gen peroxide. Collaborator with Gay-
Lussac in his researches on potassium,
boron, iodine, and chlorine. He also
investigated many fatty acids, esters,
and ethers.
Two years later Gay-Lussac and
Biot made a daring balloon ascension
to study the behavior of a magnetic
needle and the chemical composition
of the atmosphere at high altitudes.
See Part XV, pp. 272.
L.-J. Gay-Lussac
On another occasion, when Gay-Lussac alone had reached an elevation of
7016 meters and wished to ascend still higher, he threw overboard some
small objects to lighten the balloon. A shepherdess in the field was
astonished to see a white wooden chair fall from the sky into some
From A p pit ton’s ** Beginners’ fyond-Book of Chemistry ”
Gay-Lussac and Biot Making Their Balloon Ascension
Gay-Lussac was then twenty-five years old.
bushes, and the peasants who heard her story were at a loss to explain
why, if the chair had come direct from Heaven, the workmanship on
it should be so crude (3).
After a period of extended travel and study in Italy with von Humboldt,
Discovery of the Elements
Gay-Lussac returned to the ficole Polytechnique and began a long series
of researches with Thenard. Louis-Jacques Thenard,* a carpenter’s son,
was bom at La Loupti£re near Nogen t-sur-Seine on May 4, 1777. After
receiving private instruction from the village priest, he went to Paris to
study chemistry, where, after three years of hard study and severe priva-
tions, he finally succeeded in winning the recognition of Vauquelin and
Fourcroy. The latter scientist had befriended the poor peasant boy
From Gay-Lussac and Thenard' s “ Recherches Physico-Chymiques"
The Great Battery That Napoleon Presented to the £colb Polytrchniqur
The scale is 25 mm. for 1 meter. Figs. 1 and 2. Elevation and plan of the great
battery. Figs. 3 and 4. Elevation and plan of two cells, a, a, a. Barrels containing
liquid for filling the troughs. b t b t b . Barrels containing water for washing the troughs.
e,c,c . Lead siphons for the flow of liquid from the barrels. d,d,d. Conduits for re-
ceiving liquid from the barrels by means of the siphons, and conducting it into the
troughs. e,e t e. Wires connecting the different cells of the battery, fjj. Trough for
receiving liquid from all the cells by means of the individual troughs, g,g.
Vauquelin in his early struggles, and now Vauquelin in turn helped Thenard
to obtain a teaching position in a Parisian pension. In 1798 Gay-Lussac
and Thenard met at the ficole Polytechnique, where both later became
When the news of Davy’s isolation of the alkali metals reached Paris
in 1808, Napoleon provided Gay-Lussac and Thenard with a powerful
voltaic pile. Before it could be set up, however, they showed that these
metals can be obtained without a battery simply by reducing the caustic
alkali with metallic iron at a high temperature, a method which Davy
* He always spelled his name thus, without the acute accent over the *.
soon adopted in preference to his own. The potassium which the French
chemists prepared in this manner was soon put to good use when they
attempted to decompose boric acid.
On June 21, 1808, a note from Gay-Lussac and Thenard was read before
the Institute. It announced that the results they had obtained by treating
boric acid with potassium could be explained only by admitting that
that acid is composed of a combustible substance and oxygen (21). At
the time this notice was read, Gay-Lussac was seriously ill as the result
of an explosion in which he had almost lost his sight (30).
Before regarding their
proof as complete Gay-Lus-
sac and Thenard wished not
only to decompose boric acid,
but to recompose it. On No-
vember 30 of the same year
they were able to state in the
A nnales de Chimie et de Phy-
sique that “the composition
of boracic add is no longer
problematical. In fact, ’ ’ said
they, “we decompose and we
recompose this acid at will."
Their method was as follows :
To decompose it, place
equal parts of metal
[potassium] and very
pure, vitreous boracic
acid in a copper tube
to which a tube of bent
glass is attached. Place
the copper tube in a small
furnace, with the end of
the glass tube in a flask
of mercury. When the
apparatus is ready, heat
the copper tube gradu-
ally until it becomes
faintly red; keep it in
this condition for several
minutes; then, the op-
eration being ended,
allow it to cool and take
out the material.
On the First Page op Their "Recherches
Physico-Chimtques" Gay-Lussac and Thenard
Thank Napoleon for the Large Battery
That He Had Presented to the Ecolb Poly-
Gay-Lussac and Thenard then gave a detailed description of the experi-
ment, saying:
Discovery of the Elements
When the temperature is about 150 degrees, the mixture suddenly
glows strongly, which appears in a striking manner if a glass tube
is used. So much heat is produced that the glass tube melts slightly
and sometimes breaks, and the air is almost always driven out of the
vessel with force. From the beginning to the end of the experiment,
only atmospheric air is released, with a few bubbles of hydrogen gas,
which do not amount to the fiftieth part of that given off when the
metal combines with water. The
metal [potassium] is used up de-
composing part of the boracic acid ;
and these two substances are con-
verted by their mutual reaction
into an olive gray material which
is a mixture of potassium, potas-
sium borate, and the radical of
boracic acid. Extract this mixture
in a tube by pouring water into
it and heating slowly, and sepa-
rate the boracic radical by washing
with cold or hot water. That
which does not dissolve is the
radical itself. . .
By burning the new “radical' ' in
oxygen, or, better still, by oxidizing it
vigorously with potassium chlorate,
potassium nitrate, or nitric acid, Gay-
Lussac and Thenard were able to make
some synthetic boric acid, a sample
of which they presented to the Insti-
tute. As a result of their experiments
Rapfaello Nasini they concluded “that this body, which
1854-1931 we now propose to call bore, is of a
Italian chemist who reported the
presence of boric acid in the glazes of
ancient Aretine vases, and studied the
rare gases of the boric acid soffioni, or
hot springs, of Tuscany. In his youth
he assisted Stanislao Cannizzaro and in
later life he collaborated with Giacomo
definite nature, and can be placed be-
side carbon, phosphorus, and sulfur;
and we are led to think that to pass
into the state of boracic acid it requires
a great quantity of oxygen, but that be-
fore arriving at that state it first passes
through that of the oxide" (21), (38).
In the following year Gay-Lussac gave an even greater contribution to
chemistry, his statement of the famous law of combining volumes. In later
life he taught chemistry both at the ficole Polytechnique and at the Jardin
des Plantes. After Courtois discovered iodine in 1811, Gay-Lussac and
Thenard made a thorough study of its properties, and published their
results in a memoir now treasured by chemists as a great scientific classic.
Gay-Lussac died in Paris on May 9, 1850 (3). Davy once said of him,
Boron and Silicon
4 ‘Gay-Lussac was quick, lively, ingenious, and profound, with great activity
of mind, and great facility of manipulation. I should place him at the head
of all the living chemists of France’ 1 ( 4 ).
Besides carrying out many inorganic researches with Gay-Lussac,
Thenard made important contributions to organic chemistry. He outlived
his famous collaborator by seven years, and when he died on June 21,
1857, at the age of eighty years, his native village honored him by changing
its name to La Loupti&re-Thenard ( 3 ).
Davy’s method of isolating boron was very similar to that of the French
chemists. While engrossed in the study of the alkalies, he had passed a
current through boric acid and had noticed a dark, combustible substance
at the negative pole, but had not at that time thoroughly investigated it
{ 36 ). In the following year, however, he placed a mixture of boric acid and
potassium in a copper tube and heated it to dull redness for fifteen minutes.
When he examined the contents, he found that the potassium had dis-
appeared and that in its place there was an olive-gray powder which did
not effervesce when treated with water or with acids. Davy’s paper
announcing the discovery of metallic boron was read before the Royal
Society on June 30, 1808 ( 28 ), ( 30 ).
In 1909, Dr. E. Weintraub of the General Electric Company ran high-
potential alternating current arcs between cooled copper electrodes in a
mixture of boron chloride with a large excess of hydrogen ( 51 ), obtaining
pure fused boron which differed greatly in properties from the impure
amorphous product of earlier workers.
Although Sir Humphry Davy felt certain that silica is not an element, he
was unable to decompose it with his powerful voltaic pile, and was also
unsuccessful in his attempts to isolate silicon by passing potassium vapor
over red-hot silica. Gay-Lussac and Thenard observed that silicon tetra-
fluoride and potassium react violently when the metal is heated, and that a
reddish brown, combustible solid is obtained. This was probably very
impure amorphous silicon ( 37 ), ( 39 ).
Berzelius heated a mixture of silica, iron, and carbon to a very high
temperature, and obtained iron silicide. When he decomposed this with
hydrochloric acid, silica was precipitated, and the amount of hydrogen
evolved was in excess of the iron, indicating that some other metal must be
present ( 9 ).
Berzelius finally showed in 1824 that this other seemingly metallic
substance was derived from the silica, and succeeded in preparing the
amorphous form of it by two methods. In the first of these he heated
potassium in an atmosphere of silicon tetrafluoride gas, as Gay-Lussac
and Thenard had done, and obtained a brown mass. When this was thrown
Discovery of the Elements
into water, hydrogen was freely evolved, and the new element silicon was
precipitated as a dark brown, insoluble powder containing potassium
fluosilicate, which is difficultly soluble. Although Davy, Thenard, and
Gay-Lussac had all handled the brown powder before, only Berzelius had
the patience for the prolonged washing required to remove the fluosilicate
(9), (32).
In his other method Berzelius heated the potassium fluosilicate with
excess potassium. The resulting potassium silicide was easily decomposed
with water, the amorphous silicon settling to the bottom.
Nothing is easier [said he] than to procure this substance; the
following is the method I have adopted: The double fluate of silica
and potash, or soda, heated nearly to redness to drive off the hygro-
metric water, is put into a glass tube, closed at one end. Bits of po-
tassium are added and mixed with the powder by fusing the metal and
gently rapping the tube. It is then heated by the spirit-lamp, and
before it is red-hot, a feeble detonation ensues and the silicium is re-
duced. The mass is suffered to cool, and then treated with water as
long as it dissolves anything. Hydrogen gas is at first evolved, in con-
sequence of siliciuret of potassium having been formed, which cannot
exist in water.
The washed substance [continued Berzelius] is a hydruret of sili-
cium, which, at a red heat, burns vividly in oxygen gas, although the
silicium is not thereby completely oxidated; it is then heated in a
covered platina crucible, the heat being slowly raised to redness. The
hydrogen alone is oxidated, and the silicium is now no longer combus-
tible in oxygen, but chlorine attacks it readily. The small portion of
silica that is formed may be dissolved by fluoric [hydrofluoric] acid.
If silicium has not been exposed to a strong red heat, the acid dis-
solves it, with a slow disengagement of hydrogen. According to my
synthetical experiments, silica contains 0.52 of its weight of oxygen.
Berzelius' product was impure amorphous silicon. Zirconium may be ob-
tained by an analogous process {32),
The first crystalline silicon was prepared by Henri Sainte-Claire Deville
in 1854 (9), (31): In the course of his researches on aluminum, he de-
composed an impure sodium aluminum chloride with the voltaic pile, and
obtained a gray, brittle, granular melt containing 10.3 per cent silicon.
When he dissolved away the aluminum, some shining platelets remained.
Sainte-Claire Deville explained his results by saying that an alloy
often behaves like a true solution of one metal in another. “Thus it
is,” said he, “that carbon, boron, and silicon, dissolving like metals in
iron and in aluminum, separate from them in cooling, and can be obtained
in the crystalline state by the use of reagents which act on the aluminum
and the iron without attacking the carbon, the boron, and the silicon.
This is the principle of the method which has served for the preparation of
the last two metalloids in the adamantine state/' In spite of the metallic
luster of Ms crystalline silicon, he realized that the element was not a true
Silicon and Aluminum
metal. “On the contrary,” said he, “I think this new form of silicon bears
the same relation to ordinary silicon that graphite does to carbon' * (33),
(34), (35).
Aluminum is the most abundant metal on the earth s surface and one
of the most useful ones, yet it remained unknown for many centuries.
Early alum works in Phocis near Ionia and in Lesbos sold their product to
the Turks for the manufacture of brilliant Turkey red (68), (69). The
manufacture was also carried on in Syria, at Foya Nova near Smyrna, and
at Constantinople. In 1254 A.D., Friar William De Rubruquis (Ruys-
broek) wrote in his journal, “I found many Frankes at Iconium [Konia],
and a certaine Januensian Marchant, called Nicholas de Sancto Syrio.
Who with a certaine companion of his a Venetian, called Boniface de Molen-
dino, carried all the Allum out of Turkic, so that the Soldan could not sell
any, but to those two : and they made it so deare, that what was wont to be
sold for fifteene Bizantians, is now sold for fifty” (70).
In about 1459 Bartholomew Perdix (Bartolomeo Perdice, or Pernice), a
Genoese merchant who had been in Syria, found a rock suitable for alum
on the island of Ischia;' he has been regarded as the first to introduce this
industry into Europe (68). Gino Testi gives evidence, however, that alum
was manufactured in Italy long before this. He quotes a passage from Dio-
dorus Siculus (first century B.C.) which shows that the Romans profitably
exported alum from Lipari for use in Phoenician dyeing. According to
Testi, the alum mines on the island of Ischia have been known since the
twelfth century A.D., and Perdice, already aware of their richness, brought
skilled workmen from Genoa who had learned the trade in Rocca (Orfa)
but had fled from Asia because of the Turkish conquests (71).
Before 1454 Giovanni de Castro learned the process at Constantinople.
On returning to Italy after that city had fallen into the hands of the Turks
he happened to find, in about 1462, in the barren hills near Tolfa, some
holly plants like those he had seen growing near the alum mines in Syria.
On searching, he found some white stones similar to the Syrian ore from
which alum was prepared (72). Unemployed alum-workers, brought from
Genoa, “thanked God for having restored to them their means of subsist-
ence.” For this discovery Pius II granted Giovanni de Castro a generous
annuity and had a statue erected in his honor (71). In the alum works at
Tolfa, Genoese workmen dissolved the calcined rock in a large volume of
water, boiled the lye in leaden caldrons, and allowed it to evaporate spon-
taneously in wooden vats (69), (72). The so-called “Roman alum” pro-
duced there was the double basic potassium alum, which crystallizes in
cubes rather than octahedra (71), (73).
Although G. E. Stahl and Caspar Neumann both believed that alum
Discovery of the Elements
contained lime, J. H. Pott was unable to prepare it from lime and vitriolic
acid, but always obtained merely selenite (calcium sulfate) {74). When
Stahl leached with water a broken clay tube he had used for distilling spirit
of vitriol (sulfuric acid), he obtained crystals of alum (74). Pott, too, pre-
pared alum from clay and sulfuric acid (74).
In an attempt to determine the composition of alum, A. S. Marggraf in
1754 added pure alkali to several pounds of it and precipitated what he
called the “earth of alum” (Alaunerde). After he had thoroughly washed
and dried this alumina, he tried in vain to regenerate the alum by adding
sulfuric acid.
Marggraf then collected clays from various places in Germany, Silesia,
and Poland, and distilled them with sulfuric acid, but obtained no satisfac-
tory crystals of alum. When he added fixed alkali in the proper amount,
however, he obtained beautiful, large crystals of it (74).
Marggraf noticed that, when he dissolved the earth from alum in nitric
acid, evaporated the solution, and calcined the residue, he merely regener-
ated the “earth” but obtained no “Balduin’s phosphorus” (calcium nitrate).
He realized, therefore, that the earth in alum must be different from that
in chalk or limestone. He also demonstrated the presence of alumina in
clay and in roofing slate (74).
Marggraf was born in Berlin on March 3, 1709, studied chemistry and
pharmacy first under his father and then under Caspar Neumann, took the
medical course at Halle, and received further chemical and metallurgical
training in Freiberg from the famous director of mines, J. Fr Henckel. He
devoted fifty years of his life to scientific research, and was a pioneer in
analytical chemistry. He proved that potash and soda are different, that
calamine contains a peculiar metal, zinc, and that alumina, magnesia, and
lime are three distinct earths, and was one of the first persons to prepare
phosphorus. Marggraf died in his native city on August 7, 1782, at the
age of seventy-three years. D. Lorenz Crell called him the second father
of European analytical chemistry (10), and he must also have been a great
teacher. One of his most famous pupils was Franz Karl Achard (40).
Condorcet once said of Marggraf, “Perhaps no physicist ever so com-
pletely excluded every system and hypothesis. . .if, for example, he admits
Stahl’s doctrine on phlogiston, one would think, from the reserve with which
he speaks of it, that he had a presentiment that this doctrine, then so
widely accepted, would soon, at least, be overthrown. His memoirs con-
fine themselves to the statement of the facts. . .his results have a precision
which was not known before him. . (75).
In his eulogy, Condorcet said that “M. Marggraf had a kind, good-
natured, happy temperament; his only distraction and his greatest pleas-
ure except study was a small circle of friends and enlightened men who
could understand him and to whom he could say what be believed’ ' (75). .
Oersted Isolates Aluminum
The attempts of Berzelius and Davy to use the voltaic current for isolat-
ing the metal present in alumina were unsuccessful. Although most
chemical historians credit Wohler with the first isolation of aluminum, the
claims of Oersted cannot be lightly dismissed (11), (42).
Hans Christian Oersted (41) was bom on Langeland Island in southern
Denmark in 1777, the year in which Lavoisier overthrew the phlogiston
theory. His father was a rather un-
successful apothecary, who had very
little money for the education of his
children. Hans Christian learned
arithmetic alone out of an old
schoolbook and sometimes received
a little instruction from private tu-
tors. When he was twelve years
old he became his father’s assist-
ant in the pharmacy, where he
soon learned to enjoy his chemical
duties. As he was very eager to
attend the University of Copen-
hagen, he studied conscientiously
until, at the age of seventeen years,
he had earned the coveted certificate
(Reifezeugnis) entitling him to ma-
triculation. His studies at Copen-
hagen included science, philosophy,
and medicine, and at the age of
twenty-two years he received the
degree of Doctor of Medicine.
At this time he began to lecture on
chemistry and metaphysics, and
took over the management of a
pharmacy. After Volta’s discovery
became known, Oersted immedi-
ately became interested in physics
and electricity. When he visited
the famous universities in Germany,
the scientists he met were charmed
by his active mind, his youthful en-
thusiasm, and- his almost childlike
appearance and bearing. In 1806
From Oersted's “ The Soul itt Nature ”
Hans Christian Oersted
Danish physicist, chemist, physician,
and pharmacist. Discoverer of the mag-
netic action of the electric current. The
first person to isolate the metal aluminum.
he became a professor of physics at the University of Copenhagen. His
fame rests chiefly on his epoch-making discovery of the magnetic action of
the electric current and the close relation between electricity and magnetism.
Discovery of the Elements
In 1825, however, he studied the chemical action of the voltaic current,
and tried to isolate chemically the metal believed to be present in alumina.
He first prepared liquid aluminum chloride by passing a current of chlorine
gas over a mixture of charcoal and alumina heated to redness. By allow
ing potassium amalgam to react with the aluminum chloride, he prepared an
aluminum amalgam, and by distilling off the mercury out of contact with
the air, he obtained a metal that looked like tin (II).
Oersted gave the following description of his method :
The compound of chlorine with the combustible element of the
clay (aluminum chloride) is volatile at a temperature which is not
much above that of boiling water; it is somewhat yellowish, perhaps
however from admixed carbon ; it is soft, but still has crystalline form ;
it absorbs water with avidity and dissolves therein with great ease and
with evolution of heat. Rapidly heated with potassium amalgam, it
is decomposed, potassium chloride and aluminum amalgam being
formed. This amalgam is very quickly decomposed in contact with
the atmosphere. By distillation without contact with the atmosphere,
it forms a lump of metal which in color and luster somewhat resembles
tin. Moreover the author has found, both in the amalgam and the
aluminum, remarkable properties which do not permit him to regard
the experiments as complete, but show promising prospects of impor-
tant results (42), (43).
Oersted’s product must have been impure, metallic aluminum contain-
ing mercury, but when Wohler repeated the experiment he found that the
gray molten mass formed by the action of the potassium amalgam on the
aluminum chloride volatilized completely when heated (12), (46). Kirstine
Meyer’s careful study of Oersted’s unpublished notes and I. Fogh’s and
Tosterud and Edwards’ repetitions of his experiment show that the great
Danish physicist allowed a dilute amalgam containing about 1.5 per cent of
potassium to react with excess aluminum chloride, and that it is possible to
prepare the metal in this manner (42), (44), (45), (53).
Since Oersted’s results were published in an obscure Danish journal,
they made little impression on the scientific world. Nevertheless, his
discovery of electromagnetism brought him the prizes, honors, and in-
fluence he so richly deserved. He lived to be seventy-four years old (41).
Friedrich Wohler, one of the most versatile chemists Germany ever
produced, was born in the little village of Eschersheim near Frankfort-on-
the-Main on July 31, 1800. His father, who himself had a keen apprecia-
tion of Nature and a liking for experimentation, delighted to see the same
tastes and talents develop in the young child. At the age of fourteen years
WOhler entered the gymnasium at Frankfort, where he was regarded as an
average student. As he was passionately absorbed in collecting minerals
and making chemical experiments, he frequently neglected his assigned
lessons, but these hobbies led him to make the acquaintance of some famous
mineral collectors, among them Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (13).
Friedrich Wohler
Wbhler was always greatly inter-
ested in new elements. Soon after
Berzelius discovered selenium in
Swedish sulfuric acid, Wohler found
that the Bohemian acid also contained
it. Soon after Professor Stromeyer
discovered cadmium, young Wohler
sent him some that he had prepared
from zinc. Wohler's great ambition
was to make potassium, but since his
voltaic pile made of alternate layers of
Russian copper coins and zinc plates
was not powerful enough for this, he
devised a purely chemical method,
somewhat similar to that of Gay-
Lussac and Thenard, in which he
heated a mixture of potash and char-
coal to white heat in a graphite cru-
cible. Since his sister shared the
exhausting labor of blowing the bel-
lows, she rejoiced as much as he did
when the shining globules of metallic
potassium appeared (13).
The youthful Wohler also had many
other interests. He won prizes in
mathematics, made oil paintings and etchings, collected coins and other
small objects from Roman ruins, and read with enjoyment the best German
poetry. At the age of nineteen years he began his medical course at the
University of Marburg, but in the following year he transferred to Heidel-
berg in order to study under Leopold Gmelin (47 ) . He was deeply interested
in medicine, and intended to become a practicing physician specializing in
obstetrics. On September 2, 1823, he received the degree of Doctor of
Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics, insigni cum laude (13).
He had continued his chemical experiments all throughhis medical course,
and Professor Gmelin, who had not failed to notice his surprising skill,
advised him to relinquish medicine for chemistry. Wohler therefore wrote
to Berzelius for permission to enter his laboratory in Stockholm. On
August 1 the great Swedish master gave his famous reply: “One who has
studied under the direction of Herr Leopold Gmelin will certainly find little
to learn with me You may come when you wish."
Berzelius must have realized at once that he had a remarkable student,
for he started out by assigning him the difficult analysis of a zeolite. If
Berzelius had a remarkable student, however, Wdhler also had a most
From Muspratt's “Chemistry, Theoretical,
Practical , and Analytical "
Friedrich Wohler
German chemist. Student of Leo-
pold Gmelin and Berzelius He was
the first person to synthesize urea and
to describe the properties of metallic
aluminum. He isolated aluminum,
beryllium, and yttrium by the action of
potassium on the respective chlorides.
Discovery of the Elements
unusual teacher, for he first went
through the entire analysis himself,
showing his student the details of
every operation. Whenever Wohler
worked too hastily, Berzelius re-
marked, “Doctor, that was quick, but
poor”* (13). Although Wohler spent
less than a year in Stockholm, the
teaching of Berzelius influenced the
whole course of his life and, like his
great master, he made important
contributions both to organic and to
inorganic chemistry. Minds such as
these cannot be encompassed within
narrow boundaries. As long as
Berzelius lived, he carried on a lively
correspondence with Wohler, and
these letters are a rich source of pleas-
ure and profit to all chemists inter-
ested in the history of their science.
In 1825 Wohler became a mem-
ber of the chemistry faculty at the
University of Berlin, and in 1828 he
This WOhler Plaque, Cast in Alu-
minum, Was Presented to Dr. F. B.
Dainsby Dr. Howard M. Elsby, West-
fNOHousE Research Laboratory, East
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
For the history of it, see ref. (50).
From Musprail's *' Chemistry , Theoretical,
Practical , and Analytical M
Leopold Gmelin
Professor of chemistry and medi-
cine at Heidelberg. First author of the
“ Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie."
Discoverer of potassium ferricyanide.
Son of Johann Friedrich Gmelin, the
author of the " Geschichte der Chemie”
Leopold’s nephew, Christian Gottlob
Gmelin, was the first to observe the
red color imparted to a flame by lithium
was made a full professor. It was
here that he made the two great
discoveries for which his name will
always be honored: the isolation of
aluminum and the synthesis of urea.
As previously stated, Wdhler was
unable to obtain metallic aluminum by
Oersted’s method. However, since
the latter encouraged him to continue
his attempts, he prepared some anhy-
drous aluminum chloride by Oersted’s
method, and devised a new plan for
isolating the metal. After adding an
excess of hot potassium carbonate
solution to a boiling hot solution of
Doctor, das war schnell, aber schUcht”
Justus von Liebig
German organic and agricultural chemist. Professor of chemistry at
Giessen. Friend and collaborator of W6hler. Discoverer of the isomerism
of silver fulminate and silver cyanate. Editor of the Annalen. He devised a
new combustion train for determining the ultimate constituents of organic
compounds* and proved that animal heat and energy are produced by the
combustion of food in the body.
Discovery of the Elements
WOhler’s Residence at GOttingbn
alum, he washed and dried the precipitated aluminum hydroxide, and mixed
it with powdered charcoal, sugar, and oil to form a thick paste. Upon
heating this paste in a closed crucible, he secured a very intimate mixture
of alumina and charcoal, and upon passing a current of dry chlorine gas
over this red-hot black mixture, he obtained anhydrous aluminum chlo-
ride (12), ( 46 ).
Wohler once said that the method by which he isolated aluminum in 1827
was based on the decomposition of anhydrous aluminum chloride by
potassium and on the stability of aluminum in presence of water. Since
the reaction is too violent to be carried out in glass, he used a platinum
crucible with the cover wired on. Although only gentle heat was applied to
start the reaction, the crucible soon became white hot. It was not badly
attacked, but in Order to prepare aluminum free from platinum he repeated
the experiment, using porcelain and Hessian crucibles. When he cooled
the crucible completely and plunged it into water, metallic aluminum al-
ways separated as a gray powder. Wohler obtained only a small quantity
of the metal, and it was not pure, but contaminated with potassium,
platinum, or aluminum chloride ( 12 ). However, he was the first to de-
scribe the properties of aluminum, and in 1845 he finally succeeded in
melting the powder to a coherent metallic mass ( 49 ), ( 54 ). He also pre-
pared beryllium and yttrium in the same manner (<?).
Wohler's life was a long and eventful one. In spite of his unceasing
labors for science, he found time for many social contacts, and had a deep
capacity for friendship. The lifelong intimacy between Wohler and Liebig
caused the latter to write in one of his last letters :
Friedrich Wohler
Even after we are dead and our bodies long returned to dust, the ties
which united us in life will keep our memory green, as an instance —
not very frequent — of two men who wrought and strove in the same
field without envy or ill feeling, and who continued in the closest
friendship throughout (14).
In 1835 Wbhler became Stromeyer’s successor as professor of chemistry
at Gottingen, where he taught for the rest of his life. Wohler spent his old
age in the midst of his happy family.
He had a son and four daughters, and
when they all visited their parents in
the summer, some of them stayed with
the neighbors, for the family home was
not large enough to hold all the grand-
children. He received high scientific
honors of all kinds, but none were dearer
to him than the celebrations planned by
his students on the occasions of his six-
tieth, seventieth, and eightieth birth-
days, and on the fiftieth anniversary of
the synthesis of urea (13), (48).
The late Dr. Edgar Fahs Smith,
America’s great chemical historian,
once gave the following picture of the
aged Wohler:
Two or three days before Christ-
mas the chemical laboratories in
the University of Gottingen were
nearly deserted. Only a few stu-
dents remained. Late in the after-
noon, some one began singing,
“Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht.”
One by one the other students in
the laboratory gathered about the
singer and solemnly joined in the
song. Soon we noticed that the
door of the laboratory opened and
in walked the old Master. Immediately he took from his head the black
skull cap he was accustomed to wear in the laboratories, placed it under
his arm, folded his hands, and with bowed head stood just inside the door
while the song continued. When the singing was over the old Master
came forward and said, “Thank you, gentlemen,’* and withdrew (15).
Wohler's room was filled with portraits of his two best friends, Liebig and
Berzelius. Not long before his death, he hesitatingly held oiit to a friend at
parting a little box wrapped in paper, saying to him, “Keep it in re-
Louis-L^once 6lib de Beaumont
French geologist and mining engi-
neer. Perpetual secretary of the Acad-
emic des Sciences. He described the
course of great rivers and the effects of
their mechanical work, and investi-
gated the materials ejected by volca-
noes. With Dufr6noy he made the
first accurate and complete geological
map of France.
Photo loaned by Frau HUckel, Gottingen , Germany
W6hlbr in Later Life*
Professor of chemistry at Gottingen. Famous for his researches on
cyanogen, cyanuric acid, and the radical of benzoic acid, and on the metals
titanium, aluminum, yttrium, beryllium, and vanadium. German trans-
lator of Berzelius' "Textbook of Chemistry" and von Hisinger's "Mineral
* The author acknowledges her gratitude to the late Dr. L. C. Newell for the use of this
Henri Sainte-Claire Deville
membrance of me. Do not open it until you are on the train.” The box
was found to contain a spoon and the words, “A present from Berzelius; he
used this platinum spoon many years in his researches.” Wohler died on
October 9, 1882. In accordance with his wish, there is no bronze or
marble monument to mark
his resting place, but only a
stone with the name Fried-
rich Wohler ( 13 ).
The first pure aluminum was
prepared by the great French
chemist, Henri Sainte-Claire
Deville, who was born on the
Island of St. Thomas in the
Antilles on March 11, 1818.
Both Henri and his elder
brother Charles were educated
at the Institution Sainte-
Barbe in Paris, where Charles
studied geology under £lie de
Beaumont at the School of
Mines, while Henri took the
medical course and studied
chemistry under Thenard.
Both brothers were crowned
by the Institute, and both
were in the same section.
. From Gay’s " Henri Sainte-Claire Deville, sa Vie et ses
Throughout then* lives they Travaux"
had the deepest affection for Charles Sainte-Claire Deville
one another, and when one of 1814-1876
Henri's sons married Charles'
daughter, one of the fathers re- the allotropic forms of sulfur.
marked, My brother and I do Henri Sainte-Claire Deville
not know how to tell which of 1818-1881
the two belongs to each of us, Professor of chemistry and dean at the Univer-
, , sity of Besancon, afterward professor of chem-
whether it is my son who has ist ^ at the 6 c0 Ie Noraiale Sup&ieure. He
married his daughter, or my discovered toluene in balsam of Tolu, prepared
, A anhydrous nitrogen pentoxide, and made sodium
daughter who has married and aluminum on a commercial scale.
his son” (16).
Henri's first paper, published in 1839, was a research on turpentine, and
two years later he discovered toluene in balsam of Tolu. His most im-
portant work, however, was in inorganic and physical chemistry. In 1844
conservative university officials were horrified to learn of the appointment
by Thenard of the twenty-six-year-old Henri Sainte-Claire Deville as dean
Discovery of the Elements
Courtesy H. N. Holmes
Frank Fanning Jewett
Research assistant at Harvard Uni-
versity, under Wolcott Gibbs. Pro-'
fessor of chemistry at the Imperial Uni-
versity of Japan. Professor of chem-
istry and mineralogy at Oberlin College.
His account of Wohler’s researches on
aluminum inspired Charles M. Hall to
search for a commercial" process for
preparing the metal.
to reorganize the faculty at Besan^on.
Nevertheless, Thenard’s mature judg-
ment proved correct, and Sainte-
Claire Deville’s career proved to be
even more brilliant than he had pre-
dicted. While at Besangon, Sainte-
Claire Deville devised new analytical
methods for testing the city water
supply, and succeeded in preparing
anhydrous nitrogen pentoxide (27).
When Balard, the discoverer of
bromine, went to the College de
France, Deville was called to fill the
vacancy at the ficole Normale Su-
p£rieure, and it was there that the
first beautiful aluminum ingots were
made. Sainte-Claire Deville was at-
tempting in 1854 to prepare a proto-
chloride of aluminum by allowing
aluminum to react with the chloride,
AlCls, and in preparing his aluminum
he used Wohler’s method, but sub-
stituted sodium for the potassium.
He noticed some large globules of
shining metallic aluminum, and im-
mediately set to work to make the
process commercially profitable (35).
Although the first experiments were made at the ficole Normale Su-
p6rieure, the generosity of Napoleon III made it possible for him to con-
tinue them on a larger scale at the Javel works. Since Sainte-Claire
Deville’s commercial process required large amounts of sodium, it was
necessary for him to perfect at the same time a cheaper process for prepar-
ing that metal. When he began his experiments, the price of sodium was
even higher than that of potassium, but he knew that sodium compounds
are more abundant in Nature than those of potassium, and that sodium,
because of its smaller equivalent weight, would be the more economical
metal to use.
After perfecting a process for the manufacture of sodium (which caused
the price to fall from two thousand francs per kilogram in 1855 to ten francs
in 1891), Deville attempted the large-scale production of aluminum.
There is found in southern France and elsewhere an ore, bauxite, named
for the village of Baux, near Aries in Provence. In the Sainte-Claire
Deville process, alumina obtained from this ore is intimately mixed with
Sainte-Claire Deville’s Aluminum
charcoal and salt, and heated in an atmosphere of chlorine gas, a double
chloride of sodium and aluminum being formed, which acts as a flux and
allows the aluminum globules to coalesce. The metallic aluminum is then
cast into ingots (18).
Certain trouble makers who were poor judges of character tried to create
ill-will between Wohler and Sainte-Claire Deville, advising the latter that,
since Wohler’s aluminum was of such doubtful purity, he ought to claim
for himself the honor of discovering the metal. The French chemist’s re-
action to this counsel throws an interesting side-light on his character. As
soon as he had obtained a sufficient
quantity of malleable aluminum,
he had a medal cast, bearing simply
the name Wohler and the date
1827, and sent it to the great Ger-
man master. Deville and Wohler
always remained fast friends, and
collaborated in a number of im-
portant researches. In his book
entitled “L Aluminium, ses Propri-
6tds, sa Fabrication et ses Applica-
tions,” the former wrote, “I will
say with pleasure that I consider
it an unexpected good fortune to
have been able to take a few more
steps in a path opened by Berzelius’
eminent successor in Germany”
Henri Sainte-Claire Deville also
made important investigations of
boron, silicon, magnesium, and the
metals of the platinum family.
The platinum researches were
dangerous, and he often suffered
severely from poisoning by the
vapors of osmic acid. His fame, however, rests even more on his enunci-
ation of the laws of gaseous dissociation. Sainte-Claire Deville was de-
scribed as ardent, vivacious, charming, sympathetic, gay, and generous.
At the ficole Normale he used to eat at the students’ table, jesting famili-
arly with them but never for a moment losing their profound respect (19).
His married life was a most happy one, and his five sons were a credit
to their parents. He died in 1881, mourned by his family and by his
scientific colleagues throughout the world (18), and the funeral oration was
delivered by Pasteur.
Courtesy Fisher Scientific Co.
The Aluminum " Crown Jewels”
In this chest, carefully preserved by the
Aluminum Company of America at Pitts-
burgh, are the original buttons of the metal
made by Charles M. Hall in Oberlin, Febru-
ary 23, 1886 (left), the larger ones made by
Hall in December, 1886 (center), and the
first button or ingot (right) produced by the
Aluminum Company of America.
Courtesy Fisher Scientific Co.
Charles Martin Hall
American chemist, inventor, metallurgist, and philanthropist who developed
a highly successful electrolytic process for manufacturing aluminum. This cheap
method of obtaining the metal from its ores made possible the present wide-
spread use of aluminum for domestic, industrial, and transportation purposes.
C. M. Hall and P.-L.-T. H6roult
The next scene of the aluminum drama is laid in the United States.
Henri Sainte-Claire Deville’s process had made the metal a commercial
product, but it was still expensive. Charles Martin Hall, a student at
Oberlin College, inspired by the accounts which Professor F. F. Jewett had
given of his studies under Wohler, decided that his supreme aim in life would
be to devise a cheap method for making aluminum. In an improvised
laboratory in the woodshed, and with home-made batteries, he struggled
with this problem. On February 23,1886, this boy of twenty-one years
rushed into his professor's office and
held out to him a handful of aluminum
buttons. Since these buttons led to
a highly successful electrolytic process
for manufacturing aluminum, it is
small wonder that the Aluminum
Company of America now treasures
them and refers to them affectionately
as the “crown jewels." A beautiful
statue of the youthful Charles M.
Hall, cast in aluminum, may now
be seen at Oberlin College (II),
( 55 ).
At about the same time that Hall
perfected his process, Dr. Paul -Louis -
Toussaint H^roult, a young French
chemist of the same age, made the
same discovery independently. Dr.
H6roult was bom in 1863 at Thury-
Harcourt in the department of Calva-
dos. f When the war of 1870 broke
out, he was sent to live with his
grandfather in London, and thus he
acquired a good command of the
English language. Three years later
he returned to France to continue his
French metallurgist. Independent
discoverer of the electrolytic method of
preparing aluminum now known as the
Hall-Heroult process. He designed
electric furnaces, and made many im-
portant contributions to the electro^
metallurgy of iron and steel.
At the Institution Sainte-Barbe he learned of Sainte-Claire Deville’s re-
searches on aluminum, and at the age of fifteen years he read the latter’s
famous treatise. Using the steam engine and dynamo of a small tannery
which he had inherited in 1885, Heroult attempted to electrolyze various
* The author is most grateful to Aluminum, Hobbs, Bruce Publishing Co., for the por-
trait of Heroult.
t Vauquelin, the discoverer of chromium and beryllium, was also a native of
Discovery of the Elements
aluminum compounds. In the following year, when he was attempting to
electrolyze cryolite, his iron cathode melted. Since the temperature was
not high enough to account for this, H6roult realized that an alloy had been
formed. A few days later, when he tried to lower the temperature of the
electrolytic bath by adding some sodium aluminum chloride, he noticed
that the carbon anode was being attacked. He concluded that he must be
dealing with an oxide of aluminum, which was being reduced at the expense
of the anode. This was indeed the case, for the sodium aluminum chloride
he had bought had been previously exposed to moist air and converted into
hydrated alumina. The first Hdroult patent for this process was an-
nounced shortly before the Hall patents (77).
M. H6roult also made many important contributions to the electrometal-
lurgy of iron and steel. He made frequent trips to the United States, and
when the Perkin Medal was awarded to Charles M. Hall in 1911, M. H6-
roult crossed the ocean in order to be present at the ceremony and congratu-
late him. By this gracious act, he proved himself to be a worthy successor
of his great, generous countryman, Henri Sainte-Claire Deville (12), (52).
Dr. H6roult and C. M. Hall both died in 1914.
Literature Cited
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Norstedt & S6ner, Stockholm, 1892, p. 151. Letter of Scheele to Gahn, Dec.
26, 1774.
(2) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie," Vol. 1, Baudry et Cie., Paris, 1891, pp.
(3) Buggr, G., “Das Buch der grossen Chemiker l ,, Vol. 1, Verlag Chemie, Berlin,
1929, pp. 386-404.
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(6) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie," ref (2), Vol. 2, pp. 169-72.
(7) Bussy, A.-A.-B., “Preparation du glucinium,” J. chim. medicale, 4 , 453 (1828);
Dingl. poly . 29, 466 (1828).
(8) W6hlbr, F., “Sur le Glucinium et l’Yttrium," Ann. chim. phys., [2], 39, 77-84
(9) Jagnaux, R., “Histoire de la Chimie," ref. (2), Vol. 1, pp. 707-10.
(10) Crell, L., “Lebensgeschichte A. S. Marggraf’s," CrelVs Ann., 5, 181-92 (1786).
( 11 ) Holmes H. N., “The story of aluminum," J. Chem. Educ., 7, 233-44 (Feb.,
(12) Jagnaux, R. f “Histoire de la Chimie," ref. (2), Vol. 2, pp. 158-64.
( 13 ) von Hofmann, A. W. f “Zur Erinnerung an Friedrich Wtfhler," Ber. t 15, 3127-
290 (1882).
( 14 ) von Hofmann, A. W. and Emilie WOhlbr, “Aus Justus Liebig’s und Friedrich
Wdhler’s Briefwechsel," Vol. 2, F. Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig, 1888 , p. 324.
Letter of Liebig to Wohler, Dec. 31. 1871.
Literature Cited 359
(15) “Some experiences of Dr. Edgar F. Smith as a student under Wohler/* J. Chem.
Educ., 5, 1555 (Dec., 1928).
(16) Gay, “Henri Sainte-Claire Deville; Sa Vie et ses Travaux,” Gauthier- Villars et
Fils, Paris, 1889, p. 5
(17) Ibid., p. 9.
(18) Ibid., p . 33
(19) Vallery-Radot, R., “The Life of Pasteur/* Doubleday, Page and Co., New York
City, 1926, p. 146.
(20) “Oeuvres de Lavoisier,” Vol. 1, Imprimerie Imperiale, Paris, 1864, pp. 135-7.
(21) Gay-Lussac, L.-J. and L.-J. Thenard, “Sur la decomposition et la recomposition
de l’acide boracique,” Ann. chim. phys., [1], 68, 169-74 (Nov. 30, 1808); Sci.
News Letter, 19, 171-2 (Mar. 14, 1931).
(22) Klaproth, M. H., “Analytical Essays towards Promoting the Chemical Knowl-
edge of Mineral Substances,” Cadell and Davies, London, 1801, pp. 325-8.
(23) Vauquelin, N.-L., “Analyse de Taigue marine, ou beril; et d4eouverte dune
terre nouvelle dans cette pierrc,” Ann. chim. phys., [1], 26, 155-77 (May (30
Flor£al), 1798); “Discovering the sweet element: A classic of science,” Sci.
News Letter, 18, 346-7 (Nov. 29, 1930); Nicholson's J., 2, 358-63 (Nov., 1798);
393-6 (Dec. 1798).
(24) Stock, A. E., “Beryllium/* 7 Wans. Electrochem. Soc., 61, 255-74 (1932).
(25) Vauquelin, N.-L.. “Analyse de l'6meraude du Perou,” Ann. chim. phys., [1], 26,
259-65 (June (30 Prairial), 1798).
(26) Gmelin, J. F., “Analyse du b£ril de Nertschinsk en Sib6rie, et examen de quelques
caract£res qui distinguent la glucine qu’il contient,” ibid. [1], 44, 27-9 (Oct.,
(30 Vend4miaire), 1803); Crell's Ann., 35, 87-102 (Zweytes Stuck, 1801).
(27) Marchal, “La d£couverte, la preparation, les propri£t6s et les applications du
glucinium/* Chimie et Industrie, 22, 1084-92 (Dec., 1929); 23, 30-3 (Jan., 1930).
(28) Davy, H., “Electro-chemical researches on the decomposition of the earths;
with observations on the metals obtained from the alkaline earths, and on the
amalgam procured from ammonia,” Phil. Trans., 98, 343 (1808). Read June
30, 1808; “An account of some new analytical researches on the nature of certain
bodies, particularly the alkalies, phosphorus, sulphur, carbonaceous matter, and
the acids hitherto undecompounded, etc./* ibid., 99, 75-85 (1809). Read Dec. 15,
(29) Lebeau, P., “Recherches sur le glucinium et ses composes/* Ann. chim. phys.,
[7], 16, 457-503 (Apr., 1899).
(30) Biot, J.-B., “Melanges Scientifiques et Litt£raires,” Vol. 3, Michel Levy Freres,
Paris, 1858, pp. 125-42.
(31) Sainte-Claire Deville, H., “Note sur deux proc4d4s de preparation de l’alu-
minium et sur une nouvelle forme du silicium,” Compt. rend., 39, 321-6 (Aug. 14,
1854); J. pharm. chim., (3), 26, 285-9 (Oct., 1854); J. prakt. Chem., 63, 113-20
(Zweites Heft, 1854); “Du silicium et du titane/* Copipt. rend., 40, 1034-6 (Apr.
30, 1855).
(32) Berzelius, J. J., “On the results of some chemical analyses, and the decompo-
sition of silica/’ Annals of Phil., [1], 24, 121-3 (Aug., 1824). Extract from letter
to Dulong.
(33) Gay, “Henri Sainte-Claire Deville, Sa Vie et ses Travaux,” ref. (16), pp. 37-9.
(34) Sainte-Claire Deville, H. and Caron, “Du silicium et des siliciures m4tal-
liques,” Ann. chim. phys., [3], 67, 435-43 (Apr., 1863).
(35) Sainte-Claire Deville, H., “Recherches sur les m4taux et en particulier sur
360 Discovery of the Elements
raluminium et sur une nouvelle forme du silicium,” ibid., [3], 43 f 7-33 (Jan.,
(36) Davy, H., “Some new phenomena of chemical changes produced by electricity,
particularly the decomposition of the fixed alkalies, and the exhibition of the
new substances which constitute their bases, etc.,” Phil. Trans., 98,43 (1808).
Read Nov. 19, 1807.
(37) Friend, J, H., “A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry,” Vol. 5, Chas. Griffin and
Co., London, 1917, pp. 176-81.
(38) Gay-Lussac, L.-J. and L.-J. Thenard, “Recherches Physico-Chimiques,” Vol.
1, Imprimerie de Crapelet, Paris, 1811, pp. 276-308.
(39) Ibid., Vol. 1, pp. 313-4; Vol. 2, pp. 54-65.
(40) Bugge, G., “Das Buchder grossen Chemiker,” ref. (3), Vol. 1, pp. 228-39.
Article on Marggraf by Max Speter.
(41) Lenard, Philipp, “Grosse Naturforscher,” J. F. Lehmanns Verlag, Munchen,
1929, pp. 183-8.
(42) Edwards, Frary, and Jeffries, “The Aluminum Industry,” Vol. 1. McGraw-
Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1930, pp. 1-43.
(43) Oersted, H. C., “Oversigt over det Kongelige Danskc Vidcnskabernes Selskabs
Forhandlinger,” 1824-25, 15-6.
(44) Meyer, Kirstine, “H. C. Oersted,” Naturvidenskabelige Skrifter, Copenhagen,
2, 465 (1920).
(45) Fogh, I., “Det Kgl. Danskc Videnskabernes Selskab Mathematiskfysiske Med-
delelser,” 3, 3-17 (1921). (In German.)
(46) Wohler, F., “Sur l’aluminium,” Ann . chim. phys ., [2], 37, 66-80 (1828;; Pogg.
Ann., 11, 146-61 (1827).
(47) Editor’s Outlook, “Friedrich Wohler,” J. Chem. Educ., 5, 1537-8 (Dec., 1928).
(48) Warren, W. H., “Contemporary reception of Wohler’s discovery of the syn-
thesis of urea,” ibid., 5, 1539-53 (Dec., 1928).
(49) Bugge, G., “Das Buch der grossen Chemiker,” ref. (3), Vol. 2. p. 37; A. W. von
Hofmann and Emilie Wohler, “Aus Justus Liebig’s und Friedrich Wohler’s
Briefwechsel ” ref (14), Vol. 1, p 251.
(50) Warren, W. H., “The Wohler plaque,” J. Chem. Educ., 6, 559 (Mar., 1929).
(51) Wbintraub, E., “Preparation and properties of pure boron,” Trans. Am. Electro -
chem. Soc., 16, 165-84 (1909).
(52) “Award of the Perkin medal to C. M, Hall,” J. Ind . Eng. Chem., 3, 144-9 (March,
1911); Reprinted by L. A. Goldblatt, “Collateral Readings in Inorganic Chem-
istry,” D. Appleton-Century Co., New York and London, 1937, pp. 187-92.
(53) ToSterud, M., and J. D. Edwards, “The ‘discovery’ of aluminum,” Trans. Am.
Electrochem. Soc., 51, 125-8 (1927)
(54) Rheinboldt, H., “Hundert Jahre Aluminium,” Sitzungsber. der Niederrhein
Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde, Bonn, 1928, 20 pp.; Metallwirtschaft , 6,
2 (1927).
(55) Holmes, H. N., "Fifty years of industrial aluminum, 1886-1936,” Bulletin of
Oberlin College, N. S., No. 346, 1-30 (Aug. 30, 1937) ; Sci. Mo. t 42, 236-9 (March,
(56) Chbyne, T. K. and J. S. Black, “Encyclopaedia Biblica,” The Macmillan Com-
pany, New York, 1899, vol. 1, columns 545-6; Pliny the Elder, “Historia
Naturalis,” Book 37, chaps. 16-20.
(57) Nasini, R., “Discovery of boric acid in the glazes of Aretine vases,” Compt. rend.,
191, 903-5 (Nov. 10, 1930); Nature , 126, 877-8 (Dec. 6, 1930).
Literature Cited 361
(58) Diergart, Paul, “Bemerkung zum neuerlichen Borbefund in der Terra-sigillata-
Glasur,” Chem. Ztg., 60, 997 (Dec. 5, 1936).
(59) Kopp, H., “Geschichte der Chemie," Fr. Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig, 1847,
vol. 3, pp. 339-44.
(60) “Pott's Auszug aus einem Briefe des H. Sam. Ben. Cnoll iiber das indianische
naturliche Alkali und den Borax," CrelVs Neues chem. Archiv, 3, 317-20 (1786);
Abh. konigl. Akad. Wiss. (Berlin), 1735-42, p. 318.
(61) Grill, Johan Abraham (Abrahamsson), “Vom Pounxa, oder natiirlichen
Borax," CrelVs Neueste Entdeckungen in der Chemie, 1, 84-6 (1781) ; K. Vet. Acad.
Handle 34, 317 (1772).
(62) “Eloge de M. Guillaume Homberg,” Hist, de l’Acad. Roy. (Paris), 1715, pp. 82
(63) Peters, Hermann, “Wilhelm Homberg. Mitteilungen aus Briefen der konig-
lichen Bibliothek zu Hannover,” Chem. Zig., 27, 1249-52 (Dec. 23, 1903).
(64) Jaeger, F. M., “Naschrift: Willem Homi erg,” Chem. Weekhl ., 15, 602-5 (1918).
(65) “Ueber das Sedativsalz vom Herrn Bourdelin,” CrelVs Neues chem. Archiv , 7, 89-
111 (1788); Abh. der kdnigl. Akad. der Wiss. zu Paris, 1753; M6m. de math, et
de phys., p. 305.
(66) Bergman, T., “A dissertation on Elective Attractions,” J. Murray, London,
1785, p. 127.
(67) Scherer, A. N., “Sur le radical boracique," Ann. chirn. phys. (1), 31, 17 (1799).
(30 Messidor, an VII*. )
(68) Hunt, Robert, “Ure’s Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines,” Long-
mans, Green and Co., London, 1867, 6th ed., vol. 1, pp. 100-03.
(69) Muspratt, Sheridan, “Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical, and Analytical,”
Wm. Mackenzie, London, Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1803, vol. 1, pp. 149-76.
(70) Purchas, Samuel, “Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas His Pilgrimes," James
MacLehose and Sons, Glasgow, 1906, vol. 11, p. 146. Journal of Friar William
de Rubruquis.
(71) Testi, Gino, “Le antiche miniere de allume e l’arte tintoria in Italia,” Archeion,
13, 440-8 (1931).
(72) Klaproth, M. H., “Chemische Untersuchung des Alaunsteins von Tolfa und des
redigen Alaunschiefers von Freienwalde," Gehlen’s J. (2), 6, 35-54 (1806); L.-J.
Gay-Lussac, “Nachtrag zu vorstehender Analyse des Alaunsteins von Tolfa,”
ibid. (2), 6 , 55-62 (1806).
(73) Hoover, H. C. and L. H. Hoover, “Georgius Agricola. De re metallica,” Min-
ing Mag., London, 1912, pp. 564-70.
(74) Marggraf, A. S., “Von den Bestandtheilen des Alauns," CrelVs Neues chem.
Archiv , 6, 216-24 (1787); Abh. konigl. Akad. Wiss. (Berlin), 1754; “Chymische
Schriften,” Arnold Wever, Berlin, 1768, revised ed., vol. 1, pp. 187-233.
(75) O'Connor, A. C., “Oeuvres de Condorcet,” Firmin Didot Fr&res, Paris, 1847,
vol. 2, pp. 598-610. Eulogy of Marggraf.
(76) Testi, Gino, “Sulla presenza dell’acido borico nelle ceramiche aretine," Archeion,
15, 247-8 (1933).
(77) Gmelins Handb. der auorg. Chem., 8th ed., No. 35 A-l, Verlag Chemie, G. m.
b. H., Berlin, 1934, p. 125.
Courtesy S. E. Sheppard
William Henry Fox Talbot
English antiquarian, physicist, and pioneer in optics and photography. One
of the first to decipher the Assyrian inscriptions at Nineveh. In 1839 he made
negative prints on silver chloride paper, and two years later he invented the calo-
type process for making positives.
Many elements are present in the earth* s crust in such minute amounts that
they could never have been discovered by ordinary methods of mineral analysis .
In 1859 , however , Kirchhoff and Bunsen invented the spectroscope , an optical
instrument consisting of a collimator , or metal tube fitted at one end with a lens,
and closed at the other except for a slit at the focus of the lens , to admit light
from the incandescent substance to be examined; a turntable containing a
prism mounted to receive and separate the parallel rays from the lens; and a
telescope to observe the spectrum produced by the prism . With this instru-
ment they soon discovered two new metals , cesium and rubidium , which they
classified with sodium, potassium, and lithium , which had been previously
discovered by Davy and Arfwedson. The spectroscopic discovery of thallium
by Sir William Crookes and its prompt confirmation by C. A. Lamy soon
followed . In 1863 F. Reich and H. T. Richter of the Freiberg School of Mines
discovered a very rare element in zinc blende , and named it indium because oj
its brilliant line in the indigo region of the spectrum.
Nur immer zu! wir wollen es ergrunden,
In deinem Nichts hoff ' ich das All zu finden ( 1 ).*
Thus there was for him nothing small or great in Nature.
Every phenomenon embraced for him an endless diversity
of factors , and in the yellow flame of an ordinary alcohol
lamp whose wick was sprinkled with salt , he saw the pos-
sibility of accomplishing the chemical analysis of the most
distant stars (2). f
In 1758 Marggraf noticed the yellow color imparted to a flame by sodium
salts and the lavender color imparted by potassium salts (3). In 1802 Dr.
Wollaston examined the spectrum of a candle flame through a prism, and
saw the discontinuous band spectrum ( 4 ), (22). He said (33 ) :
When a very narrow line of the blue light at the lower part of the
flame is examined alone, in the same manner, through a prism, the
spectrum, instead of appearing a series of lights of different hues
contiguous, may be seen divided into five images, at a distance from
each other. The 1st is broad red, terminated by a bright line of
yellow; the 2nd and 3rd are both green; the 4th and 5th are blue,
the last of which appears to correspond with the division of blue and
violet in the solar spectrum. . .
* But go on I We want to fathom it.
In thy nothing I hope to find the universe.
t So gab es fiir ihn nichts Kleines oder Grosses in der Natur. Jede Erscheinung
umfasste ihm eine unbegrenzte Mannigfaltigkeit von Faktoren , und in der gelben Flamme
einor gewohnlichen Weingeistlampe, deren Docht mil Salz bestreut war , sah er die Moglichr
keit , die chemische Analyse der fernsten Gestirne auszufiikren ,
Discovery of the Elements
In 1814 Josef Fraunhofer, a young German physicist who had had
thorough training in the art of glassmaking, made an unusually fine prism,
saw for the first time the dark lines in the sun's spectrum, and designated
eight of the most prominent ones by letters ( 3 ), ( 23 ). Henry Fox Talbot
( 24 ), an English scientist, found that, with the aid of a prism, he could
distinguish lithium from strontium,* even though the salts of both give red
flames ( 4 ), ( 26 ), ( 32 ). He stated that the dark lines previously observed
Courtesy Bousch &• Lomb Optical Co.
In 1818 Josef Fraunhofer (1787-1826) Exhibited His Newest Spectroscope
before Counselor Utzschneidrr and Mr. Reichenbach, His Partners in the
Glassworks and Optical Establishment at Benedictbeuern
He discussed with them his latest researches on the diffraction of light which had
led him to the discovery of grating spectra, the exact measurement of wave-lengths, and
a brilliant confirmation of the undulatory theory of light.
( The above illustration is from a painting by Karla Fischer, 1909.)
by Sir David Brewster ( 33 ) in the spectrum of light which had passed
through vapors of nitrous acid were caused by absorption of light ( 5 ), ( 25 ).
In 1854 David Alter of Freeport, Pennsylvania, showed that each element
studied had its own spectrum ( 53 ), ( 54 ), ( 56 ). A few years later Kirch-
hoff and Bunsen firmly established the science of spectroscopic analysis.
* Strontium salts were very rare at that time, and Talbot was indebted to Faraday
for the specimen he used.
Robert Bunsen
Robert Bunsen was the son of a
professor of modern languages at
Gottingen, and was born in that city
cn March 31, 1811. After attend-
ing the academy at Holzminden he
entered the University of Gbttingen,
and studied chemistry under Professor
Stromeyer. At the age of twenty
years he received his degree of doctor
of philosophy. This does not mean
that Bunsen was precocious, for, as
Wilhelm Ostwald explains, students
graduated at a much earlier age then
than they do now.
Aided by a grant from the Han-
overian government, the youthful
Bunsen broadened his scientific edu-
cation by traveling, mostly on foot,
Courtesy W. A. Jlomor
Dr. David Alter
American physician, physicist, and
inventor. He observed the spark
spectra of various metals and gases
and predicted that “the prism may
also detect the elements in shooting
stars, or luminous metpors.”
Sir David Brewster
Scottish physicist famous for his
researches on the absorption, reflection,
refraction, and polarization of light,
and on doubly refracting crystals.
One of the founders of the British
Association for the Advancement of
Science. He invented the kaleido-
scope and improved the stereoscope.
His optical researches led to great
improvement in the construction of
through Germany, France, Austria,
and Switzerland, and meeting the sci-
entists of those countries. For three
years he went about studying geologi-
cal formations, visiting factories and
mines, and meeting technical men and
professors ( 2 ). In 1836 he succeeded
Wohler at the higher technical school
at Cassel. After serving in similar
positions at Marburg and at Breslau,
he finally became Leopold Gmelin’s
successor at Heidelberg, where he
taught for thirty-eight years, finally
retiring at the venerable age of
seventy-eight years ( 2 ), ( 50 ).
Discovery of the Elements
Bunsen’s Old Laboratory at Heidelberg, Now Torn Down
Bunsen’s very first paper contained a discovery of great benefit to
humanity, for he showed that freshly precipitated ferric hydroxide is an
Heinrich Debus
German chemist who taught for
many years at Guy’s Hospital, Lon-
don, and at the Royal Naval College,
Greenwich. He prepared pure pur-
purin, discovered glyoxylic acid, gly-
oxal, and glyoxafine, and reduced
hydrocyanic add to methylamine.
He wrote a delightful biography of his
professor, Robert Bunsen.
antidote for arsenic poisoning. His
important and dangerous research on
cacodyl was carried out at Cassel and
Marburg. Since his laboratory at
Cassel was not equipped with hoods,
he wore a mask with a long tube lead-
ing to the fresh air. While he was
investigating cacodyl cyanide, an ex-
plosion occurred which shattered the
mask, destroyed the sight of his right
eye, and nearly ended his life; yet,
after he recovered from the resulting
critical illness, he carried the research
to a successful conclusion*
This serious accident made him
very cautious. When one of his stu-
dents, Heinrich Debus, once wished
to use some mercuric fulminate in a re-
search, Bunsen objected and said (6),
When I came to Marburg, I
found in the collection of prepara*
tions a glass-stoppered bottle con-
taining an ounce or more of mer-
curic fulminate. I took the flask
Cesium and Rubidium
and carried it to a nearby deep
stone-quarry, and threw it in.
Bunsen made a thorough study of
the gases of the blast furnace, and it
was in this connection that he de-
veloped his famous methods of gas
analysis. He invented the carbon-
zinc battery, the grease-spot photom-
eter, and the ice and vapor calorim-
eters, and perfected the Bunsen
burner. After the famous eruption
of Mount Hekla in 1845, he went with
a Danish expedition to study the ac-
tive hot springs and geysers of Ice-
land, and by careful thermometric
measurements made at great risk,
explained their action before any sci-
entific description of the American
geysers had been given (7), (27), (57).
Cesium and Rubidium
Bunsen afterward carried out an
elaborate series of photochemical re-
searches with his lifelong friend,
Sir Henry Roscoe, but suddenly dis-
continued this work. The reason for
this may best be told in his own
words as quoted from his letter to Roscoe written on November 15, 1859 (7) :
At present [said he] Kirchhoff and I are engaged in a common work
which doesn’t let us sleep. . . .Kirchhoff has made a wonderful, entirely
unexpected discovery in finding the cause of the dark lines in the solar
spectrum, and increasing them artificially in the sun’s spectrum, and
in producing them in spectra which do not have lines, and in exactly
the same position as the corresponding Fraunhofer lines. Thus a
means has been found to determine the composition of the sun and
fixed stars with the same accuracy as we determine sulfuric acid, chlo-
rine, etc., with our chemical reagents. Substances on the earth can be
determined by this method just as easily as on the sun, so that, for ex-
ample, I have been able to detect lithium in twenty grams of sea water.
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, a young professor from Kdnigsberg, Prussia,
who had recently followed Bunsen from Breslau to Heidelberg, is generally
regarded as Bunsen’s greatest discovery of the Breslau period* Kirchhoff
was bora in Kdnigsberg on March 12, 1824, the third son of a counselor of
justice. When he was twenty-four years old, he became a member of the
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
German physicist and physical chem-
ist. Professor of physics at Heidel-
berg and Berlin. Independent dis-
coverer of the Kirchhoff -Stewart law
of radiation and absorption. He
explained the Fraunhofer lines of the
solar spectrum, and, with Bunsen,
founded the science of spectroscopic
analysis, and discovered the elements
cesium and rubidium.
Discovery of the Elements
teaching staff at the University of Berlin. After serving for a time as
professor extraordinary at Breslau, he went to Heidelberg in 1854, and
collaborated with Bunsen for many years. In 1875, however, he left the
scene of his brilliant achievements, and went back to Berlin to serve as
professor of physics and to work with Helmholtz. He died on October 17,
1887, at the age of sixty-three years.
Kirchhoff's mind was more speculative than Bunsen's, he had greater
fondness for pure mathematics, and he was thoroughly familiar with the
researches of Newton, Fraunhofer, and Clausius (8) t (46). He showed
Bunsen that, instead of looking through colored glass to distinguish between
similarly colored fl